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Programs In Learning Operating Techniques An Introduction to Compression 1051WB, Program developed for API by: Howell Training Company 13831 Northwest Freeway, Suite 520 Houston, Texas 77040-5215 Programers: J. J. Stadtherr Shirley Ball Program Supervisor: John Ball, Ph.D. Artists: Robert Culp, James Carraway, Peter Jorgensen, Paul Grabiel ‘API Author and Content Specialist: R. S. Ridgway Standard Oil of California Chairman, API Committee on Training: R. W. Dorman Mobil Oil Corp. Vice Chairman for Teaching Learning: D. S. Turner Standard Oil Co. (Ohio) Validation provided through ‘the cooperation of: Imperial Oil Company British American Oil Co. Pure Oil Company This text has been validated by the Committee on Training, Division of Refining, American Petroleum Institute, 1968. PILOT PROFIT © Program Press 1968 Reprinted January 1995 Duploation or modification of this copyrighted material, or any part thereof. is Polation of Feceral Law. Violation of this copyright law may result in severe ‘ha penalties and criminal conviction. The Federal Bureau of Investigation Tivestigates all allegations of criminal copyright infringement. An Introduction to COMPRESSION Section 1 The Behavior of Gases In the petroleum industry, gas is compressed for the purpose of transporting it to consuming markets, and for many pur- poses in refining processes. This program is about the con- struction and operation of such gas compressors. In Unit One, you will learn the basic laws of gas behavior and the units of gas measurement. You will learn the nature of compression, including the compression ratio, the heat effects of compression, and the factors affecting compressor horse- power requirements. In Unit Two, you will learn the construction, principal parts, and operation of reciprocating compressors and the types of rotary compressors. In Unit Three, you will learn about the construction, principal parts, and operation of centrifugal and axial compressors. Through a general understanding of the major types of com- pressors, their operation and control, you will be better able to handle compressors of all types safely and efficiently. INSTRUCTIONS ‘This is a programed learning course. Programed learning gives information in 2 series of steps called frames. Each frame gives some information and asks you to make use of it. Here is how it works. First, cover the response column at the right with a mask. Read this frame and use the information it gives to fill in the blank. A micrometer is an instrument designed to measure in thousandths of an inch. A micrometer is a good tool for measuring very. differences in size. ‘Move the mask down to uncover the word at the right of the frame. If you have filled the blank with that word or a word that means the same, you are ready to go ahead to the next frame. ‘The drawing of a micrometer provides information that will help you fill in the next blanks. OBJECT TO BE MEASURED. Mert Seven major parts are shown in the drawing, but only the. and the contact the object to be measured. small anvil; spindle ‘The next frame calls for a choice. Circle or underline the ap- propriate word. Of the two parts that contact the object, only the (anvil/ spindle) moves. A program is a series of frames that work like the ones you have just done: Read the frame. ‘Use the information to fill in the blanks or make a choice. ‘Move the mask down and check the response column. Go on to the next frame. Remember to cover the response column with 2 mask before you begin each page. Now, go on to Page $ and begin. Notice that the left-hand pages from here on are printed upside down. The program is designed so that you will go through all the right-hand pages first, and then turn the book upside down and go through the other pages. spindle SECTION 1 ‘THE BEHAVIOR OF GASES Exhibits 1 through 3 are placed in the center of the book so that they may be removed easily for reference. Please remove them now so that you will have them available when needed. GAS MEASUREMENTS Pressure 1, All gases are made up of tiny particles called molecules. These gas molecules move rapidly in (one direction/all directions) . all directions 2. As they move, gas molecules exert a force on everything they touch. We call this force pressure. Gas pressure is caused by the motion of gas. : molecules 8. Since molecules move in all directions, gas pressure is exerted in (one direction/all directions). all directions 4. Pressure is the amount of force exerted on a unit of area. 1 POUND TiN ee TIN A L-pound weight sitting on a one-inch square pushes on the square with a force of one pound 5. Pressure is usually measured in pounds per square inch (sD: A gas exerting a pound of force on one square inch has pressure of one pound per square inch 6. At1 PSI, a gas acting on a 3 square-inch surface exerts a total force of. pounds. Bor x8 7. Pressure in PSI (is/is not) the total force in a container is not of gas. 8. The total force of compressed gas is the PSI times the number of. that the pres- square inches sure is acting on. 9. Although PSI is the most common measure of pressure in this country, pressure may be measured in other units of force and other units of area. { ‘Many countries use the metric system, with centimeters, grams, and seconds as units of measurement, ‘The CGS system is another name for the system of measurement. metric 10. In the list below, check the units that can be used to measure pressure, Kilograms per square centimeter (kg/cm?) kg/em* ———Barrels per hour (Bbl./hr.) ——— Gallons per minute (GPM) ——— Grams per square centimeter (g/em?) g/cm? ——— Pounds per square inch (PSI) PSI 11. The air around us—the atmosphere —is a mixture of Atmospheric pressure is the pressure exerted by the around us. air, or atmosphere 12. The weight of a column of air that extends to the top 1B. 4. 15. 16. 1. of the atmosphere and rests on 1 square inch is about 14.7 pounds at sea level. ‘Thus, at sea level, atmospheric pressure is about PSI. At higher altitudes, there is less air above and so the atmosphere exerts (more/less) weight on each square inch it touches. Atmospheric pressure (increases/decreases) as elevation rises above sea level. Atmospheric pressure is normally measured with a ba- rometer. VACUUM 30 INCHES MERCURY A barometer measures pressure by indicating how high atmospheric pressure will raise 2 column of liquid At sea level, atmospheric pressure will raise a column of mercury in a barometer approximately. inches. ‘Thus, a pressure of $0 inches of mercury is approximately equal to a pressure of. PSI. 147 decreases mereury 30 147 18. The chemical symbol for mercury is Hg. The abbreviation, in. Hg, stands for of 19. On a barometer, 80 in. Hg is the average pressure of the at sea level. 20. Most pressure gages show pressures either above or below atmospheric pressure; this is known as gage pressure. If you test a tire-pressure gage on open air, it registers (0/14.7) PSIG. 21. PSIG is an abbreviation for pounds per square inch 22. Most gages show only pressure that is more or less than pressure. 28. Pressures that are less than atmospheric pressure are measured with 2 vacuum gage or with a mercury ma- nometer. A vacuum gage is calibrated to read from 0 to 14.7 PSI Vacuum, or from 0 to in. Hg Vacuum, or both. 24. On a pressure-vacuum gage, 0 indicates normal atmos- Pheric pressure. 14.7 PSI Vacuum and 30 in. Hg Vacuum would indicate a perfect. 25. It is practically impossible to obtain a perfect vacuum. Any process vacuum is (a total/less than a total) vacuum. 26. Any pressure below 0 PSIG is a partial 27. In a complete vacuum, a vacuum-pressure (compound) gage would read 14.7 PSI Vacuum. ‘The gage would be indicating a pressure that is 14.7 PSI (more/less) than the pressure of the atmosphere. 28. Suppose a gage on a compressed air cylinder reads 10 PSIG. ‘The gage is showing a pressure that is 10 PSI (more/less) than the pressure of the atmosphere. 29, Absolute pressure is gage pressure plus atmospheric pressure. At sea level, absolute pressure is gage pressure plus PSI. inches mercury atmosphere gage atmospheric 30 less than a total vacuum more 147 30. 31. 32. 35. 36. 81. A pressure gage at sea level reads 100 PSIG. ‘The absolute pressure it is measuring is 100 PST plus PSI, or PSIA. PSIA is an abbreviation for pounds per square inch At sea level, 0 PSIG is PSIA. 20 PSIG is PSIA; or, PSIA is PSIG (plus/minus) 14.7; and PSIG is PSIA (plus/minus) 14.7. Atmospheric pressure is < : ponte an the earth’s surface, depending on the elevation. When the atmospheric pressure in a mountainous area is 18.9 PSIA, a gage reading of 10 PSIG indicates an absolute pressure of 10 PSI plus (14.7/18.9) PSI, or PSIA. To change PSIG to PSIA, you must add the pressure of ‘the atmosphere (at sea level/in your area) to the gage reading. Pressures are sometimes expressed in units of atmos- pheres instead of PSIA. A pressure of 14.7 PSIA is defined as one A pressure of 147 PSIA is a pressure of. atmospheres. In terms of PSIA, a pressure of 5 atmospheres is: PSIA. Temperature 38. 39. 40. 41. ‘Temperature is caused by the heat motion of molecules. ‘Molecules move faster at (60°F/100°F). ‘Temperature is usually measured on a Fahrenheit scale, abbreviated Absolute zero on a temperature scale is a point where there is absolutely no heat. At absolute zero, molecules (would/would not) move. ‘Molecules are in motion at 0°F. 0°F (is/is not) an absolute zero. saz absolute 14.7 84.7 plus minus 13.9 23.9 in your area atmosphere 10 78.5, or 14.7 X 5 100: °F ‘would not is not EXHIBIT 1 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT °F TEMPERATURE SCALES — 900 = 100 DEGREES RANKINE °R EXHIBIT 2 SPECIFIC GRAVITY (AIR=1.0) 14 12 0.8 06 0.8 —— AVERAGE COMP. TEMP. (°F) 100 150 200 300 ASSUME 150° UNLESS AVG. TEMP. IS KNOWN, aa 12 1s n FACTOR ak EXHIBIT 3 VALUES OF Rg © ‘ Ht AA f Ly [ I / : = Hy v = i 1 oe | T 3 8 | T ° T g 5 EC 3 rs 2 Za 1 | | (152460) Re F i Rg ISCHARGE TEMP. (°F) «

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