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3rd quarter 1st class test 2020-2021

EDEXCEL Curriculum

Time : 40 minutes Total marks: 25

Please answer the questions in your Test Pad or a set of blank papers or in school’s separate exercise
copy under the supervision of Parent/ Guardian maintaining 40 minutes time limit.
Write Student Name & STD on top of the Answer Script

Section A : Multiple Choice Questions 1*5=5

1. Which of the following elements has a covalent molecular structure?

(a) Sodium (b) Helium (c) Silicon (d) Hydrogen

2. Which of the following has a covalent network structure?

(a) Neon (b) Silicon dioxide (c) Calcium chloride (d) Carbon dioxide

3. Which of the following has metallic bonding?

(a) Calcium (b) Carbon (c) Oxygen (d) Fluorine

4. Which of the following elements exists as a covalent network?

(a) Helium (b) Nitrogen (c) Silicon (d) Sulphur

5. Which one of the following best defines the word “allotropes”?

A Different structural forms of an element

B A pair of substances that differ by H+

C Elements that possess properties intermediate between those of metals and nonmetals

D Atoms of a given atomic number that have a specific number of neutrons

E The different phases (solid, liquid or gas) of a substance.

Section B : Short Questions 2*5=10

1. Explain why many molecular substances are gases or liquids at room temperature, & give
two examples.

2. Define: Ductility & Malleability.

3. What is metallic bond?

4. Write two properties of graphite.

5. The properties of a substance depend on its type of bonding and structure. There are three
types of bonding.

Covalent bond, Ionic Bond , Metallic bond

Complete the table to match up each type of bonding and structure with its properties.

Bonding & structure type Properties

Do not conduct electricity & have high

melting points.

have high melting points & conduct electricity

when liquid but not when solid

Conduct electricity when solid & have a wide

range of melting points.

Do not conduct electricity & have low melting

Section C: Descriptive Questions 5*2=10

1. Describe the properties of molecular solids.

2. Explain ---why the metals are good conductors of electricity? (You must show the diagram of
metallic bond)

Please send clearly taken images of the Answer Scripts maintaining the page serial to me on my

whatsapp number 01863231541 by 11: 50 am.

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