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Augustine came to Kent

The historical novel Augustine came to Kent by Barbara Willard presents an inspiring
account of Saint Augustine of Canterbury. In AD 597, Father Augustine and other monks
arrive in kent, Britian. A young boy, Wolf, recounts how the English people are in desperate
need of a spiritual leader, and how Augustine fulfills the need. While interacting with the
people in Kent, Augustine demonstrates a profound faith in God, charity and respect toward
the Christian queen and pagan king, and courage as he spreads the catholic faith in a pagan.

Augustine showed he had deep faith in God by: Baptizing people, converting people and
following his word! Augustine was a very good man he chose God over everything else! The
first thing that the expedition did, after landing in England, was to meet with the King of the
Angles. They soon baptized him, and received permission to begin the building of a church.
Wolf met many Angles, and in particular, a girl named Fritha, a little younger than him, and
they became friends. After a month or so, Wolf’s father sought permission to go and visit the
village in which he was born. During the journey, they meet Fritha, and her father. They are
fleeing an angry relative, who is furious at them for becoming Catholics. The father and
daughter accompany Wolf and his father to and back from his home Village.

Augustine is a very respectful man especially because he baptized the king, gave them
support and supported their country by teaching Catholicism. Messages and Years pass, with
Wolf working for the monks, and Fritha as one of the Queens ladies in waiting. Wolf asks
Fritha to marry him and she accepts. They are blessed by the fact that the church bestows
upon them a plot of land. The book evisiting this generous gift.

In Augustine came to Kent, Saint Augustine of Canterbury demonstrates his deep faith in
God, charity and respect toward the queen and the king, and incredible courage

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