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Stage 2 Methods SAT5 Statistics

Question 1.
Show that the function f ( x )=−.25 x +.75 ; 0 ≤ x ≤2 is a valid probability density function for the
Random Variable Q.

Find the Mean of Q

Evaluate with Technology P ( x ≤ 1 )=

¿ P(1 ≤ x ) =

Make a Sketch of f(x)

From your diagram what is the “Mode” of Q

Use these to comment on the “shape” of the distribution

[6 marks]
Question 2.
A continuous random Variable Y has a valid probability density function
f ( x )=.04 x for 0 ≤ x ≤k Find the parameter k.

Hence or otherwise find the “median” of Y

[4 marks]
Question 3.
A continuous Random Variable X has the probability density function
f ( x )= ; 1≤ x ≤ 4

Find P( x ≤2) via an algebraic calculation

Use Technology to find the Mean and Variance of X

[4 marks]


Question 4.
The annual rainfall of a town has a normal distribution with a mean of 2500 mm and a standard deviation
of 300mm. If the random variable X represents the annual rainfall (mm) of the town.
X ~ N (2500 , 300 )
Draw a large and clear diagram to illustrate the normal distribution discussed above.
Attach both X and Z scales.



Determine the probability that in a particular year the rainfall will be:
a) less than 2000 mm;

b) at least 2700 mm;

c) between 2600 mm and 3000 mm.

d) 95% of these rainfall results would lie below what value ?

[5 marks]


Question 5.
The length of nails produced in a factory is normally distributed with a mean length of 5.00 cm and
standard deviation of 0.03 cm.
(a) What percentage of the total output will be between the limits of 4.93 cm and 5.02 cm?

(1 mark)

(b) If boxes of 1000 nails are produced, how many nails per box would be expected to be
greater than 5.04 cm in length?

(2 marks)

(c) If the bottom 5% of nails is rejected as being too small, what is the smallest acceptable

[1 mark)
(d) If the top 5% of nails is rejected as being too large, what is the maximum acceptable length?

Question 6
a) Janet scored 65% for French in an exam, where the mean was 60% and the standard deviation was
3%. She also scored 74% for Accounting, where the mean was 71% and the standard deviation was
2%. In which exam did she perform better?

b) Monthly rainfall is normally distributed with standard deviation of 12 mm. If the rainfall is less than
25 mm on 18% of months, calculate the mean monthly rainfall.


Question 7
The weight of breakfast cereals in packets is normally distributed with mean 760g and standard deviation
10g. The packets are labelled as containing 750g. If 12 boxes are placed in a carton, find the percentage of
cartons where average weight is less than the labelled value.

Let S12 be the distribution of the net weight of the Carton containing the twelve boxes. Find the mean and
standard deviation of S12.
Find P(S12< 12*750)

Question 8
Beef can be bought from two sources which we will call normal paddock fed and grain fed (a new approach).
Consumers wish to know if the protein content from both sources is the same or whether the grain fed beef has a
different protein content.
It is known that the mean and standard deviation protein content for normal paddock fed beef are 23.8 units and
5.7 units respectively.

40 samples of grain fed beef were randomly selected and the mean protein content was found to be 25.7 units (you
may assume  = 5.7 ). This sample is used to examine whether there is a difference in protein content from the two

a) Find a 95% confidence interval for the protein content of the grain fed beef.

b) Find a 90% confidence interval of the Grain fed Beef,


c) Growers from Grain Fed Beef Association (newly formed) claim that “on average grain fed beef contains at
least 7% more protein than paddock fed beef”. Is there claim justified? Give evidence.

Question 8
A large drill core is taken from the site of a protein zinc mine. The zinc content of the drill core is not distributed
evenly but occurs in small concentrated sections. To estimate the zinc content of this drill core, a small amount of
the drill core is sampled. To obtain a representative sample, the entire drill core is crushed into small fragments and
thoroughly mixed before a sample is taken. Suppose that the drill core has been crushed to form a large non-normal
population of fragments of approximately equal mass.

Let X be the zinc content of one such fragment (in grams per kilogram), with mean x = 11.7 and standard
deviation x = 10.9 .
Let X5 be the average zinc content of a sample of five randomly chosen fragments.

Two histograms, A and B, are shown below. One of the histograms corresponds to the distribution of X and the
other to the distribution of X5

a) State, giving reasons, which of the two histograms corresponds to the distribution of X5 .

b) Find the mean of X5 and the standard deviation of X5 .


c) Use the normal distribution to find an approximate value for P(X5  28)

d) Is the answer to part c) an underestimate or an overestimate of the exact value of P(X5  28) ?
Explain your answer with reference to the histogram

Suppose that the zinc content of a second drill core is estimated.

Let Yn be the average zinc content of a sample of n randomly chosen fragments from the second drill core.
Assume the distribution of Yn is approximately normal and that Y has a standard deviation of Y = 10.9 .
A geologist wants to claim, with 90% probability, that Yn is within ±2.5 grams per kilogram of the population
mean Y .

e) Find the minimum number of fragments, n, that should be sampled for this claim to be made.


That is about a Test length now try some other questions.
PDF questions
Question A1
Find the constant “k” Given that f ( x )=k (−x 2 +7 x+35) for 2 ≤ x ≤ 5 is a valid Probability density
function for the random variable X.

Question A2

Use Integral techniques to show that ∫ −cosx dx=1

However, explain why f (x)is not a valid probability density function for 0 ≤ x ≤ 2


Question A3
A continuous random variable W has a cubic for a probability density function
f ( x )= x ( x−3 ) ( x−6 ) 0 ≤ x ≤5

Use technology to calculate

P ¿)

P(2 ≤ w ≤3)

Use formula to calculate the Mean of this random Variable

Looking at the graph of

this PDF which displays a
positive Skew.

Would you expect the

Median to be Higher or Lower (or by calculating it)

What would be the Mode of W


Question A5
A continuous random Variable Y has a valid probability density function
f ( x )=.02 x for 0 ≤ x ≤ k Find the parameter k.

Hence or otherwise find the “median” of Y


Normal Distribution many ways to ask questions which may involve a graph or NCD or the
inverse Normal and perhaps multiplying to turn proportion into a quantity.
Question A6
Footsa is a social club open only to adults with large feet. To qualify for membership to
Footsa your right foot must be in the top 10 % of foot lengths for your gender. Footsa states
that the male population’s right foot length is normally distributed with a mean (μ) of 26.2
cm and a standard deviation () of 2.1 cm.
Tom’s right foot is 29.1 cm long.

a. Calculate the minimum right foot length for male members of Footsa.

b. Determine whether or not Tom qualifies for membership of Footsa.

c. What proportion of the adult male population qualifies for Footsa but have a right
foot smaller than Tom’s?

Using the estimate provided by FOOTSA

If 15,000 adult males attended a football match, how many of these would have feet larger
than 30cm.


Question A7 Find an Osffet probability:
If E is a normal distribution for chicken eggs such E~N(50g,5g)
a) Find P(x<60) and P(X<44)

b) If the bottom 5% are rejected what weight to they need to be larger than to be sold?

c) The packing Production needs to allocate the bottom 80% of the viable eggs to the
main line. What weight does the machine need when directing the larger eggs to a
separate line

Question A8 Use of Z Score or graphs to find Hidden Means/Standrd dev

The continuous random variable, X, is normally distributed with P(X < 56) = 0.8 .

(a) How many standard deviations from the mean is a score of 56?

(b) If the standard deviation of X is 4, find the mean of the distribution giving your
answer to one decimal place.


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