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1. Jumlah darah yang dipompa keluar dari jantung setiap kali berkontraksi disebut dengan :  *
a. Heart rate
b. Stroke volume
c. Cardiac output
d. Tahanan perifer
2. Sedangkan jumlah denyut jantung dalam satu menit disebut dengan: *
a. Cardiac output
b. Tahanan perifer
c. Stroke volume
d. Heart rate
3. Sebutkanlah arti dari Gelombang P : *
a. Depolarisasi ventrikel
b. Depolarisasi Atrium
c. Repolarisasi Atrium
d. Repolarisasi Ventrikel
4. Sebutkan arti dari kompleks QRS : *
a. Depolarisasi ventrikel
b. Depolarisasi Atrium
c. Repolarisasi Atrium
d. Repolarisasi Ventrikel
5. Gelombang T artinya : *
a. Depolarisasi ventrikel
b. Depolarisasi Atrium
c. Repolarisasi Atrium
d. Repolarisasi Ventrikel
6. pada saat mengukur tekanan darah kita menggunakan alat yang disebut : *
a. meteran
b. Sfigmomanometer
c. Bunyi Korotkoff
d. Lup dub
7. Ventricular repolarization in the human heart: *
a. begins in the same location and travels in the same direction as the depolarization wave.
b. is represented by the T-wave on the electrocardiogram.
c. is unaltered if the ventricular activation sequence is changed (e.g., bundle branch block).
d. both B and D are correct
8. Which of the following statements about the above diagram is FALSE? *
a. The mitral valve opens at point A.
b. Ventricular filling occurs between points A and B.
c. Isovolumetric contraction occurs between points A and D.
d. Ejection occurs between points C and D.
e. Ventricular volume at point A is the end-systolic volume.
9. Which of the following statements about the above diagram is TRUE? *

a. The mitral valve opens at point C.

b. Ventricular filling occurs between points B and C.
c. Isovolumetric relaxation occurs between points A and D.
d. Ejection occurs between points A and D.
e. Ventricular volume at point C is the end-systolic volume.
10. Which of the following would NOT be a result of adrenergic stimulation of the heart?  *
a. In the pacemaker cells of the SA node, increased Ca channel open probability shifts threshold to a more
negative membrane potential.
b. In ventricular cells increased Ca channel open probability results in increased delivery of calcium to the
c. The pressure volume loop of the heart would shift to the left.
d. Curve F (see above PV-diagram) would shift upward on the pressure axis.
e. A decrease in ejection fraction.

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