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Basic buttercream

By Suzanne Groenewald

prep time cook time serves

10 min none more than enough to
cover and decorate one
20 cm cake
things you need
500 g 1 tsp
butter / margarine at room temperature lemon juice (more if needed)

1 kg a few drops
icing sugar food colour

here’s how
1 Cut the butter into small cubes and place in the bowl of your stand mixer.

2 Beat the butter for about 30 sec to loosen it up.

3 Add about 150 g of icing sugar to the bowl and beat it into the butter. Repeat this step with an-
other 150 g of icing sugar.

4 Add 1 tsp of lemon juice to the bowl . This will help to loosen up the icing mixture.

5 Continue adding the rest of the icing sugar in small batches and mixing it into the butter mixture.

6 Once all of the icing sugar is mixed into the butter mixture, turn your stand mixer up to high and
beat the icing for 5 minutes until it is light and fluffy.

7 If you wish to colour your icing you can do this now. Add one or more drops of food colour to
your icing mixture and mix for another minute. Otherwise scoop batches of icing out and stir one
drop of colour into each batch, with a spoon, in a separate bowl.

8 Leftover icing can be stored in an air tight container in the fridge or freezer for many months.

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