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AD FIA Paper 2015 (Batch I)

English (20)

1. __________strip mining is the cheapest method of minning, it is often harmful to the

a. Besides
b. Unless
c. Nevertheless
d. Although
2. Yuri had a bad cold.__________, he decided not to go to the movie with us.
a. Therefore
b. Meanwhile
c. However
d. Anyway
3. __________she waited for the bus to arrive, Julia sat on the bench and read her book.
a. So that
b. While
c. Even if
d. Besides when
4. My mother likes rock music__________it is played at a low volume.
a. because
b. whether
c. when
d. as if
5. Joelle's favorite beverages are herb tea and mineral water. Chelsea, __________, drinks
milk or juice.
a. however
b. therefore
c. then
d. too
6. __________our low interest rates, you will receive a free gift if you sign up now.
a. While
b. Because
c. In spite of
d. In addition to
7. Aunt Judy said dinner would be served at 6:30, but we didn't start eating
a. less than
b. until
c. about
d. since
8. My dog Charley is afraid of thunder; __________, when there's a storm I cover his ears.
a. mainly
b. yet
c. moreover
d. consequently
9. The log cabin quilt was probably designed as a way to give a second life to unwieldy but
warm fabrics salvaged __________suits and coats.
a. from
b. in
c. with
d. at
10. Sandra Day O'Connor, the first woman to serve on the United States Supreme Court,
__________appointed by President Ronald Reagan in 1981.
a. she
b. and
c. but
d. was
a. My favorite season is Spring.
b. Last Monday, Aunt Ruth took me shopping.
c. We elected Ben as treasurer of the freshman class.
d. No mistakes.
a. My best friend is moving to another city.
b. "What time does the movie begin?" he asked.
c. The boys' wore identical sweaters.
d. No mistakes.
. a. She asked me, to show her how to make an apple pie.
b. He shouted from the window, but we couldn't hear him.
c. Occasionally, someone will stop and ask for
d. No mistakes.
. a. Science and math are my two best subjects.
b. We met senator Moynihan at a conference last June.
c. Did you see the movie Babe?
d. No mistakes.
. a. When you come to the end of Newton Road, turn left onto Wilson Blvd.
b. A small river runs alongside the highway.
c. We learned that cape Cod was formed 20,000 years ago.
d. No mistakes.
a. The tour guide asked us if we had any questions?
b. Lauren's father is an auto mechanic.
c. We asked if he could give us change for a dollar.
d. No mistakes.
. a. Did you read that article in Newsweek?
b. My Uncle took us to Yankee Stadium.
c. Christina has a Persian cat named Snow ball.
d. No mistakes.
a. "I'll come and stay with you, grandma," I said.
b. "Don't ever tell a lie, he warned.
c. "Why won't you play with us?"he asked.
d. No mistakes.
. a. I always have a hard time getting up in the morning.
b. We took: a tent, a cooler, and a sleeping bag.
c. The fog was as thick as potato soup.
d. No mistakes.
a. This is someone elses coat.
b. Which of these songs was recorded by Bruce Springsteen?
c. That book must be yours.
d. No mistakes.


21. Investigation Agency for inquiry into, and investigation of the offences specified in the
Schedule, including an attempt or conspiracy to commit, and abetment of, any such offence.
(offences specified in the Schedule)

22. The Superintendence of the Agency shall vest in the Federal Government. (Federal

23. For the purpose of an inquiry or investigation under this Act, have throughout Pakistan
such powers, including powers relating to search, arrest of persons and seizure of property,
and such duties, privileges and liabilities as the officers of a Provincial Police (Provincial

24. A member of the Agency not below the rank of a Sub- Inspector may, for the purposes
of any inquiry or investigation under this Act, exercise any of the powers of an officer-in-
charge of a Police Station in any area in which he is for the time being (officer-in-charge of
a Police Station in any area in which he is for the time being)

25. Any member of the Agency not below the rank of Sub-Inspector authorized by the
(Director General) in this behalf may arrest without warrant any person who has committed

26. Any property which is the subject-matter of the investigation is likely to be removed,
transferred or otherwise disposed of before an order of the appropriate authority for its
seizure is obtained, such member may, by order in writing, direct the owner or any person
who is, for the time being, possession thereof (not to remove, transfer or otherwise dispose
of such property)

27. Any contravention of an order made under sub-section (5) shall be punishable with
rigorous imprisonment for a term which may be (extend to one year, or with fine, or with

28. Notwithstanding anything contained in any order law for the time being in force the
(Assistant Directors (Legal) and the Deputy Directors (Law) )of the Agency shall be deemed
to be Public Prosecutors and shall be competent to institute and conduct

29. The Federal Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, amend the
Schedule so as to add any entry thereto or modify or omit any entry therein.

30. The Director-General may by order in writing, direct that all or any of his powers under
this Act or the rules shall, subject to such conditions, if any, as may be specified in the
order, (be exercisable also by any member of the Agency so specified.)

31. No suit, prosecution or other legal proceeding shall lie against the Federal Government,
any member of the Agency or any other person exercising any power or performing any
function under this Act or the rules for any thing which (is in good faith done or intended to
be done under this Act or the rules.)
32. The terms and conditions of (service) of the Director General and other members of the
Agency and the qualifications for recruitment to various posts.

33. The nature and extent of the assistance with the Agency may provide to (Provincial
investigating agencies)

34. The powers and functions of the members of the Agency in relation to (the conduct of
inquiries and investigations)

Math (16)

35. A swimming pool is 6 m wide, 20 m long and 2 m deep. If 1 litre is equal to 1 KG then
water required to fill half of the pool? ------------------ 120,000 kg

36. Height of a building is 15 m and you are standing at a distance of 20 m. What is the
aerial distance from the top of the building to your location?-------------- 25 m

37. A park's diameter is 400m while its perimeter is 10 times. How much you walk to
complete 10 round? ------------- about 12 Km

38. pick the odd out 6, 12,18,26,30,36---------- 26

39. Series 1,4,9,16,?,36--------------- 25

40. An electric train is travelling 40km/h towards east, what would be the direction of its
smoke?? No smoke produce by electric driven train

41. 4 boys ran 60km each in 6 hours, distance covered by 1 boy in 1 hour?---------- 10 km

42. A scale has 90cm and 100cm long arms, if we place 100kg on 90cm what weight should
we need to put at 100cm arm to balance the scale?--------------- 90 kg

43. If you are 5th from the either end of a queue, how many people does it have?---------9

44. Two digits total is 80 and difference is 20.----------- 50 & 30

45. A number divided by 4 and 40 added------------ 48

46. 2,3,4,5,6 name the smallest and largest number using combo------------- 65432 &

47. 12/8 + 2.5 = --------------- 4

48. Two numbers when added becomes 99 & difference is 9------------- 54 & 45

49. Number of which square and cube is the same?................. 1.0

50. Not a binary Numbers…………….. 10,20,30,40,50

Everyday Science (13)

51. We plug red wire to ___________ terminal of a battery? ------ +ve

52. Cell in solar panel produces energy due to? ------------ None of these

53. An iron rod placed in a strong magnetic field for some time would convert into?---
temporary magnet

54. Mechanism of thrust generated byjet engine ?----------- release of gases through orifice

55. The temperature of steam used in steam engine after creating energy? ------------

56. Water in Tarbela Dam runs from turbines to ?------------- turbine to run the generator

57. A pin sinks in water but not a large ship? Why?------------ Displaces water more than its

58.Radio waves travel ___________ than sound waves? ----------- faster

59. Sound travels fastest in __________? ------------ dense medium

60. Rays emit from nuclear bomb? ----------- gamma rays

61. Nuclear explosion due to? ------------- chain reaction

62. Generator produces electricity when a wire is rotated in-----------magnetic field

63. Car friction maximum at what time…………… while applying brakes to stop

Islamic Studies (8)

64. First battle between the Muslims & Quraish? ------------- Badar

65. Khyber battle fought between Muslims and?---------- Jews

66. Share of bait ul maal from spoils of war?-------------- 1/5th

67. Salary of a civil servant according to Hazrat Abu Bakr? ---------- living expenses for a
typical family

68. Primary sources of Islamic jurisprudence? ----------- Quran, Sunnah, Ijma, Qiyas

69. What is Qiyas --------- Analogical reasoning

70. Mudarba is an Islamic way? ----------- Profit and loss sharing

71. Ijtihad means ____

Pakistan Studies (8)

72. where is Riqo Diq? -------- Chaghi of Baluchistan

73. Pakistan's number according to population among Muslim countries?-------- 2nd

74. What is consequence of WTO's minimizing import tariffs from Pakistan view?------------
None of these

75. Rain in winter in Pakistan are due to? -------------- North western disturbances

76. Indus river originates from? -------------- Ladakh

77. Five rivers of Punjab meet at?---------- Mithan kot

78. Bhasha dam is under construction near?------------ Diamer Basha

79. Drone attacks are against_________ of Pakistan? ---------- sovereignty

Current Affairs (15)

80. Yemen is situated ------ South to Saudi Arabia

81. Recently PM Nawaz Sharif addressed at ______ United Nations General Assembly

82. Which country has recently agreed to give gas to Pakistan?------------ Turkmenistan

83. Country recently stationed it jet planes in Syria?--------------- Russia

84. Bilateral Agreement? --------------- Between two countries

85. Boko Haram mostly attacks in the villages near?--------------- Maiduguri

86. Country east to India & has problem related to Muslims? ----------- Mayanmar

87. Country with Tamil problem in 1980-1990?----------- Sri Lanka

88. Siberia in which continent? --------- Asia

89. Population of China? ------------- 1.4 billion

90. Latest commercial plane by Boing? ---------- ???

91. Sinkiang province belongs to ?------------- China

92. CPEC countries?---------- Pak China

93. Pakistan's stand on inclusion of India in UNSC?----------- Opposed it

94. The operation against terrorist in FATA--------------- Zarb-e-azab


a. Vocabulary

1. Amulet(syno.)
2. Abrassive (syno.)
3. Clendestine (syno.)
4. Swindle (syno.)
5. Engender (syno.)
6. Pugnacious (Anto.) 7. Tenacious (Anto.)
8. Loquacious (Anto.) 9- Timorous (Anto.) 10-Perforate (Anto.)

b. Grammar

1. Identification of Conjunction ..only

2. Identification of verb ... visiting
3. Identification of prepositional phrase the north
4. Reading between lines
5. Although ...yet
6. Since ...low
7. Forgetful of
8. Guessed at

16 questions
1- 4 Work related Questions (2 questions of proportion with 3 variables0, ( 2 , Efficiency)
2- 4 questions on percentage
3- 4 questions on profit loss
4- 2 questions on Speed calculation, 2 others


1. Year of special police and provincial police amalgmation order ..1948

2. Code in act refers to …CrPC
3. Appointment of members vests in …Federal Govt
4. Rules regarding qulification ...rules made under this act
5. Total sections ..10
6. Section regarding indemnity ...8
7. Can search,seizure ...within posting area. I think it is trough out Pakistan as act
mentions... “for the purpose of an inquiry or investigation under this Act, have throughout
Pakistan such powers, including powers relating to search, arrest of persons and seizure of
property, and such duties, privileges and liabilities as the officers of a Provincial Police have
in relation to the investigation of offences under the Code or any other law for the time
being in force.”
8. can arrest one altering property ...without warrant but subject to court order
9. Punishment for deliquents ...upto 1 year
10. Rewards can be given to ...anyone of the public and member of agency (both)
11. NADRA Offences ...under direct jurisdiction… No for detail read Section #31of NADRA
Order-2000 titled Cognizance of offences…31. Cognizance of offences.-No Court shall take
cognizance of any offence under this Ordinance except upon complaint in writing made by
the Authority or any gazetted officer authorised by it in this behalf.
12. FIA may investigate ... offences abetment and conspiracy (both)
13. Prosecutor works ...courts under high court
14. FIA Member can arrest anyone against whom reasonable suspicion exists ....Before and
After the commission of an offence.( I think its after the commission of an offence)…
because the actual wording in Section5(3) is as…any member of the Agency not below the
rank of Sub-Inspector authorized by the Director General in this behalf may arrest without
warrant any person who has committed, or against whom a reasonable suspicion exists that
he has committed, any of the offences referred to sub-section (1) of Section 3……..(no
mention of before the commission)
15 Provincial police …..Police established by provincial govt. 16. The protection of Pakistan
Act promulgated in ...2014


1.Name of Muhammad (SAW) in Quran ..4 times

2. Nimal with Ashab e kahaf ..Dog
3. Ghazwa mentioned in Surah Alimran----- Uhad
4. Ghusal,wuzu,tayammum mentioned in sura ...Aurah Almaida
5. First scribble Holy Quran ...Hazrat Khalid Bin Saeed (RA)
6. Book of Christianity..Gospel of Barnabos (Book was asked. Old Testament is Christian
7. Trinity ...Father,son and spirit 8- Seerat subject…, actions and sayings of prophet

Everyday Science

1. Speed of light ...300,000 km/s

2. Melting Point of tungsten ...3000
3. Measuring and detection of low currents ..Galvanometer
4. Measuring High temperature ...pyrometer
5. Color with longest wavelength ..Red
6. Green leaves placed in red box will appear ...Black (most probably)
7. Branch of mechanics dealing with objects at rest and in equilibrium under forces ...Statics
8. Lower pH refers to ...high acidity
9. Definition of molecule…. Tinniest particle that can exist and shows the properties of
particular substance
10.Temp flow from hotter towards colder surface ...isothermal tendency
11. Homologue ...same chemical properties
12. Shape of drop is caused by ..surface tension. 13- A projectile covers maximum distance
when launched with an angle….45 degree 14-The resultant of 2 vectors is maximum…when
they are in same direction 15- Electrical Motor converts …..Electrical Energy into Mechanical

Pak Affairs
1. Author of Spy chronicles ...Asad Durrani and A.S Dulat 2. Author of Zindagi zinda dilli ka
nam ha ...Zafarullah Poshini
3. Press and Publication Order ...Ayub Khan 4. DOB of Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah ..July 1893
5. Operation Gibraltor ..1965 war
6. Gawader purchased from ..Oman
7. Oman ruled on gawader ..174 years 8-Nawa-i-Waqt came out as a……. Fortnightly

Current Affairs
1.FOIP ..Freedom of indo-pacific ocean
2. GATT ...General agreement on tarrif and trade
3. ECOWAS ...Africa
4. Sarajevo capital of ...Bosnia and herzogovina
5. Bogota capital of ...colombia
6. Fall of Berlin Wall ...1991
7. Disintegration of USSR ... Dec 1991
8.HQ of ICJ ..Hague
9. Last country to join SAARC ..Agfghanistan
10. Bay of pigs invasion ...Cuba 1i- The Post AmericanWorld written by..Fareed Zakaria 12-
No. of constituencies of ex Fata (KPK) in which the Election was held...16 13-ERBIL is the
capital of the ….Iraqi Kurdistan. 14-Quebec held referendum-1995 to get autonomy
15-Aticle 5 of NATO deals with…….Collective Defence
Nip the evil in the bud.

a. Vocabulary

1. Amulet
2. Abrassive
3. Clendestine
4. Timorous
5. Pugnacious
6. Engender
7. Tenacious
8. Loquacious

b. Grammar

1. Identification of Conjunction ..only

2. Identification of verb ... visiting
3. Identification of prepositional phrase the north
4. Reading between lines
5. Although ...yet
6. Since ...low
7. Forgetful of
8. Guessed at


I guess total 19 questions involving

2 questions of proportion involving 3 varriables
2-3 questions on percentage
3-4 questions on profit loss
2-2 questions on speed calculation


1. Year of special police and provincial police amalgmation order ..1962

2. Code in act refers to CrPC
3. Recruitment of members vests in Federal Govt
4. Rules regarding qulification ...rules made under this act
5. total sections ..10
6. Section regarding indemnity ...8
7. can search,seizure ...within posting area
8. can arrest one altering property ...without warrant but subject to court order
9. Punishment for deliquents ...upto 1 year
10. rewards can be given to ...anyone
11. NADRA Offences ...under direct jurisdiction
12. can arrest even in ...abetment and cospiracy both
13. Prosecutor works ...courts under high court
14. can arrest if suspicion ....committed or even not committed offence
15 provincial police k mutaliq tha kch shaed


1.Name of Muhammad (SAW) in Quran ..4 times

2. Ashab e kahaf ..Dog
3. Ghazwa e uhud ka zikar ...Surah Alimran
4. Ghusal,wuzu,tayammum ka zikar ...Aurah Almaida
5. First scribed Holy Quran ...Hazrat Khalid Bin Saeed Khadri (RA)
6. Religious Book of Christianity ... New Testament
7. Trinity ...Father,son and spirit

Everyday Science

1. Speed of light ...300,000 km/s

2. Melting Point of tungsten ...3000
3. Measuring low current ...Ammeter
4. Measuring High temperature ...pyrometer
5. Color with longest wavelength ..Red
6. Green leaves placed in red box will appear ...Red (most probably)
7. Branch of mechanics dealing forces not in motion ...Statics
8. lowest pH ...high acidity
9. Definition of molecule
10.Temp flow from hotter towards colder surface ...isothermal tendency
11. Homolgue ...same chemical properties
12. shape of drop ..surface tension

Pak Affairs & Current Affairs

1.FOIP ..Freedom of indo-pacific ocean

2. GATT ...General agreement on tarrif and trade
3. ECOWAS ...Africa
4. Sarajevo capital of ...Bosnia and herzogovina
5. Bogota capital of ...colombia
6. Author of Spy chronicles ...Asad Durrani and (indian)
7. Author of Zindagi zinda dilli ka nam ha ...Zafarullah Poshini
8. Press and Publication Order ...Ayub Khan
9. The protection of Pakistan Act promulogated...2014
10. Fall of Berlin Wall ...1991
11. Disintegration of USSR ... Dec 1991
12. DOB of Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah ..July 1893
13. Operation Gibraltor ..1965 war
14. Gawader purchased from ..Oman
15. Oman ruled on gawader ..174 years
16.HQ of ICJ ..Hague
17. Quebec refrendum from ..Canada
18. Last country to join SAARC ..Agfghanistan
19. bay of pigs invasion ...Cuba
War does not determine who is right - only who is left.

Allama Iqbal born in which city ?*Sialkot

Khewra Salt mine is in which province of Pakistan?*Punjab

CPEC has how many special economic zones?*9

Jamal Khashogi was a ?*Journalist

Jamal Khashogi was a ?*Journalist

Rabia Basri born in ____?*

Rabia Basri born in ____?*Iraq

Which angel is given responsibility to bring rain?*Hazrat Mikail

Battle of Karbala took place in Which Hijri Year?*61 A.H

Which Prophet was a Carpenter ?*Hazrat Zakariya (A.S)


Assistant Director FIA today FPSC paper 11th January 2019 Batch 2

FPSC Past Papers*Super User*11 Jan 2019*318

Assistant Director FPSC today*solved*paper Batch 2 held on 11th January 2019 03 0

Pm.*Downloadtoday FPSC past paper of AD in Federal Investigation Agency 2019 evening
paper 03 0 Pm along with answer key.

Who is the foreign Minister of Russia?*Ans Sergey Lavrov

Which Country has recently imposed Carbon Tax from 2019 to cut its green house gas

International women day is celebrated each year on ?*8 March

What was the theme of international forest day 2018?*Forest and Sustainable cities

Mania of stealing things is known as ?*Kleptomania

General Knowledge

Which is the Currency of Russia?*Russian Rubble

Allama Iqbal born in which city ?*Sialkot

Khewra Salt mine is in which province of Pakistan?*Punjab

CPEC has how many special economic zones?*9

Which planet is near to earth?*Venus

Who was the President of the 1st Constituent Assembly of Pakistan ?*Quaid-e-Azam
Muhammad Ali Jinnah

In 1970 election main political parties were ?Awami League and PPPP

33rd ASEAN Summit held in which Country?*Singapore

Imran Khan Visited China in 2018?*November 2 to 5 2018

President Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un met in which country?*Singapore

Headquarter of ASEAN is situated in which country?*Jakarta, Indonesia

Last Counter Terrorism Operation by Pakistan Army started in which year?

Current Affairs

International Day against Women violence is celebrated each year on__?**25th November

Current GDP of Pakistan is ____?*$309.68 Billion

Jamal Khashogi was a ?*Journalist

International forest day is celebrated each year ?*21st March

Who is the Current Secretary of the State in USA?*Mike Pompeo

Saudi Arabia has given package to Pakistan of how much worth in 2018?*$6 Billion package

Which Country is being declared more dangerous by USA ?

Every Day Science /*General Science*MCQs

Which Instrument measures very high temperature ?*Pyrometer

Life span of White Blood Cells ?*13 to 20 days

Which planet moves faster around Sun?Mercury

Speed of Light is ?*186000 Miles / Second

Sound waves are ____?*longitudinal

Which water will freeze at last (River, Sea, Canal?*Sea water

Nano meter is equivalent to ? 1 x 10*-9

Comets have orbits ?

Light beam after passing from prism splits into how many colors?*7 colors

Color of the blood is due to ____?

Which statement is true about ?*Sound does not travel through vacuum

In cold countries which is mixed in ice to prevent slipping on the road?*Salt

Islamiat MCQs

Rabia Basri born in ____?*Iraq

Which angel is given responsibility to bring rain?*Hazrat Mikail

Battle of Karbala took place in Which Hijri Year?*61 A.H

Which Prophet was a Carpenter ?*Hazrat Zakariya (A.S)

Number of the daughter of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) ?*Four

Abu Huraira accepted Islam in which year?


FIA is headed by?*Director General

High treason

Passport act

What section is Repeal Section? 10

Power of Member of Delegate power

Schedule*Amendment by ? Federal

Special Police establishment

Provincial and Special police

Custom act section 1975

Which section is 3?

Federal Govt called any property police station?

Members can 1. arrest 2.*search*or Both


How DG may order (in written, verbal or both)

DG gives member of agency (may give power may not or both)

Basic Arithmetic MCQs

A man have 3 coats 6 shirsts and 2 trousers. In how many way he can dress

Momentum (000) F= 2i-j+K) to (111)

Work done. (111), (111)

Probability in balls not the white one

Probability in ball white or the other

Probablitity of green ball not to come out from red black

Which side will be opposite to the largest angle.

Sum of 3, 3/4 3/16, 3/64......?

Centroid of a triangle having vertices 1,1,1 - 2,2,2 - 3,3,3

Imaginary part of multiplicative inverse or 6+3i

Conjugate of complex number is?

Vector projection

One was aij = 0 for all j =1,2,3,...,n which matrix is this

One was sum of first 60 odd numbers

One was sum of first 60 even numbersAssistant Director FPSC today solved paper Batch 4 held
on 23rd October 2019 02:00 Pm. Download today FPSC past paper of AD FIA Batch 4 2019 evening
paper 02:00 Pm along with answer key.

1. Who can amend the rules of FIA?

A) Federal goverment
B) Parliament
C) Both A and B
D) None of these
2. NPT stands for ? Non proliferation treaty
3. Alan faqir was ? Sindhi poet (Folk Singer)

4. BRI stands for what ?  Belt road initiative

5. New START is a agreement between which two countries ? Russia and USA
6. Imam Bukhari born in which Hijri year? 194 AH

7. Ahmad name mentioned in which Surah? Surah saff...

8. Hazrat Khadija R.A age at time of death?  65 years

9. Saif Ullah is title of ? Hazrat Khalid bin Walid R. A

10. Who is the Current President of India?  Ram Nath kovind
11. Which Country was the largest oil producer in world in 2018? USA

12. Reconciliation.. Islam, democracy and west book written by whom? Benazir Bhutto
13. Nationalization of Suel canal in 1956 by. whom? Abdel Nasser.. Egyptian President
14. Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) belonged to which family?  HASHMI family
15. Jallainawala Bagh massacre occurred in which year?  13 April 1919
16. Sindh separation from Bombay demanded by a Indian national congress member by.?

17. Neptune spear operation was against whom?  Osama bin laden

18. Eid prayer is ? Sunnah
19. Pakistan is hard Country written by whom?  Anatol Lieven
20. Battle Yarmouk was fought between? Muslims and roomees (Byzantine Empire)
21. Who is the Current Prime Minister of UK? BORIS JOHNSON
22. Prime Minister Imran Khan met with trump on ... ?  22nd July 2019
23. Pre-aryans were..... ?

24. Fazle Hassan elected in legislative assembly ?(A)  Punjab assembly seat (B) Farmers seat
(C) Muslim seat (D) None of the above

25. First constitution of Pakistan ?  1956

26. Turn out of General Election 2018? 55.8%
27. Who is the Current Secretery state of USA? Mike Pompeo
28. Yasir arafat was leader of which organization?  Al Fateh
29. Hydrogen has a positive?
30. Most abundant element in earth crust? Oxygen

31. Laser was discovered by? Theodore Maiman

32. Theory of relativity is given by? Albert Einstein

33. Formula of density?  p=m/v

34. Radioactivity was discovered by? Henry Becquerel
35. Masjid Qiblatein is in? Medina

36. Total member states in EU  ? 28

37. Synonyms
38. Bigotry (Prejudice, Bias)
39. Abatement (Lessening)

40. Manifesto ( Platform, Programme)

41. Meticulous (Careful, diligent)

42. Phony

Assistant Director FPSC today solved paper Batch 4 held on 23rd October 2019 02:00 Pm.
Download today FPSC past paper of AD FIA Batch 4 2019 evening paper 02:00 Pm along with
answer key.

1. Who can amend the rules of FIA?

A) Federal goverment
B) Parliament
C) Both A and B
D) None of these
2. NPT stands for ? Non proliferation treaty
3. Alan faqir was ? Sindhi poet (Folk Singer)

4. BRI stands for what ?  Belt road initiative

5. New START is a agreement between which two countries ? Russia and USA
6. Imam Bukhari born in which Hijri year? 194 AH

7. Ahmad name mentioned in which Surah? Surah saff...

8. Hazrat Khadija R.A age at time of death?  65 years

9. Saif Ullah is title of ? Hazrat Khalid bin Walid R. A

10. Who is the Current President of India?  Ram Nath kovind
11. Which Country was the largest oil producer in world in 2018? USA

12. Reconciliation.. Islam, democracy and west book written by whom? Benazir Bhutto
13. Nationalization of Suel canal in 1956 by. whom? Abdel Nasser.. Egyptian President
14. Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) belonged to which family?  HASHMI family
15. Jallainawala Bagh massacre occurred in which year?  13 April 1919
16. Sindh separation from Bombay demanded by a Indian national congress member by.?

17. Neptune spear operation was against whom?  Osama bin laden

18. Eid prayer is ? Sunnah
19. Pakistan is hard Country written by whom?  Anatol Lieven
20. Battle Yarmouk was fought between? Muslims and roomees (Byzantine Empire)
21. Who is the Current Prime Minister of UK? BORIS JOHNSON
22. Prime Minister Imran Khan met with trump on ... ?  22nd July 2019
23. Pre-aryans were..... ?

24. Fazle Hassan elected in legislative assembly ?(A)  Punjab assembly seat (B) Farmers seat
(C) Muslim seat (D) None of the above

25. First constitution of Pakistan ?  1956

26. Turn out of General Election 2018? 55.8%
27. Who is the Current Secretery state of USA? Mike Pompeo
28. Yasir arafat was leader of which organization?  Al Fateh
29. Hydrogen has a positive?
30. Most abundant element in earth crust? Oxygen

31. Laser was discovered by? Theodore Maiman

32. Theory of relativity is given by? Albert Einstein

33. Formula of density?  p=m/v

34. Radioactivity was discovered by? Henry Becquerel
35. Masjid Qiblatein is in? Medina

36. Total member states in EU  ? 28

37. Synonyms
38. Bigotry (Prejudice, Bias)

39. Abatement (Lessening)

40. Manifesto ( Platform, Programme)

41. Meticulous (Careful, diligent)

42. Phony

Capricious (Constant)

Assistant Director FPSC today solved paper Batch 3 held on 23rd October 2019 10:00 Am.
Download today FPSC past paper of AD investigation in FIA Department 2019 morning paper 10:00
Am along with answer key.
Islamic Studies

 1. What is the current order of Quran Hakeem? Taufiqee

 2. The marriage of which umm ul momineen mentioned in Surah-e-Ahzab? Zainab Bint e Jahsh

 3. Name of sahabi mentioned in Holy Quran?  Zayd

4.  Quran First Translated in Urdu by Whom? Shah Abdul Qadir


1. Who is the Current UN secretary General? Antonio Guterres

2. There are How many Main organs of UN? 6

3. What is the official name of world bank ? International Bank of Reconstruction & Development
4. What is the Capital of Turkey?  Ankara

5. Which was the 5th largest party according to obtained in General Election 2018?  MQM
(Seatwise), Tehreek-e-Labek (Votewise)

6. When was N.W.F.P province was separated from Punjab ? 9th November 1901

7. Cyprus is disputed area between which two countries?  Turkey and Greece

8. Watergate Scandal?  Richard Nixon

9. “Policy of Containment”?  By US against the spread of USSR

10. Who is the current Pakistan  ambassador to the U.S.A? Asad Majeed Khan

11. First Satellite was sent in Space by? USSR (Sputnik-1)

12. Which country is not a member of SCO? Turkmenistan

13. “Pakistan Gate” at Taftan border Iran: 21st Dec 2016

14. Huroof e Muqqattaat?  29
15. The Crimean Peninsula was annexed by? the Russian Federation
16. First Railway track in Pakistan was constructed from : Karachi to Kotri
17. Katas Raj Temples is situated at which district of Pakistan?  Chakwal
18. Wavell: the Viceroy's Journal by Archibald Wavell is a ?  Book


1. Convection is done only in ? Fluids (Liquids & Gases)

2. Heat transfer occurs through how many methods? 3

3. All types of energy finally result in?  Heat

4. Ozone exists in which layer of the atmosphere?  Stratosphere

5. Earth atmosphere is divided into?  5 categories

6. SI Unit of Magnetic flux is:? Weber

7. Unit of efficiency?  None (it’s a ratio)

8. Which is the biggest planet of the solar system?  Jupiter


1. Which term is used in FIA ACT 1974?  Constitution, formation, creation

2. The first section of FIA ACT 1974 is: short title, extent and commencement (correct order was to
be selected
3. How many terms are defined in Section 2?  Eight (8)

4. “RULES” means?  Rules under this act

5. The extent of this act applies to?  whole Pakistan

6. The extent of this act applies to all citizens of Pakistan and public servants, wherever they maybe

7. Any ________ of an order made under sub-section (5) shall be punishable. (contravention,

breach, violation)

8. Which section isn’t included in the act: (5A, 6A, 10, None)

9. Assistant Directors (Legal) and the Deputy Directors (Law) of the Agency shall be deemed to be:
Public Prosecutors, Special Public Prosecutors, Law officers, None

10. Anyone may delegate power to any other member of the agency: False (Only DG can)

11. Indemnity means: (No suit, prosecution or other legal proceedings, No suit, prosecution or other
proceedings, No suit, Special prosecution or other special proceedings)\

12. The first offence given in the schedule of offences is: Offences punishable under Pakistan
Penal Code (PPC)

13. The last offence given in the schedule of offences is: (Anti-money laundering, Copyrights,
Telegraphic, None)

14. Which term is repeatedly used in the act: (crime, criminal, offence, none)

15. Which of the following isn’t mentioned in the act Assis


Synonyms : Pedantry, Xenophobe, Scowl, Enfeeble, Predation

Antonyms: Penurious, Hilarious, Ferocious, Vituperative, Euphoria.

OIC stands for what ? Organization of Islamic Cooperation

WTO stands for what ? World Trade Organization

QCG stands for what ? Quadrilateral Coordination Group

If you have questions MCQs in mind of today paper of Assistant Director Investigation Federal
Investigation Agency Batch 3 please share below in comments
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