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Pakistan Citizenship Rules, 1952

Publisher National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities

Author Republic of Pakistan
6 February 1951
Reference PAK-210
Pakistan Citizenship Rules, 1952 [], 6 February 1951, available at:
Source [accessed 12 November 2016]

Notification No. 11/42/51-Poll. (1) In exercise of the powers conferred by section 23 of the
Pakistan Citizenship Act, 1951 (II of 1951), the Federal Government is pleased to frame the
following rules:

1. Short title.

(1) These rules shall be called the Pakistan Citizenship Rules, 1952.

(2) They shall come into force at once.

2. Definitions.

In these Rules:

"Act" means the Pakistan Citizenship Act, 1951.

"Provincial Government" includes the Chief Commissioner of Baluchistan, the Administrator

of Karachi, and Governments of Acceding States.

"British Missions of consulates" mean such British Missions or Consulates as are exercising
functions behalf of Pakistan.

3. Citizenship at the date of commencement of the Act.

Any person claiming citizenship of Pakistan at the commencement of the Act may be granted
a certificate by the Provincial Government in the manner hereinafter prescribed;-

(a) Any person claiming citizenship under clause (a) of section 3 of the Act shall apply in
Form ‘ A' in duplicate to a Magistrate of the first class. This application shall be supported
by a certificate of birth of the applicant or any of his parents or grand-parents, as the case
may be, issued by;-
(i) a village officer or an officer in charge of a Station

(ii) a municipal or Town Committee or Corporation, or

(iii) a Register of Births and Deaths appointed under the British Deaths and Marriages
Registration Act, 1886 (VI of 1886),

(b) The Magistrate shall in attestation of the truth of the statement in the application,
administer an oath or affirmation to the applicant and shall examine the evidence, oral or
documentary, adduced by the applicant in support of his claim. He may, if be thinks it
necessary, summon and examine any witnesses likely to know the facts of the application and
may call for any records relevant to it.

(c) If the Magistrate is satisfied that the applicant is entitled to citizenship under clause
(a) of section 3 of the Act, he shall recommend to the Provincial Government that a
certificate of citizenship in Form ‘ A-I' be granted.

(d) The Provincial Government shall pass such orders on the recommendation as it
deems fit.


Any person claiming citizenship of Pakistan under clause (b) of section 3 may be granted a
certificate by the Provincial Government in the manner hereinafter prescribed:-

(1) He shall apply in Form ‘ A' in duplicate to a Magistrate of the first class. Each form
shall be accompanied by a certificate of birth at provided in clause (a) of rule 3 and by a
certificate of domicile issued under rule 23, provided that a certificate of domicile shall not be
required from a person who was in the service of any Government or Administration in
Pakistan at the commencement of the Act.

(2) The Magistrate shall in attestation of the truth of the statement in the application,
administer an oath or affirmation to the applicant.

(3) He shall examine any witnesses produced by the applicant and may summon any
other witnesses likely to know the facts of the application and may call for any records
relevant to it.

(4) If the Magistrate is satisfied that the applicant is entitled to citizenship under clause
(b) of section 3 of the Act, he shall recommend to the Provincial Government that a
certificate of citizenship Form ‘ A-I' be granted.

(5) The Provincial Government shall pass such orders on the recommendation as it
deems fit.


(1) Any person claiming citizenship under clause (c) of section 3 shall apply in Form
‘ A' in triplicate to the Provincial Government.
(2) Each from shall be attested by a Magistrate and shall be accompanied by an attested
copy of the certificate of naturalization.

(3) The Provincial Government may, after making such enquiry as it deem fit and after
examining the evidence required by rule 19, recommend to the Federal Government that a
certificate of citizenship in Form ‘ A-I' be granted.

(4) The Federal Government shall pass such orders on the recommendation as it deems


Any person claiming the citizenship under clause (d) of section 3 of the Act may be granted a
certificate by the Provincial Government in the manner hereinafter prescribed:-

(1) He shall apply in Form ‘ A' in duplicate to a Magistrate of the first class.

(2) The Magistrate shall in attestation of the truth of the statement in the application,
administer an oath or affirmation to the applicant.

(3) He shall examine any witnesses produced by the applicant and may summon any
other witnesses likely to know the facts of the application and may call for any records
relevant to it.

(4) If the Magistrate is satisfied that the applicant is entitled to citizenship under clause
(d) of section 3 of the Act, he shall recommend to the Provincial Government that a
certificate of citizenship in Form ‘ A-1' be granted.

(5) The Provincial Government shall pass such orders on the recommendation as it
deems fit.

7. Omitted.

8. Citizenship by birth.

(1) Any person claiming citizenship under section 4 of the Act shall applying Form ‘ B'
in duplicate to a Magistrate of the first class of the first class of the District where he was

(2) Each form shall be accompanied by:-

(a) a certificate of birth issued by a village officer or an officer in charge of a Police

Station or a Municipal or Town Committee or Corporation, or a Registrar of Births and
Deaths appointed under the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act, 1886 (VI of

(b) If the applicant is below the age of 21 years, a statement by his parent or guardian
recorded on oath.
(3) If the Magistrate, after making such inquiry as may be necessary, is satisfied that the
facts stated in the application are correct, he shall recommend to the Provincial Government
that a certificate in Form R-I be granted.

(4) The Provincial Government shall pass such orders on the recommendation as it
deems fit.

9. Citizenship by descent.

(1) Any person claiming citizenship by descent under section 5 of the Act shall apply I
Form ‘ B' to the Provincial Government of the areas in which he has his domicile of origin as
defined in Part II of the Succession Act, 1925 (XXXIX of 1925).

(2) Such application shall be in triplicate and such form shall be accompanied by:-

(a) a certificate of citizenship of Pakistan granted to his father, and

(b) evidence establishing his relationship with his father:

Provided that where the certificate of citizenship indicates that the father is a citizen of
Pakistan by descent only, then one of the following additional documents shall also be

(i) Either a certificate of registration of birth at a Pakistan Mission or Consulate in the

country where the applicant was born, or where there is no Pakistan Mission or Consulate in
that country at the prescribed Mission or Consulate or, at a Pakistan Mission or Consulate in
the country nearest to that country.

(ii) Or a certificate or documentary proof that the applicant's father was in the service of
a Government in Pakistan at the time of the applicant's birth in that other country.

(3) The Provincial Government after making such enquiries as it deems fir may cass
orders in regard to such applications, except where additional documents are required under
the proviso to sub-rule (2) in which case it shall forward the papers to Federal Government.

(4) The Federal Government shall pass such orders on the application as in deems fit.

10. Citizenship by migration.

(1) Any person claiming citizenship under section 6 of the Act shall apply in Form ‘ B'
in duplicate to the Provincial Government.

(2) Such application shall be accompanied by:-

(a) an affidavit of the truth of the statements made therein:

(b) a certificate of domicile under rule 23; and

(c) any other evidence which proves that the applicant intended to reside permanently in
Pakistan, and that be has migrated to Pakistan after the 13th April, 1951 but before the first
bay of January 1952.

(3) The Provincial Government, after such inquiries as it may consider necessary, shall
pass such orders on the application as it deems fit.

(4) Where the applicant, for reasons to be recorded in writing, claims exemption from
obtaining a certificate, of domicile he shall request the Provincial Government to forward the
application to the Federal Government.

(5) The Provincial Government shall, on a request made under the foregoing sub-rule,
forward the application to the Federal Government together with of own recommendation.

(6) The Federal Government shall pass such orders on the recommendation as it deems

(7) Any under passed by the Provincial or Federal Government under this rule shall
apply to the wife of the applicant and any minor child of his dependent wholly or partially
upon him, provided that the claim for citizenship for them is included initially in the applicant
and satisfactory evidence of the applicant's marriage to the wife, and of the minor being
dependent on him, is adduced to the satisfaction of Government.

11. Person migrating from the territories of Pakistan.

(1) Any person claiming citizenship under the proviso to section 7 of the Act shall apply
in Form ‘ C' in triplicate to the Federal Government.

(2) Each form shall be accompanied by:-

(a) an attested copy of the permit for resettlement or permanent return;

(b) an affidavit of the truth of the statements made in the application.

(3) The Federal Government, after such inquiries as it may consider necessary, shall pass
such orders on the application as it deems fit.

12. Citizenship of certain persons resident abroad.

(1) Any person claiming citizenship under section 8 of the Act shall apply in triplicate in
Form ‘ D' for registration as a citizen in the manner hereinafter provided, namely:-

(a) If he is resident in a country outside Pakistan, he shall make an application to the

Pakistan Mission or Consulate in that country or where there is no Pakistan Mission or
Consulate in that country to a prescribed Mission or Consulate or to a Pakistan Mission or
Consulate in the country nearest to that country.

(b) Every application under this rule shall be accompanied:-

(i) by a certificate of domicile issued by a District Magistrate in Pakistan, unless the
applicant is exempted by the proviso to section 8 of the Act, or

(ii) where he has been unable to obtain certificate, by a statement on oath explaining why
he claims exemption from producing it.


(a) The Mission or Consulate may demand such evidence of the truth of the statements
made in the application as it thinks necessary. Such evidence shall ordinarily include
certificates of his birth or that of his father or father's father, and information in regard to his
educational and other qualifications and his economic condition;

(b) The Mission or Consulate shall forward the application with its recommendation to
the Federal Government which shall pass such orders on it as it deems fit;

(c) If the applicant is resident in Pakistan at the time of making the application, he shall
apply direct to the Federal Government;

(d) The Federal Government shall pass such orders on this application as it deems fit.

13. Citizenship by Naturalization.

(1) Any person claiming citizenship under section 9 of the Act shall apply in Form ‘ E'
in triplicate to the Federal Government.

(2) Each form shall be accompanied by:-

(a) an affidavit of the truth of the statements made therein;

(b) a certificate of Naturalization under the Naturalization Act, 1926 (VII of 1926);

(c) a certificate that the applicant has taken the oath of allegiance to the Constitution of
Pakistan within the period prescribed by section 6 of the Naturalization Act, 1926.

(3) The Federal Government, after making such inquiries as it considers necessary, may
grant a certificate of registration in Form ‘ R-1' or reject the application.

(4) Where an exemption from producing certificate of Naturalization is sought, the

applicant shall in a statement recorded on oath, specify the reasons for which he seeks the

(5) The Federal Government shall pass such orders on the application as it deems fit.

14. Married Women.

(1) Any woman who by reason of her marriage to a British subject has acquired the
status of a Brithis subject before the first day of January 1949, shall, if she wishes to be
registered as a citizen of Pakistan because her husband has become a citizen of Pakistan,
apply in Form ‘ F' to the Federal Government for registration.
(2) Such application shall be in triplicate and each form shall be accompanied by;-

(a) her marriage certificate or any other evidence establishing the applicant's marriage;

(b) her husband's certificate of citizenship or any other evidence establishing the
husband's citizenship of Pakistan.

(3) The Federal Government shall, after the such inquiry as it considers necessary, pass
such orders on the application as it deems fit.

(4) If the husband s dead at the time the application is made, a statement of facts,
recorded on oath, which would prove that he had been alive the would have been entitled to
Pakistan citizenship under section 3, 4 or 5 of the Act, shall accompany the application.

(5) If the applicant is an alien, the application shall further be accompanied by a


(a) of domicile issued under rule 23 of these Rules, and

(b) that she has taken the oath of allegiance set out in the Schedule to the Act.

(6) If the applicant's husband but for his death would have been a citizen of Pakistan
under the provisions of sub-section (1) of section 6 of the Act (whether he migrated as
provided in that sub-section or is deemed under the proviso to section 7 to have so migrated),
the application shall be accompanied by a certificate issued by the Provincial Government
that the husband would have been entitled to a certificate under rule or 11 of these Rules.

(7) The Federal Government shall, after such inquiries as it considers necessary, pass
such orders on the application as it deems fit.


Any woman who claims citizenship under sub-section (2) of section 10 of the Act shall apply
in form 'F' in triplicate to the Federal Government in the following manner, namely:-

(a) If her husband is alive, each form shall be accompanied by the following documents:

(i) a certificate of Pakistan citizenship granted to her husband or any other evidence
establishing the husband's citizenship of Pakistan;

(ii) a marriage certificate or any other evidence establishing the applicant's marriage.

(b) If her husband is dead at the time of the application, the application shall be
accompanied by the certificates or other evidence mentioned in sub-clause (ii)of clause (a),
and by the certificate mentioned in sub-clause (I) of that clause or by a statement of facts
recorded on oath showing that had he been alive he would be entitled to citizenship of
Pakistan under section 3,4 or 5 of the Act.
(c) If the applicant is an alien, the application shall further be accompanied by a

(i) of dogmatic issued under Rule 23 of these Rules, and

(ii) that she has taken the oath of allegiance set out in the Schedule to the Act.

(d) If the applicant's husband but for his death would have been a citizen of Pakistan
under the provisions of sub-section (1) of section 6 of the Act (whether he migrated a
provided in that sub-section or is deemed under the provisions to section 7 to have so
migrated), the application shall be accompanied by a certificate issued by the Provincial
Government that the husband would have been entitled to a certificate under rule 10 or 11 of
these Rules.

(e) The federal Government shall, after such enquires as it considers necessary, pas such
birders on the application ns it deems fit.


(1) Any woman claiming citizenship through marriage in accordance with rule 14 or rule
15 after she has been deprived of it under the Act, shall submit with her application a
statement on oath giving he restoration of her citizenship.

(2) The Federal Government shall, after such enquires considers necessary, pass such
orders on the application as it deems fit.

17. Registration of minors.

(1) Any person claiming citizenship for a minor shall apply in form ‘ M' in duplicate.

(2) The form shall be submitted to the authority to whom the parent or guardian would be
required to apply under these Rules if he were claiming citizenship for himself.

(3) The application shall be accompanied by a certificate of citizenship, if any, of the

parent or guardian.

(4) The Federal Government may, on an application submitted to it in the manner

aforesaid or of its own motion, register any minor as a citizen of Pakistan.

18. Citizenship by incorporation of territory.

The Federal Government may by notification in the Gazette and on such terms and conditions
as may be specified in such notification, apply all or any of these Rules to persons who, by
reason of their connection with any territory which may be incorporated in Pakistan, are
entitled to be citizens of Pakistan.

19. Renunciation of deal citizenship or nationality.

Any person who, under section 14 of the Act, makes a declaration of renunciation of his
status as a citizen or national of another country, shall produce satisfactory evidence that he
has made such a declaration:

19-A. Deceleration of renunciacion of Pakistan Citizenship.

(1) A declaration of renunciation of the citizenship of Pakistan made under section 14-A
of the Act shall be in Form ‘ X' in quadruplicate and shall state:-

(a) under what provision of law the applicant is a citizen of Pakistan; and

(b) the other country of which the applicant is a citizen or national or the competent
authority of which has given him any valid document assuring him of the grant of citizenship
of nationality of that country upon his renouncing his citizenship of Pakistan.

(2) The declaration shall be made to the Pakistan Mission or Consulate in the country
where the person concerned is residing and shall be forwarded by such Mission or Consulate
to the Director of immigration and Passports for registration.

(3) There shall be kept by the Director of Immigration and Passports, a register in Form
‘ X I' containing the names of persons whose declarations of renunciation of citizenship are
registered under this rule.

(4) The person concerned will cease to be a citizen of Pakistan from the date of such

19-B. Declaration of intention to resume citizenship of Pakistan.

(1) A declaration under the proviso to clause (a) of sub-section (2) of section 14A of the
Act shall be made in quadruplicate in form ‘ Y'-

(a) If the person making the declaration is residing in a foreign country, to the Pakistan
Mission or Consulate in that country; and

(b) in any other case, to the Director of Immigration and Passport, through the Provincial
Government concerned.

(2) Such declaration shall be registered by the Director of Immigration and Passports and
the person concerned shall become a citizen of Pakistan from the date of such declaration.

(3) There shall be kept by the Director of Immigration and Passport a register in Form
‘ Y I' containing the names of persons whose declaration of intention to resume Pakistan
citizenship are registered under this rule.

20Acquisition of Pakistan citizenship by Commonwealth citizens.

(1) Any Commonwealth citizen or British protected person may apply in Form ‘ A' in
duplicate for the citizenship of Pakistan.
(2) The application shall be submitted to the Pakistan Mission or Consulate in that
country or where there is no Pakistan Mission or Consulate in that country to a prescribed
Mission or Consulate or to a Pakistan Mission or Consulate in the country nearest to that
country. But if the applicant is at the time of the application resident in Pakistan, he shall
apply to the Federal Government.

(3) The application shall be accompanied by an affidavit of the truth of the statements
made therein.

(4) The Mission or Consulate or the Government of Pakistan may ask for such
information in regard to:-

(a) the national status of the applicant in his country;

(b) his knowledge of languages;

(c) his special qualifications, if any;

(d) his income and its source; and

(e) any disabilities to which citizens of Pakistan are subject in the country of the

(5) The Federal Government shall pass such orders on the application as it deems fit.

21. Registration of birth in countries abroad.

The birth of a child of a citizen of Pakistan occurring in a country outside Pakistan shall be
registered at a Mission or Consulate in the manner following:-

(a) Any parent or guardian of the child shall, within six months of the birth, report in
writing in Form ‘ S' the fact of the birth to the Pakistan Mission or Consulate in that country,
or where there is no such Mission or Consulate in that country, to a Pakistan Mission or
Consulate in the country nearest to that country. Such report shall, among other things
indicate the full name, parentage and addresses of the parents of the child, his date and place
of birth and whether the parents, or if the are dead, the guardian is a servant of any
Government in Pakistan or of a international organisation of which Pakistan has at any time
during that period been a member.

(aa) Where such report is made after the expiry of six months from the date of the birth of
a child; the Mission or Consulate may register the birth on being satisfied as to the
genuineness and sufficiency of the birth on being satisfied as to the genuineness and
sufficiency of the reasons for not making the report within the said period:

Provided that no birth shall be registered on a report made after the expiry of one year from
the date of the birth, except with the previous approval in writing of the Federal Government.

(b) The Mission or Consulate may call-for any other information before the registration
of the child.
(c) Copies of the registration certificates issued by the Mission or Consulate shall be
furnished to the applicant, and to the Government of Pakistan.

22. Annual Registration of Pakistan citizens abroad.

Every citizen of Pakistan resident abroad not being in such service as is referred to in clause
(i) of sub-section (4) of section 16 of the Act shall register himself annually at a Pakistan
Mission or Consulate or in a country where there is no Pakistan Mission or Consulate, at the
Pakistan Mission or Consulate in a country nearest to the country in the manner following:-

(a) He shall register himself by forwarding to the Mission or Consulate a statement

indicating his intention to relain citizenship of Pakistan. This statement shall, among other
things, indicate his full name and parentage, his address in Pakistan and in the country of his
residence, details of the passport or other travel documents carried by him and details of the
members of his family.

(b) This statement shall be forwarded in duplicate in the first quarter of every year
following the year of the arrival in the country of residence.

(c) The Mission or Consulate shall acknowledge receipt of the form; and such
acknowledge shall be evidence of his having been formally registered.

23. Certificate of domicile.

The Fedrral Government, the Provincial Government or any District Magistrate authorized by
the Provincial Government in this behalf may on application made to it in this behalf issued a
certificate of domicile in Form ‘ P-I' in the manner following:-

(a) An application for a certificate of domicile shall be made in Form ‘ P' in duplicate,
shall be accompanied by an affidavit affirming the truth of the statement made in it and
affirming further that the applicant had not migrated to India after the first day of March 1947
or that, having so migrated, and returned to Pakistan under a permit for resettlement or
permanent return issued by an officer authorized by the Government of Pakistan.

(b) Any authority to whom an application is presented may demand such evidence as it
may considered necessary for satisfying itself that the facts stated in the application are
correct and that the applicant has been continually resident in Pakistan for a period not less
than one year and intends to live permanently in Pakistan.

(c) The authority shall pass such order son the application as it deems fit.

24. Certificate of citizenship in doubtful cases.

(1) The Federal Government may an application made to it in that behalf grant a
certificate of citizenship in Form ‘ Q-I' to any person with respect to whose citizenship a
doubt exists, whether on a question of law or of fact.

(2) An application in this behalf shall be made in Form ‘ Q' in triplicate and shall be
supported by an affidavit of the truth of the statement made therein.
(3) The certificate of citizenship granted in ‘ Q-I' shall be withdrawn as soon as possible
and not later than the issue of a certificate of citizenship under any of these Rules. It shall be
granted for one year in the first instance but may be extended from time to time unless
withdrawn an herein provided.

25. Deprivation of citizenship.

(1) The Federal Government may on a any report form the Provincial Government or on
its own motion issue a notice to any person who being a citizen of Pakistan by naturalization.

(a) has shown himself by any and or speech to be disloyal or disaffected to the
Constitution of Pakistan.

(b) has during a war in which Pakistan is or has been engaged, unlawfully traded or
communicated with the enemy or engaged in or associated with any business that was to his
knowledge carried on in such a Manner as to assist the enemy in that war, or.

(c) has within five years of being naturalized been sentenced in any country to
imprisonment for a term of not less than twelve months.

to show causes why an order depriving him of the citizenship of Pakistan should not be
passed against him.

(2) Such notice shall contain information of the grounds on which it is proposed to make
the order depriving him of citizenship.


(a) Any person served with a notice in accordance with the two foregoing sub-rules may,
within sixty day of the service of such notice, apply to the Federal Government for the
appointment of a committee of enquiry.

(b) Such an application shall among other things be accompanied by an affidavit that the
allegations made against him are untrue, and by a bond for such sum not exceeding Rs. 5,000
as the Federal Government may demand to be forfeited to Government should the committee
of enquiry find the application false and frivolous or given with a view to causing delay.

(c) On receiving the application, Government shall appoint a committee as prescribed in

sub-clause (7) of section 16 of the Act.

(4) The Federal Government may of its own motion or on the application of any person
appoint a committee of enquiry in the manner aforesaid for enquiring into an application
submitted to it under sub-section (4) of section 16 of the Act or to enquire into the continued
residence outside Pakistan of any citizen of Pakistan for a period of seven years beginning
not earlier than the commencement of the Act.

(5) An application under sub-section (4) of section 1 of the Act shall be accompanied an
by affidavit stating the grounds on which the application is made, and if the applicant is
residing in a foreign country the application may be submitted to the Pakistan Mission or
consulate in that country or where there is no Mission or Consulate in that country to a
prescribed Mission or Consulate or to a Pakistan Mission or Consulate in the country nearest
to that country.

(6) The Federal Government shall pass such orders on the report of the committee of
enquiry or, if a committee is no appointed, on the application itself as it deems fit.

26. Penalty for obtaining citizenship by misrepresentation.

(1) Any Magistrate of the first class, a Provincial Government or the Federal
Government on receiving information that person has obtained his certificate of citizenship
certificate of registration as a citizen of Pakistan, certificate of domicile or certificate of
naturalization, by fraud, false representation or the concealment of any material tact or that
his certificate of naturalization has been revoked, may authorize or require a competent
Magistrate to authorize a police officer under section 155 of the Code of Criminal Procedure
(Act V of I 98), to investigate the truth of the information

(2) If on the result of the investigation it appears that the said person has made statement
or furnished information which comes within the mischief of section 2 of the Act, the Federal
or Provincial Government may direct that the said person be prosecuted under section 177 of
the Penal Code (XIV of 1860), or under any other law for the time being in force.

(3) A conviction by the Corn shall render null and void any certificate mentioned in sub-
rule (1).

27. Fees.-

Applications under these Rules shall be accompanied by bank draft of a challan of the value
indicated in the Schedule to these Rules.

28. Photographs.-

Any person to whom a certificate of citizenship or of registration as a citizen of Pakistan is

issued may be required to furnish four photographs except in the case of a pardanshin woman

28-A. Duplicate copies of Certificates of Citizenship.-

(a) Any person to whom a certificate of citizenship has been granted, may, if his
certificate is lost or damaged or if he wishes to get his certificate of citizenship replaced by a
certificate of citizenship with changed name or other particulars, shall apply in Form ‘ V' in
duplicate normally to the Federal Government, Provincial Government, Local Administration
or any Pakistan Mission in a foreign country through whom he obtained his previous
certificate of Citizenship.

(b) Each such Form shall be attested by a Magistrate or Notary Public,

(c) It shall be accompanied by four passport size photographs of the applicant of one and
the same pose.
(d) The Provincial Government, Local Administration or the Pakistan Mission to whom
the application is made, shall forward the application to the Federal Government with their
own recommendation, provided that if the original certificate was issued by the Provincial
Government it shall pass such orders on the application as it deems fit.

(e) The Federal Government, Local Administration or the Pakistan Mission to whom the
application is made, shall forward the application to the Federal Government with their own
recommendation, provided that if the original certificate was issued by the Provincial
Government it shall pass such orders on the application as it deems fit.


(a) Any person to whom a certificate domicile has been granted, may, if his certificate is
lost or damaged or if he wishes to get his certificate of domicile with changed name or other
particulars shall apply in Form ‘ V' in duplicate normally to the Federal Government,
Provincial Government or the District Magistrate through whom he obtained his previous
certificate of domicile.

(b) Each such Form shall be attested by a Magistrate or a Notary Public.

(c) It shall be accompanied by four passport size photographs of the applicant of one and
the same pose.

(d) The authority which granted the original certificate shall pass such orders on the
application as it deems fit.

29. Miscellaneous.-

All things done by a Magistrate, District Magistrate or Provincial Government under these
Rules shall be deemed to be done by or on behalf of the Federal Government.


Notwithstanding anything contained in rule 29 above, the Federal Government may at any
time entertain any appeal, review or revision application and may cancel, suspend, invalidate,
extend or revise any certificate issued under these Rules or pass any other orders it may deem
necessary or fit.

SCHEDULE (Vide rule 27)


Description of applications Fees

For an application claiming citizenship Rs.
1. Under Section 3 (a) of the Act, rule 3 …10.00
2. Under Section 3 (b) of the Act, rule 4 …10.00
3. Under Section 3 (c) of the Act, rule 5 …15.00
4. Under Section 3 (d) of the Act, rule 6 …30.00
5. Under Section 4 of the Act, rule 8 …10.00
6. Under Section 5 of the Act, rule 9 …10.00
7. Under Section 6 of the Act, rule 10 …10.00
8. Under proviso to section 7 of the Act, rule 11 …15.00
9. Under Section 8 of the Act, rule 12 …30.00
10. Under Section 9 of the Act, rule 13 …20.00
11. Under Section 10 of the Act, rule 14, 15 or 16 …10.00
12. Under Section 11 of the Act, rule 17 …10.00
13. Under Section 14-A (1) of the Act, rule 19-A …30.00
14. Under Section 14-A (2) of the Act, rule 19-B …30.00
15. An application for a certificate of domicile, 23 …10.00
16. Certificate under section 19 of the Act, rule 24 …50.00
17. Certificate under section 20 rule 20-
(1) by a common wealth citizen other than citizen of India …10.00
(2) by an Indian citizen …50.00
18. Copy of certificate under rule 28-A or 28-B …10.00
19. Application, appeal, review or revision application, under rule …50.00

APPENDIX I FORM ‘ A' (Vide rules 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7)

Application for Certificate of Citizenship of Pakistan at the commencement of the Pakistan

Citizenship act, 1951 (II of 1951)

1 Full name of
. applicant (block
2 Father's/husband's
. Dame (block
3 Address in full in Pakistan
in other country
4 Trade or
. occupation
5 Place and date of Place-…………..Tehsil……………..
. birth
Date…………….day of…………….19……..
6 Nationality or
. nationalities of
the applicant
7 The applicant (a) His own birth in the territories now included in Pakistan.
. claims Pakistan
nationality be
cause of-
(b) His parents birth in the territories now included in Pakistan
(c) His grand-parents birth in territories now included in Pakistan.
8 The applicant (a) His (b) his parents or (c) his grand-parents birth in the territories
. claims Pakistan included in India on the 31st day of March 1937.
because of his
domicile in the
territories now in
eluded in Pakistan
and because of-
9 The applicant (a) having acquired citizenship of another country, or
. claims
Citizenship of
Pakistan for being
naturalized as a
British subject in
Pakistan and-
(b) having acquired Citizenship of another country has before the 13th
April, 1951 renounced it by depositing a declaration in writing to that
effect with an authority appointed or empowered by that other
Government to receive it.
1 The applicant (a) he is not a national or citizen of that or any other country outside
0 claims Pakistan.
. Citizenship of
Pakistan because
being ordinarily
resident in a
country outside
Pakistan he is
making the
declaration within
one year of the
13th April, 1951
(b) that on the faith of that declaration and by reason of his (a) own birth
or (b) that of his parents or (c) of his grandparents, he claims, to he a
citizen of Pakistan.

1 Name and address ……………(in block letters)………………….

1 and nationality of
. parent or grand-
parent through
whose birth in
Pakistan or in the
included in India
on the 31st March
1937 citizenship
is claimed.
1 Place and date of Place……………….Tehsil…………………..
2 birth of parent
. mentioned in 11.
Date…………………day of…………….19…
1 (1) Documentary (1)……………………………………………..
3 evidence in
. support of the
claim of birth of
self, parent or
grand-parent, and
(2) Documentary (2)……………………………………………..
evidence of
enunciation of
(3) Documentary (3) Number, date and place of issue of the Domicile
evidence of Certificate………………………….
1 Whether married ........................................................................
4 of single,
. widower or
1 Full name of wife ........................................................................
5 or husband.
1 Full names of ....................................................................................................................
6 children and their ...................................................................................................
. ages
1 Whether the ........................................................................
7 applicant has at
. any time
applied for the
grant of a
certificate of
1 Details of place Place……………….Teb……………………..
8 where applicant
. was permanently
residing between
14th August,
1947, and 13th
April, 51 or was
domiciled on 13th
April, 1951
1 Exact date of Place……………….Teb……………………..
9 migration from
. what now
constitutes India,
to Pakistan and
details of plane of
residence in India
before migraine.
2 Names and (i)………………………………………………………………………………………………
0 complete ……...(ii)………………………………………………..
. addresses, with
relationship, if
any, of two
referees in
2 Whether the
1 applicant is also a
. national of any
other (foreign)
country. ff so,
give particulars of
certificate and
passport issued by
that country.
I do solemnly affirm that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Place and

* NOTE: Paragraph, which do not apply should be cancelled.

APPENDIX II ORM ‘ B' (Vide rules Nos. 8, 9 & 10)

Application for a Certificate of Citizenship of Pakistan after the commencement of the

Pakistan Citizenship Act, 1951
1. Full name of applicant (block letters) ----------------------------------------------------
2. Father's s/husband's name (block letters) ----------------------------------------------------
3. Address in fall in Pakistan-------------------------
in another country-----------------------------
4. Trade or occupation -----------------------------------------------
5. Place and date of birth Place---------Tehsil----------------Distt-------
Prov./Admn-------------day of------------19--
6. Nationality or nationalities of the applicant
7. The applicant claims Pakistan nationality (a) His father possesses such immunity
because of his birth in Pakistan and is not from suit and legal process is accorded to
disqualified because at the time of his an envoy of an external sovereign power
birth accredited in Pakistan and is not a citizen
of Pakistan, or
(b) His father is an enemy alien and the
birth occurs in a place them under
occupation by the enemy.
8. The applicant claims Pakistan citizenship (a) the birth of the applicant having
because of his descent from his father who occurred in a country outside Pakistan the
at the time of his birth was a citizen of birth is registered according to rule 21, of
Pakistan. The father is a citizen of the Pakistan Citizenship Rules, or
Pakistan by descent only but-
(b) the father is at the time of birth in the
service of any Govt, in Pakistan.
9. The applicant claims citizenship of (a) having obtained a certificate of
Pakistan because of migration to Pakistan domicile under rule 23 of these Rules,
from territories now included in India and/or
before the 13th April 1951, and
(b) having acquired citizenship of another
country has before the 13th April, 1951
renounced it by depositing a declaration in
writing to that effect with an authority
appointed or empowered by that other
Government to receive it.
10. Name and address and nationality of ----------------------------------------------------
parent or grand-apparent through whose -------(in block letters)
birth in Pakistan or in the territories
included in India on 31st day of March
1937, citizenship is claimed.
11. Place and date of birth of parent Place--------Tehsil-----Distt----Prov./Admn-
mentioned in 10. -----------
12. (1) Documentary evidence in support of Date… … day of 19 (1)…… ……… ……….
the claim of birth of self, parents or grand,
(2) Documentary evidence of renunciation (2)-----------------
of other nationality.
(3) Documentary evidence dence of (3) Number and date and place of issue of
domicile. Domicile Certificate…
13. Whether married or single, widower or
14. Full name of wife or husband
15. Full names of children and their ages
16. Whether the applicant has at any time
previously applied for the grant of a
certificate of citizenship
17. If Pakistan citizenship is claimed under
sub-section (2) of section 6 of the
Pakistan Citizenship Act, 1951, and an
attested/ *Note Paragraph which does not
apply should be cancelled:Pakistan
citizenship Rules,1952 photostat copy of
the Pakistan citizenship certificate
granted to the applicant's husband or
father as the case may be.
18. Names and complete address, with (i)
relationship, if any, of two referees in
19. Whether the applicant is also a national of
any other (foreign) country. If so, give
particulars of nationality certificate and
passport issued by that country.
I do solemnly affirm that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Place and Date…………………….

Note. Paragraph which does not apply should be cancelled:

APPENDIX III FORM ‘ C' (Vide rule 11)

Application for Citizenship of Pakistan from a person born in Pakistan, who having migrated
to India after 1st March, 1947 has returned to it under a permit for resettlement or permanent

1. Name of the applicant (block letters)

2. Father name (block letters)
3. Address in Pakistan
in India
4. Place of birth Village Tehsil Distt
Date of birth
5. Date and place of migration in India. Date
6. Date and place of return to Pakistan. Date
Place of return
Point of entry into Pakistan
7. Authority on which the applicant has Permanent resettlement or return permit
returned to Pakistan.
No Date Office of issue
8. Name of wife or husband and her/his age Name
and address.
Name Age
9. Names and ages of 1.
10. Any special circumstances on the basis
of which the citizenship.
I do solemnly affirm that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature of applicant
Place and Date

APPENDIX IV FORM ‘ D' (Vide rule 12)

Application for registration as a Citizen of Pakistan by a person or Indo-Pakistan origin

residing abroad.

1. Name of the applicant

(block letters)
2. Father's name (block
3. Name of father's father
(block letters)
4. Address of the applicant 1. In
2. Abroad.....................................................
5. Place and date of birth
of applicant
6. Place of birth of... 1. Father.......................................................
2. Fathers....................................................
7. Address if alive of …. …. 1. Father---------------------------------------------
2. Father's-------------------------------------------
8. National status of 1. Father-------------------------------------------
2. Father's------------------------------------------
9. For how long has the
applicant been resident
1 Names and address of 1.----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0. two referees/near ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
relatives residing in ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pakistan if any. --
1 Reasons for seeking
1. citizenship of Pakistan
1 Travel document on the Description-------------------------------------------
2. basis of which applicant
is living abroad.
Issuing authority-----------------------------------
1 If a certificate of Its No.--------
3. domicile is attached?
Office of Issue-------------
1 Educational and special -------------------------------------------------------
4. qualifications
1 Income and its source. -------------------------------------------------------
1 Whether --------------------------------------------------------
6. married/single/widow/wi
dower, if married, date
of marriage.
1 Name and nationality of --------------------------------------------------------
7. husband/wife.
1 Names of minor children --------------------------------------------------------
8. and their ages.
1 List of documents in Description No.
9. proof of the statement
made in the application
1. …
2. …
3. …
4. …
5. …
I do solemnly affirm that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature of the applicant.
Place Date
Attested by:-
Magistrate Signature……..
Notary Public Name in full…..
Date…… Place… …


Application for a certificate of Registration as Citizen of Pakistan by nature libation

1. Full name of applicant (block letters)……

2. Father's name (block letters) …
3. Address in full in Pakistan...
in another country…
4. Married/Single/Widow/Widower…
5. Name of wife or husband
6. Name of children and their ages…
7. Trade or occupation…
8. Place and date of birth Place……….Tehsil……………Distt……..
Country………….day of……………..19……
9. Nationality prior to naturalization……
10 Date of arrival in Pakistan for permanent
11. Date and number of certificate……of
12. Officer administering the oath allegiance. Name……
13. List of documents attached to the
14. If exemption from producing a certificate
of naturalization is claimed, the reasons
for it.
15. Whether the applicant has at any time
previously applied for the grant of a
certificate of citizenship; if so, with what
16. Has the applicant ever been deprived of
his citizenship of Pakistan?
17. Marks of Identification
I do solemnly affirm that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Place and date

APPENDIX VI FORM ‘ F' (Vide rules 14, 15 and 16)

Application by a married woman for a Certificate of Citizenship of Pakistan by registration

1. Full name or applicant (block letters)

2. Father's name (block letters)
3. Husband's name (block letters)
4. Address in full In Pakistan
in the other country
5. Trade or occupation
6. Place and date of birth Place Tehsil Distt.
Prov/Admn day of 19
7. Nationality or nationalities of the
8. Full address or the husband.
9. Nationality or nationalities of the
10. The applicant being an alien claims
registration as a citizen of Pakistan
because, by reason of her marriage, she
has acquired the status of British subject
before the 1st day of January 1949 and
her husband has become citizen of
11. The applicant being an alien married to a (a) obtained a certificate of certificate under
citizen of Pakistan, claims registration of rule 23 of these Rules, and
a citizen of Pakistan as she has:-
(b) taken the oath of allegiance in the form
set out in the Schedule to the Act.
12. The applicant being an alien claims (a) obtained a certificate of domicile under
registration as a citizen of Pakistan by rule 23 of these Rules, and
reason of her marriage to the person
named in para 3 of this application who
but for his death would have been a
citizen of Pakistan under section 3, 4 or 5
of the Act and for having:-
(b) taken the oath of allegiance in the form
set out in the Schedule to the Act.
13. The applicant being an alien claims (a) has obtained a certificate of domicile
registration as a citizen of Pakistan by under rules 23 of the Rules, and
reason of her marriage to the person
named in para 3 of this application who
but for his death could have been a
citizen of Pakistan under the proviso of
sub-section (1) of section 6 (whether be
migrated to Pakistan as provided in that
sub-section or is deemed under the
proviso to section 7 to have so migrated)
and as she:-
(b) taken the oath of allegiance in the form
set out in the Schedule to the Act.
14. The applicant being married to a citizen
of Pakistan claims registration as a
citizen of Pakistan.
15. The applicant claims registrations as a
citizen of Pakistan by reason of her
marriage to the person named in para. 3
of this application, who, but for his
death, would have been a citizen of
Pakistan under section 3, 4 or 5 of the
16. The applicant claims registration as
citizen of Pakistan by reason of her
marriage to the person named in para. 3
of the application, who but for his death,
could have been a citizen of Pakistan
under the provisions of sub-section (1) of
section 6 (whether he migrated to
Pakistan as provided in that sub-section
or is deemed under the proviso to section
7 to have so migrated).
17. Circumstances because of which the
person named in para. 3 of this
application could have claimed
Citizenship of Pakistan if he were alive.
18. Has the applicant at any stage ceased to
be a citizen of Pakistan under section 14
of the Act or has she been deprived of it
under the Act? If so, has preconsent of
the Federal Government to her becoming
a citizen of Pakistan been obtained?
19. List of documents furnished to prove:-
(a) Nationality of the applicant.
(b) Marriage with person named in para
(c) Pakistan Citizenship of husband
mentioned in para 3 of this application.
(d) Domicile---
(e) Taking the oath of allegiance---
(f) Facts which would have entitled the
person mentioned in para 3 of this
application to be a citizen of Pakistan if
he were alive.
(g) Certificate of preconsent of Federal
Government in case of loss or
deprivation of citizenship of applicant.
20. Full names of children and their ages-
21. Where the applicant has at any time
previously applied for the grant of a
Certificate of Citizenship?
I do solemnly affirm that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belied.
Place and Date-

* NOTE.-Paragraphs which do not apply should be cancelled.

APPENDIX VIII FORM ‘ M' (Vide rule 17)

Application for Registering Minor as a Citizen of Pakistan

1. Name of the minor (block letters)

2. Name of the minor's father or mother (if
father not traceable).
3. Name of the guardian or applicant with
father's name.
4. Address in full of the guardian or
5. (a) Date and place of birth of minor.
(b) of his parents.
(c) of his grand parents
6. If a migrant, how and when did the minor
arrive in Pakistan?
7. Minor's relationship with the guardian or
applicant, if any.
8. Minor's full address in Pakistan.
9. Is the guardian, or applicant a citizen of
Pakistan? If so, number and date of the
Certificate of Citizenship.
If do solemnly affirm that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Place and date.

APPENDIX VIII FORM ‘ P' (Vide rule 23, Pakistan Citizenship Rules, 1952)

Application for a Certificate of Domicile in Pakistan



I-------------------------- son of-------------------- aged--------------------- Resident

--- - -
(Name in block letters) ---------------------------- -----------
Hereby ------------------------State that I was formerly the of resident of
I have arrived in--- Tehsil
Distt. Prov-/Admn.
In Pakistan on Day of--------19

I have been residing continuously in Pakistan for a period of years months immediately
preceding this declaration and I hereby express my intention to abandon my domicile of
origin in and with a view to acquire the domicile of Pakistan. I declare my intention to take
up may fixed habitation in Pakistan during the remainder of my life.
I further affirm that I had not migrated to India and returned to Pakistan between the 1st
March 1947 to the date of this application *[1]1except on a valid visa No dated issued by the
Pakistan Passport Office at Other particulars are given below:-


Name of wife or bus band.

Names of children and their ages.

Trade or occupation.

Marks of Identification.

I do solemnly affirm that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.






Palace and date

APPENDIX IX FORM ‘ Q' (Vide rule 24)

Application for a Certificate of Citizenship from a person whose citizenship is in doubt.

1. Name of the applicant (in block letters)

2. Name of the applicant's father/husband
3. Full address in Pakistan of the applicant
4. Date and place of birth of applicant
5. Whether the applicant has at any time
previously applied for the grant of a
Certificate of Citizenship? If so, with what
6. Why is the applicant's citizenship in
doubt? (State full facts)
7. Why is a Certificate of citizenship required
at the moment?
8. List of documents accompanying the
I do solemnly affirm that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Place and date

APPENDIX X FORM ‘ R' (Vide rule 20)

Application for Registration as a Citizen of Pakistan by a British subject (or a

Commonwealth Citizen).

1. Name of the applicant (in block letters)

2. Father's name
3. Address in full in the U.K., Colonies or
Commonwealth countries
in Pakistan (if any)
4. Date and place of birth of applicant
5. Educational or special qualifications
6. Occupation or Trade …
7. Income and its source …
8. Reason for seeking Citizenship of Pakistan
9. Name and ages of wife and children- Names Age
10. Knowledge of languages …
11. Number and date of issue of the certificate
of British nationality of the applicant.
12. Are Pakistanis subject to any
disqualification I the country to which the
applicant belongs?
13. List of documents attached …
I do solemnly affirm that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Place and date

APPENDIX XI FORM "S" (Vide rule 21)

Application for registration of birth of a child of a citizen of Pakistan bore in a country

outside Pakistan


The undersigned reports the birth of a male/female child to Mr. And

Mrs. (in block letters) on day of 19
Disttat Country
The child has been named (in block letters) I am the father/guardian of the child and my full
name and address it as follows:-
Name with father's name (block letters)
Address in country outside Pakistan
Address in Pakistan
I/The child's father was/was not at the time of the child's birth a grant of a Government in
Pakistan or of an international organisation of which Pakistan was at any time during that
period a member. The full names and addresses of the child's parents are liven below:
Father's name and address in Pakistan and in Name with father' name (in block letters)
the country outside Pakistan
Address in Pakistan
Address in the country outside Pakistan
Mother's name and address in Pakistan and in Name with father's name (in block letters)
the country outside Pakistan.
Address in Pakistan
Address in the country outside Pakistan

I am attaching the following documents proof of my citizenship of Pakistan, and of the child's
birth as reported above:-




I am a national of, (give name of the country) also and I give the following particulars of the
nationality certificate and passport issued by that country:-

(a) number and date of issue of nationality certificate.

(b) number, date and place of issue of passport.

I do solemnly affirm that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.





Place and date

APPENDIX XII FORM ‘ T' (Vide rule 22)

Form of statement for annual registration by a citizen of Pakistan resident abroad.



I (name in block letters) son of (name in block letters) aged having arrived in on day of 19
Which to be registered with your Mission as a citizen of Pakistan for the year 19

I hold passport No dated issued at valid up to

I am a national of, (give name of the country) also and I give the following particulars of the
nationality certificate and passport issued by that country:-

(a) number and date of nationality certificate.

(b) number, date and place of issue of passport.

The name and description of the members of my family living here with me and my address
in Pakistan and in this country are given on the register me as such for the year 19;




Name and address at which acknowledgement is to be delivered.


Names and ages of wife and children … Name Age

Address in Pakistan

Address in the country outside Pakistan




With reference to your application of you have been registered as a Citizen of Pakistan for 19

APPENDIX XIII The Pakistan Citizenship Act, 1951 (II of 1951) Pakistan
citizenship Rules, 1952 FORM ‘ A-1'

Certificate of citizenship (at the commencement of the Act)

Whereas A B

has applied for a certificate of citizenship at the commencement of the Act, alleging with
respect o himself/herself the particulars set out below, and has satisfied the Government that
the conditionals laid down in section of the above-mentioned Act for the grant of a certificate
of citizenship at the commencement of the Act are fulfilled in the said AB's case.

Now, therefore, in pursuance of the powers conferred by the said Act and the Rules made
thereunder, the Government hereby grant to the said AB this certificate of citizenship of
Pakistan and declare that subject to the provisions of the said Act he shall be deemed to be a
citizen of Pakistan and shall be entitled to all the rights, privileges, and capacities to which a
citizen of Pakistan, and shall be entitled to all the rights, privileges, and capacities to which a
citizen of Pakistan is entitled to and shall also be subject to all the obligations, duties and
liabilities of a citizen of Pakistan under any or all the laws of Pakistan.

In witness whereof I have hereto subscribed my name this day of 19


Secretary to the Government

Particulars relating to the Applicant

Full name

Father's name

Address in Pakistan or abroad

Married, Single, Widow or Widower

Name of wife or husband

Names of children and their ages Names Ages.

Trade or Occupation

Marks of Identification:-

APPENDIX XIV FORM ‘ P-1' Pakistan Citizenship Act, 1951 (II of 1951)
and Rules made thereunder (Vide rule 23)
Certificate of domicile

Whereas AB-(in block letters) son of (in block letters) has applied for a certificate of
domicile under the Pakistan Citizenship Act, 1951 (II of 1951), alleging with respect to
himself/herself the particulars set out below, and has satisfied the undersigned that the
conditions laid down in section 17 of the said Act for the grant of a certificate of domicile are
fulfilled in the said AB's case.

Now, therefore, in pursuance of the powers conferred by the said Act and the Rules made
thereunder, the undersigned hereby grants to the said AB this certificate of domicile.

In witness whereof I hereto subscribed my name this day of 19




Particulars relating to the Applicant

Full name

Father's name

Address in Pakistan

Address in the country outside Pakistan

Place of domicile Place Tehsil Distt


Date of arrival in the place of domicile


Name of wife or husband

Names of children and their ages

Trade or occupation

Marks of Identification

APPENDIX XV FORM ‘ Q-1' The Pakistan Citizenship Act, 1951 (II of

1951), and the Rules made thereunder (vide rule 24)

Certificate of Citizenship in Doubt

Whereas AB has applied for a certificate of citizenship alleging with respect to
himself/herself/the particular set out below, and further that his/her citizenship of Pakistan is
in doubt.

Now, therefore, in pursuance of the powers conferred by the said Act and the Rules made
thereunder, the Government hereby grant to the said AB………..this certificate, which shall
remain in force till………..but not later than one year after the date of issue of this certificate.
During its validity this certificate shall be conclusive evidence of the facts recorded in its and
shall entitle the said AB……….to all the rights, privileges, and capacities to which a citizen of
Pakistan is entitled to and shall subject him to all the obligations, duties and liabilities of a
citizen of Pakistan under any or all the laws of Pakistan.

In witness where of I have hereto subscribed my name this day of 19


Secretary to the Government.

Particulars relating to the Applicant

Full name

Father's name

Address in Pakistan or abroad

Married, Single, Widow or Widower

Name of wife or husband

Names of children and their ages Names Ages

Trade or Occupation

Marks of Identification

APPENDIX XVI FORM ‘ R-1' The Pakistan Citizenship Act, 1951 (II of
1951), and the Pakistan Citizenship Rules, 1952

Certificate of Registration as a Citizen of Pakistan

Whereas AB has applied for a certificate of registration as a citizen of Pakistan alleging with
respect to himself/herself the particulars act out below, and has satisfied the Government that
the conditions laid down in section, of the above-mentioned Act for the grant of a certificate
of registration as a citizen of Pakistan are fulfilled in the said AB's case.

Now, therefore, in pursuance of the powers conferred by the said Act and the Rules made
thereunder, the Government hereby grant to the said AB this certificate of registration as a
citizen of Pakistan and declared the subject to the provisions of the said Act he is deemed to
be a citizen of Pakistan and shall be entitled to all the rights, privileges and capacities to
which a citizen of Pakistan is entitled to and shall also be subject to all the obligations, duties
and liabilities of a citizen of Pakistan under any or all the laws of Pakistan.

In witness whereof I have hereto subscribed my name this day of


Secretary to the Government.

Particulars relating to the Applicant

Full name

Father's name

Address in Pakistan or abroad

Married, Single, Widow or Widower

Name of wife or husband

Trade or Occupation

Marks of Identification


FORM ‘ S-1' The Pakistan Citizenship Act, 1951 (II of 1951), and the Rules
made thereunder

Certificate of registration of birth in a country outside Pakistan of a child

born to a citizen of Pakistan. (Vide rule 21 of the Pakistan Citizenship Rules)

Whereas AB has reported the birth of a child named son of alleging with respect to that child
and himself the particulars set out below.

Now, therefore, in pursuance of rule 21 of the Pakistan Citizenship Rules, 1952, it is hereby
certified that the birth of the said child has been registered for the purposes of the Pakistan
Citizenship Act; and the Rules made thereunder.

In witness whereof have hereto subscribed by name this day of 19

Signed (Pakistan Representative in the country outside Pakistan.)

Particulars relating to the Child and Applicant

Full name of the child

Father's name and address in Pakistan and in Name
country outside Pakistan.
Address in Pakistan
Address in the country outside Pakistan
Date and place of birth of the child Place Distt.
Name and address of child's mother in Name
Pakistan and in country outside Pakistan.
Address in Pakistan
Address in the country outside Pakistan
Name and address of the applicant… Name
Address in Pakistan
Address in the country outside Pakistan
Marks of identification of the child

FORM ‘ V' (Vide rule 28A and 28B of the Pakistan Citizenship rules, 1952

Application for copy of citizenship or domicile certificate or its replacement, with changed

1. Full name and address of applicant

(Block letters)
2. Father's name
3. Number an date of issue of the certificate
of citizenship or domicile previously
4. Authority by whom the certificate was
5. Reasons for asking for a duplicate
certificate or for replacement with a new
6. Change of particulars desired in the
Particulars in the certificate previously Particulars to be included in the new
issued. certificate
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
Documentary proof of change of name or other
particulars required to be made in the new
I do solemnly affirm that the above statement is true to the best or my knowledge and belief.
Place and date

[See Gaz. Of P., 1952, Ext., pp. 57-90]

FORM X [Vide rule 19-A]

Declaration of renunciations of citizenship under section 14-A of the Pakistan Citizenship

Act, 1951.

1. of (here insert address of declarant) am of full capacity and was born at on

2. I have/have not been married.

3. I am a citizen/national of under the law of that country or hold valid document assuring me
of the grant of citizenship of nationality of that country upon renouncing citizenship of

4. I hereby renounce my citizenship of Pakistan.

I do solemnly affirm that the foregoing particulars in the is declaration are true to the best of
my knowledge and belief.

Place and date...................................


Full name… … … … … …
Father's … … … … …
Address … … … …
Profession or occupation … … … …
Place and date of birth … … … …
(Second) Nationality … … … …
Single, married, widower, widow or divorced … … …
… …
Name of wife or husband … … … …
Names and nationalities of parents … … …
Names and full particulars of minor … … …
children, if any, residing abroad at … … …
the time of making declaration. … … …
Address in Pakistan … … … …

FORM ‘ X-1' (Vide rule of 19-A of Pakistan Citizenship Rules, 1952).

Register of declaration of renunciation of Pakistan citizenship

Ser Full Profes Pla Citizenship/N Full Marri Name Place Declar Referen Date of Rem
ial name sion or ce ationality of nam ed, an d where ation ce to registra arks
No of occup an declarant's e of single full and atteste letter tion by
decla ation d parents pare , particu date d by along- the
rant dat nts. wido lars of on with Directo
and e wer, minor which which rate.
addre of wido childre declar declarat
ss birt w or n, if ation ion of
h. divor any, made. renunci
ced. residin ation
g receive
abroad d.
at the
time of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1.For "X-1" ins. By Notfn. published in Gaz., of P., Extra., Pt. II, 2nd February, 1973.

FORM ‘ Y' [Vide rule 19-B]

Declaration of intention to resume Pakistan citizenship under section 14-A of the Pakistan
Citizenship Act, 1951.

1. I..........................son of.............................was born at...............................

2. My father's full name is/was.................

3. I ceased to be a Pakistan citizen by virtue of clause (a) of sub-section (2) of section

14-A of the Pakistan Citizenship Act, 1951, on by reason of the fact. (Here state the cause
whereby the declarant's father and declarant ceased to be Pakistan citizens, the year and date
in which they ceased to be Pakistan citizens and all other relevant information).

4. If I had not so ceased to be a Pakistan citizen I should now be a Pakistan citizen, by

reason of the fact that. (Here state the grounds on which the declarant claims that he or she
would have been such a citizen).

5. I hereby declare my intention to resume Pakistan Citizenship and apply for the
registration of this declaration.
I do solemnly affirm that the foregoing particulars in the is declaration are true to the best of
my knowledge and belief.






Place and date….


Full name … … … … … …
Father's … … … … … …
Address … … … … … …
Profession or occupation … … … … …
Place and date of birth … … … … …
(Second) Nationality … … … … …
Single, married, widower, widow or divorced … … …
… … … …
Name of wife or husband … … … …
Names and nationalities of parents … … … …
Names and full particulars of children, if any
Address in Pakistan … … … … …

FORM ‘ Y-1' (Vide rule 19-B of Pakistan citizenship Rules, 1952)

Register of declaration of resumption of Pakistan citizenship

Seri Full Professi Pla Citizenship/natio Full Marrie Place Declarat Referen Remar
al name on or ce nality of name d, where ion ce to ks.
No. of occupati and declarant's s of single, and date attested letter
declar on. date parents. paren widow when by along-
atn of ts. er, declarati with
and birt widow on which
addres h. or made. declarati
s divorc on or
ed. resumpti
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1.For "Y-1" ins. By Notfn. published in Gaz., of P., Extra., Pt. II, 2nd February, 1973.


(13 Feb. 1952)

(1) Government Servants exempted from obtaining the Certificate of


No. F. 11/16/52. Poll. (1), dated the 13th February, 1952, Whereas, it was become necessary
that the following exemption shall be granted to all Government servants including Optees
with a view to enable them to regularise their national status under the Pakistan Citizenship
Act, 1951 (II of 1951).

Now, Therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to sub-section (1) of
section 6 of the Pakistan Citizenship Act, 9151 (II of 1951) the Federal Government is
pleased to direct that al Government Servants including Optees coming from the late
Government of India, shall as a class be exempt from obtaining the Certificate of Domicile
required under the said sub-section (See Gaz. Of P: 1952, P. I. P. 113)

(2) Persons belonging to Gwadur deemed to be Citizens of Pakistan.

S. R. O. 1472.A (K), dated the 3rd November, 1960. Whereas Gwadur his become a part of
Pakistan since the eighth day of September 1958:

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 13 of the Pakistan Citizenship
Act, 1951 (II of 1951), the President is pleased to specify the following persons who shall,
from the aforesaid date be, citizens of Pakistan by reason of their connection with Gwadur,

All persons who would be, or would be deemed to be, citizens of Pakistan at the
commencement of the Pakistan Citizenship Act, 1951 (II of 1951) if Gwadur were a territory
of Pakistan at the time of such commencement. (See Gaz. Of P. 1960, Ext. P. 1961).

(3) Powers exercisable by the Director of Immigration and Passport.

S. R. O. (K)/61, dated the 30th October, 1961. In exercise of the powers conferred by section
18 of the Pakistan Citizenship Act, 1951 (II of 1951), the Federal Government is pleased to
direct that the powers conferred and the duties imposed upon it by sections 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 19, and 20 may also be exercised and discharged by the Director of immigration and
Passports and shall he deemed to have so exercised and discharged with effect from that 1st
October, 1961. (See Gaz. Of P. 1961, I. P. 419).

(4) Conditions for submission of applications by Commonwealth Citizens.

S. R. O. 369 (K), dated the 9th April 1960. In exercise of the powers conferred by section 20
of the Pakistan Citizenship Act, 1951 (II of 1951) and of all other powers enabling it in this
behalf, the Federal Government is pleased to prescribe the following conditions for the
submission of applications by Commonwealth citizens for the citizenship of Pakistan:-

(a) A Commonwealth citizen intending to settle permanently in Pakistan shall first make
as application to the at effect to the Pakistan Mission in the country to which be belongs. The
Mission will consult the Pakistan Government and if the Government is prepared to admit
him to Pakistan for the purpose of permanent the Mission will grant him an immigrant visa.
The grant of such visa will not entitle him to the citizenship of Pakistan: it will have to be
acquired under the ordinary process of law. The rant of the visa does no more than provide
the means of residence so the at his application for citizenship can be duly considered.

(b) Applications by Commonwealth citizenship submitted in any other manner will be

rejected without consideration.

[1]* Note.- Cancel if not applicable.

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