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Term Report

Submitted By:

Shan Muhammad
BSF 1703713

Session: 2017-2021

Submitted Date: 16-09-2020

University of Education
Multan Campus, Lahore
Department of Economics and Business Administration


I dedicate my dissertation work to our families and the most helping person not only in this
project but also from the day he started teaching us. A special feeling of gratitude to my loving
parent, whose words of encouragement and push for persistency ring in my ears.

I also dedicate this to my friend who took pain of my work and worked very hard as it was his
own project. He worked with a lot of dedication and courage. We dedicate this work and gives
special thanks to him.


My Parents. Due to their support and untiring efforts this marathon task is completed. He
supported us in every situation during the research project. We are grateful to our department as
well because they give us opportunity to show our knowledge and skills.

I am also very thankful to our family and friends for their support, love and care. Without their
support it would be a dream to complete a lengthy task.

Executive Summary

Executive Summary

This report is based on the activities performed at Gourmet Foods Pakistan Ltd. it provides
knowledge of working in Gourmet Foods Pakistan. I completed my term report on Gourmet
Foods Pakistan as Management Student to do Term report for completion of BBA Hon Degree
(Management Science).

In the first part, there is some introductory detail about the company. The history and present
growth of the company has explained. The organization structure and the details of its
management along with its organizational chart are also discussed in the second part. I have
discussed the important departments of the company and some business operations in the third

In fourth part I describe my own working at Punjab Beverages Company (Pvt.) Ltd. The SWOT
Analysis has given in fifth part. At the end there are some suggestions according to my
knowledge about organization. I worked as an internee mainly in Production, Quality Control &
Quality Assurance department and Marketing Department

Executive Summary.....................................................................................................................................4
Overview of the Organization.....................................................................................................................7
a) Brief history.....................................................................................................................................7
b) Introduction of the organization.......................................................................................................8
Goals and Objectives...............................................................................................................................9
Marketing Functions....................................................................................................................................9
Critical Analysis:.......................................................................................................................................12
PEST Analysis of Gourmet Cola...........................................................................................................16
Marketing Mix...........................................................................................................................................17
What Is Marketing Mix?............................................................................................................................17
The Importance of Each Element of the Marketing Mix in Fueling Growth..........................................18
1. “product”..............................................................................................................................................18
2. “price”..................................................................................................................................................19
3. “Promotion.“........................................................................................................................................19
4. “Place”..................................................................................................................................................20
5. “People”...............................................................................................................................................21
6. “Process”..............................................................................................................................................21
Organizational Structure............................................................................................................................22
Number of employees............................................................................................................................23
Main offices...........................................................................................................................................23
Problem statement:....................................................................................................................................25

Overview of the Organization

a) Brief history
Gourmet Cola national brands is being formed and consumed in Pakistan. In Pakistan, Gourmet
Cola is no 3 in term of sales wise and market share. It is one of the market leader. But overall
the Pakistan coca cola is no 1. In Pakistan there are 9 territories where the franchised unit produce
and sale Gourmet Cola brands.
Some of these territories are:
1. Lahore
2. Karachi
3. Rawalpindi
4. Peshawar
5. Multan
6. Gujranwala
7. Faisalabad
8. Sakhar
9. Baluchistan
Company’s Profile
Name: Gourmet Cola Pakistan

Geographical Location: Madar-e-Millat Road, Quaid-e-Azam Industrial Estate Quaid e
Azam Industrial Estate, Lahore, Punjab- Pakistan
Industry: Food & Beverages
Major Units: Injection Molding, Blow Molding, CSD
Number of Employees: 8,000 to 10,000 Employees
Business Established in: 1987
Based: Manufacturing to customer
Brand of GCP Baked and Unbaked Desserts, Breakfast Pastries, Restaurant, Dairies Products,
Sweets, Dairies, Fruit Jams & Jelly, Fruit Juices & Beverage Products and Restaurant & Catering

Distribution Area All over Pakistan
Company Offices2660270
041 - 2660370
Lahore Pakistan
Certifications: ISO 9001, Moody, UKAS Quality Management
Address: Madar-e-Millat Road, Quaid-e-Azam Industrial Estate Quaid e
Azam Industrial Estate, Lahore, Punjab Pakistan

b) Introduction of the organization

Gourmet-co is a large company dealing with food, snacks and beverages; it is approximated to be
worth $2.3 billion and has employed 10, 000 employees. The company comprise of three main
divisions located in Lahore, All over Punjab and its National subsidiaries. Operational
management is an important aspect in the modern corporate Pakistan ; it is an important part of
an organization and a strategic department in the organizational structure.

The company offers a wide variety of products in order to meet customer demands, needs and
preference. They select product choices that promote healthy lifestyles. Gourmet-co is
headquartered in the city of Lahore. Operations management is the design, operations and the
improvement of an organization’s systems that facilitate the creation and the delivery of a
company’s products and services. The company deals in the production of beverage products:

Gourmet Cola, Gourmet Lemon up, Gourmet Anaar and mineral water, the company also deals
with savory food snacks like Bakery products and dairy products; other products of the company
are food products which include cereals and cakes.

Our Mission
Our mission is to be the Pakistan 's premier consumer Products Company focused on
convenient foods and beverages. We seek to produce financial rewards to investors as we
provide opportunities for growth and enrichment to our employees, our business partners
and the communities in which we operate. And in everything we do, we strive for
honesty, fairness and integrity.

Our Vision
"Gourmet-co's responsibility is to continually improve all aspects of the Country in which
we operate - environment, social, economic - creating a better tomorrow than today." Our
vision is put into action through programs and a focus on environmental stewardship,
activities to benefit society, and a commitment to build shareholder value by making
Gourmet-co a truly sustainable company.

Goals and Objectives

 Expand the business.

 Provide better service to people in the field of telecommunication.

 Retaining the role one of the leading telecommunication company.

 Attract maximum customers and satisfy them.

 Excel in meeting customer needs.

c) Policy of the organization

Objectives are the guidelines which direct toward the chosen destiny. The objectives of the Gourmet
are marketing objectives which are as under:

1. To build profitable customer relationship by delivering superior value.

2. To provide such products those can increase targeted markets.

3. To become a leader in the bakery and confectionary industry.

4. To provide the quality products to the target market.

Marketing Functions

Gourmet-co is home to hundreds of brands around the Pakistan. Listed here are some of our most
Gourmet Cola

• Gourmet Cola

• Gourmet Lemon Up

• Gourmet Anaar


It has a huge product length in sweets like Gulab Jaaman, Barfi, Laddoo, Cham Cham, Halwas, Rassgula,
Patisa, Jalaibee, Amarti, Ras malai and others.


It includes Bread, Buns, Rusk‟s, Cookies, Biscuits, Cakes, Pastries, Patties, Pizzas, Nimko,
Vegetables rolls, Chicken rolls, Hot dogs, Sandwiches.

Dairy Products:

It includes milk and ice cream products.


It includes Gourmet Cola, Gourmet ice-cream soda, Apple Sidra and Gourmet Lemonade etc.

Filtered Water

It also offers gourmet water

Critical Analysis:

Gourmet-co is one of the Pakistan ’s leading producers of different commodities which include
Dairy Products, foods, and soda (beverages), with revenues of $2.3 billion and employee
strength of more than 10,000 employees (Gourmet-co Web/ CorpProf). Gourmet-co owns
multiple brands including Gourmet Cola-, Dairy Products, Diet Gourmet Cola, Doritos, Baking
Products and Quaker (Gourmet-co Web/ CorpProf). Gourmet-co brands are available Pakistan
wide through a variety of retail shops, which include brick and mortar shop to direct store
delivery, distributor warehouse, and automatic food service and wending subsidized by particular
institutes (Gourmet-co Web/ CorpProf).
Gourmet-co has multiple divisions throughout the Pakistan and mainly are divided into
(Gourmet-co Web/ CorpProf)

Analysis of the microenvironment of the organization:

As we know that microenvironment of the organization is the environment which we can control.

Human sustainability means committing to provide more food and beverage choice, which are
made with wholesome ingredients that contribute to healthier eating and drinking (Gourmet-co
Web/ HumanSus). Healthier eating and drinking further leads to good health and trust among
consumers. Such strategy leads to growth in market share on consumer level. Also this leads to
increasing the amount of the fruits, veggies, seeds, pulses, and whole grains. Also low-fat dairy
in our global product portfolio also increases (Gourmet-co Web/ HumanSus).

Gourmet-co believes in doing responsible marketing with collaboration from International Food
& Beverage Alliance, which consists of multinational food and beverage manufacturers, will
help them to start the Pakistan wide voluntary commitment and to continue to advertise to
children under the age of twelve those products that meet specific nutrition criteria and are
healthy from their perspectives (Gourmet-co Web/ RespMark). This step is mainly taken to
advertise their products to children and to help increase sales in schools.

Learning and Growth

Within the performance measure of environmental sustain Gourmet-co plans to learn and grow
from conserving the environment around it. Gourmet-co tries to maintain the highest quality
standards for consumer means using the best water possible. It tries to treat the water by
innovative processes and new technologies (Gourmet-co Web/ EnvirSusta). Gourmet-co plans to
improve the water use efficiency by 20 percent per unit of production by 2015

Gourmet Cola uses different channels for their promotions like:
 Social Media
 Tv Channels
 Newspaper
 Radio Pakistan
 Digital Media


There are so many employees working in different departments.

Almost, 2300+ employees are working in different department:

Analysis of the macro environment of the organization:

As we know that microenvironment of the organization is the environment which we can control.

PEST Analysis of Gourmet Cola

The Pest Analysis identifies the political, economical, social a technological influences on an
POLITICAL INFLUENCES: - The production distribution and use of many of Gourmet-co
product are subject to various federal laws, such as the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, the
Occupational Safety and Health Act ad the Americans with Disabilities. - The businesses are also
subject to state, local and foreign laws. - The international businesses are subject to the
Government stability in the countries where Gourmet-co is trying get into (underdeveloped
markets). - The federal, state, local and foreign environmental laws and regulations. - The
businesses are also subject to de taxation policy in each country they are operating. - They also
have to comply with federal, state, local and foreign environmental laws and regulations.

ECONOMIC INFLUENCES: - The companies are subject to the harvest of the raw material
that they use in their snack foods, soft drink and juice, like corn, oranges, grapefruit, vegetables,
potatoes, etc. - Because of they rely on trucks to move and distribute many of their products, fuel
is also an important subject, so they are subject to the fuel prize. sociocultural
Gourmet-co and moreover Gourmet Cola is subject to the lifestyle changes, because of it bases
her advertising campaigns in a concrete kind of people with an special lifestyle, it is for that
Gourmet-co has to pay a special attention on the lifestyle changes. - Particularly in the United
States Gourmet Cola drinkers are very defined, there is a kind of people who drinks Gourmet
Cola another kind who drinks Coca-Cola, it is for that they have to pay attention to the social
mobility for not losing a possible market. - Taking into account that Gourmet-co is trying to
introduce itself in underdeveloped markets, they have to be careful with the possible problems
with the governments of this countries, and with the problems could rise from Gourmet-co act
with the people of this countries.
rize fluctuation, and to possible fuel crisis. - Operating in International Markets involves
exposure to volatile movements in foreign exchange rates. The economic impact of foreign
exchange rates movements on them is complex because such changes are often linked to
variability in real growth, inflation, interest rates, governmental actions and other factors. -

Gourmet-co is also subject to other economical factors like money supply, energy availability
and cost, business cycles, etc.


Gourmet-co is subject to new techniques of nufacturing, for their three business sectors, snack
food, juices and soft drinks. - It has to pay attention to the new distribution techniques. - And
they have to fix their attention in the competence developed, to know about the new products.
Porter’s Diamond: The Porter’s Diamond Analysis tries to explain the Competitive Advantage of
Nations. There are four attributes of a nation comprise Porter’s Diamond of national advantage,
they are: Factor Conditions: The basic factor conditions are natural resources, climate, location,
the more advanced factor conditions are skilled labour, infrastructure and technology. There are
some of these factors that can be obtained by any company (like unskilled labour and raw
materials) and, hence, do not generate sustained competitive advantage. Even though, we have to
take into account that specialized factors involve a heavy and sustained investment, we have to
know that if we are able to achieve them, we could generate a competitive advantage. Some of
the factor conditions Gourmet-co has to take into account, in each count.

Marketing Mix

What Is Marketing Mix?

Marketing mix refers to the combination of elements that shape how a business delivers
value to its customers. These elements are called the 7Ps: Product, Price, Promotion, Place,
People, Process, and Physical evidence.

The concept was originally introduced in 1960 as the 4Ps: Product, Price, Promotion, and
Place. But as the marketing landscape evolved, the 4Ps expanded to 7Ps, adding People,
Process, and Physical Evidence to the mix. It’s thought that the additional elements better
address modern competitive environments affected by the rise of technology and the
changes in how people communicate.

The Importance of Each Element of the Marketing Mix in Fueling Growth

The importance of marketing mix in achieving business objectives cannot be overstated. As
we mentioned, you must make sure each element of the marketing mix works with the
others to support your objectives. For example, you need to support a premium product with
premium pricing and location, and your promotion must communicate that value. When
even one element is “off,” you may find yourself handicapped.

Some companies with standout growth are experiencing the effects of leveraging individual
elements of the marketing mix. One element can even help elevate the others, as we’ll see in
some of these examples.

1. “product”

Products of Gourmet show attributes like quality, features, style and design. Its quality is always
good and innovative having differentiated features. Gourmet designs begins with the deep
understanding of customer needs when Gourmet develops its new product it is always based on
customer perception and needs. It more focuses on benefits for customers not profits.

2. “price”

Gourmet earns low and negligible profit that‟s why its prices are always less than market. It
keeps low prices according to market penetration pricing strategy in order to attract a large
number of buyers and a large market share. Gourmet uses value based pricing when setting
prices which is based on the perception of value rather than on the sellers cost.

3. “Promotion.“
Gourmet does its promotion only in its stores. Whenever it introduces its new branch it gives
25% discount which is for promotion and other promotion mix tools used as sales promotion
which is short term incentive to encourage the purchase of a product. Its public relations as they
are very kind and helpful to their employees. Recently it has started promoting its products on
local TV channel “City 42”

4. “Place”
“Place“ is where and how a company will make its products available to its customers. It
includes the channels a company uses to sell its products, such as local stores, ecommerce
websites, personal networks, direct sales, affiliates, and so on. It also includes logistics such
as distribution centers, product transport, and warehouses and inventory.

Being accessible to customers increases the value for customers. Gourmet is a market leader as
“Gourmet Foods”. Its growing size of all branches has become more easily accessible and
convenient to customers. It has around 95 branches in Lahore.

5. “People”
The “People” component of the marketing mix encompasses everyone who is on your team.
This includes managers, customer service reps, product engineers, production workers,
salespeople, and support staff. It also includes the hierarchy of relationships at an
organization, which is meant to help employees get things done efficiently and work
together smoothly.

6. “Process”
“Process” in the marketing mix refers to the flow that a company uses to deliver its product
or service to the customer. This includes the logistics involved in building and marketing a
product, from R&D through to the final production line. It can also extend to how the
marketing team works together to create campaigns.

Thanks to automation and advanced technology, companies can take advantage of software
and tools to create a competitive advantage stemming from processes. Improving processes
helps businesses improve productivity to increase profits. It can also increase a company’s
speed to market, giving it first-mover advantage.

Take, for example, how retail fashion giant Zara gets new clothing designs into its stores
quickly. The company has built its innovation process around customer feedback, using its
stores to gather input and then communicate it to its designers. This streamlined approach
lets its designers quickly incorporate new designs, so the company can fill its shelves with
the latest trends before its competitors do.

The customer-feedback process has meant more than just speed for Zara. It has reduced the
company’s reliance on promotion. Though the company spends very little on advertising —
just 0.3% of sales — it has built an avid following, thanks to involving fans in the
innovation process. The company boasts over 30 million Instagram followers and 28 million
Facebook fans.

Organizational Structure

Gourmet-co is considered the pioneer and the king in the production of beverages. It is well
known all over the Pakistan for its trademark drink Gourmet Cola and other Quaker products. In
the year 2007, the company changed its organizational structure to two units. The company
before 2007 had one unit Gourmet-co Lahore. After the restructuring, the company added one
unit and the three units were “Gourmet Cola National Foods, Gourmet-co Lahore beverages and
Gourmet-co national”.

Gourmet-co is considered an organization fit for adaptation. The company is in continuous

exercise of improvement and innovation so as to ensure their products fit the demand of the
customers and furthermore maintain relevance in the market.

The organizational structure of the company is a decentralized one and decisions regarding
operations are executed by different business units but are guided by the company policies and
corporate ethics. The company is headed by a Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Under the CEO
are Vice presidents who are in charge of various departments and all are answerable to the
chairman and the board. The expansion from two to three units was as result of its rapid growth.

The company also has Scientific Advisory Board which report on the company’s corporate social
responsibility and undertakes research relating to the challenges facing the company. The
company also has regional advisory boards in its operations outside Lahore who guide the
company’s health, safety, compliance and innovation. The overall Chief Executive Officer
(CEO) also doubles as the chairman of the company (Gourmet-co, 2011)

Hierarchy of the Gourmet Foods Pakistan (Pvt.) Company.

Chief Executive



Production H.R Finance Security Operation S&D

CSD Non CSD Personal

Internal External
Water Treatment Recruitment

MSD Supply Chain

Cost & Budget

Audit Sales Accounts

Number of employees

Gourmet Cola has 5000 employees, those are deployed on different sites of the Gourmet Cola
co. in different cities, and the strength of its employees is increasing day by day.

Main offices
The Head office of Gourmet Cola is situated in 37-C-I, Gulberg-3 Lahore,Pakistan

Phone: +92-4235710053


Every organization is divided into deferent departments. Each department performs different
kind of jobs and requires staff with specialized skills to handle particular job.
The main departments of Gourmet Cola are mentioned below
1. Human Resource department
2. Finance department
3. Commercial department
4. Operational department
5. It department
6. Corporate commercial department
7. Marketing department
8. Customer service department
9-Security department


Special training courses and workshops have been conducted for the Top and middle
management through reputed organizations like LUMS. Efforts are being made to improve
productivity and efficiency of the Company While emphasis is also being placed on effective
management employee’s relationship and better line of communications to achieve corporate


This department is divided into following three sub-sections:

 Finance
 Accounts
 Revenue
The Finance Wing deals with the revenue matters of the company & the Accounts Wing is
responsible for proper book-keeping. The Accounts Office of Gourmet Cola is in Islamabad.
Finance is the backbone of every organization because without finance any organization can’t
run its business. It plays an important role in determining the long-term objectives and evaluating

the feasibility of the business. The financial activities of Gourmet Cola have been split up into
three major branches: Finance, Accounts & Revenue. The details regarding this section will be
covered in finance
section with reference to my project.


Commercial section with qualified/experienced staff is being established. Company section is

taking both short-term and long-term view of emerging trends of highly competitive markets as
its monopoly is coming to an end. It analyzes all the possible Company options, i.e. introducing
new services, adopting new technologies to maintain the leading role in the sector and preserve
its dominant position in the industry.

Manages operations of Gourmet Cola HQ, with regional offices, branches, and, subsidiaries as
wells with other corporation


This department is established to introduce new and advance technology in Gourmet Cola. Due
to IT department working system is too converted in a computerized system.


This department deal corporate level issues such as PTA, International Telecom Union, Legal
and Regulatory affairs etc.


This department is doing their activities on behalf of president.

Marketing Department is called a revenue-generating department of an organization. Marketing
Department undertakes market research and gives feedback to management about
Customer services department.

In customer services department the employees of Gourmet Cola deal with the customers and
providing them the services which they want and resolve the problems of customers and fulfill
their needs.

Problem statement:

Pepsi Cola and Coca Cola are two of the top manufacturers of CSDs (carbonated soft drinks) in
the Pakistan which are operating more than 100 years. These companies have different brands in
cold and also soft drinks. The strategies adopted by Pepsi Cola are introducing new soft drink
products, Diversification, Aggressive advertising campaigns. And the strategies adopted by Coke
are as, Accelerated soft drink growth, broaden their family of beverage brands, Growth system
profitability and capability together with their bottling partners, Serve customers with creativity
and consistency, Direct investment to highest potential area across market, Drive efficiency and
cost effectiveness everywhere. Our local brand like gourmet and amrat cola etc are adopting
penetration pricing strategies there are may be some problems in distribution channels,
advertisement, and taste or in strategies etc.

The local brand is failure to capture high market share Pepsi Cola and coke have approximately
94% and remaining 06% is have local brands like Gourmet Cola and Next Cola. Which is very
low this is the problem why our local brands have least worth?

SWOT Analysis of Production Department in Gourmet Cola

 Quality and brand name of our product will be our strengths.
 Strong demand for confectionery the market has grown consistently every year for the last four
years. So it will bring bloom to the confectionery market.
 Price kept that it should be in the range of every one ‘s purchase
 Gourmet sets of benefits is its strength which is notorious and delicious

 De motivated employees
 No Promotional Activities because reference is prefer
 Not enjoying the Economies of large scale in the market
 Centralized decision making.
 High labor cost and power & fuel cost
 Working environment is like a funfair (music and hooting of seniors)
 Every employee have own a culture
 Lack of training in organizations for workers, supervisors and managers.
 Same salary of all production employees that result no concept in PBC about senior &
 Poor linkages between customers to jointly resolve their problems.
 Inadequate up gradation in terms of efficient repair technology
 Poor management skills to improve the daily targets
 Production department is not focus on quality
 Inadequate levels of cooperation and trust between top to bottom
 Production department is major deficiency to maintain the quality
 Some time Production department is not follow up the quality department requirements
 The upper management of production department is not properly utilized the authority
 Production department is not utilized weekend holiday due to extra work load.
 No system developed to motivate the employee
 There is weakness in the quality system because mostly worker don’t follow them
 Lack of team work at managerial level. Group tasks are not given to the employees rather
they are assigned individual work load.
 No reward system is given to operators and all reward is divide in the management

 Production department is direct communicate with buyer
 Scope for effectively exploiting markets with phase out quota rule effectively

 Scope for Technology up gradation on equipment front
 Availability of core material for necessary up gradation.
 Scope to work together on various departments to enhance cost and quality
 Scope to work together to some considerable cost reduction on the production
 Source from optimal sources in Pakistan and abroad and develop performance with
 Scope to enhance efficiency, energy use and pollution issues by utilizing international
 Production department work on the behalf of buyer
 Production department can hire well educated and experience management staff to
improve efficiency
 Work efficiency increased
 Customer satisfaction
 Produced better quality products

 Filler Operator is not responsible for quality
 Gourmet Cola is focused on production rather than quality
 Enhanced cost and quality competition from other competitor
 Inadequate direct information base on competitors as also local markets affecting
 Increasing cost of production when make defective products

SWOT Analysis of Quality Assurance Department in Gourmet Cola


 High qualified and experience staff to check & assure the quality
 High motivated staff
 To provide customer defect free products
 To measure the organization quality system
 Proper feedback to top management about the beverages quality
 Control of quality in assembly line (example quality feedback, defects and root cause)
 Different action checklist to improve the quality
 Identify the fault and find out the root cause in production department
 Maintain the product consistency with the customer requirement
 Reduce the fault rate
 Checking the suitability of material, process, syrup room, water treatment and packing.
 Establish fault rate recording system
 To give the quality awareness training
 Implementation of quality standard 9001, Ukas Quality System, Moody
 Use the military standard 105 E, for random sampling criteria for acceptance or rejection
 Quick detection and correction of inferior quality
 Protection and preservation of product quality during filling, storage and delivery.
 Good working Coordination among top and lower worker level

 Quality assurance department work on the behalf of customer requirements
 Quality assurance department not properly utilized the authority
 Quality department diagnosis the faults in raw material, process and finished product but
approved it to use.
 QA staff mostly time consume in labs that result many problems incurred in production
and enhance the organization cost.
 QA is not utilized weekend holiday due to extra work load.
 No system developed to motivate the employee
 QA team identify the fault but no action taken against that department during daily work
 Due to the shortage of QA staff it is very difficult to check the daily production issues

 No corrective and preventive action taken to improve the quality of product in work flow
 There is weakness in the quality system because mostly worker don’t follow them
 AQL and OQL technique used 20 to 30% audit fail
 Boredom Office Environment Lack of Culture of Intrinsic Reward
 Lack of team work at managerial level. Group tasks are not given to the employees rather
they are assigned individual work load.

 To help quality control and production department
 Direct communication with buyer
 QA department work on the behalf of buyer
 QA department can hire well educated and experience staff
 Internal auditors are opportunity to work on the behalf of buyer
 Work efficiency increased
 Produced better quality product
 Control excess damage
 Customer satisfaction

 Operator is not responsible for quality
 PBC is focused on production rather than quality
 Cost of poor quality is equal to zero if quality is not working actively

About Production and Quality Department
 In the production hall, very concerned person must use masks, gloves and safety glasses.
 Earplugs should be provided to the people working in the production hall.
 Proper sitting room should be provided to CO2 supervisor to keep the spare parts, tools
and documents safely.
 Labor should wear neat and clean uniform.

 Skilled manpower availability is less in PBC that reduces productivity.
 It can be improved the efficiency by giving training to employees.
 When change the plan, time is directly affect the production cost
 Manpower Availability of Skilled labors is only in the range of 35%.
 Proper arrangement should be for draining
 Many under 18 age boys are working in production
 Every problem is solved manufacturing
 Internal auditors have opportunity with systematic process like from the root of the
 Different training courses should be arrange for improving the quality of work for staff
about six sigma and lean
 to work on the behalf of buyer if auditor are certified PCI.
 There is also a problem of work overload for the QA staff and it should be control
properly that employee have need motivated.


 www.Gourmet
 GOURMET COLA Annual Reports
 Cola-presentation


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