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Chapter 1

1. Fill in the blanks:-
(a) Supercomputer

(b) Minicomputer
(c) Mobile

(d) Computer Language

(e) Language Processor

2. Select the most suitable alternative:-

(a) (iii) Mainframe Computer

(b) (iii) PARAM 2000

(c) (iii) Interpreter

3. Expand these abbreviations:-

(a) FLOPS - Floating Point Operations Per Second
(b) IBM - International Business Machine
(c) NRCPC - National Research Centre of Parallel Computer Engineering
and Technology
(d) CDC - Control Data Corporation
4. Write short notes on:-
(a) Embedded Computer - An embedded computer is a combination of computer and other
mechanical devices that is designed to serve a specific work. Examples of embedded
computer are ATMs, Washing Machine, Microwave oven etc.
(b) Console Game - It is a device designed to play games with the help of keyboard and joystick
that get displayed on the TV or Computer Screen. Examples of console game are Xbox,
PlayStation series etc.
5. Differentiate between the following:-
(a) High Level Language and Low Level Language-
(i) The programs written in simple English by alphabets and numbers are known as
high level language whereas the programs that are written with the combination of
0’s and 1’s are known as low level language.
(ii) High Level Language is machine independent whereas Low Level Language is
machine dependent.
(iii) HLL needs a translator to convert it into machine understandable form whereas LLL
doesn’t need a translator, machine directly understands them.
(iv) Example of HLL is C++, QBasic, Python etc where example of LLL is binary codes.
(b) Compiler and Interpreter-
(i) Compilers converts the whole program written in High Level Language to Machine
Level Language from beginning to end at one go whereas Interpreters converts
program written in High Level Language to Machine Level Language line by line.
(ii) Programs written using C++ language are converted to machine language using
compiler whereas programs written using QBasic, Python language are converted to
machine language using Interpreter.
6. Answer the following questions:-
(a) Write about different types of computer with relevant examples.
Ans: Supercomputer:-
Supercomputers are the fastest computer and have a large data storage capacity. It has multiple
processors. A supercomputer can execute more than 100 millions of instructions in a second. It
has higher establishment cost than other computers. Super computers are used in highly
sophisticated areas such as Meteorology, space research, weather forecasting, aerodynamics
etc. Example of Indian Supercomputers:-PARAM 2000, ANURAG.
Mainframe Computer:-
A mainframe computer is a very large size computer which is capable of supporting thousands of
users simultaneously. It has very high storage capacity. They are very expensive. They are
sensitive to variation in temperature, dust etc. Used to link nation-wide networks through
satellites, in advanced scientific researches, nuclear studies, in banks, government department
etc. Example- IBM 4381, CDC cyber-series etc.
A minicomputer supports the working of several users at a time. It has a large memory, high
storage capacity and higher computing power than microcomputer. It is capable of supporting
200 users simultaneously. Used for data processing and research work, computer aided designs,
Industrial applications, In engineering firms and colleges. Example- HCL Magnum, VAX 7500 etc.
Micro computer:-
A microcomputer is meant for personal use or single user. It is a small size computer that has a
microprocessor chip i.e. CPU. It is also known as ‘Personal computer’ or ‘Desktop Computer’ as
they are designed to be used by individual users. Operating Systems like DOS, MS Windows,
LINUX, MAC OS are used in this type of computer. Used at home, school, offices, cyber cafes etc.
Example- IBM PC 100,200, Apple Macintosh etc.
Mobile is a mini hand-held portable & wireless telecom device. We use mobile phone to make
voice call, send & receive SMS, MMS, e-mail and to use internet services.
Console Game:-
Console game is a device that is primarily designed to play games with the help of keyboard &
Joystick that is displayed on a TV or Monitor. Example-Xbox, Play station series etc.
Embedded computer:-
An embedded computer is a combination of computer & other devices which is meant for

dedicated work. Used in ATMs, Washing Machine, Microwave oven etc.

(b) What is a ‘Translator’? Write about different types of translator.

Ans: The softwares that convert programs written in high level language into machine level
languages are known as translator. It is also known as language translator. Some commonly
used language translators are:-

Assembler:- An assembler is a language processor that converts instructions written in assembly

language into machine level language e.g. Assembly language

Interpreter:- An interpreter converts the program written in High Level Language into machine
level language line by line e.g. QBASIC, Python.

Compiler:- A compiler converts the whole program written in any high level language into
machine language and checks the whole program from beginning to end at one go e.g. C++,

(c) What is Machine Language?

Ans: The machine language consists of 0s and 1s only. It is also known as Binary language. The
first generation of programming language made use of machine language. It is also known
as Low level language. It is the language that is understood directly by the computer but it is
difficult for programmers to understand, learn and write instruction in this language.

(d) Write about different Generations of Computer Language.

Ans: First Generation Language:- The first generation of programming language made use of

machine language. The machine language consists of 0s and 1s only. It is also known as
Binary language. It is also known as Low level language. It is the language that is understood
directly by the computer but it is difficult for programmers to understand, learn and write
instruction in this language.

Second Generation Language:- It comprises of assembly language. The assembly language

uses symbolic codes to write any instruction. The use of symbolic codes made programming
a bit simpler.

Third Generation Language:- In this generation, High Level Languages like QBASIC, C, C++
were developed. In HLL we can write the codes of programs in simple language like English
under its own syntax. Computer can’t understand HLL so it is converted into the Machine
Language inside the computer.

Fourth Generation Language:- They are modern high level languages. While working in this
generation the user needs to only focus on output rather than the steps to achieve the
output. Report Builder is one of the most common example of 4 th Generation Language.

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