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BGBC-Mission – Tagb.

City Single, Stand Alone Scripture Series, Apr 19, 2015


Chuck Missler
Koinonia House Fellowship
BGBC-Mission – Tagb. City Single, Stand Alone Scripture Series, Apr 19, 2015

BGBC-Mission – Tagb. City
Single, Stand Alone Scripture Series, Apr 19, 2015

The 66 books, penned by over 40 individuals at different

points in time/age, of different professions in life, for
approximately 2,000 years…

 Composed an intricate skillfully designed

every place, and every detail in those 66 books is there
by deliberate design. And that needs that one has to
discover for himself, because once you discover that,
that changes ones perspective regarding the integrity of
the whole. And once you’ve discovered that, you get
stumble to a second discovery about that,
 Which probably had its origin from outside our time


Prov 25:2 ¶ “It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but

the honour of kings is to search out a matter.”

Let’s start with a RIDDLE:

 Who is the oldest man in the Bible? Methuselah, he lived

969 years.
 Yet he died before his father! How can that be?
 His father was Enoch…was an interesting guy. At ge 65,
something happened in his life which cause him to walked
with God 300 years.

Gen 5:21¶ “And Enoch lived sixty and five years, and begat
Methuselah: And Enoch walked with God after he begat
Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and

Something needs to be understood here. The flood of Noah

did not come as a surprise, but was preached on for four
BGBC-Mission – Tagb. City Single, Stand Alone Scripture Series, Apr 19, 2015

And Enoch was told that as long as Methuselah is alive. The

judgment of that flood will be withheld. That why he named
him Methuselah.

 Methuselah means “his death shall bring”

Gen 5:21 Enoch . . . begat Methuselah--This name signifies,

"He dieth, and the sending forth," so that Enoch gave it as
prophetical of the flood. It is computed that Methuselah died
in the year of that catastrophe. -- JFB


When Methuselah was 187 yrs old, he begat Lamech. And

when Lamech was 182 yrs. old, he begat Noah. ( Gen 5 )

And at the 6ooth year of Noah, the flood came.

Methuselah’s life was a duration of God’s mercy until the

flood came.

Genesis 5 is one of those chapters that we tend to skip over.

Because it’s just a genealogy of 10 individuals.

 Adam  Jared
 Seth  Enoch
 Enosh  Methuselah
 Kenan  Lamech
 Mahalalel  Noah

The problem with Gen 5 is that, the names there are

not translated. It’s transliterated. The meaning isn’t
there, but it’s an approximation of how they pronounce it.

So, what does a NAME mean? We have names we don’t even

know the meaning of it. To us, or to anybody on our family, or
in the community, it doesn’t have any significance.
BGBC-Mission – Tagb. City Single, Stand Alone Scripture Series, Apr 19, 2015
But, in Hebrew, it’s a whole another thing. Hebrew is the only
language that’s semimic, not just phonetic. Most alphabet are
just phonetic. They lend as to how you pronounce the word.

Hebrew is unique, the original Hebrew, symbolized a concept.

Not just a sound, but a meaning.

The first Hebrew letter, an Aleph, written look like an oxen,

symbolizes “strength.” It also means “First” or “Leader”.

The second letter is Bet. Repreented a house, family or home.

 Beth Lehem – House of Bread

 Beth-El – House of God

If we take an Aleph and a Bet together, that means the “Leader

of the house.” That’s their name for “Father.” Like “Abba

If we take the letter Heh, which is a “breath”, and put it in the

middle of the word, it represents the essence of that word. It
 “breeze”,
 “behold”,  “wind”,
 “revealed”,  “spirit”

So, if we take the Aleph and the Bet, and put a Heh in the
middle of it, that give you the essence of the word Ab, the
essence of the Father.

Revealing the heart and essence of the Father, LOVE. ( Ahab )


 Abram – Abraham
 Sarah – Sarah
BGBC-Mission – Tagb. City Single, Stand Alone Scripture Series, Apr 19, 2015
God inserted the Heh in their names, which means He inserted
the Spirit of God in their lives.


 Adam –- Man
 Seth ----- Appointed

Gen 4:25¶ “And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a
son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath
appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain

 Enosh --- mortal; frail; miserable.

It is from the root anash, to be incurable; used of a

wound, grief, woe, sickness, or wickedness.

 Kenan --- sorrow, dirge, elegy

 Mahalel – Mahal means blessed or praised

El means The name of God
The name means the Blessed God.

 Jared ( Yared ) – from the verb yaradh, meaning”shall

come down.”

 Enoch – Commencement or teaching

 Methuselah – muth, a root thae means “death”

shalach, which means “to bring” or “to send forth”

“His death shall bring”

 Lamech -- a root still evident in our English today. The

word “lament” or “lamentation”.
BGBC-Mission – Tagb. City Single, Stand Alone Scripture Series, Apr 19, 2015


 Noah – derived from the Hebrew word nacham.

“To bring relief” or “comfort”

“Comfort” or “Rest”

Gen 5:29 “And he called his name Noah, saying, This same

shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands,
because of the ground which the LORD hath cursed.”

 Adam - Man (is)

 Seth - Appointed
 Enosh - Mortal
 Kenan - Sorrow, (but)
 Mahalalel - The Blessed God
 Jared - Shall come down
 Enoch - Teaching
 Methuselah - His death shall bring
 Lamech - The Despairing
 Noah - Comfort, Rest

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