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A Research Perspective Issued by the

Navigant Construction Forum™

Steven A. Collins James G. Zack, Jr.

Director Executive Director
Navigant Consulting, Inc. Navigant Construction Forum™

September 2014

Construction Forum

Notice Purpose Of
This research perspective has been prepared Research Perspective
by the Navigant Construction Forum™
The Differing Site Conditions clause is one
in order to explore a series of Court and
of the oldest clauses used in construction
Board of Contract Appeals decisions
contracts, having been created by the U.S.
concerning the coverage of the Differing
Federal government in 1926. It is generally
Site Conditions clause. While preparing
accepted that the object of the clause is to
the research perspective entitled Trends in
transfer the risk of latent site conditions
Construction Claims and Disputes1 the staff
to the owner, thus enticing contractors to
of the Forum noted that there have been
reduce their contingency cost at the time
a series of decisions issued by Courts and
of bid. The promise of the clause is that if
Boards of Contract Appeals over time which
the contractor encounters a “materially
seem to be increasing contractor risk under
different” condition during the execution
the Differing Site Conditions clause.
of the work, the owner will compensate
The opinions and information provided the contractor for the resulting cost and/
herein are offered with the understanding or time. For nearly 90 years this standard
that they are general in nature, do not clause has been used widely in both public
relate to any specific project or matter and and private contracts. Most practitioners
do not reflect the official policy or position in the construction industry think they
of Navigant Consulting, Inc. (“Navigant”) know what the clause means and how it
or any of our practitioners. Because operates. But, in the words of one of the
each project and matter is unique and mid-20th century “deans” of construction
professionals may differ in their opinions, law, Max E. Greenberg, “It ain’t necessarily
the information presented herein should not so!”2 Over the years, the Courts and
be construed as being relevant or applicable Boards of Contract Appeals have been
for any/all individual project or matter. slowing changing the interpretation of
risk allocation under the clause. A series of
Navigant makes no representations or
Court and Board cases have increased
warranties, expressed or implied, and are
the contractor’s risk concerning differing
not responsible for the reader’s use of, or
site conditions.
reliance upon, this research perspective
or for any decisions made based on this This research perspective discusses the
publication. No part of this publication may definition of a differing site condition
be reproduced or distributed in any form or and why there is a need for a Differing
by any means without written permission Site Conditions clause in a construction
from the Navigant Construction Forum™. contract. This report sets forth the history
Requests for permission to reproduce and purpose of the clause and examines the
content should be directed to Jim Zack at modern Differing Site Conditions clauses, and provides a discussion of the terms
“indications” and “material difference”
as well as an overview of the impact of
contract disclaimers related to differing
site conditions. The report explores what
conditions are generally not covered by the
clause and conditions that are sometimes
included within the scope of the clause.

1. See Trends in Construction Claims & Disputes, Navigant Construction Forum™, December 2012.
2. Max E. Greenberg, “It Ain’t Necessarily So!”, 40 Muni. Eng. J. Paper 263 (2d Quarterly Issue 1954).



This report also goes on to list the six part test some material respect from what
for a successful differing site condition claims reasonably was anticipated.” 3
and also lists five additional contractual
“A differing site – or changed
requirements contractors must comply with
condition as they are sometimes
in order to prevail. The contractor’s duty to
called – is a physical condition
continue work is also examined.
encountered in performing the
A brief discussion of the “reverse differing work that was not visible and
site condition claim” – an owner claim that not known to exist at the time
may be asserted against the contractor of bidding and that is materially
seeking recovery of funds from the different from the condition
contractor when they encounter conditions believed to exist at the time of
“materially better than anticipated”. bidding.” 4
This research perspective goes on to
In the first instance, the difficulty with
explore a number of Court and Board of
encountering a differing site condition
Contract Appeal decisions which appear
is that it was not anticipated during
to be slowly eroding the traditional risk
bid preparation. As such it was neither
allocation commonly accepted under the
planned for nor budgeted. Accordingly,
Differing Site Conditions clause, along with
there is nothing in the project plan, the
lessons learned from each case. Finally,
construction schedule or the project budget
this research perspective provides a list of
to deal with this problem other than
practical recommendations for both owners
typical bid and schedule contingencies.
and contractors dealing with the risks of
Second, since most differing site conditions
differing site conditions.
involve underground conditions and since
The purpose of this research perspective underground work most often occurs at
is to summarize these legal decisions the outset of a project, encounters with
and reach a conclusion on whether they differing site conditions have a high
represent a new trend in the scope of potential to delay the entire project.
coverage concerning differing site condition
claims. If so, this trend should be of concern The Concept Of
to many in the industry.
Contractual Relief
Definition Of A Differing The concept of contractual relief is
Site Condition frequently employed in construction
contracts. Generally, contractual relief
Differing site conditions (also often referred involves an assignment of risk to one of
to as changed conditions or unknown the parties to the contract. Such contract
conditions) are generally defined as clauses specifically identify what risk events
latent (i.e., hidden) physical conditions are assigned under the contract; to which
at the project site which differ from those party the risk is assigned; the conditions
conditions identified to the contractor under which the other party is entitled to
during the bidding period. Put another way: relief; and what steps the affected party
“A differing site condition (also must take to activate the contractual relief
called a changed condition) is a promised. Thus, if such an event arises and
physical condition other than the the affected party complies with the terms
weather, climate, or another act and conditions of the contract, the party to
of God discovered on or affecting which the risk is assigned is obligated to
a construction site that differs in compensate the other party for the resulting

3. Robert F. Cushman and David R. Tortorello, Differing Site Condition Claims, Wiley Law Publications, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1992.
4. Neal J. Sweeney, Thomas J. Kelleher, Jr., Philip E. Beck and Randall F. Hafer, Smith Currie & Hancock’s Common Sense Construction Law, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1997.



damages – time and/or cost. The Differing deem the risk too high, they may walk
Site Conditions clause promises contractual away from the project by not submitting a
relief in the event a differing site condition bid. While this protects the contractor it is
is encountered and the contractor complies of little help to the project owner if “good”
with the requirements of the clause. contractors decide not to bid, leaving the
project to less experienced or “less savvy”
What Is The Purpose Of contractors. Second, if the contractor
decides to accept the risk of latent site
A Differing Site Conditions conditions, the only way they can possibly
Clause And Why Do We budget for this risk is to add a contingency7
(sometimes a substantial contingency) to
Need A Differing Site their bid. Again, while this may protect the
Conditions Clause In A contractor in the event they encounter a
differing site condition (assuming that the
Construction Contract? cost impact of the differing site condition is
One author outlined the need for a less than the amount of the contingency)
Differing Site Conditions clause in the it does not help the owner as the initial
following manner:5 bid prices are higher than they would have
been absent the contingency for differing
“It is a well settled proposition site conditions.
that the purpose of a Differing
Site Conditions clause is to shift In order to avoid either situation, owners
the risk of unknown physical frequently incorporate a Differing Site
conditions to the owner of the site Conditions clause into their contract
by allowing a contractor to seek documents, assigning to themselves the
an equitable adjustment in the risk of encounters with unanticipated site
contract price when the contractor conditions. The theory underlying this
encounters unanticipated assumption of risk is that if the contract
conditions. Ideally the corollary contains a Differing Site Conditions clause
benefit to the owner is that the the bidders will reduce that portion of their
contractor does not inflate its bid contingency centered on the risk of
bid price to accommodate for latent site conditions, thus reducing their
the possibility of encountering bids. This results in a lower contract value at
unanticipated conditions. Thus, a the outset of the project, leaving the owner
Differing Site Conditions clause to pay only the actual, documented cost of
serves to prevent ‘…turning encounters with latent site conditions via
a construction contract into a change order or contract modification. If no
gambling transaction.’ 6” differing site conditions are encountered,
the owner pays no extra costs.
The question arises, why do owners
deliberately assign the risk of latent site In discussing this risk assumption by the
conditions to themselves? Why not just project owner, one author noted the following:
leave the risk with the contractor? It is “…for this risk allocation to apply
because when contractors are faced with in the ‘real world,’ the law must be
unknown conditions they are unable clear as to the precise risk that is
to properly estimate the cost, leaving shifted to the owner. As stated by
contractors with only two possible choices one court,
during the bidding period. First, if they

5. Owen S. Walker, Differing Site Condition Claims: What is Below the Surface of Exculpatory Clauses or Other Disclaimers?, The Procurement Lawyer, Summer 2013, American Bar Association, Chicago, IL.
6. J.F. Shea Co., Inc. v. United States, 4 Cl. Ct. 46, 50 (1983) citing Peter Kiewit Sons’ Co. v. United States, 109 Ct. Cl. 517, 522-23, 74 F. Sup. 165, 168 (1947).
7. “Contingency” – An amount added to an estimate to allow for items, conditions, or events for which the state, occurrence, or effect is uncertain and that experience shows will likely result, in aggregate, in additional costs. Typically
estimated using statistical analysis or judgment based on past asset or project experience. (AACE International Recommended Practice 10S-90, Cost Engineering Terminology, Rev. January 14, 2014.)



‘In practice … a contractor may not conditions, they would have to

always accurately anticipate the choose between (1) undertaking
rather esoterical legal standard by a costly pre-bid analysis of
which the contract representations subsurface site conditions or (2)
will be judged. As a result, including sizable contingencies in
what a contractor might have their bids. Either alternative would
thought were reliable and viable prove unnecessarily costly to the
affirmative contract indications/ owner and the contractor in the
representations … could, as here, long run.” 10
turn out to be no representations
The U.S. Department of Transportation,
at all. As a result, the contractor
Federal Highway Administration
in such case is left both without
summarized the history of the Differing
a substantive remedy and also
Site Conditions clause in Federal
without having noted and provided
contracts in the Geotechnical Engineering
for such a contingency amount in
Notebook, Geotechnical Guideline
its bid.’ 8
No. 15, Geotechnical “Differing Site
Thus, unless the “esoterical legal standards” Conditions”.11 This document notes that
become more explicit, a rational contractor in 1926 the Federal Board of Contracts and
may still include a contingency for differing Adjustments started requiring a Differing
site conditions in its bid or, alternatively, Site Conditions clause in all Federal
may include no contingency on the construction contracts. The document notes
mistaken assumption that the owner bears that this Board initiated the requirement,
all risks associated with unanticipated site “…to eliminate the contingency factor for
conditions. In either event, the purpose of subsurface conditions and to limit the latent
the DSC clause would be defeated.” 9 cost incurred by contractors for pre-bid
subsurface explorations.” This document
Therefore, to keep the “good” contractors
noted that the original Differing Site
in the chase for a project; to make the risk
Conditions clause included only conditions
allocation clear; to establish standards for
that differed materially from indicated
measuring when the risk allocation clause
conditions. However, in 1935 the clause was
will operate; and to reduce bid costs, a
modified to include, “…situations where
thorough and well crafted Differing Site
the contract is silent regarding subsurface
Conditions clause is necessary.
conditions but the contractor encounters
unforeseen, unusual conditions which
History Of Differing Site differ materially from conditions ordinarily
Condition Clauses encountered.” (Underscoring provided.)

Traditionally, common law placed all risks Another author noted that the Federal
of unknown, unanticipated site conditions government began using a Changed
on contractors. The practical result of this Conditions clause widely in 1927 on
traditional risk assignment follows: all firm fixed price contracts in order to
eliminate bid contingencies related to
“If contractor were required subsurface conditions.12 This author noted
to assume the full risk of that advocates of the Changed Conditions
increased costs of unfavorable clause argued the use of the clause would
and unforeseeable physical site eliminate the “element of gambling ”from
Federal construction contracts. Without
8. Citing Weeks Dredging & Contracting, Inc. v. United States, 13 Cl. Ct. 193, 219 (1987) aff’d 861 F. 2d 728 (Fed. Cir. 1988).
9. Jeffrey M. Chu, Differing Site Conditions: Whose Risk Are They?, The Construction Lawyer, April 2000, American Bar Association, Chicago, IL.
10. Irv Richter and Roy S. Mitchell, Handbook of Construction Law and Claims, Reston Publishing Company, Inc. A Prentice Hall Company, Reston, VA, 1982.
11. Office of Engineering, GT Guideline No. 15, April 30, 1996.
12. David Michael Pronchick, The Differing Site Conditions Clause: Time for A Change, Master of Laws Thesis submitted to The National Law Center, George Washington University, September 30, 1990.



this clause, they claimed, the contractor clauses contain both a Type 1 and a Type 2
would, “…presumably include in every bid differing site condition. Type 1 differing
a contingency amount based on a worst condition claims are more frequently
case scenario, resulting in increased bid asserted because most contracts contain
prices.” The author cited a 1942 Court of information on or representations concerning
Claims case, Ruff v. United States13 wherein site conditions. Type 2 differing site condition
the Court stated that: claims are certainly possible but considerably
less frequent than Type 1 claims as Type 2
“…the alternative is that the
differing site conditions are not predicated
bidders must, in order to be safe,
on a material difference between pre-bid
set their estimates on the basis of
information and actual conditions.
the worst possible conditions that
might be encountered.” Although the Differing Site Conditions clause
was created by the Federal Government, it has
The most recent change to the Federal
been widely adopted in the U.S. construction
Differing Site Conditions clause was made
industry. For example, the standard contract
in 1963 when the title of the clause was
documents issued by the American
modified from Changed Conditions to
Institute of Architects, ConsensusDocs, the
Differing Site Conditions. Otherwise, this
Construction Management Association
contract clause has remained virtually the
of America, the Design Build Institute of
same since the 1935 modification.
America, and the Engineers Joint Contract
Documents Committee all resemble each
Modern Differing Site other closely when describing the conditions
Conditions Clauses included as follows.

As noted earlier, the original 1926 Differing Type 1 Differing Site Conditions
Site Conditions clause included only
one type of differing site condition, “… Type 1 differing site conditions typically
conditions materially different from those refer to situations where the contractor
indicated.” The 1935 version of the clause encounters unanticipated physical
included a second type of differing site conditions in the field that are “materially”
condition, “… [where] the contractor (i.e., substantially or considerably) different
encounters unforeseen, unusual conditions than those identified in the owner provided
which differ materially from conditions documents available during the bidding
ordinarily encountered.” 14 These two period. The description of a Type 1 differing
conditions became known colloquially as site condition is fairly uniform across all of
Type 1 and Type 2 differing site conditions. the standard contract documents as follows:
More recently, many Differing Site »» The Federal Acquisition Regulation, the
Conditions clauses have added a Type 3 American Institute of Architects and
differing site condition that encounters with ConsensusDocs all use the following
hazardous and/or toxic waste not reported language, “…subsurface or latent
to be or identified in any site conditions physical conditions at the site which
report provided during the bidding period. differ materially from those indicated in
Most modern standard form contracts in this contract…” 15
the U.S. contain some form of a Differing »» The Construction Management
Site Conditions clause. And, most of these Association of America describes the Type

13. 96 Ct. Cl. 148, 164 (1942).

14. Office of Engineering, GT Guideline No. 15, April 30, 1996.
15. Federal Acquisition Regulation, §52.236-2, Differing Site Conditions (APR 1984) (48 FR 42478, Sept. 19, 1983, as amended at 60 FR 34761, July 3, 1995). American Institute of Architects Document A201 – 2007, General Conditions
of the Contract for Construction, §3.7.4, Concealed or Unknown Conditions. ConsensusDocs 200, Standard Agreement and General Conditions Between Owner and Constructor, §3.16.2, Concealed or Unknown Site Conditions, 2011,
Revised July, 2012.



1 differing site condition in the following differ materially from those ordinarily
manner, “Any physical condition encountered and generally recognized
uncovered or revealed at the site differs as inhering in work of the character
materially from that indicated or referred provided in the contract.” 20
to in the Contract Documents…”16 »» The American Institute of Architects
»» The Design Build Institute of America documents describe a Type 2 differing
describes this type of differing site site condition in nearly identical
condition as, “Concealed or latent language, as, “… unknown physical
physical conditions or subsurface conditions of an unusual nature that
conditions at the site that (i) materially differ materially from those ordinarily
differ from the conditions indicated in recognized as inherent in construction
the Contract Documents…” 17 activities of the character provided in the
»» The Engineers Joint Contract Contract Documents.” 21
Documents Committee defines a Type »» ConsensusDocs describe a Type 2 differing
1 differing site condition as, “…any site condition similarly as, “… unusual
subsurface or physical condition that is and unknown physical conditions
uncovered or revealed either…differs materially different from conditions
materially from that shown or indicated ordinarily encountered and generally
in the Contract Documents…” 18 recognized as inherent in work provided
for in the Contract Documents.”22
Type 2 Differing Site Conditions »» The Construction Management
Type 2 differing site conditions are Association of America document differ
generally described at unknown physical in great degree when it comes to a Type
conditions at the site of an unusual and 2 differing site condition recognizing
unpredictable nature. The Federal Highway only, “… an underground facility…
Administration describes Type 2 differing not shown or indicated in the Contract
site conditions in their Geotechnical Documents and was not a facility of
Engineering Notebook as, “…situations which a contractor could reasonably
where the contract is silent regarding have been expected to have been
subsurface conditions but the contractor aware and the underground facility is
encounters unforeseen, unusual conditions uncovered or revealed at or contiguous
which differ materially from conditions ordinarily to the site…” 23
encountered.”19 (Underscoring provided.) »» The Design Build Institute of America
The contractual language describing a documents describe Type 2 differing
Type 2 differing site condition is, again, site conditions similar to the Federal
fairly consistent across all of the standard Acquisition Regulation and the American
contract documents as follows: Institute of Architects document by
stating, “… are of an unusual nature
»» The Federal Acquisition Regulation differing materially from the conditions
describes a Type 2 differing site condition ordinarily encountered and generally
as, “… unknown physical conditions recognized as inherent in work…” 24
at the site, of an unusual nature, which

16. Construction Management Association of America, Inc., §, Physical Conditions and Facilities Affecting the Work: Existing Facilities, 2004.
17. Design Build of America Document No. 535, Standard Form of General Conditions of Contract Between Owner and Design-Builder, §4.2.1, Differing Site Conditions, 1993.
18. Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee C-700, Standard General Conditions of the Construction Contract, §4.03, Differing Subsurface or Physical Conditions, 2007.
19. Office of Engineering, GT Guideline No. 15, April 30, 1996.
20. Federal Acquisition Regulation, §52.236-2, Differing Site Conditions (APR 1984). (48 FR 42478, Sept. 19, 1983, as amended at 60 FR 34761, July 3, 1995).
21. American Institute of Architects Document A201 – 2007, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, §3.7.4, Concealed or Unknown Conditions.
22. ConsensusDocs 200, Standard Agreement and General Conditions Between Owner and Constructor, §3.16.2, Concealed or Unknown Site Conditions, 2011, Revised July, 2012.
23. Construction Management Association of America, Inc., 2004, §4.19.3, Physical Conditions and Facilities Affecting the Work: Existing Facilities.
24. Design Build of America Document No. 535, Standard Form of General Conditions of Contract Between Owner and Design-Builder, §4.2.1, Differing Site Conditions, 1993.



»» The EJCDC documents describe a Type 2 entities throughout Southern California

differing site condition similarly, “… is of describes a Type 3 differing site condition
an unusual nature, and differs materially as, “Materials differing from that
from conditions ordinarily encountered represented in the Contract Documents
and generally recognized as inherent in which the Contractor believes may be
work of the character provided for in the hazardous waste, as defined in Section
Contract Documents.” 25 25117 of the Health and Safety Code, that
is required to be removed to a Class I, Class
Type 3 Differing Site Conditions II, or Class III disposal site in accordance
Type 3 differing site conditions are relatively with the provisions of existing law.”27
new in the construction industry. Some While neither the Federal Acquisition
contract documents specifically include Regulations nor the Construction
encounters with previously unidentified Management Association of America
“hazardous waste” materials as a type contract documents (2004 edition) have
of differing site condition different than been modified to include a Type 3 differing
the classic Type 1 and Type 2 differing site condition, other standard contract
site conditions. As with Type 1 and documents have, in one form or another,
Type 2 conditions clauses, a contract including the following:
that incorporates a Type 3 differing site
»» The American Institute of Architects
condition clause assigns the risk of
documents include a form of Type 3
encounters with unanticipated hazardous
conditions as, “… a hazardous material
waste to the owner, unless the hazardous
or substance not addressed in the
material is material brought on site by the
Contract Documents and if reasonable
contractor or one of their subcontractors.
precautions will be inadequate to
Since Type 3 differing site conditions
prevent foreseeable bodily injury or
language is relatively new, it is not nearly as
death to persons resulting from a
standardized as the language of Type 1 and
material or substance, including but not
Type 2 language. Some examples of Type 3
limited to asbestos or polychlorinated
contract clauses include:
biphenyl…” 28
»» The Los Angeles County Metropolitan »» ConsensusDocs deals with the Type 3
Transportation Authority describes Type differing conditions as, “A Hazardous
3 differing conditions as, “Unidentified Material is any substance or material
substances that Design Builder believes identified now or in the future as
may be Hazardous Materials that are hazardous under Laws, or other
required to be removed to a Class I, substance or material that may be
Class II, or Class III disposal site in considered hazardous or otherwise
accordance with Governmental Rules. subject to statutory or regulatory
Hazardous Materials that are included requirement governing handling,
in the Work, as identified in the Contract disposal, or cleanup. The Contractor
for Design Builder to handle, mitigate, shall not be obligated to commence
and remediate, shall not be construed in or continue work until any Hazardous
any way to be a Type 3 Condition.”26 Material discovered at the Worksite has
»» Similarly, the Standard Specifications been removed, rendered, or determined
for Public Works Construction (the to be harmless by the Owner…” 29
Greenbook) widely used by public works

25. Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee C-700, Standard General Conditions of the Construction Contract, §4.03, Differing Subsurface or Physical Conditions, 2007.
26. Design Build Contract Between Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority and Kiewit Pacific Company – I-405 Sepulveda Pass Widening Project, April 23, 2009, Section 6.7, Differing Site Conditions.
27. The “Greenbook” – Standard Specifications for Public Works, 2012 Edition, §3-4(c), Changed Conditions, BNi Building News, Vista, CA.
28. American Institute of Architects Document A201 – 2007, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, §10.3.1, Hazardous Materials.
29. ConsensusDocs 200, Standard Agreement and General Conditions Between Owner and Constructor, §3.13, Hazardous Materials, 2011, Revised July, 2012.



»» The Design Build Institute of America “[i]n interpreting site investigation

addresses the issue of a Type 3 differing clauses, the term ‘site ’ is often interpreted
conditions very succinctly, “Unless to mean, essentially, ‘sight’, and to not
otherwise expressly provided in the extend to requiring an independent
Contract documents to be part of the subsurface investigation...”32 Basically,
Work, Design Builder is not responsible the condition encountered must
for any Hazardous Conditions not have been anticipated by the
encountered at the site.” 30 contractor from a study of the
»» The EJCDC contract documents address contract, inspection of the site, and
the Type 3 differing site condition with their general experience.33
the clause, “The Contractor shall not »» Physical condition – The condition
be responsible for any Hazardous encountered must be a physical
Environmental Condition uncovered condition. The condition may be either
or revealed at the Site which was a natural condition (i.e., change in
not shown or indicated in Drawings soil characteristics, encountering rock,
or Specifications or identified in the etc.) or a manmade condition (i.e.,
Contract Documents to be within the unidentified utilities, buried structures,
scope of the Work.” 31 etc.). In any event, the condition
complained of cannot be an economic,
Conditions Typically political, governmental or business

Covered By Differing condition (i.e., shortage of qualified

craft labor, inability to get equipment
Site Condition Clauses or materials to the site, increased
material costs or ordinances that restrict
Modern Differing Site Condition clauses
performance of the work, etc.).34
generally cover unforeseen, hidden or latent
physical conditions at the work site, not »» At the site – The condition complained
indicated in or materially different from the of must be at the project site. Typically,
information available at bid. The three key the “site” is the location where the
elements at the outset of a differing site project is being constructed. However,
condition claim are the following: if the owner provides a remote laydown
area or if the owner designates a borrow
»» Unforeseeability – The contractor pit several miles from the site then the
must be able to demonstrate that Differing Site Conditions clause will cover
the condition encountered was differing site conditions at these remote
unforeseeable based on all information locations because the owner’s actions
available at the time of bidding. The incorporated these locations into the term
unforeseeability test extends to site “site”for the purposes of the clause. 35
investigations also. That is, provided
the owner offered a site investigation
prior to bidding, the contractor
making this sort of claim will also have
to demonstrate that the condition
encountered was unforeseeable even
during the pre-bid site walk. However,

30. Design Build of America Document No. 535, Standard Form of General Conditions of Contract Between Owner and Design-Builder, §4.1, Hazardous Conditions, 1993.
31. Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee C-700, Standard General Conditions of the Construction Contract, §4.03, Differing Subsurface or Physical Conditions, 2007.
32. Neal J. Sweeney, Thomas J. Kelleher, Jr., Philip E. Beck and Randall F. Hafer, Smith Currie & Hancock’s Common Sense Construction Law, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1997.
33. Robert F. Cushman and David R. Tortorello, Differing Site Condition Claims, Wiley Law Publications, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1992.
34. Hallman v. United States, 68 F. Sup. 204 (Ct. Cl. 1946); Robert E. McKee Gen. Constr., Inc., ASBCA No. 521, 60-1 B.C.A. (CCH) ¶2,526 (1960).
35. Tobin Quarries, Inc. v. United States, 114 Ct. Cl. 286 (1949); Baltimore Contractors, Inc., GSBCA 4808R, 80-2 B.C.A. ¶14,676; Blaze Constr. Co., IBCA No. 2863, 91-3 B.C.A. (CCH) ¶24,071 at 120,506 (1991).
36. See Neal J. Sweeney, Thomas J. Kelleher, Jr., Philip E. Beck and Randall F. Hafer, Smith Currie & Hancock’s Common Sense Construction Law; Robert F. Cushman and David R. Tortorello, Differing Site Condition Claims; Irv Richter and
Roy S. Mitchell, Handbook of Construction Law and Claims.



Based in U.S. case law36 , assuming the contractor complies with the terms of the clause,
the following conditions are generally covered by the Differing Site Conditions clause.








What Are Indications? reasonable inferences and implications

that can be drawn from the information
Indications, for the purposes of the provided. One court noted that it is not
Differing Site Condition clause, may be required that express indications be:
either expressed or implied indications.37
“… explicit or specific, but only
Express indications are more easily
enough to impress or lull a
demonstrated than implied indications.
reasonable bidder not to expect
Examples of express indications include:
the adverse conditions actually
»» Rock at specific elevations; encountered.” 39
»» Perched water; Implied indications are indications that are
»» Specific soil types; uncertain or ambiguous. The contractor
»» Utility locations shown on drawings; claiming an implied indication must be
able to demonstrate that the indication
»» Etc.
was reasonably inferable from the contract
With respect to express indications one documents, upon which a reasonable
court commented that: contractor can be expected to rely. Basically,
“There must be reasonably the Board concluded that an indication
plain or positive indications in need not be an affirmative statement or
the bid information or contract representation, that it may be proven by
documents that such subsurface inferences or implications. The Board went
conditions would be otherwise on to state the following:
than actually found.” 38 “The causes of an erroneous
Concerning express indications, courts indication in the contract –
have noted that contractors should not whether simple error, negligence
only be able to compare express indications or other – are no longer important.
with actual conditions, but also with all An ‘indication’ may be proven,

37. Foster Construction C.A. v. United States, 435 F.2d 873, (Ct. Cl. 1970).
38. Pacific Alaska Contractors, Inc. v. United States, 193 Ct. Cl. 850, 436 F. 2d 461, 469 (1971).
39. Metropolitan Sewerage Commission v. R. W. Construction, Inc., 241 N.W.2d 371 (Wis. 1976).



moreover, by inferences and One author noted the following when

implications which need not meet discussing what constitutes a material
the test for a ‘misrepresentation’ difference:
or ‘representation,’ concepts which
“Materiality usually turns upon
have a long common law history
the unique facts existing on the
associated with fraud.” 40
particular job. Facts that often
One commentator concluded that it is bear on the question of materiality
sufficient to justify relief if indications are: (a) differences in the quality
concerning expected conditions at the of substances encountered;
project site can be established from (b) differences in the quantity
reasonable inferences and implications that of work required as a result of
can be drawn from the contact documents.41 the condition; (c) changes in
Based upon this approach to the issue of the construction techniques
implied indications, Boards and Courts may required in order to deal with the
look for design requirements that cannot be condition. Regardless of whether
met or construction methods that cannot the word ‘material’ appears in the
be employed because of the conditions differing site conditions clause,
encountered.42 Or, lack of detail in the the difference must be material to
description of the condition referenced in invoke the clause or for denial of
the contract documents may be found to the claim to amount to a breach
imply a certain condition exists when, in of contract. (Murray’s Iron Works,
actuality, the condition does not exist.43 Inc. v. Boyce [2008] 158 CA 4th
1279, 1298).” 45
What Is A “Material Based on the above, it appears that the
Difference”? Boards and Courts have been very reluctant
to define the term “material difference”
The term “material difference” is a term preferring, instead, to perform a case by
of the legal art. One cannot look in case analysis. Generally, decisions simply
Black’s Law Dictionary under “M” for declare whether or not the claimed
material difference and find a standard condition is materially different or not
definition. The term “material” is defined without giving any reason. What is clear,
as, “Important; … having influence or however, is that a contractor has an easier
effect…”44 As such, to determine if a job of demonstrating a material difference if
“material difference” has been encountered the claim is based on a Type 1 differing site
for the purposes of the Differing Site condition. In this situation, the contractor
Conditions clause requires a situation can compare actual conditions with those
specific analysis. It is entirely dependent indicated in the bidding documents –
upon the facts of each such encounter. both expressed and implied. If the claim
Each individual claim of material difference is a Type 2 differing site condition, the
must be examined from the perspective of burden of proving the material difference
whether the condition encountered had, is substantially greater. The contractor will
or will have, a substantial impact on the first have to prove what conditions they
contractor’s work as well as the time and anticipated at the time of bidding and why
cost of the work. this was a reasonable expectation, as Type 2
claims are typically filed in the absence of
40. Reliance Enterprise, ASBCA Nos. 27638, 27639, 85-2 B.C.A. ¶18,045.
41. George D. Ruttinger, The Differing Site Condition Clause: What Are Contract Indications?, NCMA Journal, National Contract Management Association, Summer 1986.
42. R. L. Spencer Constr. Co., ASBCA No. 18450, 75-2 B.C.A. (CCH) ¶11,604 at 54,423 (1975).
43. Caesar Constr., Inc., ASBCA No. 41059, 91-1 B.C.A. (CCH) ¶23,639, at 118,417 (1990).
44. Black’s Law Dictionary (Revised Fourth Edition), West Publishing Company, St. Paul, MN, 1968.
45. Bernard Kamine, Differing Site Conditions, Kamine Law PC, 2014.



any owner provided information. Next, shall telephone…for an appointment

the contractor will have to document the to examine drawings of the existing
conditions actually encountered. Finally, the conditions.
contractor will have to be able to articulate »» The owner makes no representation and
and demonstrate the material difference denies any responsibility for the accuracy
between the two conditions. of any subsurface data furnished and
expects each bidder to satisfy itself as
The Impact Of Contract to the character, quantity, and quality of

Disclaimers subsurface materials to be encountered.

»» The subsurface data furnished to
As the Differing Site Conditions clause bidders does not constitute a part of
became more common the number the contract and is furnished solely for
of differing site condition, or changed information. Bidders must make their
condition, claims grew. Owners began to own investigations as to subsurface
take defensive actions to shield themselves conditions and no claim for additional
from differing site condition claims. compensation will be allowed regardless
Amongst these actions were: of the subsurface conditions actually
»» Site investigation clauses; encountered.

»» Unit priced contracts declaring some The obvious purpose of such disclaimers
aspects to the work “incidental” to is to insulate owners from differing site
placement of the work; and condition claims. That is, owners employing
such disclaimers attempt to transfer the risk
»» Contractual disclaimers.
of both unknown site conditions as well
Examples of disclaimers follow: as the various representations made in the
»» Boring logs and results of other contract documents to the contractor.
subsurface investigations and tests are “Most Government contracts
available for inspection. Such subsurface contain boilerplate clauses and
information, whether included in the special conditions which contain
plans, specifications, or otherwise made disclaimer and exculpatory
available to the bidder, was obtained language intended to relieve the
and is intended solely for the owner’s Government of liability under
design and estimating purposes. This certain stated circumstances. If
information has been made available literally applied, they could frustrate
only for the convenience of all bidders. the intended purposes of the
Each bidder is solely responsible for all Differing Site Conditions clause.”46
assumptions, deduction, or conclusions
which he/she may make from an The Navigant Construction Forum™
examination of this information. does not believe that, “most government
contracts contain boilerplate clauses” any
»» Some drawings of some of the existing
longer, however in our experience there
conditions are available for examination
are still a large number of contracts that
at [another location]. These drawings
do attempt to disclaim responsibility for
are for information only and will not
owner furnished information in one form or
be part of the contract documents. The
another. It has also been shown that Boards
quantity, quality, completeness, accuracy
and Courts often refuse to enforce such
and availability of these drawings are
disclaimers when they are challenged.47
not guaranteed. Prospective bidders

46. Overton A. Currie, R. B. Ansley, Kenneth P. Smith, Thomas E. Abernathy, Differing Site (Changed) Conditions, Briefing Papers No. 71-5, Federal Publications, Inc., Washington, D.C., 1971.
47. James J. Tansey, Analyzing Contractor Claims, Construction Briefings 88-8, Federal Publications, Inc., Washington, D.C., July 1988. See also, Metropolitan Sewerage Comm. v. R. W. Construction, Inc., 241 N.W. 2d 371 (Wis. 1976); Roy
Strom Excavating & Grading Co., Inc. v. Miller-Davis Co., 501 N.E.2d 717, (Ill. 1986); Contra Cruz Constr. Co. v. Lancaster Area Sewer Auth., 439 F. sup. 1202 (E.D. Pa. 1977).



Boards and Courts seem to take the can be made binding upon the
position that owners cannot give with Government, there was in effect a
one hand (by including a Differing Site description of the site, upon which
Conditions clause in a contract and reaping plaintiff had a right to rely, and by
the benefit of lower bids) while taking away which it was misled. Nor does the
with the other hand (by trying to disclaim exculpatory clause in the instant
responsibility for information provided case absolve the Government,
and undercutting the contractor’s right of since broad exculpatory clauses…
reliance on the clause).48 Broadly worded, cannot be given their full literal
general disclaimers are unlikely to survive a reach, and, “do not relieve the
Federal Board of Contract Appeals or Court defendant of liability for changed
challenge. An example Federal Court ruling conditions as the broad language
on broad based disclaimers follows: thereof would seem to indicate”
[citation omitted] General
“Even unmistakable contract
portions of the specifications
language in which the
should not lightly be read to
Government seeks to disclaim
override the Change Conditions
responsibility for drill hole data
Clause…” 50
does not lessen the right of
reliance. The decisions reject,
as in conflict with the changed Conditions Generally Not
conditions clause, a ‘standard Included Under The Differing
mandatory clause of broad
application,’ the variety of such Site Condition Clause
disclaimers of responsibility – Certain conditions encountered on a
that the logs are not guaranteed, construction site, that many contractors
not representations, that the characterize as “changed conditions” have
bidder is urged to draw their own been specifically excluded from coverage
conclusions.” 49 under the Differing Site Conditions clause
In another case centering on a broadly by the Boards and Courts. Typically, such
worded exculpatory clause the Court excluded events are deemed to not be
commented: ‘physical conditions’ which is clearly
required by the Differing Site Conditions
“The effect of an actual clause. Among the conditions excluded
representation is to make the from coverage are the following:
statements of the Government
binding upon it, despite »» Weather conditions 51
exculpatory clauses which do »» Acts of God – Fires, floods, hurricanes,
not guarantee the accuracy of a typhoons, earthquakes, etc. 52
description…Here, although there »» Economic, governmental or political
is no (express) statement which conditions 53

48. George D. Ruttinger, The Differing Site Condition Clause: What Are Contract Indications?, NCMA Journal, National Contract Management Association, Summer 1986.
49. Foster Construction C.A. v. United States, 4356 F.2d 873, 888 (Ct. Cl. 1970).
50. Woodcrest Constr. Co. v. United States, 408 F.2d 395 (Ct. Cl. 1969).
51. Schouten Construction Co., DOTCAB 78-14, 79-1 B.C.A. ¶13,553; Turnkey Enterprises, Inc. v. United States, 597 F.2d 750 (Ct. Cl. 1797); Roen Salvage Co., ENG BCA 3670, 79-2 B.C.A. ¶13,882.
52. Praxis-Assurance Venture, ASBCA No. 24748, 81-1 B.C.A. (CCH) ¶15,028 (1981) (abnormal rainfall); Arundel Corp. v. United States, 103 Ct. Cl. 688, 711-12 (1945) (hurricane); Hardeman-Monier-Hutcherson v. United States, 458 F.2d
1364, 1370-71, (Ct. Cl. 1972)(adverse sea and wind conditions).
53. George E. Jensen Contractors, Inc., GSBCA Nos. 3242, 3249, 71-1 B.C.A. ¶8,735.



»» Delays caused by other contractors 54 government had a duty not to hinder

»» Acts of the Government in its sovereign performance, Boards and Courts have
capacity 55 allowed recovery under the clause. 62

»» Acts of war 56 »» Variations in estimated quantities:

Typically, construction contracts
»» Acts of third parties 57
include a Quantity Variation clause
»» Labor disputes 58 which provides for an adjustment to
»» Civil unrest 59 contract price in the event a quantity
»» Impact of local ordinances 60 substantially overruns or underruns the
estimated quantity carried in the bidding
Conditions Sometimes documents. This clause alleviates the
need for a contractor to file a quantity
Included Under The Differing variation claims under the Differing Site
Site Conditions Clause Conditions clause. There are, however,
some exceptions to this statement. If the
The plain language of the Differing Site quantities vary because the contractor
Conditions clause does not restrict recovery encounters an “entirely different job”63
to those conditions that existed prior to bid or there is an unforeseen need for an
submittal. However, the Armed Services unusual construction methodology64
Board of Contract Appeals has interpreted then the Differing Site Conditions clause
the clause to cover only those conditions may be employed in lieu of the Quantity
which pre-existed the time of bidding. 61 Variation clause. If a Board or Court
Other Boards and Courts have accepted this determines that the owner’s estimate
limitation likewise. was negligently performed65 or if owner
There are, however, at least three situations issued change orders substantially
where post award conditions may, under increase the estimated quantities66 again,
the proper circumstances, gain coverage the Differing Site Conditions clause may
under the Differing Site Conditions clause. override the Quantity Variation clause
They are the following: when it comes to pricing such variations.
Material variations on owner provided
»» Government had a duty to correct or quantity estimates may become a Type
prevent the situation: In situations 1 differing side condition only if they
where the government had the ability resulted from a differing site condition.67
to prevent the pre-existing condition
»» In the absence of a Quantity
from being damaged or changed to the
Variation clause: Since the Quantity
detriment of the contractor, and failed
Variation clause is intended to work
to do so, then under the theory that the

54. Robert E. McKee General Contractor, Inc., ASBCA 521, 60-1 B.C.A. ¶2526.
55. Dunbar & Sullivan Dredging Co., ENG BCA 3165-3167, 3191, 73-2 B.C.A. ¶10,285.
56. Keang Nam Enterprises, Ltd., ASBCA No. 13747, 69-1 B.C.A., ¶7,705.
57. Dyer & Dyer, Inc., ENG BCA 3999, 80-2 B.C.A. ¶14,463.
58. Bates-Cheves Construction Co., ICBA No. 670-967, 68-2 B.C.A. ¶7,167.
59. Cross Construction Company, ENG. BCA No. 3636, 79-1 B.C.A. ¶13,708.
60. Edwards v. United States, 19 Cl. Ct. 663 (1990).
61. Randall H. Sharpe, ASBCA No. 22800, 79-1 B.C.A. ¶13,869; Acme Missiles and Construction Co., ASBCA No. 10784, 66-1 B.C.A. ¶5,418.
62. Hoffman v. United States, 166 Ct. Cl. 39, 340 F.2d 645 (1964); Frank W. Miller Construction Co., ASBCA No. 22347, 78-1 B.C.A. ¶13,039; Arkansas Rock & Gravel Co., ENG BCA No. 2895, 69-2 B.C.A. ¶8,001; Security National Bank of
Kansas City v. United States, 184 Ct. Cl. 741, 397 F.2d 984 (1968).
63. Brezina Construction, Inc., ENG BCA No. 3215, 75-1 B.C.A. ¶10,989.
64. Dunbar & Sullivan Dredging Co., ENG BCA No. 8265, 73-2 B.C.A. ¶12,285.
65. John Murphy Construction Co., AGBCA No. 418, 79-1 B.C.A. ¶13,836.
66. Leavell & Co., ENG BCA 3492, 75-2 B.C.A. ¶11,596.
67. United Contractors v. United States, 177 Ct. Cl. 151, 368 F.2d 585 (1966).



in conjunction with the Differing 4. The subsurface or latent conditions

Site Conditions clause, the Navigant actually encountered differed materially
Construction Forum™ believes that from the subsurface or latent conditions
if a contractor encounters a material indicated in the contract documents;
change in estimated quantities and the 5. The actual conditions encountered were
contract does not include a Quantity reasonably unforeseeable; and,
Variation clause, the any such claim for
6. The contractor’s claimed excess costs
additional costs may be pursued under
were solely attributable to the materially
the Differing Site Conditions clause.
different subsurface or latent conditions
In such event, if the owner provided
the estimated quantities in the bidding
documents, then the claim would
be a Type 1 differing site condition.
Five Additional Contractual
If the owner did not provide any Requirements
estimated quantities and the contractor
In addition to the “indispensable elements”
was required to analyze the bidding
outlined by the Court of Claims above,
documents to ascertain the estimated
there also are five additional contractual
quantities, then such a claim would be a
requirements which the contractor must
Type 2 differing site condition.
follow in order to successfully pursue a

Roadmap For A Successful differing site condition claim. Like the

above requirements, deviation from any
Differing Site Condition Claim of these contractual contracts may result

– Six Indispensable Elements in the contractor losing their claim. These

contractual requirements are the following:
The U.S. Court of Claims has established
1. Site investigation: Most contracts
what it calls the “six indispensable
contain a Site Investigation clause
elements” for differing site condition claims
stating that the owner expects bidders
which creates a road map for contractors
to visit the site to observe the various
pursuing such a claim and is now followed
conditions which may impact the
by other Boards and Courts.68 These
performance of the work.69 The Site
elements follow:
Visit clause is typically paired with
1. The contract document affirmatively a Site Investigation and Conditions
indicated the subsurface or latent site Affecting the Work clause which
conditions upon which the contractor’s contains an acknowledgement by the
claim is based; bidders that they did, indeed, visit the
2. The contractor must have acted as a site and satisfy themselves as to all
reasonable and prudent contractor in site conditions which may affect the
interpreting the contract documents; work.70 Contractors who do not visit the
site prior to bidding place themselves
3. The contractor must have reasonably
in serious jeopardy should they be
relied upon the indications of subsurface
awarded the contract. Additionally,
or latent site conditions in the contract
they may learn, to their dismay, that
documents when preparing their bid;
they cannot rely upon the Differing Site
Conditions clause to compensate them

68. Weeks Dredging & Contracting, Inc. v. United States, 13 Ct. Cl. 193, 218 (1987), aff’d 861 F.2d 728 (Fed. Cir. 1988); Simpson Constr. Co., VABCA No. 3176, 91-1 B.C.A. (CCH) ¶23,630 (1990); Shumate Constructors, Inc., VABCA No/
2772, 90-3 B.C.A. (CCH) ¶22,946 (1990); Weston-Bean Joint Venture v. United States, 115 Fed. Cl, 215, 2014 U.S. Claims LEXIS 417, March 14, 2014.
69. See, for example, FAR §52.237-1, Site Visit, which is contained in all Federal construction contracts.
70. See, for example, FAR §52.236-3, Site Investigation and Conditions Affecting the Work, which is also contained in all Federal construction contracts.



for situations they would have seen if the contractor can demonstrate that
had they visited the site, and therefore the owner had actual knowledge of
unaware of when preparing their bid the conditions encountered in the
simply because they did not perform field, the contractor may be allowed to
a site visit.71 That is, the contractor’s pursue the claim.75 Nevertheless, the
failure to perform a site visit may negate failure to provide written notice makes
the contractor’s ability to recover under it substantially more difficult for the
the Differing Site Conditions clause. contractor to prove that they are entitled
In looking at this sort of situation the to recover damages under the Differing
U.S. Court of Claims concluded that Site Conditions clause.
the contractor must show, “…that 3. Stop work in the affected area: The
the conditions actually encountered Federal Differing Site Conditions clause
were reasonably unforeseeable based is a self-actuating stop work order. A
on all the information available to the contractor performing work under a
contractor at the time of bidding.” 72 Federal contract, “…shall promptly, and
“Information available ” includes any before such conditions are disturbed…”
and all information the contractor would provide notice to the owner.76 The intent
have gained by making a site visit. of this requirement is to preserve the
2. Notice to the owner: Most Differing condition so that the owner can confirm
Site Conditions clauses require that, the condition encountered. Contactors
“The contractor shall promptly…notify who fail to preserve the alleged differing
the [owner] in writing of …” 73 Written conditions, allowing the owner to
notice to the owner of a differing investigate and determine what was
site condition is required to give the actually encountered, are almost
owner the opportunity to examine the guaranteed to lose their claim. They
situation to determine whether it is, will be unable to prove what condition
or is not, a differing site condition. The they actually encountered because they
written notice also provides the owner removed “the evidence”.
the opportunity to determine the most 4. Allow the owner time to investigate:
cost effective manner in which to deal Under the Federal Differing Site
with the condition encountered. The Conditions clause, the owner, upon
lack of written notice of a differing receipt of written notice, “…shall
condition deprives the owner of the promptly investigate the conditions…”77
opportunity to determine the nature This requires the contractor to allow the
and extent of the problem. Thus, from a owner sufficient time to investigate the
claims perspective, the owner’s position condition. Contractors who file notice
is materially harmed or substantially of differing conditions but continue
prejudiced. Recognizing this, Boards work are at serious risk of losing their
and Courts frequently deny differing claim. On the other hand, should the
site condition claims if it can be shown owner take an inordinately long period
that the contractor provided no notice to of time to investigate, they may become
the owner.74 Thus, the failure to provide liable for an owner caused delay for the
prompt written notice may result in delayed investigation plus the damages
the contractor not prevailing with their arising from the differing site condition.
differing site condition claim. However,
71. See Top Painting Co., Inc., ASBCA No. 57333, 12-1 BCA 35,020; D&M Grading, Inc. v. Dept. of Agriculture, CBCA No. 2625, 12-1 BCA 35,021; Orlosky, Inc. v. United States, 64 Fed. Cl. 63, (2005).
72. Stuyvesant Dredging Co. v. United States, 834 F.2d 1576, 1581 (Fed. Cir. 1987).
73. FAR 52.236-2, Differing Site Conditions.
74. McDevitt & Street Co. v. Marriott Corp., 713 F. Supp. 906, 919 (E.D. Va. 19089), aff’d in part, rev’d in part, 911 F.2d 723 (4th Cir. 1990).
75. Brinderson Corp. v. Hampton Roads Sanitation District, 825 F.2d 41 (4th Cir. 1987).
76. FAR 52.236-2, Differing Site Conditions.
77. Ibid.



5. Mitigate damages: “It is a general site condition claim. A contractor who fails
principle of the law of contracts that to diligently pursue the work may face
the amount of damages awarded to a Termination for Default. 80
non-defaulting party will be measured
as though that party had made “Reverse Differing Site
reasonable efforts to avoid the losses
resulting from the default.”78 Simply Condition Claims”
put, a contractor who has encountered Although rare, it is possible for an owner
a differing site condition is not free to to assert a differing site condition against
spend whatever amount of money they a contractor, presumably for encounters
want to spend and expect to recover with conditions substantially better than
what was expended. Contractors anticipated in the contract documents. This
must act reasonably in overcoming is clearly outlined in the Federal Differing
differing conditions in order to reduce Site Conditions clause wherein it states:
the owner’s costs. Failure to mitigate
damages will not result in the contractor “The Contracting Officer
losing their entitlement to the claim but shall promptly investigate the
may reduce the amount recovered. conditions, and if he finds that
such conditions do materially
Contractor’s Duty To Proceed so differ and cause an increase
or decrease in the contractor’s
With Work cost of, or the time required for,
Most construction contracts include a performance of any part of the
clause requiring the contractor to continue work under this contract, whether
working on those portions of the project or not changed as a result of
not impacted by the differing site condition such conditions, an equitable
pending the owner’s determination of adjustment shall be made and
whether the condition encountered was the contract modified in writing
a differing site condition. That is, the accordingly.” 81 (Underscoring
contractor cannot suspend all work to await provided.)
the owner’s decision. Litigation concerning reverse differing
Federal contracts (as many others) have a site condition claims is extremely rare.
specific clause to this effect: One of the few reported cases is AFGO
Engineering Corporation82 which arose on a
“The Contractor shall proceed project where the contractor had to remove
diligently with performance of this 62 percent less rock than anticipated in
contract, pending final resolution of the bidding documents. In another case
any request for relief, claim, appeal, involving a government reverse differing
or action arising under the contract, site condition claim against a contractor the
and comply with any decision of U.S. Court of Federal Claims determined
the Contracting Officer.” 79 that the government grossly overstated
The owner, subsequent to their estimated quantities and denied the
investigation, may direct the contractor government’s claim as a result. 83
to proceed with the work even before One of the authors has experience with
reaching a determination on the differing two reverse differing site condition claims.

78. Holland v. Green Mountain Swim Club, Inc., 470 P.2d 61 (Col. 1970).
79. FAR §52.233-1, Disputes.
80. FAR §52.249-10, Default (Fixed Price Construction).
81. FAR 52.236-2, Differing Site Conditions.
82. VACAB No. 1236, 79-2 BCA ¶13,900.
83. Perini Corporation v. United States, 180 Ct. Cl. 768, 381 F.2d 403 (1967).



In both cases, while the owners were able believe these decisions indicate that Boards
to demonstrate “conditions better than and Courts have a much more nuanced
anticipated” it was more cost effective understanding of the Differing Site
to prosecute the claim in the form of Conditions clause than most construction
a deductive change order. The authors industry professionals. The authors have
believe that the lack of reportable cases also concluded that there is a trend toward
exists because few owners pay attention to changing the understanding of the risk
this type of claim and those few that are allocation under this clause.
aware of this claim and encounter such
a condition are more likely to pursue the Contractor Has a Duty to Review
issue as a deductive change rather than a Information Made “Available for
formal claim.
Traditional Understanding Of The Appeal of Bean Stuyvesant LLC 84
involved a contract where the contractor
The Differing Site Conditions was required to dredge soil from a confined
Clause disposal area, transport the soil via a
pipeline and place the material on a beach
After nearly 90 years most people in the in order to restore a sea turtle habitat in
construction industry think they understand North Carolina. The contractor encountered
the Differing Site Conditions clause and conditions they believed were materially
how it operates. Most believe that the different than anticipated and filed a
clause transfers all risk of unforeseeable, differing site condition claim. The claim
latent site conditions to the owner. Most was denied by the Contracting Office and
believe that they have an absolute right appealed to the Armed Services Board of
to rely on information provided with Contract Appeals. The bidding documents
the bidding documents. Most believe contained the following notice:
that owners are obligated to provide all
information at the time of bidding. And, “Drilling logs of other borings
most believe that when a subsurface in the vicinity…of the project
conditions report is silent concerning water, not provided in Appendix A
rock, or other physical conditions, then this are available upon request. All
indicates that condition is not anticipated. requests shall be directed to
While the Navigant Construction Forum™ Ed Dunlop of the Wilmington
frequently encounters these expectations, District Office at (910) 251-4492.
Board and Court decisions are not The Government will not be
necessarily in agreement. responsible for any interpretation
of or conclusion drawn from

Changing Risk Allocation the data or information by the

Contractor. Bidders are expected
Concerning Differing Site to examine the site of the work

Conditions and after examination decide

for themselves the character of
The remainder of this research perspective material.”
will examine the outcome of a number
The Board decision stated that the other
of Board and Court cases centering on
two bidders requested and received the
differing site condition claims. The authors
information from the “other borings”

84. ASBCA No. 53882, 2006-2 B.C.A. (CCH) P33, 420; 2006 ASBCA LEXIS 88, October 5, 2006.



referenced in the contract and did attend »» Lesson Learned (Owners): Make
the site visit. Bean Stuyvesant did neither. certain that the design professionals and
The Board ruled against Bean Stuyvesant geotechnical consultants identify, search
stating that: out and capture all subsurface conditions
reports and boring logs previously done
“Appellant also has not shown on or near the site and incorporate an
that the conditions were appropriate notice of the availability
reasonably unforeseeable of such additional information in the
based upon all the information bidding documents.
available at the time of bidding. A
contractor has the duty to review Owner Has No Duty to Disclose
information that is made available Information Reasonably Available
for inspection.85 …Appellant has
Through Independent Investigation
not shown that the Government
disclaimed the accuracy of any North Pacific Erectors, Inc. v. State of Alaska,
of the relevant drilling data. We Department of Administration88 involved
believe that the data included a contract for renovation and asbestos
within the contract and the data removal of a State office building. The
made available upon request were contractor, “…requested additional
part of the universe of relevant payment for the asbestos removal, claiming
information made available to there was a differing site condition that
the bidders, which appellant made the project much more labor-
should have considered in order intensive than it had expected.” The claim
to prepare its bid. Having failed was denied at both the project and the
to do so, appellant cannot prove agency level. The contractor appealed to the
that it reasonably relied upon Superior Court who upheld the agency’s
all contract and contract-related determination. The contractor appealed to
data, as required by the Differing the State Supreme Court that its claim was
Site Conditions clause.”86 a valid differing site condition claim and
(Underscoring provided.) that the State breached its duty to disclose
information about the project.
In a similar case, Hunt & Willett, Inc. v.
United States 87 the Court indicated that, “… The Court decision recorded that North
the contractor cannot ‘rest content with the Pacific and their asbestos removal
materials furnished to him; he must also subcontractor neither participated in the
refer to other materials which are available pre-bid conference nor made a site visit.
and about which he is told by the contract Having said this, the Court noted:
“Contractors would not have been
»» Lesson Learned (Contractors): When able to see the pan deck surface
a bidding document identifies other at a site visit, however, because
subsurface conditions reports and/or soil fireproofing was still covering the
borings are “available upon request”, pan deck at the site.”
request and review all such information
Earlier, in one of the administrative
and incorporate the knowledge gained
hearings, the State’s hearing officer
into your bid.
concluded that the State had an obligation
to disclose the condition North Pacific

85. Citing Randa/Madison, Joint Venture III v. Dahlberg, 239 F.3d 1264, 1270-72 (Fed. Cir. 2001); Billington Contracting, Inc., ASBCA Nos. 54147, 54149, 05-1 B.C.A. P 32,900 at 162,994.
86. Citing Comtrol, Inc. v. United States, 194 F.3d 1357, 1362 (Fed. Cir. 2002); H. B. Mac, Inc. v. United States, 153 F.3d 1338, 1345 (Fed. Cir. 1998).
87. 351 F.2d 980, 985 (Ct. Cl. 1964).
88. 2013 Alas. LEXIS 118, September 6, 2013.



complained about and failed to do so. The for the Department in Juneau,
officer commented that the Department’s or researched conditions of
Deputy Commissioner: similar buildings in the area…
We conclude that North Pacific
“…determined that the
could have conducted research on
Department did not have a duty
its own and was not dependent
to disclose the site condition,
on the Department as the only
reasoning that it was possible for
reasonable avenue for acquiring
North Pacific to have obtained the
information on the surface of the
information through site visits or
pan deck. Accordingly, we hold
an independent investigation.”
that the State had no duty to
The Court further noted that the obligation disclose information regarding the
to disclose site information had earlier been pan deck surface.”
ruled upon in the following manner:
»» Lesson Learned (Contractors): When
“There are four requirements reviewing bidding documents, do not
for establishing when the assume that the owner is required
government has failed in its duty to provide all possible information
to disclose superior knowledge. available. Be prepared to perform
First, the contractor undertakes to and document some independent
perform without vital knowledge investigation of conditions potentially
of a fact that affects performance impacting the project. If other
costs or direction. Second, the information is discovered, make
government was aware that the certain that the bid cost reflects this
contractor had no knowledge of independently discovered information.
and had no reason to obtain such
information. Third, the contract Where the Contract is Silent a
specification supplied either Differing Site Condition Claim
misled the contractor or did not Cannot Arise
put it on notice to inquire. Fourth,
the government failed to provide P. J. Maffei Building Wrecking Corporation v.
the relevant information.” 89 The United States90 was an appeal from the
General Services Board of Contract Appeals
Turning to the North Pacific case the Court decision that Maffei was not entitled to
ruled in the following manner: an equitable adjustment for a shortfall of
“Although the Department had salvageable steel in a demolition contract
more control over the information with the government. The bid documents
here … the Department did did not contain as built drawing of the
not have absolute control structure to be demolished but required the
over the relevant information. bidders to deduct the anticipated salvage
Rather, North Pacific could value of the steel from their bid cost. The
have reasonably acquired the documents also noted that a local city
information without resort to agency had, “… drawings of the existing
the Department. North Pacific conditions…” but noted that, “These
could have requested photos or drawings are for information only and will
an inspection of an exposed pan not be part of the contract documents. The
deck, spoken to other contracting quantity, quality, completeness, accuracy
companies that had previously and availability of these drawings are not
performed asbestos abatement guaranteed.”

89. Citing Morrison-Knudsen Co. v. State, 519 P.2d 834, 841 (Alaska, 1974); see also Conner Bros. Constr. Co. v. United States, 65 Fed. Cl. 657, 688 (Fed. Cl. 2005); see also Philip L. Bruner and Patrick J, O’Connor, Jr, Bruner & O’Conner
on Construction Law, § 5:108 at 176 (2002).
90. 732 F.2d 913; 1984 U.S. App. LEXIS 15001; 32 Cont. Cas. (CCH) P 74,426.



In Maffei the Court ruled that: »» Lesson Learned (Contractors): If the

bidding documents are silent on an issue
“…the contract documents did
(for example, groundwater) this is no
not ‘indicate’ the amount of steel
guarantee that the condition does not
recoverable from the Pavilion,
exist. Investigation from other sources
within the meaning of the
may be well warranted.
Differing Site Conditions clause…
success on a Type I Differing Site Owners Do Not Assume All Risk on
Conditions claim turns on the
contractor’s ability to demonstrate
Unforeseen Conditions
that the conditions ‘indicated’ Olympus Corp. v. United States98 involved a
in the contract documents paving contract which was delayed, at least
differ materially from those it in part, due to an oil spill that contaminated
encounters during performance.91 the soil. The Court stated that the Differing
As a threshold matter, then, this Site Conditions clause:
kind of Differing Site Conditions
“… does not shift the risk of
claim is dependent on what is
all unanticipated adverse site
‘indicated’ in the contract.92
conditions from the contractor to the
A contractor cannot be eligible for government. Rather, the government
an equitable adjustment for change bears only those risks that encourage
conditions unless the contract more accurate bidding.”
indicated what those conditions
On this basis, the Court concluded the
would supposedly be. ”93
Differing Site Conditions clause only applies
Ragonese v. United States94, an older case, is to those conditions that exist on the date
cited by some as standing for, “… a contract the parties sign the contract, and not to site
silent on subsurface conditions cannot conditions created after contract award.
support a changed conditions claim.”95
»» Lesson Learned (Contractors): If
Stated more succinctly, one Court ruled
site conditions change subsequent to
that the Differing Site Conditions clause,
contract award, do not rely upon the
“… cannot be invoked if the plans and
Differing Site Conditions clause for an
specifications do not ‘show’ or ‘indicate’
equitable adjustment to the cost or time
anything about the alleged unforeseen
of the contract. Look to other equitable
condition, i.e., if they say ‘nothing
adjustment clause such as the Delay or
one way or the other about subsurface
the Changes clauses instead.
[conditions]’…” 96 Put even more bluntly,
another Court stated “…where the contract
is silent, a claim cannot arise.” 97

91. Citing Arundel Corporation v. United States, 207 Ct. Cl. 84, 515 F.2d 1116, 1128 (Ct. Cl. 1975).
92. Citing Foster Construction C.A. and Williams Brothers Company v. United States, 193 Ct. Cl. 587, 435 F.2d 873, 881 (Ct. Cl. 1970).
93. Citing S.T.G. Construction co., Inc. v. United States, 157 Ct. Cl. 409, 414 (1962).
94. 128 Ct. Cl. 156, 159, 120 F. sup. 768, 769 (1954).
95. Foster Construction C.A. and Williams Brothers Company, A Joint Venture v. The United States, 193 Ct. Cl. 587, 435 F.2d 873, 1970 U.S. Ct. Cl. LEXIS 74.
96. 368 F.2d 585, 595 (Ct. Cl. 1966).
97. Neal & Co. v. United States, 36 Fed. Cl. 600, 617 (1996), aff’d, 121 F.3d 983 (Fed. Cir. 1997).
98. 98 F.3d 1314, 1315 (Fed. Cir. 1996).



Contractors Cannot Rely On When Bidding Information Makes

Contract Indications Where Simple “No Specific Representation”
Inquiries Might Reveal Contrary Contractors Cannot Claim
Conditions “Materially Different Conditions”
Even in situations where the owner Metcalf Construction Co., Inc. v. United
includes all subsurface information in States100 involved a Navy contract to
the bidding documents and makes no construct military housing on a base
attempt to disclaim responsibility for the on Oahu, Hawaii. During the course of
information provided, contactors cannot construction Metcalf encountered expansive
rest easy. In Foster Construction C.A. and soils and filed a differing site condition
Williams Brothers Company, A Joint Venture v. claim. The claim was denied. Metcalf took
The United States99 the U.S. Court of Claims this claim, along with several others, to
ruled that: the U.S. Court of Federal Claims. Metcalf
claimed that the Navy failed to perform
“The contractor is unable to rely
a timely investigation subsequent to the
on contract indications of the
notice of differing site conditions and
subsurface only where relatively
unreasonably rejected the geotechnical
simple inquiries might have
reports submitted by Metcalf in support of
revealed contrary conditions.”
their claim. The Contracting Officer’s denial
(Underscoring provided.)
of the claim stated the following:
For example, in a highway project where
“As far as the information
the subsurface investigation report
provided in our soils report is
contains 30 borings to a depth of 15 meters
concern[ed], the fact that it differs
(and the deepest cut on the drawings is
significantly from the soils report
approximately eight meters) all of which
generated by the contractor
show no groundwater, bidders may not
in itself does not warrant as
be able to rely on the lack of indication of
equitable adjustment … If the
groundwater. If the contractor could have,
contractor decided to base the
for example, reviewed and determined from
cost of the work relying upon
the local Soil Conservation Service office
the government provided data,
that groundwater records show that at
that’s the risk they took and any
certain times of the year groundwater levels
consequences resulting therefrom
rose to within three meters of the surface,
is their responsibility.”
then bidders cannot rely upon the bidding
information when preparing their bids. The Court noted that the government
Similarly, if a pre-bid site walk would have issued geotechnical report addressed
revealed the condition, even though it was only, “… site preparation, foundation
not shown in the geotechnical report, then support, footing, slab and reinforcement
the contactor cannot rely exclusively on the requirements…” The Court took notice
bidding information. of the fact that the request for proposal
instructed the contractor to employ their
»» Lesson Learned (Contractors): Bidders
own geotechnical consultant subsequent to
must perform a reasonable amount of
contract award to perform an independent
independent investigation concerning
investigation for the design of the project.
subsurface conditions especially where
The Court concluded in this regard that:
the bidding information is silent on
matters that, logically, should be present
on or near the site.

99. 1936 Ct. Cl. 587, 435 F.2d 873, 1970 U.S. Ct. Cl. LEXIS 74.
100. 02 Fed. Cl. 334; 2011 U.S. Claims LEXIS 2329.



“In other words, Metcalf could Similarly, the Civilian Board of Contract
rely on (the government issued Appeals in Flour Intercontinental, Inc. v.
report) for bidding purposes, but Department of State103 took a similar
the Navy advised all potential approach. The Board noted that Section
contractors they could not rely on C.2.8 of the contract stated that:
(the government issued report) in
“The Contractor’s geotechnical
performing the…project.”
engineer shall review all available
Citing Comtrol v. United States101 the Court geotechnical information provided
concluded that: in the Contract package and
become familiar with the soil and
“Because the contract made
site conditions at the project site
no specific representation
by visiting the site. During the
as to the type of soil to be
site visit and subsequent phases
encountered, it cannot be said
of the project, the Contractor
that [the contractor] encountered
shall examine and/or verify the
conditions materially differing
information provided and obtain
from those specifically indicated in
any additional information
the specifications.”
to complete the design and
While Metcalf I was vacated and remanded construction of the project.
by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal The Contactor remains solely
Circuit in Metcalf II102 the Appellate Court responsible and liable for design
did state the following in regards to the sufficiency and should not
argument raised in Metcalf I: depend on reports provided by
the [Government] as part of the
“The government made clear
contract documents.”
that its pre-request soil report
was not to be the last word on The Board also noted that Section E.6.2
soil conditions for purposes of stated that:
the project. A revised request
“Information Obtained by Offeror.
for proposals stated that the
Before submitting a proposal, each
requirements in the ‘soil
Offeror shall, at its own expense,
reconnaissance report’ were ‘for
make or obtain any additional
preliminary information only.’ The
examinations, investigations,
resulting contract required that
explorations, tests and studies,
the contractor conduct its own
and obtain any additional
independent soil investigation…
information which the Offeror
Even before potential bidders
had submitted proposals in
response to the request, the Based on this contractual language the
government had clarified…that Board concluded the following:
the contract would be amended
“…the solicitation required each
if the contractor’s post award
offeror to use a geotechnical
independent investigation turned
engineer to assist in the
up soil conditions significantly
preparation of its proposal,
different than those described in
Fluor elected not to do so,
the government’s report.”
instead relying upon the

101. 294 F.3d at 1357, 1367 at 1363 (Fed. Cir. 2002).

102. 742 F.3d 984; 2014 U.S. App. LEXIS 2515, February 11, 2014.
103. CBCA 490, 491, 492, 716, 1555, 1763; 2012 WL 1144972, (Civilian B.A. A.).



geotechnical information may differ significantly from those

provided by the Government in found at the boring locations.”
its EFS and SUP. Fluor did not
During the tunneling operation NDG
retain geotechnical engineer
encountered much more shale than clay
until after contract award.”
and filed a differing site condition claim
Finally, the Board noted that this to recover the additional time and cost
was a design/build contract and incurred. The Contracting Officer denied
concluded that “This contract placed the claim and NDG appealed to the Armed
all of the responsibility for design and Services Board of Contract Appeals.
construction (and, as a consequence all
During the Board hearings NDG’s
of the risk) on Fluor.”
geotechnical expert testified that lacking
»» Lesson Learned (Contractors): When any other information than the two soil
the contract information makes no borings near the tunneled portion of
specific representations as to conditions the work, the only option a bidder has
to be encountered, contractors may not be for estimating and planning purposes is
successful in claiming that the condition to draw straight lines for soil and rock
encountered “differed materially ”from conditions from boring to boring. The Board
the conditions anticipated. rejected this position with the following
»» Lesson Learned (Contractors): When statement:
bidders are faced with a requirement to “It is highly improbable that
perform their own independent, post subsurface soils of one type would
award geotechnical investigation, they transition into another type
may not be able to rely exclusively on the along a straight line projection.
owner furnished subsurface information. We do not accept NDG expert’s
opinion in this regard because it is
Subsurface Soils of One Type intrinsically unpersuasive.”
Will Probably Not Transition Into
Citing P. J. Maffei Building Wrecking Corp. v.
another Type Along a Straight Line United States105 and S.T.G. Construction Co. v.
Projection United States106 and relying on the disclaimer
The Appeal of NDG Constructors104 language contained in the subsurface
involved a contract for installation of a investigation reports, the Board concluded:
water line into an Air Force base in South “A contractor cannot be eligible
Dakota. A portion of the work involved for an equitable adjustment for a
tunneling under an interstate highway. Type I changed conditions unless
The government issued two subsurface the contract indicated what those
investigation reports each indicating that conditions would supposedly be.
the contractor in the tunneled section would … Here, the contract documents
encounter clay material which would then did not indicate where precisely
transition to shale. The subsurface reports the contractor would encounter
both contained the following statements: Carlile Shale. In bidding the
“…the subsurface conditions at project, BTC did not expect to
other times and locations at the transition from ‘Fine Alluvium’
site may differ from those found to ‘Carlile Shale’ or, to use its
at our test boring locations … the terminologies, from ‘clay fill
soils between the boring locations material’ to ‘shale rock material’

104. ASBCA No. 57328, 2012-2 B.C.A. (CCH) P 35,138; 2012 ASBCA LEXIS 85, August 21, 2012.
105. 732 F.2d 913, 916 (Fed. Cir. 1984).
106. 157 Ct. Cl. 409, 414 (1962).



at any specific point but only information in the bidding documents

‘at some point’. And, as BTC concerning the character of the materials
predicted, the soil profile indeed to be dredged and the in-situ densities.
changed from clay fill material to The Corps made available the records of
shale rock material ‘at some point’. previous dredging (self-performed by the
Corps in past years) at their District office.
We conclude that NDG has failed
to prove that the soil profile Stuyvesant had bid on two previous Corps
encountered was a Type I differing dredging jobs and had, in each case,
site condition because the AET’s reviewed the information in the District
geotechnical reports and the office related to those two jobs. Stuyvesant
boring logs did not indicate where elected not to visit the site for the Corpus
the transition from ‘Fine Alluvium’ Christi job nor take material samples or
to ‘Carlile Shale’ would occur, and echo soundings. Instead, Stuyvesant relied
because in estimating the work, on the fact that the technical provisions of
BTC recognized that the transition this contract were, “…very similar, almost
from ‘clay fill material’ to ‘shale identical…” to the technical provisions of
rock material ’ would take place the previous two projects. They concluded
‘at some point’ rather than at any that it was, “…not warranted to go to the
specific point.” expense of or necessary to do any particular
further investigation…”
»» Lesson Learned (Contractor): When
faced with a situation such as the Stuyvesant filed notice of differing
one NDG faced bidders may be well site condition and a claim during the
advised to retain the services of a local performance of the work due to the
geotechnical consultant to review increased density of the materials
the owner furnished information and encountered which impacted their
provide advice on how to interpret productivity and increased their cost. The
the data and prepare this portion of Corps denied the claims and Stuyvesant
the bid. If this is done, it will need to appealed this adverse decision to the U.S.
be documented in the event of a later Court of Claims who upheld the Corps
differing site condition claim. denial. Stuyvesant then appealed to the U.S.
»» Lesson Learned (Owner): To potentially Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.
avoid claims such as this, owners may The appellate Court examined the case and
want to consider use of a Geotechnical the lower Court’s ruling and concluded that
Design Summary Report or a Geotechnical the Claims Court correctly stated:
Baseline Report where the geotechnical
consultant “interprets” soil, rock and water “…the six average density
conditions between borings.107 readings were identified to be
guides only … did not reach the
Subsurface Data Provided in the level of estimates and [were]
Contract May Be a “Guide Only” clearly not facts upon which
plaintiff could rely.”
Stuyvesant Dredging Company v. United
States108 involved an Army Corps of The appellate Court also noted that,
Engineers contract for maintenance “Government estimates are not warranties.”
dredging of the Corpus Christi Entrance
Channel in Texas. The Corps included

107. See Delivering Dispute Free Projects: Part III – Alternative Dispute Resolution, Navigant Construction Forum™, June, 2014.
108. 834 F.2d 1576; 34 Cont. Cas. Fed. (CCH) 75,414 (1987).



»» Lesson Learned (Contractors): on the basis of a material difference

Contractors must review owner provided between available information and
information carefully when preparing actual conditions encountered.
bids. If the information is included
as a “guide” then the contractor may Each Government Contract Stands
be at risk for relying totally on this on Its Own
Finally, the Stuyvesant Court addressed
Contractors Cannot Prove a the argument that on their two previous
bids Stuyvesant did review the material in
Differing Site Condition Based the Corps’ District office, visited the site
Upon Information They Never and conducted various tests. Stuyvesant
Reviewed argued that on those two projects the
material encountered was the same as the
The Stuyvesant Court also dealt with the
material indicated. Stuyvesant then went
issue of Stuyvesant having not reviewed
on to note that the technical specifications
the Corps information from previous
for the Corpus Christi Channel project
projects, available in their District office. The
were virtually identical to the previous two
appellate Court upheld the Claims Court
projects, thus justifying their assumption
ruling that:
that the conditions to be encountered in
“[P]laintiff cannot prove a the Corpus Christi project, “…were the
differing site condition based same as those to be found in the other two
upon the information in the channels.”
files of the Corps because it
The appellate Court summarily dismissed
never reviewed that information
this argument with the following statement:
until the contract was nearly
completed, but more importantly “Each government contract stands
the Corps’ records accurately by itself … Unless the government
reflected the character of the advises contractors that conditions
materials encountered by other in different contracts are the same,
dredges.” a contractor acts at its peril if it
assumes that what it learned on
Citing Vann v. United States109 the appellate
different contracts applies equally
Court noted that “where a contractor ‘has
to a new contract.”
the opportunity to learn the facts [but fails
to do so] he is unable to prove…that he »» Lesson Learned (Contractors): Bidders
was misled by the contract.” cannot assume that conditions from
previous contracts are the same as the
»» Lesson Learned (Contractors): When
conditions in the new contract currently
other “available information” is noted
out for bid. 110
in the bidding documents bidders must
take the time and make the effort to Among all of these adverse rulings which
review this information. Such a review appear to be narrowing the coverage of
may prove helpful in bidding and the Differing Site Conditions clause the
planning the project. Further, such a Navigant Construction Forum™ came
review will help preserve the contractor’s across two Court rulings which appear to
right to file a differing site condition be more favorable to contractors.

109. 420 F.2d 968, 982, 190 Ct. Cl. 546 (1970).
110. However, contractors are expected to use past experience when bidding new contracts.



Notice of Differing Site It Is Not Necessary That

Conditions Need Not Follow “Indications” in the Contract Be
Any Specific Format Explicit or Specific
In a bit of good news for contractors, In an older case which is still frequently
Metcalf I did reiterate an older Court cited by more recent cases, Foster
decision111 concerning the “form of notice” Construction & Williams Brothers Company
regarding a differing site condition and v. United States112 , the Court indicated a
stated: standard for determining whether there
are implied conditions in the bidding
“…notice need not follow
any specific format, but must
merely make the Contracting “[I]t is not necessary that the
Office aware of the differing ‘indications’ in the contract be
site condition. … Notice under explicit or specific; all that is
the differing site provision of required is that there be enough
the contract requires no precise of an indication on the face of
formula. The obligation to give the contract documents for a
notice is discharged when a bidder reasonably not to expect
contractor makes the government ‘subsurface or latent physical
representatives aware that he is conditions at the site differing
encountering either subsurface or materially from those indicated in
latent physical conditions at the the contract’.”
site differing from those indicated
»» Lesson Learned (Contractors): Bidders
in the contract.”
should summarize the subsurface
»» Lesson Learned (Contractors): Review and latent conditions they anticipate,
the contract’s Differing Site Conditions based on review of all documents
clause closely. Contractors are only provided and referred to, as part of the
required to provide prompt written bidding process. Once the conditions
notice of differing site condition to the anticipated are summarized, bidders
owner. While not stated it is probably should record how they relied on these
wise to state what the materially conditions and how their reliance was
different condition is and its location. translated into the bid.

111. Ace Constructors, Inc. V. United States, 70 Fed. Cl. 253, 273 (2006).
112. 435 F.2d 873 (1970).



Practical Recommendations For Contractors

For Owners & Contractors Prior to bidding on a project, it may be
Dealing With The Risks Of wise to:

Differing Site Conditions a. Carefully review the contract and

understand how it assigns the risk of
In an article entitled “Differing Site differing site conditions.
Conditions – Who Bears the Risk?”113 the
b. Search the contract for onerous
author crafted a list of suggestions for how
exculpatory clauses or contract
to deal with differing site condition risks.
language disclaiming the accuracy of
site information reflected in the bid
For Owners
To avoid liability for unknown or unforeseen
c. Perform a reasonable site inspection
site conditions, it may be wise to:
and make a written and photographic
a. Disclose all known conditions prior to record of your site investigation. Notice
the submission of bids. the physical characteristics of the
surrounding property.
b. If you include a differing site
conditions clause in the contract, impose d. If a differing site condition is
strict notice requirements and consider encountered, follow carefully the
limiting the reimbursable costs to only contract notice requirements and wait
direct job site costs incurred by the for instructions from the owner before
contractor. disturbing the site conditions.
c. Exculpatory clauses may not avoid e. Keep careful and separate cost records
liability when the contract documents of your additional costs flowing from
make positive representations about differing site conditions.
the site or subsurface conditions. Avoid
f. Understand that the law varies
such representations within the contract
greatly, from state to state, with respect
documents or otherwise.
to the allocation of site conditions
d. If there is a desire to disclaim risk. Before bidding work in an
geotechnical information provided to unfamiliar jurisdiction, check with your
bidders, be sure the contract clearly construction lawyer.
states that the geotechnical reports are
not part of the contract documents.

e. Prior to letting a project, be certain

that you understand how the contract
allocates the risk of unknown or
differing site conditions.

113. Donald O’Toole, Troutman Sanders.



Conclusion As contractors seem to be much more

at risk as a result of these decisions and
Despite nearly 90 years of continuous
others like them, then contactors must
use and the general belief that
be more alert to situations such as those
everyone in the construction industry
outlined above. Being able to document
fully understands the Differing Site
that the contractor reviewed all available
Conditions clause and its scope of
site information, participated in the
coverage, Board and Court decisions
prebid conference and performed a
seem to be narrowing the coverage of
prebid site visit is, likewise, critical.
the clause, making it more difficult for
Contractors must be able to document
contractors to recover damages pursuant
their interpretations of available site
to the clause. Barring a watershed case
information and why they reached
concerning differing site condition
such interpretations. Contractors must
claims, the Navigant Construction
also be able to document how they
Forum™ believes this erosive trend is
relied upon these interpretations when
likely to continue. As noted in an earlier
preparing their bids. Attention to notice
report, Trends in Construction Claims
and documentation requirements is
and Litigation114, one of the unintended
critical. Strict adherence to all contract
consequences of the “vanishing trial”
requirements concerning differing site
is that construction law is stagnating.
condition claims is an absolute must.
Rather than keeping up with industry
Finally, whenever a contractor files a
developments, construction law has
notice of differing site condition, separate
stopped its evolution. Additionally, the
accounting of all costs related to the
scarcity of actual trials increases the
differing condition and schedule tracking
odds that decisions such as those cited
of the time impact of the differing site
in this research perspective will have
condition are critical to the success of any
more sway over future differing site
differing site condition claim.
condition disputes.

114. See Trends in Construction Claims & Disputes, Navigant Construction Forum™, December 2012.


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