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Crop Protection: Definitions
• 6. field of study that deals with facts, rules, and
procedures of protecting crops from the harmful
effects of some ecological, biotic and abiotic

• as a farm operation is an act or effect of

safeguarding crops from detrimental factors either
by preventing, controlling them or minimizing their
Disciplines in Crop Protection

• Entomology 1-4
• Plant Pathology
• Weed Science
• Nematology
• Integrated Pest Management
• Vertebrate Pest Control
Entomology- branch of zoology concerned with the
study of insects.

5. Plant Pathology – study of plant diseases and

their control.

Weed Science - the study of vegetation

management in agriculture, aquatics, horticulture,
right-of-way, essentially anywhere plants need to be
Nematology- scientific study of nematode worms.

Integrated Pest Management- is a strategy or plan that

utilizes various tactics or control methods (i.e. cultural, biological and
chemical means) in a harmonious and compatible way.

Vertebrate Pest- includes birds, mammals, or reptiles

that cause damage to agricultural crops.

Pest - an organism that causes economic or aesthetic

damage to humans or their property.
Role of Crop Protection in increasing food
• ever-growing world population expected to grow to
nearly 9 billion by 2050
• 20-40% of the world's potential crop production is
already lost annually because of the effects of pests
• crop protection products used in stored products can
also prolong the viable life of produce, prevent huge
post-harvest losses from pests and diseases, and
protect food -FUMIGATION
• The crop protection industry’s primary aim is to enable
farmers to grow an abundant supply of food in a safe
manner and prevent costs from increasing.
Etymology: Greek

• “Pathos” –suffering 7.
• “Logos” – to study
Plant pathology
The study of the organisms and environmental
factors that cause disease in plants;
of the mechanisms by which these factors induce
disease in plants;
and of the methods of preventing or controlling
disease and reducing the damage it causes.
The science and art of plant pathology
• As a science
▪ It looks into the characteristics of diseases, their
causes, plant-pathogen interactions, factors
affecting disease development in individual plants
and in populations and the various means of
controlling diseases.

▪ As an art
▪ Deals with application of the knowledge gained
from studying the science.
▪ Diagnosis, assessment, forecasting, control measures
Economic importance of plant diseases

▪ Plant disease epidemics caused human

sufferings, deaths and upheavals.
▪ Potato late blight disease – caused famine & death
in Ireland
▪ Coffee rust
▪ Cause economic losses
a. cadang-cadang of coconut
b. Downy mildew of corn
c. Rice tungro virus
d. Coffee rust
e. Citrus decline
Rice Tungro Virus

Coconut Cadang-cadang Potato Late Blight Disease

Coffee Rust

Citrus Decline

Corn Downy Mildew

Types of crop losses 8-10

1. Reduction in yield
▪ Leafspots/blights reduce photosynthetic capacity of
▪ Root pathogens
▪ Fruit rots and fruit spots – reduce quantity of
harvestable and marketable fruits
2. Deterioration during storage, marketing or
3. Reduction in quality
▪ Citrus fruits with scabs, moldy cereals, reduced strength
& undesirable discoloration in wood pulp, poor
germination of infected seeds
Types of crop losses

4. Losses due to contamination with toxins

▪ Aflatoxin- Apergillus flavus – carcinogenic to animals & man
▪ Found in: corn, sorghum, copra, root crops

▪ Ochratoxin – A. ochraceous – causes cancer of the liver

▪ Yellow rice toxins – from Penicillium spp. caused several deaths in


▪ Estrogenic factor in corn: produced by Fusarium graminarium;

causes testes of young male swine to have atrophy and uteri of
female pigs to enlarge and abort

▪ Fumonisins – Fusarium spp. in corn grains; caused esopahageal

cancer in man and toxic to animals like horses
Types of crop losses

5. Losses due to predisposition of host to attack

by other pathogens
▪ Nematode injuries on roots- port of entry for other pathogens
▪ Leaf pathogens weaken plants which can become a host susceptible to root-
rotting pathogens

6. Losses from increased cost of production and

▪ Cost of disease control
▪ Cost of culling disease commodities for marketing and
▪ Infected and stained wood chips need longer time to bleach
to obtain white paper product.
• Pathogen- any agent (biotic or abiotic) that
causes a disease.
• Parasite- is an organism which depends wholly or
partly on another living organism for its food. Most
parasites are pathogens.
• An obligate parasite is an organism that is
restricted to subsist on living organisms and
attacks only living tissues.
• Facultative parasite is an organism that may resort
to parasitic activity, but does not absolutely rely on
any host for completion of its life cycle.
• Saprophyte is an organism that lives on dead or
in organic matter.
• A facultative saprophyte – an organism which
has the ability to become saprophyte but is
ordinarily a parasite.
• Host - plant that is being attacked by a parasite.
• Suscept - a plant that is susceptible to a disease
whether or not the pathogen is parasitic.
• Pathogenicity- the capacity of a pathogen to
cause disease whereas pathogenesis refers to
disease development in the plant.

• Pathogenesis- disease development in plant

• Virulence- refers to the quantitative amount of
disease that an isolate of a given pathogen can
cause in a group of plants in terms of size of
lesions, for example.
• Aggressiveness – measures the rate at which
virulence is expressed by a given pathogenic
• Disease Resistance- the inherent ability of an
organism to overcome in any degree the effects of
a pathogen.

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