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(Under Right to Information Act, 2005)
HACA Bhavan, Hyderabad.
Phones: 23230245 / 246 (O) / 23230592 (F)
* * *
Appeal No. 10987/CIC/2009, dated: 7-3-2011

Name of the Appellant & Address : Sri. S.N. Basha, H.No. 6/65-2A,
Ravindranagar, Kadapa.

Name of the Public Authority : (1) The PIO / O/o the Spl. Deputy Collector,
Land Acquisition, SSP Unit-IV,
Rajampeta, Kadapa District.

(2) The Appellate Authority /

Spl. Deputy Collector, Land Acquisition,
SSP Unit-IV, Rajampeta, Kadapa District.

Sri S.N.Basha, No.6/65-2A, Ravindranagar, Kadapa has filed a 2nd appeal dated: 05-11-2009
which was received by this Commission on 07-11-2009 for not getting the information sought by him
from the PIO / O/o the Spl. Dy. Collector, Land Acquisition, SSP Unit-IV, Rajampeta, Kadapa
District and Appellate Authority / Spl. Dy. Collector, Land Acquisition, SSP Unit-IV, Rajampeta,
Kadapa District.

The brief facts of the case as per the appeal and other records received along with it are that
the appellant herein filed an application dated 27-08-2009 before the PIO requesting to furnish the
information for the following points:
1. Furnish total No. of Villages sub-merged due to Somasila Project back water along with
names of the villages.
2. To how many persons and how much of compensation amount was paid to the beneficiaries to
the persons who lost their houses, lands, agriculture lands due to sub-merger of Somasila
3. To how many persons compensation has to be paid and the balance persons to whom
compensation has to be paid.
4. What are the steps taken by the Government for not to get any more loss due to sub-merge of
Somasila Project.

The Spl. Dy. Collector, Land Acquisition, Rajampeta, Kadapa through endorsement No.
Superintendent R2/2009, dated 30-10-2009 furnished the village list and also requested the appellant
to come over to Spl. Dy. Collector’s Office and obtain the required copies from the file.

Stating that he did not get any reply from the Public Information Officer, the appellant filed
an appeal u/s 19(1) dated 08-10-2009 before the Appellate Authority / Spl. Dy. Collector, Land
Acquisition, SSP Unit-IV, Rajampeta, Kadapa District requesting to arrange to supply the

The appellant stated that as he did not get the information even after 30 days of filing his
appeal, he filed this 2nd appeal before this Commission requesting to take action against the PIO and
the Appellate Authority for not furnishing information sought by him and also to arrange to furnish
the information sought by him.

The 2nd appeal was taken on file and notices were sent to the parties concerned directing
them to appear before this Commission for hearing on 25-01-2011.

On 25-01-2011 the case was called. The Appellant was absent. Sri Mahesh representing the
appellant was present. Respondent / Spl. Dy. Collector, Land Acquisition, Kadapa was present.
: 2 :

Respondent submitted that information for item No.1 has been furnished to the appellant on
30.10.2009 through ordinary post and for the balance information which relates to 30 years back the
appellant was requested to go over to Spl. Dy. Collector’s Office and obtain the required copies from
the file, but the appellant did not come to the office.

Appellant’s representative stated that he did not receive the enclosures said to have been
enclosed to the letter dated 30.10.2009. Respondent was directed to furnish copy of the same to the
appellant in the presence of the Court. This was done.

For the balance information at points 2, 3 and 4, the appellant is directed to approach the
concerned public authority.

The Public Information Officer is warned that the information sought for should be supplied
within the period stipulated under the RTI Act 2005.

The Spl. Deputy Collector, Land Acquisition, SSP Unit-IV, Rajampeta, Kadapa District is
directed to communicate the warning to the Public Information Officer.

The appeal is closed with the above warning.

Jannat Husain,
Chief Information Commissioner.
Authenticated by:

(G.Satyanarayana Rao)
Deputy Registrar

Copy to:- The DS / SO / SF

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