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Role of big data analytics capability in developing integrated hospital

supply chains and operational flexibility: An organizational information
processing theory perspective
Wantao Yu a, Gen Zhao a, Qi Liu a, Yongtao Song b, *
Roehampton Business School, University of Roehampton, London SW15 5SL, United Kingdom
Institute of Management Science and Engineering, Business School of Henan University, Kaifeng, 475004, China


Keywords: Despite increasing research interest in big data analytics, exploring its important role in implementing supply
Big data analytics capability chain management practices in healthcare organisations is still one of the major challenges for both academics
Hospital supply chain integration and practitioners. We propose a research model theoretically grounded on organizational information processing
Operational flexibility
theory (OIPT) to investigate the roles of big data analytics capability (BDAC) in developing hospital supply chain
Organizational information processing theory
integration (SCI) and operational flexibility. The results from our analysis of survey data from a sample of 105
senior executives from the Chinese hospitals reveal that BDAC has a significant impact on three dimensions of
hospital SCI: inter-functional integration, hospital-patient integration, and hospital-supplier integration; and that
hospital-patient integration and hospital-supplier integration fully mediate the relationship between inter-
functional integration and operational flexibility. These findings extend and validate OIPT within the context
of big data-driven hospital supply chains, while also providing useful and timely guidance to healthcare prac­
titioners in developing data-driven SCI for better operational flexibility, especially to respond to the unprece­
dented disruption caused by the COVID-19 outbreak.

1. Introduction received little attention in the healthcare literature for decades (Butler
et al., 1996), as most healthcare research is orientated toward particular
Healthcare organizations operate in an increasingly uncertain envi­ aspects of service delivery, and business studies of the sector have lagged
ronment, with acute shortages of required resources and capabilities, behind the massive commercialisation of healthcare since the 1980s.
particularly the application of big data analytics (Wang et al., 2018a, Hospital supply chain management (SCM) literature argues that the
2019), relative to an ever-increasing number of older service users integration of functions and activities throughout the supply chain is
requiring more healthcare services. Healthcare systems worldwide are recognized as a central component of efficient and flexible healthcare
under immense structural challenges to meet normative healthcare delivery services (Chen et al., 2013; de Vries and Huijsman, 2011;
needs, and they have very little flexibility to respond to unusual events Nyaga et al., 2015; Rivard-Royer et al., 2002).
such as natural disasters and epidemics. Consequently, developing Although there has been increasing interest in examining hospital
production/delivery flexibility to respond to changes has become a high supply chain integration (SCI), there is a lack of a systematic approach to
priority (Nair et al., 2013). The current coronavirus (COVID-19) understand the concept (Chen et al., 2013). The majority of past
outbreak has presented a significant challenge for global supply chains research has focused on the individual dimensions of hospital SCI,
(DHL Resilience360, 2020; Ivanov and Dolgui, 2020). The need for especially hospital-supplier integration (e.g., Abdallah et al., 2017;
hospitals to manage their supply chains more flexibly to address the Alshahrani et al., 2018; Chen et al., 2013; Mandal, 2017), leaving out the
current economic uncertainty and market volatility caused by the important central link of inter-functional integration; or it has consid­
COVID-19 outbreak have become more crucial (Ivanov, 2020; Ivanov ered only one or two specific dimensions of integration, which may hide
and Dolgui, 2020). Surprisingly, however, operational flexibility has some important implications, and even lead researchers to draw

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (W. Yu), (G. Zhao), (Q. Liu),
(Y. Song).
Received 29 April 2020; Received in revised form 14 October 2020; Accepted 16 October 2020
0040-1625/© 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Wantao Yu, Technological Forecasting & Social Change,
W. Yu et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx

inaccurate conclusions (Flynn et al., 2010; Yu, 2015). According to electronic medical records (Agrawal and Prabakaran, 2020; Zhang et al.,
organizational information processing theory (OIPT), an organization 2018). By adopting big data analytics technologies, China’s healthcare
can increase its information processing capacity by developing lateral system is now shifting its focus from traditional clinical approaches to
relations, such as intra- and inter-organizational processes and re­ patient-centric digital solutions, which helps hospitals meet patients’
lationships (Galbraith, 1974; Srinivasan and Swink, 2015). From an needs, thereby improving quality of care and organisational perfor­
OIPT perspective, we define hospital SCI as strategic collaboration of mance (Agrawal and Prabakaran, 2020; Zhang et al., 2018). Big data
both intra- and inter-organizational processes related to physical sup­ analytics has played a key role in the fight against the COVID-19
plies, information, and patient flow (de Vries and Huijsman, 2011; pandemic in China. By analysing and processing the epidemic data
Nyaga et al., 2015; Rivard-Royer et al., 2002). We conceptualise hospital with advanced analytics techniques, the Chinese health authorities and
SCI as a multidimensional construct that comprises of inter-functional hospitals have been able to facilitate their data-driven decision making
integration, hospital-patient integration, and hospital-supplier integra­ on appropriate actions, for example, tracking people’s movements
tion. While inter-functional integration refers to interaction, informa­ during coronavirus lockdown, understanding healthcare trends, and
tion sharing, and collaboration across departments or functions within a managing pharmaceutical supplies for various medications (Liu, 2020;
hospital, hospital-patient integration and hospital-supplier integration Ting et al., 2020). However, to date there has been little empirical
refers to strategic information sharing and collaboration between a research into the effect of BDAC on hospital SCI and flexibility in the
hospital and its patients and suppliers. Chinese healthcare industry.
Consistent with OIPT, recent SCM research suggests that supply Our study is the first to provide empirical evidence of the relation­
chains have been revolutionized by big data analytics (Srinivasan and ships between BDAC, the three dimensions of hospital SCI, and opera­
Swink, 2018; Yu et al., 2019a). The healthcare literature also suggests tional flexibility, using data from 105 senior executives from the Chinese
that healthcare organizations need to build information processing hospitals, thus making several contributions. Using OIPT as a theoretical
capability through analysing and processing an immense volume, vari­ lens, this study fills research gaps by proposing a research model that
ety, and velocity of data to respond to high levels of uncertainty (Wang reconciles two different streams of literature (big data analytics and
et al., 2018a, 2019), in order to manage patients, information, and integration in hospital supply chains) that have been treated indepen­
material flows more effectively (de Vries and Huijsman, 2011; Drups­ dently in extant research (Dubey et al., 2019b). We extend OIPT beyond
teen et al., 2013). However, to date there is little empirical research general organizational design factors to address the exploitation of
examining the effect of big data analytics on hospital SCM, and BDAC in the healthcare industry. This extended perspective of OIPT
healthcare organisations continue to struggle to reap the potential helps explain how the development of BDAC helps hospitals increase
benefits of big data initiatives (Wang et al., 2018a, 2019). Accordingly, their information processing capacity for developing integration and
theoretically grounded on OIPT, this study seeks further understanding flexibility in the supply chain. Our research findings provide a unique
of how hospitals can develop more integrated supply chains to boost information processing perspective that helps healthcare practitioners
their operational flexibility, through building their big data analytics gain a more comprehensive understanding of information sharing and
capability (BDAC), a specific class of information processing capacities coordination in hospital supply chains, offering increased understanding
(Dubey et al., 2019b; Srinivasan and Swink, 2018). More specifically, of how to exploit BDAC to enhance hospital SCI and increase operational
this study addresses two research questions: (1) does BDAC help hos­ flexibility. Hence, this study provides useful and timely guidance, as the
pitals develop SCI? and (2) how the three dimensions of SCI help hos­ information processing capability to respond to unfolding events in
pitals improve operational flexibility? Answering the questions is of uncertain environments is of critical importance to healthcare practi­
particular urgency given the important challenges faced by healthcare tioners due to the current COVID-19 outbreak.
practitioners due to the current COVID-19 outbreak (Ivanov, 2020; The remainder of this paper is organised as follows. In Section 2, we
Ivanov and Dolgui, 2020). develop a conceptual framework and review the literature on BDAC,
Building BDAC involves the use of advanced analytics techniques to hospital SCI, and operational flexibility. We then develop research hy­
generate critical insights from processing and analysing vast amounts of potheses in Section 3. We discuss the research method in Section 4 and
data (i.e., volume, varieties, velocity, veracity, and value), thereby test the conceptual model in Section 5. Section 6 provides a discussion of
facilitating data-driven decision-making, which ultimately enables or­ the research findings and managerial implications. We finally present
ganisations to gain competitive advantage (Dubey et al., 2019a; Gupta the conclusions, limitations of this study, and suggestions for future
and George, 2016; Mikalef et al., 2019; Srinivasan and Swink, 2018). research in Section 7.
Despite increasing research interest in BDAC, exploring its important
role in implementing SCM practices is still one of the major challenges 2. Theory development and literature review
for both academics and practitioners (Dubey et al., 2019b; Mikalef et al.,
2019; Yu et al., 2019a). Although healthcare organisations invest 2.1. Organizational information processing theory (OIPT)
heavily in big data analytics with the hope that this will achieve more
effective healthcare transformation, they continue to struggle to fully OIPT provides a promising theoretical lens to develop the research
realise the potential benefits derived from its application (Wang et al., model (see Fig. 1) that investigates the relationships between BDAC, the
2018a, 2019; Wang and Hajli, 2017). We employ OIPT to improve un­ three dimensions of hospital SCI, and flexibility. OIPT posits that orga­
derstanding of how hospitals can develop SCI with the help of big data nisations need to collect, analyse, and use information effectively and
analytics. OIPT suggests how organisations can analyse and process in­ efficiently, especially when executing complex tasks with extensive
formation effectively, especially when operating in highly uncertain levels of uncertainty and interdependence (Srinivasan and Swink, 2015,
environments (Galbraith, 1974). Based on OIPT, we explore how 2018), whereby uncertainty refers to “the difference between the
building information processing capabilities leads to improved SCI. amount of information required to perform the task and the amount of
China provides an interesting research context as promoting the use information already possessed by the organization” (Galbraith, 1973, p.
of big data in the healthcare industry is a national priority; in recent 5). Organisations operating in dynamic and competitive business envi­
years many hospitals has actively engaged in developing a cost-effective ronments must strive fit between information processing needs and their
and patient-centric healthcare system using big data (Zhang et al., information processing capacity to address uncertainty and foster
2018). A large number of hospitals in China have implemented health business performance (Flynn and Flynn, 1999; Galbraith, 1973). Orga­
information systems (e.g., electronic health and medical record systems) nisations can increase their capacity to process information by investing
to capture large amounts of medical data, such as regional claims data in vertical information systems and creating lateral relations (Galbraith,
from the national health insurance program, administrative data, and 1974; Srinivasan and Swink, 2015, 2018). Previous research on

W. Yu et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 1. Proposed research model.

manufacturing operations and SCM has employed OIPT to investigate information, goods, and patients in hospital supply chains (Chen et al.,
the importance of big data analytics in implementing SCM practices, 2013; Drupsteen et al., 2013). Healthcare supply chain processes are
such as visibility (Srinivasan and Swink, 2018) and resilience (Dubey information intensive, requiring coordination and information exchange
et al., 2019b). Using OIPT as a theoretical lens, previous studies have within and beyond organizational boundaries with diverse stakeholder
examined the role of SCI (Wong et al., 2011; Yu et al., 2019b) and the groups (de Vries and Huijsman, 2011; Dobrzykowski and Tarafdar,
role of various information processing alternatives in coping with 2015; Thompson, 1967). Based on the initial literature on SCI, mainly
environmental complexity (Flynn and Flynn, 1999). However, little concentrated on manufacturing (Flynn et al., 2010; Wong et al., 2011;
attention has been paid to how hospitals enhance their information Yu et al., 2013), we extend the concept of integration to hospitals by
processing capacity through SCI and BDAC for flexibility improvement considering how hospitals collaboratively manage their intra- and
in healthcare delivery, especially during the current COVID-19 inter-organizational processes to achieve more effective flows of pa­
pandemic. tients, information, and materials, with the objective of providing
From an OIPT perspective, in this study we assert that hospital SCI maximum value to patients (de Vries and Huijsman, 2011; Nyaga et al.,
and BDAC emerge from the development of information systems: inte­ 2015). We conceptualise hospital SCI as a multidimensional construct
gration from lateral communication systems, and big data analytics from comprising inter-functional integration, hospital-patient integration,
vertical information processing systems (Srinivasan and Swink, 2018). and hospital-supplier integration. In the parlance of OIPT, the three
OIPT suggests that the creation of lateral relations is involved with dimensions of hospital SCI create information processing capabilities by
organizational processes and relationships, such as direct contact, establishing internal lateral relations across key functions within the
liaison roles, and integrating roles (Galbraith, 1974). In the healthcare hospital, and close and intensive coordination with patients and
industry, access to valuable information can be facilitated by estab­ suppliers.
lishing external lateral relations with customers and suppliers (i.e.,
hospital-patient and hospital-supplier integration in the case of this 2.2.1. Inter-functional integration
study), and internal integration across different functions within an We build on manufacturing-based research (e.g., Flynn et al., 2010;
organisation (i.e., inter-functional integration in the case of this study). Swink and Schoenherr, 2015; Wong et al., 2011) to define
Vertical information systems, as another way to increase information inter-functional integration as different departments and functions
processing capacity, allow an organization to process data efficiently, within a hospital (e.g., outpatient/inpatient, medical, nursing, physical
thereby empowering the organization to adjust or create new business medicine and rehabilitation departments) functioning as part of an in­
plans quickly (Galbraith, 1974). In the healthcare setting, adopting a tegrated process through interaction, information sharing, and collab­
wide range of clinical and operational information systems (e.g., elec­ oration (Drupsteen et al., 2016). Building cross-functional coordination
tronic health record systems, laboratory information management sys­ is crucial for healthcare organisations, because all involved key activ­
tems, and real-time locating systems) helps a hospital analyse and ities and functions within the hospital should coordinate and cooperate
process data effectively, thereby producing business values and insights with one another (e.g., patient scheduling, daily adjusting, and perfor­
that enable data-driven decision-making, operational planning, and mance monitoring) (Drupsteen et al., 2016; White et al., 2011).
execution (Wang and Byrd, 2017; Ward et al., 2014). Accordingly, we Inter-functional integration breaks down functional barriers and facili­
consider BDAC as a specific class of information processing capacities of tates frequent, timely, and accurate communication and sharing of
a hospital, made possible by its investment in medical information real-time information across key functions in the hospital, which is ex­
systems (Srinivasan and Swink, 2018). Hence, we rely on OIPT as a basis pected to meet the requirements of patients and improve the perfor­
for investigating how hospital SCI and BDAC enhance a hospital’s in­ mance of healthcare delivery (Drupsteen et al., 2016; Flynn et al., 2010).
formation processing capability for flexibility improvement in health­
care delivery. Fig. 1 shows our conceptual framework. 2.2.2. Hospital-patient integration
Hospital-patient integration is manifest in a hospital interacting
effectively with its patients to deliver timely, high-quality care (Dobr­
2.2. Hospital supply chain integration
zykowski and Tarafdar, 2015). By effectively providing medical infor­
mation to patients, hospital-patient integration entails a deeper
Integration has been an effective way to increase flows of

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understanding of patient expectations, thereby enabling the hospital to healthcare research has not explored the issue commensurate with its
have to a more accurate and quicker response to patients’ evolving importance (Butler et al., 1996). We define operational flexibility in the
needs by reconciling supply with demand (Dobrzykowski and Tarafdar, healthcare context as a hospital’s ability to vary or adapt its operational
2015; Wong et al., 2011). Hospital-patient integration is recognised as activities to cope with unexpected circumstances, thereby meeting pa­
crucial for increasing hospital productivity and patient care services. tient requirements and obtaining a flexibility advantage (Butler et al.,
Accurate, timely, and adequate communication and information inter­ 1996; Slack et al., 2016). In the interests of consistency and parsimony,
change (e.g., patient health information, medical records, lab results, we capture external capabilities reflecting the ways that hospitals
prescriptions, and health insurance claims/transaction) between the change their production/delivery quantities and qualities to respond
hospital (e.g., healthcare providers including physicians, nurses, and quickly to changing patient needs (Slack et al., 2016; Williams et al.,
hospital staff) and its patients improve quality of healthcare delivery, 2013). In this study we assert that the hospital can leverage the skills and
and achieve more efficient clinical outcomes while ensuring more flexibility of its healthcare delivery providers (i.e., multidisciplinary
effective and efficient resource commitments by health systems (Dobr­ healthcare professionals) and teams to introduce new types of treat­
zykowski and Tarafdar, 2015). ments (new product/service flexibility), deliver a wide variety of
treatments (mix flexibility), adjust the number of patients treated (vol­
2.2.3. Hospital-supplier integration ume flexibility), and reschedule appointments for patients (delivery
We define hospital-supplier integration as “the extent to which the flexibility) (Butler et al., 1996; Nair et al., 2013; Slack et al., 2016).
business processes between a hospital and its key suppliers (e.g., inter­
organizational logistical activities) are strategically coupled and unified 3. Hypotheses development
as a whole” (Chen et al., 2013, p.392). Hospital-supplier integration
represents strategic inter-organisational collaboration that enables a 3.1. Effects of BDAC on hospital SCI
hospital to seamlessly and continuously coordinate with its suppliers for
the integration of information and materials across organizational According to OIPT, BDAC enables an organisation to quickly
boundaries (Abdallah et al., 2017; Alshahrani et al., 2018; Chen et al., combine and process multiple data formats that provide the organisation
2013). Higher levels of integration between a hospital and its suppliers with the required information processing capabilities for handling
are characterized by increased logistics-related communication, more variability and uncertainty, thereby achieving SCI (Srinivasan and
seamless coordination of the hospital’s logistics activities with those of Swink, 2018; Wang et al., 2016). Healthcare organisations continue to
its suppliers, and more effective inbound and outbound distribution of invest heavily in various clinical and operational information systems (e.
hospital supplies with its suppliers (Chen and Paulraj, 2004; Nyaga g., electronic health record systems), which is an important way in
et al., 2015). which they can improve their information processing capability (Gal­
braith, 1973; Srinivasan and Swink, 2015).
2.3. Big data analytics capability (BDAC) A hospital’s ability to acquire, analyse and process the large amount
of healthcare-related data (e.g., electronic health records, diagnostic or
The manufacturing operations and SCM literature have provided monitoring instrument data, pharmacy data, and patient-generated
several definitions of BDAC (Dubey et al., 2019a; Srinivasan and Swink, data) being produced by the adoptions of the various healthcare sys­
2018). In general, BDAC refers to “organizational facility with tools, tems (Wang et al., 2019; Wang and Byrd, 2017) enables different de­
techniques, and processes that enable a firm to process, organize, visu­ partments and functional areas within the hospital to break down
alize, and analyse data, thereby producing insights that enable functional barriers and operate as part of an integrated process. BDAC
data-driven operational planning, decision-making, and execution” helps hospitals process unstructured data (e.g., medical records, doctor
(Srinivasan and Swink, 2018, p.1851). In the healthcare industry, BDAC and nurse notes, prescriptions, and CT images) and transform them into
acts as a hospital’s capability that enables it to collect, store, analyse, structured analysable format which can be effectively shared between
and process immense volume, variety, and velocity of health data across different departments within the hospitals (Kamble et al., 2019;
a wide range of healthcare networks to enhance data-driven decision Raghupathi and Raghupathi, 2014).
making and discover business values and insights in a timely fashion According to OIPT, the adoption of big data analytics technologies
(Wang et al., 2018a, 2019; Wang and Byrd, 2017). From an OIPT facilitates information interchange between physicians and patients,
perspective, by building BDAC, hospitals can apply various data visu­ thereby enhancing hospital-patient integration. Developing BDAC en­
alization analytical tools (e.g., interactive dashboards and systems) to ables hospitals to analyse and process real-time medical information
extrapolate meaning from external health data and perform visualiza­ collected from various mobile devices (e.g., mobile health applications,
tion of the information (Wang and Hajli, 2017), and various analytical sensors, medical devices, and remote patient monitoring devices) to
techniques (e.g., statistical methods and optimization) to process large monitor and track patient’s health condition for diagnosis, medication,
amounts of health data in various forms (e.g., text-based health docu­ and treatment (Raghupathi and Raghupathi, 2014; Wang et al., 2018a).
ments, physician’s written notes and prescriptions, and medical imag­ BDAC helps the hospital and its healthcare providers to effectively
ing) for harvesting business insights (Groves et al., 2013; Wang et al., communicate with patients, towards achieving desirable patient out­
2018a). The visualization reports generated from real-time data pro­ comes in healthcare delivery (Dobrzykowski and Tarafdar, 2015).
cessing can be displayed on healthcare performance dashboards, which Collecting and processing managerial and clinical data provides
support the daily tasks of healthcare delivery providers (such as doctors meaningful insights that help hospitals and their suppliers collaborate to
and nurses), thereby enabling them to make smarter, faster data-driven monitor, control and optimise stock levels (Chen et al., 2013) and to
decisions (Roski et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2018b). meet patient demands and future market trends (Wang et al., 2018a).
Hospitals that invest in developing analytics capabilities (analysing and
2.4. Operational flexibility processing the transaction related business information about inventory
level, production schedule and capacity, and delivery lead times) are
Manufacturing-based research suggests that organisations need to likely to build intensive and close coordination with key suppliers to
operate more flexibly to effectively respond to volatile and dynamic plan, fulfil, and deliver hospital supplies on a continuous basis (Chen
markets (Dubey et al., 2019b; Srinivasan and Swink, 2018; Upton, 1994; et al., 2013; Mandal, 2017). As such, developing BDAC has become a
Williams et al., 2013). Operational flexibility has always been recog­ necessary condition for hospital-supplier integration. Because of these
nised as an inherent part of the delivery of healthcare services due to the benefits, we expect that the presence of BDAC enables a hospital to
necessary responsiveness towards individual patient expectations, yet develop internal integration across different functions and strategic

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collaboration with patients and suppliers, therefore we posit the exchanging real-time and complex information, and sharing their
following hypothesis: domain-specific knowledge and viewpoints, which enables the hospital
to improve efficiency to deliver timely service and improved patient
H1. BDAC has a significant positive effect on (a) inter-functional
experience (Dobrzykowski and Tarafdar, 2015; Mandal, 2017; Zepeda
integration, (b) hospital-patient integration, and (c) hospital-supplier
et al., 2016). Supporting information and insights obtained from
external sources (such as the feedback and suggestions given by pa­
tients) may lead to better planning for theatre and operating schedules,
3.2. Relationship between inter-functional integration and hospital-
and new possible treatments that respond to patients’ evolving needs,
patient integration and hospital-supplier integration
thereby enhancing flexibility in healthcare delivery (Bourlakis et al.,
2011; Dobrzykowski and Tarafdar, 2015). Hence, drawing upon OIPT,
Manufacturing-based research suggests that internal integration in­
we argue that developing inter-functional integration, hospital-patient
volves cross-functional communication, information sharing, and coor­
integration, and hospital-supplier integration enables hospitals to
dination that enable organizations to continuously gather demand data
improve operational flexibility:
from downstream customers and supply data from upstream suppliers,
thereby developing strategic collaboration with customers and suppliers H3. (a) Inter-functional integration, (b) hospital-patient integration,
(Yu et al., 2013; Zhao et al., 2011). In the healthcare context, we assert and (c) hospital-supplier integration are positively related to operational
that inter-functional integration and coordination between functional flexibility.
areas within the hospital enables greater external integration with the
hospital’s patients and suppliers. Inter-functional integration is recog­ 3.4. Mediating effects of hospital-patient integration and hospital-supplier
nised as a prerequisite for developing hospital-patient integration and integration
hospital-supplier integration. From an OIPT perspective, coordination
and information exchange amongst a hospital’s healthcare delivery Given the set of hypotheses (H3a, H3b and H3c), to better under­
providers enables the hospital to efficiently gather, interpret, synthesize, stand the effects of the three dimensions of hospital SCI on operational
and coordinate medical information (such as medical history, patient flexibility, in this study we turn to examine the mediating roles of
condition, and clinical data), thereby enhancing hospital-patient hospital-patient integration and hospital-supplier integration in the
communication and delivering improved experiences and value to pa­ relationship between inter-functional integration and flexibility. Based
tients (Dobrzykowski and Tarafdar, 2015). In addition, effective coor­ on the above evidence (H3a), we are interested in knowing if a direct
dination between functional areas within the hospital (e.g., outpatient, effect exists between inter-functional integration and flexibility. The
inpatient, and medical departments) enhances direct and frequent in­ absence of a significant coefficient for such a path would suggest that
formation exchange with its key suppliers, thereby managing collabo­ hospital-patient integration and hospital-supplier integration fully
rative planning activities such as stock monitoring, ordering, and mediate the effect of inter-functional integration on flexibility (Venka­
delivery scheduling (Chen et al., 2013). Hence, we hypothesize the traman, 1989).
following: According to OIPT, an organization performs business processes
within and beyond organizational boundaries (Galbraith, 1973;
H2. Inter-functional integration has a significant positive effect on (a)
Thompson, 1967), which suggests “the need to distinguish internal from
hospital-patient integration and (b) hospital-supplier integration.
external integration” (Wong et al., 2011, p.605). The SCM literature in
the manufacturing context suggests that a firm’s competitive advantage
3.3. Effects of hospital sci and operational flexibility
is driven not only by organizational (internal) resources, but also by
resources shared with its supply chain partners, such as building stra­
From an OIPT perspective, inter-functional integration entails cross-
tegic collaboration beyond organizational boundaries with customers
functional collaborations and information sharing that enable the hos­
and suppliers (Flynn et al., 2010; Wong et al., 2011; Yu et al., 2013). In
pital to manage and process richer information in ways that enhance
the context of this research, we use the tenets of IPT to investigate how
flexibility in healthcare delivery (Williams et al., 2013). Adequate
inter-functional integration can be effective in increasing flexibility in
communication and sharing of real-time information across business
healthcare delivery. We argue that such a link exists because of the
functions within the hospital makes its day-to-day operations more
presence of strategic collaboration between the hospital with its sup­
flexible, faster, and responsive. The foundation of this relationship be­
pliers and patients. With a low level of integration with patients and
tween inter-functional integration and flexibility is based on developing
suppliers, a hospital will be more likely to receive inaccurate or distorted
structures and routines for integrative information processing that en­
supply and demand information, which might lead to poor production
ables business units to identify patient needs and provide possible new
planning and a lack of flexibility in patient care delivery (Wong et al.,
treatments more quickly and accurately (Drupsteen et al., 2016; Srini­
2011). The arguments are also consistent with H3, hypothesizing that
vasan and Swink, 2015).
hospital-patient integration and hospital-supplier integration helps
According to OIPT, acquiring information about market changes and
hospitals achieve improved flexibility. Consistent with tenets of OIPT,
patient requirements through close collaboration with suppliers and
we argue that developing strategic collaboration with patients and
patients is important for newer goods and services development (such as
suppliers is imperative, as the initiating mechanisms to improve flexi­
new types of treatments and a wide range of new treatments), because
bility in patient care delivery, with hospital-patient and
hospitals are required to analyse and process external information for
hospital-supplier integration as the mediating mechanisms between
identifying and developing opportunities (Bourlakis et al., 2011; Man­
inter-functional integration and flexibility. Hence, we summarize these
dal, 2017). Establishing a close and intensive coordination with sup­
expectations in the following hypothesis:
pliers enables the hospital to gather and analyse richer information to
plan, fulfil, and deliver supplies on a continuous basis, thereby H4. (a) Hospital-patient integration and (b) hospital-supplier integra­
responding to supply and demand uncertainty for clinical requirements, tion positively mediate the relationship between inter-functional inte­
reducing the need for ad hoc conflict resolution, and increasing order gration and operational flexibility.
fulfilment quality (Chen et al., 2013; Mandal, 2017; Zepeda et al., 2016),
which leads to improved flexibility in healthcare services (e.g., serving
the optimum number of patients with available resources).
Healthcare professionals need to develop and maintain effective re­
lationships with patients, such as communicating effectively with them,

W. Yu et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx

4. Research methodology than three indicators per construct, and commonality value greater than
0.40 (Osborne et al., 2008). Thus, the sample size is eligible to undertake
4.1. Data collection SEM in this study. In addition, the sample size is also comparable to
previous survey-based hospital SCM studies (e.g., Chen et al., 2013, n =
This study uses a cross sectional survey-based approach. A ques­ 117).
tionnaire was used to gather the primary survey data from hospitals in In this study, we evaluated non-response bias by comparing the early
China to test the theoretical framework. The data were collected during and late respondents relative to demographic parameters (Hair et al.,
December 2019 and February 2020. A total of 1000 hospitals were 2018). The t-tests revealed that there were no significant differences (p
randomly selected with the help of Provincial Hospital Associations in < 0.05) between the early and late respondents across number of em­
the different geographical regions in China. With the support of the ployees and hospital age. The results show that non-response bias was
Hospital Associations, we sent the survey invitations via WeChat not a significant problem in this study.
(China’s most popular messaging app) to senior executives performing The ex-ante and ex-post approaches were used to detect and control
full-time senior roles, such as directors and vice directors of hospitals any potential for common method bias (CMB). When designing the
and departmental directors (e.g., purchasing manager, operations questionnaire survey (ex-ante), we randomised the order of measure­
manager, information technology manager, director of materials man­ ment items to ensure the respondents could not identify the independent
agement, medical director, head of quality improvement, finance di­ and dependant variables; we also kept items simple, short, and carefully
rector, etc.), who were responsible for implementing various hospital worded to ensure that the respondents could answer the questions
operations and SCM practices. Moreover, most respondents had been in correctly. Furthermore, we promised respondents anonymity in the
their positions for more than ten years, which further suggests that they cover letter. These approaches were employed to help reduce the CMB in
had sufficient knowledge to answer the survey questions. On 30 January a self-report study (Podsakoff et al., 2003). After the data collection
2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that the COVID- (ex-post), confirmatory factor analysis was applied to Harman’s
19 outbreak constituted a public health emergency of international single-factor model to further assess CMB because previous researchers
concern. In mid-February 2020 reminders were sent to non-respondents suggest that Harman’s single-factor test does not eliminate the possi­
using WeChat texts, but the majority of respondents replied that they did bility of CMB (Podsakoff et al., 2012). The CFA results suggest unac­
not have time to complete the survey due to their busy schedules as a ceptable data-model fit (χ2/df (859.515/189) = 4.548, CFI = 0.709, IFI
result of dealing with the COVID-19 outbreak. After consulting with the = 0.711, TLI = 0.676, RMSEA = 0.185 and SRMR = 0.112) (Hair et al.,
Hospital Associations, we decided to suspend the data collection. 2018; Hu and Bentler, 1999). Based on these results, we conclude that
Finally, a total of 105 usable responses were received (a response rate of CMB is not a significant threat to validity of the research findings.
10.5%). The respondents’ demographic characteristics and the charac­
teristics of their hospitals are reported in Table 1. Previous research (e. 4.2. Measures and control variables
g., Hair et al., 2018) has provided detailed guidance on the determina­
tion of the necessary sample size for structural equation modelling We adapted a number of existing valid measurement scales from the
(SEM): using a sample of at least 100 for a research model with five literature to design the instrument (see Table 2). To further establish
constructs or less with each theoretical construct more than three items content validity of the questionnaire and its measurement scales, we
measured variables with high commonality items can be generally conducted a pilot test with academic researchers and senior hospital
considered eligible for SEM. The number of samples collected for this executives. To ensure the quality of the data, we provided descriptions
study is 105, and the study consists of five theoretical constructs, more about the theoretical contracts (BDAC, hospital SCI and operational
flexibility), which helped respondents interpret survey questions
correctly and respond truthfully. All the constructs in the theoretical
Table 1 framework were measured using a seven-point Likert scale, with anchors
Demographic characteristics of respondents (n = 105). ranging from (1) strongly disagree to (7) strongly agree. We adapted the
Percent Percent measures of BDAC from Srinivasan and Swink (2018) and Wang et al.
(%) (%) (2018a), including the items that captured a hospital’s ability to use data
Respondent location Job titles visualization techniques, deploy healthcare dashboards that help in the
(geographical regions) decision-making process, gather information from disparate data sour­
Pearl River Delta 4.8 Director of the hospital 21.0 ces, and sort the information to perform root cause analysis. We con­
Yangtze River Delta 3.8 Vice director of the 14.3 ceptualised hospital SCI as a multidimensional construct including
Bohai Sea Economic Area 14.3 Director of purchasing 2.9
inter-functional integration, hospital-patient integration, and
Northeast China 21.0 Director of operations/ 11.4 hospital-supplier integration. We adapted the items developed by Im
general and Workman (2004) and Chen and Paulraj (2004) to measure
Central China 19.0 Director of information 1.0 inter-functional integration, which emphasise a hospital’s proactivity in
sharing information across functional departments within the hospital.
Southwest China 16.2 Director of doctor- 2.9
patient relationship We adapted the measures of hospital-supplier integration from Chen and
Northwest China 21.0 Director of equipment 1.9 Paulraj (2004), which included the seamless integration of information
department and materials flows and logistics activities with key vendors/suppliers,
Number of employees Other senior executive 44.8 and an intensive and closely coordinated information exchange between
1 – 100 12.4 Hospital ownership
101 – 200 12.4 State-owned hospital 89.5
hospitals and vendors. We adapted Chen and Paulraj’s (2004) scale to
201 – 500 21.9 Private Chinese 9.5 measure hospital-patient integration, which included satisfying pa­
hospital tients’ evolving needs and providing reliable and timely services and
501 – 1000 19.0 Wholly foreign-owned 1.0 treatments for patients. The measures for hospital operational flexibility
were adapted from Slack et al. (2016), including items such as the
1001 – 3000 21.0 Hospital age (years)
> 3000 13.3 ≤10 2.9 introduction of new types of treatment (product/service flexibility), a
Years in current position 11 – 20 8.6 wide range of available treatments (mix flexibility), the ability to adjust
≤5 9.5 21 – 30 9.5 the number of patients treated (volume flexibility), and the ability to
6–10 10.5 > 30 79.0 reschedule appointments (delivery flexibility).
> 10 80.0
We included two control variables in the research model: hospital

W. Yu et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 2 size (measured by the number of employees) and hospital age (measured
Measurement model assessment: reliability and validity analysis. by the number of years since hospital foundation) (see Table 1). They
Measurement Items Factor α CR AVE were controlled because larger and older hospitals may have more re­
loadings sources for adopting digital technologies for the development of BDAC
1. Big data analytics capability 0.947 0.948 0.820 and performance improvement than smaller and younger hospitals.
We easily combine and integrate 0.835
information from many data sources 5. Data analysis and results
for use in our decision making
We routinely use data visualization 0.957
techniques (e.g., healthcare
We analysed the survey data using SEM with the two-step analytic
dashboards) to assist users or decision- approach (Anderson and Gerbing, 1988). The measurement model
maker in understanding complex (assessing the validity and reliability of the measures) was followed by
information the structural model (assessing the strength of the hypothesized re­
Our dashboards give us the ability to 0.984
lationships amongst the variables).
decompose information to help root
cause analysis and continuous
improvement 5.1. Measurement model assessment
We deploy healthcare dashboard 0.836
applications/information to our The measurement scales were evaluated using confirmatory factor
directors’ communication devices (e.
g., smart phones, computers)
analysis in terms of construct reliability, convergent validity, and
2. Inter-functional integration 0.923 0.929 0.723 discriminant validity. The results reported in Table 2 indicate that the
We collocate employees to facilitate 0.780 Cronbach’s alpha (ranged from 0.819 to 0.947) and composite reli­
cross-functional integration ability scores (ranged from 0.823 to 0.948) are well above the
Our directors from every function 0.806
commonly accepted cut-off value of 0.70 (Hair et al., 2018), which
regularly visit our patients
We freely communicate information 0.901 provides sufficient evidence of reliability. Table 2 also shows that all
about our successful and unsuccessful item loadings are statistically significant (p < 0.001) and greater than
patient experiences across all 0.70 (Hair et al., 2018; Hu and Bentler, 1999), and that average variance
functions extracted (AVE) values (ranged from 0.609 to 0.820) exceed the rec­
All of our directors understand how 0.915
everyone in our hospital can
ommended cut-off value of 0.50 (Fornell and Larcker, 1981). Thus, these
contribute to creating values for results support the convergent validity of the theoretical constructs in
patients the model. As shown in Table 3, the square root of AVE of each theo­
All functional departments work hard to 0.841 retical construct is greater than the inter-construct correlations, thus
thoroughly and jointly solve problems
confirm discriminant validity (Fornell and Lacker, 1981). Therefore, the
3. Hospital-patient integration 0.819 0.823 0.609
We anticipate and respond to patients’ 0.701 measurement model reflects sound construct reliability and validity
evolving needs and want necessary for testing the structural model.
We interact with patients to set 0.791
reliability, responsiveness, and other 5.2. Structural model assessment
We deliver services and treatments that 0.843
satisfy and/or exceed patient After assessing the measurement model, we employed SEM to test
expectations the structural model. Table 4 and Fig. 2 report the results of hypothesis
4. Hospital-supplier integration 0.945 0.946 0.777 testing. Although hospital age and size were included as control vari­
Inter-organizational logistics activities 0.795
ables in the analysis, neither of them has a positive effect on operational
between our hospital and our major
key vendors/suppliers are closely flexibility. The model explains 39.1% of variance in inter-functional
coordinated integration, 78.7% of variance in hospital-patient integration, 67.4%
We have a seamless integration of 0.881 of variance in hospital-supplier integration, and 81% of variance in
logistics activities with our key operational flexibility. Table 4 indicates that BDAC is positively related
Our logistics integration is characterized 0.864
to internal-functional integration (β = 0.625, p < 0.001), hospital-
by excellent distribution, patient integration (β = 0.176, p < 0.05), and hospital-supplier inte­
transportation and/or warehousing gration (β = 0.414, p < 0.001), supporting H1a, H1b, and H1c. Internal-
facilities functional integration positively affects hospital-patient integration (β
Our inbound and outbound distribution 0.928
= 0.766, p < 0.001) and hospital-supplier integration (β = 0.496, p <
of hospital supplies with our vendors/
suppliers is well integrated 0.001), which provides support for H2a and H2b. Hospital-patient
Information and materials flow 0.932 integration β = 0.450, p < 0.05) and hospital-supplier integration (β
smoothly between our vendor/ = 0.282, p < 0.01) are positively associated with operational flexibility,
supplier firms and our hospital suggesting that H3b and H3c are supported. However, our results found
6. Operational flexibility 0.922 0.925 0.755
The introduction of new types of 0.854
no support for H3a (the effect of inter-functional integration on opera­
treatment [product/service tional flexibility).
flexibility] We employed a bootstrap method (with n = 2000 bootstrap resam­
A wide range of available treatments 0.872 ples) to test the mediation of hospital-patient integration and hospital-
[mix flexibility]
supplier integration (Zhao et al., 2010). The bootstrapping analysis re­
The ability to adjust the number of 0.907
patients treated [volume flexibility] sults are presented in Table 5. The indirect effect of hospital-patient
The ability to reschedule appointments 0.841 integration on the relationship between inter-functional integration
[delivery flexibility] and operational flexibility is statistically significant at p < 0.01 with
Model fit statistics: χ2 = 324.696; df = 179; χ2 / df = 1.814; CFI = 0.937; IFI = 0.938; 90% CI = 0.355, 0.726. The direct effect of inter-functional integration
TLI = 0.926; RMSEA = 0.088; SRMR = 0.056
on operational flexibility is not significant (β = 0.248, n.s.). In addition
to the bootstrap method, the Sobel test was also performed, and the
results indicate that hospital-patient integration (z = 4.052, p < 0.001)
fully mediates the relationship between inter-functional integration and

W. Yu et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 3
Inter-construct correlations.
Big data analytics capability (BDAC) 4.667 1.657 0.906
Inter-functional integration (IFI) 5.314 1.318 0.628 0.850
Hospital-patient integration (HPI) 5.470 1.173 0.586 0.770 0.781
Hospital-supplier integration (HSI) 5.124 1.359 0.674 0.722 0.619 0.881
Operational flexibility (OF) 5.705 1.167 0.695 0.786 0.741 0.716 0.869
Notes: Square root of AVE is on the diagonal.
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

6.1. Implications for research

Table 4
Structural model assessment: results of hypothesis test using SEM.
Out study extends OIPT to the healthcare SCM context by defining
Structural paths Standardised t- Hypothesis the three dimensions of hospital SCI and examining the associations
coefficient values testing outcome
amongst BDAC, hospital SCI, and operational flexibility in the context of
BDAC → Inter-functional 0.625*** 6.067 H1a: Supported China’s healthcare industry. OIPT posits that investment in vertical in­
formation systems and creation of lateral relations enable organisations
BDAC → Hospital-patient 0.176* 1.973 H1b: Supported
integration to increase the capacity to process information for coping with complex
BDAC → Hospital-supplier 0.414*** 4.536 H1c: Supported tasks with high levels of uncertainty and interdependence (Galbraith,
integration 1973, 1974). In this study, three dimensions of hospital integration are
Inter-functional integration 0.766*** 5.855 H2a: Supported recognised as information processing capabilities that enable hospitals
→ Hospital-patient
to leverage lateral relations, to efficiently address inter-functional and
Inter-functional integration 0.496*** 5.032 H2b: Supported inter-organizational interdependencies and processes (Galbraith, 1974;
→ Hospital-supplier Swink and Schoenherr, 2015). BDAC is recognised as a means for hos­
integration pitals to increase information processing capacity under contingencies
Inter-functional integration 0.248 1.429 H3a: Not
and exception scenarios (Srinivasan and Swink, 2018), for example,
→ Operational flexibility supported
Hospital-patient 0.450* 2.508 H3b: Supported
embracing uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 outbreak (Ivanov and
integration→ Operational Dolgui, 2020; Liu, 2020). Analysing and processing medical data with
flexibility advanced analytics techniques has played a crucial role in helping the
Hospital-supplier 0.282** 2.960 H3c: Supported Chinese health authorities and hospitals fight the COVID-19 pandemic
integration→ Operational
(Liu, 2020).
Control variables Our study provides an initial examination of the association between
Hospital age → Operational 0.016 0.259 BDAC and hospital integration, and confirms empirical evidence of the
flexibility effect in China’s healthcare industry. Both healthcare and SCM re­
Hospital size → Operational − 0.034 − 0.549
searchers have suggested that a better understanding of the strategic
Variance explained (R ) 2 implications of big data analytics in the healthcare supply chains is ur­
Inter-functional integration 0.391 gently needed (Srinivasan and Swink, 2018; Wang et al., 2019). The
Hospital-patient integration 0.787 healthcare literature suggests that big data analytics provides mean­
Hospital-supplier 0.674 ingful business insights that help healthcare organizations implement
data-driven medical practice and improve quality and efficiency of
Operational flexibility 0.810
Model fit statistics: χ2 = 374.933; df = 219; χ2/df = 1.712; CFI = 0.933; IFI = 0.934; healthcare delivery (Wang et al., 2018a, 2019; Wang and Hajli, 2017),
TLI = 0.923; RMSEA = 0.083; SRMR = 0.061 while the SCM literature suggests that effective supply chain
*** decision-making often hinges upon the application of big data analytics
p < 0.001.
p < 0.01. (Gunasekaran et al., 2017; Srinivasan and Swink, 2018; Wang et al.,
p < 0.05. 2016). However, our knowledge regarding how big data analytics can be
applied into healthcare SCM practices and how it helps healthcare or­
operational flexibility. Similarly, the results also indicate that ganisations manage flows of patients, information, and materials along
the supply chains still remains limited. Thus, from an OIPT perspective,
hospital-supplier integration fully mediates the relationship between
inter-functional integration and operational flexibility. Hence, both this study contributes to the literature by providing empirical evidence
that hospitals investing in developing BDAC are likely to establish lateral
bootstrap test and Sobel test provide support for H4a and H4b, sug­
gesting that inter-functional integration affects operational flexibility relations between functional teams within the hospital, and outside the
hospital with patients and suppliers. China’s healthcare industry is
indirectly, through hospital-patient integration and hospital-supplier
integration. levelling up the adoption of big data analytics technologies (Agrawal
and Prabakaran, 2020; Zhang et al., 2018). The application of big data
6. Discussion and implications analytics enables hospitals to analyse medical data with an immense
volume, variety, velocity, and veracity, in order to support strategic
Our study extends OIPT (Galbraith, 1973, 1974) by applying a sys­ collaboration across a wide range of healthcare networks (Dobrzy­
kowski and Tarafdar, 2015; Srinivasan and Swink, 2018; Wang et al.,
tematic approach to understand the concept of hospital SCI, and paint­
ing an interesting picture of the associations between BDAC, the three
This study makes an important contribution to the SCM and
dimensions of hospital SCI, and flexibility. Reflecting on our findings, we
healthcare literature by employing a systematic approach to understand
identify the following contributions to both theory and practice.
the concept of SCI in the healthcare context (Flynn et al., 2010). To the
best of our knowledge, this is the first study to empirically explore
hospital SCI. From an OIPT perspective, we conceptualise hospital SCI as

W. Yu et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 2. The model estimation results.

relationships lead to greater flexibility in patient care delivery (Srini­

Table 5
vasan and Swink, 2015, 2018). This provides a potential theoretical
Results of bootstrapping and Sobel tests for mediation.
argument to address the operational problems of lateral relations and
Structural Direct Indirect 90% CI for Sobel Result interdependencies inherent in hospital supply chains (Dobrzykowski
paths effect effect indirect test
and Tarafdar, 2015). To deliver high-quality healthcare services, hos­
pitals should take into consideration feedback and suggestions from
IFI→HPI→OF 0.248 0.532** 0.355–0.726 z= Full
their patients and suppliers (Chen et al., 2013; de Vries and Huijsman,
4.052*** mediation
IFI→HSI→OF 0.248 0.150* 0.045–0.339 z= Full 2011). Hospitals need external integration with patients and suppliers
2.668** mediation that support external routines and processes that gather accurate
real-time demand and supply information, which is essential for
Note: IFI = Inter-functional integration; HPI = hospital-patient integration; HSI
= hospital-supplier integration; OF = operational flexibility; CI = bootstrap
strengthening information processing capabilities, especially when they
confidence interval; Standardized effects; 2000 bootstrap samples. execute operational tasks that involve high levels of uncertainty and
p < 0.001. interdependence (Galbraith, 1974; Srinivasan and Swink, 2015; Wong
p < 0.01. et al., 2011; Yu et al., 2019b). Our finding affirms Chen et al. (2013),
p < 0.05. who demonstrated the importance of one specific dimension of hospital
SCI, hospital-supplier integration, in improving supply chain perfor­
a multidimensional construct, and further examine how the three inte­ mance. However, their conceptualisation of SCI is incomplete, leaving
gration dimensions enable hospitals to deliver flexible and agile out the important central link of internal integration and
healthcare service for patients. Our findings reveal that inter-functional hospital-patient integration, which might hide some meaningful theo­
integration is an enabler of hospital-patient integration and retical and practical implications, and even lead the researchers to draw
hospital-supplier integration. This finding is consistent with the findings inaccurate conclusions (Flynn et al., 2010; Yu, 2015). Our finding lends
of previous manufacturing-based research (e.g., Yu et al., 2013; Zhao further support to the tenets of OIPT, establishing lateral relations with
et al., 2011), which contended that internal integration forms the their patients and suppliers enable hospitals to create information pro­
foundation upon which supplier integration and customer integration cessing capabilities for flexibility improvement (Galbraith, 1974). It is
must build. an important finding, since it is becoming increasingly important for
Our results indicate that functional teams within the hospital seem to healthcare organisations to make their operations and supply chains
be a prerequisite for establishing lateral relations with patients and more flexible due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
suppliers, which reinforces the important role of internal integration in
achieving hospital supply chain success in an uncertain environment
(Drupsteen et al., 2016). This is an important finding as previous studies 6.2. Implications for practice
have demonstrated that building effective physician-patient relation­
ships is one of the biggest challenges facing hospitals in China (He and Our research findings provide several useful and timely points of
Qian, 2016). When executing operational tasks that involve high degree guidance for healthcare executives and supply chain managers. First, as
of uncertainty and interdependence (Galbraith, 1974; Srinivasan and COVID-19 continues to spread, the need for healthcare organisations to
Swink 2015), hospitals progress from internal integration and processes operate flexibly has become more crucial in order to respond to the
toward effective management of external processes. Overall, the find­ exceptional demands on healthcare services caused by the COVID-19
ings extend OIPT to create a better understanding of the process of pandemic. We suggest that healthcare executives should consider
lateral relations development in the healthcare sector (Galbraith, 1974). investing in vertical information systems (such as adopting clinical and
Finally, by extending the applicability of OIPT, our study makes operational information systems) and creating lateral relations (such as
another important contribution to the literature by demonstrating the building cross-functional teams and strategic collaboration with patients
mediating role of hospital-patient and hospital-supplier integration. and suppliers). The development of such information systems enables
Consistent with tenets of OIPT, we find that the information processing hospitals to increase their capacity to process information, thereby
capabilities afforded by hospital-patient and hospital-supplier improving flexibility and agility, especially when they execute the
complex tasks that involve uncertainty and interdependence, like the

W. Yu et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx

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