Ams Lab Manual (16 Me 54)

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Submitted to: Sir Nouman

Mechanical Engineering Department

University of Engineering and Technology Taxila
Experiment 1
Introduction to simulation and installation of arena software.
A) Simulation:
A simulation is an approximate imitation of the operation of a process or system; the act of
simulating first requires a model is developed.
 Task Trainer Simulation.
 Manikin-based Simulation.
 Standardized Patient Simulation.
 Virtual Reality Simulation.
 Tissue-based Simulation.

Area under observation is called simply as system like photocopy machine shop.
Any single object within the system boundary is considered as entity.

Property of entity is called attribute e.g. machine id, time taken during.
Processes needed to complete or get finish objects. It may also state as, anything or process
that changes the state or properties of entity after some time like raw material to finish good.
That changes the state of system e.g. start and end of system.
Events in sequence or in order e.g. prepared, sealer and rework.
The thing which is performing the work it can be machine or man.
Inter arrival time:
Time that is consumed between the arriving of two parts.
Idle time:
The time in which machine is remained free or doing nothing.
Queue time:
The time in which part is waiting for machine and machine is still processing previous part.
Time in system:
The time duration for which part is remained within the system from its raw shape to finish

Task of lab:
we are going to simulate 13 parts manually.
Inter Arriva Machining Machining Machining Time in Idle Time
arrival l time time Start time Finish time system time in
time queue
01 - 0 5 0 5 5 0 0
02 5 0+5 3 5 3+5=8 8-5=3 0 0
03 8 13 2 13 15 2 5 0
04 7 20 1 20 21 1 5 0
05 5 25 4 25 29 4 4 0
06 3 28 6 29 35 7 0 1
07 1 29 5 35 40 11 0 6
08 4 33 1 40 41 8 0 7
09 2 35 4 41 45 10 0 6
10 2 37 3 45 48 11 0 8
11 9 46 1 48 49 3 0 2
12 7 53 2 53 55 2 4 0
13 1 54 4 55 59 5 0 1
B) Installation of Arena:
1. Type a following on google search.

4. Select Download a Trial. Fill out the form including your email.

5. A link will be emailed to you in a few minutes.  Please check your Trash or Spam
Folders if the email does not show up in your Inbox.
6. Click on the link and save the update to a folder on your desktop.
7. Open that folder and right click on the Arena update.
8. Select WinZip to unzip the file. Unzip to this folder.
9. Select AUTORUN.EXE.
10. Install Arena.
Experiment 2
Modelling and analysing manufacturing and assembly also test
system in Arena.
Collect statistics on Yes source, utilization, time in queue, number in queue, and cycle time
of shipped parts, salvaged parts and scrapped parts. Run simulation for 48 hours shift or 1920

Drag the Create block to the workplace from Basic Process. Double click on it and do the
following changes as shown. Name it as part A arrival.

Similarly create another block and name it as Part B arrival

Drag the assign block double click on it. Click on Add change its name it to Assign part A
sealer and arrival time and following changes.
Similarly do the same process for Assign part B sealer and arrival time.
Now drag the Process block double click on it and make following changes:

Similarly do this for Part B prep.

Drag the Process block double click on it change its name to Sealer Process to Standard
type, Action to Seize delay release, Priority to Medium(2), Resources 1, Delay time to
Expression, Units to minutes, Allocation Value added, Expression to Sealer Time and check
report Statistics.
Take the Decision Node or block to workplace double click on it. Change its name to Decide,
type 2-way by chance and assign 9 percent value. One node goes to Rework Process Block
and other goes to Record Shipped Parts.
Drag the Process block double click on it change its name to Rework Process to Standard
type, Action to Seize delay release, Priority to Medium(2), Resources 1, Delay time to
Expression, Units to minutes, Allocation Value added, Expression to EXPO(45) and check
report Statistics.
Create another Decision block. Double Click on it. Change its name to Decide Scrapper and
Salvaged, type 2-way by chance and assign 20 percent value. Its one node goes to Record
Scrapped Parts and other to Record Salvaged Parts.
Drag the Record Block to workplace change its name to Record Scrap parts. Double click on
it and add statistics definition as shown:

Similarly do the same for Record Salvaged parts. Change Tally Name to Record Salvaged
Similarly do the same for Record Shipped parts. Change Tally Name to Record Shipped
Now Drag the Dispose Block. Double click on it change its name to Dispose Scrap and check
record entity statistic.
Similarly Drag the Dispose Block. Double click on it change its name to Salvage and check
record entity statistic.
Similarly Drag the Dispose Block. Double click on it change its name to Ship and check
record entity statistic.
Finally Connect these Blocks as shown in figure and run simulation for 1920 minutes.
Experiment 3
Introducing entity, Queue and resource picture animations and
plots in arena.
First, we must open the model which we have made in the previous lab session in which we
model and analyse the manufacturing assembly in Arena. Then we must perform different
operations such as animations, plots etc. to complete this lab. The description of todays lab
session is as follows:
Introducing Entity: First, open the model, then go to the Project Bar which is located on the
left-hand side and then select the Basic Process.
Then to introduce entity select the block in the Basic Process that has the name entity. After
the selection the number of parts and their entity type along with the initial pictures appear
under the displaying model.
Then click on the initial picture and select the suggested picture for each part. We have two
parts named Part A and Part B. We have given the initial picture of aero plane and bike to the
Part A and Part b respectively.
Then run the program and entities are shown in a processing manner.

Queue: For adding queue in the model, go to the bar on the process block. Then double click
on it to add Queue in the form of point or line. If we want to add Queue in the form of point,
then select the point form and then select points that are 180 degree apart. Click on the add
option to add more and more points in the queue.

We can also define the angle between two points by selecting the option user defined and
color can also be changed according to the requirements. Maximum number of entities that
stay on any process is 30 but only 14 are visible according to space available.
Resource Picture: It is used basically to show the process if it is happening or not. First go
to the bar which is present above the model and then select the resource option from it. After
selecting the resource option, a pop-up block appears and ask about the identifier in which
the process is defined, state which includes idle, busy, inactive and failed and the picture id.
From the identifier select the sealer process and then go to the picture id and specify the
identification marks that are easy to understand when the process is going on. After selecting
the identification marks the click on OK and then draw the block on the process which is
mentioned in the identifier and resize it.
In the above figure the color of resource block shows that the process sealer is busy.
Plots: To generate plots, like resource this option is also present in the bar present above the
model. After clicking on the plots, a pop-up menu appears that ask about data series, axes,
titles, areas, legends and 3-D view as well. We select the data series and the add new series
which is series 1 and the expression used is the Disposed shipped part.NumberOut. Then
click on OK and draw the plots block under the Disposed Shipped Parts. Again resize it so
that plots are visible easily and clearly.

The color of the plot can be changed accordingly and on plots x-axis shows the simulation
time and y-axis shows the number of shipped parts that are out.

Experiment 4(a)
Describes how to create a graphic CIM cell using the Virtual CIM

Designing the CIM Cell:

The following procedure is the recommended sequence for setting up the Virtual CIM Cell.
1. Plan and document your CIM system before starting.
2. Define the conveyor and the location of the workstations.
3. Place tables at the stations.
4. Place an ASRS device at a workstation (station 1 is recommended).
5. Place robots at the stations.
6. Place CNC and any other machines at the stations.
7. Place buffers at the workstations.
8. Place PCs at the workstations.
9. Define the device drivers for the workstations.
10. Define all connections and properties for each device driver.
11. Create the Setup, Map, and Icon Group for this CIM cell.

To design the CIM Cell:

1. From the Project Manager main window, click New on the toolbar. The New Project
dialog box is displayed.

New Project Dialogue Box

2. In the Project name field, enter CIM-1 and click OK. The new project is displayed in the
User Project tab in the Project Manager main window (for further details refer to Chapter 5,
Project Manager).
3. Select the CIM-1 project and click the Virtual CIM Setup icon on the toolbar. The
Virtual CIM Setup main window is displayed, as shown in Chapter 8, Open CIM Setup.
4. Select Edit | New Object. In the New Objects window, double-click General to expand
the tree, and then select Conveyor. The Conveyor dialog box is displayed.
Conveyor Dialogue Box

5. From the Type area, select User Defined and click OK. The Conveyor grid appears. Click
the right mouse button. Drag the mouse and then select the key icon.
6. A wand appears. Bring the wand into the lower right side of the grid and click the left
button. A red dot appears; this is the conveyor starting point.
7. Click the right mouse button. Drag and select the vertical segment. Point and click the
cursor on a spot above the starting point.
8. Select an arc-up-and-left segment. (The conveyor is created in the direction of movement;
normally counter clockwise.)
9. Continue selecting and adding segments to the conveyor until it is complete. Use the
curved arrow to undo any mistakes. (Avoid using too much undo’s.)
10. When the conveyor is complete, click the right mouse button and then click the icon.
11. Click the right mouse button and select the Station icon from the popup menu, to create a
station. Point to a location just above the starting point of the conveyor (not on the curve).
Click the left mouse button. Accept the prompt for Station number 1.
12. Add the stations in accordance with the counter clockwise or clockwise movement of the
13. Repeat the previous step for two more stations. Add the stations in consecutive order
around the conveyor.
14. When all three stations are marked around the conveyor, click the right mouse button and
select the File icon from the pop-up menu to save the conveyor and click OK to save the
conveyor setup.
15. The grid closes, and a cube cursor appears on the screen Bring the cursor to the centre of
the screen and click. (To display a red cross marking the centre of the shop floor, select
Scene Origin from the view menu). The conveyor appears in the Scene Window. Click on
the conveyor and drag with the left mouse button to centre the conveyor on the floor.
16. Select File | Save to save your work.
17. Select Edit | New Object | Storage | ASRS36.
18. Click the left mouse button near Station 1. The ASRS36 appears on the screen. (This
object is the robot that has a storage rack with 36 shelves.)
19. Click on the ASRS36. The object’s parameter configuration submenu opens. Select
Rotate. Enter –90. The lower small frame should be outside the conveyor. Adjust the
orientation and position of the ASRS36.
20. Add Tables for the workstations.
21. Add objects to Stations 2 and 3, as follows:
 At Station 2, select Robots | ER 9, and enter 1.0 (meters) at the prompt for LSB (robot
will be mounted on a linear slide base).
 At Station 3, select Robots | ER 14, and then click Cancel at the prompt for LSB.
During the selection and placement of new objects, wait for the cursor to settle in place.
Avoid double-clicking.
Your screen should now look like this:

Conveyor Stations and Objects

22. Using the same procedure you used for placing robots at stations, add the following
objects to the CIM cell:
 At Station 2: EXPERTMILL VMC-600.
 At Station 3: Jig-XY, Screwdriver, and Vision Camera.
As you work, rotate, and reposition the objects on the shop floor.
Use Redirect View and Zoom to help you with the placement of objects.
Save your work regularly when creating the CIM cell.
23. Add station buffers (Buffer 2) around the conveyor, in the following order:
 Station 1
 Station 2
 Station 3
24. Select Edit | Delete Object and click on the buffer you placed at Station 1. The buffer
will be erased. (The ASRS36 does not require a buffer, but a temporary buffer was created at
Station 1 causing the buffers at the other stations to be named BFFR2 and BFFR3,
25. Rotate the buffer at Station 3 90°. Adjust the location of other buffers, so that they are
“attached” to the conveyor and within reach of the robot at the station.
26. At station 3 add a Rack, Feeder and Trash. The following figure will guide you in
properly placing all the objects at this station.
Placing Stations Objects

27. Save your work at this point.

28. Add workstations (PCs) for each station. Start with the Manager PC and then continue
with the Station PC’s for Station 1, 2 and 3.
29. Scale Tables for the workstations and arrange them as shown below:

Placing Station Tables

30. Add device drivers near the PC at each station:
 For each robot at the station (including the ASRS36): add Scorbase device driver.
 For a CNC machine (lathe/mill): add a CNC device driver.
 For the Vision Camera: add a ViewFlex device driver.
 For the Conveyor: add a PLC device driver. Place it at Station 1.
The Jig-XY and Screwdriver are controlled by the Scorbase controller (and its device driver),
and do not require device drivers of their own.
31. For each device driver, you will need to set its properties and connections. Click on each
object to open the corresponding parameter configuration menu, and do the following:
 Click on Properties. Select the number of the workstation at which the device driver is
running (e.g., WS1 for ASRS36 and PLC).
 Click on the device driver and enter the commport settings
 Click on Connectivity:
 Connect the PLC device driver (PLCVD1) to the conveyor (CNV1).
 Connect each Scorbase device driver (A SCBSVDn) to its
corresponding robot (ROBOTn).
 Connect each CNC device driver (CNCVDn) to its corresponding
CNC machine (EXPERTMILLn or PLT3000).

32. For each robot, select Connectivity and make the connections to all objects which are
physically within its reach. Connect each robot to the conveyor station (CNV1#n), the station
buffer (BFFRn) and all machines and devices at its station. Make sure the appropriate device
driver is connected to the robot. If you are unable to make a connection, move the robot and
device closer to each other, and try again.
33. Connect the Screwdriver and the Vision Camera to the Jig-XY only.
34. For the Feeder:
 Subtype: Set to 101.
 Capacity: Set to 10.
 For the Rack:
 Subtype: Set to 201.
 Capacity: Set to 9.
 From the Create menu, perform the following:
 Select Loader Section.
 Select Setup File and then click OK at the prompt to overwrite the SETUP.CIM file.
 Select Group. This will create a directory which contains all the shortcuts needed to
prepare and operate the CIM-1 project. You can display this folder by browsing to
[projects directory] \CIM1\OPENCIM CIM1 in Windows explorer.

35. Save and exit the Virtual CIM Setup module.

Experiment 4(b)
Describes how to define and operate the CIM cell using the CIM
definition and CIM operation modules.

Operating the CIM Cell

This part of the tutorial will give you practical experience in using the CIM operation
modules. The following steps all relate to the CIM-1 program group which you have created
in the Virtual CIM Setup.
To operate the CIM Cell:
1. From the Project Manager main window, select the User Projects tab and then select the
CIM-1 project.
2. From the Project Manager toolbar, select CIM Manager. The CIM Manager main window
is displayed for the CIM-1 project.
3. Select Utility Programs | Machine Definition. The CIM Machine Definition window is
4. In the CIM Machine Definition window perform the following:
 From the Machine Name list, select EXPERTMILL1, and enter the following
Process Name: PROG_BOX1
File Name: 1. GC
Program: leave blank
Duration: 00:00:25
5. Click Save.
6. Close the CIM Machine Definition window.
7. Select Utility Programs | Part Definition. The CIM Part Definition window is displayed.
8. In the CIM Part Definition window perform the following:
 Select the Supplied Parts tab.
 Select File | New Part to define a new part, and enter the following information:

Part Name: CUBE

Part ID: 77
Template Type: 01
9. Click Save and check the Errors box. The message Save done indicates there are no errors.
10. Select the Product Parts tab.
11. Select File | New Part to define a new product part, and enter the following information:
 Part Name: BOX.
 Part ID: 75
 Sub part: CUBE
 Process: PROG_BOX1
 Template Type: 01
 12. Click Save and check the Errors box. The message Save done indicates there are
no errors.
13. Close the CIM Part Definition window.
14. Select Utility Programs | Storage Manager. The CIM Storage Manager window is
15. In the CIM Storage Manager window perform the following:
1. Click the Edit button of the ASRS storage type. The CIM Storage Definition window
is displayed.
2. Double click any cell in the grid. The Cell Edit dialog box is displayed.
3. Select CUBE from the Part drop-down list and click Save to close the Cell Edit
dialog box.
4. Repeat these steps three more times for other cells.
5. Close the Storage Definition window to automatically update the storage database.
16. Click the Create Default Storage icon to save this storage definition as the default and
close the CIM Storage Manager window to return to the CIM Manager main window.
17. Select Utility Programs | MRP. The CIM MRP window is displayed.
18. From the CIM MRP window perform the following:
1. Select Customer | New Customer. The New Customer window is displayed.
2. In the Name field, enter CUST-A, and if required enter additional information in the
relevant fields.
3. Create two orders for this customer, each one for two parts, but for different supply
dates. (To see a list of parts which can be ordered, open the drop-down list when the
cursor is on the Part Name field. Click to select a part.) For example:

19. Save the order by clicking the MRP icon on the toolbar. This runs the MRP program,
which creates a Manufacturing Order.
20. Select the Manufacturing Order tab and select a Manufacturing Order (from the list of
numbers) and click MO to submit the manufacturing order. This creates an A-Plan
(production work order) for the order.
21. Close the CIM MRP window.
22. Select Utility Programs | Report Generator. The CIM Report Generator window is
23. From the CIM Report Generator window perform the following:
1. From the reports list select the Part Definition report and click the Print Report icon
to display the report on the screen. You may also select Subparts, Process, Analysis
and A-Plan to view other reports.
2. Close the Reports Generator window.
24. From the CIM Manager toolbar click the CIM Modes icon. From the displayed Modes
dialog box, perform the following:
1. In the CIM Mode area, select Simulation mode and enter the simulation speed. For
example, x5.
2. In the Remote Graphic Display area, select No. This option refers to the external
graphic display only; the internal graphic display of the CIM Manager is always
3. Click Save to close the Modes dialog box and return to the CIM Manager main
4. Click the Start button to execute (meaning, load the Manufacturing Order).
5. Click the Run button to activate (meaning, run the production cycle.)
6. Congratulations. Your CIM cell is in operation! Look at the Order View, Device
View, Program View and Pallets View and follow the progress of the production.
7. Acknowledge the messages “Part has been Finished.” and “Order Finished.”
8. Close the production by clicking the red Stop button.
25. You will now repeat the production cycle and view it through the Graphic Display
26. From the CIM Manager toolbar click the CIM Modes icon. The Modes dialog box is
27. In the Remote Graphic Display area, select Yes and then click Save. Make sure that you
activate the external Graphic Display (see the last step of this procedure) otherwise the CIM
will run slowly.
28. Click the Reset Storage icon on the CIM Manager toolbar.
29. Click the Graphic Display icon from CIM-1 Group (displayed from your windows Start
menu). The CIM Simulation screen will appear. You will see the CIM cell you created by
means of the Virtual CIM Setup in three different 3D views.
30. Return to the CIM Manager screen and perform the following:
1. Click the blue Start button to execute (meaning, load the Manufacturing Order).
2. Click the blue Run button to activate (meaning, run the production cycle).
3. You also can see your CIM cell in operation by means of the Graphic Display.
Experiment 5
To operate and control working of Stepper motor.
1. Introduction to Stepper Motor:
Stepper motor is the motor that moves in distinct steps during its rotation. Each of these steps
is known as Step Angle which usually ranges from 90 degrees (360° / 90° per step = 4 steps
per revolution) to 0.75 degrees (360° /0.75° per step = 500 steps per revolution). For
example, consider that there are 4 distinct steps for the rotor to make a complete 360-degree
rotation as in figure 1. This defines the step angle at 90 degrees. Since this motor does move
in a discreet fashion, we can say that a stepper motor is a digital motor. This characteristic
makes it very suitable for digital interfaces such as with a microcontroller.

Basic construction of Stepper motor consists of an outer stator and an inner rotor.
 The stator is the stationary outside part of a motor.
 Stator is similar between the various types of stepper motors, with uniform teeth
around its perimeter and containing a specified number of poles. Poles are simply
magnetic sections of the stator, and each pole has a winding that is connected to the
pole opposite it on the stator. Thus, the opposing poles are magnetized with the
opposite polarity when current is applied to the windings.
 The rotor is the movable part which has no windings, brushes, and a commutator.
Usually the rotors are either variable reluctance or permanent magnet kind.
 The design of the rotor depends on the type of stepper motor being discussed.
There are several types of stepper motors are available in today’s market over a wide range of
sizes, step count, constructions, wiring, gearing, and other electrical characteristics. There are
three basic categories of stepper motors, namely:
 Permanent Magnet Stepper Motor
(Magnetic Rotor)
 Variable Reluctance Stepper Motor
(Non-Magnetic, Geared Rotor)
 Hybrid Stepper Motor
(Combines Characteristics of PM and VR
Magnetic, Geared Rotor)
Advantages of Stepper Motor:
 At standstill position, the motor has full torque. No matter if there is no moment or
changing position.
 It has a good response to starting, stopping, and reversing position.
 As there is no contact brushes in the stepper motor, It is reliable and the life
expectancy depends on the bearings of the motor.
 The motor rotation angle is directly proportional to the input signals.
 It is simple and less costly to control as motor provides open loop control when
responding to the digital input signals.
 The motor speed is directly proportional to the input pulses frequency, this way a
wide range of rotational speed can be achieved.
 When load is coupled to the shaft, it is still possible to realize the synchronous
rotation with low speed.
 The exact positioning and repeatability of movement is good as it has a 3-5%
accuracy of step where the error is non-cumulative from one step to another.
 Stepper motors are safer and low cost (as compared to servo motors), having high
torque at low speeds, high reliability with simple construction which operates at any
Disadvantages of Stepper Motors:
 Stepper motors having low Efficiency.
 It has low Accuracy.
 Its torque declines very quickly with speed.
 As stepper motor operates in open loop control, there is no feedback to indicate
potential missed steps.
 It has low torque to inertia ratio means it cannot accelerate the load very quickly.
 They are noisy.
Applications of Stepper Motors:
Stepper motors are capable to operate in discrete nature, these are well suitable to interface
with digital control devices like computers.
 Stepper motors are used in automated production equipment and automotive gauges
and industrial machines like packaging, labelling, filling, and cutting etc.
 It is widely used in security devices such as security & surveillance cameras.
 In medical industry, stepper motors are widely used in samples, digital dental
photography, respirators, fluid pumps, blood analysis machinery and medical scanners
 They are used in consumer electronics in image scanners, photo copier and printing
machines and in digital camera for automatic zoom and focus functions and positions.
 Stepper motors also used in elevators, conveyor belts and lane diverters.

2. L298 Driver:
The L298N is a dual H-Bridge motor driver which allows speed and direction control of stepper
motor. The module can drive Stepper motors that have voltages between 5 and 35V, with a peak
current up to 2A.

3. L298 Motor Driver Connections:

We can understand the connections through figure 2 and details given below. Consider the
figure and match the numbers against the list below the image:

1. DC motor 1 “output 1” / “+” or stepper motor A+

2. DC motor 1 “output 2” / “-” or stepper motor A-
3. 12V jumper – remove this if using a supply voltage greater than 12V DC. This
enables power to the onboard 5V regulator
4. Connect your motor supply voltage here, maximum of 35V DC. Remove 12V jumper
if >12V DC
5. GND
6. 5V output if 12V jumper in place, ideal for powering your Arduino (etc)
7. DC motor 1 enable jumper “EnA”. Leave this in place when using a stepper motor.
Connect to PWM output for DC motor speed control.
8. IN1
9. IN2
10. IN3
11. IN4
12. DC motor 2 enable jumper “EnB”. Leave this in place when using a stepper motor.
Connect to PWM output for DC motor speed control
13. DC motor 2 “output 3” / “+” or stepper motor B+
14. DC motor 2 “output 4” / “-” or stepper motor B

 Lap top
 Arduino UNO
 Arduino IDE software
 Stepper motor
 L298 Driver circuit

Experimental Procedure:
1. Connect the Arduino UNO to the computer via USB Cable and install the drives
2. Write/Edit a code, first we write setup code in ‘Void setup () {}. Write following code
for your program. Ignore the commented lines starting from “//” in your program.

#include <Stepper.h>
const int steps = 100; //change this to fit the number of steps per revolution for your
Stepper myStepper(steps, 8, 9, 10, 11); //IN1 AT 8 , INT2 AT 9 , INT3 AT 10 , INT
//4 AT 11
int a;
void setup() {
myStepper.setSpeed(20); //SET RPM <=60 MAX
3. Now Write main code under Void loop () {}. Write following code for your program
void loop() {
a = 0;
if (Serial.available())
a =;
switch (a){
case 49:
Serial.print(" Step Clockwise
case 50:
counterclockwise 180");
4. Check bipolar motor pairs of wires to be connected with L298 motor driver output 1
and output 2 using DMM/Ohm meter. Connect any pair of motor wires with Ohm meter
/DMM. The pair that shows some resistance value will be the recommended pair to be
connected at either of the outputs of L298 motor driver. Connect other remaining wires
pair with remaining output ports of L298 motor driver.
5. Now make physical connections of the hardware used in your program written in step
10 and step 11.
Hint: Ensure the connections as per program in step 10; Setup part of the program.
6. Install proteuos software on your computer.
7. Open file “serial com.pdsprj” in proteous to enter the value of variable “a”.
8. Enter “1” to run clock wise rotation case named “Case 49” in code.
9. Enter “2” to run clock wise rotation case named “Case 49” in code.

(Follow given procedure and make Arduino program to operate and control Stepper Motor
for any number of rotations input entered through serial monitor / proteous software. Then
make a circuit diagram to display the whole circuit of your program showing Arduino.
Physically run the program, finally.)
Hint: Define number of steps in Void setup using “# Define STEPS 32” instead of “const int
steps = 100”, firstly. Then use following code further in Void loop (){}for task given for
void loop() {
if (Serial.available()>0)
a = Serial.parseInt();
Serial.println(a); //for debugging
Experiment 6

Introduction to Mobile Robot (AGV) and Control Mobile Robot

Manually using Graphical User Interface (GUI).

Following apparatus/equipment is needed to perform this experiment:
 Laptop/PC
 Mobile Robot (Pioneer-3) (P3-DX)
 Mouse
 Keyboard
 Software development kit (SDK)

This experiment is helpful in understanding the function, operations, and applications of the mobile
robot also you get to know the general and technical details need to operate robot.
Omron Adept Tech Corporation a global electronics and industrial automation company, launched
mobile robot (Pioneer-1) for the first time in 1995 for research, development, commercial and
industrial use.
Pioneer 3-DX is a small lightweight two-wheel two-motor differential drive robot ideal for indoor
laboratory or classroom use. The robot comes complete with front SONAR, one battery, wheel
encoders, a microcontroller with ARCOS firmware, and the Pioneer SDK advanced mobile robotics
software development package. Pioneer research robots are the world’s most popular intelligent
mobile robots for education and research. Their versatility, reliability and durability have made them
the preferred platform for advanced intelligent robotics. Pioneers are pre-assembled, customizable,
upgradeable, and rugged enough to last through years of laboratory and classroom use.
 One fully assembled mobile robot, battery, and charger.
 Differential drive system.
 Dedicated robot motion controller (microcontroller).
 Motor/ Power distribution board.
 Power and battery level indicators.
 Power switches on side control panel.
 RESET and MOTORS pushbutton control on side panel.
 Buzzer.
 Optional on-board computer I/O connections and power button.
 Onboard internal onboard single-board computer.
 Additional batteries.
 Optional sonar.
 Laser range finder (with navigation software development kits for autonomous
navigation of the robot).
 Manipulator Arm with gripper.
 Stereo Vision Systems.
 Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera.
 Global Positioning System.
 Heading-correction accelerometer gyro (installed inside robot).
 Front and/or rear bumper switch assemblies, or replacement switches.
 USB-Serial communications/configuration adapter cable.
 Mounting brackets and plates.
 E-Stop button.
 Replacement or additional top plate(s).
 Replacement wheels.
 Indoor-use wheels (Pioneer 3-AT).
 Optional 2-axis, 2-button joystick for direct manual control of robot

Mobile Robots offers embedded computers for every robot platform except for the
AmigoBot. The computers are fully integrated components of the mobile robot, preinstalled
and configured with your choice of Ubuntu Linux or Windows 7 Professional, plus all
software and drivers, and ready to use immediately.
The Laser Mapping and Navigation accessory package for Mobile Robots research platforms
provides a SICK laser rangefinder fully integrated with the robot platform and onboard
computer(power and data), and includes a suite of development software for automatically
creating maps, and for accurate, autonomous intelligent localization and navigation of the
robot. Laser navigation can be used in most indoor spaces, and also in outdoor spaces on
level ground if enough buildings and stationary obstacles surround the operating
Mapping a location is simple. Just tele operate the robot around the environment to be
mapped while laser data is captured. Then load the data into Mapper3 and watch as walls,
doors and furniture appear. Are there people walking by? No problem. Moving objects will
typically disappear or may be edited out later.
Within a single plane, the precision of lasers is 25 times that of sonar (180 readings in 180
degrees vs. 8). The error rate of sonar is far higher because the sonar is emitted in a 15-degree
cone and depending upon the surface ahead, sound may bounce away from the detector. Also,
false positives are not uncommon. Sonars' sensing cone, however, does mean that they can
see objects outside the single plane sensed by a single laser. Lasers can sense objects further
– up to 32 m -- while sonar cannot accurately read beyond 5 m. A robot running with laser
can operate for days, weeks or even months without becoming lost.
The Pioneer SDK is a collection of libraries and applications that come with every Pioneer
mobile robot and with selected accessories. The standard Pioneer SDK bundled with every
robot at no extra charge includes the open-source ARIA and ArNetworking, the MobileEyes
and Mapper3 Basic network GUI applications, SONARNL and MobileSim.

ARIA provides an interface and framework for controlling and receiving data from all
Pioneers, as well as most accessories (some devices also have separate interface libraries).
ARIA also has utilities useful for writing robot control software as well as tools for writing
cross-platform (Windows and Linux) code and support for network sockets and threads.
ArNetworking provides a simple, extensible framework for client-server network
MobileSim is an open-source application based on Stage that Omron Adept MobileRobots
engineers have customized and extended to best simulate all Pioneer platforms and many
MobileEyes, enabled through ARIA and Art Networking, is a GUI application for
configuration, operation and monitoring of your Pioneer platform over the network.
The SONARNL libraries enable your SONAR-based Pioneer platforms to localize and
autonomously navigate indoor spaces. Make your working maps for SONARNL with the free
GUI Mapper 3-Basic application. Optional, typically accessory-bundled Pioneer SDK
libraries include ARNL and MOGS. ARNL enables a much more robust, laser-based
autonomous localization and navigation. ARNL is the best-in-class software foundation for
Omron Adept MobileRobots' Motivity commercial- and industrial-ready mobile localization
and navigation systems. Use MOGS to fuse laser and DGPS sensor data to guide your
Pioneer robots outdoors.
Specifications and Control:

Pioneer-3 DX Features

Pioneer 3-DX’s physical dimensions and swing radius

The Pioneer 3 DX is an all-purpose base, used for research and applications involving:
 Mapping.
 Teleoperation.
 Localization.
 Monitoring.
 Reconnaissance.
 Vision.
 Manipulation.
 Autonomous navigation.
 Multi-robot cooperation and other behaviours.
 General robotics.
Experiment 7
Introduction to CNC and Part Programming.
Difference between NC and CNC is clarified in this experiment where NC is old technology
and program is fed to the machine through magnetic tapes. NC has no storage memory while
CNC is new technology and program is fed through computer. CNC has storage memory and
it is easy to modify program.
The concept of G and M codes is also briefly discussed in this lab.
Objective is to give a brief introduction to understand the operating of CNC using G and M
Generally G codes are written in and performed by the CNC processor and operate the
motion control part of the control, the M codes are MACHINE codes, these operate most of
the basic electrical control functions such as Coolant, Tool changers, safety circuits etc, the
M,S & T codes are written in a separate PLC processor, both processors usually communicate
with each other over a common bus.
The tool changer and spindle are both configured to suit a particular machine specifics.
This experiment enables the students to know about the basics of CNC, G and M codes.

Experiment 8

Operating CNC Mill

CNC Milling Technology introduces students to the fundamentals of CNC (Computer
Numerical Control) milling by working with a variety of machining applications.

Students learn the fundamentals of CNC milling by working with industrial-based equipment to
accurately machine series of complex parts. Students observe and experience CNC’s superiority
over time-consuming, less accurate, manually controlled machine tools.
Activities challenge students to develop and edit programs and machine assorted parts. Students
gain hands-on experience in proper machine set up, cutting tools selection, tool path simulation
and machining centre operation. Students design solutions for industrial CNC milling
applications with an emphasis on real industrial concerns, such as optimized programming,
accurate milling, and increased productivity.
The machining centre features an intuitive software interface and conforms to industrial EIA,
ISO, Fanuc and G&M code standards.

Experiment 9
Introduction to CNC Simulator Pro
Introduction to CNC Simulator Pro
1. Laptops
2. Software (CNC Simulator Pro)

CNC Simulator is a software containing the most common CNC machine types as virtual
machines. It offers a great tool for CNC operators and CNC students around the world where
CNC code can be tested in a safe 3D simulated environment.
How to install and run CNC Simulator Pro version?
What is needed?
 Internet
 Windows OS: XP, Vista, 7, 8 or later.

Open the Setup and install it then finish the setup wizard when installation completed.
Experimental Detail:
If the simulator is running slow on our computer, please try the following steps:
 Under Settings in the Settings menu, change the setting “Solid buffer resolution” to Low
and deactivate the Activate crash test checkbox.
 Change the Units “use millimetres”

First, we need to make sure we load the correct machine for our simulations.
A machine file has the extension .machine and contains all the graphics and logic for the
We open a new machine by selecting Load Machine from the File menu or by clicking the open
machine button.

Each machine has its own settings and limits. Some of them we can change under the
Machine tab in Settings.
CNC Editor:
The CNC editor is where we write and edit our CNC code. It has built-in functions to assist
us while coding.
Code coloring:
The CNC Editor will automatically color things that it recognizes. For example, all
recognized G codes will be colored blue. All recognized M-codes will be colored dark red
Programming help pop-ups:
As the user writes CNC codes in the editor, pop-ups will be shown to assist coding. For
example, typing a G will show the available G-code list.
If we know what to write, we can just ignore the pop-up list and continue typing.

Inventory Browser:
The Inventory Browser is the dialog where we create and store all our virtual work pieces,
tools, materials and zero points (offsets).
To open the Inventory Browser, press F2 or click Settings – Inventory Browser in the main

In the registry section, we can select
what kind of tool we want to browse. The
two last selections are for embedded milling
and turning tools.
To add a new milling tool, select my milling tools and click on the Add button.

Work pieces:
Here we can browse and create milling work pieces. We can also create sheet metal work
pieces for cutting machines such as laser, water, and plasma cutters.
To add a new work piece, click on the Add button and fill out the fields for work piece size.
To create a prefabricated work piece, you need to write a CNC program that makes the work
piece in the shape you want to have it. After simulation select Save Work piece from the
Tools menu and save it under any name.
Here we can browse and create lathe work pieces. To add a new work piece, click on the Add
button and fill out the fields for work piece size. You can browse your work pieces by using
the blue left and right buttons.

There are many G and M Codes but which we study in lab are as follows:
 G00 Rapid Linear Positioning
 G01 Linear Feed Interpolation
 G02 CW Circular Interpolation
 G03 CCW Circular Interpolation
 G28 Return to Reference Point
 G90 Absolute programming
 G91 Incremental programming
 M02 End of Program
 M03 Spindle On CW
 M04 Spindle On CCW
 M05 Spindle Stop
 M06 Tool Change
 M30 End Program, Stop and Rewind
Results and Conclusion:
The aim of the software is to provide the CNC community with a contemporary CNC
Simulator containing the most common CNC machine types as virtual machines. Software
offers a great tool for CNC operators and CNC students around the world where CNC code
can be tested in a safe 3D simulated environment.
CNC Simulator Pro software is very useful to test CNC code in a safe 3D simulated
Experiment 10(a)
Construction of a stairs model in CNC Simulator Pro.

1. Laptops
2. Software (CNC Simulator Pro)

CNC Simulator is a software containing the most common CNC machine types as virtual
machines. It offers a great tool for CNC operators and CNC students around the world where
CNC code can be tested in a safe 3D simulated environment.
Experimental Detail:
Use same procedure to select tool and work piece as previous question.
Write program into CNC Editor:
$AddRegPart1 30 30
M06 T01
M03 F100 S1000
G01 x30 y30 z60
x30 y30 z10
x130 y30
x130 y130
x30 y130
x30 y30
G01 X35 Y35 Z60
x35 y35 z20
x125 y35
x125 y125
x35 y125
x35 y35
G01 x40 y40 z60
x40 y40 z30
x120 y40
x120 y120
x40 y120
x40 y40
G01 x45 y45 z60
x45 y45 z40
x115 y45
x115 y115
x45 y115

Results and Conclusion:

The aim of the software is to provide the CNC community with a contemporary CNC
Simulator containing the most common CNC machine types as virtual machines. Software
offers a great tool for CNC operators and CNC students around the world where CNC code
can be tested in a safe 3D simulated environment.
CNC Simulator Pro software is very useful to test CNC code in a safe 3D simulated
Experiment 10(b)
Making Channels in a work piece.

1. Laptops
2. Software (CNC Simulator Pro)

CNC Simulator is a software containing the most common CNC machine types as virtual
machines. It offer a great tool for CNC operators and CNC students around the world where
CNC code can be tested in a safe 3D simulated environment.
Experimental Detail:
Use same procedure to select tool and work piece as previous question.
Write program into CNC Editor:
$AddRegPart 1, 30, 30
G92 X30 Y30 Z20
T1 M6
G0 X15 Y15 Z2
G1 z-10 F250 S2000 M3
X15 Y70
G2 X30 Y85 I15 J0
G1 X85
x85 Y15
X15 y15
G0 x15 y15 Z2
T2 M6
G0 X30 Y30 Z2
G81 Z-15 R1 M3
X30 Y70
X70 y70
x70 Y30
Results and Conclusion:
The aim of the software is to provide the CNC community with a contemporary CNC
Simulator containing the most common CNC machine types as virtual machines. Software
offers a great tool for CNC operators and CNC students around the world where CNC code
can be tested in a safe 3D simulated environment.
CNC Simulator Pro software is very useful to test CNC code in a safe 3D simulated
Experiment 11
Making holes in a rectangular plate using G and M codes in CNC
Simulator Pro.

1. Laptops
2. Software (CNC Simulator Pro)

CNC Simulator is a software containing the most common CNC machine types as virtual
machines. It offers a great tool for CNC operators and CNC students around the world where
CNC code can be tested in a safe 3D simulated environment.

Experimental Detail:
Click File – Load Machine from the main menu or click the open machine button
Open the Inventory Browser, press F2 or click Settings – Inventory Browser in the main menu.
Fine, now let’s get started by defining our workpiece. Press F2 on the keyboard to open the
Inventory Browser.
Click on the “Mill Workpieces” tab at the top of the dialog.
Click on the green plus button to add a new workpiece.
In the “Workpiece Name” field, enter a name for your new
workpiece. Enter X, Y and Z size as 100, 100 and 20.
Select “My milling tools” and click on the button with the
green plus icon, the Add button.
First we will add the tool to mill the slot. Select a flat tool
tip, enter 10 as diameter and 50 as length. Enter the name of
the tool “Tutorial1 flat mill”. Ignore all other settings and
click OK.

In our case, this new tool will get tool index number 1.
Now, we repeat the procedure adding the drilling tool. Click the Add button again.
This time select a pointed tool tip and enter diameter 10, length 50 and tip angle 80 degrees.
Name it “Tutorial1 drill”. Click OK. Click on the X in the upper right corner of the Tool
Browser to close it.
Write program into CNC Editor:
$AddRegPart 1, 30, 30
G92 X30 Y30 Z20
T1 M6
G0 X15 Y15 Z2
G1 Z-5 F250 S2000 M3
G2 X30 Y85 I15 J0
G1 X85
G0 Z2
T2 M6
G0 X30 Y30 Z2
G81 Z-15 R1 M3 M8
Now, press Play to see that the positioning works.
Then we got this:
Results and Conclusion:
The aim of the software is to provide the CNC community with a contemporary CNC
Simulator containing the most common CNC machine types as virtual machines. Software
offers a great tool for CNC operators and CNC students around the world where CNC code
can be tested in a safe 3D simulated environment.

CNC Simulator Pro software is very useful to test CNC code in a safe 3D simulated
Experiment 12
Operating CNC Lathe in CNC Simulator Pro.

1. Laptops
2. Software (CNC Simulator Pro)

CNC Simulator is a software containing the most common CNC machine types as virtual
machines. It offers a great tool for CNC operators and CNC students around the world where
CNC code can be tested in a safe 3D simulated environment.
Experimental Detail:
Now what we have to do is to load a machine for the project. Click on the Open Machine
button to show the Select Machine dialog.
Uncheck the Load demo checkbox and click on the Turning Centre machine button.
This is how your CNC Simulator Pro window should look like now.
OK, now we need to create a work piece for your project. Press F2 to open the Inventory
Browser where we keep all our tools, work pieces, materials, and offsets.
Click the Lathe Work pieces tab.

If you have not previously created any work

pieces, this is what you will see.
Click on the Add button to add a new work piece.
Enter 50 for diameter, 100 for length and ignore all other settings.

Press F2 again to open the Inventory Browser. This time we are going to stay on the first
page (Tools) and click on the embedded lathe tools option.
We are going to use one of the fixed embedd ed tools that come with the CNC Simulator Pro.
Write program into CNC Editor:
$AddRegPart 1
ET1 M6
G0 X40 Z80
G1 Z50 F250 S1000 M4 M8
X44 Z52
G0 Z80
G1 Z60
X34 Z62
ET2 M6
G0 X28 Z80 G1 Z59
X50 Z45
X54 Z47
ET17 M6
G0 X0 Z80
G81 Z60 R78
G0 X100 Z200
Now, press Play to see that the positioning works.

Results and Conclusion:

The aim of the software is to provide the CNC
community with a contemporary CNC Simulator
containing the most common CNC machine types
as virtual machines. Software offers a great tool
for CNC operators and CNC students around the
world where CNC code can be tested in a safe 3D
simulated environment.
CNC Simulator Pro software is very useful to test CNC code in a safe 3D simulated

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