Cooling Towers

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American LD Petroteum Institute Programs In Learning Operating Techniques Cooling Towers 1150WB. COOLING TOWERS Section 1 Operation and Construction Section 2 Water Conditioning Program developed for API by: Howell Training Company 19831 Northwest Freeway, Suite 520 Houston, Texas 7040-5215 Programer: Igor Guro Editors: J. J. Stadtherr David Sprey Paul Grabiel Production Editor: Paul Stadtherr Content Specialist: Robert A. Macke Validation provided through the cooperation of: Shell Oil Company This text has been validated by the Committee on Training, Division of Refining, Americar: Petroleum Institute, 1972 PILOT Ip © Program Press 1972 East Lansing Reprinted May 1995 Duplication or moaifcation ef this copyrighted material, or any part thereof. is 2 tiolation of Federal Law Vielation of this copyright law may result in severe ‘ane ermina conviction The Federal Bureau of Investigation igates all allegations of criminal copyright infringernent INSTRUCTIONS This is a programed learning course. Programed learning gives information in a series of steps called frames. Each frame gives some information and asks you to make use of it. Here is how it works. First, cover the response column at the right with a mask. Read this frame and use the information it gives to fill in the blank. A micrometer is an instrument designed to measure in thousandths of an inch. A micrometer is a good tool for measuring very. differences in size. ‘Move the mask down to uncover the word at the right of the frame. If you have filled the biank with that word or 2 word that means the same, you are ready to go ahead to the next drame. ‘The drawing of a micrometer provides information that will help you fill in the next blanks. OBJECT To BE MEASURED ANVIL THIMBLE SPINDLE + RATCHET CAP FRAME Seven major parts are shown in the drawing, but only the and the _____ contact the object to be measured. COOLING TOWERS SECTION 1 CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION Methods of Heat Transfer Review How Cooling Towers Cool Water Results of Evaporation What Affects Evaporation Review... Construction of Cooling Towers Atmospheric Cooling Towers Review . . Natural-Draft Cooling Towers Mechanical-Draft Cooling Towers Induced-Draft Cooling Towers . Multi-Cell Cooling Towers Review... . Construction Materials, : Cooling Tower Mechanical Equipment... Conditions Affecting Cooling Tower Performance . - Absolute and Relative Humidity : Dry- and Wet-Bulb Temperatures Winter Operation . Review and Summary SECTION 2 WATER CONDITIONING Physical and Chemical Properties of Water Review : Effects of Total Solids on Cooling Keeping Cooling Water in Condition Controlling Suspended and Dissolved Solids Sedimentation Basins Mechanical and Chemical Clarifiers Filtration Hardness ‘Scale Control es Corrosion Control : Cathodic Protection : Testing for Acidity and Alkalinity . 5 Review and Summary 2 2 24 24 26 26 7 28 29 30 30 34 36 37 In the first section of Cooling Towers, the trainee learns the operating principles of cooling towers. He also learns the various types of ‘towers, how they cool and save water, what materials go into their construction, and how they should be maintained for optimum results. In the second section, the trainee Jearns about water conditioning ‘and its effects on the efficiency and upkeep of cooling tower units, ‘The next frame calls for a choice. Circk or underline the 2p- propriate word. Of the two parts that contact the object, only the (anvil/ spindle) moves. A program is a series of frames that work like the ones you have just done: Read the frame. ‘Use the information to fill in the blanks or make a choice. ‘Move the mask down and check the response column. Go on to the next frame. Remember to cover the response column with a mask before you begin each page. Notice that the left-hand pages from here on are printed upside down. ‘The program is designed so thet you will gp through all the right-hand pages first, and then tun the book upside down and go through the other pages. spindle bens COOLING TOWERS SECTION 1 OPERATION AND CONSTRUCTION There are exhibits placed in the center of the book that will be referred to later in the program. They should be removed and set aside now so that they will be handy when needed. 1. A refinery uses as much as 25 barrels of water for every barrel of crude processed. A 200,000-barrel-aday refinery might use as much as barrels of water. 5,000,000 2. Of all the water used by a refinery, 80 to 90% is used as cool- ant to absorb ______ energy. heat 8. Look at this heat exchanger COOL, WATER HOT. As the liquid travels through the pipe, the heat from the Tiquid is exchanged or transferred to the water 4. Heat always travels irom areas of highe: temperature to areas of (higher /lower) temperature. lower «5. Water can absorb only so much heat. As water becomes hotter, its effectiveness as a coolant (in- creases /decreases). decreases, “6, After a while, the temperature of the water becomes so high that it can no longer absorb ______ from the hot heat liquid. 7. The water in this heat exchanger works as a coolant only as Jong as it is ________ than the liquid being cooled, ~ ——~“eooter *8 Maximum cooling is achieved by constantly replacing hot water with _____ water. cool $. In order to provide for further cooling, two things are possible. First, the hot cooling water can be discharged and___ replaced with fresh water. 10. Or, the hot cooling water ean be ____ and reused. cooled for further cooling. 11. The amount of water needed for cooling in a large refinery is in the range of (thousands millions) of barrels per day. millions 12. Drawing millions of barrels of water per day from the water supply would be extremely costly, or expensive {3. The amount of water needed is so large that many water sup- plies (would /would not) be able to provide enough. would not 14, Arefinery must be careful about the quality of the water it discharges. Discharging millions of barrels of hot weter per day might cause a problem. pollution 15. Cooling the hot water enables therefinery to___ reuse water over and over again. 16. The best way to handle hot water is to (discharge it/eool and reuse it). cool and reuse it 17. Hot water is cooled for reuse in special cooling —_. towers METHODS OF HEAT TRANSFER 18. Suppose a steel rod is heated at one end. y./Section A gets hot first. Section A gets hot first. 18. As section A becomes hot, it acquires thermal, or energy. heat 20. Thermal, or heat, energy always travels from higher to temperature regions. lower 2 21. As one section of the steel rod becomes hot, the rod (conduets/ does not conduct) the heat to the colder sections. conducts 22, In this example, the heat transfer from section A to C (oecurs/ does not occur) by conduction. cceurs +28. Conduetion occurs when heat or thermal energy flows through @ substance from 2 ____ to a__ higher; lower temperature region. 24. Suppose a hot bar of steel is placed in contact with 2 cold one. COLD BAR ‘The heat energy from bar A (will transfer /will not transi will transfer to bar B. 25, The cold bar becomes hot first at the point of contact 26. Then, the heat is transferred through the bar by __. conduction 21. Another method of heat transfer is convection. ‘The burner heats the water in the vessel (all at once/at tht bottom only). at the bottom only 28. As the water at the bottom of the container gets hot, it be- comes less dense. A volume of hot water weighs (more/less) than the same Tess volume of cold water. 29."AS the water at the bottom of the vessel gets hot, it will (float to the top/stay at the bottom). ~ ~fioat to the top 30. In this case, heat is carried to other parts of the vessel by (conduetion/physieal movement). 3 "81. Convection is the transfer of thermal or heat energy by actual peuiriisenaneeietns within a substance. 32. Heat transfer also oceurs in another way. If you bring your hand near any hot ebject you (feel/do not feel) the heat from it. +38. Usually, solids, liquids or gases have a high enough tempera~ ture to emit or radiate _______ energy. “84, This method of heat transfer or flow is called (convection/ radiation). Review 85. There are three methods of heat transfer: radiation, conduc- tion, and 36. Heat flowing within a substance from a higher temperature region to a lower temperature region is being transferred by 37. This shows a flame heating the bottom opening of a duct. FOF AIR coLD ain =A COLD AIR, As it enters, the cold air absorbs thermal energy and becomes 38. As the air becomes hot, it rises and leaves the duct, taking its = energy-wwith-it-———— 39, The method of heat transfer by physical movement is called physical movement feel ‘heat, or thermal radiation convection conduction hot ‘heat, or thermal convection HOW COOLING TOWERS COOL WATER Results of Evaporation 40. Some form of energy is required for any movement or change in matter. To boil water, a source of ____ energy is needed. heat 41. The molecules in any body of water move due to the heat in them. energy 42. The speed of the molecules depends upon the amount of heat energy in them. The more heat, the ________ the faster molecules move. +48. In any body of water, some molecules move faster than others. ‘The molecules which move faster have (more/less) heat more energy. "44. Some molecules move fast enough to break away from the body of water and mix with the air. ‘The molecules that break away first have a (higher/lower) higher amount of heat energy. 45. As the molecules leave the body of water, they take their energy with them. heat 46. The molecules that remain have a lower level of heat energy. With a lower level of energy, these molecules move (slower! faster). slower “47, In order for them to escape from the ‘body of water, the slow- moving molecules have to_______in speed. ‘increase "48. Adding heat energy to the molecules will cause them to move —___ faster * 49. Once moving fast enough, the molecules will escape. This is evaporation. After partial evaporation, a body of water (is cooler /stays the same). is cooler 50. Cooling towers are designed to expcse hot water to the air. ‘This (allows/ does not allow) partial evaporation of the water. allows "51. This partial evaporation (cools/does not coo!) the water. cools What Affects Evaporation 52. In order for water to evaporate, it (reeds/does not need) to needs ‘be in contact with air. + 58. The larger the surface in contact with air, the (more/less) more molecules ean leave a body of water at a given time. 5 |. The more water molecules that leave 2 body of water at 2 given time, the (faster /slower) the rate of evaporation. 55. These two basins contain the same amount of water. co ~ The rate of evaporation is faster from basin (A/B). 56. The faster the rate of evaporation from a body of water, the (faster ‘slower) the body of water will cool. 57. Cooling towers are designed to provide the hot water with a surface-to-air contact. 58. The hotter the water, the more (fast/slow) -moving molecules init 59. Hot water will evaporate than cold water. 60. Atmospheric pressure (exerts/does not exert) pressure on a body of water. + 61. Atmospheric pressure (resists/does not resist) the molecules escaping from a body of water. 62. It is easier for water molecules to leave a body of water at (high /low) atmospheric pressures. 68. As air acquires moisture (water molecules), its humidity * 64. Air can hold only a certain amount of water molecules. If it ‘becomes water saturated, it will no longer water molecules. + 65. The higher the humidity of the air in contact with the water, the ___the rate of evaporation. Review 66. Hot water evaporates at a (higher lower) rate than old water. * 67. Which of the following affect the rate of water evaporation: a) humidity of the air b) surface of contact between water and air ¢) the temperature of the water 6 faster faster faster resists low rises, or increases absorb, or hold slower higher arbye CONSTRUCTION OF COOLING TOWERS 68. In the early days of continuous processing, no attempt was made to cool process water. Water that was cool already was ‘taken into the plant from the outside, then discarded when hot. ‘When a plant was located near a rive: or stream, the cool water was taken into the plant upstream and released —_____ downstream 69. When a plant was not located near a-iver, the water was taken from a pond. Hot process water was returned to the pond surface and cooled by surface exposure to the —___ air, or atmosphere 70. The open pond cooling system was eventually modified. HEAT EXCHANGER SPRAY POND COOLING SYSTEM In this system, hot cooling water is_____ over the sprayed pond surface. 71. By spraying the hot water, more water-to- air surface contact is reached. 72, With a larger water-to-air surface contact, the rate of evapora- tion (increases /decreases). increases 78. However, wind could blow away the sprayed water, resulting in water ______and damage to nearby structures. loss 74. The spray pond system was also modified. To reduce water loss due to drift, and to prevent property damage, this system includes _"____ around the pond. fences, or walls ‘The air contacting both of these pondsis at the same humidity level. NOWIND HUMID AIR ‘WIND ‘As evaporation occurs, the air in contact with the water becomes (morefless) saturated. 76. As the air becomes more saturated, the rate of evaporation 77. The air over pond B never becomes saturated because it is constantly being ______ with new air. 78. The rate of evaporation is more constant in pond (A/B). 79. The rate of evaporation in the open pond, the spray pond, and the spray type cooler is greatly affected by the prevailing 80. The rate of evaporation is also affected by the of the air. Atmospheric Cooling Towers 81. Exhibit 1 shows an atmospheric cooling tower. « This cooling tower, like a pond system, depends on the —________ velocity and the relative of the air, +82. Some of the wind entering the tower is carried upward, but most of the wind blows straight _________ the tower. 83. The wind fiow through the tower is iterrupted and changed by the and__ bars, +84. The louvers help direct wind and also prevent water 85. The hot air and water vapors leaving the top of the tower have to pass through the 86. Some atmospheric cooling towers have adjustable sections of —_______ and auift ______to-aid in the control of air fow. +87. The splash bars slow down the fall of water and break it up into small more decreases replaced humidity wind; humidity through louvers; splash loss rift eliminators louvers; eliminators drops “88. 89. 90. 7981 + 92. 95. “99, ‘The longer eontact of water with air canses quicker. and faster ______"than in a spray pond. ‘Due to evaporation and drift, there is some water which has to be replaced with makeup ‘As the quantity of air passing up atd through the cooling tower changes, water loss due to evaporation and drift. ‘The longer air remains in a cooling tower, the (more /less) moisture it absorbs. ‘The more moisture the air contains, the (faster/slower) it accepts more moisture. . In order to get maximum evaporation in a cooling tower, the air should pass through (quickly /slowly). . Look at this drawing. DIRECTION OF PREVAILING WIND —- Le A B More evaporation will take place in tower (A/B) For best operational results, atmospheric cooling towers should be placed so that the prevailing wind blows through the (shortest /longest) dimension of the tower. In an atmospheric cooling tower, 2 10-mile-per-hour wind will cause (more/less) cooling than @ I-mile-per-hour wind, Without wind, an atmospheric cooling tower operates (more efficiently /less efficiently). . Atmospheric cooling towers are designed to operate best under ‘the normal prevailing wind conditions at each site. Ii wind velocity is much higher than normal, there will be higher than normal loss of water due to (drift/evaporation). High winds will cause water to he blown from atmospheric cooling towers. Such towers are placed so that water blown from them will not cause to surrounding buildings or equipment. evaporation cooling water changes more slower quickiy shortest more less efficiently rift damage 100. Whenever water is cooled by evaporation, there is always some water 101. When cooling water 10°F by evaporation, one percent of the water is lost due to evaporation. In cooling 100 gallons of water 10°F, 2 tower loses ________gallon(s) of water due to 102. Drift loss is usually about 0.2% of the water flow or about _— gallon(s) per 100 gallons. 108, Makeup water is used to replace water loss due to__. or leaks. +104. If there are no leaks and a cooling tower cools 100 gallons of water 10°F, there will be —_____ gallon(s) of water loss due to evaporation and ________ gallon(s) due to rift. Review 105. An atmospheric cooling tower depends upon wind —_____ and the relative ___ of the air for effective operation. 106. The spray of water falling down the tower is broken up into small droplets by bars. 107. In atmospheric cooling towers, evaporation and drift are ‘major causes of water 108. For best operational results, the atmospheric cooling towers are placed so that the prevailing wind blows through the (shortest longest) dimension of the tower. 109, Atmospheric cooling towers usually operate best at (high/ moderate) wind velocities. 10. The towers are located so that water blown from them will not _____ nearby buildings or equipment. Natural-Draft Cooling Towers ILL. Heat in 2 furnace causes hot fiue gases to flow ‘through the stack causing a draft. 112. Exhibit 2 shows @ natural-draft cooling tower. The top part of the tower is a 118. The hot water is sprayed in above the 10 evaporation 02 evaporation rift humidity shortest moderate damage chimney, or stack splash bars, °114. The splash bars break the falling water into fine drops in order to provide better air-to- contact. water 4415. Some of the heat in water transfers to the air. As the air ‘heats up, it becomes (lighter /heavier). lighter +116. When it is light enough, the air in the chimney. rises 117, The heated air is replaced with cold air that enters the tower ‘through the —— air inlet 118. Because of its design, a natural-draft tower (does/does not) does not depend as much on the wind direction as the atmospheric tower, "119, The temperature of the air inside the chimney is always than the atmospheric temperature. higher, or warmer * 420. This difference in temperature causes a constant Graft, or flow, or movement to exist. 121. The natural-draft cooling tower (needs/does not need) drift does not need diminators. * 122. Makeup water is needed to replace water loss due to leaks and evaporation 128. Louvers or baifies at times are installed around the air inlet of the natural-draft tower. ‘Such louvers or bafiles (can /eannot) control the amount of can air entering the tower. 124. By regulating the amount of air entering the tower, the amount of cooling due to can be regulated. evaporation Mechanical-Dratt Cooling Towers + 195, Atmospheric cooling towers depend upon the natural flow of ‘up and across the falling water. air + 196. Natural-draft cooling towers create an upward fow of ‘through the falling water. 127, Exhibit 8 shows a foreed-draft cooling tower. The air flow through the falling water is produced by fans 198. The internal construction of 2 forced-draft cooling tower is ___~ similar to an atmospheric tower, bus the sidesare, closed, or solid 1 129. Motor-driven fans foree air into the tower through openings near the of the tower. bottom, or base u Cooling Towers EXHIBIT BOOKLET EXHIBIT 2 NATURAL-DRAFT COOLING TOWER, HOT AIR AND WATER VAPOR, COOL WATER WATER BASIN AND SUPPORT MAKEUP WATER EXHIBIT 3 FORCED-ORAFT COOLING TOWER HOT AIR DRIFT ELIMINATOR HOT WATER IN SPLASH BARS SOLID SIDES MAKEUP WATER — @ COOLED WATER BASIN: COOL WATER EXHIBIT 4 INOUCED-DRAFT COO.ING TOWER (CROSS-FLOW) HOT AIR AND VAPOR HOT WATER 2 ORIFT ELIMINATORS iN z | 7 ‘CROSS FLOW AIR, MAKEUP WATER, COOLED WATER BASIN COOL WATER EXHIBIT § INDUCED-DRAFT COOLING TOWERS Une i — A. COUNTERFLOW SOLID SIDES X AIR SX +130. +181. + 133. + 134. ‘The cooling of the water in all towers depends mainly on the amount and ____ of air passing through. Fans used in forced-draft cooling towers should produce 2 large _____of air with a low veloci Both mechanical-draft and atmospheric towers are provided with _____to prevent water loss due to air velocity. If one or more of the fans is shut down, the cooling rate is due to low _____-to-water contact. ‘The degree of cooling can be adjusted by controlling one or more of the and the rate of _____ iow. Induced-Draft Cooling Towers 136, * 387. 138, 139, 40. 141. “342. 7 us. + 144. In a foreed-draft cooling tower, the fans (push pull) the air through the tower. Look at Exhibit 4. In the induced-

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