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Name: Kristyn Joy D.

Atangen Date: November 13, 2020

Group: BSN IV/ A-D Name of CI: Marlene J. Anacio

I. TITLE: Persistence of coronaviruses on inanimate surfaces and their inactivation with biocidal
AUTHOR: G.Kampf, D. Todt, S. Pfaender, E. Steinmann
SOURCE: The Journal of Hospital Infection
YEAR OF PUBLICATION: February 06, 2020


A novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has recently emerged from China with a total of 45171
confirmed cases of pneumonia (as of February 12, 2020). Together with Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome (SARS) coronavirus and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) coronavirus, this is the
third highly pathogenic human coronavirus that has emerged in the last two decades. Person-to-person
transmission has been described both in hospital and family settings. Publications were included and
results were extracted given they provided original data on coronaviruses on persistence (surfaces,
materials) and inactivation by biocidal agents used for disinfection (suspension tests, carrier tests,
fumigation studies). Data with commercial products based on various different types of biocidal agents
were excluded. Reviews were not included, but screened for any information within the scope of this
review. Persistence of coronavirus on inanimate surfaces. A higher temperature such as 30°C or 40°C
reduced the duration of persistence of highly pathogenic MERS-CoV, TGEV and MHV. However, at 4°C
persistence of TGEV and MHV can be increased to 28 days. Few comparative data obtained with SARS-
CoV indicate that persistence was longer with higher inocula. In addition it was shown at room
temperature that HCoV-229E persists better at 50% compared to 30% relative humidity. Inactivation of
coronaviruses by biocidal agents in suspension tests. Hydrogen peroxide was effective with a
concentration of 0.5% and an incubation time of 1 min. Data obtained with benzalkonium chloride at
reasonable contact times were conflicting. Within 10 min a concentration of 0.2% revealed no efficacy
against coronavirus whereas a concentration of 0.05% was quite effective. 0.02% chlorhexidine
digluconate was basically ineffective. Inactivation of coronaviruses by biocidal agents in carrier tests.
Ethanol at concentrations between 62% and 71% reduced coronavirus infectivity within 1 min exposure
time by 2.0e4.0 log10. Concentrations of 0.1e0.5% sodium hypochlorite and 2% glutardialdehyde were
also quite effective with > 3.0 log10 reduction in viral titre. In contrast, 0.04% benzalkonium chloride,
0.06% sodium hypochlorite and 0.55% orthophtalaldehyde were less effective.


A. To Nursing Practice
Implication to nursing practice is that this journal has a big help specially in this kind of pandemic
since we should know what are the prevention and the way we can eliminate other source of viruses or
bacteria for us to protect our self. In health care setting it is very risky for us not to know this kind of
study because in health settings it where all disease are organized and we can’t avoid getting infected
from the contaminated clients we have communicate with. It is important that health professionals, review
this kind of study for them or for us to know the preventive measures that we can apply. It is better to do
early prevention than cure and this kind of study is like we can prevent this kind of viruses by just using
germicidal disinfectants.
B. To Nursing Education
Implication to nursing Education is that in times of pandemic like this corona virus that we
need to implement prevention because this is the only way we can get through of viruses like this. This
study focus on disinfectants that can be used to prevent this kind of virus and it is important for us to have
knowledge and gain more knowledge on what is currently going on because we can’t only protect our self
but also know how to spread the right and proper detail on how to at least prevent the spread of viruses by
gaining knowledge in this study
C. To Nursing Research
Implication to Nursing research is that though this study is a big help already for us future
researchers to base some study about this then it might be better in future study they should have at least
also focused on the main prevention tips specially in the health care settings since it is a place where
almost contaminated or have diseases that are communicable are gather there and it is very risky for our
health workers to work. I recommend to have more studies about this kind of prevention for further
knowledge about the spread of viruses


I strongly agree about this journal because they study about the prevention of the contagious
viruses, even though this is not the first virus that we encounter. Times like this we should be prepared
and always alert on what health related news they were publishing because they know better done us and
we should learn and apply what they are teaching us because not all the time, health workers are with us.
In this kind of study at least we can understand and gain knowledge from it for us to help our self to
promote and implement prevention and for us also to help each other in this kind of crisis situation. This
study focuses on the preventive measures that we can use and also the ways we can prevent our self in
spreading the virus.

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