Warehouse Management Software (WMS) : Software Requirement Specification (SRS)

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Software Requirement Specification

Warehouse Management Software (WMS)

Software Requirement Specification (SRS)
Release-1 for RANGS Properties Limited

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Software Requirement Specification

Creation/ Modification History Record Card

Sl. Date Version Description Created/ Modified by Reviewed/Approved

01 24-Jul-12 1.0 Draft Preparation Koushik Mutsuddi
02 27-aug-12 modification Koushik Mutsuddi Ahsan Kabir
03 20-sep-12 Review Client

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Software Requirement Specification

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Software Requirement Specification


CWH Central Warehouse

Level Head Level head is a top level name of a Level. E.g. Rahim and Karim are executive.
Here ‘Executive’ is level head. Rahim and Karim is level detail name of
MBQ Minimum Base Quantity is defines as a quantity of an SKU for which the SKU
needs an urgent order to continue the inventory flow.
MQC Maximum Quantity Contains
ROL Reorder Level is defined as a minimum quantity of a SKU, for which the SKU
needs to reorder must - else inventory flow will block.
SKU Stock Keeping Unit
UOM Unit of Measurement
WMS Warehouse Management System
MPR Material Purchase Requisition
BOM Bill of Material

1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
This SRS describes the software features, functional and nonfunctional requirements for the
Warehouse Management System. Use case, functional requirement, prototype, output reports and
data dictionaries are uniquely identified by using business requirement id as prefix (i.e. BREQ1-UC1
as a use case id of business requirement BREQ1). This document is intended to be used by the
members of the project team that will implement and verify the correct functioning of the system.
Unless otherwise noted, all requirements specified here are high priorities and committed.

In this document all kind of non functional requirement will be added/modified and the use cases,
functional requirements, data dictionary, prototypes, output reports and business will be added
here. And also all documents history card will be updated here.

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Software Requirement Specification

1.2 Product Features

The following feature will be available in this software –

 Optimization of warehouse space.

 Reduction of loss and damage.

 Multiple warehouse handling.

 Better monitoring and control.

 Optimization of warehouse resources.

 Reduce cost and improve profitability.

 Useful information is given in pop-ups manner.

 Data can be exported in Excel format.

2. Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
Rangs Properties limited having a vast distribution network around the country. With an objective
of supporting its wide distribution network with high level of warehouse and logistic function it is
trying to implement its conventional warehouse management system to an efficient and human
error free automation system by using WMS.

Implementation of a warehouse management system along with automated data collection will
increase the accuracy, reduce the labor cost, and a greater ability to serve the customer by
reducing cycle time.

2.2 User Classes and Characteristics

User Classes Characteristics

Head of supply chain User will observe the warehouse working process and may see
various reports for the better management of warehouse.
ICMD manager User will configure the WMS. This user has authority to approve and
reject processes.
Warehouse Executive, Users will the process the data on WMS.
Site Storekeeper,
Site Engineer,
Project Engineer
Warehouse Employee User will follow the WMS instructions and manually operate the

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Software Requirement Specification

2.3 Operating Environment

1. The system shall operate with Internet Explorer (IE) 6.0 and higher.
2. The Pop-up blocker must be disabled to allow Pop-ups.
3. The system shall operate on a server that is running Internet Information Services 6 (IIS6)
4. Database should be SQL Server 2005/2008 with service pack 2
5. Windows XP for Workstation as a OS
6. Windows 2003 with service pack 2 for server as an application & database server.
7. Application Server: Two Processor Quad Core Xeon, 3 GHz, 12MB Cache per processor, 8 GB
DDR2 667MHz ECC RAM, 2 X 300 GB 15K RPM Hot plug SAS HDD with RAID 1 (Hardware),
Redundant Power Supply, Rack Mountable for Head office .
8. DB Server: Two Processor Quad Core Xeon, 3 GHz, 12MB Cache per processor, 8 GB DDR2
667MHz ECC RAM, 5 X 300 GB 15K RPM Hot plug SAS HDD with RAID 5 (Hardware),
Redundant Power Supply, Rack Mountable for Head office.

2.4 Design and Implementation constraints

1. .Net Frame work 3.5 as development tools and C# as programming language.
2. All HTML code conforms to the HTML 4.0 standard.
3. Page and control design code are written in CSS.
4. All the client side scripts are written in JavaScript.
5. ASP .NET 3.5 web controls are used in the system.
6. Crystal Report 11 R2, MS Excel 2000 or higher as a Reporting tools.

2.5 User Documentation

UD-1: User Manual will be provided to understand the functionalities and operations of each and
every component of the system.

2.6 Assumptions

Assump-1: The server(s) hosting WMS will be situated at Corporate Office, Dhaka.

Assump-2: The WMS application will be available to users through Intranet

Assump-3: Customer will ensure operating environment (as per section 6)

Assump-4: WMS system will implement in other warehouse in near future.

Assump-5: Likely integration with other Software

Assump-6: It is Designated persons’ responsibility to ensure the regular on-time Data entry
in WMS System,

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Software Requirement Specification

2.7 Dependencies

Dependency 1: Defined business process by customer

Dependency 2: Network bandwidth

3. Business Rules
Rule Id Rule Definition Type of Rule Static / Source
<<Constraint, Dynamic <<Corporate
Computation, ,
Fact, Action Regulation>>
Inferences >>
BREQ1-BR01 WMS will never delete the SKU Fact Static Organization
information. al Policy
BREQ2-BR1 Warehouse ID & Name should not be Fact Static Organization
duplicated. al Policy
BREQ2-BR2 Structure cannot be edited/deleted Fact Static Organization
until its details and itself is not being al Policy

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Software Requirement Specification

occupied by any SKU.

BREQ2-BR3 ID & Name cannot be duplicate in any Fact Static Organization
level of defining warehouse structure. al Policy
BREQ3-BR1. After approval of Requisition, it Fact Static Corporate
should not be edited or deleted.
BREQ3-BR2. Present Stock quantity calculation is Computation Static Corporate
as follows: Net cumulative received-
net cumulative issue.
BREQ3-BR3. SKU rate will be calculated in FIFO Fact Static Corporate
BREQ3-BR4. WMS will never delete the Receive Fact Static Organization
information. al Policy
BREQ3-BR5. After approval of Receive it should Fact Static Corporate
not be edited or deleted.
BREQ3-BR6. Receive date will always be equal to
Constraint Static Corporate
or greater than issue date.
BREQ3-BR7. Total Receive Qty cannot be greater
Constraint Static Corporate
than issue qty for each SKU.
BREQ3-BR8. Total Receive Qty will always be
Constraint Static Corporate
equal to or less than requisition qty.
BREQ4-BR1. Issue date cannot be smaller than
Constraint Static Corporate
issue date.
BREQ4-BR2. Issue Qty must be less or equal to
Constraint Static Corporate
requisition qty.
BREQ4-BR3. After approval of Issue it should not Fact Static Corporate
be edited or deleted.
BREQ4-BR4. Multiple issues can be done against a Fact Static Corporate
material requisition.
BREQ5-BR1 Scrap declaration information can’t Fact Static Organization
be edited or deleted after approval. al Policy
BREQ5-BR2 Scrap declaration information will be Fact Static Organization
declared only in the warehouse. al Policy
BREQ5-BR3 adjustment information can’t be Fact Static Organization
edited or deleted after approval al Policy
BREQ7-BR1 User information can’t be deleted Fact Static Organization
after creation. al Policy
BREQ7-BR2 User can set password with special Fact Static Organization
character. al Policy
BREQ7-BR3 Role information can’t be deleted Fact Static Organization
after creation. al Policy

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Software Requirement Specification

4. Common Functionalities
The functionality, that is common for all through the application are listed below.

4.1 Common

Following Scenario is common throughout the application.

System Fails In case of any system failure, data recovery must be ensured from any
transactions state.
Mandatory Field Systems check the mandatory field.
Mandatory Field System marks the mandatory field with red color and mentioning “Required”
remark (MA-2) at the right side of the field.
System Generated Code must be as follows-
ID First 3 digits will be depot CODE then a dash (‘-’) then next 4 digit stands for
year and month then a dash (‘-’) and last 4 digit stands for number of entry
for that particular transaction in current month within that depot+1.
Let, depot Code = 001
Current month & Year (MMYY)= 0109(2009 January)
Last Number of entry for that particular transaction generated by the depot in
this month = 1233
So the Code will be =001-0901-1234
For every new month it will start from first again. That is for next month first
requisition Code will be = 001-0902-0001
Reference of Auto number
SKU ID,BOM ID, Requisition ID, Issue ID, Receive ID, Adjustment ID
WMS will notify that user is online or offline.
Numeric Field System will capture 3 digits for every numeric field except the Cost (delivery).
CrUD Log System will capture all activity of data insert, modification, delete etc.
System will track the PC name and IP address of the users.
Activity Log System will capture all activity i.e. which menu, report, button accessed by
the user. System will track the PC name and IP address of the users.
Warehouse Name Warehouse name in the system might be shown in a Level box. Not in text

Functional Requirement

Followings are the common functional requirement of the WMS system

ID Name Description

BREQ0.0-FR1 System
B failure. System reconstructs prior states. System detects anomalies
States preventing recovery. System show the message “Recovery
fails” (MA-26) records the error, and enters a clean state.

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BREQ0.0-FR2 Mandatory Field Systems check the mandatory field and provide the following
checking message “Mandatory field(s) required” (MA-1).
BREQ0.0-FR3 Mandatory Field System marks the mandatory field with red color and
remark mentioning “Required” (MA-2) at the right side of the field.
BREQ0.0-FR4 System Generated ID System will generate auto number format
Let, depot Code = 001
Current month & Year (MMYY)= 0109(2009 January)
Last Number of entry for that particular transaction
generated by the depot in this month = 1233
So the Code will be =001-0109-1234
For every new month it will start from first again. That is for
next month first requisition Code will be = 001-0209-0001
BREQ0.0-FR5 Online/Offline Status WMS will notify its user whether he is online or offline but a
status bar.
BREQ0.0-FR6 Numeric Field System will capture 3 digits for every numeric field except the
Cost (delivery). Numeric field of the cost will be 2 digits and
BREQ0.0-FR7 Same ID/ Name System will show all information to that corresponding
BREQ0.0-FR8 CrUD Log System will capture all activity of an user i.e. insert, update,
delete etc. with log of previous data, current data, history,
user name, ID, date etc.
BREQ0.0-FR9 Activity Log System will capture all activity of a user i.e. menu, report,
button accessed by the user.

4.2 Message and Alerts

Following table is define the common message and alerts of the WMS system

ID Message Description Ref

MA-1 Mandatory field(s) required
MA-2 Required
MA-3 Please enter the required field.
MA-4 Data imported Successfully.
MA-5 Warehouse list is empty. Please enter a warehouse first.
MA-6 Do you want to save changes?
MA-7 Unprocessed SKU list is empty
MA-8 Warehouse category list is empty
MA-9 Country list is empty
MA-10 Division list is empty
MA-11 District list is empty

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MA-12 No data found using the searching criteria.

MA-13 Please select at least one transaction
MA-14 Data save successfully
MA-15 Same warehouse ID already exists
MA-16 Same warehouse name already exists
MA-17 Are you sure you want to delete the data?
MA-18 Data has been deleted successfully
MA-19 No warehouse structured defined.
MA-20 It is being used by another application. You can’t delete.
MA-21 Same Duplicate Level Head Name does not allow in the same warehouse. Please
enter other name
MA-22 **Level Head information is not available. Please enter level head information
MA-23 SKU list is empty.
MA-24 This location already assign for this SKU you selected, Please select another
MA-25 Warehouse location list is empty
MA-26 Recovery fails. **Data cannot be saved.
MA-27 This is not a product level location. Please select product level location
MA-28 Receive quantity and accumulate batch quantity are not equal
MA-29 Line item deleted successfully.
MA-30 Challan quantity cannot be greater than remaining quantity.
MA-31 Status Change Quantity must be less than or equal to holding quantity
MA-32 Same item status does not get any value. Please select another status.
MA-33 Reason list is empty
MA-34 Adjust Quantity must be less than or equal to holding quantity

5. Use Case, Functional Requirement, Prototype & Report

5.1 BREQ1-UC01: Profiling SKU
Use Case

Use Case ID: BREQ1-UC01

Priority: High
Use Case Title: Profiling SKU
Author: Koushik Mutsuddi
Source: Md. Jaglul Haider, AGM, Rangs Properties Limited
BREQ1, TM_Scope_Statement.doc(Section 2.3)
Creation Date: August 12, 2012
Primary Actor: Warehouse Executive

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Secondary Actor(s): Warehouse Manager, ICMD Manager

Frequency of For the first time it will use frequently and after that it will use based on new
Execution: SKU incorporation.
Scalability: Multiple Instance
Stakeholders and  Administration/ Management: Wants to monitor or view or change or
Interests: delete information of the warehouse SKU information.
 Warehouse Manager: Wants to view their warehouse SKU list, details etc.
S/he can create, change and delete SKU profile.
 Warehouse Executive: can view SKU details information.

Brief Description: Warehouse needs to handle SKU in their daily activity. We need to profile SKU
for day-to-day warehouse operations.
Pre-Conditions:  User should be authentic and authorized.
Basic flow of events: 1. User starts new SKU profiling.
2. System shows the following information -
 SKU Name
 Country of Origin
 Brand Name
 Item Category
 Item Sub-Category
 Active Status
 Item UOM
 Manufacturer
 Capacity
 Strength
 Model
 Type
 Width
 Length
 Size
3. User inputs the information.
4. User request to preserve all the information.
5. System checks the mandatory fields and preserves the information.

Alternative Flows: User may edit the SKU profile at any time.
1. User requests the SKU from list to edit.
2. System presents the information.
3. User changes the information and request to preserve.
4. System validates the information and preserves the information.
User may not able to delete the SKU profile at any time (BREQ1-BR01).

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Post-Conditions: If the use case was successful, then the following activity should be
1. SKU master information should be captured.
2. SKU profiling information should be captured.
3. SKU should be available for WMS operation.
4. Record the transactions in transaction log at the time of access,
entry, modify and delete.
Business Rule(s): BREQ1-BR01
Exception: None
Open Issue None
Remarks: None

Functional Requirement(s)

ID Name Description

B List. Searching System shall allow user to view the SKU list with the following
Criteria searching criteria-
 SKU ID Name
 SKU Category
 SKU Sub-category
 Brand name
 Country of origin
 Active Status (All, Active and Inactive)
BREQ1-FR2 SKU List. SKU ID- System shall allow user to select active SKU ID-Name from a
Name List & popup list which contains the following searching criteria-
default value  SKU ID
 SKU Name
System shall set null as default value which means all.
BREQ1-FR3 SKU List. Category System shall allow user to select category from a list which list
List & default value generates based on category master data. System shall set null
as default value which means all.
BREQ1-FR4 SKU List. Sub- System shall allow user to select sub-category from a list which
category List & list generates based on sub-category master data. System shall
default value set null as default value which means all.
BREQ1-FR5 SKU List. Brand List System shall allow user to select brand name from a list which
& default value list generates based on brand information master data. System
shall set null as default value which means all.
BREQ1-FR6 SKU List. Country System shall allow user to select country of origin from a list
of origin list & which list generates based on country of origin information
default value master data. System shall set null as default value which
means all.

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BREQ1-FR7 SKU List. active System shall allow user to select process status form list which
status & default values are-
value  All
 Active
System shall set “All” as default value
BREQ1-FR8 SKU List. no data System shall show a message to user “No data found using the
found searching criteria.” (MA-12)
BREQ1-FR9 SKU Profile. SKU ID System will auto generate the SKU ID while save.

BREQ1-FR10 SKU Profile. System shall automatically check the mandatory fields and
Mandatory inform user through message “Please enter the required field.”
validation (MA-3)
BREQ1-FR11 SKU Profile. System shall allow user to preserve the information followed by
Capture a message “Data save successfully” (MA-14)
BREQ1-FR12 SKU Profile. Delete System shall not allow user to delete the SKU information. See


BREQ1-PT01: SKU List

BREQ1-PT02: SKU Profile

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Warehouse Management System

|SKU Profile| User Name||Logout||

SKU Basic Information

[Auto] SKU Name

SKU Category SKU Sub-Category

Brand Name Country of Origin

UOM ...
* Capacity

Manufacturer Model Type

Size Length Meter Width Meter Strength

SKU Status Select from List Scrap

Save Clear Close

Designed & Developed by

Output Report(s)

Report Description

Report ID WMS-OR-01
Report Name Individual SKU Profile
User ICMD Manager
Purpose To view SKU Profile information
Page Size A4 Letter Legal
Page Portrait Landscape
Search by a) Item ID
b) Item Name
Group by a) Item ID
Sort by None
Sorting Order Ascending Descending None

Presentation Format

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Report Description

Report ID WMS-OR-02
Report Name SKU List
Purpose All SKU report
Page Size A4 Letter Legal
Page Orientation Portrait Landscape
Search by a) Item Category
b) Item Sub-Category
c) Brand name
d) Country of origin
e) Active status
Group by a) Item category
Sort by a) Item ID
b) Item Name
Sorting Order Ascending Descending None


Total Item :
Total Category : Total :
Total Item Brand : Total :

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Software Requirement Specification

Functional Requirement(s)

ID Name Description

RFR1 Total Item Count the number of Items

RFR2 Total Category Count the number of category

RFR3 Total Sub-Category Count the number of Sub-Category

RFR4 Total Item Brand Count the number of Item Brand

RFR5 Total Item Type Count the number of Item Type

5.2 BREQ2-UC01: Creating Warehouse

Use Case

Use Case ID: BREQ2-UC01

Priority: High
Use Case Title: Creating Warehouse
Author: Koushik Mutsuddi
Source: Md. Jaglul Haider, AGM, Rangs Properties Limited
BREQ2, TM_Scope_Statement.doc
Creation Date: August 22, 2012
Primary Actor: ICMD Manager, Warehouse Manager
Secondary Actor(s): None
Frequency of Execution:  First time on deployment of WMS for all existing site stores and
 Whenever a new project initiates.
Scalability: Only one Instance at a time
Stakeholders and  Administration/ Management: Will monitor or view of the
Interests: warehouse physical structure.
 ICMD Manager: Will monitor or view or change information of the
warehouse physical structure.
 Warehouse Executive: Can view warehouse physical structure.

Brief Description: Different types of SKU’s are maintained in a place which is known as

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warehouse or site stores. To work with the warehouse, warehouse

information should be captured in the system with location information.
Pre-Conditions:  User should be authenticated and authorized.
 Country information should be available.
 Division information should be available.
 District information should be available.
 Warehouse category information should be available.
Basic flow of events: 1. User starts new warehouse creation.
2. User enters the necessary information
 Warehouse ID
 Warehouse Name
 Warehouse Address (Address, District, Division, Country)
 Warehouse contact number
 Warehouse In-charge Name
 Contact Number
3. User selects a warehouse category from list.
4. User selects a country from list.
5. User selects a division from list.
6. User selects a district from list.
7. User request to preserve the information.
8. System checks the mandatory information and preserves the
9. User request to view the list of warehouse.
Alternative Flows: 3a. System may show the empty list of warehouse category.
1. System shows the message informing “warehouse category list is
empty” (MA-8).
2. User acknowledges the message.
3. System shall ensure the smooth operation.
4a. System may show the empty list of country.
1. System shows the message informing “Country list is empty”
2. User acknowledges the message.
3. System shall ensure the smooth operation
5a. System may show the empty list of division.
1. System shows the message informing “Division list is empty”
2. User acknowledges the message.
3. System shall ensure the smooth operation.
6a. System may show the empty list of district.
1. System shows the message informing “District list is empty” (MA-
2. User acknowledges the message.
3. System shall ensure the smooth operation.
*b. User may modify/delete the warehouse information-

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1. User may request the list of warehouses.

1a. Empty List-
1. User may request the list of warehouse.
2. For the very first time system shows the list page empty
with message “Warehouse list is empty. Please enter a
warehouse first.” (MA-5)
3. User acknowledges the message.
4. System allows Logistics Manager to continue smooth
2. System shows the list of warehouse.
3. User may modify the warehouse information by clicking
3a. User may delete the warehouse information by clicking a
link named “Delete”.
3a.a. System disables the “Delete” if the warehouse
information used by any other reason or section.
4. System redirects the page and shows the warehouse information
to the user.
4a. Delete Warehouse
1. System shows the message “Are you sure! You want to
delete the data?” (MA-18) with two choices.
2. User confirming the deletion of warehouse information
by clicking “Yes”
2a. User deny the deletion of warehouse information by
clicking “No”
3. System deletes the data confirming that “Data has been
deleted successfully” (MA-19).
4. User acknowledges the confirmation.
5. System deletes the data.
5. User changes the information and requests the modification.
6. System executes step 8 of basic flow of events.
Post-Conditions:  Warehouse information is saved.
 Record the transactions in transaction log at the time of access,
entry, modify and delete.
 Warehouse will be available for Leveling.
Business Rule(s): BREQ2-BR1
Exception: None
Open Issue None
Remarks: None

Functional Requirement(s)

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ID Name Description

BREQ2-FR1 Country.
B Code System shall auto generate the district Code and it will be as
per the given list by RPL.
BREQ2-FR2 Country. Clear System shall allow user to clear the page at any time of
entry and ready for new entry. If it changes the prior state
to another state then show message to the user that is “Do
you want to save changes?” (MA-6)
BREQ2-FR3 Country. Save System shall allow user to save the country information with
mandatory fields. If any mandatory field is missing then
system shall inform it to user through message.
BREQ2-FR4 Country. List System shall show a list of country to the user.

BREQ2-FR5 Country. System shall allow user to modify/update the country

Modify/update information from list.
BREQ2-FR6 Country. Delete System shall allow user to delete the country information if
it is not being used by any application. If it is used by any
application then system shows “It is being used by another
application. You can’t delete.” (MA-20)
BREQ2-FR7 Division. Select System shall allow user to select the country information
country from list. If the list is empty then it shows the message
“Country list is empty!” (MA-9); System shall allow user to
acknowledge the message and continue the smooth
BREQ2-FR8 Division. Code System shall auto generate the division Code and it will be as
per the given list by RPL.
BREQ2-FR9 Division. Clear System shall allow user to clear the page at any time of
entry and ready for new entry. If it changes the prior state
to another state then show message to the user that is “Do
you want to save changes?” (MA-6)
BREQ2-FR10 Division. Save System shall allow user to save the district information with
mandatory fields. If any mandatory field is missing then
system shall inform it to user through message.
BREQ2-FR11 Division. List System shall show a list of district to the user.

BREQ2-FR12 Division. System shall allow user to modify/update the district

Modify/update information from list.
BREQ2-FR13 Division. Delete System shall allow user to delete the district information if it
is not being used by any application. If it is used by any
application then system shows “It is being used by another
application. You can’t delete.” (MA-20)
BREQ2-FR14 District. Select System shall allow user to select the country information
country from list. If the list is empty then it shows the message
“Country list is empty!” (MA-9); System shall allow user to
acknowledge the message and continue the smooth
BREQ2-FR15 District. Select System shall allow user to select the division information
division from list according to selected country information. If the

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list is empty then it shows the message “Country list is

empty!” (MA-9); System shall allow user to acknowledge the
message and continue the smooth operation.
BREQ2-FR16 District. Code System shall auto generate the district Code and it will be as
per the given list by RPL.
BREQ2-FR17 District. Clear System shall allow user to clear the page at any time of
entry and ready for new entry. If it changes the prior state
to another state then show message to the user that is “Do
you want to save changes?” (MA-6)
BREQ2-FR18 District. Save System shall allow user to save the district information with
mandatory fields. If any mandatory field is missing then
system shall inform it to user through message.
BREQ2-FR19 District. List System shall show a list of district to the user.

BREQ2-FR20 District. System shall allow user to modify/update the district

Modify/update information from list.
BREQ2-FR21 District. Delete System shall allow user to delete the district information if it
is not being used by any application. If it is used by any
application then system shows “It is being used by another
application. You can’t delete.” (MA-20)
BREQ2-FR22 Warehouse Category. System shall auto generate the Warehouse Category code
Code and it will be an auto incremented value.
BREQ2-FR23 Warehouse Category. System shall allow user to clear the page at any time of
Clear entry and ready for new entry. If it changes the prior state
to another state then show message to the user that is “Do
you want to save changes?” (MA-6)
BREQ2-FR24 Warehouse Category. System shall allow user to save the Warehouse Category
Save information with mandatory fields. If any mandatory field is
missing then system shall inform it to user through message.
BREQ2-FR25 Warehouse Category. System shall show a list of Warehouse Category to the user.
BREQ2-FR26 Warehouse Category. System shall allow user to modify/update the Warehouse
Modify/update Category information from list.
BREQ2-FR27 Warehouse Category. System shall allow user to delete the Warehouse Category
Delete information if it is not being used by any application. If it is
used by any application then system shows “It is being used
by another application. You can’t delete.”(MA-20)
BREQ2-FR28 Warehouse System shall allow user to enter the new warehouse
Information. New information.
BREQ2-FR29 Warehouse System shall allow user to select the warehouse category
Information. Select information from list. If the list is empty then it shows the
warehouse category message “Warehouse category List is empty!” (MA-5); System
shall allow user to acknowledge the message and continue
the smooth operation.
BREQ2-FR30 Warehouse System shall allow user to select the country information
Information. Select from list. If the list is empty then it shows the message
country “Country List is empty!” (MA-9); System shall allow user to

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acknowledge the message and continue the smooth

BREQ2-FR31 Warehouse System shall allow user to select the division information
Information. Select from list according to selected country. If the list is empty
division then it shows the message “Division list is empty!” (MA10);
System shall allow user to acknowledge the message and
continue the smooth operation.
BREQ2-FR32 Warehouse System shall allow user to select the district information
Information. Select from list according to selected division. If the list is empty
district then it shows the message “District list is empty!” (MA11);
System shall allow user to acknowledge the message and
continue the smooth operation.
BREQ2-FR33 Warehouse System shall inform user for the following mandatory field
Information. through “Mandatory field(s) required” (MA1) message-
Mandatory field a. Warehouse ID.
validation b. Warehouse Name.
c. warehouse category
d. Warehouse Address.
e. Country
f. Division
g. District
h. Warehouse In-charge Name
System allow user to acknowledge the message. System also
marks the mandatory field with red color.
BREQ2-FR34 Warehouse System shall allow user to save the information with all
Information. Save mandatory field. If any mandatory field missing then system
shall inform it to user through message. After successfully
save system shall show message to the user that “Data saved
successfully.” (MA14) And system shall allow user to
acknowledge the message.
BREQ2-FR35 Warehouse System shall show the list of warehouse to the user.
Information. List


BREQ2-PT01: Country Information

22 | 91
Software Requirement Specification


Warehouse Management System

|Country Information| User Name||Logout||

Country Info
Country ID Auto
Country Name Bangladesh
Short Name BD

Save Clear Exit

Country List

Code Country Name

1001 Bangladesh Edit Delete
1002 India Edit Delete
1003 China Edit Delete
1004 S.Korea Edit Delete

Designed &
Developed by

BREQ2-PT02: Division Information


Warehouse Management System

|Division Information| User Name||Logout||

Division Info

Country Bangladesh *

Division Code Auto

Division Name Dhaka

Short Name Dhk *

Save Clear Exit

Division List

Code Division Name

01 Dhaka Edit Delete
02 Rajsahi Edit Delete
03 Khulna Edit Delete
04 Josshore Edit Delete

Designed &
Developed by

BREQ2-PT03: District Information

23 | 91
Software Requirement Specification


Warehouse Management System

|District Information| User Name||Logout||

District Info

Country Bangladesh *

Division Dhaka *

District Code Auto

District Name Manikgonj *

Short Name Mnkgnj *

Save Clear Exit

District List

Code District Name

01 Dhaka Edit Delete
02 Tangail Edit Delete
03 Mymansing Edit Delete
04 Gazipur Edit Delete

Designed &
Developed by

BREQ2-PT04: Warehouse Type/Category Information


Warehouse Management System

|Warehouse Type/Category Information| User Name||Logout||

Warehouse Type/Category Info

Type/Category Code Auto
Type/Category Name Central

Save Clear Exit

Type/Category List
Code Type/Category Name
1001 Central Edit Delete
1002 Depot Edit Delete

Designed &
Developed by

BREQ2-PT05: Warehouse Information

24 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

BREQ2-PT06: Warehouse List


Warehouse Management System

|Warehouse List| User Name||Logout||

Warehouse List
WH ID WH Name WH Type
001 RPL Warehouse Central Edit Delete
Edit Delete

Add New Warehouse

Designed &
Developed by

5.3 BREQ2-UC02: Warehouse Structuring

Use Case

Use Case ID: BREQ2-UC02

25 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

Priority: High
Use Case Title: Warehouse Structuring
Author: Koushik Mutsuddi
Source: Md. Jaglul Haider, AGM, Rangs Properties Limited
BREQ2, TM_Scope_Statement.doc
Creation Date: August 22, 2012
Primary Actor: ICMD Manager
Secondary Actor(s): None
Frequency of Execution:  First time on deployment of WMS for all existing site stores and
 Whenever a new project initiates.
Scalability: Only one Instance at a time
Stakeholders and  Administration/ Management: Will monitor or view of the warehouse
Interests: physical structure.
 ICMD Manager: Will monitor or view or change information of the
warehouse physical structure.
 Warehouse Executive: Can view warehouse physical structure.

Brief Description: Different types of product are maintained in warehouse. To handle the
total activity efficiently in warehouse its structure is dynamically set in a
well defined manner. Such as various space of warehouse named as
ROOM-01, ROOM-02 and inside the room there are many shelf which also
has unique identity. This way warehouse is structured up to lower unit
which will make easy to identify the location of product in an organized
way. Example-
 Room
 Bay
 Rack
 Palette
Product Level: If any detail level is product level and then it will not
possible to create its details, it means user cannot create any child
level. Product level also defined as the level where the product will be
If any detail level is not product level it is possible to create its child
Pre-Conditions:  User should be authenticated and authorized.
 Warehouse information should be available.
 Warehouse head information should be available.
Basic flow of events: 1. User starts warehouse profiling.
2. User selects the tree node as parent node under which structure
need to define.
3. System presents the level head and parent name information.
4. User enters the detail level name and sorting order.
5. User checks if the detail level is product level.
6. User checks stock in or out locked status if s/he wants to lock in or
out movement of stock from this level of warehouse.
7. User request to preserve the information.

26 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

8. System checks the mandatory fields and preserves the information.

Alternative Flows: 8a. Mandatory fields checking-

1. System checks the mandatory field and provide the following

message “Mandatory field(s) required” (MA-1)-

a. level detail name

b. sorting order

2. User acknowledges the message.

3. System marks the mandatory field with red color as “Required”


4. User adds the mandatory information according to marking.

System repeats step 1-4 until validate.

5. System shows a message “Data Save Successfully” (MA-14) and

preserves the information, record the transaction log and wait in a
new state.

*b. User may modify/delete the warehouse structure information


1. User may request the list of warehouses structure.

1a. Empty List-

1. User may request the list of warehouse.

2. For the very first time system shows the list page empty
with message “No structured entered.” (MA-20).

3. User acknowledges the message.

4. System allows user to continue smooth operation.

2. System shows the list of warehouse structure.

3. User may modify the warehouse structure information (BREQ2.1-


3a. User may delete the warehouse structure information


4. System redirects the page and shows the warehouse structure

information to the user.

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Software Requirement Specification

4a. Delete Warehouse structure (BREQ2-BR2)-

1. System shows the message “Are you sure! You want to delete
the data?” (MA-18) with two choices.

2. User confirming the deletion of warehouse information by

clicking “Yes”

2a. User deny the deletion of warehouse information by

clicking “No”

3. System deletes the data confirming that “Data has been

deleted successfully” (MA-19).

4. User acknowledges the confirmation.

5. System deletes the data.

5. User changes the information and requests the modification.

6. System executes step 7 of basic flow of events.

Post-Conditions:  Warehouse structure information is captured.

 Record the transactions in transaction log at the time of access,
entry, modify and delete.
 Warehouse structure should be available for Put List Configuration
and other warehouse activity.
Business Rule(s): BREQ2-BR2, BREQ2-BR3
Exception: *a. At any time system may fails:
To support recovery, ensure all transactions state and events can be
recovered from any step of the scenario.
1. User restart/login and recovery the prior states from the system.
2. System reconstructs prior states.
2a. System detects anomalies preventing recovery

1. System show the message of recovery fails, record the

error, and enters a clean state.
2. User starts new warehouse structures define.
*b. System shows the message on change of state

Open Issue None

Remarks: None

Functional Requirement(s)

ID Name Description

BREQ2-FR36 Warehouse
B Level System shall allow user to select warehouse from system
Head. Select generated warehouse list. If list is empty then system shall

28 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

Warehouse show a message “Warehouse list is empty. Please enter a

warehouse first.” (MA-5) And system shall allow user to
acknowledge the message.
BREQ2-FR37 Warehouse Level System shall not allow user to enter same level head name
Head. Validate within the same warehouse. System shall show the level head
Duplicate Name information.
BREQ2-FR38 Warehouse Level System shall allow user to validate the mandatory fields with
Head. Validate message “Please enter the required value.” (MA-3) And
Mandatory system shall allow user to acknowledge the message.
Mandatory fields are-
a. Warehouse Name
b. Level Head Name
c. Sorting Order
BREQ2-FR39 Warehouse Level System shall allow user to capture the information with
Head. Capture message “Data Saved Successfully” (MA-14) and also allow
information user to acknowledge the message.
BREQ2-FR40 Warehouse Level System shall show a list of level head information after
Head. List selecting the warehouse name if available.
BREQ2-FR41 Warehouse Level System shall allow user to change the level head information
Head. Change from list until its detail information is not captured. If the
information detail information is captured then system should allow
changing the name of the level head only.
BREQ2-FR42 Warehouse Level System shall allow user to remove the level head information
Head. Remove from list until its detail information is not captured.
BREQ2-FR43 Warehouse Level System shall allow user to select a warehouse name from a
Details. Select warehouse list. System shall show a message “Warehouse list
Warehouse Name is empty. Please enter a warehouse first.” (MA-5). If the list
is empty. System shall also allow user to acknowledge the
BREQ2-FR44 Warehouse Level System shall allow user to select a parent from a Parent list
Details. Select (viewed as tree fashion). The top most entry of this list is the
Parent Level warehouse name. I.e. if we want to enter the 1 st level of
warehouse then the parent will be warehouse itself and
system shows the 1st level of warehouse level head name.
BREQ2-FR45 Warehouse Level System shall validate the availability of level head
Details. Validate information. If the level head information is not available
Availability of Level then system shall show a message “Level Head information is
Head not available. Please enter level head information first.” (MA-

29 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

22) And system allow user to acknowledge the message.

BREQ2-FR46 Warehouse Level System shall not allow user to enter same level name within
Details. Validate the same warehouse. System shall show a message “Same
duplicate ID Level ID does not allow in the same warehouse. Please enter
other ID” (MA-22) and system shall also allow user to
acknowledge the message.
BREQ2-FR47 Warehouse Level System shall not allow user to enter same level name within
Details. Validate the same warehouse. System shall show warehouse level
duplicate Name details of that particular ID.
BREQ2-FR48 Warehouse Level System shall uncheck the product level by default and if
Details. Product level product level is unchecked then system shall not allow user to
enter the information in the following product level
a. Length
b. Height
c. Width
d. Weight Capacity
e. Level High
If product level is checked then System shall allow user to
enter all the above which are mandatory.
BREQ2-FR49 Warehouse Level System shall allow user to validate the mandatory fields with
Head. Validate message “Please enter the required value.” (MA-3) And
Mandatory system shall allow user to acknowledge the message.
Mandatory fields are-
a. Warehouse Name
b. Parent Level
c. Level Head
d. Level ID,
e. Level Name
If product level is checked then following also-
f. a. Length
g. Height
h. Width
i. Weight Capacity
j. Level High
BREQ2-FR50 Warehouse Level System shall allow user to capture the information with
Details. Capture message “Data Saved Successfully” (MA-14) and also allow
information user to acknowledge the message.
BREQ2-FR51 Warehouse Level System shall show a list of level information after selecting
Details. List the warehouse name and parent level if available.

30 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

BREQ2-FR52 Warehouse Level System shall allow user to change the level details
Details. Change information from list until it is not being used by others or
information occupied by any SKU. To change the information user need to
remove the usages and unoccupied the level details. If
dependencies found then system shall show a message “It is
being used by another application. You can’t delete.” (MA-
20) And also allow user to acknowledge the message.
BREQ2-FR53 Warehouse Level System shall allow user to remove the level detail information
Details. Remove from list until it is not being used by others or occupied by
information any SKU. To remove the information user need to remove the
usages and unoccupied the level details. If dependencies
found then system shall show a message “It is being used by
another application. You can’t delete.” (MA-20) And also
allow user to acknowledge the message.


BREQ2-PT07: Warehouse Level Head

31 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

BREQ2-PT08: Warehouse Level Details

Output Report(s)

Report Description

Report Description

Report ID WMS-OR-03
Report Name Warehouse profile Report
Purpose To view warehouse structure
Page Size A4 Letter Legal
Page Orientation Portrait Landscape
Search by a) Warehouse Name
Group by a) None
Sort by a) None
Sorting Order Ascending Descending None
Presentation Format

32 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

Report Description

Report ID WMS-OR-04
Report Name Warehouse Structure Wise Stock Report
Page Size A4 Letter Legal
Page Orientation Portrait Landscape
Search by SKU ID
Group by a) Warehouse Name
c) SKU Name
Sort by a) SKU ID
Sorting Order Ascending Descending None

Presentation Format

33 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

Warehouse Structure Wise Stock Report

Warehouse Name :
SKU ID : SKU Name :

Sl. Location Stock Quantity Available

No. Quantity

Total Quantity:

Report Description

Report ID WMS-OR-05
Report Name Warehouse Wise Product Movement Report
Purpose To check item wise store ledger
Page Size A4 Letter Legal
Page Portrait Landscape
Search by a) SKU ID
b) Location
c) Date Range
Group by a) SKU ID
b) SKU Name
Sort by a) Date
Sorting Order Ascending Descending None

Presentation Format

34 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

Report Description

Report ID WMS-OR-06
Report Name Daily Stock Report
Page Size A4 Letter Legal
Page Portrait Landscape
Search by a) Product Code
b) Depot Name
c) Date
Group by a) Inventory Type
b) Depot Name
c) Date
Sort by a) Product Code
Sorting Order Ascending Descending None

35 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

Presentation Format

Daily Stock Ledger Sheet

Warehouse Name :
Date :
Produ Item UOM Total Minimum Openin Stock In Stock Out Closing Qty
Sl. ct Name estimated Stock g Stock Receive Receive Receive Return Issue Issue to Adjustmen
No Code Qty Qty From from other from site Qty Qty other t
. Procure site purchase site Qty
1 GP GP PCs 1000 100 150 5 15 0 0 5 0 0 165
Sheet Sheet

Prepared By In-Charge Authorized Signature

ID Name Description

RFR1 Closing Qty Closing Qty = Opening Stock + (Receive from procurement+
Receive from other site+ Receive from site purchase + return
Qty) – (Issue Qty+ Issue to other site + Adjustment Qty)

36 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

Report Description

Report ID WMS-OR-07
Report Name SKU wise Periodic Stock Report
Page Size A4 Letter Legal
Page Orientation Portrait Landscape
Search by a) SKU ID
b) SKU Name
c) Date (Periodic)
Group by a) SKU ID
Sort by a) Date
Sorting Order Ascending Descending None

Presentation Format

SKU wise Periodically Stock Sheet

SKU ID : SKU Name :
Date From : Date To :
Date Opening Receive Delivery Closing
Balance Balance

Prepared By In-Charge Authorized Signature

ID Name Description

RFR6 Closing Balance Closing Balance = Opening balance + (Receive - Delivery)

37 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

5.4 BREQ3-UC01: Prepare BOM

Use Case ID: BREQ3-UC01
Priority: High
Use Case Title: Prepare BOM
Author: Koushik Mutsuddi
Source: Md. Jaglul Haider, AGM, RPL

Creation Date: August 23, 2012

Primary Actor: Construction Management Department Executive
Secondary Actor(s): Site Engineer/Project engineer
Frequency of On an average 10 daily
Scalability: Multiple instance
Stakeholders and  Administration/ Management: will monitor various Budgeting reports.
Interests:  Construction Management Department Executive: will request WMS to
capture data for BOM.
 Project engineer/Site Engineer: can view and approve BOM.
Brief Description: A bill of material (BOM) is a list of the raw materials and the quantities of
each needed to manufacture an end product. In RANGS Properties Ltd, when a
new site starts, the construction management department (CMD) makes a
preliminary estimation of the total raw materials needed, which is called Bill
of Material (BOM). A bill of material can be revised several times. Each
revised BOM should be saved with version no.

Pre-Conditions:  User should be authentic and authorized.

 SKU profiling should be available
 Warehouse or site store configuration should be available.
Basic flow of events: 1. User selects a new BOM.
2. User puts information for BOM as- project name, BOM Phase, remarks
3. System presents the information BOM date.
4. User selects SKU(s) from list and put the total estimated quantity and
rate for the SKU.
5. System presents UOM for the SKU.
6. User may add new line SKU and repeat step 4 to 5.
7. User request to preserve the information.
8. System checks the mandatory fields, validates and preserves the

38 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

Alternative Flows: User can update the BOM

1. User request for details of a BOM to update/edit.
2. System presents the information.
3. User updates/edit the BOM information by repeating steps 4 to 7.
4. System checks mandatory fields and preserves the BOM with new
version no.

User can approve the BOM

1. User request for details of a requisition to approve.
2. System presents the information.
3. User approves the requisition.

User can deny the BOM

1. User request for details of a requisition to deny.
2. System presents the information.
3. User denies the requisition.

Post-Conditions: If the use case was successful, the requisition information will successfully
capture into the system.

Business Rule(s):
Exception: Exception may occurs at the following situations-
1. At least one SKU must be selected to raise a BOM and user will be
2. Duplicate of SKU in same BOM will not be allowed by the system and
user will be acknowledged.
Open Issue None
Remarks: None

Functional Requirement(s)

ID Name Description

BREQ3-FR1 BOM. BOM No System will auto generate the BOM number while save.

BREQ3-FR2 BOM. BOM Date System will show the MPR date by default SYSDATE and
system shall not allow user to change the date
BREQ3-FR3 BOM. Project Name System will allow user to select the project name from a Pop-
up menu by pressing F8.
BREQ3-FR4 BOM. BOM Phase System will allow user to select BOM Phase from the list like
BREQ3-FR5 BOM. SKU name System will allow user to select SKU from SKU list.

BREQ3-FR6 BOM. Total estimated System will allow the user to input the total estimated
Quantity quantity for the SKU.

39 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

BREQ3-FR7 BOM. System will allow the user to input amount for the SKU.
BREQ3-FR8 BOM. Add Multiple System will allow user to add multiple SKU information.
BREQ3-FR9 BOM. Clear SKU System will allow user to clear the SKU information.
BREQ3-FR10 BOM. Edit SKU System will allow user to edit the SKU details information
Details from BOM.
BREQ3-FR11 BOM. Remove SKU System will allow user to delete the SKU details information
Details from BOM.
BREQ3-FR12 BOM. Approve/Deny System will allow user to approve/deny the BOM.
BREQ3-FR13 BOM. New System will refresh the page.
BREQ3-FR14 BOM. Save System will check user inputted data validation and capture
the information.
BREQ3-FR15 BOM. Close System will allow user to close the page at any time. If it is
middle of the transaction then system ask for save or update.
If yes then save or update the transaction.
BREQ3-FR16 BOM List. searching System shall allow user to view the SKU list with the following
searching criteria-
a) Warehouse Name
b) BOM No.
c) BOM Version No.
d) Approval Status


BREQ3-PT01: BOM List

40 | 91
Software Requirement Specification


Warehouse Management System

|BOM List| User Name | Log Out

Add New BOM

BOM Searching Criteria

Warehouse/Project name


BOM Version No.

Approval Status Initial/Approved

Preview Clear Close

MPR List

BOM No. Version No. BOM Date

Edit View
Edit View
Edit View
Edit View


Designed &
Developed by



Warehouse Management System

|SKU wise total budget| User name | Log Out

BOM Information

BOM No. [Auto] BOM Date [Auto] Project Name <<press F8 for Pop-up>> *

BOM Phase Mobilization/Structure/Super-structure/Finishing *

Remarks Enter Text

SKU Description

SKU Name <<press F8 for Pop-up>> UOM [Auto] Total estimated quantity Amount

Add Clear

BOM List New Save Close

SL No. SKU name BOM Quantity Amount

Edit Remove
Edit Remove
Edit Remove
Edit Remove

Designed &
Developed by

41 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

5.5 BREQ3-UC02: Prepare SKU Requisition

Use Case ID: BREQ3-UC02
Priority: High
Use Case Title: Prepare SKU Requisition
Author: Koushik Mutsuddi
Source: Md. Wali Ullah, Asst. Manager, ICMD, RPL

Creation Date: July 24, 2012

Primary Actor: Warehouse Executive/Site engineer
Secondary Actor(s): Warehouse Manager/Project engineer
Frequency of On an average 20 daily
Scalability: Multiple instance
Stakeholders and  Administration/ Management: will monitor various Requisition reports.
Interests:  Warehouse Executive/Site engineer/site storekeeper: will request WMS
to capture data for Requisition.
 Project engineer/Warehouse manager: can view and approve
Brief Description: Requisition is a written authorization for specified quantities of described
goods at a designated time and place. Requisition is being generated from site
stores and warehouse. When warehouse or project store need SKU they put
the requisition to central warehouse/procurement department according to
requirement. Requisitions are being approved/denied by the project manager
or warehouse manager. The Requisition format consists of material name,
UOM, total estimated requirement which is filled by site engineer, Net
cumulative received by storekeeper, present stock by storekeeper, required
presently by site engineer.

Pre-Conditions:  User should be authentic and authorized.

 SKU profiling should be available
 Warehouse or site store configuration should be available.
 BOM should be available.
Basic flow of events: 1. User selects a new requisition.
2. User puts information for requisition as- requisition to, project name,
requisition type, remarks etc.
3. System presents the information requisition date, requisition from,
4. User selects SKU(s) from list and put the required quantity for the
5. System presents UOM, total estimated quantity, net cumulative
received, present stock for the SKU.
6. User may add new line SKU and repeat step 4 to 5.

42 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

7. User request to preserve the information.

8. System checks the mandatory fields, validates and preserves the

Alternative Flows: User may request to view the list of requisition.

1. User request to view the requisition list based on the following
searching criteria-
 Warehouse name(required)
 Requisition date range
 Requisition no.
 Approval status
2. System shows the status change list based on the searching criteria
entered by the user.
3. User may request to edit a requisition from the list.
a. User may request to view a requisition from the list.

User can update the Requisition

1. User request for details of a requisition to update/edit.
2. System presents the information.
3. User updates/edit the requisition information till requisition was not
User can approve the Requisition
1. User request for details of a requisition to approve.
2. System presents the information.
3. User approves the requisition.

User can deny the Requisition

1. User request for details of a requisition to deny.
2. System presents the information.
3. User denies the Requisition.

Post-Conditions: If the use case was successful, the requisition information will successfully
capture into the system.

Business Rule(s): BREQ3-BR1, BREQ3-BR2, BREQ3-BR3.

Exception: Exception may occurs at the following situations-
1. At least one SKU must be selected to raise a requisition and user will
be acknowledged.
2. Duplicate of SKU in same requisition will not be allowed by the system
and user will be acknowledged.
Open Issue None
Remarks: None

43 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

Functional Requirement(s)

ID Name Description

BREQ3-FR17 Requisition. System will auto generate the Requisition number while save.
Requisition No
BREQ3-FR18 Requisition. System will show the Requisition date by default SYSDATE and
Requisition Date system shall not allow user to change the date.
BREQ3-FR19 Requisition. System will show the warehouse name automatically from
Requisition From where the Requisition is raising with the reference of user log
in and system shall not allow user to change the information.
BREQ3-FR20 Requisition. System will show user warehouse or procurement or site
Requisition To warehouse names in the list when user selects for ‘inter’ type
requisition. If the user selects ‘procurement’ type requisition
then system will show ‘procurement’ in the requisition to
BREQ3-FR21 Requisition. System will show the user name as per user log in record.
Requisition By
BREQ3-FR22 Requisition. Project System will show user project names in the list when user
Name selects for pop-up by pressing F8.
BREQ3-FR23 Requisition. System will allow user to select Requisition type. If the user
Requisition Type selects ‘inner’ or ‘site purchase’ type requisition then system
will automatically show the warehouse name in the
‘requisition to’, ‘project name’ and ‘requisition from’ field as
per user login record. If the user selects ‘inter’ type
requisition then system will automatically show the
warehouse name in the ‘project name’, ‘requisition from’ as
per user login record. If the user selects ‘procurement’ type
requisition then system will automatically show the
warehouse name in the ‘project name’, ‘requisition from’ as
per user login record.
BREQ3-FR24 Requisition. Approval By default system will save the approval status as “initial”.
BREQ3-FR25 Requisition. SKU System will show user the SKU list when user selects for pop-
name up by pressing F8.
BREQ3-FR26 Requisition. Total System will show the user the total BOM quantity for the SKU
estimated Quantity for the project.
BREQ3-FR27 Requisition. Net System will show the user total received quantity so far for
Cumulative received the SKU in the project.
BREQ3-FR28 Requisition. Present System will show present stock of the warehouse according to
Stock BREQ-BR2.
BREQ3-FR29 Requisition. Add System will allow user to add multiple SKU information.
Multiple SKU
BREQ3-FR30 Requisition. Clear System will allow user to clear the SKU information according
SKU Details to BREQ-BR4.

44 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

BREQ3-FR31 Requisition. Edit SKU System will allow user to edit the SKU details information
Details from Requisition.
BREQ3-FR32 Requisition. Remove System will allow user to delete the SKU details information
SKU Details from Requisition.
BREQ3-FR33 Requisition. New System will refresh the page.
BREQ3-FR34 Requisition. Save System will check user inputted data validation and capture
BREQ3-FR35 Requisition. Close System will allow user to close the page at any time. If it is
middle of the transaction then system ask for save or update.
If yes then save or update the transaction.
BREQ3-FR36 Requisition List. System shall allow user to view the SKU list with the following
searching criteria-
searching criteria
e) Warehouse Name
f) Requisition From Date
g) Requisition To Date
h) Requisition No.
i) Approval Status
BREQ3-FR37 Requisition List. no System shall show a message to user “No data found using
data found the searching criteria.” (MA-12)

BREQ3-FR38 Requisition List. System will show the warehouse name according to user login
Warehouse Name by default and system will allow user to change the
warehouse name.
BREQ3-FR39 Requisition List. System will show the SYSDATE by default and system will
Requisition From allow user to change the date.
BREQ3-FR40 Requisition List. System will show the SYSDATE by default and system will
Requisition To Date allow user to change the date.

BREQ3-FR41 Requisition List. System will allow user to select requisition no. from POP-up
Requisition No. menu.

BREQ3-FR42 Requisition List. System will allow user to select approval status from the list.
Approval Status


BREQ3-PT03: Requisition List

45 | 91
Software Requirement Specification


Warehouse Management System

Requisition List User Name | Log Out

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Requisition Searching Criteria

Warehouse name

Requisition from Date

Requisition To Date

Requisition No.

Approval Status Initial/Approved

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Requisition List

Requisition No. Requisition Type Requisition Date

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Edit View
Edit View


Designed &
Developed by

BREQ3-PT04: Requisition


Warehouse Management System

|Requisition| User Name | Log Out

Requisition Information

Requisition No. [Auto] Req. Date [Auto] Req. type Inner/Inter/Procurement/site purchase

* Project * *
Requisition to <<press F8 for Pop-up>> [Auto] Req. From [Auto]

Requisition By [Auto] Remarks Enter Text

SKU Description

Total estimated Net Cumulative

SKU Name <<press F8 for Pop-up>> UOM [Auto] [Auto] [Auto]
quantity received
Present Stock [Auto] presently
Add Clear

Requisition List New Save Close

SL No. SKU name Stock Quantity Req. Qty

Edit Remove
Edit Remove
Edit Remove
Edit Remove

Designed &
Developed by

46 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

Output Report(s)

Report Description

Report ID WMS-OR-08
Report Name Periodic MPR Quantity
Page Size A4 Letter Legal
Page Portrait Landscape
Search by a) MPR No.
b) SKU Name
c) Date (Periodic)
Group by a) SKU Name
Sort by a) SKU Name
Sorting Order Ascending Descending None

Presentation Format

Periodic MPR Quantity

Date From : Date To :

Item Name : MPR No. :

Material Name Unit Quantity Rate Amount

Functional Requirement(s)

ID Name Description

RFR1 Amount Amount= Quantity x Rate

Report ID WMS-OR-09
Report Name Periodic MPR Register

47 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

Page Size A4 Letter Legal
Page Portrait Landscape
Search by a) MPR No.
b) SKU Name
c) Date (Periodic)
Group by a) MPR No. b) SKU Name
Sort by a) MPR No.
Sorting Order Ascending Descending None

Presentation Format

Periodic MPR Register

Date From : Date To :

MPR no : Item Name :

MPR No. Materials Unit Quantity Rate Amount

Functional Requirement(s)

ID Name Description

RFR1 Amount Amount= Quantity x Rate

Report ID WMS-OR-10
Report Name Periodic MPR Quantity (Material Wise/ Project Wise)
Page Size A4 Letter Legal
Page Portrait Landscape

48 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

Search by a) Warehouse No.

b) MPR No.
c) Date (Periodic)
Group by a) SKU Name
Sort by a) SKU Name
Sorting Order Ascending Descending None
Presentation Format

Periodic MPR Quantity

Date From : Date To :

Warehouse Name : Item Name :
MPR No. :

Material Name Unit Quantity Rate Amount

Functional Requirement(s)

ID Name Description

RFR1 Amount Amount= Quantity x Rate

5.6 BREQ3-UC03: Receive SKU

Use Case

Use Case ID: BREQ-UC03

Priority: High
Use Case Title: Receive SKU
Author: Koushik Mutsuddi
Source: Md. Wali Ullah, Asst. Manager, ICMD, RPL

Creation Date: July 25, 2012

Primary Actor: Project storekeeper/ Warehouse Executive

49 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

Secondary Actor(s): Warehouse manager/ Site Engineer

Frequency of On an average 20 daily
Scalability: Multiple instance
Stakeholders and  Warehouse executive/Project storekeeper: Supervise the SKUs for
Interests: maintaining stock properly.
Brief Description: Warehouse executive or project storekeeper receives materials against issue
or from procurement. They receive either fully or partially from the
requested warehouse or project or procurement.

Pre-Conditions: a) User should be authentic and authorized.

b) SKU profiling should be available.
c) Warehouse or site store configuration should be available
Basic flow of events: 1. User selects a receive date by pressing F8.
2. User selects receive type by pressing F8.
3. User selects ref. requisition no by pressing F8.
4. User selects received from by pressing F8.
5. User selects ref. issue no by pressing F8.
6. User selects SKU(s) from Pop-up for the corresponding requisition no.
7. System presents UOM, req. qty for the SKU.
8. User inputs received qty, rate for the SKU.
9. User requests to add the information.
10. User may add new line SKU and repeat step 7 to 9.
11. User requests to preserve the information.
12. System checks the mandatory fields, validates and preserves the

Alternative Flows: User may edit the receive information at any time.
1. User requests the receive no. from list to edit.
2. System presents the information.
3. User changes the information (BREQ3-BR06) and request to preserve.
4. System validates the information and preserves the information.

Post-Conditions: If the use case was successful, the issue information will successfully be
captured into the system.
Business Rule(s): BREQ3-BR4, BREQ3-BR5, BREQ3-BR6, BREQ3-BR7
Exception: Exception may occurs at the following situations-
1. At least one SKU must be selected to receive in the system and user
will be acknowledged.
2. Duplicate of SKU in same issue no. does not allow by the system and

50 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

user will be acknowledged.

Open Issue None
Remarks: None

Functional Requirement(s)

ID Name Description

BREQ3-FR43 Material Receive. System will generate auto incremented Receive number
Receive No while save.
BREQ3-FR44 Material Receive. System will show the Receive date by default SYSDATE and
Receive Date system shall allow user to change the date.
BREQ3-FR45 Material Receive. System will show the requested warehouse as per user
Receive From selected Ref. req. No. in the Receive from field.
BREQ3-FR46 Material Receive. System will allow user to select the receive type as ‘Receive
Receive Type against issue’, ‘receive against procurement’, receive
against return’ and ‘receive against site purchase’. If the
user selects ‘receive against procurement’ or ‘receive
against site purchase’ from the list box then user will be able
to receive against reference requisition no. directly
according to BREQ3-BR8.
BREQ3-FR47 Material Receive. By default the status will be “initial”.
Approval status
BREQ3-FR48 Material Receive. System will display Ref. Requisition no. as user selects from
Ref. Requisition No. the pop-up menu.
BREQ3-FR49 Material Receive. System will display Ref. issue No. as user selects from the
Ref. issue No. pop-up menu.
BREQ3-FR50 Material Receive. System will display the requested SKUs in the Pop-up as per
SKU name user selected Ref. issue No.
BREQ3-FR51 Material Receive. System will display the user the total requested quantity for
Req. Qty the requested SKU as per user selected Ref. Requisition No.
BREQ3-FR52 Material Receive. System will allow user to input Receive quantity. System will
Receive Qty check the Receive quantity will not be greater than pending
Receive quantity.
BREQ3-FR53 Material Receive. System will allow user to input rate for the selected SKU.
BREQ3-FR54 Material Receive. System will allow user to add multiple SKU information.
Add Multiple SKU
BREQ3-FR55 Material Receive. System will allow user to clear the SKU information.
Clear SKU Details
BREQ3-FR56 Material Receive. System will allow user to edit the SKU details information
Edit SKU Details from Receive.
BREQ3-FR57 Material Receive. System will allow user to delete the SKU details information
Remove SKU Details from Receive.
BREQ3-FR58 Material Receive. System will allow user to approve/deny the Receive.

51 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

BREQ3-FR59 Material Receive. System will refresh the page.
BREQ3-FR60 Material Receive. System will check user inputted data validation and capture
Save information.
BREQ3-FR61 Material Receive. System will allow user to close the page at any time. If it is
Close middle of the transaction then system ask for save or
update. If yes then save or update the transaction.
BREQ3-FR62 Material Receive System shall allow user to view the SKU list with the
following searching criteria-
List. searching
j) Warehouse Name
criteria k) Receive From Date
l) Receive To Date
m) Receive No.
n) Approval Status
BREQ3-FR63 Material Receive System will show the warehouse name according to user
login by default and system will allow user to change the
List. warehouse
warehouse name.
BREQ3-FR64 Material Receive List. System shall show a message to user “No data found using
no data found the searching criteria.” (MA-12)

BREQ3-FR65 Material Receive List. System will show the warehouse name according to user
Receive from login by default and system will allow user to change the
warehouse name.
BREQ3-FR66 Material Receive List. System will show the SYSDATE by default and system will
Receive From Date allow user to change the date.

BREQ3-FR67 Material Receive List. System will show the SYSDATE by default and system will
Receive To Date allow user to change the date.

BREQ3-FR68 Material Receive List. System will allow user to select receive type from POP-up
Receive Type menu.

BREQ3-FR69 Material Receive List. System will allow user to select approval status from the
Approval Status list.

BREQ3-PT05: Receive List

52 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

BREQ3-PT06: Receive SKU


Warehouse Management System

Product Receive Information user name | Log Out
Receive Against Issue
Receive from Procurement
Receive against return
Receive Information Receive Against Site Purchase

Receive No. [Auto] Receive ...

[Auto] Receive Type Select From List

Ref. Req. No. <<press F8 for Pop-up>> <<press F8 for Pop-up>> Ref. Issue No. <<press F8 to select from Pop-up>>

Remarks Enter Text

Product Description

SKU Name <<press F8 for Pop-up>> UOM [Auto] Req. Qty [Auto] Receive Qty Rate [Auto]

Add Clear

New Save Close

SL No. SKU name Req. Qty Receive Qty

Edit Remove
Edit Remove
Edit Remove
Edit Remove

Designed &
Developed by

Report ID WMS-OR-11
Report Name Periodic MPR Register – MPR Handled

53 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

Page Size A4 Letter Legal
Page Portrait Landscape
Search by a) Warehouse No.
b) MPR No.
c) Date (Periodic)
Group by a) MPR No.
Sort by a) MPR No.
b) SKU Name.
Sorting Order Ascending Descending None

Presentation Format

Periodic MPR Register – MPR Handled

Date From : Date To :

Warehouse Name : Item Name :
MPR No. :

Time taken to
MPR No SKU Unit Quantity
make delivery

Functional Requirement(s)

ID Name Description

RFR1 Time taken to Time taken to make delivery = Last Receive Date – Requisition
make delivery Date

54 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

Report ID WMS-OR-12
Report Name Till Date Delivery – Material Wise
Page Size A4 Letter Legal
Page Portrait Landscape
Search by a) SKU Name
Group by
Sort by a) SKU Name.

Sorting Order Ascending Descending None

Presentation Format

Till Date Delivery – Material Wise

Date From : Date To :

Warehouse Name : Item Name :

MOQ Quantity Quantity to be

SKU Name Unit
Quantity Delivered Delivered

Functional Requirement(s)

ID Name Description

RFR1 MOQ Quantity BOM Quantity for the SKU.

RFR2 Quantity Delivered Total SKU receive quantity in the date range.

RFR3 Quantity to be Quantity to be delivered = Requisition Qty – Quantity

delivered Delivered.

55 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

Report ID WMS-OR-13
Report Name Periodic Delivery – Material Wise
Page Size A4 Letter Legal
Page Portrait Landscape
Search by a) SKU Name
Group by
Sort by a) SKU Name.

Sorting Order Ascending Descending None

Presentation Format

Periodic Delivery – Material Wise

Date From : Date To :

Warehouse Name : Item Name :

Unit Quantity Rate Amount

Functional Requirement(s)

ID Name Description

RFR1 Amount Amount = Quantity X Rate

56 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

5.7 BREQ4-UC01: Issue SKU

Use Case ID: BREQ4-UC01
Priority: High
Use Case Title: Issue SKU
Author: Koushik Mutsuddi
Source: Md. Wali Ullah, Asst. Manager, ICMD, RPL

Creation Date: July 24, 2012

Primary Actor: Warehouse Manager/Procurement Manager
Secondary Actor(s): Warehouse Executive
Frequency of On an average 20 daily
Scalability: Multiple instance
Stakeholders and  Warehouse manager: Supervise the SKUs for delivery and maintain stock
Interests: properly.
 Procurement Manager: will issue procurement type SKUs.
Brief Description: Warehouse manager receives different material requisitions. They issue
materials against a material requisition either fully or partially to the
requesting warehouse or project.

Pre-Conditions:  User should be authentic and authorized.

 SKU profiling should be available.
 Warehouse or site store configuration should be available.
 Requisition should be approved.
Basic flow of 1. User selects an issue date.
events: 2. User selects issue type.
3. User selects Reference requisition no. from the list.
4. System presents the information requisition date, issue to.
5. User selects SKU(s) from Pop-up for the corresponding material
requisition no.
6. System presents UOM, present stock, req. qty for the SKU.
7. User inputs issue qty and rate for the SKU.
8. User may add new line SKU and repeat step 5 to 7.
9. User requests to preserve the information.
10. System checks the mandatory fields, validates and preserves the

Alternative Flows: User can update the issue

1. User requests for details of an issue to update/edit.
2. System presents the information.
3. User updates/edits the issue information according to BREQ4-BR3

57 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

User can approve the issue

1. User searches for details of an issue to approve from the list.
2. System presents the information.
3. User approves the issue.
User can deny the requisition
1. User request for details of an issue to deny.
2. System presents the information.
3. User denies the issue.
Post-Conditions: If the use case was successful, the issue information will be successfully
captured into the system.
Business Rule(s): BREQ4-BR1, BREQ4-BR2, BREQ4-BR3, BREQ4-BR4.
Exception: Exception may occurs at the following situations-
1. At least one SKU must be selected to issue and user will be
2. Duplicate of SKU in same issue no. does not allow by the system and
user will be acknowledged.
Open Issue None
Remarks: None

Functional Requirement(s)

ID Name Description

BREQ4-FR1 Material Issue. System will generate the Issue number while save.
Issue No
BREQ4-FR2 Material Issue. System will show the Issue date by default SYSDATE.
Issue Date
BREQ4-FR3 Material Issue. Issue System will show user issue type as per user selected issue
Type type.
BREQ4-FR4 Material Issue. System will allow user to select the Requisition No. from a
Ref. Requisition No. Pop-up menu by pressing button which are pending for issue
or if any requisition have pending issue for any line item.
BREQ4-FR5 Material Issue. System will show the requisition date as per user selected
Req. Date Ref. Requisition No.
BREQ4-FR6 Material Issue. Issue System will show the requesting warehouse as per user
To selected Ref. Requisition No. in the issue to field. If user
selects ‘Issue to person’ as issue type, then system will allow
user to select specific person from the list in the ‘issue to’
BREQ4-FR7 Material Issue. System will set approval status “initial” by default.
Approval status
BREQ4-FR8 Material Issue. SKU System will display only the requested SKUs in the Pop-up as
name per user selected Ref. Requisition No. System will allow user
to select from the Pop-up menu.

58 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

BREQ4-FR9 Material Issue. Stock System will show stock of the issuing warehouse.
BREQ4-FR10 Material Issue. Req. System will display the user the total requested quantity for
Qty the requested SKU as per user selected Ref. Requisition No.
BREQ4-FR11 Material Issue. System will allow user to input issue quantity according to
Issue Qty BREQ4-BR2.
BREQ4-FR12 Material Issue. Add System will allow user to add multiple SKU information.
Multiple SKU
BREQ4-FR13 Material Issue. Clear System will allow user to clear the SKU information.
SKU Details
BREQ4-FR14 Material Issue. Edit System will allow user to edit the SKU details information
SKU Details from Issue according to BREQ-BR3.
BREQ4-FR15 Material Issue. System will allow user to delete the SKU details information
Remove SKU Details from Issue according to BREQ-BR3.
BREQ4-FR16 Material Issue. New System will refresh the page.
BREQ4-FR17 Material Issue. Save System will check user inputted data validation and capture
BREQ4-FR18 Material Issue. Close System will allow user to close the page at any time. If it is
middle of the transaction then system ask for save or update.
If yes then save or update the transaction.
BREQ4-FR19 Material Issue List. System shall allow user to view the SKU list with the following
searching criteria-
searching criteria
a) Warehouse Name
b) Issue From Date
c) Issue To Date
d) Issue No.
e) Approval Status
BREQ4-FR20 Material Issue List. System will show the SYSDATE by default and system will
Issue From Date allow user to change the date.
BREQ4-FR21 Material Issue List. System will show the SYSDATE by default and system will
Issue To Date allow user to change the date.
BREQ4-FR22 Material Issue List. System will allow user to select issue type from POP-up
Issue Type menu.
BREQ4-FR23 Material Issue List. System will allow user to select approval status from the list.
Approval Status

BREQ4-PT01: Issue List

59 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

BREQ4-PT02: Issue


Warehouse Management System

|SKU Issue Information| User name | Log Out
Issue Against Requisition
Issue to Person
Issue Information
Issue No. [Auto] Issue Date [Auto] Issue Type Select from List

Ref. Req. No. <<press F8 for Pop-up>> Req. Date [Auto] Issue To [Auto]

Remarks Enter Text

Product Description

SKU name <<press F8 for Pop-up>> UOM [Auto] Stock [Auto] Req.Qty [Auto] Issue Qty Rate

Add Clear

New Save Close

SL No. SKU name Req. Qty Issue Qty

Edit Remove
Edit Remove
Edit Remove
Edit Remove

Designed &
Developed by

Output Report(s)

Report Description

Report ID WMS-OR-14
Report Name Material Transfer Outgoing (MTO)
Page Size A4 Letter Legal
Page Portrait Landscape
Search by a) Issue No.
b) SKU Name
c) Date (Periodic)
Group by a) SKU Name
Sort by a) SKU Name
Sorting Order Ascending Descending None

60 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

Presentation Format

Material Transfer Outgoing

From (Donor Project) : Date :

To (Receiving Project) : MTO No. :
Carried by Name:

No. SKU ID SKU Name Unit Quantity Remarks

Receiver’s Signature:


Designation: Storekeeper Engineer-In-Charge

(Issuing Project) (Issuing Project)

Functional Requirement(s)

ID Name Description

RFR1 MTO No. MTO No. will be the issue no.

Report Description

Report ID WMS-OR-15
Report Name Material Transfer Incoming (MTI)

61 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

Page Size A4 Letter Legal
Page Portrait Landscape
Search by a) Issue No.
b) SKU Name
c) Date (Periodic)
Group by a) SKU Name
Sort by a) SKU Name
Sorting Order Ascending Descending None

Presentation Format

Material Transfer Incoming

From (Donor Project) : Date :

To (Receiving Project) : MTI No. :
Carried by Name:

No. SKU ID SKU Name Unit Quantity Remarks

Receiver’s Signature:


Designation: Storekeeper Engineer-In-Charge

(Issuing Project) (Issuing Project)

Functional Requirement(s)

ID Name Description

62 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

RFR2 MTI No. MTI No. will be the issue no.

Report Description

Report ID WMS-OR-16
Report Name Gate Pass
Page Size A4 Letter Legal
Page Portrait Landscape
Search by a) Issue No.
b) SKU Name
c) Date (Periodic)
Group by a) SKU Name
Sort by b) SKU Name
Sorting Order Ascending Descending None

Presentation Format

Gate Pass

From (Donor Project) : Date :

To (Receiving Project) : MTO No. :
Carried by Name:

No. SKU ID SKU Name Unit Quantity Remarks

Receiver’s Signature:

63 | 91
Software Requirement Specification


Designation: Storekeeper Engineer-In-Charge

(Issuing Project) (Issuing Project)

Report Description

Report ID WMS-OR-17
Report Name Inter Project Transfer Report
Page Size A4 Letter Legal
Page Portrait Landscape
Search by a) Project Name.
b) Month

Group by a) SKU Name

Sort by a) SKU Name
Sorting Order Ascending Descending None

64 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

Presentation Format

Inter Project Transfer Report

Project Name: For the month of:

Receive From Transfer To Remarks
SL No. SKU Name UOM Date Quantity Donor Project Quantity Receiver Project

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

Store – In –Charge Engineer-In-Charge Inventory Control Management Dept.

Functional Requirement(s)

ID Name Description

RFR1 Donor project Donor Project will be Receive from

RFR2 Receiver project Receiver Project will be Issue to

65 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

Report Description

Report ID WMS-OR-18
Report Name Store Issue Note
Page Size A4 Letter Legal
Page Portrait Landscape
Search by a) Project Name.
b) Month

Group by a) Internal requisition No.

Sort by a) Internal requisition No.
b) SKU Name
Sorting Order Ascending Descending None

66 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

Presentation Format

Store Issue Note

Project Name: Date:

Internal Req. Quantity Issues & Consumed
SL No. No. SKU Name UOM Initial Req. Return Qty. Actual Use Purpose of Works

Issued By Prepared By Approved By

Storekeeper Supervisor Engineer Engineer In-charge

Functional Requirement(s)

ID Name Description

RFR1 Internal Req. No. Requisition No. which was internal requisition
RFR2 Actual Use Actual Use = Initial Requirement – Return Qty

67 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

5.8 BREQ4-UC02: Delivery Challan

Use Case

Use Case ID: BREQ4-UC02

Priority: High
Use Case Title: Delivery Challan
Author: Koushik Mutsuddi
Source: Md. Wali Ullah, Asst. Manager, ICMD, RPL

Creation Date: September 24, 2012

Primary Actor: Warehouse Executive, Site storekeeper
Secondary Actor(s): Warehouse Manager
Frequency of On an average 20 daily
Scalability: Multiple instance
Stakeholders and  Warehouse executive: Will prepare and approve delivery Challan from
Interests: the issue and view the reports.
 Warehouse Manager: Will see delivery challan reports.
Brief Description: One of the major delivery points of SKUs from WMS is delivery challan. When
physically product dispatch from the warehouse premises then delivery
Challan must be generated by the warehouse to customer. Multiple delivery
challans can be done against an issue.

Pre-Conditions:  User should be authentic and authorized.

 SKU profiling should be available.
 Warehouse or site store configuration should be available.
 Issue should be approved.
Basic flow of 1. User starts new delivery challan.
events: 2. User will select an issue no. from the list which delivery is pending.
3. System shows the following information of selected issue no.
Master Information-
 Delivery From
 Delivery To
Detail Information-
 SKU Name
 Item Status
 Issue quantity
 Delivered Quantity
 Stock quantity

68 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

4. User inputs the challan quantity.

5. User may want to edit the line item information.
6. System presents the information.
7. User changes the information and adds the line item if necessary.
8. User requests to preserve the information.
9. User may request to view the list of delivery challan.
10. User approves the unapproved delivery challan.

Alternative Flows: *A. User may edit the delivery challan at any time.
1. User requests the delivery challan from list to edit.
2. System presents the information.
3. User changes the information and request to preserve.
4. System validates the information and preserves the information.
*A. User may not able to delete the issue notes at any time.
2a. User may request to view the delivery challan list.
1. User request to view the list based on the following searching criteria-
 Warehouse Name(required)
 Challan Date range
 Challan no
 Issue notes number
 Delivery to
 Approval status
a. User may request to view the list based on nothing.
2. System shows the list based on the searching criteria entered by the
a. System shows the full list if user does not entered/select any
7a. user may delete an line item-

1. User may request to delete a line item.

2. System shows a message “Are you sure you want to delete?” (MA-18)
3. User confirming by “Yes”
4. System deletes the line item and informs user “Line item deleted
successfully.” (MA-38)
Post-Conditions: If the use case was successful, then the following activity should be
1. Delivery Challan information should be captured.
2. Approved delivery challan should be ready for GDN.
Business Rule(s):
Exception: *a. At any time system may fails:
To support recovery, ensure all transactions state and events can be

69 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

recovered from any step of the scenario.

1. Logistics Manager restart/login and recovery the prior states from the
2. System reconstructs prior states.
2a. System detects anomalies preventing recovery
1. System show the message of recovery fails, record the error,
and enters a clean state.
2. Logistics Manager starts new warehouse creation.
*b. System shows the message on change of state
*c. Exception may occurs at the following situations-
3. While request to preserve the information.
3. While requesting any list.
Open Issue None
Remarks: None

Functional Requirement(s)

ID Name Description

BREQ4-FR24 Delivery Challan List. System shall allow user to enter new initial stock information.
Entry facility

BREQ4-FR25 Delivery Challan List. System shall automatically shows the warehouse name from
Warehouse name the user data and system shall not allow user to change the
auto shown warehouse name.

BREQ4-FR26 Delivery Challan List. System shall show system date as default value to the user.
Challan date range
default value

BREQ4-FR27 Delivery Challan List. System shall allow user to select a Challan number from list.
Challan number list System shall set “All” as default value.
& default value

BREQ4-FR28 Delivery Challan List. System shall allow user to select an issue number from list.
Issue Number list &
default value System shall set “All” as default value.

BREQ4-FR29 Delivery Challan List. System shall allow user to select a delivery to from list.
Delivery To &
default value System shall set “All” as default value

BREQ4-FR30 Delivery Challan List. System shall allow user to select approval status form list
Approval Status list & which values are-
default value
 All

70 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

 Waiting for approval

 Approved

System shall set “All” as default value

BREQ4-FR31 Delivery Challan. System shall automatically show the Challan number, Challan
Auto show Challan date (system date), delivery from (warehouse name of the
number and Challan user logged in) and prepared by (user name of the logged in
date user).

BREQ4-FR32 Delivery Challan. System shall allow user to select issue no from approved issue
Issue no list no list and system shall automatically show the delivery to
information and line item information of that issue no as
Challan line item information.

BREQ4-FR33 Delivery Challan. System shall allow user to edit the line item information from
Edit line item line item list.

BREQ4-FR34 Delivery Challan. System shall allow user to delete the line item information
Delete line item from line item list.

BREQ4-FR35 Delivery Challan. System shall not allow user to enter Challan quantity greater
Validate Challan than remaining quantity. System shall show a message
quantity “Challan quantity cannot be greater than remaining
quantity.” (MA-39)

BREQ4-FR36 Delivery Challan. System shall automatically check the mandatory fields and
Mandatory validation inform user through message “Please enter the required

BREQ4-FR37 Delivery Challan. System shall allow user to preserve the information with
Capture information mandatory field validation with message “Data saved
successfully.” (MA-14)

BREQ4-FR38 Delivery Challan. System shall allow user to edit the delivery Challan
Edit information before approval.

BREQ4-FR39 Delivery Challan. System shall allow user to delete the information before
Delete approval.

BREQ4-FR40 Delivery Challan. System shall allow user to approve the unapproved delivery
Approve challan from delivery challan list.

BREQ4-FR41 Delivery Challan. System shall allow user to approve multiple unapproved
Approve Multiple delivery challan from delivery challan list at a time.

71 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

BREQ4-PT03: Delivery Challan List

BREQ4-PT03: Delivery Challan

5.9 BREQ5-UC01: Scrap Declaration

Use Case

Use Case ID: BREQ5-UC01

Priority: High
Use Case Title: Scrap Declaration
Author: Koushik Mutsuddi
Source: Md. Wali Ullah, Asstt. Manager, ICMD
BREQ5, TM_Scope_Statement.doc
Creation Date: August 28, 2012
Primary Actor: Warehouse Executive
Secondary Actor(s): Warehouse Manager
Frequency of On an average 30 daily

72 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

Scalability: Multiple instance
Stakeholders and  Warehouse Executive: prepare the scrap declaration information and view
Interests: the reports.
 Warehouse Manager: Will monitor and approve the scrap declaration
information and analysis the reasons.

Brief Description: When any product has become unusable or damaged in any project it is being
transferred to the warehouse. The warehouse manager checks and declares the
product as a scrap.
Pre-Conditions:  User should be authentic and authorized.
 SKU profiling should be available.
 SKU should be available in the warehouse.
Basic flow of events: 1. User starts to input scrap declaration information.
2. System shows the warehouse name through the user login.
3. User selects SKU to change the status to scrap from list.
4. User selects item status from list.
5. User selects change status from list
6. User request to add information
7. User repeats from step 3 to 5 to enter another line item information.
8. User request to preserve the status change information.
9. System checks the mandatory fields with other validation and preserves the
10. User may request to view the list of status scrap declaration.
11. User approves the unapproved scrap declaration.
Alternative Flows: User may edit/delete the scrap declaration information BREQ5-BR1.
1. User requests the list of scrap declaration to edit/delete.
2. System presents the information.
3. User changes/delete the information (BREQ5-BR1) and request to
4. System validates the information and preserves/delete the information.
2a. User may request to view the list of scrap declaration.
1. User request to view the status change list based on the following
searching criteria-
 Warehouse name(required)
 Change date range
 Change ID
 Approval status
2. System shows the status change list based on the searching criteria
entered by the user.
3. User may request to edit a scrap declaration from the list.
a. User may request to view a status change from the list.

73 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

3a. System may show the empty list of SKU.

1. System shows the message informing “SKU list is empty” (MA-24).
2. User acknowledges the message.
3. System shall ensure the smooth operation.

Post-Conditions: If the use case was successful, then the following activity should be performed-
1. Scrap declaration information should be captured.
2. Record the transactions in transaction log at the time of access, entry,
modify and delete.
Business Rule(s): BREQ5-BR1, BREQ5-BR2
Open Issue
Remarks: None

Functional Requirement(s)

ID Name Description

BREQ5-FR1 Scrap
B declaration System shall allow user to view the Scrap declaration
List. Searching information list with the following searching criteria-
criteria  Warehouse name
 Process Status
 Transaction date range
 Transaction ID
 Approval status (All, Approved and waiting for
BREQ5-FR2 Scrap declaration System will automatically show the warehouse as per business
List. Warehouse rule BREQ5-BR2. System will not allow user to change this
name default value value.
BREQ5-FR3 Scrap declaration System will show system date as default value.
List. Transaction
BREQ5-FR4 Scrap declaration System will generate auto incremental Transaction No.
List. Transaction No.
BREQ5-FR5 Scrap declaration System shall allow user to select approval status form list
List. Approval status which values are-
list & default value  All
 Approved
 Waiting for approval
System shall set “All” as default value
BREQ5-FR6 Scrap declaration System shall allow user to change status and update the
List. Edit approved change status information from list
BREQ5-FR7 Scrap declaration System shall allow user to approve the multiple status change
List. Approve information from list.
BREQ5-FR8 Scrap declaration. System shall show the message to user “SKU list is Empty.”

74 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

Empty SKU list (MA-24) If the SKU list is empty.

BREQ5-FR9 Scrap declaration. System will show the warehouse name ‘central warehouse’ by
Warehouse name default as per BREQ5-BR2. System will not allow user to
change the warehouse name.
BREQ5-FR10 Scrap declaration. System will show the current stock quantity for the SKU.
Stock Quantity
BREQ5-FR11 Scrap declaration. System will allow user to input stock quantity.
Scrap Quantity
BREQ5-FR12 Scrap declaration. System will show the current status of the SKU.
SKU Status
BREQ5-FR13 Scrap declaration. System will allow user to change the status from the list.
change status
BREQ5-FR14 Scrap declaration. System shall not allow user to select the same value in item
Validate change status and change status. System shows a message “Same
status item status does not get any value. Please select another
BREQ5-FR15 Scrap declaration. System shall allow user to edit line item information before
edit line item approval.
BREQ5-FR16 Scrap declaration. System shall allow user to delete line item information before
Delete line item approval.
BREQ5-FR17 Scrap declaration. System shall automatically check the mandatory fields and
Mandatory validation inform user through message “Please enter the required
field.”(MA-3). For mandatory field see data dictionary BREQ5-
BREQ5-FR18 Scrap declaration. System shall allow user to preserve the information with
Capture information mandatory field validation with message “Data saved
successfully.” (MA-14)

BREQ5-PT01: Scrap declaration List

75 | 91
Software Requirement Specification


Warehouse Management System

|Scrap Declaration List| User Name | Log out

Scrap Declaration Searching Criteria

Warehouse Name

Transaction From Date

Transaction To Date
Transaction No.
Approval Status Select from List Waiting for Approval

Preview Clear Close

Scrap Declaration List
Transaction No. SKU Name SKU Quantity Changed Status
Edit Remove
Edit Remove
Edit Remove
Edit Remove
Edit Remove
Edit Remove
Edit Remove


Designed & Developed


BREQ5-PT01: Scrap declaration


Warehouse Management System

|Scrap Declaration| User name | Log Out

Scrap Declaration Basic Information

Warehouse Name [Auto]

Transaction Id [Auto] Date Auto
Remarks Enter Text
Enter More Text

Scrap Declaration Details

SKU ID - Name Select from List

Stock Quantity [Auto]

Scrap Quantity
SKU Status [Auto] Scrap

Change Status Select from List


SKU ID SKU Name SKU Quantity Change Status

Edit Delete
Edit Delete
Edit Delete
Edit Delete
Edit Delete

New Save Close

Designed &
Developed by

76 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

5.10 BREQ5-UC02: SKU Stock Adjustment

Use Case

Use Case ID: BREQ5-UC02

Priority: High
Use Case Title: SKU Stock Adjustment
Author: Koushik Mutsuddi
Source: Md. Wali Ullah, Asstt. Manager,ICMD
BREQ5, TM_Scope_Statement.doc(Section 3.3)
Creation Date: August 29, 2012
Primary Actor: Warehouse Executive
Secondary Actor(s): Warehouse Manager
Frequency of On an average 2-5 daily
Scalability: Multiple instance
Stakeholders and  Warehouse Executive: Will monitor and prepare the adjustment
Interests: information and analysis the reasons.
 ICMD/Warehouse Manager: Will monitor and approve the adjustment
information and inform it to the top management.

Brief Description: Sometimes SKU quantities needed to be adjusted for various reasons. The
adjustment can be negative or positive.
Pre-Conditions:  User should be authentic and authorized.
 SKU profiling should be available.
 SKU should be available in the warehouse.
 Adjustment reason should be available.
Basic flow of events: 1. User starts new adjustment entry.
2. System shows the warehouse name through the user, adjustment type,
adjustment code and data.
3. User enters reason for adjustment and select adjustment type.
4. User selects SKU from list.
5. User enters the adjust quantity.
6. User request to add information
User repeats from step 4 to 5 to add line item information.
7. User request to preserve the adjustment information.
8. System checks the mandatory fields with other validation and preserves
the information.
9. User may request to view the list of adjustment.
10. User approves the unapproved Adjustment.

77 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

Alternative Flows: User may edit/delete the adjustment information at any time BREQ5-BR3.
1. User requests the list of adjustment to edit/delete.
2. System presents the information.
3. User changes/delete the information (BREQ5-BR3) and request to
4. System validates the information and preserves/delete the information.
User may request to view the list of adjustment information.
1. User request to view the adjustment list based on the following
searching criteria-
 Warehouse name(required)
 adjustment date range
 Adjustment ID
 Approval status
2. System shows the adjustment list based on the searching criteria
entered by the user.
3. User may request to edit an adjustment from the list.
a. User may request to view an adjustment from the list.

Post-Conditions: If the use case was successful, then the following activity should be
1. Adjustment information should be captured.
2. Record the transactions in transaction log at the time of access,
entry, modify and delete.
Business Rule(s): BREQ5-BR3
Open Issue
Remarks: None

Functional Requirement(s)

ID Name Description

BREQ5-FR19 Adjustment. System shall system generate the adjustment ID.

Adjustment ID
BREQ5-FR20 Adjustment. Adjust System will check the adjust quantity with the current stock
Quantity quantity. If adjust quantity is greater than current stock then
system shows error messages.
BREQ5-FR21 Adjustment. Clear System shall allow user to clear the page at any time of entry
and ready for new entry. If it changes the prior state to
another state then show message to the user that is “Do you
want to save changes?” (MA-6)
BREQ5-FR22 Adjustment. Save System shall allow user to save the adjustment information
with mandatory fields. System will update of the SKU as per

78 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

user selected adjustment type. If user selects adjustment

type ‘In’ then system increases the stock of the SKU and vice
versa. If any mandatory field is missing then system shall
inform it to user through message.
BREQ5-FR23 Adjustment. List System shall show a list of adjustment to the user.

BREQ5-FR24 Adjustment. System shall allow user to modify/update the adjustment

Modify/update information from list.
BREQ5-FR25 Adjustment. System shall allow user to view the status change information
Searching criteria list with the following searching criteria-
 Warehouse name
 adjust date range
 Adjustment ID
 Approval status

BREQ5-FR26 Adjustment. System shall automatically show use the name of warehouse
Warehouse name in which s/he is working with as default value. System shall
default value not allow user to change this value.
BREQ5-FR27 Adjustment List. System shall show system date as default value.
Adjustment date
default value
BREQ5-FR28 Adjustment List. System shall allow user to select adjustment id from list and
Adjustment ID List & system set the default value as “Null” which means “All”
default value
BREQ5-FR29 Adjustment List. System shall allow user to select approval status form list
Approval status list which values are-
& default value  All
 Approved
 Waiting for approval
System shall set “All” as default value
BREQ5-FR30 Adjustment List. Edit System shall allow user to edit the unapproved adjustment
information from list before approval.
BREQ5-FR31 Adjustment List. System shall allow user to approve multiple adjustment
Approve Multiple information from list.
BREQ5-FR32 Adjustment. SKU list System shall allow user to select active SKU ID-Name from a
popup list which contains the following searching criteria-
 SKU Name
BREQ5-FR33 Adjustment. Empty System shall show the message to user “SKU list is Empty.”
SKU list (MA-24) If the SKU list is empty.
BREQ5-FR34 Adjustment. Validate System shall not allow adjust quantity is greater than stock
quantity quantity. System must show message to the user “Adjust
Quantity must be less than or equal to stock quantity”
BREQ5-FR35 Adjustment. Add System shall allow user to add multiple line item information.
multiple line item
BREQ5-FR36 Adjustment. edit System shall allow user to edit line item information before
line item approval.
BREQ5-FR37 Adjustment. Delete System shall allow user to delete line item information before
line item approval.
BREQ5-FR38 Adjustment. Edit System shall allow user to edit the adjustment information
adjustment before approval.

79 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

BREQ5-FR39 Adjustment. Delete System shall allow user to delete the adjustment information
adjustment before approval.

BREQ5-PT03: Adjustment List


Warehouse Management System

|Adjustment List| User Name||Logout||

Add New Adjustment

Adjustment Searching Criteria

Warehouse name

Adjustment From Date

Adjustment To Date

Adjustment No.

Adjustment Status Initial/Approved

Preview Clear Close

Adjustment List
Adjustment Date Adjustment Code Type Reason
View Edit
View Edit
View Edit


Designed & Developed by

BREQ5-PT04: Adjustment

80 | 91
Software Requirement Specification


Warehouse Management System

|Adjustment Information| User Name||Logout||

Adjustment Basic Information
Warehouse Name [Auto]

Adjustment ID [Auto] Adjustment Date sysdate

Reason In
Adjustment Type Out
Remarks Enter Text
Enter More Text

Adjustment Line Item

SKU ID - Name - Select from List

Adjust Quantity


SKU ID SKU Name Adjust Qty.

Delete Edit
Delete Edit
Delete Edit
Delete Edit
Delete Edit

New Save Clear Adjustment List

Designed & Developed


5.10 BREQ7-UC01: Manage User

Functional Requirement(s)

ID Name Description
BREQ7-FR1 Role List. Entry System shall allow user to enter new role information.
BREQ7-FR2 Role List. Searching System shall allow user to view the role information list with
Criteria the following searching criteria-
 Role Name
BREQ7-FR3 Role List. Edit System shall allow user to edit the role information.

BREQ7-FR4 Role. Capture System shall allow user to capture the information of a
Information particular role.
BREQ7-FR5 Role. View Role List System shall allow user to show the role list.

BREQ7-FR6 Role. Assign Action System shall allow user to assign actions against role.

BREQ7-FR7 Assign Action. System shall allow user to select a module from module list.
Module List

81 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

BREQ7-FR8 Assign Action. Action System shall allow user to select action group from action
Group List group list which list generates based on module selected.
BREQ7-FR9 Assign Action. System shall allow user to assign all action or specific actions
Capture Information against role.
BREQ7-FR10 Role. View Role List System shall allow user to show the role list.

Output Report(s)

Report Description

Report ID WMS-OR-19
Report Name Application User Report
Purpose To view list of users and related details
Page Size A4 Letter Legal
Page Orientation Portrait Landscape
Search by a) User Name
b) User Role
c) Created By
d) Created Date Time
Group by a) User Role
Sort by a) User Role
b) Created By
c) User Name
a) Created Date Time
Sorting Order Ascending Descending None

Presentation Format

Application User Report


User Role:

Sl. User Name User Status Created By Creation Date Time


82 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

5.10 BREQ7-UC02: Manage Role

Functional Requirement(s)

ID Name Description
BREQ7-FR1 Users. Entry Facility System shall allow user to enter new user information.

BREQ7-FR2 Users. Working System shall allow user to select working location from
location list working unit list.
BREQ7-FR3 Users. Searching System shall allow user to view the user information list
Criteria with the following searching criteria-
 Name
BREQ7-FR4 Users. Edit System shall allow user to edit the user information.

BREQ7-FR5 Users. Reset System shall allow user to reset the current password. It
Password must be system generated password.
BREQ7-FR6 User. Assign Role System shall allow user to assign a specific role or multiple
role against user.
BREQ7-FR7 User. Capture System shall allow user to capture information of a
Information particular user.
BREQ7-FR8 User. View User List System shall allow user to show the user list.

Output Report(s)

Report Description

Report ID WMS-OR-20
Report Name Application Authorization Report
Purpose To view list of roles and related details
Page Size A4 Letter Legal
Page Orientation Portrait Landscape
Search by a) Role
b) Role Functions (List of activities that this role holder will do)
c) Created Date Time
Group by a) User Role
Sort by a) User Role
b) Created Date Time
Sorting Order Ascending Descending None

Presentation Format

Application Authorization Report

User Role: Date:

83 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

Sl. Role Role Functions Created By Creation Date Time


Report Description

Report ID WMS-OR-21
Report Name Data Activity Log Report
Purpose To view activity of users
Page Size A4 Letter Legal
Page Orientation Portrait Landscape
Search by a) User Name
b) User Role
c) Login Date Time
Group by a) Login date
Sort by a) User Role
b) User Name
c) Login Date Time
Sorting Order Ascending Descending None

Presentation Format

Data Activity Log Report


User Role :

Sl. User Name Login Date Logout Date Time

No. Time

84 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

6. Data Dictionary
y ID Name Use case Functional Requirement
DD-001 Profiling SKU BREQ1-UC01 FR-0001 to FR-0012
Entity Entity Min- Uniqu Mandatory
Name Description Type Max-Fix e ? Null? Example
SKU ID Auto Alpha 12-15- 210220012111010
generated Numeric No
SKU Name Name of SKU Character 15-40- 12N24-
SKU Category of Character 15-40-
Category SKU No
SKU Sub- Sub- Character 15-40-
Category Category of No
Brand Brand Name Character 15-40- TOSHIBA
Name of SKU No
Country Country of Character 15-40- CHINA
of Origin Origin of No
SKU’s Unit of Character 15-40- KG
UOM Measuremen No
SKU’s Weight of Number 1-50-No 50.13KG
Weight SKU in KG
SKU Status of an
Active SKU

Dictionar Functional
y ID Name Use case Requirement
BREQ2- Country Information BREQ2-UC01 FR-0001 to FR-0035
Entity Entity Min-Max- Uniqu Mandator
Name Description Type Fix e y? Null? Example
country ID of Country. Numeric 12-15-No 1010

country Name of Country Characte 15-40-No BANGLADESH
country Short name of Characte 1-15-No BD
country r
DD2 Division Information
Entity Description Entity Min-Max- Uniqu Mandator Null? Example

85 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

Name Type Fix e y?

division ID of Division. Numeric 12-15-No 101012

division Division of Characte 3-20-No Dhaka
warehouse r
name location
division Short name of Characte 1-15-No DHK
Division r
country ID of Country. Numeric 12-15-No 1010

BREQ2- District Information BREQ2-UC01
Entity Entity Min-Max- Uniqu Mandator
Name Description Type Fix e y? Null? Example
district ID unique identifier Numeric 12-15-No 1010122
of district
district name of district Characte 3-20-No Dhaka
district short name of Characte 1-15-No DHK
the district r
division code of division Numeric 12-15-No 101012

BREQ2- Warehouse Information BREQ2-UC01
Entity Entity Min-Max- Uniqu Mandator
Name Description Type Fix e y? Null? Example
warehous unique identifier Numeric 2-15-No 545
of warehouse
e ID
warehous name of Characte 2-15-No Central
warehouse r Warehouse
e name
warehous short name of Numeric 1-10-No CWH
the warehouse
e short
warehous address of Numeric 1-10-No
e address
warehous name of Characte 2-15-No MLA
warehouse in- r
e In- charge
Warehous contact number Alpha 12-15-No +88010570182
of warehouse in- Numeric 82

86 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

e in- charge

Warehous contact number Alpha 12-15-No +88010570182
of warehouse Numeric 82
e contact
district ID unique identifier Numeric 12-15-No 1010122
of district
division code of division Numeric 12-15-No 101012

country code of country Numeric 12-15-No 1010


Dictionary Functional
ID Name Use case Requirement
5 Warehouse Level Head BREQ2-UC02 FR-0036 to FR-0054
Entity Min- Uniqu Mandatory Entity
Name Description Entity Type Max-Fix e ? Null? Name
Warehouse Name of Alphanumeri 15-40- Central
Warehouse c No Warehous
Name e
Level Name of level Character 5-25-No Lane
Head head of a
Name warehouse
Level Sorting order Numeric 1-5-No 1
Sorting of warehouse
Order level
BREQ2-DD6 Warehouse Level Detail BREQ2-UC02
Entity Min- Uniqu Mandatory
Name Description Entity Type Max-Fix e ? Null? Example
Warehouse Name of Alphanumeri 15-40- Central
Warehouse c No Warehous
Name e
Parent Parent level of Character 5-25-No Rake
Level defining level
Level Head Level of Character 5-25-No PALLET
Level ID ID No. of Level Character 5-25-No PALLET 22
Level Sorting order Numeric 1-5-No 22
Sorting of warehouse
Order level
Product The level is Numeric 1-1-Y 0-Check

87 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

Level product level

or not

Dictionary Functional
ID Name Use case Requirement
DD-001 BOM BREQ3-UC01 FR-0001 to FR-0017
Entity Max-
Name Description Entity Type Fix Unique Mandatory? Null? Example
BOM No. Unique identifier Alpha 1-25-
Numeric No
of BOM
BOM Date Date of BOM Date 1-30- 24-07-12
Version BOM Version No. Numeric 1-10- 001
No. No
Project Name of Character 1-30- Shopnil
Name No
BOM Phase BOM Phase Character 1-30- Mobilization
Remarks Remarks Alpha 1-200- absdefghijk
Numeric No
SKU Name Name of SKU Alpha 1-35- Cement
Numeric No
UOM Unit of Alpha 1-35- KG
Numeric No
Total Total estimated Numeric 1-15- 50
estimated quantity No

Rate Rate Numeric 1-15- 30


Dictionary Functional
ID Name Use case Requirement
DD-002 Requisition BREQ3-UC02 FR-0018 to FR-0044
Entity Entity Max- Uniqu Mandatory Null
Name Description Type Fix e ? ? Example
Requisition Unique identifier Alpha 1-25- Req-001-12-

88 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

No. of Requisition Numeric No 02001

Requisition Date of Date 1-30- 24-07-12

Date Requisition
Requisition Name of Character 1-30- Shopnil
From No
Requisition Name of Character 1-30- Central
To No warehouse
Requisition Name of the Character 1-30- Zillur
By No
requesting user
Project Name of Character 1-30- Shopnil
Name No
Requisition Requisition type Character 1-30- Procuremen
type No t

Remarks Remarks Alpha 1-200- absdefghijk

Numeric No
SKU Name Name of SKU Alpha 1-35- Cement
Numeric No
UOM Unit of Alpha 1-35- KG
Numeric No
Total Total estimated Numeric 1-15- 50
estimated quantity No

Net Net Cumulative Numeric 1-15- 100

Cumulativ received No
e received
Present Present Stock Numeric 1-15- 100
Stock No

Required Required Numeric 1-15- 15

presently presently No

Rate Rate Numeric 1-15- 30


Dictionary Functional
ID Name Use case Requirement
DD-002 Receive BREQ-UC03 FR-0045 to FR-0071
Entity Entity Min-
Name Description Type Max-Fix Unique Mandatory? Null? Example

89 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

Receive Unique identifier Alpha 1-25-No Iss-001-12-

Numeric 02001
No. of Receive
Receive Date of Receive Date 1-30-No 24-07-12

Ref. Req. Unique identifier Alpha 1-25-No Req-001-12-
No. Numeric 02001
of Issue No.
Receive Receive Type Character 1-30-No Inter depot

Receive Name of Character 1-30-No Central
from warehouse
Ref. Issue Unique identifier Character 1-30-No Iss-001-12-
No. 02001
of issue no.
Remarks Remarks Alpha 1-200- absdefghijk
Numeric No
Approval Approval Status Character 1-30-No initial

SKU Name Name of SKU Alpha 1-35-No Cement
UOM Unit of Alpha 1-35-No KG
Stock Stock Numeric 1-15-No 100

Req. Qty Required Quantity Numeric 1-15-No 15

Issue Qty Issued Quantity Numeric 1-15-No 15

Receive Receive quantity Numeric 1-15-No 13

Quantity of SKU
Rate Rate Numeric 1-15-No 10

Dictionary Functional
ID Name Use case Requirement
DD-002 Issue BREQ4-UC01 FR-0001 to FR-0023
Entity Max-
Name Description Entity Type Fix Unique Mandatory? Null? Example
Issue No. Unique identifier of Alpha 1-25- Iss-001-12-
Numeric No 02001
Issue Date Date of Issue Date 1-30- 24-07-12
Ref. Unique identifier of Alpha 1-25- Req-001-12-

90 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

Requisition Requisition Numeric No 02001

Requisition Date of Requisition Date 1-30- 24-07-12
Date Creation
Issue to Name of warehouse Character 1-30- Shopnil
Issue type Issue type Character 1-30- Purchase
Remarks Remarks Alpha 1-200- absdefghijk
Numeric No
Approval Approval Status Character 1-30- Approved
SKU Name Name of SKU Alpha 1-35- Cement
Numeric No
UOM Unit of Alpha 1-35- KG
Numeric No
Stock Stock Numeric 1-15- 100
Req. Qty Required Quantity Numeric 1-15- 15

Issue Issue Quantity of Numeric 1-15- 13

Quantity SKU
Rate Rate Numeric 1-15- 10

ID Name Use case Functional Requirement
BREQ5-DD1 Scrap declaration BREQ5-UC01 FR-0001 to FR-0018
Entity Entity Max-
Name Description Type Fix Unique Mandatory? Null? Example
Warehouse Name of Character 1-30-No Central
Name warehouse Warehouse
Scrap Unique Alpha 1-25-No 000002610
declaration identifier of Numeric
Scrap Date of Scrap Date 1-30-No DD-MM-YY

declaration declaration
Date Creation
Remarks Remarks put Alpha 1-200- 0112
Numeric No
by the user
Prepared User name of Alpha 1-30 Rahim12
by the change Numeric

91 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

SKU ID Unique Alpha 1-25-No 003253532

identifier of
SKU Name Name of SKU Alpha 1-35-No PWVLT 12z
SKU Quantity of Numeric 1-15-No 133PCs.

Quantity SKU
Item Status of Item Alpha 1-16-No Fresh/Commercial
Status Quantity of Numeric 1-15-No 133PCs.

change SKU for which

Quantity status will be
Change Status of Item Alpha 1-16-No NCP
Approved User name of Alpha 1-30 Karim_kamal
by the status Numeric
change who
Approved Date of status Date 1-30-No DD-MM-YY

Date change

Dictionary Functional
ID Name Use case Requirement
BREQ5.3- Adjustment information BREQ5-UC02 FR-0019 to FR-0039
Entity Entity Min-
Name Description Type Max-Fix Unique Mandatory? Null? Example
Warehouse Name of Character 1-30-No Central
Name warehouse Warehouse
Adjustment Type of Character 2-3-No Out
Type adjustment
Adjustment Unique Alpha 1-25-No 000002610
ID identifier of Numeric
Adjustment Date of Date 1-30-No DD-MM-YY

Date adjustment
Reason Adjustment Character 15-40-No BANGLADESH
Remarks Adjustment Character 0-500-No

92 | 91
Software Requirement Specification

SKU ID Unique Alpha 1-25-No 003253532

identifier of Numeric
SKU Name Name of SKU Alpha 1-35-No PWVLT 12z
Adjust Quantity of Numeric 1-15-No 133.
Quantity adjust

7. Interface Requirement

7.1. User Interfaces

UI-1: The System screen shall display process that impacts Internet Application User
Interface Standard.

UI-2: The Web pages shall permit complete navigation and item selection to using mouse.

UI-3: Several Web pages will show in pop-up manner with modal option.

UI-4: AJAX Enable control will be used in Several Web pages.

UI-5: Screen will be in best view at 1024 x 768 resolution

UI-6: Trebuchet MS is picked as page and control font, RDL corporate color is picked as
face color and white is picked for background color.

7.2. Hardware Interfaces

No hardware interface is required

7.3. Software Interfaces

SI-1: This System will connect to SQL Server 2005 Database through ADO.Net 2.0

SI-2: ADO.Net 2.0 will also used for pull the attendance data from SQL Server 2005

SI-3: MS Word and MS Excel reports will be generated through ASPOSE document
generating interface

SI-4: Crystal reports will generate through crystal report viewer interfaces.

7.4. Application Programming Interfaces (API)

No Application programming interface has been identified.

7.5. Communication Interfaces

For daily data transfer following interfaces will consider

Comm.Interfaces-1: SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

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Software Requirement Specification

Comm.Interfaces-2: POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3)

8. Non Functional Requirements

8.1. Performance Requirements

Performance Req-1: System may not take more than 15 seconds to show any page over
Intranet. It has some dependency on connectivity and page contain.

8.2. Security Requirements

Sec.Req.-1: ASP.Net Form based authentication & authorization

Sec.Req.-2: Authenticated user will have the permission to operate system according to
authorization roles.

8.3. Quality Attributes

Availability-1: System will run as long as desired by client

Interoperability-1: Users will get up to date data, earlier than the current date
Interoperability-2: The system should allow the reports to be exported as Excel (.xls) and
PDF (.pdf) file.

9. Process Description

Here process defined as an automated system of calculation, basis of some logic and ruled.

No process required

10. Acceptance criteria

Accept.Criteria-1 : Report will consider which is included in this SRS

Accept.Criteria-2 : User will ensure UAT environment(test data, test cases, necessary
hardware )

Accept.Criteria-3 : LeadSoft will install the system into RPL or within the Dhaka city.

Accept.Criteria-4 : User training will be provided by LeadSoft.

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