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Good morning everyone, today is the schedule of our School-based LAC session.

LAC is a
Learning Action Cell- a group of teachers who engage in collaborative learning sessions to solve
shared challenges encountered in the school.

Meaning each of us will participate in every topic to be shared by our Resource speakers, focus
on your selves; give the possible action for the guided questions to be asked later after the
discussion. Before we start, let me check your attendance according to the grade level you are
handling. Kinder teachers, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, and Non-
Advisers. To formally start the session, let us acknowledge our God to help us to have a
bountiful understanding of the topic to be heard later on.

Father in heaven, we are gathered for today's session: we acknowledge your presence, give us
protection as we go along with our LAC session for today: especially those who will share their
expertise, give them brilliant ideas while the discussion is going, Help us to focus so that we will
learn from it and we apply for our profession as the need arises. In Jesus, name. Amen.

For the first topic, may I call in ma'am Mariole Valdez to introduce our Resource Speaker?

Thank you, ma'am Josephine for the information on connecting the shared strategies and
developing categories of relatedness for analogies that we heard from you. Let's give warm
virtual applause to ma'am Josephine.

Let's proceed to the second resource speaker.

May I call in sir Ariel to introduce her before she speaks her prepared topic? Sir.

Thank you, ma'am Melba for sharing the remediating instrumentation for our learners in a Math
coach corner and the training you have provided. Let's give warm virtual applause to ma'am

For the third speaker, may I call in Ma'am Cristina to introduce her before she apportionment her
deep knowledge of drug education? Ma'am.

Thank you, Ma'am Amelia, for informative approaches addressing the drugs and substances of
today's issue in our country.

Let's give warm virtual applause to ma'am Amelia.

For the fourth speaker, may I call in ma'am Kimberly Ann to introduce him before we listen to
deliver his lecture on learning?
Thank you, Sir, Johnny, for the preventive measures we should enhance ourselves and dispense
this to the learners, and they have this throughout their lives.

Let's give warm virtual applause to Sir Johnny.

With that, let's end our LAC session today. God bless us all with the refreshment of knowledge
we gain from our Resource Speakers. Thank you for your participation, and good day to

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