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Elements of Landscape - Landform

For CSPA – Semester-VI


 Landform refers to the 3-Dimensional relief of the

earth’s surface.
 Landform serves as the base for all outdoor
 Has both artistic and utilitarian elements in its
design application.
 It is the surficial ground element of the exterior

 whether it is the man-made landform of an urban

plaza or the natural landform of a mountain range
landforms are always part of our experience of the
 Landforms are described by their
 volumetric form (ridge, valley, plain, hill, depression,
 type of slope (convex, concave), and

 the steepness of their slope (flat, steep, etc.)


 Macrolandform – Regional Level – valleys,

mountains, hills, plains

 Microlandform – Site Scale – mounds, berms,

slopes, elevation changes (via steps and ramps)

 Minilandform – smallest scale – subtle undulations

or ripples of a sand dune, or textural variation of
stone etc.
Kumbhalgarh Fort, Rajasthan
LANDFORM – Significance in Landscape

 Landform has a direct association with many

elements and aspects of the outdoor environment.

 Aesthetic character of an area

 Definition and perception of space, Views

 Drainage

 Microclimate

 Land-use, organization of functions on a particular site

LANDFORM – Significance in Landscape

Landform can be considered as a thread that ties all

the elements of the landscape together.
LANDFORM – Significance in Landscape
LANDFORM – Significance in Landscape

Landform formulates the overall order and form of the

LANDFORM – Significance in Landscape
LANDFORM – Significance in Landscape

The Size and spacing of the valleys and ridges within

a hilly or mountainous region can also have a direct
effect on the perceptual rhythm of the landscape.
LANDFORM – Significance in Landscape
LANDFORM – Significance in Landscape

Spatial Sensation
Sites or regions that are visually levelled lack spatial definition
based on landform alone. Level topography is only a ground
plane element lacking vertical definition.
Slopes or higher points on ground, occupy a portion of vertical
plane and have the ability to define and enclose a space.
LANDFORM – Significance in Landscape
LANDFORM – Significance in Landscape

In addition to the definition of space, landform affects the feeling

of a space.
Smooth, flowing landforms produce a relaxed sensation,
while bold, rugged landforms are apt to nurture a feeling of
excitement and aggressiveness in a space.
LANDFORM – Significance in Landscape
LANDFORM – Significance in Landscape

In the vertical plane, landform can affect

 what and how much is seen at anyone point,

 establish dramatic vistas,
 create sequential viewing or progressive realization of an
object or completely hide undesirable elements
LANDFORM – Significance in Landscape
LANDFORM – Significance in Landscape

Functional use of the land

Slope steepness, configuration of valleys and ridges, and the
character of landform, all affect the location and organization of
different functions and land uses.
LANDFORM – Significance in Landscape
LANDFORM - Representation

 On paper landforms
are represented using
contour lines. A
contour line is an
imaginary line that
connects points of
equal elevation. They
represent landforms by
their direction, spacing
and contour interval
(the vertical distance
from one contour to
the next).

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