Article Adverse Physical Conditionsand The Experienced Contractor 119 1

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Dredging and Valorisation: Treatment Adverse Physical Dredged

of Contaminated Conditions and theinExperienced

Material Contractor
the Port of Dunkirk, Test 3



A B STRACT Rather than rely on a standard adverse INTRODUCTION
physical conditions clause in the case of
The assessment of a Project’s soil conditions significant capital works involving excavation The concept of how adverse physical
is the most important factor to determine of varying subsoil, weathered or solid rock, conditions are dealt with verges on the holy
dredgeability, the choice of suitable equip­ment, the suggestion is made that contracting grail of marine infrastructure projects. On the
production rates and ultimately the associated parties should preferably establish limiting one side they are part of a Marine Contractors
costs for the dredging works. The basic reference conditions in the Contract beyond “must have” clauses whilst Clients often view
principle of “adverse physical conditions” which the Contractor is entitled to claim for it as the equivalent of a “get out of jail free”
is whether or not they are foreseeable and additional compensation. card. The balance of risk has been hotly
whether or not there is a contract clause debated and fought over the years with the
that will give the contractor the right to Of the contracts available for use on dredging results little published or revealed due to
claim for additional time and money in case contracts only the FIDIC 1999 Red Book and disputes being resolved in arbitration or
unforeseeable physical conditions occur, the United Kingdom’s NEC 3 Engineering and adjudication.
which were not reasonably foreseeable by Construction Contract deal with the broad
“an experienced contractor,” the term concept of reference conditions. Added to this mix is the notion of
commonly used by FIDIC. “unforeseeability” and what “an experienced
Some suggestions and recommendations contractor,” the term used by FIDIC, can
A prudent tenderer when analysing the site are outlined therein for both Employers expect. It is no wonder that the vast majority
data needs to be assured that the data has and Contractors. The authors wish to thank of marine infrastructure claims revolve around
been collected and prepared by a competent Jim Anderson and Bart Graswinckel for their the issue of sub-surface conditions.
soil investigation company in accordance with peer review of the article.
relevant international standards such as British The assessment of a Project’s soil conditions
Standards (BS) and American Society for Testing is the most important factor determining
and Materials (ASTM) or others. Three examples dredgeability, the choice of suitable
are described to illustrate the direct relationship Above: The Øresund Fixed Link was ground breaking equipment, production rates and ultimately
between dredging costs and actual soil or rock in many aspect, not least of which was the application the associated costs for the dredging works.
conditions encountered with examples of the of reference conditions to deal with adverse physical Even a full-scale and technically perfect soil
relationship between soil and rock conditions conditions. A predefined system was used to make investigation will only test a fraction of the
on production and costs. Variations in soil or the uncertainty involved in “unforeseeable” physical volume of material that is to be dredged
rock conditions contribute the greatest cost conditions manageable for both the Employer and by the Contractor. Combined with the fact
uncertainty involved in dredging projects. the Contractor. that natural conditions like rock strength,
4 Terra et Aqua | Number 119 | June 2010

Figure 1. Dredging caprock in Manama Harbour,

Bahrain in 1975 and dredging in Bahrain some
30 years later in 2007.

grain size, permeability, plasticity, presence of spectrum of conditions such as wind, wave, This simple principle is present in one way or
rock outcrops or boulders (to name a few) current and human-made obstructions can the other in virtually every dredging contract.
vary enormously, it is no surprise that disputes also fall under the concept of “adverse
on dredging contracts often focus on conditions physical conditions”. The article is dedicated A dual purpose lies hidden behind this
that are claimed to be different from what an to the memory of Frank Kinlan and the crews contract principle, namely to:
experienced contractor could reasonably have of the CSD Port Sunlight and TSHD Gouda – Compensate the Contractor for
foreseen. who battled to dredge caprock in Manama encountering conditions more severe than
Harbour, Bahrain in 1975 (Figure 1). could be derived from investigations
This article examines the relationship between available at the time of preparing the offer.
site inspection, unforeseeability and adverse BASIC PRINCIPLES Employers must not and should not expect
physical conditions and their incorporation The basic principle of foreseeablility of adverse the Contractor to gamble: Taking a risk
in contracts ranging from the UK’s ICE/ECC physical conditions is whether or not there is a provision to cover every imaginable
Contracts to their use in international contract clause that will give the Contractor the situation would make an offer non-
construction contracts such as FIDIC, and their right to claim for additional time and money competitive, whereas the absence of a risk
evolution over the years to the present day. in case unforeseeable physical conditions provision is a denial of the fact that
Although the article focuses on sub-surface – conditions not reasonably foreseeable by an dredging by its very nature has significant
conditions, it should be realised that a broader experienced contractor – are encountered. uncertainties. Employers tend to be overly

Case study: Reference Conditions at Øresund Contract No 2.

At this project involving dredging of a trench in very weak to very This acknowledged the fact that during dredging different soil
strong rock, the soil investigation of the Employer was the basis of properties cannot be determined with accuracy nor reliability.
the BoQ (Bill of Quantities, with respect to quantities in the different The basic idea of the Reference Conditions system was that if the
rock qualities). Tenderer had to price these as part of his offer, Contractor could prove (according to the results of his investigation)
resulting in a wide range of unit rates for the various grades of the quantities of the various bill items were no longer correct and
limestone as specified in the Contract. that the quantities of the stronger rock grades were under­estimated,
the Contractor would be entitled to additional compensation.
Furthermore, a system of Reference Conditions was applied. The Following the preparations this compensation could simply be
Contractor executed an additional soil investigation programme after determined by renewed application of agreed unit rates.
award but before commencement of the works. The investigation
was executed in accordance with an approved quality proposal with This is a good example of a predefined system that can be used
respect to geotechnical methodology, sampling and laboratory to make the uncertainty involved in “unforeseeable” physical
work. This investigation would reveal if rock indurations of the conditions manageable for both the Employer and the Contractor
different rock grades were within their specific Reference Frames. embarking into a Contract.
Adverse Physical Conditions and the Experienced Contractor Test 5

(BSc, Quantity Surveying, MRICS) worked
as a Contracts Manager for Ballast Nedam
Dredging, Ballast Ham Dredging and
Van Oord between 1991 and 2008.
He has over twenty years experience with
marine infrastructure projects at both
tender and execution phase and was
involved with landmark capital works
projects such as Chek Lap Kok Airport
and the Oresund Link. In 2008 he relocated
to Brisbane, Australia and set up his own
company, Kinlan Consulting, to provide
contractual support to Contractors and
Clients both in Australia and the rest of
the world.

(MSc, Civil Engineering, Delft University
of Technology, the Netherlands) joined Figure 2. Inspection of the Site and surroundings
HAM dredging after graduation in 1991, is a vital part of the tender process for Contractors.
starting as a superintendent and becoming
planning/production and contracts
engineer. He then specialised in the
cost/benefit balance of hopper dredger
equipment. From 1997 he worked as
design and project development engineer
at Ballast Nedam. In 2003 he became
an independent consultant and in
2006 co-founded the consultancy firm Figure 4. Examination of shoreline rock outcrops
Blue Pelican Associates. BPA provides may give a good understanding of offshore
expertise for Employers of dredging rock strata: left to right, unweathered dolerite,
and maritime construction projects, laterite, weathered granite.
including cost estimating and contract
management. Figure 3. Determination of the nature of the sub-soil by viewing
in-situ characteristics.

biased towards achieving the lowest support the view that a sufficiently high out. But how is this inspection conducted
contract price for their work by passing all threshold for additional compensation should when the Site consists of an expanse of water
conceivable risk to the Contractor whether be present, balancing the interests of the and a sub-surface many metres below it?
or not the Contractor is in a position to Employers (by not having to battle over every
deal with such risk. minor issue) and of the Contractors (by having In general, the only chance tenderers have to
capped their risk and providing for additional do their own inspection will be on the site visit
– Protect the Employer from Contractors who compensation above a given threshold). when they can do a visual inspection of the
may try to claim additional compensation surrounding geology and geo-morphological
for interpretation or calculation errors made A further suggestion is that a risk matrix aspects surrounding the Site (Figure 2).
by the Contractor which result in a loss on framework be established to assess the Land-based sources such as rock faces, road
the project. A loss in itself is no justification magnitude of the additional compensation cuttings or nearby quarries can provide a
for additional compensation; furthermore before award of the contract. useful guide, but nothing beats soil or rock
an Employer has very limited possibilities to samples taken from the Site itself and/or the
assess the factual cause of the loss. INSPECTION OF THE SITE location and immediate vicinity where the
Before tender submission, the Contractor is dredging is to be undertaken (Figures 3 and 4).
In between the relative simplicity of these two generally under an obligation to inspect the
extremes lies a gray area, and it is here that Site to evaluate the influence which the local Clause 11 from the FIDIC 1st Edition 1956
disputes are generally fought out. The authors conditions will have on the work to be carried which has its origins in earlier ICE Contracts
6 Terra et Aqua | Number 119 | June 2010

Table I. Comparison of Site Investigation Techniques

Advantages Disadvantages

Seismic and geophysical Useful to establish the likely geology over a large area. An expert is needed to choose best combination of
methods: Sub-bottom Will assist to set-out a borehole grid and fill in detail available systems for the job at hand. Careful inter­
profiler, parametric between borings. pretation of data is needed. This can often lead to
echosounder, chirp system, discussion. Especially vulnerable if only slight changes in
sparker, boomer. strata occur (i.e. no distinct boundary between layers).

Side scan sonar Detection of bottom surface and objects. Not suitable for assessing soil properties.

Jet probes Relatively easy and quick method to establish point No other purpose. Accuracy doubtful: May identify
readings for top of rock. boulders rather than top of rock.

Rotary drilling Best method of obtaining core samples of intact rocks Operated from platform. Weather delay while
in in-situ conditions. repositioning. Expensive. Assessment of conglomerates
or weathered rock is critical.

Shell and Auger boring Method employed in order to obtain representative Usually operated from platform, otherwise prone to
and undisturbed samples. ship movements. Not applicable for rock or

Vibrocores Frame lowered to seafloor. Relatively low costs. Maximum penetration some 3 to 5 metres. Only suitable
for sandy clayey soils. Slightly disturbed samples.

CPTs Continuous reading of cone pressure and shear along Not applicable for rock or conglomerates. No samples.
penetration length. Indication of soil type in cohesive
and sandy soils.

SPTs Commonly used world-wide, yielding an indication of Precise execution according to standard test often
relative density. Combination with sampling. compromised. Large scatter in relation of relative
density to SPT. Not to be used in cemented sands.

Van Veen sampling Low cost. Disturbed sample, from top of seabed.

Laboratory testing Establish required engineering values (either classical Often time-consuming. Selection of samples not to be
soil mechanic parameters or special dredgeability underestimated. Same is true for proper reporting.
indicators). A well-drafted laboratory programme
greatly enhances the value of the in-situ investigations.

provides that the Contractor shall have “Inspected tenderers to weigh the information provided was largely resisted by Employers and
and examined the site, its surroundings and to them when making their own assessment. Consultants tasked with drafting the terms
available information, and, shall have satisfied and conditions of contract. As a balance and
himself before submitting his tender as to the This principle was embraced and carried to avoid a Contractor “ambush” and claims
nature of the ground and subsoil”. forward into the 3rd and 4th Editions of of misrepresentation of information,
the FIDIC Red Books where Contractors Employers felt that Contractors should not
The clause did not oblige the Employer to were deemed to have based their Tenders entirely rely on the information provided by
provide any information in its possession on the data made available by the Employer, the Employer when there were circumstances
and in the past Employers were reluctant to together with their own inspections and when they had their own possibly conflicting
provide such information to tenderers for fear examinations. However what constituted the information.
of how this might negatively affect bid prices. Contractor’s inspection and examination and
Not surprisingly claims were the result. whether this meant that the Contractor was The more recent FIDIC Red Book 1999
Fortunately this “no site information” obliged to source information about the Site includes in clause 4.10 [Site Data] that the
loophole was closed with the publication of and its environment remained unclear. Employer shall have made available all
the FIDIC 2nd Edition 1969 which stated that relevant data in the Employer’s possession
the Tender shall be deemed to have been The IADC in its 1990 FIDIC User Guide both before and after the Base Date in the
based on such data regarding physical publication attempted to remove any doubt Contract. This is balanced by the provision in
conditions as shall have been supplied by the as to inspection and examination with the the same clause that the Contractor shall be
Employer in the documents furnished to the suggestion to amend the standard FIDIC deemed to have obtained all necessary
Contractor by the Employer for the purpose wording such that the tender was based solely information as to the risks, contingencies and
of tendering. It would then be up to the on the Employer supplied data. This precept other circumstances “to the extent which was
Adverse Physical Conditions and the Experienced Contractor Test 7

practicable (taking account of cost and time)”.

The consensus is that in the limited time made
available to tenderers, they cannot be expected
to do the same degree of discovery of site
investigation information as the Employer.

The onus is thus placed on the Contractors

to review their own soil databases to confirm
whether they may have any supplemental
information on the site and its immediate
environment on file. The large international
dredging contractors have considerable
geotechnical databases of information
gleaned from past tenders going back many
decades and may have information which the
Employers and their consultants do not have.
Whilst tenderers are under no obligation to
mention this in their offers, if the information
conflicts with that supplied by the Employer
then it would be advisable to inform an
Employer that they are relying on other Figure 5. The cone penetrometer (left) and the vibrocore
information, especially as their data may have (right) are two systems for gathering underwater soil
a significant negative price impact compared samples.
to other tenderers.

The ICE Conditions of Contract 7th Edition site information supplied by the Employer Generally the sub-surface site information
has a clear provision [Clause 11(3)] stipulating with some supplementary information from which is supplied to tenderers in the tender
that Contractors have based their tenders on past works and a site visit. documents will consist of the following:
information, whether obtainable by them or a) geophysical data;
made available by the Employer, with the proviso DATA PROVIDED BY EMPLOYER b) borelogs or vibrocores; and
that information obtained by the Employer In FIDIC Red Book 1999 maintains a continuing c) laboratory test results
shall only be taken into account to the extent obligation for Employers to supply all data
it was made available to the Contractor. which comes into their possession both before Readers will be familiar with the various forms
and after the Base Date, a date 28 days prior of geotechnical and site information (e.g.,
One of the most contentious aspects of site to the Contractors submitting their tenders. M.J. Stone, Terra et Aqua No. 48, 1992 as well
inspection is to what extent tenderers should Contractually the Employer is obliged to be as Site Investigation Requirements for Dredging
be obliged to do their own investigations and transparent when gaining information which Works, PIANC, 2000). Being aware of various
research from archives, libraries and local will adversely affect the Contractors’ operations site investigation techniques (Figure 5) and their
sources when evaluating the site information and the basis of their pricing of the Works. advantages and disadvantages and the
made available by the Employer. influence that can bear on the interpretation
Not supplying such information if it comes of the data is important (see Table I).
Clearly a tenderer’s time is limited and the available to the Employer could possibly
tenderer does not have the time or resources lead to a Contractor claiming fraudulent Tenderers are regularly confronted with
to do detailed research in the same manner misrepresentation by the Employer in that problems arising from the quality of the
as the Employer and Engineer who have had it knowingly withheld information from investigations performed or the reporting of
many months, and in some cases years, to the Contractor in order to avoid the negative the results which is sub-standard. This greatly
collate information. Often when disputes go cost consequences. Certain case law in undermines the proper intention of making
to arbitration the Contractor and the England, Australia and the USA address available sound geotechnical information to
Employer spend a great deal of time and sums the duty of the Employer to supply full tenderers. Using an independent geotechnical
of money employing geotechnical experts to information. This case law is by no means engineer experienced in dredging to supervise
support their cases. These experts may have a conclusive about the duty of disclosure, the work of the company running the site
more academic approach to the evaluation of however, in Brown & Hudson v York (1985) investigation is highly recommended as a way
available data than the Contractor’s an Employer was held liable for the Engineer’s to check on the quality of work and the
production estimator, who just focuses on the negligence in omitting water levels from the subsequent reporting of the in-situ conditions
information at hand - which is primarily the soils information given to tenderers. and laboratory results.
8 Terra et Aqua | Number 119 | June 2010

Witnessing site investigations to offshore site investigation. They may try to Status of information vs.
ensure competency limit their budget for this and then pass the interpretation
A prudent tenderer when analysing site data risk of the soil conditions onto the Contractor. Modern Contract Conditions oblige Employers
needs to be assured that the data has been This risk receiving qualified offers from the to provide all information that is known to them
collected and prepared by a competent soil potential tenderers. It may also mean that the during the tender process. A distinct difference
investigation company in accordance with short-listed Contractors require their own should be made between “factual information”
relevant international standards such as British supplementary site investigation, or that the and “interpretations”. The correctness of the
Standards (BS), American Society for Testing and winning tenderer will need to do further former will remain the responsibility of the
Materials (ASTM) or others. Employers should investigation post-contract and prior to Employer, being part of the data supplied as a
seriously consider inviting potential tenderers commencement of dredging to verify the basis for the Contract. However, for the
to witness the soil investigation campaign Employer’s own site investigation results. interpretations it is recommended that the
because it can provide them valuable insights All of this brings extra costs. Employer clearly state that “any interpretation
into what information the tenderers will focus is for information only and is no part of the
upon. All potential tenderers should accept Consequently, a client should not scrimp on data supplied nor a basis for the Contract”.
this invitation to witness the site investigation the costs of the site investigation, otherwise
to ensure an equal chance of evaluating the the old adage “penny-wise, pound foolish” Whatever the value of geophysical surveys,
site investigation techniques and results. would be particularly apt. Any apparent their interpretative nature will always make it
savings at this stage increase the risk of recommendable to label it as “for information
Employers not used to offshore work can significant delays and claims for differing only” as opposed to any result from geotechnical
sometimes be taken aback by the high cost of conditions when the project is underway. investigation or laboratory analysis. FIDIC enshrined

Head Loss of mixture 1150 kg/m3 (dmf=350 mu) Head Loss of mixture 1300 kg/m3 (dmf=350 mu)

Water Durand/Gibert Jufin-Lopatin Furhboter Water Durand/Gibert Jufin-Lopatin Furhboter

Head Loss [KPa]
Head Loss [KPa]

Mixture velocity [m/s] Mixture velocity [m/s]

Head Loss of mixture 1150 kg/m3 (dmf=550 mu) Head Loss of mixture 1300 kg/m3 (dmf=550 mu)

Water Durand/Gibert Jufin-Lopatin Furhboter Water Durand/Gibert Jufin-Lopatin Furhboter

Head Loss [KPa]
Head Loss [KPa]

Mixture velocity [m/s] Mixture velocity [m/s]

Figure 6. Comparison of results of common head loss prediction formulas.

Adverse Physical Conditions and the Experienced Contractor Test 9

Large CSD
Large CSD
Large CSD
the principle between factual information and
RQD = 80%
interpretation in FIDIC 4th Edition by stating RQD = 80%
RQD = 80%
that “the Contractor shall be responsible for RQD = 60%
RQD = 60%

rate per operational hour

his own interpretation” of any such data made RQD = 60%

Production rate per operational hour

Production rate per operational hour

RQD = 40%
available to the Contractor by the Employer. RQD = 40%
RQD = 40%


Three examples are described below to A (estimate)

Production [m3/OH]
A (estimate)
A (estimate)
illustrate the direct relationship between
actual soil or rock conditions and production
and dredging costs. In practice, when disputes
arise the comparison can be significantly more
complex and a number of significant other -50%
-50% B (actual)
factors may have to be taken into account. -50% B (actual)
B (actual)
In summary, variations in soil or rock
conditions contribute the greatest cost +15%
uncertainty involved in dredging projects. +15%
Uniaxial Compressive Strength [MPa]
Uniaxial Compressive Strength [MPa]
Uniaxial Compressive Strength [MPa]
Example 1: Grain size defines Figure 7. Simplified and indicative model which shows Specific Energy being based on Unconfined
pumping production Compressive Strength and Rock Quality Designation.
Pumping soil-water mixtures through (long)
pipelines requires energy to prevent the
settling of the particles in the pipeline (head – Very high pumping concentration, feasible outline of the calculation procedure in case of
loss). Installed pump power is a limiting factor while emptying large trailing suction hopper varying conditions or agreeing on unit rates
for any given dredger, hence the maximum dredgers, result in head losses significantly for specific varying conditions. At least the
pumping productivity that can be achieved is lower than predicted by classic empirical discussion would then be narrowed
determined to a large extent by the actual formulas. This is caused by hindered considerably to a few elements.
head loss of the mixture. settlement: Due to the very high
concentration the particles are preventing Example 2: Rock strength and
When calculating head losses a broad range each other from settling, thus reducing the structure define cutting production
of empirical formulas exist. Van der Schrieck additional energy needed to keep them in The two main geotechnical parameters which
(2009) describes a few commonly used suspension. define the energy to excavate rock material
one-dimensional calculation procedures for – The effect of fines (particles smaller than are strength and structure. When evaluating
heterogeneous mixtures (e.g., Durand-Gibert, 63 micron) on the head loss is relatively these parameters a variety of tests, which
Jufin-Lopatin, and Führböter) and shows the unknown. The fines cause a decrease of the describe parameter values, are available.
wide scatter present in the original test results. fall velocity of grains, effectively reducing From these the often-used measure of
These (and other) calculation procedures the overall head loss. Van der Schrieck “specific energy” can be derived.
indicate a very significant effect of grain size (2009) describes the straightforward
(usually dmf) on head loss and ultimately on calculation procedure by Bruhl. Specific Energy is defined as the amount
pumping production. However, the results are of energy needed to excavate a volume of
quite different regarding the relative importance When evaluating a dispute involving pumping rock (in formula: Espec [MPa] = cutting power
of grain size and mixture density on the head productions that have been influenced by [kW]/ cutting production [m3/s]). The physicsof
loss (see Figure 6 for comparative results). soil characteristics differentiating what is the process is very complex and is still only
reasonable from unreasonable is not an easy partially understood and information is not
To name a few complications associated task. An added complication is that most widely published because of the desire to
with calculations of head loss: Contractors will have developed their own protect innovative knowledge.
– The formula of Jufin-Lopatin shows a head-loss calculation procedure, based on
head loss equal to the square root of but distinctively different from the above- All dredging contractors use their own
the transport concentration, contrary to mentioned criteria. production calculation models, based on
Durand-Gibert and Führböter in which the a combination of theoretical basics and
transport concentration has a power of one. Granted that it is impossible to cover every practical experience with their equipment in
– Kazansky (1978) indicates that low, medium single adverse condition in a contract a variety of rock conditions. In this respect
or high concentration values in fact require beforehand, the chances of a settlement techno­logical developments are a significant
different prediction formulas, which is not would be greatly improved by adding an factor which should not to be underestimated
commonly applied. appendix to the contract either specifying the (see Wijma 2009).
10 Terra et Aqua | Number 119 | June 2010


The FIDIC 1st Edition 1956 included “Clause
12” to deal with Adverse Physical Conditions
and Artificial Obstructions. The clause stated
that if during the execution of the Works
unfavorable physical conditions (other than
weather conditions) were encountered, which
could not in the opinion of the Engineer have
been reasonably foreseen by an experienced
contractor, then the Engineer should certify
and the Employer should pay the additional
expense by reason of such conditions.

The basic principle contained in Clause 12 has

Figure 8. Piles of used cutter remained in the ICE and FIDIC suite of contracts
teeth indicate the extreme rock (other than the FIDIC Silver Book) for more than
layers being dredged. 40 years with only very minor modifications.
The Australian Standard suite of contracts also
has a Clause 12 dealing with “latent conditions”
To illustrate the importance of properly consequences from actual conditions being which, although worded differently, contains
establishing the geotechnical conditions on adverse from anticipated ones. the core provisions of the ICE/FIDIC Clause 12.
a project, results from a simplified and
indicative model are shown here (Figure 7), Example 3: CSD dredging sandy The courts have only very rarely dealt with
with Specific Energy being based on material Clause 12 as written in Ceredigion CC v
Unconfined Compressive Strength and Dredging sandy material with a CSD (Figure 9) Thyseen Construction Ltd (1999):
Rock Quality Designation. and depositing it at a relatively short distance “Those who drafted clause 12 and those parties
is limited, mainly by the excavation production who chose to include it in their contracts
Assume the actual UCS-value (case B) is 15% (until the suction limit of the first dredge conferred on an engineering arbitrator a very
more than the estimated value based on rock pump is reached, indicated by the dashed line wide discretion with which the Court had in
data (case A), and RQD value is 80% instead in Figure 10). Figure 10 indicates the general no wish to interfere”.
of 60%. This model indicates a reduction of importance of soil characteristics.
the production rate per operational hour of A radical overhaul occurred with the issue of
50%(!). In addition to this the wear rate of all A soil investigation that is not executed the Rainbow suite of FIDIC Contracts in 1999.
dredge parts will increase significantly, adding properly, for instance, failing to report any The FIDIC Contracts Committee perhaps
to the weekly costs. The idle time for repair of slight cementation or small layers of cohesive sensed the need to guide arbitrators as to
worn parts like cutters and pickpoints will material, will under-report the actual some of the meanings in Clause 12 and
increase significantly as well, reducing geotechnical parameters for Contractors to sought to give definitions. New to the clause
efficiency hence weekly production even base their production assessment correctly. was the definition of “physical conditions”
further (Figure 8). In this example, the actual
total costs (case B) could well be twice the
estimated value (case A). Project duration will
also increase significantly.

Poorly carried out site investigation programmes,

along with associated lab tests on the rock
samples, can easily result in a failure to predict
the conditions correctly. The choice of drill
locations, sample selection, budget constraints
on the number of test locations, compromising
quality during execution of investigation,
post-investigation layout shifts, are a few likely
causes for test results not being representative Figure 9. Dredging
for the actual situation encountered during sandy materials with
execution of the dredging works. The example a cutter suction
above gives an indication of the possible dredger.
Adverse Physical Conditions and the Experienced Contractor Test 11

CSD Dredging Sandy Material

and “unforeseeable”. The former had a
Suction limit
wide definition to include natural physical
conditions, physical obstructions, man-made Free running sand

obstructions as well as pollutants and Sand with low permeability

hydrological conditions, whilst excluding Cemented sand and/or sand with

intermediate layers of cohesive material
climatic conditions. The definition of

Excavation Production
“unforeseeable” in the new FIDIC 1999 is
“not reasonably foreseeable by an experienced
contractor by the date for submission of the

In the UK the widely used NEC3 has as a Figure 10. Not all sand
Compensation Event in Clause 60.1 (12) is the same. The graph
which states that if the Contractor encounters shows the importance
physical conditions, which an experienced of identifying the type
contractor would have judged at the Contract of sandy material being
Date to have such a small chance of Layer Thickness dredged by a CSD.
occurring, then it would be unreasonable
to consider that the Contractor should have
allowed for such in his pricing. It further states in not being too restrictive when assessing It was a latent (physical) condition claim under
that only the difference between the physical what constitutes a “physical condition”. the Australian Standard AS 2124 contract.
conditions encountered and those which it The FIDIC 1999 Red Book has gone some So-called “disclaimers” were stated to be
would have been reasonable to have expected ways to defining physical condition as for the benefit of the Contractor and not
should be taken into account. meaning natural physical conditions and for the Employer to avoid liability for the
man-made and other physical obstructions information given. Concerning the
There is little published material to guide and pollutants including sub-surface and requirement to examine all data made
Employers and Contractors in the operation of hydrological conditions, but excluding climatic available by the Employer, the Judge
physical conditions and unforeseeability and conditions. found that this was an objective test
what constitutes an “experienced contractor,” (i.e. related to facts and not subjective,
and the relevant case law is sporadic. With respect to what is unforeseeable with that is based on opinion or interpretation)
the definition as given, the Contractor in his and that it was unreasonable to expect
Case study UK notice must merely establish that based on the Contractor to undertake or seek expert
The first significant case which dealt with the information available at time of tender, advice or analysis to look for inaccuracies in
what constitutes a physical condition was the a reasonable thorough investigation would the information supplied. It was found that
Humber Oil Trustees Ltd v. Harbour & General not have brought to light the particular a reasonably competent contractor could
Works (Stevin) Ltd (1991) which concerned adverse physical condition which is causing not have been expected to investigate t
the collapse of a jack-up barge resulting from the delay. This is based on the principle that he information to the extent claimed by
encountering an unforeseeable condition in the Contractor has a limited ability to inspect the Employer.
the soil under one of the legs. The soil had and examine all possible data. The FIDIC
a liability to shear at a much lower loading Contracts in both the 4th Edition and ESTABLISHING ADDITIONAL COSTS
than had been withstood up to the date of 1st Edition 1999 maintained the principle that FOR UNFORESEEN PHYSICAL
the accident. The Employer argued that the Contractor was limited “to the extent CONDITIONS
physical condition referred to a material which was practicable taking account of cost The dredging process itself remains a
thing such as rock or running sand not and time”, it being important that both mystery for a large number of Employers,
intransient conditions such as applied stress. Employers and arbitrators are aware of the and the mystery is even more profound as
The arbitrator in his decision found that an extent of a Contractor’s own investigation. to how costs for dredging projects are
experienced contractor could not have comprised. In a dispute situation, with a
reasonably foreseen this condition. Case study Australia level of mutual trust being generally low,
The judges in the Court of Appeal agreed A more recent case in Australia sheds the situation gets worse and the Employer
with him stating that the soil behaved in some interesting light on the aspect of does not believe any of the figures of the
an unforeseeable manner and that was a disclaimers, notices and the examination Contractor are true (irrespective of the
physical condition within Clause 12. of information supplied by the Employer. factual truth). It is then left to the dispute
The case is BMD Major Projects Pty Ltd resolution process to determine compensation
This decision offered some guidance to v Victorian Urban Development Authority based on expert opinion and the balance
arbitrators when determining Clause 12 claims [2007] VSC 409. of probabilities with the adjudicator or
12 Terra et Aqua | Number 119 | June 2010

Figure 11. Dealing with “unforeseen” boulders can result in significant

disputes between contractors and clients.

arbitrator believing one party or the other Parties agree on the basics for solving a reasonably could have been foreseen to
(Figure 11). dispute of unforeseen physical conditions. counterbalance the Contractor’s claim,
This conceivably will greatly improve the providing any adjustment is not lower than
Contractors often have to put in considerable chances of a smooth settlement. the original Contract Price.
effort to back up a claim, not just with site General recommendations on the threshold
records but also with reference to theoretical value to be chosen are not appropriate: The NEC 3 EEC Contract takes this a stage
publications in order to prove their point. During every contract that is drafted one further. In the Guidance Notes it states that
This is not an easy task, since often should carefully evaluate the options and all that is necessary to substantiate a claim
knowledge of the dredging process is the preferences of the Employer. Generally, is a clear definition of the reference
not openly published. No solution for this the range between the upper limit of the conditions, with conditions outside the
inherent inequality of knowledge is in sight. conditions encountered during the reference condition boundaries constituting
geotechnical investigations and the chosen a compensation event. It is thus sensible
For the contracting parties two options threshold value determines the level of risk to define criteria recognising that conditions
remain: the Contractor has to absorb. in the new investigation are outside the
– Accept the unpleasant consequences of reference boundary conditions. This can be
disputes and deal with them if and when This is to be reflected in the base rate (being detailed by using Option Z in the contract to
they occur, or valid for all conditions below the threshold describe the boundary conditions in the form
– Deal with the possibility of unforeseen value). In case the threshold value is close to of soil characteristics, level of rock, and so on.
conditions, and their consequences in the technical limitations of the dredging
terms of additional compensation before equipment planned for the project, the It should be noted that the FIDIC “Blue Book”
award of the Contract. Contractor’s risk increases even further. Form of Contract for Dredging and
Reclamation Works just relies on site data
The second option has its limitations, but Of the contracts available for use on dredging the Employer has made available at time of
often in the pre-award stage an agreement projects only the FIDIC 1999 Red Book and tendering, together with the basic principle
describing the consequences of an the UK’s NEC 3 Engineering and Construction of what is reasonably foreseeable by an
unfavorable variation of a number of key Contract deal with the broad concept of experienced Contractor.
characteristic engineering parameters of the reference conditions.
soils or rocks to be dredged can be reached. Users should not rely on the statement in
Combined with a threshold value that In the FIDIC 1st Edition 1999 in both the the Notes for Guidance that the contract
effectively acts as an upper value for the “Red” and “Yellow” Books, when evaluating is intended to be suitable for all types of
Contractor (capping the Contactor’s risk) a claim the Engineer may also review whether dredging and reclamation work as there is
and a lower value for the Employer (budget other physical conditions in similar parts of no allowance for the application of reference
consequences only above this value), both the Works were more favourable than conditions.
Adverse Physical Conditions and the Experienced Contractor Test 13


Employers should ensure that an extensive can be considerably reduced by avoiding Where tenderers are concerned as to the
and sound geotechnical investigation is the need to resort to dispute resolution to accuracy, completeness or ambiguity of
executed before or during the tender resolve any disagreements. information supplied by the Employer they
process for a dredging project. An should not remain silent and should raise
independent geotechnical engineer Rather than rely on the basic adverse their concerns prior to tender submission.
experienced in dredging should supervise physical conditions clause in the case
the work of the company running the of significant capital works involving If the Contractor has concerns as to the
investigation, to check on the quality of excavation of varying subsoil, weathered information given and considers that
work and the subsequent reporting of the or solid rock, it is suggested to apply supplementary site investigation should be
in-situ conditions and laboratory results. reference conditions in the Contract based undertaken prior to commencing with the
Employers should seriously evaluate the on the actual information which can easily Works, then both parties should consider
option of inviting all Tenderers be measured and reviewed from the soil the option to agree on unit rate variations
to witness the investigations in cases survey, outside of which the Contractor is relative to characteristic soil parameters
where varying subsoil conditions are entitled to claim additional compensation. beforehand.
Employers should not rely on blanket Each dredging project is unique in its
Professional Employers and Contractors disclaimer provisions in respect of the scope, conditions and the potential for
should be transparent concerning their accuracy of all data supplied to tenderers adverse conditions. Although much can
assessment of the available site as they are proven to be ineffective. In case and should be learned from former
investigation data whilst negotiating and it is not reasonably possible for Employers experiences, preparing a Contract should
entering into a contract. Potential to eliminate specific issues on accuracy, involve more than briefly re-visiting and
geotechnical related risks should be openly completeness or ambiguity of the revising a previously used contract.
discussed before the award of the information before asking for tenders, a Careful analysis of the project
contract. This may increase the possibility qualification can be added that the data characteristics and choosing the required
that additional payments have to be made are “for guidance only”, alerting tenderers contractual balance will eventually save
upfront; however, these payments will be to take particular care if they intend to use time and money, and probably lengthy
significantly less and the effort involved this information. disputes as well.

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Arnold Press. Glover, Jeremy, Thomas, Christopher and Hughes, for Dredging Works. Brussels, Belgium.
Simon (2006). Understanding the New FIDIC
British Standard BS 6349-5 Maritime Structures Red Book - A Clause by Clause Commentary. Stone, Michael James (1992). “Soil Investiga­tion”.
Part 5 Code of Practice for dredging and land Sweet&Maxwell, London, UK. Terra et Aqua May, Nr. 48, pp. 12-19.
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IADC (2007). Facts About Site Investigations. Van der Schrieck (2009). Dredging Technology,
Corbett, E. C. (1991). FIDIC 4th A Practical Legal Lecture notes (TU Delft).
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