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Statistics in language education

Created by :

Cindy ayudhia

10535 11032


Bg b

English education department

Faculty of teacher training and education

Muhammadiyah university of makassar

July, 2021

Praise the presence of Allah SWT for giving His grace and guidance so
that I can complete this paper entitled "Statistics In Language Education" on time.

The purpose of writing this paper is to fulfill the duties of the lecturer

I thank Erwin Akib, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph.D as a lecturer in the Statistics In

Language Education course who has given this final assignment so that he can
add knowledge and insight according to the field of study that I am working on.

I also thank all those who have shared some of their knowledge so that I
can complete this paper. I realized that the paper I wrote was far from perfect.
Therefore, I will wait for constructive criticism and suggestions for the perfection
of this paper.




TABLE OF CONTENT...............................................................................ii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTON...................................................................1

A. BACKGRUND...................................................................................1
B. FORMULATION OF PROBLEM.....................................................2
C. PURPOSE...........................................................................................3

CHAPTER II CONTENT............................................................................4


AND STATISTICS............................................................................5
C. STATISTICS METHOD....................................................................7
D. STATISTICS PROPERTIES..............................................................9
E. STATISTICS FUNCTION...............................................................10
F. MEASUREMENT SCALE..............................................................11

CHAPTER III CONCLUSION.................................................................12

A. CONCLUSION.................................................................................12



Etymologically the word statistic comes from the word status (Latin)
which has the same meaning with the word state (English) or the word staat
(Dutch), and which in Indonesian is translated into state. Initially, the word
statistics was defined as a collection of information (data), both in the form of
numbers (quantitative data) and intangible numbers (qualitative data), which
have great importance and usefulness for a country.

However, in subsequent developments, the meaning of the word statistics

is only limited to a collection of information in the form of numbers
(quantitative data) and those that are not in the form of numbers (qualitative

The term statistics is also often given the understanding as statistical

activities or statistical activities or statistical activities. As stated in the law on
statistics (see Law No. 7 of 1960), statistical activities include 4 things,
namely: (1) data collection, (2) data compilation, (3) data announcement and
reporting, and ( 4) data analysis.

When writing research reports or making data processing results, the

words statistics and statistics are often found and used in them. These two
words do have a relationship and are commonly used in solving problems that
have to do with data.

However, these two words have slightly different meanings, you know,
even though the essence is quite similar. Sometimes, there are still people
who don't know the difference between statistics and statistics. Because they

are both used in the context of data processing, there are people who often use
these two terms incorrectly.

When viewed from the origin of the words, both statistics and statistics
both come from relatively similar English words. Where Statistics is taken
from the English word 'Statistics' while statistics is taken from the English
word 'statistics'.

The two words may look the same, but are actually different. However, in
the context of its use, the two words are still related.

As a science, the position of statistics is one of the branches of applied

mathematics. Therefore, to understand statistics at a high level, it is first
necessary to understand mathematics.
In developed countries such as America, Europe and Japan, statistics is
developing rapidly in line with the development of economics and

Even the progress of a country is largely determined by the extent to

which the country applies statistical science in solving development problems
and its government planning. Japan as one of the developed countries, is said
to have succeeded in combining statistics with economics, product design,
psychology and sociology of society.

So far, statistical science is also used to predict and analyze consumer

behavior, so that Japan is able to dominate the world economy to this day.

1. What is the definition about statistics ?
2. What is the different between statistical and statistics ?
3. What is the method use of statistics ?
The purpose of conducting research is to collect, process, and analyze data
systematically and efficiently to solve a problem. In addition, the purpose of
the research is to apply the knowledge or apply the knowledge of statistics
acquired during the lectures on the methods and uses of statistics.
While the purpose of the compiler in the preparation of this paper is to find
out the types of statistics based on the method and other things that the
compiler needs to know to add insight into the science of statistics.


Statistics is a science or scientific method that studies how to plan, collect,
manage, interpret and then analyze data to then present the results of the data
obtained. In short, statistics is a branch of science that deals with data and
how to collect it.

According to the definition of the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI),

statistics is defined as the study of how to tabulate, collect, analyze and find
meaningful information from data. The data collected and analyzed is in the
form of numbers. Therefore, we can conclude that statistics is a science that
studies about collecting, managing, and processing existing data.

Unlike statistics, statistics are the results of data displayed in the form of
graphs, tables and so on. Statistics is a collection of data, numbers and non-
numbers arranged in tables or diagrams.

There are also those who define statistics as a collection of data in the
form of numbers or not numbers that are related to certain problems. The data
is then compiled and presented in the form of lists, tables, diagrams or other
forms for easy understanding.

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), statistics are defined

as numbers or records that are collected, grouped and tabulated so that
information related to a particular problem is obtained. The figures or data
displayed in these statistics are obtained from the results of data collection in
the form of interviews or without interviews.
Therefore, statistics are basically data resulting from the processing that
we study in statistics. Or, in other words, statistics is the science, while
statistics are the data.

Understanding Statistics According to Experts

Statistics is basically a tool to provide an overview of an event through a
simple form, either in the form of numbers or pictures (graphs). Dealing with
statistics means dealing with a set of numbers. Where the numbers are not
only numbers that can describe the past but can also be used to predict what
will happen in the future. The following is the definition of statistics
according to several experts in the field of statistics:
1. According to Freund and William: Statistics is a collection of data in the
form of numbers
2. According to Noegroho Budijuwono: Statistics is a whole method of data
collection and analysis of numbers
3. According to Agus Irianto: Statistics are a set of methods and rules
relating to the collection, processing, analysis, drawing conclusions on
data in the form of numbers using certain assumptions.


From the definition described above, it can be seen that there is a slight
difference between the two. The difference is based on this understanding,
namely where statistics is a science or scientific method used to collect data
related to certain problems or problems. While statistics are data from
calculations or scientific methods presented in the form of tables, graphs and
so on. However, we will try to discuss further about the difference between
statistics and statistics in more detail based on what is the difference.
1. Based on understanding
Based on the understanding alone, it can actually be seen that the
two are different things, even though they are related. Statistics itself is a
science that studies data, or studies statistics.
Meanwhile, statistics are the data itself that is processed and
studied using statistics. From this understanding alone, it is quite clear
that there is a difference between statistics and statistics. Apart from
understanding, the difference between statistics and statistics can be seen
from several other aspects.
2. Based on purpose
The next difference that distinguishes between statistics and
statistics is the purpose. These two things are equally related to the
collection, processing and interpretation of data. However, between
statistics and statistics have different goals.
o Statistical purpose
As a science and scientific method, statistics are used to
facilitate the processing and interpretation of data that has been
previously collected.
By using statistics, data from a problem that has previously
been collected, can be processed, interpreted, and then used for
certain purposes.

This statistical data processing results will later be referred

to as statistical data. Therefore, in general the function of statistics
is to convert random data and information into an understandable
statistical data.
o Statistic purpose
As a science and scientific method, statistics are used to
facilitate the processing and interpretation of data that has been
previously collected.

By using statistics, data from a problem that has previously

been collected, can be processed, interpreted, and then used for
certain purposes.
This statistical data processing results will later be referred to as
statistical data. Therefore, in general the function of statistics is to
convert random data and information into an understandable
statistical data.
3. Different use of methods
The last aspect of statistical and statistical differences is the
method used in both. In statistics, the research method used consists of
two methods, namely survey and experiment.

Both of these methods both study the response behaviour caused

by explanatory changes and their effects. The difference is only in the
implementation of the study process. In essence, in the statistical process,
the method used focuses on processing and managing the collected data.
These data will then be issued into statistics.
Meanwhile, in statistics, the study method used is to first obtain a
collection of data that is obtained and processed in the statistical process
for later review. In essence, in statistics, the methods used are more
interpretive of what 'statistics' have been removed from processing using
statistical methods. So that was an explanation of the difference between
statistics and statistics that you should know. Not only differ in terms of
understanding, the two are also different in several aspects.

However, actually from a general understanding, it can actually be

distinguished between statistics and statistics themselves. By knowing the
difference between the two, now you are not wrong in using these two

C. Statistical Method
Statistical methods are divided into two, namely:
1. Descriptive Statistics
Descriptive Statistics are methods related to the collection and
presentation of a data set so as to provide useful information (Tables and
2. Inductive Statistics/Inferential
Inductive Statistics/Inferential are all methods related to the
analysis of some data to then arrive at forecasting or drawing a conclusion
about the entire parent data cluster (hypothesis testing).

Statistical method is a science that includes all methods to collect, process,

present and analyze quantitative data descriptively. The focus of the activity
is the collection and organization of data and the use of simplistic

According to Croxton and Cowden, the definition emphasizes the

techniques of collecting, processing, simplifying, presenting and analyzing
quantitative data descriptively to provide a description of an event. Therefore,
it is called descriptive statistical method. Furthermore, Croxton and Cowden
provide a broader definition of statistics, namely methods for collecting,
processing, presenting, analyzing and interpreting data in the form of

The word interpretation means drawing conclusions from the results of the
analysis conducted on the basis of limited quantitative data. This means that
statistical methods do not only provide techniques for collecting, processing,
presenting and analyzing data, but also provide techniques for drawing
conclusions about population characteristics from the results of measurements
made on samples that have been chosen randomly. The method of drawing
general conclusions is actually the core of modern statistics which is then
popularly known as inferential statistics.
1. Field of study/ scope of descriptive statistics:
a) Frequency distribution.
b) Presentation of graphs, charts and diagrams.
c) Measurement of central tendency/concentration (mean, median,
d) Distribution division (quartiles, deciles, percentiles)
e) Variability (range, mean, deviation, standard deviation, Z score)
f) Index Number
g) Time series (time series or periodic data)
2. Inferential statistics studies statistics
a) Probability / probability theory
b) Theoretical distribution
c) Sampling and sampling distribution
d) Estimation studies (population level assessments)
e) Hypothesis testing
f) Correlational analysis and significance test
g) Regression analysis for forecasting

1. Relating to a set of numbers.
2. Existing data is always influenced by various factors.
3. Related to quantitative data.
Statistical activity stage:
1. Data collection
Overall/census data collection.
Data collection with the sample method.
Data collection with case studies.
2. Data compilation
Editing : detect error
Cassify: grouping data according to the properties of the data
Tabulation: Grouping data according to the properties of the data that
have been determined by using columns and rows
3. Announcement of data: in graphs and pictures
4. Data Analysis: With the selected statistical method
5. Data Interpretation

The statistical functions in general are:
1. Descriptive; serves to explain conclusions that are general in nature, just
generalizations rather than existing ones. Or just simplify an existing set
of data.
2. Inferential: is the development of statistical functions, which can talk
more about existing data than descriptive statistics.
While the statistical function specifically:
1. Describe the data in a certain form.
2. Simplify data.
3. Can be used as a technique for making comparisons.
4. Can provide guidance for the formulation of company policies.
5. Can measure to learn a symptom both social and economic.
6. Can be used to determine cause-and-effect relationships.

Data is a measurement that is collected as a result of a

The population is the entire observation that is the center of our attention
or all possible values of a variable/characteristic being studied.
Sample / sample is a subset of the population that can be selected with
certain techniques.
Sampling is the process of selecting or determining a sample from a
A random sample is an example chosen in such a way that every
individual has the same opportunity to be used as a sample or sample to be
A variable is a measurable characteristic of the person, object or event
being studied. example: height, weight, data collection, gender, family, and
others). variables are divided into two, namely:
1. Quantitative Variables
a. A disk variable (discontinuous variable) is a variable whose value only
consists of integers. For example: population, number of children,
number of books and so on.
b. A continuous variable is a variable whose value can be a fraction.
Example: height, weight, volume, water, and so on.
2. Qualitative Variables
Parameters are characteristics of the population that can be measured and
expressed by numbers (π, X, σ, S, p, p).

To measure something, a size scale must be used. Each size has a different
scale. For example, length and weight.

The size of the scale can be classified into four parts, namely:
1. Nominal Scale
That is a scale/measurement that only classifies or classifies qualitative
data by using numbers or symbols. This scale is the most basic, easy and
simple scale because it only classifies the equation of the object being
2. Ordinal Scale
That is a scale or measure that shows the size or ranking scale used for the
importance of the object being measured (arranged according to their
respective ranks: the distance between the rankings is not the same).
3. Ratio Scale
That is a scale or measure that has an absolute zero point, so that
observations can be compared with one another.

Statistics is a science that is needed for the development of the world, a lot
of people want to know this branch of science, so many know about statistics,
but because of the difficulty, many are sometimes reluctant or lazy to study
this science. In fact, statistics are easy to learn. The important thing is that
there is an intention from us. If you want to explore this science, you will
definitely know and understand this statistical science.

The conclusions that can be drawn from the authors of this paper can be
seen from the discussion above are:
1. Statistical methods procedures - procedures or ways of presenting and
interpreting data. The presentation includes: presentation, organizing,
summarizing and presenting data. While the interpretation of the data
includes: estimation, testing allegations and drawing conclusions.
2. There are 2 types of statistical methods, namely:
Descriptive Statistics is a method of collecting, summarizing and
presenting data. Descriptive is giving an illustration.
Inferential Statistics is a statistical method of forecasting,
estimating and drawing conclusions. Inferential is doing
generalization (drawing conclusions.
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