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Assignment: Lesson 5 Book 3: The Anointing to Win

In a word file, share your experience before, during, and after consolidation.
(Share using each point in the anointing to win.)

Honestly, we've always chat regularly. So, I have an idea

about how's she is doing. Every day during our conversation,
there's always a part wherein we brought topics related to
God's greatness and faithfulness.


These days we are both overwhelmed by our deadlines.

Summer finals, integrated examination, and upcoming on-the-job training both inside and outside school.
So, we need to find an accounting and auditing firm for it to happen. Our scheduled are both occupied. I
ask God in prayer for strength, discernment, and a passion above all in other people. I said, "Lord, I can't do
it alone. I don't want to give something related to you over something that is not eternal. I want to
accomplish anything without giving up your tasks on me." And, so God helps me to handle all my matters.
Praise God for last Thursday He has given us both time.


Though we've talked every day, it's still not the same as our everyday conversations-solely talking about
God. I felt that God is working behind the scenes, making all things possible. It is indeed true that when
God calls you, you don't need to be great, for He will supply you with anything you needed to accomplish
what He has assigned to you. Now, we are closer and more open about each other's life. Praise be to God
for continuously moving my friend’s heart. Indeed, through prayer alone we can conquer and be victorious.


Even if we’ve talk about God every day, we can’t still change someone. It is alone God can do it. What we
can do is to lift that person in prayer. In our private time with God, with compassion in our hearts for our
lost brethren-pray.

Make a Journal on Genesis 2 using the SOAP Pattern.

Genesis Chapter 2

The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into His nostrils the breath of
life, and the man became a living being.
The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.
The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”


God created everything with great consideration. As what you’ve read in the whole verses of chapter 2,
you can picture out how beautiful garden of Eden is. There’s nothing God created that is mediocre,
everything is a masterpiece. He set man to rule over what God has created the plants, animals, birds on
the sky, and so on. He breath life to Adan- made according to His image. In this verse alone, we can
conclude how man so valuable to God. Not just man but a human being to be exact. Also, woman as helper
of a man.


A man will always be the one who will manage the household. He will be the one who will lead a family. He
is being set by God as ruler over other creation. And, a woman will just be there to help him in managing
things. Lending her hands to make sure the whole household is doing well.

We are being created after God’s own image. We are His masterpiece so, let us not disqualified ourselves
saying we are not worthy. We are just like this and that. Let us not listen to what the world are telling us
instead, let us listen to what our creator told us- we are a masterpiece. We are his treasure possession.


Our most precious Heavenly Father, great are your faithfulness in our lives. I pray that whatever we read
from your Word, we will not just hear it but really apply it. May we be all playing our role efficiently. Having
you as the center of our lives and our family. Doing your will always. Continue to give strength and wisdom
to our parents. That they will always have wise decision in handling family matters. Leading the family
towards you. Continue to sanctify us each new day that we may always carefully obey your commands.
Obeying you and revering you all through out our lives. Forgive us from all our shortcomings and enlighten
us from things that you’ve wanted us to work on. This is my prayer. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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