Name: Kristyn Joy D. Atangen Date:December 21, 2020 Group: BSN IV / A-D Name of CI: Arthur Cariaga

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Name: Kristyn Joy D.

Atangen Date:December 21 , 2020

Group: BSN IV / A-D Name of CI: Arthur Cariaga

I. TITLE: Improving Recognition of Anxiety and Depression in Rheumatoid Arthritis

AUTHOR: Annabelle Machin, Samantha Hider, Nicky Dale and Carolyn Chew
SOURCE: British Journal of General Practice, August 2017


Rheumatoid Arthritis is a common inflammatory long term condition (LTC) leading to joint pain,
swelling and deformity. Despite this studies suggest that anxiety and depression are under-recognized and
under-treated. However the national institute of health and care excellence (NICE) does recommend that
clinicians assess mood within the context of an annual review. A recent national GP survey showed that
primary care annual review focus on cardiovascular disease (CVD) and osteoporosis screening, leading to
duplication of some tests while other key elements such as case finding for anxiety and depression, are
lacking. Self-management interventions to support patients to manage aspects of their RA independently
have also been found to have positive effects on pain and psychological well being. A nurse led RA
annual review clinic was established at two community hospitals in the Midlands, England.


A. To Nursing Practice
Anxiety and depression is a kind of problem specially to those has Rheumatoid Arthritis since sometimes
this disease is not transparent to everyone and they don’t consider it as a major problem of an individual.
In nursing practice assessment is very important for us to know what’s going on with the patient, also
communicating to them is the best way to know what are their problem and how can you manage them

B. To Nursing Education
This article is relevant to nursing education because it gave many ideas for us as a student nurse on how
to properly know the problem of the patient like this article that arthritis occurs sometimes specially when
this case is not severe it means that it is not that very important to care off, but were not also considering
the patients feelings, that is why assessment is very important specially to those problem that is not that
obvious to others.

C. To Nursing Research
In this research one key point is the word anxiety and depression which can lead to some serious
problems if this is not treated. Complying with right physician or some medical health workers can help
this problem eliminated.


I agree to this article anxiety and depression is a serious topic since in this case the patient has
Rheumatoid Arthritis and in some case this disease is not obvious to others that can lead to ignoring
which can affect the feeling of a patient encountering this kind of problem that can lead him/her to
anxiety and depression, that can lead to more serious problem.


Checked and Received: (Signature of CI/Date)

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