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Table of Contents

1. Justification for choosing the brand

2. Apple Inc. – Introduction

3. Marketing Mix of Apple Inc.

 Product

 Price

 Promotion

 Place

4. Internationalization Strategy of Apple Inc.

 International Process Theory (IPT)

 Promotion Method

 Localization and Evaluation

5. Conclusion

6. References
1- Justification for choosing the brand:

Apple's brands are self-evident. This is how Apple has placed its ads

consistently and made branding and graphics simple. Any marketing

products are exempt from feature lists, prices or costly special effects. They

know that without the pumps and circumstances the commodity will sell

itself. Apple could be head-to-head in order to win market interest with other

manufactures such as Samsung, but Apple never waged an end-to-end price

battle. They don't bother, they don't have to fight at the market. It is clear

that Apple has come a long way to consider its customers targets; how they

think, what they say, their language, their preferences, their likes, their


2- Introduction:

Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, two men with common interests, came up

with the product name Apple. The company's progress in the 1070s was a

step ahead of other machines at the time, with the use of television as a

viewing device and a tape interface for listening to and recording

programming. Apple Inc. is primarily known for its innovative design,

electronic media and communication devices, portable music players, and

the development and sale of a wide range of software, networking, operation

and support, and other digital applications.( Johnson et al,.2012)

However, the company also sells and distributes digital applications such as

the iPhone, iPad, Mac, iPod, Apple TV, and a variety of commercial and
technical apps. Apple also offers its merchandise to third-party wireless

networks, wholesalers, and dealers across the globe, as well as through its

department outlets, own internet stores, and direct sales power.

Apple Company offers diverse applications, networking and general services,

handheld devices, personal computers (desktop, laptop) and new portable

music players as well. The company's own tech offerings also include the

company's smartphone operating system, Mac software, cloud software and

application software for the user, as well as school, campaign and

government clients.

Figure: 1
(Source: IDC Worldwide Quarterly Tablet Tracker, Nov. 5, 201
3- Marketing Mix of Apple Inc

There are three terms that are synonymous with Apple Inc. Apple was known

for superior products which enabled no other brand to create a niche. Started

in 1977, Apple was able to establish itself as a luxury company selling high-

quality goods and services at a higher rate (Londhe,2014) That's why the

Apple consumer market group consists of well-offs ready to pay for

innovative design, functionalities and technologies for superior technological

goods and services. Let's explain Apple's four Ps marketing mix.

 Product:

Anything that is sold to a consumer to meet the needs of a desired or

desirable acquisition or use. Apple Inc. uses the iPod ecosystem in favor of

the streaming music infrastructure to leverage the iPhone. This product is

different from one another by the key display of PC related websites with the

same display. The corporation uses iPod on its iPhone to support its

streaming music infrastructure by using the iPod ecosystem. This product

was different from others by displaying a PC built website with the same
display (Fan et al,.2015). "Give them your answer – or someone else can,"

according to the popular marketing man Jay Abraham.

Figure: 2
Source: Apple Inc. 2010

Figure: 2
Source: Apple Inc. 2010


The best of the class experience still comes from Apple goods. However,

Apple has struggled to follow some of Indian customers' core tech

experiences with regard to the localization. Apple launched turn-by-turn

sailing on Apple Maps for India in Jan 2019. Any of India's major sites on the

Apple Maps are also absent (Ewa et al,.2017). Whereas the map of Google is

greatly adapted to the Indian market. Google Map is exact, available in many

Indian languages and a regular section of Indian travelers. In India Apple Pay

remains unavailable. In India, the new (Indian) payment technology has also

been implemented in Samsung Pay and Google Pay.


Some of the world's most modern cellphones are now located in Japan, and

Japanese users are among the most mature in the world. Users benefit from

digital TV, high-end color displays, video cameras and integrated e-wallet

features and from expressive e-mail and text-based communications with

clips (emoji) and their own photos and videos. Initially, the iPhone 3G was

remarkable for these characteristics. iPhone users could not send a highly

used function by Japanese cellular phone users simple multimedia messages

(text messages with their own images or video). This is an omnipresent

characteristic today, but it has not been seen strangely in the product of

Apple. · Apple's worst mistake in the release of the iPhone Japanese market

is emoji's failure to compose messages (clip art, emoticons etc.) • Emoji. •

Emoji. The Japanese are a culture with a high context that needs less overt

dialogue and greater focus on sensation and environment.


Applications that reflect Apple's power match I Phone's. This means the

Apple must now meet its existing loyal some consumers. Both brands are

complementary. It is also a foreign commodity, so that the language has little

impact on the use. As seen below, an example of a product life cycle shows

that I Pad is no longer in the initial phase but in its development stage. That

is because China is the world's second largest economy and one of the most

important objectives to a successful enterprise.

 Price:

The Internet has changed the price of Apple Inc. Set prices for all clients give

way to competitive prices, which charge the clients "different prices based

on the particular students and their circumstances. The brand management

must ensure that Apple Inc. prices are valued instead of costly. Changing the

customer's view of pricing is the best way to guarantee the right Apple Inc

price for the customer. The importance of the Service or Knowledge, not the

product itself, should be indicated by allowing even commodity driven goods

of Apple Inc. Apple only follows one approach for its brands, which is

"Premium Price Strategy." Apple's customers include high-quality people who

sell high-quality goods, which is why Apple calls for an expensive price of its

products (Khan et al,.2015). The key factors for which Apple is committed to

the premium price approach are innovative technologies, superior products

and disruptive product designs.


India has become mostly a very highly priced industry. We Indians often want

value for money – what values do we get at the price that we pay for a

certain good or service? With an average income of less than $2000 in a

year, the majority of the Indians are not ready to spend more than $200 for

their smartphones. The smartphone sold for the most part in India is

between 50 USD and 200 USD. In this price category, Apple has no bid. Less

than 5 per cent of the overall demand in India is now operating on the luxury

mobile market. Apple charges a great deal of premium for the goods that the

price-conscious customers in India have not embraced (Tien,2020). Apple's

pricing policy for the Indian market at this stage does not seem that eager.


SoftBank, the only iPhone carrier, offered a 16-byte iPhone variant for $540

and $320 for existing users. Two-year deal needed all rates. This is compared

with a US $299 offer in equivalent circumstances with AT&T. Customers had

to spend between $40 to $70 on a data pricing package, as well as routine

calls (for Internet surfing, email sending, etc.). Due to this market system,

Japanese customers did not feel as if they had much value for money. In

particular, since the iPhone matched certain advance features of domestic



The price strategy is the crucial factor, as the shipping to China is

challenging. Really, Hong Kong is subject to an 8 per cent tax and the price

of travel. For the basic version, the device is available for $600. Next month,

it should be lowered to meet the US/EU model. That's what Apple has to

concentrate on. Apple must insist on an element of difference and they will

trust in your image. I Ped competitor is sold for $ 150. The price is the same

as $499 for the base model elsewhere


As for the marketing of their product, Apple was the most offensive. The

promotion of the marketing mix, as its name suggests, is the fourth and not
strictly more relevant than the marketing mélange. Promotion concerns the

information on the "right" commodity on the target market or other

marketing channels. The business started out with 4TV, which would offer

entertainment and knowledge exchange about the device and concentrate

on a different mode of advertising the existing 4TV, during the launcher to

flavor the revolutionary device (iPhone). The corporation has successfully

established ties with media companies and on times Steve shares new ideas

with the press.

Figure: 3
Sources: Strategy of promotions (Kiprin, 2009; Apple Annual
Reports, 2010)
The population of Apple covers a wide variety of ages, places and revenue. A

large part of the advertising of Apple takes the form of outbound ads of TV

commercials, pictures and posters for the company and its products. Apple

will then reach a broad audience. Any prominent personalities are used in

Apple's promotional material. This would probably make more customers

look and therefore bring trust in the brand as wearing or endorsing goods is
seen as a well-known individual. Influencers play a major role in Apple's

promotion. Apple goods can be promoted to its customers by people with a

strong Internet footprint and many followers. This is gaining further Apple

marketing (Sullivan,2012).

Inbound marketing is now used by Apple in the form of presentations, social

media and news posts. This makes the brand more accessible to people and

more intimate promotion of their brands. Apple's latest food line is now being

launched overtime. These activities are very popular with millions of

prospective viewers and can be viewed worldwide on-line. Apple's logos and

ads are very clean, courageous, and up-to-date. The ads have very little text

and there is no dialog on most TV ads.


Its promotional tactics are fairly innovative and future-orienting, much like

Apple products. Apple spends a great deal of money on the Indian market to

sell its brands. The "Color Flood for iPhone XR" and "Depth Control – the

Backdrop" in India are particularly famous for their "Group FaceTime on

iPhone." Apple also pumps substantial capital into print media and

advertising on billboards in India. But not all of them are made to fit the

Indian industry.

Even in Japan, Softbank clearly didn't make a successful attempt in

supporting the iPhone and generating the ultimate in awareness while

Apple's public communications campaigns for the iPhone were consistent

and arguably effective worldwide. According to numerous online accounts,

only some 3G versions, in the middle of hundreds of other models by

different smartphone vendors, were put on retail shelves at the beginning.

Tokyo's clutter is important. When Japanese goods are purchased, they

usually only choose well-known products on the market that can satisfy their

requirements and achieve respect for the other group members. If the

market model for Apple in other regions is profitable for Apple, customers in

Japan usually have a high level of caution in making online transactions. For

composition, applications adapted to Japanese sensitivities and preferences

have no depth and significance


A violent TV-media exchange in China must be used by Apple. This is an

increasingly fitted world that is a fanatical nation with IT goods. Apple

differentiates itself with its number 1 image, which is sure to influence the

Chinese people (Ricks et al,.2016). The same is the case for the iPhone. False

goods have been introduced, so what happens today? In China, too, the I

Phone is a hit. The development of Buzz operations is another good feature

of Apple. A campaign consisting of a girl in a bikini with an I Pad meeting

street people to communicate for Apple was introduced. It's a kind of

publicity glamour.


Apple Inc. is known to be a multi-national American Corporation based in

Infinite Loop, Cupertino, California with about 394 retail outlets that produce

electronic products and distribute electronics to customers. Along with the

telephone service, stores and related device, the company examined

delivery methods. The customers were obliged, in this respect, to conclude

an 18–24-month term. There are some ways in which the organization

distributes its merchandise. About 18 million out of 58 million people have

iPod devices for their clients, of which the company has done a lot.

Figure: 4

In the marketing strategy of apple, place plays a major role. Unless

consumers can conveniently access a decent commodity, this is of little use.

For sale of its merchandise Apple uses both online and online platforms.
Apple makes buying its goods very convenient for consumers. You can do

this online or in-tore. The customer can easily use the online process and

'order' links are available on the whole website. The site's interface makes

buying products simple. This is also reinforced by the central emphasis on

technologies. Apple's shops are very clear and tidy and will indicate how the

brand and service is intended to be presented to the consumer. Apple stores

are presenting a wide variety of items that place them in the customer's

possession. It allows them the opportunity to engage and see the various

aspects of the technology. Employees are often on hand to speak to

consumers about their offerings and respond to any requests or complaints.

The personnel are very well educated, they are available for sale and

persuade them to purchase goods to consumers. Customer care is an

important aspect of the company to ensure that the needs of our clients are



Most products from Apple are not locally produced in India. Rigid quotas,

local rules and heavy import tariffs on iPhones in India make them less

available. Since the older iPhone models including iPhone SE and iPhone 6S

are produced in India locally, the price is still higher. Apple will soon transfer

the manufacturing of its iPhone X series to South India. This could allow
Apple some breath to reduce its iPhone X series prices. Again, due to certain

regulatory problems, Apple cannot have its Apple shops in India. No channel

partners felt as though they were rubbing salt in Apple's wounds.


In the same locations as other things I Pad would be distributed. It's in

Apple's official stores. However, that is not feasible in China since they must

still be present in the largest retail stores on the market. Apple's strategy is

often to deliberately generate insufficient supplies to demonstrate that

demand is greater than predicted. It would promote consumption on the


4-Internationalization Strategy by Apple:

International Process Theory:

The expertise we have on the philosophy of the internationalization method

is one of the strongest analytical methods (Duhigg and Kocieniewski, 2012).

The core feature of the phenomenon of which the difference between the

results was studied at the outset still remains complicated, but unanimous

explanations of the phenomenon of internationalization are not allowed.

Promotion Method:

Apple Inc. uses the promotion strategy. The organization is very involved in

the advertising events, and it uses some promotional plan method to guide

the interest of the target group in a timely fashion (Linde et al.,2011). The

company uses quick and constructive approaches to promote its brand by

showing all the products to its general buyers in order to recognize and enjoy

the products simultaneously, which are cheaper sales prices and discounts.

However, on the other hand, Apple Inc. products are specifically aimed at its

clients, in particular students from universities or college enrolled. Promoted

products are Mac Laptops, a free iPod would be sent to students who are

buying Mac Laptops, and other students have been noted to buy more

products from Apple Inc.

Localization and Evaluation:

Apple did not tailor the smartphone for features and looks. Thus, Apple

brings the concept of 'planet' to the purist extreme, with a solution that is

one-size-fits-all in all uniform architectural fields, with the same range for all

countries, without obvious adaptation, also known as localization, except for

power sources, prices and carrier requirements.

Apple has shops worldwide. Apple is tailored to one of the shops strictly and

follows a policy on customer care. This leads to insanity and loyalty, as local

employees associate customized with their clients. Also, the building style is

traditional. For instance, the Paris Apple Store is well suited to architectural

tastes of Parisians in a Haussmann-style house. "When a spot is chosen, it is

just a question of making sure that the shop has an appealing look that suits

the surroundings. It's about "going out on the highway" and seeing like the

local people feel."

Secondly, Apple selects carefully the countries in which they go business.

Indeed, Apple phones will be available in more than 115 countries by the end

of 2015 for the first time in iPhone history, making it the biggest iPhone

deployment ever. Speak about location! Talk about location! Apple could use

a one size approach with its devices all over the place, but this strategy

enables them to sell their phones in so many countries, as their phones are

subject to limited customization (Nyamekye and Tul,2020). However, their

technical local specifications are the region where they prefer


Third, in all 125 countries worldwide, the Apple ecommerce web site is purist

and standard in its translation and a reflection of the company. It looks and

sound the same irrespective of the nation in which you visit the website, but

it is highly personalized, trans created or checked by local copywriters in

local language (Axson,2012). In all Apple user guides and documents you see

the same good translation content while Apple's user-friendly interface style

makes the use of guides a little out of date.

Finally, Apple would not require the local population to customize its

products. Apple's community. This is how people always watch the product

online at Apple Shops. This is the environment. Apple is part of their hip,

chic, innovative, personal and stylish community. Community and clients are

built by Apple.


Finally, Apple Inc. has a long history of development. And it has achieved

some good development with long-term expansion. The different tactics have

played a large part in the fast and stable growth. The Corporation cannot

however ignore the influence factors such as culture in its policies. However,

the organization is difficult to retain its leading role in the computing

industry, so it must adopt and make good use of the right and appreciative
strategies. Consequently, Apple Inc.'s market growth will continue to be

consistent and stable and long-term.


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 Londhe, B.R., 2014. Marketing mix for next generation

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 Ricks, D.J. and Woods, T.A., 2016. Apple industry strategic planning

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 Tien, N.H., 2020. International distribution policy comparative analysis

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Marketing Management and Sales 2019, 1(2), pp.24-27.

 URL:

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