Rasala October 2020 1

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1. Our narrative of an Afghan-led and Afghan owned peace process has finally been realised and this latest round of
discussions, and everyone outside Afghanistan can only hope that a deal is struck sooner rather than later. Chairman HCNR
Abdullah can work with Pakistani leaders over the course of the next few days to understand our perspective, and perhaps
also take a recommendation or two-where possible-to fast-track the negotiations.
2. After Daud Shah toppled his cousin King Zahir Shah and declared himself the first President of the Afghan
Republic in 1973, relations with Pakistan became tense.
3. Any peace in the near future, economic stability must be a priority for the Afghan government moving forward.
And the best way to guarantee that is through regional cooperation.
4. India is not the friend Afghans would like to believe, Afghanistan only used them as a means to an end, a
convenient platform for conducting a proxy war at someone else’s expense.
5. Pakistan has always sustained Afghanistan in difficult times and has supported that an Afghan-led and Afghan-
owned peace process was and is the only viable option to end decades-long conflict in Afghanistan.
6. Harold McMillan, primed minister of England, a classic alumnus of Balliol College Oxford, predicted College,
long years ago in 1980, that the Red Army would be compelled by the Afghan Mujahedeen to a shameful retreat from
Afghanistan, just like the British officers led Indian Army following the capture of Kabul in the first Afghan war of 1938.
7. Pak-Afghan Youth Forum (PAYF), in the form of an independent think tank, is an initiative by civil society to
bridge the gap between people from both sides and work more on public diplomacy.
8. Indians have entered the Afghan fray not to help but to damage.
9. Indians had cultivated past few Afghan governments post 2001 US invasion in a bid to destabilize Pakistan’s
restive tribal areas bordering Afghanistan. Their embassy in Kabul and consulates in Herat, Kandahar, Jalalabad and
Mazar-e-Sharif have the main task of sabotage and subversion in neighboring Pakistan.
10. The Indian Afghan project was launched by Ajit Duval, their long serving National Security Advisor, who
championed the “death by thousand cuts” strategy to damage truculent neighbours.
11. Indian strategy in Afghanistan was based on targeting Afghan Taliban and cultivating Afghan government at
Kabul with a view to create permanent sedge between the two belligerents.
12. President Trump launched his Afghan peace project with a view to disengage militarily from Afghan quagmire as
a part of his election campaign promise. Since Indians could not openly challenge that peace process they ramped up their
subversion efforts to derail the peace process by arming the Afghan National forces to the teeth and encouraging them to
attack Taliban with renewed vigour.
13. Indians were allowed to deploy 148 Indo Tibetan Border Patrol troops in
Afghanistan to protect their installations.
14. The strategy was based on the thinking that any crisis in Afghanistan would undermine Pakistan’s solidarity
because Pakistan was Afghanistan’s next-door neighbour with a long, porous border, combined with the fact that Afghans
enjoyed strong ethnic, cultural and religious affinity with the people of Pakistan.
15. The Taliban subscribe predominantly to the Hanafi School of Islamic theology. However, Hanafi jurisprudence to
be the basis of their governance would be challenging in a multi-faith Afghan society.
16. Future sustenance of the Afghan government. The rough annual financial outlay for the Afghan government
including the cost of the war and Afghan National Security forces (ANSF), including police, is close to $10 billion. Most
of this is provided for by the international community, as agreed to in the bonn Agreement in 2001.
17. The biggest challenges to the intra-Afghan talks is from the internal divisions among the Afghan political factions.
18. The evidence found from the inquiry against such killings revealed that the Armed Forces Special Powers Act
(AFSPA) of 1990-which granted the army immense powers including those related to shoot-to-kill was misused.
19. Fifth-generation propaganda/hybrid fundamental Indian objective because it known that in the absence of any
external military and logistical support, the Kashmiris’ defiance which got an impetus after August 5, 2019, will diminish
with the passage of time leading to the ‘Hinduistaion’ of the Muslim-dominated Kashmir valley. “Master Plan 2035” which
was approved by New Delhi a few months before the scrapping of articles 370 and 35(A) resembles the Israeli settlement
model. Such a plan aims to construct 200,000 houses in Srinagar thus creating around 100,000 jobs to be filled by non-
locals who will be eligible to get domicile certificates. Lake Dal, a famous tourist resort in Srinagar, will be under the
special investment corridor described as a conservation site with floating gardens.
20. Dividing the Kashmiri resistance is a war waged by Indian with special reference to hiding its excesses
perpetrated, without a pause, in IIOJK.
21. The world famous Noam Chomsky has summarized the Kashmir catastrophe quite realistically, calling it a
tragedy bigger than the ones born of fascist Nazism and cold War.
22. According to the UN Charter, any member of the UN has a right to call a formal meeting of the Security Council,
and the Secretary-General of UN can call a special session of the General Assembly and Special Emergency Session of the
General Assembly and special Emergency Session of General Assembly to discuss an issue which is a major threat to
regional or international peace and security.
23. Any army investigation into the recent killings will be meaningless, Human Rights Watch said, because the
Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA) gives the security forces effective e immunity from prosecution for serous
human rights abuses. It grants the military wide powers to arrest, shoot to kill and occupy or destroy property in
counterinsurgency operations.
24. Since the law came into force in Jammu and Kashmir in 1990, the Indian government has not granted permission
to prosecute any security force personnel in civilian courts.
25. The Radcliffe Commission had already cleared the way when Gurdaspur was placed within the Indian border,
intended to end all land links between Pakistan and Kashmir.
26. The greatest paradox is that with the exception of Turkey and Malaysia none of the Muslim nations have uttered a
statement in sympathy or support of the beleaguered Kashmiris or the Muslims of India.
27. Pakistan’s own political internal weaknesses and heavy foreign economic dependence reduces the weight of its
28. Gupkar Declarations I and Ilpresented by some influential political parties based in Indian-occupied J&K seek
reinstation of Articles 35A/370 rather than a plebiscite but not all Kashmiris are onboard in this regard since historical
missteps need to be reviewed.
29. Islamabad’s Kashmir diplomacy needs an additional boost. Specifically, a special envoy (similar to that on
Afghanistan) should to be appointed on priority who can solely focus on handling J&K affairs.
30. Foreign policy in today’s world is defined by economic and security interests rather than moral obligations which
have little to no weightage from pragmatic perspective unless a state is powerful enough to take on others.
31. This is time for the world to step in since a Nazi-inspired BJP regime’s increasingly fascist policies across the
subcontinent have burned all bridges of peace and reconciliation that could pave way for nothing but despair and
32. it is worth mentioning here that an item can be removed from the agenda only in accordance with the basic rules
of procedure governing the function of the Security Council. the removal can take place if the conflict has been resolved or
there is a consensus among all 15 members of the Security Council to remove a particular agenda item.
33. On August 5, 2019, in violation of all international agreements, Indian abrogated Article 370 and 35A. India’s
proclamation has never been accepted by the United Nations, which continues to list Kashmir as disputed territory and
subject to the Security Council’s self-determination resolutions.
34. Short of invoking Article 99, the Secretary General could help turn the situation towards a cessation of human
rights violations and beginning of a dialogue among the three parties-the people of Jammu & Kashmir, India and Pakistan-
by sending a ‘special envoy’ to the region to explore all possible options to settle the Kashmir dispute to the satisfaction of
all parties concerned.
35. What is a Kashmir settlement? It should mean the implementation of UN resolutions on Kashmir, including the
exercise of the right of self-determination. Or, given current realities, something as close to it as possible.
36. the ignominious diplomatic game often played between Indian and Pakistan when diplomats are labeled as spies
and are physically harassed before expulsion persona non grata (PNG).
37. The only state institution that still inspires and holds firm trust of masses is the Armed Forces of Pakistan. But
attempts are being made to break this last bulwark and blind faith and thrust them into a dark abyss of despair and
pessimism. The enemy of Pakistan knows that; “In times of despair, we need hope. In times of frustration, we need
inspiration. In times of confusion, we need clarity.”
38. And it is hope, inspiration and clarity which gets fogged by a flood of continuous propaganda and media scandals.
39. Fifth Generation War (5GW) also called hybrid warfare.
40. The enemy’s “centre of gravity.” And at present, China Pakistan Economic Corridor project is that centre of
gravity which is at the target of our enemies.
41. With globalization, power has moved away from the national, centralized, state-oriented political leadership into
the hands of transnationally operation market forces, non state actors and business cartels.
42. Instead of being first line defense against foreign propaganda media promotes the agenda of the enemy. They act
as major tools of hybrid war.
43. Theory of Liquid Modernity describes our age as one in which “all agreements are temporary, fleeting and valid
only until further notice” which results in the collapse of trust : the belief that our leaders are not just corrupt or stupid, but
44. Fighting 5GW can be characterized as a counterinsurgency that liquidates the ideological and ethnic perceptions
created by the enemy and breaks the social relationship between nonstate actors/insurgents and the public. This is only
possible when people have trust in the institutions. Only an intelligent leadership can achieve it.
45. With the scraping of the special status of J&K, New Delhi changed its narrative. India has announced entire state
of J&K, including Azad Kashmir and even Gilgit-Baltistan as its constitutional and integral part, throwing aside the
resolutions passed by the Security Council of UNO.
46. The governor Raja Shah Raees Khan, as a legitimate ruler of independent state of GB, invited and accepted the
sovereignty of Pakistan on the GB.
47. The sovereign institutions particularly, the present army chief, intellectually visualized the geopolitical importance
of Gilgit-Baltistan and malafide plans of Modi. The army chief invited leaders of various political parties in parliament to
discuss and convince them about a provisional status in GB pending disposal of the plebiscite in Kashmir state.
48. The national power of a state is based on the quality of government’s ploicies and strategies.
49. Promoting trade requires not only quantitatively growing domestic exports, but also qualitatively upgrading them.
This is what Pakistan needs to do.
50. The investment strategy of a country involves two positions: magnetizing FDI classically presented as of
paramount importance in the initial stages of diversification of output, and extending national investment abroad.
51. In Pakistan’s foreign policy context, there is a need of hour to develop such foreign policies which are purely
based on the economic growth and development. This is only way to create a positive and soft image in the world through
the appropriate foreign policy mechanism.
52. The external component of national policy is foreign policy. It is the first line of defence of a nation and the
primary advocate of its interests abroad. it aims to mitigate risks and threats to the country’s stability and economic well-
being, while at the same time enhancing its options and opportunities for action.
53. It is the need of hour to develop Pakistan’s foreign policy in the favor of economic development to benchmark the
Brazil and Turkish foreign policies.
54. The tribal badlands conjured up the sanguinary romanticism of battles like “Little Big Horn”, “Custer’s Last
Stand”, “Wounded Knee”, and “Sand Creek Massacre” seared into the public imagination. The above battles however were
no patch on another tribal belt straddling Pakistan and Afghanistan border called “Federally Administered Tribal Areas”
(FATA). It is an area the size of Massachusetts i.e 27224 square kilometers.
55. The area were administered through special laws called “Frontier Crimes Regulations” which gave sweeping
administrative as well as legal powers to administrators called “Political Agents (Pas)” to gone the region.
56. .Due to the old FCR law and tribal cultural practices observed as customary law there was no ingress of country’s
administrative or legal structure in FATA. Resultantly there was very little development as compared to the rest of the
57. The tribes were granted voting rights on adult franchise in 1996.
58. In order to address above a radical FATA reforms agenda was introduced. Centuries old FCR was abolished and
FATA merged with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on 31st May 2018 through 25th Constitutional Amendment.
59. The law of the land was extended to FATA and the courts established alongwith conversion of erstwhile frontier
levies into police. The PS’s appointment relying on FCR was replaced with District Commissioners armed with the new
laws of the land. To ensure smooth transition a ten year period was allowed to let all the governance institutions fully build
their capacity. Army is being progressively reduced with handling security tasks on Pak-Afghan frontier to the paramilitary
force i.e Frontier Corps.
60. a network of 700 kilometers of highway standard roads alongwith construction of Dhanna Irrigation works and
Gomal Zam Dam have ushered in a new development era in FATA.
61. Its transformation from a lawless frontier to a properly governed part of the country presages a new era of peace
and security not only for its denizens but the neighbouring Afghanistan as well where the US backed peace process has
attained a strong momentum.
62. After partition, India had halted water from Sutlej and Beas which caused great loss to Pakistan. These disruptions
led to an agreement called the Indus Water Treaty (IWT) championed by World Bank. The main purpose of the IWT is to
preempt any water wars and to even distribution of water. The agreement divides the Indus River system into the Western
Rivers composed of the main stem of the Indus, the Jhelum, and the Chenab, which were assigned to Pakistan-and the
Eastern Rivers-the Ravi, the Beas, and the Sutlej, which were assigned to India.
63. Floodwater is being wasted massively because we have very few dams.
64. The national action plan for judicious use of water should be formulated.
65. A documentary named “Blue Gold”: World Water Wars” that examines the environmental and political
implications of the decrease in water supply on the planet, and postulates that how the wars of the future will be waged on
66. These groups make use of main stream as well as the social media for their disinformation campaigns to defame
and politicize Pak Army and its premium intelligence agency in particular.
67. This campaign of politicization of Pakistani military has two dimensions; the domestic and external dimensions.
Domestically, the politicization of Pak Army aims at defamation of this institution, since it draw its strength from the
masses of Pakistan. This intimate bond and devoted connection is the real area of concern for the rival power (s) of
Pakistan. The foes of Pakistan therefore have chosen to target this intimate relationship in phase one of their larger anti-
Pakistan agenda. During this phase, the planners would like to create differences between masses and Pak Army through
indirect strategy of defamation while negatively agitating the sentiments of masses and creating abhorrence against the
institution of military.
68. Indeed, no external power can succeed in overpowering Pakistan in the presence of a strong and professional
military which enjoys the unswerving, resilient and dedicate support from people of Pakistan. The enemies of Pakistan had
tried it many a time, last being the global war against terrorism. The intimacy and strong association between Pak Army
and the masses enabled the former (Army) to combat, defeat and dig-out the roots of this internationally sponsored
terrorism against state and society of Pakistan. Seeing the intensity of this internationally sponsored terrorism against
Pakistan, it was assumed that, Pakistan would meet the fate of Iraq, Libya and Syria. Nevertheless, armed forces of
Pakistan crushed these terrorists and their backers and abettors. This annoyed the planners and compelled them to diversify
their strategies against Pakistan. Indeed, this all was done while the nation stood at the back of its armed forces. A critical
analysis of war against terrorism would reveal that, it was an internationally sponsored campaign against Pakistan and its
highly professional military. At domestic front the Pakistani military had to confront many zones of conflict: the sub-
nationalist in Province of Balochistan, the hardliner and so-called religious groups like TTP in former FATA, KP and rest
of the country.
69. While debating the external dimension of targeting Pakistan and its military, it appears that after having failed in
their strategies and efforts of weakening the Pakistani Military through direct approach, the international spying network
have adopted indirect strategy to weaken the Pakistani military. They assume that, after weakening the Military, there will
no force to resist the international and regional forces to ruin Pakistan, the way it happened with Iraq and Libya.
70. Defeating the enemies from within have many elucidations; creating fault lines, causing split, defamation and
humiliation, hatching plots and conspiracies, politicization of key institutions and causing hatred against institutions of
national security.
71. Since all other strategies to weaken and defeat the military have failed over the years, the spying networks of rival
powers have resorted to invest on those elements who can politicize and defame the military at home. Politicization and
defamation of military would further leads towards creation of sense of demoralization among the fighting outfits.
72. One of its most critical internal fault-lines is the scourge of ethno-sectarianism which stubbornly refuses to die.
This vulnerability has been exploited by the Indians through a ruthless 5GW and hybrid war against it. India’s
multidimensional assault on Pakistan has included fanning ethno-sectarian issues too.
73. For the moment, the ethnic, sectarian and terrorist groups are largely operation independent of one another.
Pakistan must ensure that it stays that way.
74. Pakistan must guard itself against this triple jeopardy, the ethno-sectarian-terrorist threat. It must not allow any
one of them to reinforce the efforts of the other one or both. They must be isolated and neutralized, piecemeal.
75. Pakistan must establish and assert its writ and control over all ethnic and sectarian activities in the country. It must
continue to carry out effective counterterrorism operations inside the country. The fencing on the borders with Iran and
Afghanistan must be completed, post haste.
76. A well-structured, duly authorized joint body must be formed under the Ministries of Interior and Religious
Affairs, with a clearly enunciated articulation of command. It must comprise relevant government officials at the federal
and provincial levels, representative members of all sects/subsects and experts from all LEAs and intelligence outfits. it
must have sub-bodies at the division, district and lower levels for better oversight, control and management. It must be
made responsible for fostering peace and harmony between the sects. It must also be the first forum where all complaints
or disputes of a sectarian nature could be heard and resolved.
77. Dispute resolution must be provided promptly and on the scene of occurrence. Matters may only go to the formal
legal/judicial processes after having failed at this level.
78. The Single National Curriculum is a step in the right direction and must include inter-sect harmony as an
important part of the syllabi. All foreign funding to the Madaris and sectarian outfits must be outlawed.
79. The Government of Pakistan may take it upon itself to fund these Madaris equitable, if possible. Media must be
denied the leeway to fan or arouse sectarian differences, rather it be (t) asked to deliberately promote sectarian harmony.
80. In 2001, the US seemed to have been moving towards becoming a strategic ally of India but the 9/100 incident
and the strategic location of Pakistan forced Washington to engage Islamabad and give it the status of a major non-Nato
81. The Taliban insist on the restoration of their Islamic Emirate in which they will accommodate the current political
figures of the Afghan government. On the contrary, the Afghan government wants the Taliban to accept Afghanistan’s
constitution and become part of the current political system.
82. The Afghan government is not happy with the deal between the US and the Taliban, but they cannot oppose it
openly due to American pressure.
83. Water is the driving force for all nature; it is fittingly called the Blue Gold of the world. The wars of the future
will be fought over water.
84. Pakistan is the world’s fourth-highest water consuming country with its water intensity, amount and cubic meters
85. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) measures the pressure on national water resources by
calculating water withdrawal as a percentage of total renewable water resources (TRWR). Stresses are considered high if
the TRWR value is above 25%.
86. We need 40 million acre feet water but 29 million acre feet of our flood water is wasted because of unavailability
of dam and water politics.
87. Bulks of Pakistan’s agricultural lands are hosed down via canal system, but the IMF report depicts that the canal
system is enormously insufficient due to negligence towards their maintenance.
88. Pursuing development with a single focus and embracing the world with open arms; China’s development is
closely related to the rest of the world, and the development concept of mutual benefit is gradually gaining popularity.
China’s economic recovery will provide assistance to the economic development of countries along the “Belt and Road”,
including Pakistan, and will further consolidate the traditional friendship between the two countries to help each other
through storm and stress.
89. The first batch of five Rafael jets which were inducted in the Indian air force at Ambala airport on September.
90. According to a report published by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute India was the second largest
importer of major arms between 2014 and 2018 which accounted for 9.5% of the global total.
91. It is regrettable that the trio of USA, France and UK are helping and encouraging India to fulfill her hegemonic
design in return for the role that the latter is playing in achieving objectives of ‘contain China’ policy as their strategic
partner. Actually it was due to their support and nod that Modi scrapped Article 370 of the Indian Constitution ending
special status of the State ND FOLLOWED BY ITS ANNEXATION TO THE Indian Union as well as the promulgation of
the new domicile law to change the demographic realities in the State.
92. Their lukewarm response to the illegal Indian actions in Indian-Occupied Jammu & Kashmir in violation of
UNSC resolutions and the persecution of Kashmiris is enough to corroborate and reinforce this view. Signing of civil
nuclear technology deal by US with Indian violation of NPT and efforts to make her permanent member of UNSC, also
provide ranting testimony to their hypocrisy.
93. However, it is satisfying to note that y acquiring nuclear capability and effective response to Indian ‘cold start’
doctrine and maintaining a minimum nuclear deterrent Pakistan has eliminated the chances of India ever daring to attack
her or engage her in a full- fledged war.
94. Congress government had initiated the process to acquire the fighter jets in 2007 when it sent out initial tender in
this regard but it could not finalize the deal by 2014, when Modi came to power. In 2015 he signed a new deal with France
to buy 36 Rafale jets under completely different terms, rather than 126 that the tender in 2007 had envisioned. The first
batch of the planes as per the deal was supposed to be delivered to India by the end of 2015 but the process was delayed
because the opposition kept questioning kept terms of his highly unusual deal-which involved repudiating the manner in
which the Indian government was trying to acquire them.
95. Nevertheless all the obstacles have been cleared and finally India has got the first batch of five Rafael jets which
were inducted in the Indian air force at Ambala airport on September 10.
96. The 1962 war between India and China broke out. During the war, all of Arunachal Pradesh (South Tibet) was
occupied by the Chinese army and they came up to Tezpur in Assam.
97. The Chinese army, after routing the Indian army and teaching a lesson, voluntarily withdrew.
98. In 1899, the British drew a fresh demarcation of the order, namely Macartney-Macdonald Line, which put Aksai
Chin in the Chinese territory. Aksai Chin, an area of 43000 square kilometers, has been under the Chinese administration
sine the 1962 humiliating defeat of India.
99. A new Political map of Indian Illegally Occupied Kashmir (IIOK) where all of Azad Kashmir was shown as a part
of the newly created territory of Indian Occupied Kashmir, Gilgit-Baltistan and Aksai Chin in the union territory of
occupied Ladakh.
100. After these developments, some unusual movements were observed in the northern sub-sector, Daulat Beg Oldi-
located 8 miles south of the Karakoram Pass. The sector has a brigade group force and can also facilitate and provide an
alternative route to the Siachen Galcier for logistic supplies. The construction of the road, Darbuk-Shyok Daulat Beg (255
kilometers), and other military developments were alarming to China since a clear threat to Aksai Chin and Tibet was
posed. In a professional and brilliant move, the Chinese landed their troops in Galwan Valley, Nakula, Pangong area and in
Demchok. Subsequently, on June 15, 2020 a bloody clash took place in Galwan valley where 22 Indian soldiers, including
a commanding officer, were killed without firing a bullet and ten soldiers, including three officers, were also taken captive.
101. With the occupation of Galwan, control of the ridges at the junction of Galwan and Shyok is under the Chinese
army which now dominates the newly constructed road to Daulat Beg Oldie. After consolidating gains, China has now
strengthened its positions at Galwan valley, Hot Spring, Pangong Tso and Depsang plains.
102. The UAE and Bahrain are the third and fourth countries respectively after Egypt and Jordan to sign a peace
agreement with Israel. As part of the deal with the UAF, Israel will suspend, but not halt, its plans to annex certain
Palestinian areas in the West Bank.
103. While Saudi Arabia has linked its recognition of Israel to an internationally recognized peace accord with the
Palestinians, Arab League foreign ministers failed to reach an agreement on the draft resolution condemning the UAE-
Israel agreement at their recent meeting in Cairo.
104. In a nutshell, Israel’s peace agreements with UA and Bahrain have served to advance US and Israeli strategic
interests in the Middle East while weakening the Palestinian cause and aggravating divisions among the Arabs and in the
Muslim world.
105. Divide-and-rule has historically been the policy o imperial powers.
106. As the UK and France, the former colonial powers enfeebled by World War II, withdrew from the Middle East,
the void was filled by the US. The process of virtual recolonization of the Middle East started in right earnest with the
establishment of Israel and its early recognition by the US. For all practical purposes, Israel has served and will continue to
serve as the US outpost in the Middle East designed promote its, and broadly the Western, strategic interests in the region.
107. Iranian Prime Minister Mosaddegh’s overthrow in 1953 as a result of ‘Operation Ajax’, orchestrated by the CIA
and UK’s MI6, was meant to restore the Shah as Western puppet and ensure Western control over Iran’s oil wealth.
108. The US is vehemently opposed to Iran primarily because it views the latter as major obstacle in the realization of
it hegemonic designs in the Middle East.
109. Finally, it is in Pakistan’s long-term security and economic interest to resist attempts by the Western powers to
control the Middle East through the use of proxies and the policy of divide-and-rule.
110. A substantive amount of nuclear technology moved from US to Pakistan.
111. After Nehru died in May 1963, Lal Bahadur Shastri succeeded him. As a result of Indian-China war of 1962 but
particularly after 16 October 1964 when China exploded its first nuclear device, the people of India began to agitate over
the likely nuclear threat of China could.
112. It was in that kind of situation that India, under Shastri’s premiership, initiated the nuclear explosion programme
in 1965 later carried out by Mrs. Gandhi’s Government.
113. Islamabad reiterated its commitment to hosting the 19 th Saarc summit “in the spirit of regionalism and as per
Pakistan’s commitment to the Saarc platform”.
114. The Indian efforts to modernize its military pose a credible threat to the strategic stability of South Asia.
115. Homi Bhabha, the founder architect of India’s nuclear establishment, had to reassure the nation, that, given the
political green signal, India’s scientific community could explode a nuclear bomb in 18 months.
116. India is one of the fastest-growing economies and its intention to become a regional hegemon as well as global
superpower is evident from its military modernization. Based on Indian strategic thinking, it is generally believed that the
military modernization of Indian is specifically against Pakistan.
117. Although India justifies its military modernization as a response to an imminent threat from China and Pakistan, it
is actually motivated by ambition than fear.
118. The alleged String-of-Pearls policy of China (that is, establishing naval bases along important sea-lanes) to
counter its Malacca Straits dilemma, is viewed as a major threat to Indian maritime dominance in the Indian Ocean region.
119. The E3s remain committed to fully implementing Security Council resolution 2231, which endorsed the JCPOA
in 2015.
120. Pakistan continues to support a two-state solution in line with UNGA and UNSC’s resolutions, within
internationally agreed parameters, pre-1967 borders and Al-Quds AI Sharif as the capital of a united, contiguous and
independent Palestine state.
121. As the prime minister has said, there is a need to address Islamophobia. This can be done through greater dialogue
between the West and the Muslim world. It needs to be communicated clearly that those who act violently in the name of
Islam do not represent the majority of Muslims.
122. Earlier it was moral and diplomatic support which Pakistan pledged for freedom struggle of Kashmiri people.
Now as announced by Imran Khan during his address, it stands as government and people of Pakistan are committed to
standing by and supporting their Kashmiri brethren in their legitimate struggle for their right of self-determination.
123. India has also embarked upon on an ambitious plan to change demographic structure of occupied territory by
grant of 16 lakhs domiciles to non-Kashmiris. The ulterior move is aimed at obliterating distinct Kashmir identity to affect
outcome of plebiscite.
124. Some of these conflicts are almost as old the UN itself. Most glaring are Kashmir and Palestine conflicts which
have caused numerous wars. Tendency of pushing the things under the carpet is incrementally tarnishing credibility of the
UN to deliver a peaceful world. Now more and more countries look towards other fora for settling interstate matters.
Powers is, slowly but continuously, shifting away from under the feet of the UN.
125. Imran Khan called on world leaders to ensure that all commitments made in the Paris Agreement on Climate
Change are fulfilled.
126. He stressed that “willful provocations” l and “incitement to hate” must be universally outlawed, calling on the
General Assembly to declare an “International Day to Combat Islamophobia.”

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