Star Wars Role Playing - Clone Wars

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D•• ION......

Rodney Thompson,


Stutzman, JD Wiker

Rodney lhompso n

Gary Astleford,

T. Rob Brown

..----------------------------_.~~ '
Cynda Callaway Jefferson Dunlap

______________________ ~'A7 SoeHemmi

________________________ .. 'AY

Blake Beasley

Christopher Tardiff

Gary M. Sarli. Bradley Will


Gonzal" Flores

Frank Paris i

Steve Argyle, Drew Baker, Zoltan Boros it Gabor Szikszai, Miguel Coimbra, Michael Ilubisch, Steve Ellis, Gonzalo Flores, Randy Gallegos, Jonathan Hill,Jason Juta, lucasfitm Ltd., Ron Lemen, Warren Mahy, Walter O'Neil, Paul Shipper, Brian Snoddy, Mark Tedin, Chris Trevas, Francis Isai, Ben Wootten

__________________________ Chri stophe r Perkins

Christopher Perkins


[ M.... .... INO .DI~DR NG



('-_IM_ .... _D_IN__ O_T_._C_

.... ..-N_I_C_I_Jo._N


Carmen Cheung


O~ RPO A..,D

Bill $Iavicsek


C ...ATOOR .......... A. E


I------------------------ ..~ ~ I
ChristOllher West

... ~A7 .. 1Z7

Scrne '1JIts. oechanlcs are b::u<"d .)1'1. thi:' Sta.f W{Jf~R'DlepJayil1!) G[jm~ Sag;a,.tdltion Cere FtulebMl b'y Cnrlnopl'lc-r PC'lt1.fI$." uwen K,C, Sle:·ph~ns., and Rodnev A/n~o~,.aM tJ'lif J1"d Edi(iorn nun~NIi~ ,ft Oriil-gOM ga'm(- des:I9ned 'by JOTlalnJin Twt:(:t. Mcrnte ClJo'Ok~ ~kip WIlliam:).,! Richard Bik.(l. and P'cte:,r AIf'id5LHl. lhis: Wi...idl"ds:of th~ Cbatf- gam("plbduN lJitlt, W'W'N.Wil3Id'J..("orT)/d20_ U,.s .• C~nada. M:i~. P".tdflc" 6: LAtir.l "mf:rlu. W".:urds of tn~ ((lAst, 1(1(, P.O.Bo><701 WA ';Ijl)\1'()707 Questi'o)ns:? 1-8Ck'h3..24.-Et4%

Adam Colby. Jetf Cain, Oscar S. Cisneros, Andrew Finch, Elisa Jaeger, Matt Sernett, Stephen Radney·Macfariand

.PICCIAL TH .... k. N


leland (nee

'nbm~~on, To

the o,rg'irfal D-ul)9i:'ClnS a Df;jl9{1nlliP' rules cleated bV E. Oarv G'V9IX, and Oa'II'C

O~". Game' CO.l)ft.nt- No poniol)

of 1M'S.ll'Drk: 'may '

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'if'! d"Y (olm withQut



more abQl,lt the Opc:n GOImi"'g LittMe,and~,),C'd;20 SVU("rI'1'" Ucense.




WIlOP( Wbards c/[J1l:Coost. B.t19~m 'r HDf~dd so





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Ii:.!~ thls. ·3'ddress. for )'Our rt(Ord.lo

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ISBN,~n·O·7M~4·99~·1 620·118917I().ooI·fM 9876$4111 Fi rst P"rinUl\g; J" F1U.l~ 2"009



[)m.geon~ 6, O(~~f'tS:.. dlO SYSf-em. 'If(tllrd!l I){ the (OOS'_aM tneil respectbe loQa"" art, trademarks oj 'KiUJ ds of the ~st ln tl'1e\1J.S.A. and oth.f:I roul'ltrtt'!l, 'This. IITf;leri~ is protected Ufl'lStJ the {opjrlg'M lAWS· the Uni!t4 Staf~ ,of Arrif:riti,. M~ reprccuztlon or ·lll\4::Jlbor(ltd cl 01 the -mMia~ 1)( COI'I,a.i:.,cdereln is pmh'ibi,td withool tnt ~res~ h writIt'1'l ptfli'1i.,,~iJn {If Wi~Mds of !he Coas.!. 1.r\C.thi,. ploduc.t 'is, ,a wQtk of tictia-l'L Arty' ~immJi.'y 10 artual 'peop!'~, or9!f1InLion~, ()!M:B. 0( events is purt.'1 ~olndden!"'. Pft"~ed in \h~ U.S.A.





C.... • •• TH. ~CI"C ••.• 4&

Species Characteristics Dugs Gen·Oai


Kaleesh Kaminoans _........•.... Kerkoidens ..•. , , , Nautolans , .. ,.., .•....... Nelvaanians Vurks ......•................. CIIAP1ERII: H.RO.C
T ... fT ••••••

9 10 11 12 - .• - 12

15 16


The Force during the Clone Wars Force Powers ForceTalents Force Techniques Force Secrets Force-Using Traditions The Bando Gora .. ; The Believers, The Korunnai. ..•...........

S40K Phoenix Hawk-class Light Pinnace _ Stung H-G Prototype Bomber OWlHIVlI: C .. ON.




01 • •

120 121



The jedi Order Influential Figures Jedi Vehicles and Starships



50 53 54 55 55 55 56 56

C.M ... ION...

87 89 89

TH ....... U... IC.

Decline of the jedi ........•.•. Rampant Corruption Villains Mi Iita rizati on

large-Scale Conflict Squads.•......... , ..•..... Mass Combat. Starting Mass Battles



.'_'Ul .. M.NT



D .. Clle...

. • a.
59 SO 64 65 66
74 75

92 93 95 101

Organization 142 Ihe Republic High Command .. 145 Personnel 147 Influential Figures 155 Republic Droids 160 Republic Vehicles , 162 Republic Starships 170

Heroes of the. Clone War.s Jedi .............•.......... Nobles .........•...... , Scoundrels Scouts _...........•..... Soldiers Skills Feats Followers OWIBIUI: ra....
TIO. CL•• · ••••••••


22 23 24
25 27

Melee Weapons ...•.......... Ranged Weapons Armor Equipment ..............•...


OtAfIBiVlW: O...

ACTIC •• A..

104 Organization The Separatist Droid Army Personnel Influential Figures CCinfederacy Oroios Confederacy Vehicles Confederacy Starships ...•... CHAPTERXlI: ,.. ... NO.
"'.CTION •••• ZI2



28 32


New Talents Prestige Classes...•.......... Droid Commander Military Engineer Vanguard

39 42 42 44 46

Space Transports. , , Borlol-class Freighter G9 Rigger GS-l00 Salvage Ship KR-TB Doomtreader. Pursuer-class Enforcement Ship Seltiss-2 Caravel Starfighters .........•....... Dagger-class Starfiqhter DiofJoga-dass Assault Starfighter Freeful/-class Starfighter Morning~tar Assault Starflghter

75 16 18 78

,. ,79 80 81 ..... ,82 . , .. 82 83


Cato NeimCiidia ............• 106 Christcphsis " .. 106 Geonosis 101 Glee Anselm 107 Iktatch t08 Kalee ;08 Kamino ...........•....... .i09 Kerkoidia 110 Malastare , , .. 110 Mustafar 110 Muunilinst , , . ,,, 111 Nelvaan 111 Polis Massa •........•. : : .1 ~2 Sembla 112 Skako ;13

176 178

183 188 198 203

Mercenary Factions .........• Influential Figures Vehicles and Starships .. ,


Ai.Pl~.NOI)( .,

219 221
Z Z.:Z


Toy d ana . , Utapau Planetary Updates .•.........

1114 I 114

TheClone Wars might be the greatest, most far-reaching conflict th~ galaxy has seen-at least in recorded history. Even during the Jedi Civil War, many worlds escape the conflict entirely. However, when the Separatists withdraw from the Republic, rhev create a schism that divides the galaxy into two factions. As a result. worlds that would have remained neutral are forced into either the Republic camp or the Separatist camp because of the imperative to declare allegiance to one of the two eompeting governments. In the Clone Wars, any world that attempts to maintain neutrality is crushed between the Republic and the Confederacy as they compete for that world's resources. Whether aligned with the Republic or the Confederacy. many planetsespecially those with significant manufacturinq resources-become vital to the war effort simply by being able to produce ships, weapons, and equipment. On some worlds, militarization is harsher than on others. Forexample. the shipbuilding facilities of Utapau, which had previously manufactured domestic planetary defender starfiqbters, are forced to produce Mankvim-814 light interceptors and Porax-38 starfiqhters for the Confederacy. Other worlds are practically enslaved to meet the demands of their military masters. and the natural resources of entire planets are consumed in a matter of months to keep the fight going. Even remote worlds feel the sting of the Clone Wars. Remote Tatooinewhere the Republic has had no presence-is embroiled in the war as the Confede.rac:y attempts to trick Jabba the Hun into influencing the other Hutt clans to allow the Separatists to use the their Shipping lanes. The Techno Union sets up a top-secret research facility on snow-covered Nelvaan. where the natives have lived in isolated peace for most of their history. No matter how far out on the Outer Rim or how deep in the Deep Core the planet is, the Clone Wars affc<:t it.




CHOOSING BIDES The heroes of a Clone Wars campaign can have options regarding their allegiance and are far more I;[(ely to side with one faction or another, at least tangentially, giving them a Stake in the Clone Wars as a whole. For example. the' heroes might choose to support the Republic as official members of the Republic military or other Republic agency,such as the Judicial Department or the Jedi Order.Or they might be citizens doing their part to ensure the Republic's success.The heroes might be mercenaries,privateers, or free traders who volunteer to help transport undercover Republic agents behind Confederacy lines. Heroes might even be clone troopers or members of the Republic Navy. putting them right. in the mirldle of the galaxy-,spanning conflict. Conversely. the heroes might choose to ally themselves with the Separausts, seeing the Republic as the faction in the wrong. These heroes mighi be mercenaries, smugglers, or even Jedi who have leftlhe Order. convinced that the Confederacy represents the galaxy's best chance for freedom. Alternatively, the heroes might ally with one of the various trade organizations, workmg as corporate troubleshooters or freelance agents hired by the Trade Federation, the Techno Union, or the Reiail Caucus to deal with Republic disruptions of supply lines or seditious elements on Confederate worlds. The heroes might not support questionable Confederacy tactics (such as those employed by the sinister milftary leaders. like General Grievous and General Loathsom). but they might yet believe that even with such leadership the Confederacy is a better alternative than the Republic. The heroes might be on the fringes of society. trying to get along in the galaxy despite the raging Clone Wars. Evenneutral heroes are likely unable to avoid the conflict of the war. and their allegiance might hinge on who at,aci(s them first. These heroes can try to play both sides of the conflict against each other, but this is a precarious path to walk. After all, one faction might get word that the heroes art' worKing with the other, and when this happens, the situation can quiekly go bad. Fringe heroes with the best intentions might find themselves slarir.g down the full military might of the Republic if they misplay their cards. By the same token, heroes who attempt to stay neutral also have the opportunity 10experience life on both sides of the war opening options for a Gamemasrer who wants to have the heroes work with the Confederacy in one adventure and the Repu.blicin the next.



three years. Below are some



The Clone Wars encompass a complicated series of battles and skirmishes with a complex history eoverinq approximately major events in the Clone Wars. Gamemasters can use these events as guideposts when creating Clone Wars adventures. They serve as good markers for the major events during this turbulent time.

Without strong military leadership, the Confederacy is on the brink of collapse. The Jedi suspect that Palpatine has no intention of giving up his power after the Clone end. After a confrontation throughout leaves Mace Windu dead and Anakin Slcywalker as the new apprentice of Darth Sidious, done forces the galaxy respond to Order 66. turning on their Jedl generals and slaughtering the noble defenders of the Republic. With the Jedi Order wiped out, Slcywalker, now named Darth Vader travels to Mustafar, murders the remaining lea.ders of the Confederacy, and brj'ngs the Clone War, to its true end.




Though the Battle of Naboo is liWe more than a Skirmish between the Trade Federation and the planetary defense forces of the planet Naboo, it is the precursor to the Clone Wars, which begin ten vears later. The repercussions of this battle echo through the Clone Wars and beyond. After the Battle of Naboo, Palpatlne Is elected to the post of Supreme Chancellor, allowing him to manipulate the Republic into the Clone Wars. Meanwhile, the Trade Federation is rebuffed and joins with the other trade organizations to form the alliance that eventually becomes the Confeder~cy of Independ~nt Systems. Lastly, the Battle of Naboo leads to Anakin Skywalker becoming the Padawan of Obi-Wan Kenobi, a course of events thai shakes the entire galaxy.





CL.QNB WARS and dlaracters from this boole an: drawn from lkOcIIJe WQtS animated 5eMs. Througbout the boOk. yOucan find descriptiolls and rules information from TIlt;CIoM WOlt series, as well as still images frOnt end art bas.ed on epiSodts of the animated mies. Additionally. II)8ny of the chapter start images from this book eontain art from The~ WOIS5eMs In the hopes that they ~ players alll1 Gamemasters to atate advtmures and c:amPligns that fOllow theme$ presented in the show.

Many of the starsfllps. vehicles.


The first true battle of the Clone WafS. the Battle of Geonosls introduces the Grand Armv of the Republic and unleashes the clone troopers upon the galaxy. On this desolate planet the first shots of the galactic conflict are fired, and the full extent of Count Dooku's betrayal becomes evident to the Iedi. Many Jedi die on Geonosts. but just as many are thrust into the Command of clone forces, seHing a precedent that draws the Jedi out into the galaxy as military leaders.

Afler three years of struggling



against the Confederacy, the Jedi strike a


major blow against the Separatists with the death of Count Dooku. In the process of rescuing Supreme Chancellor Palpatine from the flagship of the Separatist fleet, Anakin Skywalker dispatches the Sith apprentice, and the Republic wins a significant victory. A short time later, Obi-Wan Kenobi ends General Grievous's reign of terror during the siege of Uiapau. In a short time, the Jedi eliminate two of the Confederacy's powerful shifts heavily' in favor of the Republic. leaders, and the tide




SPECIES CHILO 1-9 1-9 ADULT 10-14 10-200 ADULT 15-44 201-999


Dugs are an arboreal species from the Republic world of Malasta're. T~ey are 'trong and agile for their size, and dimb and jump exceptionally well. Dugs unwillingly share their homewodd with the Gran, who establish trade colonies 8,000 Bay, Ihe fight a long, intense war against the Gran. EventLJall~ the Republic intervenes and sides with the Gran,negotiating on Malastarein a truce that e~sentially demilitarizes the Dugs. In response to their marginalization. claims at least one celebrated




OLD VENERABLE 60-74 75+ 2,000- 4.000+

71-89 56-79

Iktotchi 1-13 1-9 \4-18 10-24 19-44



the Dugs develop a culture based, in

to a fault. and every Dug

Kaminoan Kerkoiden NaU1elan Nelvaanion Vurk

2.5-40 1\-39

large part, on self-pltv, They are self-congratulatory nero or martyr

1-11 1-9 1-7


41-54· 3'1-45 31-49


2HO IS-3~


60-79 71-90 55-69 46-64




in his family tree, Beads. worn on their ear fins, represent these purported patriots and their stories of heroism. To question the legitimaty of a Dug's collection of marty' beads i, a grave insult that can be retracted only by the death of tile offending party. Personality: The Dugs' reputation for violence and bullying i~ welldeserved, through As a species, intimidation they are adversarial, preferring 10 solve problems



acts. They consider themselves to be beleaquered warriors, underdog' who must fight againsi the rest of the universe for what i, rightfully their~ Despite their best efforts, the Dugs
are continually mired in defeat. They tend to be xenophobic, and this fear of outsiders often maoifests as blatant bigotry. Physical Description: Dugs are vaguely humanoid, torso, two legs, and two arms. The positions manipulate ever, so thai they use their upper limbs for walking

and hostile


HEIGHT 1m 1m

WEIGHT 35 kg


that they possess a

Dug, malt DU9, female

Gen'Oai, male or female

of their limbs are reversed. how-

30 kg 145 kg 80 kg
80 kg

and their lower limbs to

objects. They have brown ski n, floppy ear flaps, and large mouths that can be inflated the- appropriate and used to produce

2.5 m
1.8 m 1.0m

filled with broad, flat teeth. Male duqs possess a flap of $kin
on their throats Homeworld: m<ltin9 calls during

lktotchi, malt or female

Kal eesh, male Kaleesn, female Kaminoan., male


1.6 m 2.7 m 2.1 m 1.4m 1.8 m


75 kg 70 kg 65 kg 55 kg



Karninoan, female
Kerkoiden, male or female

Nautolan, male or fem.OIe Nelvaanian, Nelvaanian,

Vurk, male Vu rk, female male female

75 kg
130 kg 50 kg 90 kg
85 kg

15 m 2.1 m
1.9 m

Example Names: Drodwa, Huqello, Huqo, Gorlok, i anqro Dis, Iuvaqwa, Puqwis, Rewulga, Sebulba, Slcor. Adventurers: Dugs are drawn to occupations that involve- skullduggery and violence, and they make exceptional. scoundrels. scouts, and soldiers. Dug nobles are rare, and the typical Dug does not possessthe mental acuity or patience required to becorr.e a Jedi.



Dugs possess excellent

Dug5 share the following species trails: Ability Modifiers: +2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma, reflexes

Physical Description: Superflcia Iy, Gcn'Dai appear to be a humanoic race. Their 'kin color rang" from light red to deep purple, and their eyes var'Y from bright red to dull' vellow-ora nqe, A rnandiblelike protrusion extends from eacb of their cheekbones. two meters tall. Homeworld: Example Unknown. Lanquages: Gen'Dai. Nam~s: Durge, Grozrn, Kranth, lu'urn. Adventurers: The Gen'Dai are larqe, tvpically ,(anding

.md hand-eye


but they rarelv ihink

before they act


ndare known for their crude demeanor, Small Size: As Small creatures, Dugs gain J f I size bonus to their Reflex checks. However, their lifting characters. and limits are three-quarters of those of Medium

Defense and a ,,5 size bonus On Stealth carrying

Speed: Dug bose speed is 6 sq uares. Athletic: A Dug con reroll ,any Climb or Jump check, but the result of the re.roll must be accepted, Automatic

The most com rnoncharacter

and i nlluenceas

class for Gen'Dai heroes i:s



scout, followed

by the soldier. A Jew Geri'Dai use their veritable arc known to have become Jedi. SPECIES species traits: Wisdom, -2 Charisma +4 Constitution,-2

evert if it is worse. In addition, J Dug can take 1000 Climb and Jump checks even when distracted or threatened.
Languages': Dug,


to amass wealth

nobles, and only a hand! ui become

scoundrels, No Gen'Da]



The Geo'Dai benefit from extremely long lifr spans, Accounts of Gen'Dai living to be over four thousand standard veers old are common. They area hardy species" tllanks in part to their unique physiology. ThE'Gen'Dai have no centralized vital organs, and their elaborate nervous and vascu lar systems allow them to

Gen'Dai share the following Ability Modifiers: resistant are incredibly


but inei, long life spans cause them to

act quickly and withstand wounds that would kill nearly any other creature, The Gen'Dai are intergalactic nomads, constantly tr"vusing the go laxy. The location of their homeworld has been lost to time. Even those Gen'Dai
who claim to have lived for several millennia location. Personality: peaceful With few exceptions, the Gen'Dai are an introspective and species, Because of their extraordinarily long life spans, they are conseand do withcannot. Or do not, reveal its

be mentally unstable. Large Size : As Large creatures, Gen'Dai take a -1 size penalty to their Reflex Defense, a -5 size penalrv On Sieal\n checks, and gain a +5 size bonus to theirdamaqe threshold. Their lifting and carrying limits are double those
of Medium Speed: Gen'Dai encounter, characters. Gen'Dai base sp'eed is B squares, Surge: Whenever a Gen'Dai takes its second wind, it regains 5 one-half hit points (whichever application comes first). trance.

hit points every round at the end of its turn u nt'il killed, until the end of the or until 'eaching Hibernation: untrained indefinitely. water. oralr A Gcn'Dai can enter a state similar to ahibernation a,nd can remain

,slow in their declsion- making processes, Ihe'Y consider the long-term quences of their actions. not jump to conclusions out adequate to lose their mental sonalities ingly penchant depression, evidence. grip on their Their perincreasand thei r from and

A Gen'Dai can use the Force Irance

of the use the Force skill in the ira nee

(and even if not Force-sensitive) until it emerges from hibernation,

A Gen'Dai in such a state ceases to age, and needs no food, As they age, Gen'Dai begin to lose touch with reality.

As they age, they begin faculties. become

Mentalln,iability: For each age category


Gen'Dai advances past Adult, it take, an additional never gain increased Wisdom due to level scores as their character ncludinq with

of -1 WisdDm, Gen'Dai characters


age, though increases, cant portion, At the

they can increase tneirWisdom A Gtn'Dai

for introspection psychosis.


Can regrow lost body parts-i aod individual penalties associated


causes them to suffer other forms of insanity,

of its physical strucrure of I.l1at time, all persistent Physiology:


ld 10 minutes, the loss of the Gen'Dai after adding


one or more limbs are removed. Resilient Because of their unique physiology. of wounds is doubled can shrug off the effect that would be (atal to ,any other spewhether the Gen'Dai is killed by

cies. Because of this,.3 Gcn'Dai's damage threshold bonuses for feats or size when determining an at tack {but not for My other pu rpcse),



Basic ,and Gen'Dai,

Hailing from the Expansion "egion wmld of Iltotchon and it, muon, lktotch. the Iktotchi ale

lktotchi share


TRAITS Though they are a

peopl ~ and have


the following species trai lei: Modifiers: +2 Constitution, ,-2 Charisma, tbe I ktotchi are .. quiet and mtrospective creatures,


a race of precognitive hu m a n oids. All

lktotchi which
or waking

possess this mani tests


trouble forming friendship". Medium Size: As Medium penalties due to their size. Speed: Natural Armor: Iktotchi

Ik(OIChl have no special bonuses or

precoqn i tive ability,


[ktotch i base speed is G .Iq uares. have tough skin that provides a '<1 natural armor bonus stacks with an

'vividar,ea rns, visions, lktotchi have control of how or when their precoqnillon it reveals manifests to them, or of whJt

armor bonus. to their Rellex Defense, A natural armor bonus, Limited Precognition: are subjected to prophetic aqainst

lktotchl aregiftrd wit h limi led precognition and dreams. Once per encounter. a'S a reaction, an Iklotch; can grant itself Or any vehicle the lktotchi pilots a +2 species bonus
to Reflex Defense Expert Pilot: any sinqle

lIs a spe-

cies, they know of the Republic's coming long' before their world is,
visited ,and

An lktctchi can rerctl ,,~y Pilot check, but the result of the rerull mUSI be accepted. even if it is worse.
Automatic Languages: Basic and lktotchese.

they are prepared


welcome the quests that would usher them into a vast galactic society. Jktotchl are (Jmed for tneir prowess as pilots, and attribute their soccess at the helm to nearly imperceptible precognitive inclinations. Because of their vlsic ns,.lktotehi are aware of (he bloodshed that heralds the coming of the, Clone War's. Many of the era's prominent Iktatchl who seek to avert the impcndinq violence, Personality: lktotchi area deeply ernotiorval Though they respect species tive qualltles, Ihei, culture dictate' a veneer of quiet stoidsm,.

The Kaleesll are a nomadic species wi!h J tribal

culture. They are spiritual

beings who worship their ancestors as deities, and thev consider Iheir.ncestral burial grounds to be sacred lands. The Kokesh believe th at "(lyon e who dies in honorable service



to his people become.'> a gud upon death.

ThE Kaleesh

Despite their sensiof diversity friendships in

(igo, 0(( an invasion

prominence in the galaxy whe1, they by an alien species, known as the Huk, Having already
the natural resources of into slavery, of Kale e is of a

to momentary

that they must hide their feelings behind the nature lasting with

subjuqated and exploited of Kalee:sh and sel'l them

several worlds, the Huk capture millions However, the Huk lnvssion short hero who eventually

the galaxy, the



have il hard time' Jorminq

of other species because' of the Iktotchi's

occasiona lim pa tience

their precognitive gifts and because of other species' overt suspicion of the lkiotchl's precognition. Physical Description: The lkrotcb i are a humanoid species 1'11111 :large,
with species who lad downward-curving horns. Females have sma llcr horns 'than the mates. Their fierce wind" skin is thick, tan, and hairless, weather beaten by lktotchon's Theireve color ranqes Ircrn yellow to orange. Homeworld: lktotchon. Languages: Example Iktotche.\e .. Name~: Arcta~ Iklatchi Meeso, Daedar xiese. l.iiren Baelar, ~Ii ira Korl, journey out into the gala.y

lived. Under tbc leadership

comes 10 be known

as Grievous, the kaleesh repel the Hok .. Th ty doggedly pu rsue thei r enem ies into 'pace. overcome become through assistance

the Hu k are completely The hunters Jno Ihe Huk request

by the Kalecsh. the hunted, from

the Republic,

a number of underhanded they receive

Ssesce nin, Seer Varree. Adventurers:

scouts, who

nobles" by using their speBecause

re5ult.. Ihe Republic nomic galactic sanctions, society,

Or soldier's, A small nu rnber excel as scoundrels for clairvoyance prohibition against using iheirvisions

it. As a subjects th e Kalees.h to severe ecoand the Kaleesnore

cies' reputation

to ron scams and rackets, despite a strong to generate a profit.

rna rqinalized


of tbeir precoqnitive such as Saesee Tiin.


there nave been several notable

lktotchi Jedi,


Kaleesh are a warlike species, but they reserve their ire for

those who provoke them. They are protective of their territory-especially their ancient burial grounds. Kale~sh hold their families (lnd tribes in high esteem, and do anything to protect them. These sentiments to non-Kaleesh who prove themselves to be trustworthy such a distinction is rare. Honor and sacrifice highly valued qualities in tneirsodetv, .. Physical Description: The Kaleesh art tall, reptilian braids or tied up in a queue or topknot. Ihe long face, of the Kaleesh are framed rusks that extend outward long slits that stretch sometimes extend companions, but ~. h umano Ids. Their

1he watery Kaminoans. breeding planet of Kamino is home til a species of ctoners of generations programs known as These tall aliens are Ihe result in climate. These restrictive adaptable of selective have made and genetic modification an extremely th>at began when their world suffered. breeding species. Apart from gender, Kaminoans eye they all look the same. Subtle

at the expense of oneself are

drastic change Kaminoans variations

have little variation,

and to the untrained

scaly Skin varies from deep red to dull vellow, Thei r black, hair IS wom In long

have been introduced into their genetic codes, however, allowing for profit, but not every

either side by two sharp and their nostrils are two

for diversity within a strict ser of parameters. Ih e economy of Kam ino is based On cloning Kaminoan is a cloner by trade. The majority rnunlties w iiM various skills and specialized and rarely venture their work flawlessly, and seek perfecticn. xenophobic

f-rom their jawbones,

of Kaminoans support their cornabili! ies. They strive to perform they are a rare Because Kaminoans are moderately

toward their yellow eyes. However, few non-Kaleesn a liens, for they wear masks made The Kaleesh are ~ four long ~ingers. two

have seen the faces of these en iqrnatic also distinguished

hom the skulls of some of Kalee's most vicious predators. by their hands, which each feature of which are fully opposable. Homeworld: Kalee.

away from their homewortd.

sight in other parts of the qalaxv. Personality: Kaminoans see themselves as superior to other forms of life. They harbor a private intolerance for imperfection, but they are, nonetheless, polite to outsiders. To a Kaminoan, any species that seeks self improvement

Languages: Kaleesh~ ~. Example Names: Qymaen jai Sheelal, Ronderu lij Kummar, Bent".,s san


worthy of respect, but those who do not are obviously inferior and deserve their inevitable decline. This attitude is reflected in their cloning processes, where entire crops of clones might be eliminated due to a single, subtle flaw. Physical .Description: Kam inoans are t.all and gaunt, with pale skin, three-fingered hands, and long necks. Their faces are small and dominated by a pair of large, black eyes. Every male Kaminoan has a finlike crest on the top of his head, but ferna le Kaminaans have none, Homeworld: Kamino. Languages: Example Marolan, Kaminoan. Names: Aya Urn, lama Su, Tau Shet, T~9a Sai, Seva Ke, Because they are

Adventurers: The Kaleesh excel in the roles of scout and soldier, Given they also make excellent Although nobles no Kalecsh Jedi are

their inherent: sense of honor and dignity,

bu t rarely take on the role of a scoundrel. known, Kalersh spiritual by their ancestors. traditions

view Force sensitivity

as a boon granted



-2 Intelligence, +2

Kaleesh share the following species traits; Ability Modifiers: -2 Dcxteritv, +2 Constitution, Charisma. Medium penalties Size: As Medium creatures,

Kaleesh have no special bonuses or

Taun We. Adventurers; genetically or niche. nobles. Scoundrels, not unheard not bred with though Kaminoan nonexistent. are bred to fulfill scouts,

due to their


de.signed, K.a.minoans

Speed: Kaleesh base speed is 6 squares. Conditional Bonu, Feat: Kaleesh are a nomadic people who have learned

a specific role
excellent soldiers. rare, are and

They make though

live off the land. A Kakesh with Survival as a trained ,kill gains Skill Foeus glands next 10 their eyes, concealment] from darkness,

ISu rvivaJ) as a bonus feaL Oarkvision: Because of the thermoreceptor Kaleesh ignore concealment (including total

of. Kam inoans are Force sensitivity, are possible.

However, they cannot perceive colors in total darkness. Driven; Kalcesb are focused individuals who maintain even under adverse conditions. Persistent: Automatic a +S species bonus to Will Defense against mind-affecting A Kaleesh can reroll any Endurance even if it is worse. Basic and Kaleesh. Languages: the reroll must be accepted,


sight of their goals drive, t\ley gain effects.

Jed] are essentially

Because of this single-minded

check, but the result of

KAMINOAN BF'ECIES TRAITS Kami nOJ ns share the following species traits: Abifit-y Modifiers; +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom. Medium or penalties Size; As Medi um creatures, due to theirsize. base speed is 6 squares, Kaminoans are expert cloners and possess of species across tne galaxy. Karninoans have no special bonuses

Pe r s o n.a l i t v : The KnkoiMns have Shifted many of their cunning predatory instincts over to the social a rena, becom-

Speed: Karninoan Conditional A Karninoan

ing savvy politicians

a galactic Ker koid-en,a not They are scale, r'c pushy

on Most if

Bonus Feat:

rernarkablv know ledge sbou l the physiologies as a bon us feat.

with Treat Injury as a trained skill qains Skill Focus (Treat Injury]

ourri 9 ht agg ressivc. regard every· and from suspicion, deception

resistant physiology, Automatic

Scien Wic refinements

to their gene tic code make Xarnlnoans and other hazards that target. their Defense.

one with expect

to poisons, disease, radiation,

Kaminoans gain a +2 species bonus to Fortitude Language,: Bask and Karni.noan,

thei r political and social rivals. Additionally, many Kerkoidens would their evolved than like to people and believe that

A smaller species from the Expansion and cunning as formidable (Io~e Wars. Xenobiolog ,,'ts from the University from quadruped of Sanbra believe' that the Kerkoiden predators that hunt on the savannahs phYsiology seems to species descended Kerkoidensare beings who often and creative opponents, skilled politicians, Region, the Ker~oidens are a'9gre>sive



have something to prove. Excellent traders, rnilita ry commanders, K"rkoidens are known
they prove' is well-earned during the



heritage suggest" arrogant at times.

a reputation

them to be both elitist and Physical to dark blue. Iheir bodies still show ,igns of predator long claws and juilirtg teeth. Kerkoidens Oe~cription;

hunched beings with rough si(in that ranges in hue from green physiQlogy, namely the!r have tall, slender heads wili1 long

and in the jungles of Ke-koidia,

Much of the Kerkoiden

support this claim, incl~ding their hutlched posture, long snout. claws, and jut ting teeth, Additionally, Ke,koiden aggression Seem, to be consistent the predatory instincts of their ancestors, as a whole nobles lending credence to evolve to this theory bevond of Kerko lden evolution. The Kerkoiden predatory civilized. galaxy's species has fought

snouts and narrow eyeB, Homeworld; The Kerkoiden species hail, from Kerkoidia, a world covered in tall, grassy savannahs arid thick swamps i n the Expa nsion Reg ion, specifically in the Kitll Sector j ust oft of the Hartin Trade Corridor,

a no

ancestry and prove to the galaxy that they are sophisticated

Many Kerkoiden elite on Coruscant. pride themselves on superior

Example Loathsorn, Adventurers;

Kerkoidens 'peak Kerkoidese and Basic.

Nam'cs, Dram Bothren, V3r Cashral. Pheel Hosnar, gravitate toward Whorm


and also on being refined and sophisticated Kerkoidens.

enough to rub elbow> wi th the leads to ellrism among the scene.

Of course, thisalso

Kerkoidcn adventurers

classes where their sophistinobles, using Kerkoiden into their might a1500

which doe, the species no favors on the qalactic

t!ley can exhibit their 'aggressivene.I,' cation. Soldiers are common. their wisdom

Or demonstrate

also make excellent


and cunning plans,

10 talk circlesaround in throwing discord

their opponents. hydrospanner enemy

ndrels take pleasure

a proverbial and shattering

opponents' Kerkoidens become Jed;.


who learn 10 temper

their a9gre5%ion with wisdom




Kerkoid'ens share the following species traits' Ability Modifiers: -2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom. Though less hardy than otner species, Kerkoidens are devious and cunni nq, Medium Size: As Me,dium creatures, Kerkoidens nave no special bonuses or penalties due to their size, Speed: Kerkoiden base spee'd is 6 'squares. Predator's Heritage: Despite tileir stature. from predatory beings, Kerkoidens rolls against a target that has been damaged

Adventurers: Nautola"s crave adventure and are as likelv to be nobles or scoundrels have notable also

as they are to
been several Jedi.

be scouts or soldiers. There Nautoian


are descended of the

gain a +2 species bonus on damage since th~ begi~ning modifier

Kerkoiden's 13,1 tum, Social Cunning: Kerkoidens may use their Wisdom


Nautolans share the followi ng species traits: Ability Modifiers.: +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom. Med ium Med ium tolans have Size:

ln the place

of their Charisma modifier Jnd Persuasion.

Automatic Lanquaqes:



their skil.1 bonus on Deception

Basic and Kerkoidese.


Nautila loses muchof

Na u-

are one of the sentient species native to the, planet Glee Anselm. and is hC'Jvily tied to pheromones. learn the language difficulty its meaning. As a result, Nautolans land masses. riving in They are a amphibians.

ere a t ures:

Their language, NaIJ!, evolved underwater Out ofwater,

no speclal

Anselmi climates

language, tvpica Ily either Basic or Anselmian,

people, who are native to GI~e Anselm's

01 the

bonuses or penal ties due to their size, Speed: Nautotao squares, Breathe in water, Expert of the moll Low-Light Natural Swimmer: A Nautolan can reroll any Swim check, but the result a Nauicla n can or threatened. (but not Ictal concealmust be accepted, Vision: Damage even if it is worse. In addition, ignore concealment The rubbery base speed 'is 6 squares. They nave a swim speed of 4

Even though they are aquatic,

that would


have little

be uncomfortable

for other


As amphibious



cannot drown

hardy species, due in part to the extra ca rtjlage that supports thei' skeletal structures. Given theiraq uatic origins, they are excellent swimmers,
Personality: Nautolans are loyal and steadfast companions. They wear Nau!olan5 aff~ct their moods on their proverbia I sleeves. expressing equal zeal. Though polite and ci,ilized tend to reflect Nautolan's N3utolans Physical the moods 01 others "round both joy aod despair with

take to on Swim checks even when distracted Nautolans Reduction: ment) from darkness.

under most circumstances,

them. Ihe tendrils on their heads

sense the pheromones

disposition-for Description:

released bv others, This can inadvertently

bet ter or for WOrSe. Despite their peaceful nature, Nautolans head is crowned with leather have thick -green skin that is covered



hide of a Nau tolan provides check made

are not above defcndi n9 them~elve5. spots, Iheir larqe, black eyes allow them to see wefl in dim

Pheromonal accepted.


A Nautoian

cao reroll any Perception the N~utolan

to sense deception

or sensciniluence,

but the result of the reroll must be can take the better

in dark, mottled the Nau\olan Languages:

even if it is worse. If underwater, Languages:

light. Each Nautotan's decorates Hnrneworld:

bey long, tent aclelike tendrils, which

of the two rolls instead. Automatic Basic and Naulila.

bands. metal rings, or beaded ties.

Glee Anselm. Naut~a. Dorset, Kit Hsto, Ploss Niklos. Renko Losa.

Ex.ample Names: Rin Make, Setel Yast,

Nelvaan'ans, also referred 10 as Nelvaans, from are a species of tribal humanoids the planet Nelvaan, They are a primitive species, using only crude technology. Male hunling Nelvaanians are responsible for game and protecting the tribe, for the day-

Physical pronounced

Description: The Nelvaanians are a humanoid species witb canine characteristics. They have blue-green fur. large teeth in

a pronounced

muzzle, and two pointy, independently movable ears. A thick mane of black hair on their heads extends down the napes of their necks, with agc_ of the Techno Union, nearly all Nelvaanian genetic monstrosities due to intensive After the experiments transformed

and this tends to whiten malesare though

into hulking

wh ile females are responsible


This genetic trait persists in males born after the Clone Wars, N elvaan, Nelvaanese.

to-day affairs of their tribe, which includes raising cubs. At the top of tile Nelvaanian is the chief, who ru le s with trlbc

females are not subject to the mutation,

Homeworld: Languages: Example Adventurers:

the help A tribal the

Name): Harvos, Orvos, Iuzes-Adaz.

Nel~aanian$ are rarely encountered away from Ncl-

of his mate and a shaman,

elected to his position.

chief is not chosen by (ria I, nor is ne Instead, chief's ascension established admiration is determined Mother" by the and is

vaan, but those who an become soldiers and scouts. NEI...VAANIAN TRAITS
Nclvaamans Ability Medium share the following Modifier>: Size: As Medium

species traits: +2 Wisdom. Nelvaanians have no special creatures,

grace of the "Great

through a show of mutual and respect among


-2. Intelligence.

entire tribe. Religion and spirituality are the center of Nelva3 n ian society. Elder's a re revered, 353re mothers of all ages. During the Clone Wa rs, male Nelvaanians are abducted by the Techno Union and subjected to extensive physiological an attempt successful, to create a race of mutant warriors. turning and genetic manipulation The experiments in

bonuses or penalties Speed: Nelvaanian Low-Light Vision: Primitive:

due to their size,

base speed is s squares. Nelvaanians ignore concealment

(but not total (pistols. rifles,

conceal rnent] from darkness. Nelvaanians do not gain Weapon Proficiency

or heavy weapons) as 5t3rting

grants them. Scent: Nelvaania'is to squares). of Perception Nelvaanians

feats at 1st level, even if their class normally

are partially

the males of the species into monstrous Nelvasnians reunite with their tribes. are closely attributing modified

former selves. However, the experiments a nd the modified Personality:

versions af their are stopped by Anakin SKywalker.

have a keen sense of smel L AI close range Iwithin ignore concealment

and cover Ior the purposes

fram poor visibility when (rom

checks, and they take no penally


tied by the bonds of family and

magical powers to most technoland faithful once male Nelvaanians arc somewhat

Shadow Swiftness: If a Nelvaanian begins its turn with concealment

kinship, They are superstitious, ogy. which they distrust. their trust is earned, less astute graces, as we'll. Genetically


they are honorable

a targct or with the target unaware of it, the Nelvaanian docs not provoke attacks of opportunity when moving through the target's threatener space
until the end of the Nelvaanian's Automatk Languages: turn. NeJv3.0eSee

than their female counterparts,

and this extends to their social


Vurks are an amphibious species from the planet Sembla, Their way of life is based on a nomadic lifestyle, as large family units move en masse across Scmbla's watery transition surface. They the warm easily from

Physical Description:

Vurks are tall, reptilian amphibians with leathery

gray-green skin, Their eyes are dark and set deep in their faces. A long crest extends up and back from a Vurk's skuli. A Vurk has two long, thick fingers

and an opposable thumb on each hand,

Homeworld: Semola


Vurks who leave their homeworld lend toward the path few Vurkare

Example Names: Coleman Trcbor. Sweitt Concorkill, of the scout or soldier. A handful of Vurk nobles make their way to the stars as diplomats, bur given the species' ingrained integrity, scoundrels,

depths of Sernbla's

seas to the heights of its

roc:Ky. volcanic archipelagos, Vurk families rarely stop in anyone spot for more than

Ability Medium

-2 Dexterity,

.2 Constitution, +2 Charisma,

Vurks share the following species traits: MOdifiers: Size: As Medium creatu res" vurks have no special bonuses or

a fortnight at a time,
When two or more Vurk




their the

penalties due to their size, Speed: Vurk base speed is 6 squares. Vurk have a swim speed of 4 squares. Breathe in water. Expert Swimmer: the moll A Vurk can reroll any Swim Check, but Inc result of must be accepted, even if' it is Underwater: As amphibious creatures, Vurk5 cannot drown



families of these dans stop

and bo Id a mut ual feast.

Tests of strength, speed, and wi ts are commonplace, as are arranged marriages and commerce, Young males are married off by their parents a~d leave to be wilh their wives and their new families. Male Vurks who fail to marry before reaching adulthood remoi~ bachelors fOf the rest of their lives. Originally considered a primitive specic.~ by galactic survey teams, vurks are intelJigent and philosophically advanced. From birlh, they are taught to honor personal integrity, individual freedom, and honesty. Because of these tenets, Vurks make excellent diplomats and negotiators. Personality: Known for their even tempers. compassion, and personal integrity, Vurks abhor lying, They take their duties, whether to family, friends, or nation, 'seriously. Because of this, others consider them somewhat blunt


In addition, a Vurk tan take

10 on Swim checks even wnen distracted

or threatened. to remain calm and collected,

Placid: VurkS3rt renowned for theirabilitv remove one fear effect currently affecting Nomads:

even in the face of danger. Once per encounter, as a free action, a Vurk can

to moving around, even

As nomads, Vurks are accustomed

through dangerous places. A Vurk can reron any Survival check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted, even if ii is worse. Automatic Languages: Basic and Sernblan.

and stern.







A hero in a Clone Wars campaign can come from almost any world in the Stor Wars saga, and chances are his or her life has been affected by the war in some way. Few worlds escape the ga lactic conflict, 50 even primitive planets can become critical battlefields in the Clone Wars. Your hero might be from an obscure, out-of-the-way planet like Nelvaan, drawn into the war after Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi liberate the Nelvaanians from the oppression of the Techno Union. Or your hero might be a noble from Cornrnenor, runoing away from a life of wealth and Iuxury to join in the war effort for the. Separatists. With special permission from your Gamemaster, you might even be able to playa member of a species that has not yet entered the galax.y at large, such as Ewoks or the Chiss. if your hero's unique history includes an explanation of how the conflicts of the Clan e Wars cause you to leave your home planet well before the rest of the galaxy even knows it exists. In a Clone Wars campaign, planet of origin is rarely a hindrance for a character becom ing highly involved in the conflict, as the battles of the Clone Wars stretch from the densely populated Core Worlds all the way to the]Outer Rim.

A key face! of galactic culture that leads to the eruption of the Clone Wars is rampant corruption, Politicians, nobles, businessmen, and other wealthy and powerful beings disregard Iheir responslbilitv to those less fortunate and put their own desires and greed above the needs of those who rely on them. Corruption in the. Senate allows Senator Palpatine to maneuver his way into the position of Supreme Chancellor, and the greed of the member organizations of the Confederacy allows Darth Sidious and Count Dooku to manipulate them into starting a qalaxv-spanninq war. Heroes of this era have likely been exposed to corruption. Jedi witness the fall of Count Dooku, nobles have brushes with power-hungry peers, and soldiers are thrown into chaos by the carelessness with which politicians commit lives to battle. Many heroes in ;; Clone Wars campaign have been put on their path as a result of the corru plion of others.




.... DI E

The Clone Wars are wani ng years for the Jedi Orde·r. Not only do their numbers shrink leading up to the conflict, but many Jedi Generals are killed in skirmishes on distant battlefields. Ultimately, lhe Jedi Order is nearly completely wiped out by Order 66, but even before that point, many Jedi sense that their organization is on the decline. This affects not only the Jedi themselves but also those who rely on the Jedi (or peace and justice. With the Jedi drawn away to fight in the Clone Wars, planets that rely on the Jedi to settle disputes and protect them from predatory neighbors are now exposed to danger and unrest. Your hero might be a native of an Outer Rim world that relies on local Jedi for protection from pirates; with the Jedi engaged in th e Clone Wars, th e pirates ravage your homeworld, leaving you to find your way in the galaxy with no home to return to. Likewise, your hero cou Id be a mercenary who serves alongside a Jedi qeneral who, Ii ke Jedi Master Kora, prefers not to work witli clone troops; when the Jedi falls in battle, your hero suddenly finds himself without an employer. These are the kinds of heroes that might arise as a result of the changing status of the Jedi during the Clone Wars.





The Clone Wars allow for the ascension of powerful villains into the limelight. The Separatists, denoun ced by the Republic as qrceo-d riven traitors, have some of the most visible and eclectic villains in the entire Star Wars saga, Count Dooku is a well-known Jedi traitor; Genend Grievous is a reputedly brilliant military leader whose visage intimidates his enemies: General Loathsom is a vicious brute, Asajj Ventress an aspiring 5ith, and Durge an immortal bounty hunter. Even Darth Maul, whose involvement in the lead-up to the CJone Wars ends nearly ten years before the outbreak of war, works closely alongside leaders of the Trade Federation. Your hero might have a history involving one of these high-profile Separatists, even if the Gamemaster chooses not to integrate that villain into your campaign. Your nero might be a Kaleesh who fought alongside General Grievous on Kalee, but now your hero resents Grievous for his role in the devastation of your planet. Similarly, your world might have been blasted from orbit by Separatist vessels under the command of General Loathsom, or the bounty hunter Durge might have killed or captured a member of your immediate family,. Tying your hero's history to one of these highly visible villai ns is an exce Ilent way to hel p you r hero feel more like a part of the Clone Wars campaign.

F=l'i...C KboN


...... TCIoooII.U


....'•• ,


..... TTLI!I-


A necessity of warfare is the increased militarization of the galaxy. The best example is the Republic govern ment, which h as no standi rig milit ary prior to the Clone Wars ..To stand aqainst the forces of the Confederacy, the Republic militarizes quickly {with (he help of the Karninoan cloners and tl1e military hardware provided by Rcthana Heavy Engineeringl. Individual worlds that pledge their support to the Republic find themselves the beneficiaries of this militarization, but many also have their infrastructure commandeered for the increased production requirements of the war effort. Separatist worlds spend large amounts of credits. pumping out new starshios, walkers, tanks, and battle droids. buying them from other member wo rids or mass-producing materiel for their own use- As a result, even once-peaceful worlds have their industries conver ted to rnilita ry use, incl uding aqricu It u re (clime troopers must be fed). medical (injured soldiers need healing to keep fighting). manufacturing (producing the weapons and vehicles of war). and



hero might have established herself as 3 smuggler of fine antiquities, but finds that her services are required for legally shipping su-ppiies,to the front lines. Or your scout hero might have been a big game hunter who traveled the Outer Rim in search of the next big hunt, but thanks to a massive increase in military influence, finds herself recru ited as a guid.e for Rep ublic troops through the deep jungles of Feluci~i.


n I ~ ] -r


During the Clone Wars, the Jedi are not just the defenders of peace and justice but also the rnilitarv leaders of the Republic, The Jedi are placed at the head of clone a fillies, 8 no they wad e in to batt le on distan t worlds alongside the rest of t he Grand Army of the Republ i c. For Jed i heroes in a Clone Wa rs camps ign, this means bein 9 sent on milita ry assignments, even for Padawans, Your Jedl hero might be out in the qalaxy on a dangerous mission entrusted to you by the Jedi Council, or you might be accompanying your Master to an important planet to defend it against Separatist at tacks.Thcuqh the Jedi are allkd with the Republic, some Jedi, such as Quinlan Vos, go undercover to infil trate t he Con fed eracv: such Jedi wo uld Iikely keep their a llegiances and powers a secret, as the Establishing your Jedi hero's role in the Clone Wars is an important par!

of creating your character. Je di who follow the Guard ian pat h. a n d anv Jecli that use their powers io enhance their combat prowess, are I'ikely to seek out an active role in the war effort. This mighi mean le adinq clone troopers into corps battle, working with elite Republic commandos, or IC<lding a starfiqhter

powe t! u I Force-

users among the Se pa ratists would

inio Separatist space .. Jedl who follow the Consular path join the Republic as hea lers and diploma ts, Some Jedi jo i 0 up wi t h Republic Mobile SU'Igi cal Units (RM SUs). providing Force-assisted humanitarian heal ing for those inju red in battle, assistance or merely in a to good use as undercover agents, Other Jcdi act as liaisons between the Republic and the civilian populations of disputed worlds, providing diplomatic in stealth, subterfuge, capacity. Jedi who follow the path of the Sentinel put their skHls and investigation Separatist

be able to detect both their deception

and, likely, their SUbterfuge.

spies, and saboteurs. These Jedi act behind enemy lines, infiltrating forces or ca us! n 9 chaos and havoc for t he Confederacy.



The following talents are intended for use with the Jedi class.

The Clone Wars can be difficult for nobles. Those nobles who are members of noble houses or corpora tions on disputed worlds might fi nd their resources drained by one faction or another, a nd others' homes a nd I ivelihoods are completely destroyed when conflict comes to their home planet. Though nobles can fill their traditional role, the Clone War~ provide opportunities for nobles to see what life is like for most citizens of the galaxy. When a battle. between the Separatists and the Republic literally destroys everything they know and love, rna ny nobles turn to a life among the stars, using their ski lis and knowledge to their advantage. With nothing left to lose. some nobles flee their hO("'lcworlds. seeking a haven safer and farther from the war, only to find themselves drawn badin. By the same token. many nobles find their own place in the war. Those nobles whose wealth ties them to the various commercial institutions war effort that

New Jedi Consular Talents

The following new talents belong to the Jedi Consular talent tree {see page 39 of the Saga Edition core rulebook), which is available to members of the Jedi class. Any character who can normally choose talents from the Jedi Consular talent tree can choose from these ta tents as well. Consular's Vitalrty: Jed.i during the Clone Wars learn to call upon the Force not only for their OWnstrength but also to aid the clone troopers and

other allies under the ir command. Once per round as a swift action, you grant
one ally within 12 squares of you (and in your line of si~ht) bonus hit points equal

to 5 +

your Charisma modifier. These bonus hit points last until.the

beginning of your next turn (at which point any remaining bonus h~t po~nts are lost), and any damage dealt to that ally comes out of bonus hit pornts first. You take a -5 penalty on all Use the Force checksuntil of your next turn. Improved Consular's Vitality: successful Iiqhtsaberattack. the beginning

make up the Confederacy find it in their best interests to contribute to the

~Jobles serve as officers aboard Separatist starships or lead ground troops into battle. Other nobles are not so eager to th row their support in with the Separatists, despite their financial ties, and instead turn their back on the Confederacy to support the Republic. Those nobles who do not become military officers (on one side of the conflict or the other) might fight to protect their interests or to expand their influence and profit from the chaos of war. Many nobles find thernse lves on worlds occupied by the factions they do not support, and to survive they put on a friendly face for their new masters while secretly working against them from within. Even though these nobles might be branded as traitors or collaborators, they know in their hearts where their true loyalties lie.

Whenever you damage a target With a talent as

you may use the Consular's Vitality

a free action instead of a swifl action until the start of your next turn.

New Jedi Guardian Talents

The following new tal ents belong to the. Jed i Guardian

ta lent

tree (see page

40 of the Saga Editio~ core rulebook), which is available to members of the Jed i class. Any character who can norrnallv choose talents from the Jedi Guardian talent tree can choose from these talen ts as well. Ex.posing Strike: When you use a tiqhtsaber to deal damage to a target, you can spend a Force Point to make that target flat-footed until the end of your next turn. Guardian Strike: Whenever you use a llqhtseber to deal damage to a target, that target takes a -.2 penalty on.attack rolls against any target other than you until the beginning of your next turn.




The follow; ng new talents are intended for use with th e noble class.

Collaborator Talent Tree

Some nobles learn to work both sides of the confl let in war and can manipulate thei r enemies into bel ieving they are allies. Dou ble Agent: When you roll Initiative at the beg inn ing of com bat.

New Jedi Sentinel Talents

The followi ng new talents belonq to the Jedi Sentinel talent tree (see page 40 of the Saga Edition core rulebook], which is available to members of th~ Jedi class. Any character who can normally choose talents from the Jedi Sentinel talent tree can choose from these talents as well. Sentinel's Observation; If you have concealment against a target. you gain a +.2 circumstance bonus on attack rolls aqai nst that target. Unseen Eyes:. Whenever you use the Force Haze talen t. allies hidden by the haze can reroll any Perception check. keeping the better result. Add ilionally. allies hidden by the haze gain T 2 on all dam age rolls against foes that are unaware of them. Prerequisites: Clear Mind, Force Haze.

also roll a Deception check, comparing the result to the Will Defense of all enemies in line of sight If your Deception check is successful, that target ca nnot attack you and does not believe you to be an enemy (thoug h they do not consider vou an ally) while this effect is active. If you a t tack or otherwise obviously harm or hinder a target un der the effect or this talent, or one of that target's a llies, th is effect ends. This is a mind-affecting effect.

Enemy Tactics: Whenever an enemy withlo 1'2 squares of you and in your line of sight receives an insight or morale bonus from any source, you can also gain tha I bonus. subject provided to that enemy, Feed Information: As a swift Additionally. until the beginning to all the same Ii mirations action, as t he bonus

Protector Actions: You and your followers have teamed to work together \0 qreat effect, ensuring that you rem ain safe while all()wing them to do their Duty, You can use any of t he following actions on you r tu rn.

• Bodyguard: As a standard action,

you can grant. one enemy a ,+1 of your next tum, one against a target within


can make a melee or ranged attack

or a Force power, as a reaction you

range. Until the end of your next turn. if that the at tack '0' Porce power to an adjacent action" you can make"

bonus on its next attack roll made before the beginning oily who receives a +.2 bonus 00 its next ill tack roll. Friendly Fire: I,t you are eng.aged in melee combat eMmyand

target damages you with an attack call choose to redirect the attack

of your next turn, you NO designate with


or Force power is resolved ,against that ally as normal. melee or ranged range. If that target attacks you or one of of your next tum, you can move One of

an adjacent

• Diversion Attock: As a standard attack against a target within your allies before the beginning

are the iarget of a lan,ged attack that miss~s you. compare the attack (oil to the Reflex Defense of one adjacent enemy; if the attack equal5 or exceedS the target's Retlex Defense, thar enemy becomes the new to rget
of 111eattack. which Protection: is resolved as norma I. action, you can designate one ally and make Defense y()u.

up to its speed directlv toward that targeL. • The .Best De (ens«; As 3 standard action, you can make a melee or ranged
attack against a target wi thin range, For each of you, followers rolls until the beginning armed witn a ranqed weapon and having Ii ne of sigh t to the target takes a -I penalty On attack (hat target

vour followers

Prer~qu"sitec Enemy Iactics.

As a standard check, comparing a Persua,ion the result against the Will

enemies in your line of sig ht who can hear and understand result equals or exceeds a target's the ally you desigoaie"d until the beginning

If your

of all check

of your next turn.


Inspire l.ovaltv,

Will Defense. that target of your next tum.

cannot attack


Double Agent.

The scoundrel flourishes during the C one Wars, because the shifting Ii nes of

Loyal Protector
can attract InspIre follower's skill

Talent Tree
f0110wers who protect template for you from harm. the aggre.s,the gains one Proficienev g~neratiog

bottle and utter chaos create an environment

both the Republic to enhance military

in which she can thrive, With in a long. drawn -out war, diverted the ships, take the their had little police forces and the Sector

As, a result of you, station. occupaf on, or even just your natural Charisma, you One Or more faithful Loyalty: 'tatistics or utility follower You gai~ a sinqle follower. Choose either

and the SeparJ tists (ogaged assets, Though planerarv

reso urces used to keep the peace ann cnfo rce the law are instead Rangers continue to enforce the law, "hey find themselve5 without Smugglers. pirates, and black marketcers

live, defensive.



based 00 the rules on page 32. This follower must meet the prerequisites for tne' Armor

personnel. and credits oecessary with more than before, opportunity

to do their jobs, letting scoundrels get away

during the Clone WafS. extending

Armor Proficiency The' follower feat you select,

feat of your choice and becomes trained in the Perception

to expa nd their influence A scoundrel character


into new systems and sectors where they previously

can seek to take advantage

You can select this talent multiple additional Undying follower (maximum

times, Each time you do. you gain One gains the Iouqhness real.

of the havoc

of 3 followers).

Loyalty: Each of your followers Prerequtsite: lnspi re loyalty. Protection: against As a reaction the target

wreaked upon the galaxy by war, looking to make credits while the attention of the Republic is elsewhere, Alternatively, fi~ding many scoundrels find themselves drawn 'into the Clone Wars. ernplovrnent as a result of increased and instead become giving need, .Many leqitimate to the offering contraband more legitimate

Punishing ranged attack

to you being damaged by an attack can make an immediate you. Until by an attack melee or the beginning or Force power.

or a Force power. one of your followers,s cease to transport generous contractshanded and the Confederacy. them commissions toact

that atlacked

sh ippers of weapons and supplies,

up a life of crime thanks seek out pirates,

of your next turn, any time you are damaged another one of your followers can attack can, be used once per encounter.

out to independent as privateers


traders by both the Republic

that attacking bonus + 5.

target. This ability

Both sides of tbe conflict

that prey o.nly on the members of the bounty huntinvolved in the whose th e payrolls of factions


lnspi re Loyal ty. base attack

opposing faction. Though mostly the domain or-the Separatists, ers and assassins find themselves war. serving as mercenaries, one of the factions engage in tactics bodvquards,

and leaders. Any scoundrels

sl<ills allow them to work well. wii h others can .surely find a place a lonqside in the Clone Wars, because both sides of the conflict the realm of proper militarv protocol, far outside

The following



new talents are intended lor use with the scoundrel class,

The Clone War5 senti agents of both the Republic and the Confederacy to far-flung world, in search of resource, to exploit, Many rely on 'local guides to keep them from getting lost in the unfamiliar wilderness, and scout heroes become entangled in the conflict in such a way, The Republic and the Confederacy hire scout heroes either a"guides or trackers, but also sometimes as advanced scouts, bounty hunter" and e'ven assassins, Thanks take place on to the expansive nature of the Clone Wars, major conflicts Without difficult

New Misfortune
The following

talent tree (see page from the

new talent belonqs to the Misfortune

4£ of the Saga Edition core rulebook), which is available to members of the scoundrel class Any character who Can normally choose talent, Misfortune Stymie: within talent tree can choose this talent as well. Once per round, as ,a ,wift action. you can designate a target

12 squares of you and in your line of sight as the target of this talent

undeveloped. wild worlds where the 5ki lis of 3 scout are eX1remely val uable. scouts, both the Republic and the Separatists would have a more time finding their way across planets like Felucia and Saleucarni, activity during the Clone Wars. worlds thilt become hotspots

!.Jntil the begi nninq of you r turn, you can cause tha t target to ta ke a ~5 penalty on all checks made with a single skill, You must have line of sight to your tllrg~t to make USe of th is talent, and detlar~ which skill is to be penalized at the time (his talent is activated

both of which see significant

Moreover. scouts find themselves thrust into the Clone Wars against their will. simply try living on out-of-the-way for military activi t y. 1hough actual conscriptions are rare. many scou IS are scooped up by occupying fe rces Jnd pressed into service. Though the occupiers pay these scouts, thcy have li.ttle choice in accepting the job. Other

This is a rnind-affectinq



Talent Tree
allow you to make the

Profiteers, gu nrunners, and priva tee-s can use the chaos of w~ r to make a tidy profit, and you are no exception, You r talent, best of a bod situation. keep your pockets filled with credits, and keep you alive long enough to spend them. Advantageous Opening: When an enemy or ally in your line of ; ighi rolls a natural 1 on an attack roll, you can mak.c a melee or ranged attack against a single target within range. Retribution: When a target moves one of your allies in you r line of sight until the end of your next turn. down the condition track by any means, you gain a +2 insiqht bonus to vour attack rolls against that t.rget Slip By: When YO\J damage a tarqet, until the beginning of your next turn, you can move throuqh that tarqet's space. Moving through the tJr~et's space might still provoke attacks of opportunity movement in a legal space, nrive on Chaos: Whe·n an enernv or oily within 20 squares of you ls reduced to 0 hit points, you gain bonus hit points equal to 5 .. one-half your character level. Damage is subtracted from bonus hit points first, and any bonus hit points remaioing at the end of the encounter go away, Bonus hit points do not stack, as normal, and you must end your

Prerequisite: Advantageous Opening.


When an enemy you have damaged is reduced 10 0 hit poi nts

moved to the bot tom of tile condition trac~, your next attack made before

the end of the encounter deals +1 die of damage.




willingly join one taction or the other, and many of the Republic'S and Separatists' best scouts do not officially jo in either [action until the W,H comes 100 their home pi ane ts, Reg ardless of now the hero is drawn into the conflict.,. scouts have skills that are hot: commodities during the Clone Wars. As J result, scouts see working for one faction or another during the Clone Wars as a way to make some easy credits and also improve their standi ng wit.h the winning NEW faction.

_. Sweep rh~ A.rea: As a standard attackaqainst a target

action, you can make a melee or ranged armed with

in range. For each of your followers

a ranged weapon who has line of sight to your tarqet, you and each of your followers gains a + I circumstance on Perception checks until the end of your next turn. Prerequisite: Reconnaissance learn Leader.

SCOUT TALENTS for use with the scout class. The new talents are intended

Talent Tree
transforming the information you into a distinctadvantaqe If you are not surprised

YOl) have mastered the art of surveillance,

ga ther with scouting Advanced Intel:


the baitlei ield. of combat,

at the beginning

Reconnai55ance the aggressive, generating

Talent Tree
the best reconTeam Leader: You qai 0' a sing Ie follower ..Choose eit her or utility follower template for your follower,

you can use the Spotter

talent as a free action on your first turn, including

YOll have learned to work in concert with a team to provide naissance and cover as much ground as possible.

durinq the surprise round. Hidden

Prerequislie: Spot ter. Ey." If you have concealment

bonus on all Perception

from a target.

you gain a +5 look for


checks made against that target. action to actively application of the Perception

the follower's

starisucs using the rules on page 32. this follower

can also make Stealth

Hunt the Hunter:

When you use a standard

gains the Skill Training feat for the Perception and Stealth skills. Additionally, whenever you usc the Stealth skill, all your followers You can select this talent multiple additional Shot feat. follower Close-Combat checks as a part of the same action if they are able to. times. Each time you do, you gain one gains the Point Blank (maximum of three followers) Assault: Each of you r followers learn leader. cause one of your followers

hidden enemies (as per the Notice Iarqets notice with YOUI Perception is unaware check.


you can make a single melee or ranged attack against aoy one enemy you

Seek and Destroy: I f you make a echo rge attack ago ins: a target tha t
of you, that target ca nnot make a Perception check to notice you u'ntil after the attack conceal rnent. is resolved, even if you move away from cover or

Prerequisife; 'Reconnaissance
Get Into Position:

As a move action, youcan

Prerequisite: Hidden Eyes. SPOUN: As a move action, you on make a Perception check with a DC
equal to 10 + the CL of a single target enemy in your line of sight. If you succeed on the check, you and .11 your allies that can hear and understanc

to move up to his or he' speed .. 2 squares, Prerequisites: Recoonaissance Team Leader, base attack bonus +,5. Re'connaissaocc learned Actions: You and your reconnaissance team have set to work together as a cohesive unit and have an esrabnsbeo

you qa in a + 1 insight bonus. on a!tad of you, next tum.

ro 11.5 that target. un til the end

of tactics. which you have practiced following actions on your (urn.

to perfection.

You can use any of the

• Forward Scouting: As a standard action, you can ma ke a melee or ranged

attack against a target in range. For each of your followers a ranged weapon who has line of sight to your target, armed with you can gr~nt

The Clone Wars are a soldier's dream. Wi.tlt two major factions for control militias, of the galaxy, soldiers find themselves sides of the bat tlefield. mercenaries, Professional soldiers, including struggfing in high demand on both members 'Of planetary Some become the Republ.ic

one ally a *2 insight bonus on attack rolls against your target until the' beginning of your next turn. Inus, if you have multiple armed followers with line of sight to the target, you Can grant the +2 bonus to multiple allies. • Group Sniping: As a standard a ranged weapon veer followers action, you can make a melee Or ,anged armed with checks until attack aqa inst a target in range. For each of you r followers gains a +1 circumstance bonus to Stealth

lend theirexpertise

to the Republic or the Separatists. by their principles as they support

acting as blasters-for-hire

for the hight.>t bidder, Others fight

out of idealism, . .standing conflict between

or secede with the Coofederacy.

The Clone War'S present a straiqhtforward equal power, and tht tougnness

two rorccs of relatively

who has line of sight to your target. you and each 01

a~d cunning 01 soldiers can tip the scales of any given battle. Soldiers are everywhere fighting du ring the Clone Wars. The clones and droids Pilots a~d vehicle operators stations. in oneither side have soldiers among them (and players might choose Most

the end of your next tu rn.

to create heroic clone or droid characters].

the Clone Wars are soldiers, as are gun ners man ning artlllerv



in a particular

field during

the Clone Wars, providing

specific service as a member of infantry units, starfighter corp', or armor units, Heroic soldiers art usuallv male th~n rank-and-file trooper'; during the Clone War'S,:many are officers (even low-level captains and lieutenants) expected commanding larger groups of soldiers, and some are eli te specie I forces sold iers-

Phalanx, Whenever you provide soft cover to an ally within you are considered to be providing improved cover, Prerequisile.-Watch Your Back, Stick Together: Llntil the begi'wing

3 squares,

You can spend a move action to activate this talent, of your next turn, if an ally moves you (an i rnmediatelv you end your movement


be more talented and more deadly than other soldiers,

move up to your speee as a move action, provided within 3 squares of that ally,

The following


for us•• with the soldier class.

Prerequisite: Comrades in Arms,

Watch Your Back: If you are adjacent to at least one ally, enemies gain

new talents are intended

no benefit from flan king you or any adjacent allies. New Brawler Talent
The follow ing new talents belong to the Brawler the Saga Edition core rulebook], which is available class. Any character Bayonet Master: tree can choose from these talents as well, ta len t tree (see page 52 of to members of the soldier

Squad Leader Talent Jree

You are a ca pable mi litarv leader who can issue orders to a squad of soldiers with poise and efficiencv, Commanding

who- can normally choose talents from the Brawler talent Wilen you take a full attack


You gain a single follower. (oHower template

Choose' either


action, you can treat a

aggressive, defensive, ing the- follower's in addition One Armor Proficiency meet the prerequisite"

or utility

for your fol'lower, generatProficiency The follower (rifle5). must

ranged weapon With a bayonet as a double melee weapon. You can attack with the bayonet and dub a target With your ranged- weapon (as with the

using rhe rules on page 32. This follower gai ns by the follower templates,

feat of your choice and Weapon for the Armor Proficiency

Gun Cluh talent], igno'ing of a double weapon.

Prereoutsit«: Unrelenting Gun Club, Assault:

the normal penalties for attading

with both ends

to those provided

feat you select.

You launch yourself

at your foe, attacking


weapons, limbs, and anything a track or the attack to the target (minimum

else available, Whenever you miss with a melee bonus in damage with a

You Co" select tnis talent multiple times. Each time you do, you gain one additional follower (maximum of three followers). Coordinated Tactics: Each of your followers gains the Coordinated Attack feat (see page 83 of the Saga Edition core rulebook], provided he meets the

is negated, you still deal vour Strength

·1)or 2 x your Strength bonus if vouattack

weapon you are weildi ng two-handed.

Prerequisite: Melee Smash. New Commando Talent

The foHowing new talent belongs 10 the Commando talent tree (see page

orereou islte. If your follower gains the feat at that time. Prerequisite' Commanding
Fire at Will: make a ranged attack against

later meets the prerequisite Officer.

for the feat, he

As a [ull-round action, you and one of your followers one target Officer,


(each) in line of sight.. You each

take a ~5 penalty to your attack '0115, Prerequisilts:Commanding Squad Actions: perfection. a team, and have an established base attack bonus +5. to work together as io that you have practiced You and your squad have learned set of tactics

which is available to rnernbers of the soldier class. Any character who can normallv chooSO€talents from the Commando talent tree can choose ihis talent as well. Keep Them at Bay: When you use the aid another action to suppress an enemy, that enemy takes a-S" penaltv on its next attack instead of the
52 of the Saga Editioncore rulebook], normal -2 penaltv, Only 1 character at a lime. may gain the benefits of this talent against a given larget

You can, use any of the following

actions On your tum.

• Autofire Barrage: A5 a standard action, you can make an autofire attack against legal target spaces, For each of your followers who is armed with a ranqed weapon set on auionre and nas line of .sight to thearea
tarqeted by vour aurofire, by your autofire you COlO designate one additional square 3\ targeted [that square must be adjacent action, to your original

Trooper Talent Tree

In war, soldiers stand side by side aqa insr deadly foes, and you have learned how to keep yourself Comrades and your comrades alive in battle. roils. in Arms: Whenever you are withi,n 3 squares of an ally, you

target area). • Open Fire: As a standard and has line of ,ight rna ke a ranged at tack against a single who is armed with a ranged weapon add +2 to your damage roll on a targ'ct. FOI each of your followers

gain a + 1 clrcu rnsta nee bonus On a II melee and ranged attack Focused Targeting:

to the target.

When you damage a tarqct with a mdee or ranqed


attack, all a llies within 3 squa res gain a +2 bonus 00 damage m.lls "go inst that tarqet until the beginning of your next turn,

Prereouisit»: Comrades in Arms.

• Painted Jorge!; A" 8 standard


make a ranged attack again,t a

battle, and only the quid

often find themselves TIle foil.owing

5ingle 1'!lJeL You g3il\ <I competence bonus on YOL"attack roll equal to the number of your followers who are arme,j witll a ranged weapon and have line of sight to the target. Thus, if you have three armed followers with line of sight to the large" Officer, you gain a "'"] competence bonus on

Heroes in a Clone Wars carnpaiqn

on the field ot
new applications

minds of military

leaders can ensure that the

heroes survive or even emerge victorious. of the Knowledge relevant to the Clone Wars,

(tc"cti~s) skill tan be used in any era but are particularly

vourattack roll. Prenquisile'; Commanding


Enemy Strategy


Onlv): A good tactician can anticiann then plan accordingly, [tactics] can designate A, a

pate her enemy's movements

and wlliegies, trained

Skills in the Star Wor5 RokpioVing Gome Saga EditiM cover a broad rang e of uses under their general titles. Below are new specific USeS for some oj the
skills in the game. However, a skill couldapplv rules are not provided determine in situations even when specific to

a move action. a character

in Knowledge

l3rgel in her line of ,ight and make a Know.ledge (tactics} check to anticipate

in the ,kill description.

It is up to tile Gamemaster check is more suitable.

when a sH11 is applicab

e. or if an ability

the enemy's next move, The DC for the check is equal to the target's Will CL if the ta rget does not have a Will Defense [as is the case for vehicles without unique pilots). If successful, you gain special' insight into the tarqet's ,lrategy ~nd
Defense, or to + the target', can anticipate its next move. You learn what actions the target actions might change as well, though is I ikely to unless lake on its next turn based on the current circumstances: change, the target's the situation information include information likely next action. information if circumstances lypically

changes crastica Ily voi, should have a good idea of the target's.


The GJmemaster
on the

'is the final arbiter or feats,

of just how much this does not provide it should


you gain through

the use of this skill. Typically


of talents


On whether the target

toattack, where the rqet might the t3rg~1 might employ. Battlefield du,iog Tactic, (Trained moss combat,


is going to "Had, who the iarqet intends move to, or any other special srrateqies

~ n

Oil)",), If you are the' commander in a unit

you can use your tactical ,k now ledge to gra nt extra l!and3(d actions to otnercnaracters in yo~r unit (see ·'M", Combat" on page ss). The base check DC for this application of the skill is 20" and it requires three swift actions made on consecutive founds 10 activate. P,ERCEI='TICIN The balllc·field5 of the Clone W<Jrs are conf'usi ng, hazsrdous places where danger can rise from anywhere to strike without warning, Scouts and other forward units are cr:ifical to the success of 2 faction during a battle. The
followinq new application of the Perception is particularly relevant to the Clone Wars, Long-Range trained skill can be used in any era but requires vele ctrobincculars}: those from




Though anvon e can use electrobinocula in the, Perception their long-range observation.

to see objects at a distance, on an attack

skill ca n g,.ean particula rly usefu I insights You can aid another

(0.11 (see

page 151 of the Saqa Edition core rutebook) made by an ally or allied vehicle by mBking a DC 10 Perception check instead of an attack roll. You must be able to see tMe larget of the attack through the etectrobinoculars, and your target must be a t least 50 squares lcharscter scare) from both you a nd the ally you aid, You r ally must be able to hea rand appl ication of the Perception skill'. understand you to use th ls

BUIRViVAIil.., S[;;c;- many of the battles of the Clone Wars take place on worlds hostile skill is used extensively the Survival Clone Wars. during this era The following new application relevant to of

Humans and other species, it should come as no surprise that the Survival
skill can be u"ed in any era but is particularly to the

Whik the ta.rget'1lliy is in a Force trance, it can go ten times as long as normal wirhcut air, food, or water (see the Endurance skill on page 66 of the Saga Edition core rulebcok). Unwilling ta rqets cannot be plated In J Force trance.

Create Defensive Position (Trained Only): A character trained in the Survival skill (an make camp in a d~fensible position, digging trenches or
otherwise prep" rinq th~ encampment to defend civilized against an attack When you can

The new f~"ts presented


her>: are available

in any era, Sorne tears

are to

you SlOP to rest (even in urban or otherwise as a defensive


especially appropriate for Clone' Wars campaigns and should contribute' character concepts, commonly found in this time,

take 10 min utes to prepare the place where you and your allies are resu n9

positio». At the end of the '10 minutes, iJ you succeed on

position, While you and you, allies sleep within

You have been anointed other Nelva,mians Prerequisite: do,

as 3 hunter specie's, for your tribe and possess skills few

DC 20 Survive! check, you prepare an a rea no b'igger than 20x20 squares

as a defensive

that area,

you take no penalty to Perception

checks to notice targets, furthermore,ail the prepared 'area, to Reflex Defense defensive position,

N elvaanian

creatures ta.k~. -5 penalty on Stealth checks made within l.astlv, you and 311allies gain a .2 circumstance bonue while within the area, If you and your allies abandon the the effe(t ends, Special: Sleeping or unconscious characters take
Perception checks.

Benefit: If you end your move at leasl2 squares from where vou started, you gain 0 +1 competence bonus on attacks made with thrown weapons u nt il the enq of your turn. AR:riILILERV
to dev3,stating effect.





You have learned to use the a.ngl~ and distance bet ween you and your target Prerequisite: Proficient with weapon used. weapon against two additional



many such as the )~di healers who serve in R~publ~c new application of the Use the Force skill of the re levant fO the Clone War;.

The Jedi generals of the Clone Wars do not all lead clones into battle: serve in aux'iliaty can be used in any Move capacity, Mobile Surgical Units The fallowing

Benefit: a target

When you make;m attack with a burst or-splash than point blank range, you (on a.ffed to the normal burst or splash area.

at greater

squa res adjacent


but is particularly (Trained Only):

Light Object

You can use this application

When voc combine fi'e results on the auacxer.

can have devastating

skill to catch and move a t~fown weapon, sucn as,grenades, th.t lands Within your reach. The object tan weigh no more tho n 5 kg. You must ready an action to catch the object on your turn, before the object is thrown. Moving the object requires J Use the Force check, with a DC equal to the attack the thrown weapon, If you succeed on this check, you catch the force and can immediately you: othefwise, explosive, such a'S J grenade, resolve the ,att~ck as normal. it explodes roll of

with an etlv, your barraqe

Prerequtsites: Coordinated Attack, base attack bonus + 5, Benefit: When you aid an ally's attack" for every 3 points that the ally's
attack roll beats the target's f\eflex Defense, the at tack deals + 1 die of receives is roll or damage. The maximum +5 dice, whichever number of bonus damage dice the attack

the object with

move the object up to 6 squares awoy from If the object you caught is an You at the end of its movement.

equal to the number of allies with (his feat that aided on the attack i, lower.

can use the object caught as a project ile weapon, Place Otherin Force Trance (Trained

as norma I. Only): As 0 full-round action, you cal) place an adjacent willing ally that you touch into a Force trance with a DC 15 Use the Force check, tn this state. the tuge! ally rests as though
io a deep coma and is considered helpless, Each hour the target rernains tn the trance, the target regains a number of 11,1 points equal to its character level You can bring an adjacent ally you touch out of a Force trance as a

You can repair droids quickly, Prerequisite: Trained in the Mechanic,s skill. Benefit: You



repairs. on a drnid in 10 minutes. skill,

Normal: Repairiog a druid typically ta kes 1 hour (see the Mechanics page 70 of the Saga EditjDn core rulebook}.

swift action,

but' tne target C3nMt otherwise

come out of the Force tra~ce

on his or her own, If the target remains in. the Force trance for 4 consecutive hours, the target emerge, had rested for 8 hours], from the trance hJlI.y rested (as though the tarqet


taking frailties.

You have learned to target the delicate parts of your droid opponents, of their mechanical


FEATS as bonus feats by

feats 10 their relevant

Some of the feats in this chapter may be selected certain classes. Each class may add the foilowiRg bonus feat list.

Prerequisite: Proficient with weapon used, Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls against droid enemies, or .. 4 if you are using a weapon that deals ion damage.

Jed! Noble Scoundrel Scout Soldier


Foree, Unwavering Resolve, Wary Defender Resolv~, Repair, Repair, Hunter,


EXPERIENCED MEDIC You have spent so much lime on the battlefield that patcning up wounded allies has become second nature to you.
Prerequisite: 'Benefit: rulebook) Trained in Treat Injury. equal to your Intelligence bonus (miniYou can perform surgery (see page 74 o( the Saqa Edltion core on a number o( creatures You make Treat Injury checks for each individual

Experienced Medic, Leader of Drolds Unwavering Wary Defender Droid Droid ArtiJlery Hunter, Hunter, Shot,

Droidcraft, Coordinated

Expert Barrage,

Droid Droid DrOid

Ovcrwh el m i ng Alta ck

Hash and Clear

Experienced Medic, Flash and Clear, Flood of Fire, Grand Army of the Republic Traini"!l, Attack, Separatist Unstoppable Gunnery Specialist, Overwhelming Training, Trench Warrior, Military

mum 2) simultaneously. creature as normal.

Force, Wary Defender

Prerequisite: Benefit: simultaneously. FLASH


skill bonus

You can repair multiple

droids simultaneously.

Trained in the Mechanics

You can repair a number 0' droids equal to your Intelligence You make Mechanic> checks for each droid as normal. AND CLEAR

You can use the smoke, noise. light, and confusion at tacks to move unseen near your foes. Benefit:

caused by your grenade

When you damage a target with a burst or splash weapon, you against mat target until the beg inn log of your next turn.

gain concealment

FLOOD the barrage.

Prerequisite: Benefit:


fire,ke~ping your opponents from escaping

You fill the air with weapon Proficient

with weapon used. bonuses to Reflex Defense

When you make an area attack with a weapon set on autofire,

all targets in the area lose all dodge or deflectlon against the aulofir e attack.

FEAT NAME Anointed Hunter Artillery Shot

PREREQUISITES Nelvaanian species Proficient with weapon used

BENEFIT Move 2 or more squares and gain a .. I bonus on attacks with thrown weapons until the end of your turn. You increase the efficacy
of your burst and splash weapon


Coordinated Barrage Droidcraft Oroid Hunter Experienced Medic Expert DroidRepair Flash and Clear Flood of Fire Grand Army of the Republic Training Gunnery Specialist Jedi Familiarity Leader of Oroids Overwhelming Attack Pall of (he Dark Side Separatist Military Training Spray Shot Trench Warrior Unstoppable Force Unwavering Resolve Wary Defender

Coordinated Attack, base attack bonus +5 Trained in Mechanics Proficient with weapon used Trained io Treat Injury Trained in Mechani~s Proficient w.i(h wealion used Profil:ieni wiih armor worn Base attack bonus ~ 1

Allow an ally to deal more damage when you aid hi, attack. Repair a droid in 10 minutes instead of I hour Deal +2 damage to droid enemies,

+.4 when using an ion weapon.

Perform surgery on multiple creatures simultaneously, Repair multiple droids simultaneously Gain concealment against a target

damage with a burst or spla.lh weapon.

Ignore enemies' dodge and deflection bonuses to Reflex Defense when making

area attacks witha weapon set on autofire.

Apply your armor's equipment bonus to your Will Defense. Rer:oHan attack made with a vehicle weapon. Gain one temporary Force Point wh~~ targeted by an ally's Force power or Force talent. Allied droid, benefit from your beneficial mind-affecting effects·. Any attempt to negate your attack rakes a -5 penalty on the attack roll or skill check. Dark Side Score t ~ Ad.d h'alf your Dark Side Score to Use the Force checks to resist detection, Gain a ~ 1 bonus on an attack roll while adjacent to an ally. When using a weapon set on autofire, you can reduce the area to 1 square. When you have cover against a enemy's rang.ed attacks, gain a +·1bonus on attack rolls against thai enernv, Gain a + 5 bonus to Fortitude Defrnst' and Will D~(ense against any fffec:! requiring Trained in Perception a Use the Force check, Gain a + 5 bonus to Will Defense aqainst Deception and Persuasion checks. Gain a ~2 bonus to FortilOde Defense and Will Defense while fighting defenSively.


You nave received basic training from the Grand Army of the Republic 3'1d know how to turn even bulky armor into an asset. Prerequisite: Proficient with armor worn. Benefit: If you wear armor that provides on equipment bonus to your Fortitude Defe~se, you also apply the armor's equipment bonus to your Will Defense.

strike true. Benefit:


You know how to get your attacks past enemy defenses, making sure they You must spend two swift actions in the same round to activate

this feat. If your tarqet attempts to use a talent, feat, or other ability to negate your attack (such as Block, Deflect, or Vehicular Combat), the target takes

-5 penalty to any attock. roll, or skill checks it makes to negate the

attack, This effect applies to the next attack you make before the end of the same round.


to great

You are right at home in the gunner's seat and use heavy artillery

the dark side. Prerequisite: Benefit:



effect. Prerequisite: Base attack bonus + 1. Benefit: While you are the gunner of a vehicle, you are considered proficient with vehicle weapons. Additionally, once per encounter, you can reroll an attack fall made with a vehicle weapon, though you the result of the attack roil, but before damage is resolved. Special: Taking Inis feat satisfies the prerequisites for the Starsh ip Tactics

You are adept at hiding yourself from Force-users, Dark Side Score 1+.

BIDE thanks to the haze of

You can add one-half your Dark.Side Score (minimum 1) to any


keep the

Use the Force checks made to resist attempts to detect you ""ith the Sense Force application of the Use the Force skill.

second result, even if it is worse. You can declare this reroll after you learn




feal (page 20 of Starships of (lie Galaxy); however, unless you are Ira ined in
the Pilot skill and have the Vehicular Combat feat, you may only take [gunner) maneuvers wnen you select starship maneuvers for Starshio Tactics.

You have received extensive training from the military of the Confederacy of Independent Systems aNd are familiar with lts practices. Benefit: White you are adjacent to at least one of your allies, gain a +'1 circumstance bonus


anyone attack roll you make on your turn .

You have worked alongside Jedi or other Force-users and have de-veloped an excellent rapport. Benefit: Once per encounter, when you are tarqetcd or affected by a goes Force power or Force talent originatin9 from an aUy, you gain one temporary

errant shots. Benefit:

allies from reduce the

vou can fire a short burst at an enemy while protectinqnearbv When you have a weapon set on autofire. voucan

Force Point, which must be spent before the end of the encounter the condition track, you do not gai n the benefit of this feat,

Or it

area targeted by your autofire attack to 1 square.

away. If the Force power Or Force t alent damages you or moves you down



You have experience fighting in ihe trenches, and you know how to use cover

tactically. Bene.,it:



to your attack advantaqe. Benefit: When you are adjacent ;0 a wa II or object that provides you with cover from your target's ranged attacks, you gain a ~ 1 ci rcumstance

You are experienced in leading droids, and you know how to direct them Whenever you provide a beneficial, mind-affecting effect to

bonus on your attack rolls against that target.

your allies, you may select from among these allies a number of druids equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum their mind-affecting willing to ignore this immunity 1). The droids you designate ignore



immunity with regards to this effect, provided they are

Yourcon.stant exposure to Force-users has taught you. methods of physically resisting their effect on. you in battle, Benefit: You gain a +5 insight bonus to Fortitude Defense and Will Defense aqainst any attack Or effect requiring a Use the Force check,

are tied directly eyer. followers

to the hero who spent talents and feats to gain them, Howgo on adventures with vou and provide assistance. both in

combat and in noncombat encounters, and otherwise function as members of your panv. FOllowers an; considereo your allies, as well as the allies of your party members. In a Clone Wars campaign,

followers give the heroes an opportunity


lead troops into ba t tie, corn rnand a crack squad of Republic


control S group of mercenaries nir'cd to do reconnaissance.

of guards fitting as nonberoic followers the direct control for a noble of stature. Though thcvserve allies, they are different

or retain a retinue
the same functions under

in that their actions are typically

of one of the heroes. A Jedi hero might ie<ld clone trooper while a noble might have a team of loyal protectors her asshe travels the galaxy. Ihese followers

into battle,

and' decoys accompanying


not just mindless, faceless drones who obey the here's every bidding, way or another

they do represent the many backqround characters that assist heroes in one

throuqhout the Star Wors saqa, For an individual hero, the presence of rollowers represents a significant part of that character's development: leadership. When a hero takes a talent that grants followers, that hero h8S become a leader to 3 single follower or small group of NPCs. Gamemasters that allow heroes to take followergranting watching talents should encourage out for their emotional' Garnernaster
OU t

these heroes to act asqcod leaders should,

taking core of their followers, Each i~dividuJ:i

ensuring they are healthy and physical welfare. ca n determine

and prepared, and

how much or how lit ue lime and rna nnerisrns of a hero's is enouqn, but some as thoroughly

deceptions Benefit:

of other" and ca n see through

they devote to fleshing followers, Garnemasters Deception rniqht

the personalities

You are not easily swayed by the words thanks to your keen mind. Trained in Perr eption. You gain" Prerequisite:

For some, assiqninq

a name to the tollower Garnemasters

wish to flesh out the followers

3, they

would major NPC; (or a campaign. th~ir players to determine

should ,3150 consult with as followers

+5 insight bonus to Will D~fense "goinSI

how much detail they would like for their followthoughts and motivations, and Ga rnemasters

a nd Persuasion checks,

ers. For example, a hero leading a squad of clone trooper, not care about his followers' should be aware of how mueh attention hing personality details.



their players want paid to to'llowers'

Even in the heat of ba ttle you (a~ bolster you rself agai nst nearlvanvr that comes your way, Benefit: Fortitude When you Use the fight defensively ;)ction

15~e page 152 of bonus to you, of your next turn.

the Saga Edition (ore rulebook),

you gain a ,·2 competence

Human foilowersgain

no species bonus from the standard follower

Defense a~d WIll Defense until the beginninq

Since Human species traits grimt a bonus feat and a bonus t.rained skill, generation any template sy~lem. Instead, Human followers (other than their OWn follower statistics can choose one item from template] and ilpply that to with the could

Followers are ncnheroic characters thatact

your allies and @genls, (juring are obtained through talent,

the follower's

instead, for example, a Human follower template, or a Human utility

adven lures. Iln Ii ke other NPC atlies, foll'owers and <Jugmen\ed by abilities gr8 nt iog talents through further

aggl"t'ssive template from the defensive

could choose to gain the bonus \0 Reflex Defense follower follower from the ",ggl~ssive follower.

of your choosing. A player that selects followerand abilities of those followers minions, fo.llowers do Unlike a "imelord's


choose the role, function,

choose the +2 bonus to Constitution

talent selection,

not g3in skilts or feat, 31 thev advance in level, and many of their statistics

FOLLOWER STATISTICS A follower's statistics are determined by your heroic level, so when you take a talent that grants you a follower, you need not worry about ouilding a character completely from scratch. Similarly, as you gain levels, the totlower's statistics improve, helping "{our followers stay active as your campaign progresses. When you qain a follower, you can build a full stat block fOI that follower by using the guideli nes presented below. Level: Your followers are considered to be the same level as your nero. Followers are considered Species: followers nonheroic characters but gain none of the benefits you can select the followers of the follower, Your



do not gain trained

skills, though

their untrained


modifiers are calculated as normal/one-half level + the relevant. ability score modifier). Some templates and talents allow fOllowers to become trained in certain Intelligence. Possessions: credits All followers have starting «edits equal to the starting for your first class. skills. Followers do not gain bonus trained skills for Maving a high

of the nonherolc dass (see page 277 of t he Saga Edition core rulebook].
When you receive a follower, that species' traits species, applying Initiative: to the statistics



Unlike the various alien species of the

Star Wars

universe, droids do not likely to be

share a basic set of traits that can be used to quickly build a character. Heroes in a Clone Wars campaign with droid followersare bers of the Confederacy that restrict droid follower5

never gain bonus feats from their species traits. Followers do not make lnitiative checks. They act on the hero's to activate them. Points or with that would give a folinteract Points: Followers do not receive Destiny Any effect


(or at least working with the Separatists).

turn, as the hero must spend actions Oe~stiny and Force

to a single model of droid, all droid followers leaving The up to the Gamemaster, hero. folof a

use some of the same basic rules to cover their game mechanics, the specifics of droid model and appearance

Force Points, nor do they have destinies. lower a Force Point, use a follower's the follower's Dark Side Score: increase normallv. Languages: one language Defenses: A follower in common A follower Followers

Force Point. or otherwise

droids might be super battle droids, droid commandos, or 16-100 bodyguard droids depending on the needs and desires of the individual However, droid followers droid follower systems allowing powerful come with some pitfalls equipment that nondroid

Force Points and Destiny Points have no effect. have Dark Side Scores (though they begin an acts that would warrant

with no score], which increase as they commit

lowers do not. It is much easier to upgrade the combat capabilities simply by purchaslnq shields.

for it, such as hardened should be careful

speaks its native languages, with you (usually Basic]. has a Reflex Defense, Fortitude

plus it has at least Defense, and Will + your heroic level.

or personal

Gamemasters counterparts.


PCs to take droid followers, than their nondroid

as they can quickly Gamemasters

become more must cardully

Defense equal to 10 + the relevant abil itv score modifier

Son). talents and effects allow you to increase these defenses, and the basic follower templates can also include bonuses for individual defenses, Any bonus to Reflex Defense from armor does not stack with the bonus from your heroic level. If the follower Hit Points: heroic level. Damage ThreshoJd:A Base Attack bonus. Aggressive Bonus: follower's damage threshold is calculated as normal template determines its base attack progression (see and util itv folis wearing armor, use the higher of the two bonuses. has a number of hit points equal to 10 + your A follower

consider the repercussions th ei r droid fo IIewers, Use the following Ability Scores:

of giving heroes too free a hand in modifying a droid follower:

species traits when creating Droid followers

may choose to apply a +2 bonus to

any ability score of their choice (except Constitution],

Size: Droid followers should be Medium size. Gamemasters that wish to allow droid followers of different sizes can do so, but must make adjustments to statistics locomotion, Droid immunities, considered and locomotion speed based on the size of the follow~r. can begin with walking locomotion have all of the droid traits SpI!ed: Droid followers Traits:

lsee page 146 of the Saga Edition core rulebookl.

A follower's followcrs use the soldier base attack while defensive

or tracked
and droid on are

each of which confers il speed of 6 squares. Droid followers They follow all of the same rules as droids, 3S outlined drolds, th{)ugh Gamemasters

page 51 of the Saga Edition core rulebook], lowers use the scoundrel Edition core rulebook], Grapple: Ability A follower's Scores: grapple

base attack progression

(see paqe 45 of the Saga as normal (see page

pages 187-188 of the 5aga Edition core rulebook, All droid followers to be fourth-degree allow a different actions droid degree. Gamemasters

are free to

aonus is calculated

should keep in mind, howplaced on the

153 of the Saga Edition core rulebaok]. A follower's ability scores are all equal to 10, except as noted under each template. Talents and Feats; Follower5 do not gain talents or feats unless specified by the follower's template or talents taken by your hero. This means they do (simple weapons] feat. not gain bonus feats from their spec ies, even if they normaltv Would gain one.

ever, that droias of other degrees typically they can take (specifically Equipment: Starting

have limitations

with regards to combat]. system. They gain normal droid accessories: start-

Droid followers begin with a heuristic processor, rules, but these credits must be spent on appendages, units. storage, sensors, or translator

2 arm appendages, nondroid equipment

and a locomotion or the following

ing credits as per the follower cemmunicatlons


All followers the Weapon Proficiency

devices, internal



When you gain a follower, vou must choose one of three template; for your follower: the aggressive fDllower. the dd~n5i"" fo/lower, or the utility follower. These follower templates for vour followers all your followers templates Whom you gain" modification> provide unique skills and other rnechanical benef ts that cot only increase their usefulness but also prevent (if you choose different

The Utility Follower UtiJiry followers are ,ypically skille.d in several areas, allowing them to contribute to a variety of situations where skill checks are called for. Utility followers migh I be demolitions experts, slicers, saboteurs, or "ny number or
other professions Defenses: that rely on skiHs to excel. gains a +2 bonus to Will Defense. uses the scoundrel class', base

from having identical statistic;

A uctility follower Bonus:

for each follower].

Bale Attack

A ul.ility follower
follower are trained

follower, choose one template and apply the mechanical

in that template template the statistics of your follower. cannot be changed.

bonus prcqression Scores: Utility [your choice), followers

(~e page 45 of the Saga Edition core rulebook). [Jain, a +2 bonus to Intelligence


Ability Charisma Skills:

A utili!',

Once chosen, a follower"s

in one ski II of you r choice (except (light)

The Aggressive

Follower Aggressive followers are focused on attacks and dejJle~ing enemy resources. They are' somewhat tougher than other followers bemuse th~y put themselves
in harm's, wny more often and are more 'likely to attack an enemy target.

use the Force) Feats: U~i'li!y (ollowers

or the Weapon creation). Proficiency

gain either tile Armor Proficiency



feat [your choice at time of follower




Defenses: An aggressive follower gains a ·,2 bonus to fortitude DefenSe. ~ Base Attack Bonus:' lin aggressive follower use' the soldier class's base atlack bonus progression lsee page 51 of the Saga Edition core rulebook]. Ability Scores: An aggressive follower goins 3 +2 bonus to Strength or
Constitution Trained (your choice). Sk'ills; Aggressive Iollowers followers are traill€o in Endurance. (pist~ls) 9"in the Weapon Proficiencv

Feat.s: Aggressive


The Defensive Follower Defen5ive followers ,peciali2e

similarly, support holding fighters,

in protecting position.

themselves fire 01 helping

from darnaqe and, make excellent to hold" corridor

defensive force.



layjng down suppression follower

agai~st an invading Defenses: Base Attack

A defen,i~

gain~ a +2 bonus to RefJex Defense,

uses the scoundrel do 5S" base attad bonus prcqression (see PJ'9~ 45 of the Saga Edition core rulebook). Ability Scores: A defensive follower gains 2 +2 bonus to Dexterity Or Bonus: A defensive follower Wisdom (you r choice]. Skills: Defensive followers followersare tr,ained in Endurance. [lignt) teat, gain the Armor Proficiency Trained

Feats: Defensive


The (ollowing stat block represents a sample follower for a level 7 soldier who has taken the Commanding Officer talent. Since the soldier is a member oj' lhe Republic. he decides that his follower is a specia I clone trooper assigned to (allow his orders in preparation 'for life as a member of a commando squad. Wan ting his follower to be marc survivable. the hero chooses the defensive follower template. Since the done trooper is Human. the soldier

Unlike normal NPCs. followers have a limited array of actions that they Followers act on your initiative

perform on any given round. They depend Onyou. the hero. to direct them, count and lake actions based on the actions you choose to give them, 8~low is a summary of actions your followers can take (along with the action cost to you). both in character-scale combat and in vehicle and ,t.rship combat. with You must have line of siqht \0 your follower or be in communications

a lso decides

tha [ his follower should take the Weapon Proficiency (pistols) feat from the aggressive follower femplate·s feats section. The clone trooper, designated Gamma-383 by the Grand Army of the Republic. is nicknamed "Trench" due to his penchant for hunkering dewn and holding a threatened position for long periods of time.

your follower to be able to use any of the actions below. Other talen IS related to followers might have their own action or range requirements, as well.



You can give up your standard action to let one of your followers take a standard action of its own. On any round in which an individual follower does not

GamlJla-383 "Trench"
Medium Human defensive follower 7 Init acts on hero's Initiative; Senses Languages Basic Defenses Ref 20 (flat-footed low-light vision. Perception +5


take a standard action (that is, if you do not grant thai follower a standard action (rom the list below or from a talent-granted ability). that follower is
considered to be fighting defensively as their standard action, As a standard action. you can cause one of your followers to take One of the following actions: Attack: target or stun-as Followers can use weapons set on.differen t settings-such normal. The Follower uses the aid another action as normal.

np 17; Threshold

19.!. fort

19, Will 17


Speed 6 squares Melee unarmed .;.5 (ld4) Ranged blaster rifle +6 (3d8) or Ranged blaster pistol +6 (Jd6) or Ranged frag grenade +6 (4d6) Base Atk +5; Grp +5 Atk Options autofire (blaster rifle) Abilities Str 10. Dex 12. Con 10. Int 10. Wis 10. Cha 10 follower qualities Special Qualities

The follower makes a melee or ranged attack against a legal as auto fire

Aid Another:

Charge: The follower makes a charge attack against a legal target. Fight Defensively: The follower takes the fight defensively action as normal (it can still make attacks of opportunity). Retrieve a Concealed Item: The follower retrieves an item concealed with the Stealth skill from hi' person. Use Spedal Abiliiy: If you have a talent that allows one of your followers to use a special ability as a standard action. it can do so.

Feats Armor Proficiency (light. medium], Weapon Proflciencv (pistols. rifles. simple weapons) Skills Endurance +8 Possessions clone trooper armor. blaster rifle. blaster pistol, 2 frag grenades

Move Actions
As a move action. you can allow your followers to take one of the following actions: Draw or Holster a Weapon: the action

WI; en you use a move action to draw or

holster a weapon. each of your followers can do the same. You can also use iet one or mare of your fo llowers draw or holster a weapon. an Item: Eacr. of your followers can pick up an item. load a even it you do not. Manipulate weapon. open or close a door. or move a heavy object. Move With Ycu: When you take a move action to move. stand up, or withdraw. each of your 'ollowers can move up to their speed. stand up. or withdraw as normal. You can also use the acnon to let one or more of your followers perform these act ions, even if you do not.

Swift Actions
As a swift action, you can allow your followers to take one of the followinq actions: Activate

Full-Round As a full-round action:

action, you can allow your followers to take the following action to run,each of vour foll.owers

an Item: When you use a swift action 10 activate an item, each

Run; When you take a full-round

of your followers can do the same. You can IJS't the action to let one Or more of vour followers activate an item, even if you do not Drop an Item: Wher; you use a :swift action io drop an item, each of your followers can do the Same. You can use the action to lei one or more of your followers drop an item, even if you do not

run up to their normal run speed, You can also use the action to let one or more of your- followe_rs performthis action, even jf you do not


Fall Prone: When you use a ~wiH action to fall prone. each of your followers can do the same. rou can use the action to let one or more of your followers fall prone, even if you do not Recover: When you use three 'Swift actions to recover in the same round or on consecutive rounds, each of your followers can do thesame. You can 'Use the actions to lei one Or if you do not Switch Weapon Mode: \'IIhe.n you use a swift aet'ioD to switch weapon mode, each of your followers can do the same. Vou can use the action to let one or more of vour followers switch weapon mode, even if you do not

VEHIC::L..ES in vehicles just 'ike any other NPC ally, However, they operate under the Same action restrictions as they do
Follower> can pilot or act ~s qunners in character-scale combat A follower can take on any role on a starship, of ihat including pilot. but the follower must abide by the same restrictions still spend 3 move action pilotiog their ships.



role that any other character would have, For example, follower pilots must


of your followers recover, even



rou can give up your standard actions to let one of your followers take a standard action of its own, On any round in which an indi~idual follower i:n the pilot's role does not take a standardaction (that is, if you do no: grant that follower a standard action from the list below 01 from a talent-granted abilitv), that follower is considered to be fighting defensively-as their standard



action, thouqh normal penalties to the attacks ofgunners the following actions: Attack: The follower make, a mefee arranged

still apply.

Players and 6amemasters may wonder why fnllnwers, unlike all other

As a standard action, you can cause one of you, followers to take one of attack against a legal


in the galaxy, do not have a full suite of actions each round. The

primary reason is to prevent a single hero who takes the follower talents from gaining a longer turn than the other players, and also to keep the hero from unbalancinq encounters due to the added firepower. Standard assumptions about round length and CL are affected by adding NPCs to Ih e mi x, and havi ng eac h fo IIower act in con cert with its controller

target, 'including an attack with a vehicle weapon. Aid Another: Attack

The follower uses the aid another action as normal. The

The follower can make an attack run against a legal target, their attacks with this attack run, since they require a initiates or participates in a dogfight When

normal rules for the aid another vehicle action stin apply.


reduces the amount

0' extra

work a Gamernaster must put into designing,

provided that follower is the pilot of the vehicle. Followers acting as gunner~ cannot coordinate Dogfight: standard action to ready or make attacks. The follower

encounters. Therefore, each fOllower talent tree features at least one talent that allows the hero and the follower to act in concert.

In terms of ani n-un iverse expl anatio n for th is diserepan tV, a hero
needs to-direct his fo!klwers, and doing so requires more than just shouting orders; he needs to assess the situation, determine the best course of action, lind effectivelv communicate instructions to his followers. When your tum comes up and your followers take no actions, they aren't just sitti ng there. idle-th ey are taki ng cover, assessin 9 the situ ali on, and preparing to execute the plans you set forth for them.

engaged in a dogfight,

follower Can attack or disengage as normal,

Follow all the normal rules for dogfighting, Followers can initiate a dogfight
as an attack of opportunitv opportunity Fight Defensively: as normal, bui this counts as your one attack of below). for the round (see "Attacks of Opportunity"

The follower takes the fight defensively action as Your follower must be the'

normal; it can still make attacks of opportunity. pilot of the vehicle to take this action. tlse Special Ability: If you have

a talent

that allows one of your followers

to use a spectal ability as a st-andard action, the follower can do so.

Move Actions
As a move action, you can cause your fol'lowers to take one of the foHow. ing actions: Move Vehicle With You: Wh en you take a move action to move your can move a vehicle they pilot up to their




like a normal hero, followers thai threaten tan make attacks of opportuniiy as normal, However, any attack of opportunity made by a follower counts as an attack of opportunity made by you.

vehicle, each of your followers

vehicle's speed. You can also use the action to let one or more of your followers perform this action, even if you do not.


to his followers, though their limited

Followers gain starting credits and can use those credits to purchase equipment. A hero can provide equipment number of armor and weapon profici encles keeps followers from becoming walking arsenals. followers must abide by the normal rules for carrying in the capacity and encumbrance, though they are otherwise unrestricted kinds or amounts of equipment they can use.

Swift Actions
As a swift action, you can allow your followers to take one of the following actions: Full Stop: When you take a swift action 10 bring a vehicle to a full stop, one or more of your followers piloting a vehicle can take the full stop action as well. rou can also usc the action to let one or more of your followers perform this action, even if you do not. Increase Vehicle Speed: Wher, you take a swift action to increase vehicle speed, one or more of your followers piloting a vehicle can rake the increase vehicle speed action as well. Vou can also use the action to let one or more



When a follower is reduced to 0 hit points by an attack thai exceeds its damage threshold, it dies. However, you can spend a Force Point 10 prevent the fOllower from dying just as you WOuld prevent yourself from dying from a similar wound. An at tack that reduces a follower to 0 hit points but does not exceed the follower's damage threshold causes the follower to go unconscious (apply the normal ruies for unconsciousness, death, and dying). If a follower dies, you do not lose the benefits of the talent thai granted you the follower. You can recruit another follower 10 replace a dead one, abiding by the normal rules for gaining a follower at that point. Recnuiting a new follower usually requires B hours of searchmq and recroitrnent, circumstances. though Gamemasters can shorten or lenqtben this amount of time based on the However, Garnernasters should be careful not to delay this recruitment for too long, because until the hero gains a replacement follower. that hero is at a disadvantage.

of your followers perform this action, even if you do not.

Raise or Lower Shields: When you take 0 swift action 10 raise or lower shields, one or more of your foliowers acting as system operator can raise or lower shields on their vehicles as well. You can also use the action to let one Or more of your followers perform this action, even if you do not. Recharge Shields: When vou spend J swift actions in the same round or On consecutive rounds to recharge Shields, you can also let one or more of your followers acting as svstem operator make a DC 20 Mechanics check to Increase their vehicles' shield rating by 5, up to the vehicle's normal maximum, You Can also use the action to let one or more of your followers pcrform this action, even ,f you do not, Reroute Power: Whenever you spend 3 swift actions in the same round or On consecutive rounds to rerou tc power, you can also let one Or more of your followers acting as engineer make a DC 20 Mechanics check to move their vehicles + I step on the condition track, rou can also use the action to let one or more of your follower~ perform thrs action, even ,f you do not.




A good leader is responsible for the actions of those who follow him, and when it comes to the lure of the dark side, heroes with followers are no exceptions. If you command one of your followers 10 commit an act that would normally increase one's Dark Side Score, you increase the Dark Side Score of both you and your follower. If a foHower's Dark Side Score equals its Wisdom score, it becomes an NPC under Gamernaster control (as any hero normally wouldl, but you can recruit a new follower as though yours had died,

As a full-round action: All-Out

action. you can allow your followers to take the following When you take a full-round acuon to move your


vehicle using the all-out movement action, each of your followers can take the all-out movement action for vehicles they pilot as well. You can also use the action to let one or more of your followers perform this action, even if you do not.

Close-Quarters Fighter: Whenever you occupv the same' square as vour ,a'get or are adjilccni to your torget you gain J +1 circumstance bonus ro your melee a\tilck rolls against that target. Ignore Armor: Once per encounter, when you make i! melee a\tad, you can ignort anv armor or equipment bonuses

Rapid Reload: You can retrieve ," stored energy cell and reload YOLlr weapon as J sirlg'le swift action.

Shoulder to Shoulder: Whenever you beD;" your tu rn adjacent to an ally, you gain a number of bonus hit points equal to your heroic level. Darnaqe is subtracted


by your target's

the bonus hit points first, and any bonus hit points remai~ing

Improved Stunning Strike: When you damage 8 n oppo nen t with J melee attack that moves the target down the condition track, the torget cannot take any action requiring J standard or full-round action on its next turn. Prereqlii5it~:Stunning Strike. Whirling Death: You twirl your wea pon arc und you in a blur, creating a circle of death around you. Any enemy target that begins 'its turn adjacent to you ta kes damage equaI to your Strength bonus. melee weapon to use (hi, talent. Prm~quisi(es: Melee Smash, Unrelenting Assault.

at the end of the encounter do not stack. Strength in N"mb~r5:

qoawav. Bonus hit points from various 'sources

If you



10 square, of ,an ally, you can

add +2 10 your DR_ Weapon Shift: If you a ranged weapon as 8 melee weapon (as with the Gun Club talent), you gain a ·,2 bonus to melee attack roll' with that 'Ilea pen.


mU5I. be widJ ing a

Prerequi5ile: Gu n CIub. FOR'CIE ADEPT TALENTS

The followinq new talentsarc 11 I


intended f'Oruse with the Force Adept prestige

Republic Commando Talent Tree

You have demonstrated that you are a highly skilled and capable soldier for the Republic and work well in a commando squad. Ambush: When you successfuuv hit an opponent that has not yet acted in combat, you deaI +.2 dice of damage with the attack. Higher Yield: Once per encounter, you can choose' to deal damage with a single qrertade or other explosive. Prerequisite: Trained in the Demolitioossklll.

class (see page 212 of the Saqa Edition core rulebook).

11 -I

New Force Item Talents

The following talents expand the Force Item talent tree (see page 214 of the Saga Edi.tion of

* 1 die

re ru lebookl.

Focused Force Talisman: When you create a FO'reetalisman {see page 2\4 of the Saga Edition Core rulebnokl.vou can select a sinqle Force pnwer from your Force suite. Whenever you are wearing this, talisman and activate the selected Force power, you can spend a force Point to immediately regain that spent power, adding it to your Forc~ suite, Prerequisite: Force Taiisrnan. Greater Focused Force Talisman: As Focused Force Talisman (see above}, except that a Force Point spent to irnmediatelv recover the selected power doe" not count aqainst the "nne per tum" restriction on spending force Points,


force Talisman, Focused Force Falisman.









T ... -IE ZONE.'




The following

OUNSL..INOER TAL..ENT new talent ls intended for use with the Gunslinger prestige

Jedi Healer Talent Tree

You have focused your natural ability with the Force to heal the sick and injured. Force Treatment: You can make a Use the force check in the place of a Treat Inj.ury check. You are considered trained in the Treat Injury skill. If you

class (see page 216 of the Sag" Edi\ioT\ core nrlebook].

New Gunslinger Talents

The following talent expands the GUllslinger talent tree (see page 216 of the Saga Edition core rulebook]. Blind Shot: You ignore the. penalties on your r;mged attack rolls when a target has conceal ment or total concealment.


entitled to a Treat Injury check rerol! you Healing Boost:


reroll your Use the Force

check instead (subject to the same circumstances and limiiaiions). When healing somebody through

vitot tronster, the

arnoun t of damage hea led increases by 1 point per your class level.

..JEDI KNIOHT TAL..ENTS The following new talents and talent trees are intended for use with the Jedi
Knight prestige class (see page 217 of the Saga Edition core rufebook).

Prerequisite: Vital transfer . Improved Healing Boost: When healing somebody through vito! tronsto.
the amount of damage healed increases by 2 points per your class level. Prerequisites: Healing Boost, vital iranstet. Soothe: When using vitoi tronster to hea I somebody, you can move the target + 1 step on the condition track instead of healing damage. When doing
SO,· you

Jedi Archivist

Talent Tree

You have dedicated your life as a Iedl to preserving knowledge and applying

move -1 step on the condition track in exchange.

i\ in times when it is needed.

Direct: A:; a standard action,

Prerequisite: Vital transfer. can return one spent Force power to

the Force suite (If any ally within 6 squares of yO!) and in your line of sight. The Force power must have been spent by the ally you designate. Impart trained in. Knowledge: You can aid another 0/1 the Knowledge checks of any ally within 6 squares of you as a react jon for Knowledge skills you are

Prete qu isite: Ski IIed Ad visor.

Insight of the Force: You can make a Use the force check in place of a Knowledge check for any Knowledge skill you are not trained in ..You are considered trained in that Knowledge skill for the purposes of using this talent. If you are entitled to a Knowledge check rero!l. you cao rero!l your Use the Force check instead (subject to the same circumstances and limitations). Master Advisor: When vou use the Skilled Advisor talent (see page 40 of the Saga Edition core rulebookl. the ally you aid qains one temporary Force Point at the end of her next turn. If the Force Point is not spent before the end of the encounter. it is IOSL

Prerequisite: Skilled Advisor.

Scholarly Knowledge: As a swift action, you con reroll J Knowledge check and keep the better of the two results. Ihis can be used with any Knowledge skill you iJ re trained in.

OFFICER TALENTS Tile foHowing new taterns are intended for use wah the officer prestige class
(see page 20 of the Saga Ediiion Care rulebook].

Droid commanders are easv to spot on the battlefield. They bear command colors and are positioned within the ranks to receive maximum protection from the enemy. Although they might be easy to find, they are rarely easy to eliminate. Because these droids are prized by their superiors. tf>ey are augmented and improved to increase the likelihood of their survival and

New Military Tactics Talents

The following new talents expand the Military Tactics talent tree (see page 221 of the Saga Edition core rulebook]. E.xploit Weakness: When you use. the Assault Tactics talent (see page 221 of the Saga Edition core rulebook] on an enemy, the target takes a cumulative (maximum



to their masters. Better weapons,

armor, and equipment a formidable make

in zddi tion to upgraded

systems make the droid commander

foe on its own. Its ability to eJfectively Jesd troops on the battlefield the droideommander and its squad a force to be reckoned with.

--I penalty to Reflex Defense each time it is damaged by one of your allies -5). This penalty applies until the end of your next turn. Pfef~qui5ile: Assault Iactlcs. Grand leader: As a swift action, once per enccunrer, you Can grant bonus hit points equal to 5 .. one-half your character level to all allies 'IIitnin 20
f-rom the bonus hit points first, and any bonus hit points remaini~g at the end of the encounter LEVEL


squares of you and in your line of sight Damage is subtracted go "way. Bonus hit points from multiple Uncanny Defense:


sources do nqt stack, your officer class

lsI 2nd
3rd 4th 5th

+1 +2 +3

Defense bonuses, talent

Networked mind (I droid ally) Talent Networked mind (2 droid allies) T~lent

Once per day. you can add one-half

level to all your defenses for one round. You must declare tliat you are using this talent at the beginning ning of your next turn,

of your turn. The benefits

last until the bcqin-

+5 +6 +7

The following era. particularlv


6th 7th 8th 9th '10th

Networked mind (3 droid allies)

new prestige classes are available during the Rise of the Empire during Ihe Clone Wars.

Networked mind (4 droid allies) Talent Networked mind (5 droid allies)

+9 +10



leader specializing in dmid troops


commander engineer


OLR"4, OOM-S, OOM-t4.


Military Vanguard

Tech specialist focusing on military hardware

Ad~vanced scout who pinpoints enemy forces


qualify to become a droid commander. lowing criteria,


a character

must fulfill

the fol-

All armies achieved successfullv,

hierarchy to ensure that with their network objectives connection are to hen battle

need an established
command computer,

Minimum Trained Talents:

Level: 7th. Skills:


a central
dictated nization,

to them by a separate droid designated proves itsel! through

droid commander, its "ind to support

have specific movements as a fiel'd commander. The through the course of its career as a soldier for its orqamust sometimes its actions and is promoted to lead others of cause.

Knowledge (tactics], Use Computer, At least one talent from the Leadership talent tree (see paqe 44 of the Saga Edition care rulebookl or the Commando talent tree (see PJge 52 of the Saga Edition core rurebook). Special' Drolds cnlv.

the unit's mission and the orqanization's



INFORMATION game statistics.

Droid commanders

have the following

Hit Points
At eacn level. droid commanders gai" ldlO hit points.

Force Points
Oroid commanders gain a number of Force Points equal to 6 + one-half their character level, rounded down, every time they gain a new level in this class. CLASS The following FEATURES are teatures of the drold commander prestige class.

Defense Bonuses
At 1st level, you gain a +2 class bonus 10 your Reflex Defense. Fortitude

Defense. and Will Defense.

At evervodd-numbered tree (presented level (rst, 3rd. 5th. and so on], the drold commander talent talent tree (see page 43 of the Saqa must meet the prerequisites (if selects a talent. The talent can be selected from the Droid Commander below), the Inspiration

Edition core rulebook], or the Leadership talent tree (see page 44 of the Saqa Edition core rulebook). The droid commander 3ny) of the chosen talent, expressly indicated.

No talent can be selected

more than once unless


of commanding droids, and you

You have learned the quirks and intricacies Automated (tactics)

can get the most out of even the lea:;t sophisticated

basic programming.


As a swiftaction,

you can make a DC 15 Knowledge

check. If successful, all droid allies able to hear and understand you gain the benefits of the Double Attack feat for one weapon group with which you are proficient untll the end of your next turn. Prerequisite: Double Attack with the chosen weapon.


As a standard

action, modifier

y'ou can transmit



mation to .11 droid allies tha t can hear and understand bonus equal to your Intelligence until the beginning Oroid Mettle: choice] of your next turn.

you, qrantinq

to one of their defenses (your

As a swif ( act ion once pe, turn, you can designate a sing I~

droid ally within your line of sight. That oroid Jlly gains bonus hit points equal to 10 + your class level.


Droid Defense. If you or any of your clroid allies has line of sight !O you tine of effect]


and is aware of 3 target, "II droin allies that can hear and understand are also considered to thaI target. 10 have line of sight {but not necessarily

Inspire Competence:

A, a swift attion once per turn, you can grant One

droid ally within you, line' of sight a competence bonus on its next attack mil made before the start of your next turnequal ro half your class level. Additionally, any droid designated as the rarqet of your Networked Mind class ls ccnsidered to have a heuristic processor whenever it is beneficial, even if it does not actually have a heuristic processor, Prerequisite: Expanded Sensors. Maintain Focus: As a swift action once per turn, you can grant a II feature droid allies within as two swiftacticns you r next tum. Overclocked Troops: You push the limits of the droids under vour cornrnand. You CJn spend a swift action once per tum to allow each of your networked allies (see the Networked Mind class feature below) to immediately move up to their speed. your line of sight the ability (instead of as three swifi 10 take the Recover action actions) umil the stan of

The military engineer can be deploved virtually anywhere within the military organization, but is often found near the front lines as part of • squad requi ri ng technical support.




Defense bonuses, talent Field-created weapon +l T3,lent Field-created Talent Field-crealed Talent Field-created Talent Field-created weapon +5 weapon +4 weapon +3 weapon +2

2nd 3.rd
4th 5th

-+2 +3 +3 +01 +5
+6 +6


Droid Defense, Commands: When you use an ability that grants a droid ally the value of that bonus by 1,

Tth 8th

a morale or insight tiomss, increase Prerequisite: Droid Defense.

Networked Mind
You can dcslqnate a number of your droid allies equal to one-half with you. A networked effects from you. Once you designate vour class Denuntil level as beinq networked eficia I mind-affecting the recipient class feature droid ally con receive



a droid ally as

of this benefit,

you cannot chanqe the drold beneficiary

after the end of tne encounter, is J free action. of sight to a networked droid active cornlink (if the comlinks
lose tllis bendit),

and designating
Additiona Ily, you

a'. considered

a droid to benefit f rom this

to have line jamming, you



R.aitn Sienar, Wat Tambor

ally as long as both you and the ally have an are subject to communications

To qualify to become a military engineer. a character must fulfill the following criteria.

The platoon's everything engineer transport

has broken down. The radio is not working. Two of enemv is closing in. Who is going to fix engineer steps in, The military running until they make it back

Base Attack Bonus; + 7,

Trained Skills' Mechanics, Use Computer.

the soldiers' rifles havejammed.The is a tech specialist


game statistics.

in time? This is when the military

engineers have: the followi~g

who focuses her energy on making repairs in

the field and keepinq the group's hardware to bast, Although the milirarv engineer feels more comfortable

Hit Points
At each level, military modifier. engineers gain ld8 hi! points + their Constitution

is likely to be part of a combat unit, she than firing a blaster. Her skills repairs alia adjustments during enqineers

with tools in her ha nds while lying under a vehicle Or perform

digging through a droid's internal components are honed so that she can rapidly highly stresstul snuaticns=even

Force Points
Military engineers gain a number of Force Points equal to 6 + one-half their character this class. level, rounded down, every time they gain a new level in

while under tire, In fact, military

thrive' on stress and look for sucb opportunities.

The following

Cr...ASS FEATURES are features 01 the military


prestige class.

Defense Bo rlUSCS At tst level. you gain a +2 class bonus to your Reflex. Fortiwde,

and Will

At every odd-numbered level (tst, Jrd" SIn. and so on), you select a talent. The talent can be selected from the MlITtary Engineer talent tree (presented below) or the Outlaw Tech talent tree (see page 16 of StGr~hipsofthe Galaxy), You must meet the prerequisites

lif any) of the chosen talent. No talent can


be selected more than once unless expressly



have become


at using and manipulating


on the


In fact, your fellow

soldiers rely on your technics:



the Meat of battle. Breach Cover: When YOIl fire or throw 8 weapon with a burst or splJsh radius at a target wit.h Breaching


1 ;


you ignore that cover. the damaqe threshold of dODIS and


You ig10re

walls when using mines and fixed (non-grenade) Droid Expert: far each point by which your Mechanics

explosives. hit point

the base DC of 20.


When you repair 0 droid, you 'repair 1 additional check beat;


Prerequisite: Repairs on the FI',. Prepared Explo.ive: When you use a mine or other fixeel (non-grenade)
explosive, difficult " mint you CJ~ choose to nave the bias! radius of the explosive terrain aner the explosive has detonated. Alternately, become if yOU plant

or fixed explosive in an area of difficul,t terrain, you can have the explosive deal no damage and instead turn the difficult terrain into normal terrain.
Problem Solver: A, aswift action once per turn, you can de5igna!e

)] •
'ill •


single vehicle within

your line of sight whose pilot can hear and understand until the start of your next Pilot checks made to avoid turn, weapon [as per from the Tech

vou. That pilot's vehicle ignores d' fficult terrain turn. amJ the pilot gains a .. 5 insight bonusonaf hazards and colllsions Qui~k Modifications: Speclalist until the start of your



When you create a field-created one weapon mod;ificalion

the class feature]. you canchoose

weapon at the time of creation.

teat (see page 21 of StDrships oi Ih~ Golaxy) to apply 10 the created

Pr€requisire,; R~.pairs on the F y, Tech Specialist feat. Repai'~ on the Fly: You can use the Repair application

of the Mechanics

skill to repair a droid or object as a standard action. Yotl can gain (lie benefit, of thi~ talent only once per day per droid ..object. or vehicle repaired.

Sabotage Device: As a sw'ifl action, you can sabotage any object or weapon that is powered by an energy cell So that it become" a grenade. The object or weapon is then considered to be a fragmentation' grenade in all ways, swift action. of but it can be turned back into its original adjacent form with another LEVEL


.. 1 +2 t3

Defense bonuses, talent Surprise attack + 1

Tech Savant: As a stands rd action" you can increase the speed of One
droid or vehicle you occupy by 1 square (applied until the e'~.dof your next turn. Trained in the Knowledge As a standard [technology) skill, Boost: action, you can make a DC '15 Mechanics from the bonus hi' poi nts fi rst, to any method locomotion) Vehicular

ist 2nd


Surprise attack t2 Talent Surprise attack +3 Talent Surprise attack +4 lalent

4th 5th
6th 7th

+4 -!-5 +6
t7 +8 +9 t\O

check to grant one vehicle you occupy a number of bonus hii points equal to 5 x your class level, Damage is subtracted and any bonus hit points remaining Bonus hit points from multiple at the end of the ertcoun ter go away_

sources do not stack.

9th objects and use 10th


parts from other technological

You are able to scavenqe

them to build a limited-use

has only a limited



item you create

Surprise attack + 5

life span, and the parts action,

used to build it are rendered check (DC 20) to create a can

useless afterward,
As a standard you make a Mechanics melee or ranged weapon of your choice, The base value of the weapon

EXAMPLES OF VANOUARDS IN STAR WARS 91st Rec-onnaissance Corps clone troopers. Aleenanscouts. Antarian
Neyo (CC-826), Rebel PJex Troopers.


be no more than 600 credits x your Class level. Addiiionally. the 'weapon grants you (and only vou) an equipment bonus on attack rolls equal to one-half requires weapons your class level. You can use this ability the weapon an energy cell to operate, with. only once per encounter, If the weapon cost) and at the end of the encounter for the weapon is destroyed.

REQUIREMENTS To qualify to become a vanguard,

criteria. Minimum Talents: Level: 7th.

a character

must fulli·11 the following

you create one (at no additional the weapon,

at the lime you create

You may Mly create

Trained Skills: Perception.

Any two talents

from the Camouflage talent tree (see page 49 talent me (see page

you are proficient

of the Saga Edition core rolebook) or the Commando

Fighti'ng an effective sensor resultscan track them down, The vanguard. senses required ihe situation retreating simply put, is an advance scout who specia lizes in locating to his allies. Wiih thestealth in locating and sharp to achieve his goal, he specializes all the while obscuring territory, attached and observing the enemy and relaying its position the enemy's movements. back to friendlv are typically war and taking out. the enemy is, necessary if your army is to live to fight another

52 of the Saga Edition core nrlebook].

dav, But vuu must find the enemy first, and those



game statistics,

be a little deceptive at times. Send out toe vanguard

have the following

Hit Points
At each level. vanguards gain ldlO hit points + their Constitution modifier.

Force Points
Vanguards gain a number of Force Points equal to 6 t one-half level, rounded down. every time they qaina their character new level in this class,

h is presence from them. If purpose is to serve as line-s_ of

arises, he might try to ia ke a few of the enemy down- before bui his primary

his group's eyes and ears. Vanguards military units near the front Thev operate best in sma II groups as individual~, their location, and watchi~g In either case, the vanquard

The following

Df the Vanguard prestige class.

are features

excel, at sneaking in close to hostile forces, siealing away the knowledge them fall to the might of hi, allies.

Defense Bonuses
At ist ,level, you gain a: ..-4 class Ganus to your Fortitude class bonus to your Reflex Defense. Defense and a +2

At every odd-numberec IN eI (tst, 3rd, 5t.h, and so on]. you select a talent. The talent can be selected from the Awareness talent tree [see page 49 of the Saga Edition ewe rulebook). Saga Edition core rulebook), the Survivor talent tree (see page 50 of the talent tree (presented below). or the Vanguard

You must meet the prerequisites (if any) of the chosen talent. No talent can be selected more lhan once unlessexpressly indica ted.

VANGUARD TALENT TREE As on expert in the art 01 scou ling enemy formations,
to any military is uncanny. Enhanced Impenetrable Vision: When actively looking force. Your ability

you are a valuable asset

to see what lies ahead on the battlefield for hidden enemies, you can action.

make a Perception

check as a swift action instead of a standard Cover: Whenever you have cover against

target. you gain

DR equal to your class level against that target llntil the start of your next turn, provided you still have cover from the target at the time the attack is made.


Maxim ize Cover.

Invisible A.ttacker: If vour tarqet is unaware o( you, your ranged attacks deal +'1 die of damage aqainst that tarqet. Prerequisite: MJximilC Cover. Mark the Target: Whenever ~ou oamage a target with a non-area ranged attack, you may deslqnate one ally within your line of signt as a swift action, Your target is considered flat-footed against thai allv's first attack made
before the start of your nexl turn. Maximize Cover: When an opponent

uses the aim action to negate your

by the attacker's Initiative

cover, you can make a Stealth check. If successful, Shellshcck: next

check opposed

you retain your cover bonus. until the start of your

Whenever you damage a target that is unaware of you with

an area attack, that tarqet is considered flal-footed

the Target: Whenever you damage a target with ignores the target's next tum. If you and at least one other ally have line of sight to and you can that target, accepting the second result damage reduction

Prerequisite: Soften the Target.


a ranged


you may designate one ally wiChin your Ii ne or sight as a swift action. The ally you designate the start

or your

and SR (if any) until


a re aware of a target, you and a Ilies that can hear and understand reroll one ranged attack roll againsl once per encounter.

even if it is worse. You and your allies can only gain the benefit of this talent

Whenever Dexterity

Enhanced Visio~.

Surprise Attack
you at tack a tarqet that is unaware of you or otherwise your class level. denied its bonus to Reflex Defense, you gain a bonus on your first attack roll

in a round aga inst that target equal to one-half

Although the Jcdi rnusr struqqle with the temptation of tile dark side during the war, at her Force-users who do not r'ely so lely on the ligh t side at the Force=such 9S,tile Jensasrai or the Korunnai-are not af'(ected so much by their feelings during combat and might inadvertently takea Dark Side Point in the midst of battle. practices Typically, these users of the Force have rituals


'£TELEKINSTIO] anything The result or anyone to assist you. Time:

You can float up or down without' Move action ..Target: You. Make a Use the Force check. effect. if any:

of the check deterrni nes the

that help them cope with and accept a brusb with the dark side, or they have
inilt help cleanse them of its influence,

DC 15: You gJin a fly speed of 2 squares bu t can only move verticauy,
You may move up to your fly speed as part of this action, and if you end this movement adjacent or holding to a horlzontal surface. you CJn move 1 square 0010 onto a solid surface, you fal'! to the ground. to 4 squares, this power thJt surface

The (allowing Sensitivity power's expand using traditions. Telekinetic Telekinetic

a re available to any character with [he Force Forceare These Force available to the Jedi and other

as a free action, At the start of your next turn, if you are not
the fly speed increases

Force powers


(eat (see page B5 of the Sa9<1 Edition core rulebook]. the range 01 powers

DC 20: As DC 15. except

DC 25: As DC 15" except the fly speed increases to 6 square" Special: You can spend a Force Point .3\. reaction to activate
when falling. You can reduce you r (all distance by a number

Powers: Force powers with the (telekinetic) descriptor

by talents such as Telekinetic <:;ore rulebook],

of squares equal

added to the JiS! of powers affected

Power and

Savant (see page 100 of the Saqa Edition

io the fly speed provided by th is power, If you reduce the fall distance to 0 squares, you land s<lfely on your feel, You can maintain normal du ration, while Maintaining

CL.ClAK You can bend liqhtaroun looking Make d your body, renderino yourself Targe't: invisible You. es the to anyone i'n your direction, Time: a Use the Force

the tevitote power from round to round, extending levttot: is a move action, and whenever

the yo~

rnainta in this power you can move verticallv up to your fly speed, If you take damage maintaining

The result


you must succeed maintaining


a Use the Force


of the check deterrnin


(DC 15 + damage

to continue

the power.

If you

effect if any:
DC IS.'You are considered until the beginning the beginning DC 25:As to have total concealment against all target's of your next turn,

Use tne Force cheek" you immediately


DC 20: As DC t 5, and you gain a ~2 Force bon us to Steal Ih (he cks until of your next turn,


15, except you gain a +3 Force bonus to Stealth checks until

the beqinn) ng of your next tu rn. DC 30:As DC 15, except you gain a +5 Force bonus to Stealth checks until. tile beginning Special. the normal of your next turn. You can main tain the cloak power from round 10 round, extendinq duration, Maintaining

you must make anew whil~ maintaining (DC


the cloak power i, J standard action, and Use the Force Check each round, If you take damage this power, YO'u must succeed on a Use the Force check
taken) to maintain the power the bonus to your Stealth checks

\5 + damage

You can spend a Force Point to increase by 5,




CII::~.O.J;!IB FRc!~







You tan pass through action. Target: You. solid objects, such as walls and doors. Time: Move

You create dizziness and nausea by disrupting your enemy's equilibrium. Time: Standard action. Target: One living creature within G squares of you

and in your line of sight.

Make a Use the Force check. Compare (he result to your target's tude Defense. If your check equals or exceeds the target's t~e tarqet mOVeS -I step down tile condition Special: of its next Wrr1., the target takes J -5 penalty threshold to -10. YOLl can maintain duration "standard Fortitude track. Addnionallv, Forti" Defense,

Make a Use the Force (heck. lhe result of tlre check determines. the. effect, if any: DC 25: Vou gain a phasing speed of 2 squares: your phasing speed can
never exC'eed you, own base speed. When moving using your phasing speed. you can move th rough the spaces of your enern ics, as well as through vehicles, larg~ objects, and other obstructions in a legal, unoccupied

until the end

to its damage tnreshold.


You can spend a Force Point to increase the penalty to damage the

but must end your movement

spate. You retain this phasing speed until the heqin-


power f rom round to round, extending oenaltv. Mainlaini~g


of the damage tbreshold

the motocio power is

ning of vour next tum. You may move. up to your phasing speed as a oart of the activation of this- power.

action, and you must make a new Use the Force check escb round, moiocio, you must succeed on a Use concentrating.

If you take damage while maintaining

DC 30:A" DC 25, except your phasing speed is 4 squares. DC 35.·A, DC 25, except your phasing speed is 6 squares.
DC 40: AS DC 25, except your phasing speed is 8 squares. Special; You can spend a Forte Point to increaseyour ph.sing speed by 2 scuares. You CJn maintain the phase power from round to round, extending this power is a move action, ;md whenever this power, you must succeed to maintain the power.

the Force check (DC = 15 .. domage takenl to continue

You slow the vital functions

of a t~rget, causing her to slip into a deep sleep action. Iarqet: One creature you nave

the normal duration ..Maintaining you maintain rake damage while maint;;ining

even die. Time:


the pha:;e power you can move up to your phasing speed. If you


or grapp led. moves -1 step down the condition track.


a Use the

Make a llse the Force check, Compare the result to i he t~rget'~ Fortitude llefense . If you succeed, the largel tach round you maintain larget's Fortitude th;" power, if your Use the Force check exceeds the step down the conditrack with of the condition

Force check IDC ~ 15 -t damJge takenl

Defense, the target movesanother

tion track. I f you move a t'Jrget to 1be bottom even if it is uowilling an a lreadv unconscious 'Special: extending (see page 28) tarqet, Additionallv,

(his power, you can choose to kill the t argel or place it in to a Force trance

if you use this power on

the ta rqet willing from round for (lIe

you can consider the

purposes of placing them in a Force trance. You can maintain the normal duration.



to round,

Ihis power

is a standard on a Use the this

action. and you must make a new Use the Force check each round . .If you take damage while maintaining force check (DC


you must succeed

lS·+ damage taken) to maintain

the power, If the target

escapes vour grab or the grab ends for any mason, you cannot maintain power on your next tum.




~Ef';I ON


PO .... IE:~

",,"0 DE.T

1:::01>->46 .... "1"






if you t."rget

You can move a sing le target, whether fl is a crea rure O( object. in two different oirections simultan~OU$iy. Time: Standard action. Target: One target '" your Ij~e of sight o~d within 65quares of you. Make a Use the Force check. Compare the result with the targel's Defense. If the check equals or exceeds the target's Re.nex Defense, equivalent of a critical

check, I'OU rnav choose one of the forlowing tJrgeted droid:

• lhe droic's senses are jammed.

a dmid and succeed at vour US" the Force effecl, and apply it to the all'owing you to I1'JK~ Steal th checks it is aware


against the droid until the eno of your next mm, even though

the target

take, 3d6 damage" If 'your Use the Forct check is J natural 20, you score the

hit, and the target lakes double damage, If you deal enough damag~ to red uce the target to 0 hit points, you rip the target into two separate pads (living, creatures are automaricallv killed).
Special: If 'lour Use the Foree check succeeds, 2d6 damage

next attack made before top speed. Special:

• Ihe droid is denied it, Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense against YOllr" the end of your next turn, • On its next two Wtn:\, the droid dOQS nothing except flee trom you at
You can spend a force Point to learn two more pieces of

can spe~d J Force

Point to deal an additional

10 the target-

information OT extend one of the drain-specific addit ional round',

it is a person or

eflect' of this power by an

object, Target: Make effect. treat

point of something,

You CJn see the critical tl1at would shatter You.



i·f struck

the right time. Time:

the hits, il is 5

Use the Force check, The result of the check determines made before the end of the encounter

if any: the target's,

DC 25: If your next attack



aga,in,t the attack as though

point; lower than normal. DC 30;As DC 25, except treat the larger.> darnaqe threshold
it is 10 points lower than normal, damage threShold

as though as though

DC 35: As DC 25. except treat the iarqet's i I is 15 points lower than normal.
DC 40: As DC 25, except it is 20 point' lower than normal.

I reat the tsrqet's damage threshold as though

Special: You can spend a Force Point to ignore the targe!"s DR in addition to' gaining the normal effect of this power.

You can tapinto touched,

TECHNOMBTRV and read technological devices and, in some CH5e.s. ,00trcl them. Time: Standard action. Tarqet: One d'oid or electronic device

Make a Usc the Force check. Compare the result to the target's Will Defense, If the check equa Is Or exceeds the ta rqet's Will Defense, you discover one piece of information by the Access information

containu: !"ble

within the tarqet's memory as determined under the Use Compu rer skill description that

[see page 75 of the SagJ Edition (Me ruleboo:k) . For every 5 points exceed the target's Will Defense, you Can learn one additional information.

piece of


found elsewhere in this book and in the only to characters However, they are 3vBilablc


TREE help even the most weak-willed of Force-users

talents work just like talents

The light side of the Force is not the easiest course to follow, but its promise
of peace and harmonycan

Saga Edition core rulebook.

with the Force Sensitivity feat {see page 85 of the Saga Edition core rulebook). Any time a character with the Force Sensitivity feat can select a talent, he or she can select One from any of the talent trees presented cha racter is also a member of a Force-using specific tradition, select from that tradition's Force talent below. If the he or she can also

on the right path, . . You mU5! have a Dark Side Score of 0 to select talents from this tree: If
your Dark Side Score ever increases to at least I, you lose access 10 all talents

this ta lent tree until your 'Da,.k Side Score drops back to



At Peace: You can spend

all defenses comes first Attuned: with


Force Point


gain a +2 Force bonus


until the end of the encounter Whe.n you rolf a natural

or until you attack, roll against

whichever a target

NEW ALTER TALENT The following new ialen t expands the Alter talent tree {see page 100 of the

.20 on an attack

Saga E·dition core rulebookl. . Aversion: As a: swift action. you can spend a Force Point to radiate an
invisible aura that makes other beings want to avoid you. Until the end of

with a Dark Side Score of 1 or highe •• you can activate the {light side] descriptor Prcrecuisit«: a creature two lolls, Surge of light: a Force Point You can select this talent multiple use this talent one additional NEW SENSE TALENTS The following Heiqhtcned Once per encounter. Focused Attack, imrnediatelv

a single Forte power

as a free action. against of the

the encounter, all squares within terrain for your enemies.

lhis is

2 squares of you are considered difficult

Focused Attack:

You can spend a Force Point to rerof an attack

wi lh a Dark Side Score of , or hi.gher, keeping the better

mind-affecting lALENT


as a swifi action, you can return any to your suite without spending

NEW CONTROL The following the Sag" Edilion

Force power with the {hgM stde] descriptor expands the Control talent tree [see paqe 101 of to being targeted by a

new lalenl

core ru lebook]. your Will Defense. you can make

times. Each time you select it. you can

The Will To Resist: Once per turn, as a reaction Force power Dr other abilitv thot tarqets

time per encounter

a Usc 'the Force check and replace your Will Defense with thC: resul t of the

Use the Force check. After you make this check, unt il ihe end of your next turn" you take il -5 penalty on aJI use the Force checks.
NEW DARK SlOE TALENT The following new talent expands the Dark Side ta lent tree (see page 10'1 You must have' a Dark Side Score of ·1 of the Saga Edition Care rulebook]. or higher to select

new talents expand the Sense talent tree (see page 101 of the Awarenes,s: You can spend a Force Point to odd your Chacheck. time.

Saga Edition core rulebook). risma bonus to your Perception

You can select this talcn t m ult'lple. times. Each lime you serect this talent, you add your Cha risrna bonus an adt-itional

• •



talents from this tree: if your Dark Side Score is ever

to target character

When you usc the farseeing Force power. you Can choose you hold instedd object's of a character or creature. You can past, up to a maxim um of 5 years per YOIJ' gained about the object's past is based on the object at

reduced [00, you lose access to all talents in this talent tree until your Dark

an object

Side Score increases.

Consumed swift action, by Darkness: Sometimes your anger consume, you.. As a you can lake a -5 penalty rolls, The penalty to your Will Defense to gain a ·.2 and bonus last until the beginning

look into the targeted the thoughts

level. Any information and emotions

of the person holding or carrying farseeing. whichever is lonqer,

Force bonus on attack of your next turn,

the time' you perceive. Prerequisites: Shift

which can skew the results of the vision.

Force Perception,

Sense: You can spend a Force Point to qai n low-I igh t vision for 1

minute or until the end of the encounter.

You can maintain swift action.

the damage threshold

MAL.ACIA penally of the motocio power a, a

an occupied square.


When you USe the phase power. you can end a sinqle moveaction

space, but you must still end your turn in a leqal, unoccupied

The range of your creature's

increases to 12 squares. When using this

rend power

power on an object or character damage reduction.

or creature,

you can ignore the object's

n I ~

Force techniques martial Force-users art available

a deeper understandinq of the Force and, like after years of practice. A few gifted or devoted with I~vels, in certain Force-using prcstiqe




skill", are mastered

SHATTBRPOINT track with an attack benefitt i(19 from the snouerpoi»: power, you ca n spend a Force Point to make the tarqet's coodltion persistent This persistent condition can only be removed if the target receives surgery (for living beings) 0' repairs (for droids, objects, and vehicles].
When you move a target down the condition


learn to master them more quickly. In general, Force techniques only to characters and 5ith apprenticel. you can select it from or Force technique,

activate to a full-round

power. you

classes [such as Force adept, Jedi Knight, When vou gai~ access among those found on il<ges 102-103 from the techniques. described cannot be changed.

When you use the lechnomdry originate'S from yO!)' square.


change the ti me it takes to cone that

to a new Force technique,

action and target. all druids in a s-souare

of the Saqa Edition COtC rulebook

below. Once you select"




Point to debilitatinq

When vou use the vitot ironstc« power, you can spend a Destiny fully il~il,1 the tarqct of a II damage and remove all of the target's

condltions. IMPROVED
You can maintain

instead of a standard

your cioo« power as a move action

action. IMPROVED

elevated surface involuntarily. such

If you are; moved into a pi! or off another Point to activate movement this power as a reaction.

by being the target of a Force thrust or Ba ntha Rush. you can spend a Force If you do so, you end your forced in the last square before the edge of the precipice







Skilled Force-users can learn to manipulate their force powers In Int"9u,ng ways. Force secrets represent a sublime connection to the Force and are available only to powerful Force-users such as Force disciples. Jedi Masters, and Sith Lords. . . Act.ivating a Force secret costs either a force Point or.a Destiny POint [as noted in its description). and tl1e normal limits on spending force POints

During the Clone Wars. other trartitions that use the Force include dark side sects such as the Sith as well as little known (actions such as the Korunnai. Others know the force as it is but approach its use rrom a di! direction and purpose than the Jedi, Still others call the Force by a totally different name. Regardless of the approach, the Force remains the Same and is the one constant that. ties these organizations together.

"rid Destiny Points during a round apply. When you learn

new Force sc~ret, you can select it from among those found on page \03 of t he Saga Ed, non




Tucked away in the Inner Rim. near the I'ydian Way, is an ancient burial moon named Kholma. located in the Bogden system. It'>presence in the galaxy would have gone unnoticed for the most part. if not for the emergence of a band of ruthless, Force-sensitive criminals calling themselves the Bando Gora. Shortly after the Battle of Gatidraan, the Banda Gora gains the attention of the Galactic Republic, which swiftly requests Iedi intervention against the sect's the criminal faction. Even the mighty Jedi Order underestimates

core rulebook or from the Force secrets listed below. Once you select a Force secret r it Co nnot be changed.



When using a Force power that allows you to maintain vour concentration (sLlch as Force grip). you can spend a Force Point to sustain the power as a swrfr act ion instead of' a standard action for a number of rounds equal to yO\lI Charisma modifier. -

power and loses nearly every member they send against the Bando Gora, The only known survivor is Komari \kJsa, who abandons her Jedi teachings and succumbs to the dark side of the Force to escape her bonds, eventually becoming the new leader of the Banda Gora. As the Trade Federation invades Naboo, the Banda Gora stretches its dark influence to many worlds and organizations. subjugating them and enslaving countless people ..Those that do not surrender to Bando Gora rule are killed or captured and brutally tortured. Companies that refuse to follow the cult's lead find their leaders assassinated. I~ addition to conquerinq uncivilized worlds and driving com pan ies vnder their heel, the Bando Gora supplements Its income through the production and sale of a highly potent straln of death stick that is sometimes used as a btainwashrnq agent. The narcotic sells all across the galaxy and is particularly popular with those who have ties to the underworld. After joining the cult, members of the Bando Gora mirst undergo a ritual that transforms their appearance. giving them dark, mottled SKinand glowing ~yes. Leaders of the organization Membership: are known to don frightening masks and carry staffs that shoot green bails of firc.






You can spend a Force Point to link a Force power to the power you use in the current round so that i I goes off in the follow ing round. You must choose two powers-one for the current round and one for ille next round. Both selected powers cannot be altered in any w~y, such as through Force techniques. Force secrets. or the use of Force Points. However r the second power goes off m tile following round as a tree action at the start of your turn.



When you activate a power that targets only you. you ignore all condition track penalties to your Use the Force check to activate that power.

Even though the Jedi are the most prominent and well-known know how

users of the

Anyone with the Force Sensitivity feat and a Dark. Side

Force in the ga.laxy during the Cia ne Wars, they are not the only ones who manipulate the Foree. Other Force-using traditions exist and ascribe the source of their powers to other sources, such as magic or a deity, but they all use the same source of energy to accomplish the desircd effect when they call upon that power. Basically, anyone with the Force Sensitivity feat has the capabilitv to utilize the Use the Force skill and learn Force powers, even though they might not follow the path of a Force-user.

Score of 1 or higher can become a member of the Banda Gora.


lbe cultists of the Banda Gor11have a reputation you are no exception. Banda Gora Surge: Whenever you move up the condition track by any means. you gain bonus hit points equal to 5 + your heroic level. Bonus hit points arc consumed before normal hit points, and unused bonus hit points go away at t-he end of the encounter. Bonus hit points from multiple sources do not slack. for being merciless. and

Force, Fighter:


you spend a Foree Point to add to an attack

roll. you heal a number of hit points equal to the Force Point result if the attack hits. Resist Enervation: Whenever an effect would move you down the con" dition track, you con spend 'a Force Point to negate that movement down
the condition Victorious this encounter track. Force Mastery: Whenever an enemy you hove damaged in is reduced to 0 hit points, you mav automatically

attack roll. If the check equals or exceeds the result of the attack can add your Charisma modifier to your Rd'lex Defense. Defense

roll. you

Boost: As a swift action, you can make:

DC 15 Usc t he Force

check. If the check succeeds, you gain" Defense until the end of the encounter. to all your defenses, Hardiness: actions You can spend a Force A5 a swift

+'1 Force' bonus to you r fortitude Before you make your Use the Force

check, yOU can increase the t<3'get number to DC 20 to gain a T 1 Force bonus

return one

Point to red uce the number of swift track bv one, check, If

spent Force power to vour Force suite as a free action.

it takes you to move +'1 5tep a long the condition

High Impact:

action , make a DC 15 Use- the force


5noltly after the Battle of Naboo, the Believers, beings. Members based devote

your check succeeds, double your Strength roll you make before the end of your turn.

bonus to the next melee damage rolls while

Rising to prominence their enerqies

in the Cularin system, are a cult of force-sensitive to studying

Sith Reverence:
you art within

You gain a + 1 morale bonus M your attack

and embracing

the dark side of the Force, with of the ancient Sith that

20 squares and in line of sight of an ally with a OJ rk Side

t he in ten t of following

the doctrines

and customs

Score equal to or greater rha n your own.

existed before Darrh Bane, Reject ing Bane's Rule ofTw_o, the Bel levers seek to expand their numbers to eventually in a new age (or the Sith, All Believers tattoo,

challenqe the kdi directly and usher can be fe-COg nized by a distinctive

The Korunnai

are a nomadic "tribe"

at Humans from the uplands of the planet

live in the harsh jungles lowlands. called qrassers, have. that They which In strong

a shape that resembles the spire of the Sith fortress on Almas with a broken liqhtsaber at its base.
At fir;t, the existence of the Believer's is thought to be nothing more than rumor, since their presence cannot be confirmed by even the Je dl. During the Clone Wars, however, Jedi stationedin the Cularin svstern slowly begin tu ming to the dark side and join ing the Believers, (on(irming the existence of the darkside cult and increasinq its size, As their' numbers swell,. the Believers

Haruun Kal, the sale planet of the Al'Har system ..Not So m uch a forma liled

maintain addition

iike the Jedi, tile Korunnai by following

grow above the layers of le1hal gases that fill the planet's their existence herd animals provide them witn sustenance connection against ransack to the Fa rce, and the materials

they needed to survive.

to their keen survival skills, members

of the Korunnai

create a plague vi rus to eradicate Initially, the virus is successful, from samples underqround to prated

the Caarite 'ace and the Metalheran Cartel. butlt is stopped bva counteraqent created
from early victims of the plaque .. Wit h abandon the Sith Temple on Almas and go

Life is not so simple for the Korunnai, as they also fight the planet's the natural other sapient inhabitantv-fhe offwortders, the Balawai

a bloody war Originally for profit, quickly well with tne

Bal3wai. markets

of the virus recovered 'for a short time.

invade the jung:les the Korunnai call home and to sell i~ the galaxy's woods. Their u nsympa thetic behavior

their plans foiled, the Believers The Believer, return


includ ing spices and exork creates enmity between

later, when the Darkstaff. a 5ith artifact, attempts itself from a group of agents that discover its connection to the
possesses him and rises to become the new leader of the calls On the Believers to destroy to thwart

the two peoples that erupts into war I"~ting Balawai are reinforced only spaceport, to protect the planet',

into the Clone Wars, When the Separatist-backed updated weapons and technology Jear-Depa Billaba-to

shadow lurkers and the Oblee. Found by Len Markus in the Cularln asteroid belt, the artifact Believers .. The Darkstaff and free the Oblec. Membership: apprentice BELIEVER Anyone with the Force Sensitivity

Republic has too few troops to help in the conflict back the Koruonai. The conflict to surhan extent and Balawai escalates The Korunnai

and sends only a single between the Korunna] is mentally

agent'S thai hunted it. However. the agents manaqe

the freelance the Believers

that the Jedi Master

scarred from the experience.

feat and a Dark Side

as an

refer to 'the Force as pe!ekotan, Toteracting

with whallhcy

Score of 1 or higher is welcome by a force adept

to join the Believers by being accepted

believe to be the "jungle and challenqes

mind" as a way to survive. the perils of their homepelekotan presents

or Force disciple member of the cult.

world. They SH pelekotan as J dark force thai rules the darkness of the jungles those that tap in to its ~nugy. Sometimes. its challenqes in '1,nys that cause physical ailments for its users, and "t other Jcdi believe that users

DISCIPLE TALENT TREE the teachings As a reaction, of the Sith from ancient times and strive when an opponent successfully attacks

The Believers fellow Believer Intuition:

times, those challenqes can cause mental impairments.

to extend the influence' ol the d;uk side of the Force. you. make a Use.t he Force check and compare the result to your opponent's

of pelekotan equallv use' both the light side and the dark side of the Forte, but the' Korunnai merely believe that they are all part of the same entity. Some Jedi fccl that pelekotan isjust another name for the lj'ving Force,

Member,.hip: Kal who foam Force Sen.sitivliy

True members

of the Korunnal

are the natives of Haruun of pelekotan.



h·ighlan·ds. Others who join their tribe have the

fe,at and embrac-e the concept

AKK 000 FOL.L.OWERB Wilen a character gains an akk dog follower, the followe.r qains the species trails of the akk dog described Abilities: below. AU dogs are considered beasts.

KORUNNAI ADEPT TALENT TREE rou have learned to usc pelekotan to survive

in the jungles

of Haruun

Kal the

and have bonded with an akkdcq, which serves you faithfully. Akk Dog Master: You gain an akk dog follower. Choose either aggressive, followers defensive, statlstlcs or utility follower template, and generate using the roles on page 32. This follower [see the "Akt Dog Followe,;"

AH dogs have set abili(y scores. They use the following statistirs: Stren'glh16. Dexterity 8. Constitution 12, Wisdom 10. Intelligence 2. Charisma 8. Large Size: Akk dogs take a -1 size penalty 10 Reflex Defense and
a ~5 size penalty to Stealth checks, Their lifting characters. and carrying limits are double those of Medium Natural Defense, Natural Weapon~ When an akk dog makes an unarme.d attack. weapons. dealing ld6 points it can use ns natural Armor:

the akk dog gains the a kk

dog species trait,

sidebar) and the Power Attack

Speed: An akk dog's base speed is 6 square's.

feat. Additionally,

anv Force

you, akk dog follower

you act ivate that targets y"OU can target instead, at your discretion. '

Akk dogs gain a ·t2 natural armor bonus to Reflex

An akk dog (aunts toward the total number of followers like followers 9<lined from other talents. Akk Dog Trainer's on your 'tum, Actions:

you have, just

You and vcor akk dog have bon.ded through You can use any of the folloiying

(plus its Strength



of slashing damage with that at tack instead of normal unarmed

the Force and can fight in concert


• AI/ad in a standard action. you can make a melee or .ranged at tack aqai nsta target in range. If your akk dog follower is adjacent to the tarqetano you r attack hits, the target also takes piercing damage'
equal to ld6 + the akk dog's Strength is considered part of your attack DH, SH, and overcorninqdamaqe modifier, This additional damage damage, for the purposes of resolving threshold.

• Foil Upon Prey: As a standard

attack against a target


you can make a melee Or ranged

in rang'e, and your akk dog can take the charge on your attack. rolls [this replaces the bonus to action, you can make a melee or ranged roll aqainst that

action aqainst a target wi thin TIS range. However, both you and your akk dog tske a -5 penalty attack attack target. rolls granted by the charge action). against. target in range. If the attack hits, your akk dog folbonus on its next attack

• Poireo Maul: As a standard lower gains a +2 competence

Prereqaisite:Akk Dog Master.

Akk Dog AttaCK Training: Your akk dog follower gains the Powerful Charge feat.

'ij) @,

Prerequisite.' Akk Dog Master.

Protective Reaction: Whenever you are targeted by an attack made

lID that attacker provokes an

by an enemy adjacent to your akk dog follower.

attack of opportunity

from your akk dog [ollower,

PrereqUisite. Akk Dog M~ster

.. ..... FORCE Ts








0.5 :kg

TYPE Slashing Slashing TYPE SI:a5hing


200 500

1.4kg Restricted



WEIGHT 0.5 kg




1 kg

Bludgeoning TYPE energy


Snap baton UNARMED Tin Stunning gauntlet
for specto! rules.


0.4 kg



r See th¢ weapon '5 de~crjpljvn

Stunning Gauntlet Simple We~apon
An insulated let change, glove with the wearer's

both a normal unarmed an embedded unarmed energy cell. tne stunning gauntlet gauntattack with an advanced charge when it strikes a tarqet, A ~tunning melee attacks Vibro)mud!er, the casing.



as a simple weapon)

as well as an

melee weapon,

produces an electrifying

require ao energy cell to operate, which is stored within

to stuo damaqe, and they

provide a +1 bonus to stundarnaqe On a successful unarmed attack. Stunning gauntlets are two size, smaller than their wearer {for example,

a pair of stunning gauntlets

they are worn, stunning

designed for a H~man are Tiny). Because of Mow

can't be disarmed or dropped.

Vibrorapier Advanced Melee Weapon

A vibrorapieris designed to have a longer" thinner blade than the standard


Vibroknucklers Advanced Melee Weapon

little more than a casinq attached to a set o( finger rings, vlbroknucklers ore small

vibroblade, It is well-balanced and completely silent due 10 a specialized design that diminisi1es the ultrasonic pitch that.other vibro weapons normally
create. Many professional weapon is necessary. fighlers consider the vibrorapler an excellent when steal th a nd prefer it over a blaster or other melee weapons requires two energy cells 10 operate.

a tiny weapon favored by Ih ugs and petty thieves, mainly because the weapon
can be easily concealed or stored away. He weapon's nasty surprise-sa rnicroblade that extends sli.ghtly beyond the knuckles-i~ attack. are two sins srna ller than their wearer be disarmed or dropped, Additionally. to be designed for a Human are Tinyl. Because of how can't your unarmed attacks are considered A character cessfu: unarmed an added bonus,

A. vibrorapier

wearing vibroknuckfers deals +3 points of damage on a sue-

Ranged weapons, and are preferred mercenaries, lhe Core Worlds. by miHlary and ordinary

the galaxy hunters, and security orqanizations, bounty people' who live away from the relative safely of

Like combat gloves, vibroknucklers (for example, vioroknucklers they are worn, vibroknucklers while wea ring vibroknucklers,

espeeia Ily blasters, can be found throuqhout



DAMAGE Varies DAMAGE 2d4 3d4






Wrist rocket launcher PISTOLS Czerka Adjudicator Gee-Tech 12 Defender'


COST 325 400




Mea-Sonn Model 434 RIFLES 650 COST 1,000

4d6 3d8 DAMAGE 3d8 2dlO 3d8

Yes Yes STUN OMG Yes Yes' (4(16) S RATEOF FIRE S,A S S.A

L2 kg
WEI.GHT 4.5 kg

Energy TYPE Energy Piercing Energy



-I ~, ZI~

Blaslech 500 "E5PO'" Czerka Adventurer' SoroSuub Firelance

<~ 360

2.5 kg


1-, ~~- .•]



t-= ,_


1.300 COST 500

3<110 DAMAGE 3d6ion STUN DMG


6.7 kg WEIGHT 0.5 kg

Energy TYPE EnenlY (ion)



~ ~ ~

EM? grenade'
I Area ouoc« weapon (see page 155 of the Sago Edition core rul~book)_

~ ~

2 tnocciuote wecpon: This weapon amnOl fire at largets at long ronge.

3 Accurole weopon: f.his weapon takes no prnolly when firing otlargets at sh071 range.

BlasTech 5QO "ESP·O" Riot Gun

Rifle Best known as the "ESPO·'gu.ndue to its wide use by the Corporate Sector Security Division. the BiasTecn 500 is a compact blaster with 3 short barrel and an open-frame stock. Designed for use against large crowds, the weapon trades simple accuracy (or the ability to hit just about anything in ns path. Operating best in autofire mode, the rifle incurs a -2 penalty when used as a single-shot weapon.

BlasTech DH-23 "Outback"

Blaster Pistol

~ ~

Pistol The DH-23 is designed to be a more reliable weapon when compared to the typical blaster pistol, but it sacrifices range and strength to achieve it. Tile pistol incorporates an effective heat radiator ond a tighl body construction that increase Its durability. granting it a Strength of 17 and a Break DC of 20.

weapon is popular and useful whcnslugthrowers are more numerous than blasters. With its limited ammunition capacity and ,IDW reloao Um€, most owners use the Adjudicator as a backup weapon. The pisto] can fire only 4 'Shots before reload it, needi ng to be reloaded. and a full .. round action is required to

Czerka Adventurer
Rifle Designed as a lone-barreled other sluqthrower sluqthrower rifle, the Czerka Adventurer Ii lis its firing chamber

is used

by bounty hunters because of ils high accuracy rifles. t he Adventurer oxidizer as the bu llet fires, propelling down and be stashed disassembled

ratings at long range, Unlike with a rich easily break

it faster to give it a lonqer renqe and a container. The weapon can be

higher punch. Bounty hunters also prize the rifle for its ability inside a small portable or reassembled quickly using a move action.

EMP Grenade
Simple Weapon as "droid poppers," Often referred to by the clone troops of the Republic ference between completely EMP grenades and standard weak droids. with an EMP grenade, make a single in

EMP grenades are similar to ion grenades in most respects. The bigge~t difion grenades is that they can shut down relatively

When you rna kean

area attack.

Blaslech DLT-20A "Long barrel"

Rifle The DLT-20A sees use primarily patrols standard a standard technology that use focal planetary with a top-mounted called"

Blaster Rifle
troops, especially and electronic Republic reccn The rifle comes sight that acts as in weapon the user's

attack roll and compare the grenade's z-square hit by rne grenade (before

the result to the Refle,x Defense of every tarqet

burst radius.
devices, and cybernetically would enhanced creatures on a miss, If to 0 hit points ion damage, or half damage reduce a tarqet the target

by mounted

urords. vehicles, electronic

wildl ife as their mounts.

rake normal


the ion damage dealt by tne weapon the ion damage is halved]. without with cybernetics cond ition track and disabled. Creatures A target attack

tarqeti ng scope. It also incorporates magnalomic a + I equipment

a new concept

is pushed -,5 steps dow n the on a hit or no ion from a succe'ssful

grip, which improves

hold on tne rifle, gralltirig

bonus to h is Reflex Defense when

take naif ion damage no other ill effect'S. takes half damage misses.

he is the target of a disarm attack.

damage Ori <I miss. and they suffer the Evasion talent and no damage if the attack

BlasTech DT-12 Heavy Blaster Pistol

The initial concept to customers longer fingers, behind the design and production a larqer trigger of the Dt-12 i, to cater as Rodians wi rhthei punch, r who do not have hands Ii ke Humans.such by incorporating accuracy to provide J stronqer


12 Defender

range and damage to create the

grip. The weapon gives up

The designer's galaxy's

at Gee;- Tech exchanged

weight and long-range


blaster, In fact, the Get-Tech


12 is


that it grants

its wielder a + 5 bonus on Stealth ,light on energy because maximum i~ inteqrated

to conceal

it. The Defe,mJer is

Czerka Adjudicator
Pi,tol The Adjudicator production remains one of the few slug thrower its hold-out hold-out pistols still in as it'S small today. It share, a lot of the same attributes-such

it carries only enough power for two shots. with a range of 3 squares. A bigger d isadvantaqe is that the' power pack
into the weapon and cannot be recharged weapon. once its two shots it a truly disposable

are spent. making

size and ease of ccncealrnenr-wlth

blaster pistol cousins. The


Model 434 "DeathHammer"

Pistol Built as a compact pistol. the MOdel 434 quicklv earns the nickname of "OeathHammer" from the bounty hunters and professional killers who favor the gun because of its durability plating ornately increases decorate its sturdiness. Bounty hunters" and sheer power. The weapon's dur"steel 9"ving ii a +2 equ iprnent bonus to it> DR. who use the DeathHammer

rocket launcher.


lor use with the wri~t

The open market offers a w,ide variety of rocket, available. Antipersonnel Rocket: This stvle of rocket multiple squares,

Listed below are a few of the more common



like a Irag su ffic i en t

mercenaries, and assassins

grenade. but it does not affect Anti ve h lcl e Ro eket. for disabling or significantly

the weapon. adding more detail after eve,ry kill.

This rocket de live r, a powerfu I kid, damaging

a vehicle,
within the 3-square bum

SoroSuub Fire,lance Blaster Rifle

Rifle that

Flash Rocket:

Upon detonation. blindness.

the flash rocket emits intense light Anyone ro II is b Ii n ded 10r

causes temporary

The Firelance stands out among other blaster rifles solely because of its highly effective stun setting, When sales to bounty hunters skvrocket, SoroSuub markets the rifle as "the most effective weapon available for freelance law
enforcemenl their targets officials." Although the rifle's owners to its stun capability. come from the Firel'lnce djff~ren! walks of lite, most are bounty alive. In addition

ra diu s wh ase Refln

ld4 rounds.

Defense i; beate n by th e attack

Hollow-Tip Rocket: This type of rocket is used as a means of exposing the tarqet 10 a drug or chemical stored inside its specialized tip. Bounty hunters most commonly a successful is injected use nerve toxin and stun gas. The nerve toxin, if attack against the target's succeeds. hit is made. allows a secondary into the target's

who use the firearm

to bring back

lighter than other blaster rifles in its class, weighing and making it a good choice for those law enforcement travel long distances to track their quarry.

is also as little as a carbine

agents who need to

For ti tu de Defense. I f the sec and ary attack

body and moves the target

th e n erve 3g en t -2 steps on the

eondltlon track. The stun qas agent sprays into the air on impact. creating a deus that fills the square.
Ion Blast Rocket: di~ection, and cybernetic This rocket emits an ionizing wave of energy in all upon impact that affects electronic systems. devices, including


Rocket Launcher

Exotic Weapon The wrist rocket launcher is a versatile personal weapon designed to be usefu I in various combat situations. back of the wielder's government It mounts on the forearm and extends over the, to stop. hand. Bounty hunters favor the weapon. despite various are single-shot weapon, that must be reloaded sidebar for more Infor-


attempts to ban the weapons and force production Rocket Ammunition"

Wrist rocket launchers mation on wrist rockets.

after each shot. See the "Wrist

Antipersonnel rocket

COST 400 500 400





WEIGHT 0.25 kg 0.25 kg 0.25 kg 0.25 kg

0.25 kg

TYPE Slashing Slashing


Military Military


Aniivehide Flash rocket Hollow-tip





Licensed IHegal

200 600 400 400


Piercing Piercing Piercing Energy (ion)

nerve toxin

Specia) 3<16 3d6io~

stun gas Ion blast locket

0.25 kg
0.25 kg



Tracker utility vest
Camo armor

.. ~~====~~~~==~ ~

600 900

I kg



0.5 kg

6.000 15,000
or other GlmOI.




3 sq.
3 sq.'

6 kg
35 kg


Vacuum pod
2 Can be WDm benecth dolhin9


times YOUI'spero (instead of

+0 times).

4 sq.'

1 When (unning in heavy armor; you can only

move up 10 three

Even though blasters are the most common form of weapon in the galaxy, personal armor is ,till in widespread use..Manv factions use armor as a type of uniform as well as a means of protecting scope of the orqanization's or courting trouble. its members. Many types of the proper armor are severely restricted or even illegal if not used within hibited, wearing a :su·,tof armorindicates

Thinsuit Lighl Armor

Insulating against extreme pressure and temperature, a thin suit is a skintight garment that covers the entire body except for the face, which is covered by a breath mask that provides 1 hour of breathable air, The thinsui( comes with an environmental system of minuscule heaters and coolers that allow the wearer to remain comfortable in extreme heat and cold. It provides the wearer with a +5 bonus to Fortitude Defense when resisting extreme temperatures. In addition, the suit further reduces damage taken in such circumstances. If an attack is successful, the character takes only half damage and does not move along the condition track. while a failed attack deals no darnaqe. A tN nsuil can be worn under other armors.

mandate. Even in areas where armor i, not proto others thai you are expecting

Camo Armor
M~diuiTI Armor Carno armor protects the wearer from dlscoverv as we II as injurv, In addition to of the usual hard metal plates woven on top of a fabric_ body suit, the armor is also embedded with miniature pholoreactive fibers thata Ilow the




suit to absorb light and change its color to match the wearer's surroundings. When attemptino to hide, the wearer gains a +10 equipment bonus to Stealth checks, regardless of the terrain.

Light Armor The tracker u\',litV vest is a simple garment that aIlows hunters and guides to carry a wide assortment of small equipment without wearer. Although they can be constructed discomforting the (rom an assortment o.f materials. hide treated

Light Armor A shadowsuit appears to be nothing more than an unassuming black body stocking that covers every part of the wearer's body except (or the eyes. Actually,. the shadowsuit is composed of a special soH fiber called shadowsilk that absorbs light and sound. To fu rtner improve covert movemcn t, the suit also has sound dampeninq pads on the hands and feet and the wearers eyes are covered by 3 set of goggles that come with the suit, A shadowsuit has no electronic svsterns that can reveal the wearer to sensors. Therefore, the person wearing a shadowsuit gains a +10 equipment bonus to all Stealth checks when trying to sneak, but the bonus is nullified if any other armor is

tracker mility vests are commonly made from a touch.teauierv to be watertight ..stainproof, and resistant to rips and tears.

Tne vest features pockets, pouches. and straps capable of carrying up to twenty-four small objects weighingnc more than I kilogram each. Because evenly around the the items are stored


that their weight is distributed

Wearer', torso, their cumulative weight is halved for purposes of calculatmq the weare's total carricc weight.


with the shadowsuit.

Vacuum Pod
Heavy Armor The Exira-Vehicular Aciiv',l:y (EVA) pod, or va cuu m pod, is a droid-assisted suit of powered armor speciflcailv desiqned to allow a person to repair a starship while in space, It s systems are designed in so that a wearer not proficient with heav-y armor can use it competently provides thrusters to allow movement motorized limbs,. compartment in nonstressfut in a zero-gravity complete to allow situations. The suit, once donned properly, includes external (speed f1"y 6), II also features repair tools, and an external extra materials by a dedicated, of the external low-level full life support to its, wearer and also environment

During' the Clone Wars. tech nological previous thousand but a smoil fraction advances allow new and better equipthan any other time witniTl the presented ment to appear on the open market faster

yea rs. The equipment

in this chapter represent

of the devices that emerge

during this time,

set of integraied
are controlled systems

the user to carry any

eios-canoer Bracer computer Camouflage

COST 3,500

0.5 kg 0.5 kg 40 kg Hg
0.25 kg

needed to make rep. irs, The suit's functions. monitoring

droid brain tnat handles all the complex

6,000 30 1.300

of the suit, such as the life support

system and the regulation (heavy) feat can use


vacuum the following

thruster'S, pod users who have the Armor


Halo lamp
Visual wri~t comm

[eatures and receive the bOl1lJSeSlisted. A wearer who does not

noted. Regardless, the wearer has, any situations. and

have the feat can still use the sult but does not receive any of bonuses listed below, unless otherwise Comlink: The suit's irueqrated armor check halved whil~ in noncombat cornl.nk has messaqes, support including whic,h emits against extreme environments. can send and receive encrypted Life Support: with air supply Powerlamp: hard vacuum. The armor comes '"ithan inteqrated glowrod,

The bios-canner is a low-power. cal technicillns Or two passes over the patient displays vital statistics handheld scanner used by doctors and medimedical condition, in their patients. to help diagnose

range of 1[)O kilometers





The scanner on file in

The sui! provides up to 2 hoursof continuousute

and analyzes

a nd diagnoses a ny anomalies

and protection

the scanner's medical database, This device grants its user a' ·.2 bonus on all Knowledge (life sciences) checks made to identify ailments,

a 70-squa,e

cone of .light in the suit's motorized arm, give the user checks while the systems function.

Bracer Computer
The bracer computer all the same functionsstandard computer also features is a datapao worn on the user', forearm. It performs to read as Plus, their as the standard a noloqraphic

Repair Kit: The tools integrated a + 2 bonus on al.I Mechanics Strength Putting minutes.


ing tne ability


The suit's power systems grant the wearer a

all the d'roid'5 svsrems online takes 15

data card~ in a slot on the underside i'mage about three centimeters to accommodate bounty hunters, has Intelligence

of the device. The bracer information above the device,

+4 bonus to Strength Removing

while the suit is operationat.

screen that displays OM-handed

on the suit 'md bringing

a two-dimensional computer is popular

the suit rakes only 3 rounds,

the Keyboard is designed equ ipment, particularlv

tYpin.g, The bracer

among iho5e who need to conserve space with


A bracer computer




Camouflage Netting
Any camouflage and unpowered, under the netting, Integrated tenain-including into netting found on the market is one of two kinds: powered within a area, bestow a +5 bonus ro all Stealth and offer partial checks while Both kmds, when draped over one or more objects 6-squa'c-by'-6-square

the emission



sensor baffle scales that emulate

version are overlapping patterns of the surrounding light emissions. Thus, powered camollflage net ting grant,
of the powered The

the netting



+ 5 bonus to all Steal th checks while under the nettillg. small backpack and takes a full-round

ne tti rig is carried in

people to deploy it.

action and two

Halo Lamp
A pocket-sized \0 a a-square disc small enough \0 fit in the palm ofa Human hand, the halo lamp shine; a bright light in a circle arou nd the person holdin9 it out radius ..Wh:ile lit, it remains cool to the touch, and it can easilv

DO~13 Medical




Medium droid (1,i-degree) lnit -+1 : Sensei low-light Languages Defenses Immune

nonneroie J vision, Perception

Basic, Binary, 2 u-nassigned

be attached

as a weapon accessory,

R.ef 10 [Ila t-rooted

9 droid traits

10), Fori 9 , Will 12

hp 8: Threshold

Visual Wrist Comm

The visual wrist comm is p-opular with smuggler, and soldiers. The cornrn is

Speed 6 squares (walking)

a small, flat. rectangular panet that easily attaches to a glove or other flat surface. The comm sends and receives audio and visual signals, and it can
display holographic information, though only as a two-dimensionalirnaqe. It has a range of up to 75 kilometers whM planet,ide-5ufficient to reach orbital range-and runs on a single energy ceil, which must be replaced after use. In addition, the wrist cornm functions data cards. as

Melee unarmed .. I (Id4~lJ Fignting Space 1 square; Reach \ square Base Atk +2; Grp+._I~~~ Abilitie;5 Str 9, Dex '1, Con -, lnt \5, Wi, 14, Cha B
Fe.ats Cybernetic Surgery. Skill focus (Knowledge (life sciences]. lnjurv), Skill Training (US" Computer) Skills Krtowl.edge (life sciences) + 13 , Perception Use Computer Systems walking +8 locomotion, basic processor, 2 claw appendages. storage

~~_ Treat

10 days of continuous



that stores and receives information

links, Jnd standaro

(rom drolds, comm signals,

.•- 10, Treal Injury -,13 ,

direct computer

The Clone Wars saw the rapid development
to the Separatists' sented Chapter capaciti~s. heavy reliance in this chapter of d roid technology, mainly due preon droid military units. The droids are some of the models found in

im proved sensor packaqe, internal Possessions s" rgory kit Availability

i 1.0 kg],


Licen.seJ; Cost 4,150 credits


in nonmilitary in Chapter

You can find i~IQrmation

on the droids used by the Repuhlic in

10: TMc Republic. and those used by the Separatists


The Confederacy, FI:ReT~OEOREE ORO.DS droids usually hold medical, scienufic, and analvtica I po-silions.
found in hospitals and laboratorles.


These oroids are commonly

00-13 Medical
Officially ports,


this droid is created by Ubrikklan Transassociated

dubbed the Model OD-D, company more commonly origins gains the nid:ndme"G.lactic

with repulsorlift
from done


The 00-13 the field_



who know of the model's Oddly enough, nally anticipated, and battlefield installed within Ubrikkian Ubrikkian medical

and who witness

toe droid in action


designs the droid to be used aboard prove less useful than origiassistants tools databases and medical calibrated precision. the droids as medical

its rnedlilter transports.

When the transports

redistributes d-olus with updated

tne two upper arms. The droid's cylindrical

body, is equipped procedures with specially with extreme

head, which sits medical Droids of

atop its three-legged

sensors that help it perform without any distractions.

this modd do not converse much, if at all, with patients,

preferrio9, !o work

DD-13 medical assistan I droids can't be played as droid heroes.

....""" 1~.15


t-.4e:O'IC""1I.. ..... OIlll.CA'9"g

ON ... ~A'T"j,~"""T.

EW-3 Midwife




not only for its skill the IM·6 is capable

Designed by the Polis Mas,ans On their homeworld years before the Clone Wars. the EW-3 droid mimics its creators' appearance. That. however; is where the resemblance ends. Unlike its dt.signers, the EW-3 has 3 vocabulator that allows it to speak at frequencies audible to others. Its behavior algorithms cause the droid to act in a motherly fashion. Plus, repulsorlifrunits in the alaid's base permit freedom of movement. EW-3 midwife droids work in medical facilities ing to children's waros and nurseries and providing allover the galaxy, tendto its young

Th~ widely employed IM·S from Cybot Galactica is perhaps the most veJsati{e and advanced medical droid of the Clone Wars, renowned

but its attention

to patients'

needs and limitations. Used On the bai11efield 05 starships, enemy fire to retrieve wounded soldiers and drag treatment, all the' while speaking in leads done trooper and helpful programming

well as aboard AT;TEs and a variety of military of dodging nimbly through them back 10 safety before cornmencinq a soorhinq voice. Their friendly IM-6 droids are 50 efficient and surgical supplies, including equivalent


platoons to adopt IM·6 droids as unofficial an internal

members of their units medpac reservoir that holds the

patients. Some EW-3 droids serve-as nurses for doctors needing an assistant for their private practices. E'W-3 droids can be played as droid heroes.

partly because they carry their own medical

of five rnedpacs wortn of pharmaceuticals.

IM·6 medical droids can be played as droid heroes.

EW-3 Midwife Droid

Medium droid (lst·aegree) lnlt +1 : Senses low-liqht Languages Defen~es Ref 10 (flaHooied nonheroic 2 ~5

IM-6 Medical Droid

Smail droi~ (lst-deqrce] Languages Defenses nonheroic +5 3 Init + 8: Senses Perception Ref 13 [flat-footed

CL 1

vision, Perception

Basic, Binary, I unassigned 101. Fort 10 , Will 1.2

Basic, Binary, .2. unassigned

lip 6; Threshold 10 Immune droi.d traits

Speed 6 squares (hovering) Melee Fighting Abilities unarmed Space +1 (ld3) I square: Reach I square

11), Fort 10, Will 12

hp 7; Threshold 12

Immune droid traits

Speed 6 squares (hovering) Melee Fighting '14, Cno 13 [social sciences]] Abilities Inju"f), unarmed +2 (1d2) Space f square: Reach I square Str 10, Oex 14, Cor. '~. Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 13 Surgery, Skill Focus (Knowledge +8, Knowledge locomotion, [life sciences]. Treat Skill Training (Use Computer). +'13, Use Cementer +8 heuristic processor, Surgical Expertise <-S,

Base Atk + 1; Grp + I Str 10, Dex 10, Con

+. tnt 12. Wis

Base Atl< +2: Glp-2 Feats Cybernetic

Feats Skill Focus (Knowledg.e [life sciences]. Knowledge

Skill Training (Treat Injury) Skills Knowledge Perception improved Sy'stems hovering

(life sciences) +12, Knowledge locornouon, heuristic

(social sciences) +12,

+ 5 .Ireat Injury +8
processor, 2 tool appendages, package, vocabu'ator C05t 5,870 credits

Skills Initiative Treat Inju"f Systems

[life sciences) + I 3, Perception Internal comlink,


Availability licensed;

2 hands,improved

sensor package. vocabulator (equlvalem o( 5 meopacs) COSll1,800 credits

Possession.5, surgery kit, medpac reservoir

Availability licensed;





SP-4 Analysis Droid

The SP-4 analysis drold from Cvbot Galactic. to help in the objective deconstruction is a sophisticated droid designed data. SP"4 and analvsis of empirical



Second-degree droids are skilled at mechanical and technical work. Repair facilities usually nave at [east one second-degree droid to assist in major jobs Of to complete minor repairs.

analysi'S droids are often used by law enforcement data from crime scenes and eli minate several SP-4analysis drolds. whicfl

agencies to analyze the

human error, The Jeci Temple owns

work as a part of the Jedi Archives.

LE Series Repa ir Droid

The concept behi nd Cvbot Galactica's Combine the repair functions of independent

SP-4 analysis droids can be played as droid heroes.

lE Series repair droid is simple ermugh:

droid with Wi

of an asrromech traders

SP-4 Analysis Droid

Small. droid (lsi-degree) Init +L Senses Languages Defenses hp Immune Melee

CL 1 nonheroic 3
·,10 Perception

personalitv rna trix of an adrni nistrativedroid, to a market Galactica advertised the LE 'Series droidas


the chassis a~d

the hopes of appealing

and 'space transport




having extensive


Basic. Binary. 2 unassigned Ref 11 [flat-tooted 9 11J. Fort 9. Will 12

concen trated into one droid, and the corporation asked a high price for them, The main drawback is the bipedal. humanoid chassis. Although it helps the
d roid to more e asilv interact with spaceport officia Is and docking crews, the insisls that design ham pers it, prima ry function the administratlon as, a repair droid. Cybot Galactica

a; Threshold

droid imm unities unarmed + 1 (ld2-1)

Speed 4 squares Ranged by weapon +2 Base Atk +2: Grp-4 Abilitie" Special 5tr S, Dex 10. Con -,Int Qualitie~ droid traits [galactic 15. Wis 14. Cha 12

that the LI' Series can use the same tools as its owner and emphasizes skills pr![)9ramming duties that starship captains fall on deaf ears, offices, technical acting want to avoid. However. the company's

allows it to handle the dav-to-dav eHorts

Lf Series droids are found on capital ships and ;n port

asadrninist-ative assistants, though their skills do occasionallvcorne into play to help repair

Feats Skill focus (Knowledge Skill Training [Gathe: Skills Gather lnformatioo (galactic Systems Availability Use Computer walking da'kvisio~. + 13 locomotion, Training {Use Computer)


Skill 'Focus (Use Computer), (Perception),

+ S.


Skill Training


office equipment. LE Series repair droids can be played a, droid heroes.

+ 7. Knowledge



lore) + 13, Knowledge


+8. Perception heuristic


2 hand appendages,


improved sensor package. internal Licensed: Cost 3.100

com Ii 0, k, vocabulator

AN BP~4 ...''''-1 ....... '....... QROIt::! ..... NO .'TI,..JO'" A eVQ A. PAOTQC_Q''.oI':lQIO ~IYI""OIJ:_



,.. ... -15

v ....







f-<40'W "'-0


1!IIII.,. ....4R


..... Q.OLr£

O ..... ..... ,"~ gBO


P2 Series Astromech


The first of Industrial Automaton's attempts to creating an astrornech droid for commercial and consumer markers, the P2 droid is a prototype initially

sold to the Republic for basis.


aboard their merchant

fleet vessels on a trial of the newer 1,2 series attached to its

The P2 looks. in rna ny WilYS, I ike a larger version tlroid" but the P2 a150 has a nooretractable

claw appendaqe

dome. Another feature missing in the P2, but present in its later cousins,

is a vocabulator.

Instead. the P2 communicate, P2 droids

with its owner through an inconvenient at best. attitude that

integrated screen on its dome, making communication 111 spite of these drawbacks, P2 Seriesastrornech

have the same cheerful

thei, younger R2 cousins display, making them papular with their owners. oroids can be played as dro',e! heroes.

P2 Series Astromech Droid

Medium d(oid [Znd-deqree] nonheroic 1

CL 0

Init -t : Senses darkvision: Percept jon +6 languages Basic (understand only). Binary, 2 unassigned
Defenses Ref 9 (flat-footed hp 5; Threshold 12 Immune droid traits Speed B squares (wheeled], 2 squares (walking) Melee unarmed +2 (104 .. 2)

9). Fort 12 , Will 9

lE Series Repair Oroid

M~dium droid (2nd-degree) nonherolc 3


fighting Abilities

Space 1 square: Reach


_BaseArk +0: Grp +2

Init +0 : Senses low-light vision: Perception +4 languages Basic, Binary. 1 unassigned Defenses Ref 13 (flat-footed 13). Fort 10, Will 11
hp 7; Threshold 10 Immune droid traits Speed 6 squares (walking) Melee unarmed +2 (103) Fighting Space I square; Reach 1 square

Str 15. Dex 9, Con -". In! 14. Wi.> 8. Cha 10 Skill Training (Perception] Skills Mechanics + 12, Perception +4- , Pilot +4 , Use Computer + 12 Systems wheeled locomotion, walking locomotion. magnetic feet,
Feats Skill Focus (Mechanics, Use Computer), heuristic processor, 6 tool appendages, 2 claw appendaqes, diagnostics internal package. internal storaqe (10 kg). improved sensor packaqe, com link, darkvision Possessions astroqation

buffer (storage device, 4 memory units], circular

Base Atk +2: Grp +2 Abilities Str 10, Dex 8. Con -, lnt 13. Wi; 12. Cha 12
Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Skill Focus [Mecharrics], Skill Training (Knowledge [technoloqvj], Skills Knowledge (bureaucracy) Skill Training (Mechanics)
+7 ,

sow, elect ric arc welder, fire extinguisher, ho loprojector, holcrecorner


licensed: Cost 4,200 credits (useo)

Knowledge (technology)

+7 ,


Perception +4, Use Computer s-?

Systems walking locomotion,

heuristic processor, 2 hand appendages, durasteel shell, integrated cornlink, diagnostic package. improved holorecorder



sensor package, translator unit (DC 15!, vocabulator Possessions botoorojecror Availability

Licensed; Cost 6,000 credits

'Pit Oroici'
Designed by Serv-O,-Oroid the pit droid is remarkably Addi\ionally, to assist docking bay mechanics with repairs, sturdy and strong for its 'si~e. Unlike at her small capacity for being Small. allowiog pilots wben deactivated.



Ihird-deqree droids are used in situations where interactlons between beings play an important role in everyday life, such as political arenas, merchant services, negative and even domestic feelings toward set tings, Military forces during the Clone Wars 'sometime-s send third-degree droids tosotren the blow of bad news, c~ating

druids, pit droids take no penalty to their carrying pit droids fold up into a Tinvobject them to be stowed especially

ina smaller space when unused. Many transport


keep a small number of pit droids in their cargo holds to assist with repairs, when they are the IMe crew member"

SYQ Series Protocol Oroid

Built as" more affordable Cvbot Galactica's version of rheir popular 3?O series protocol droid is intended Galactica druid, 5YQ protocol forces Cvbot for the Mid Rim market, number are produced the line, Few 5YQs

Pi! droids


be plavec as droid heroes,


Pit Oroid
2 +0 only). Binary

where expensive droids do not sell well. Only a limited before legal action to cancel

Small droid [2nd degree) nonherok Init +3.: Senses Perception l.anquaqes Defenses Immune Ref 13 [flat-footed 12 droid immunities +3 ('1d2+2) Basic (understand

remain in service, but they are popular on the Outer Rim, 3PO models are still exorbitantly expensive. popular among droid "kit" enthusiasts, and replace is disabling scrupulous who ihem with custom false-

11), Fort '12, Will 9

The 5YQs are also surprisingly upgrades. One popular conversion

hp 5; Threshold Speed 4 squares Melee unarmed

tear out most of the in ternal components which not only allows the normally 5YQ protocol

the SYO'.s creative dampeners, droid to manufacture ideas and opinions.

hoods but also enables it to form independent

Ranged by weapon +3

droids can be played as droid heroes,

Base Atk + 1; Grp -2

Abilities Special Str 15. Dex 14, Con ~.Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 12 Training Qualities. droid traits Feats Skill Focus (Mech~nicsJ, Knowkdgc (technology) +6 locomotion,

5YQ Protocol Droid

Medium droid (3rd-degree) Init +0; Senses Perception Language. Defenies Immune Ref '10 (flat-footed 9 droid trails nor-heroic +6 10). Fort 9, Will 11 1

CL 0

Skill Training (Mechanies)iSkill +6, Mechanics +11, Piloi +8.

(Pilot). Skill Training (Use Computer) Skill, Use Computer Sysl.ems walking



C,,, I,'"

2 hand appendager'


Basic, Binary, 3 unassiqned

hp 2; Threshold

bask processor

Speed 6 squares (walking) MElee unarmed Fighting Abilities Space

-1 (ld3-1) 1 square; Reach I square

lnt 12, Wis 12, Cha '14

8ase Atk +0: Grp -1


Str 8, Dex 10, Con-,

Feats linguist, [burcaucracvl], Skills Initiative Systems walking Possessions Availability

Skill Focus (Persuasion +0, Knowledge locomotion,

1. Skill
+ 12

Training [galactic

(Knowledge torel) (qalactic

Skill Training (Knowledge (bureaucracy) +6, Persuasion vccabulator,

+ 6, Knowledge

lore) + 6. Perception 2 hand appendages, licensed;

basic processor, translator internal

unit (DC 101,

storage (5 kg)

audio recorder Cost 1,460 credits

Fourth -degree droidsinclude another, Most four-i,h"degree combative


10-86 Sentinel
the ,IG-96 sentinel security marginally system

everqrowinq line of IG Seriescombat droids, droid was designed to funci ion as a bodyguard or home In practice. however, most IG-86 droids comes purposes. Armed processor, making with programming it versatile

models designed ['Or combat in one form or druids 8H'. military and se<:urily droids, but other organizations

Part of Holowan Mechanicals

rnod~ls such as assassin droids, probe droids, tracker droids, and certain non-

for the wealthy,

droids used by military

fall in this grou p as well.

are used for more sinister standard with


that is only well as

more sophisticated heuristic new combat

than basic battle

droids .. tile IG-86

BeA-l1/X Ughtsaber Practice Droid

Before the Bailie of Naboo, Baktoid Combat Automata produces a number of t",ining droids for the Jedi Order, but the results convince them thaI helping to train young, Jedi might not. be the best business decision. The 'll/X's most unusual feature is the use o( a cortosis matrix in the bonding of the droid's q\Jadanium armor. designed to resist the energy of a lightsabe"r and make the niX harder to disable or destroy, BCA"'ll/X !raioing droids can't be played as droid heroes.


capable of learning and protectors,

routines over time. use IG-86 sentinel oroids

Both Ziro the HuH and Gha' Nachkt

as agenis

Ziro the Hutt has allowed memory

several of ni5 1&-86 drolds to go wipes, causinq them to gain 5ig" One such droid, KRONOS-327,

for long

periods of time without experience assassin droio.

and develop personalities,

is a formidable

IG-86 sentinel

droids can be piavcd as droid heroes.

BCA-11 Ix Trai nirig Droid

Medium dloid (4th-degr~e) nonhernic 3/soldier \


IG~86 Sentinel Oroid

Medium droid (4th--degree) Basle. Binary Ref 17 (nat-tooted 15 'IS), Fort 15. Will 12 soldier

CL 1

lnit -.-9: Senses low-light, Languages Basic, Binarv Defenses Ref20 (flat-footed
hp 17; DR 5 [liqhtsaoers Immune droid traits

Perception +4 18i. Fort


lnit + 7; Senses Perception

Languages Will 'II: ~7armor 13 Defenses Immune

only); Threshold

hp 3D; Threshold



Speed 6 squares (walking) Melee claw +4 (,ld4+,lj

Ranged bfaster carbine +6 (3d8+-2)

Speed 6 squares
Me.lee unarmed

-1-3 ('ld3-1-2)

Ranged blaster carbine

4 (3d8)


Base Atk -1-3; Grp +S


Ranged blaster carbine +2 (4d8) with Rapid Shot

Atk Options
Abilities Talents

Space 1 square; Reach 1 square autofire (blaster carbine] Coordinated Attack

Base Atk -1-1, Grp +3

Atk Options Abilities Talents Coordinated Attack, Toughness, Rapid Shot Str 14, Dex 15, Con -, Int 10. Wis 12. eho 8 Indomitable (light), (pistols, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus (rifles), rifles, simple weapons) +5. Perception Proficiency

Special Acti.ons

SIr 13. Dex 14, Con-,

Weapon Specialization Focus (rifles),

I~.t 9, Wis 11.,Cna 8

(,ifle.5) ProficienC'y (rifles) .improved sensor package,

Special Oua·lities droid traits

Feats Armor Proficiencv Weapon Systems

Feats Armor Proficiency Weapon Systems internal

(lignt, medium). Weapon ,.4

Skills Initiative

+9, Perception locomotion, quadaniurn

Skills Initiative

-1-7, Mechanics

-1-6, U5C Computer s s

beuristic processor,

basic processor,

2 hand appendaqcs,


battle armor (...7 armor, cortcsis-durasteel

Possessions Availability blaster rifle, durastee) .shell

alloy), vocabulator Possessions blaster carbine


Restricted: Cost


Military; Cos!

5.860 credits

Fifth-degree low-level. repetitive

droids, performing neavv lifting and prefer to

CLL-6 Biliary Load Lifter

large droid (5th-degree) nonheroic Inil ,.0 • Senses Perception .;-10 Languages Defenses Immune Basic (understar>d Ref 9 (flat-footed 19 droid traits +9 (ld4 + 9) 1 square 'I

tL 1

droids are labor and utility

grunt work that many beings in the galaxy

avoid. The main difference between these and other domestic droids is i hat fifth-degree droids are not programmed to provide companionship, Instead. they perform the ordered tas~ and report bad when it is completed,

only), Binary 9), Fort 19, Will 10

hp 23: Threshold.

CLL-6 Binary Load Lifter

50 cognilively warehouses prevents slow that i, barelv qualifies allover as a droid, the binary load lifter in industria' serves One purpose only: to lift and stack cargo containers moving and carrying The binarv out its orders, Dnly the slightest

Speed B squares (walking) Melee, unarmed Fighting Abilitie~ Space 2><2; Reath

the galaxy The most basic of processors keeps iii is droid level of self-awareness machines. droid models in at all nonthinkinq

Base Atk +0; Grp +14 Sir 28, !)ex to, Can -, In18. .. 10 2 1001 appendages


Cha 5 Training (Perception)

CLL-~6 droids from being considered load lifter

Feats Skill Focus (Endurance, Perception). Skills Endurance +19 . Perception Systems Availability walking 'ocomotion,

is one of the oldest and simplest

the galaxy" The boxy droid stands 3 meters tall and appears to be carrying two ttaY' at the end of i Is arms. In fact, the droid has no manipulators and uses the "travs" by a heavy-duty to lift carqo palette, with nons. Each leg IS reinforced hydraulic burden of its load, A.lthough the CLL-6 can understand the regret of frustrated and take orders in Basic, it ca,n speak much to decide to invest in a protocol low cost. those on Iy in Binary. When it (ates orders. the droid takes them literally, owners who eventually droid to deliver orders for (hem" With the binary load lifter', owners are 001 set bad much when they do so, CLL-6 droids can't be plaved as df()id heroes. industrial-grade durasteel and deliver them to their destinaand powered the druid's bulk as well as the

basic processor,

Licensed: Cost 4,200 credits (used)

system to support

FA-5 Valet Droid

One of the Soro'Suub Corporation's facilities, most popular

servant druids. Ille FA-S

and qovernrnent programming food the

valet droid is used for men lal tasks in hotels. spaceports. and is best used for basic service tasks, such as carrying with b;lsic flignt protocols, allowing

The FA-,S valet droid has little in the way of complex

bags, delivering

and drinks, and "ctin~ as a mail courier. All FA-5 valet droids are programmed them to move, park, and retrieve clients. heroes.


and starships

of their owners or the'r owners'

FA-5 valet droids can be p loyed asdroid

FA-S Valet Droid

CL 0
nonheroic +0 10). rort 11. Will 10 1



druid (5th-degree) Basic, Binaly' Ref 12 (fIJHoot~d 10 droid immunij;es + 1 (ld3 +"1) ,.2

Init +2; Senses Perception Languages


hp 3; Threshold Speed 6 squares Melee unarmed

Ranged by weapon

Bale Atk +0: Grp +2 Abilities Sir 12.Dex 15.CO"

Special Oualitles droid traits Skill Training (Pilot), 2 unassigned 2 ha~d appendaqes, basic processor,
-e ,

lnt to, Wis 10,Cha 12

Feats Skill Focus (Endurance).

Skills Endurance + 10, Pilot ,.12 Systems Availability walking locomouon. vccabulator

Licensed; Cost 1,100


Pincer Loader Droid

IW-37 Pincer Loader Droid

Large droid (5th-degree) Languages Binary Defenses Ref 15 (flat-footed lSI. Fort 17, Will 10 non heroic 4 Init +7; Senses Percept ion +6


Marketed as "the bantha of load rifters:' the Industrial Automaton IW-J7 pincer loader droid is desiqned to carry rockets, torpedoes, and other mis-

siles. and to load them into tbe launch tubes of starships and other vehicles. IW-J7s are also used on battlefields, where they arc programmed to locate and retrieve unused munitions and other salvage from disabled vehicles, Although not built for combat, the IW-37 is programmed to imrncbitlze those who attempt to Interfere with its work. Clone trooper units occasionally find IW-37s in the cargo holds of wrecked Separatists ships, clutching
still-functioning super battle droids in their claws. IW-37 pincer loader droids can't be ployed as droid heroes.

hp 1'; Threshold 22 Immune droid traits

Speed 6 squares (wa Iking) Melee 2 claws + I 0 (ld6+'7j Fighting Abilities

Space 2x2; Reach I squa re SIr 24. On II, Con -, lnt

Base Atk +3; Grp +'15

a, Wis

B, ella 6

Feats Armor Proficiency (light). lmproved Damage Ihreshctd.Pin, Power AttaCK Skill, Initiative +7, Perception +6 Systems locomotion, basic processor, 2 claw appendages, durasteel plating (+6 armor) Possessions dura steel shell Availability Licensed; Cost 8,000 credits





DG~ IL..S iY





CAN,,",OI"ol W Tt=! WOLO


PIT #>.



A seriesof ,8a,iozgunships, 'nown colloquially as Justifiers, are p-roduced by private partie, at the height of the Clone Wars, lnternat cargo space is converted to make mom for larger engines and shield generators, and a number of gun emplacements are added to the ventral and dorsal surfaces of the ship.Intended



Designed by the Corellian Engineeri'ng Corporation as a budqer space trans" port for fledgling businesses, the 69 Rigger isa slaw and unwie.ldy transport sh'ip on tile verge 01 nbsoicscence after by independent by the time of the outbreak of the Clone Wars. The 69 Rigger, though inexpensive, offers few of the amenities sough! traders. Like all Corell;an Engineering Corporation pilots who pride them, elves ships. the G9 Rigger is fairly easy to customize, but the ship is too bulky

to provide fire support for merchant shipping, the Justifier

is expensive to maintain 3nd is produced only in limited numbers.

Bartoz-class Freighter
Colossal space transport Init -3; Senses Perception +5 Defenses Ref 15 (flat-footed 13), Fort 30; + 13 armor hp 180; DR 15; SR 15; Threshold 80 Speed f1y 12 squares (max. velocity 850 km/hl. fly 3 S"qu~re~ (starship scale) Ranged laser Fighting Abilities


and sluggish for most couriers and transport

on speed, As 3 reselt, the G9 Rigger is most often seen in the hands of local traders who ply the space fanes in a small area of the galaxy, and has earned a reputation as a low-quality the time and effort vessel suitable for use only on the Outer Rim. that leads many spice srnuqqlers to !pend )In'ierestingly, it is this reputation

to modify the G9 Rigger, as most sector authorities see


+ 1 (see below)

"tile threat from this vessel. The Twilight, a spice freighter owned by Ziro the Hutt and stolen from
the planet Tel h by Anakin Skvwalker, is a G9 Rigger.

Space 12" 12 0,· '1 squares (starship scale): Cover total [new) 51! 50, Dex 14, Con -, Int 12

Base Atk +0; Grp +40 Skills Initiative -3, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -3, USt Computer +5 Crew 2 (normal]: Hyperdrive Availability Passengers, 4' 12) u~ed) Cargo 85 metnc Ions; COnsuma'ble,s 2 months: Carried Craft none ,,2 (backup" Licensed; Cost 120,000 (\7,500

G9' Rig-gn
Coloss.aI space trim Iport Init -5; Senses Perception +5 Defenses· Ref 11 (flilt-footed hp 100; DR 15; Threshold 74 Speed (Iy 12 squares (max. velocity 700 km/hJ. fly 2 squares [starshtp scale) 'Ranged double light laser cannons +3 (see below] and light I~ser cannons +1 (see below) Fighting Space 12x 12 or I square [starship scale]: COver total [crew) ease Atk +0; Grp +5

I'll. FOri

:24; + 1'1 armor

Laser Cannon (copilot] At'k + I, Dmg 4010><2

Atk Options autofire (double light laser cannons]

Abilities Str 39, Dex 10, Can =', fm 12 Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -S, Skills Initiative-5,




USt Computer +5 Crew 2 [normal): Passengers 6 Cargo 70 tons.Consumables Hype rd rive ,,3 Availability licensed; C05t 85,000 (45,000 USed) 1 month: Carried Craft none

Double UglIt Laser Cannons (pilot] Atk +3 (-2 autofire], Dmg 4d10><2 Light Laser Cannons (copilot,) Atk +1, Omg 3<110><2

r~'·'":-,~ (" ',~I"'" ;~T'II. ;, ..

I. Cockpit a Pilat bCD-Pilat c Sensors/Commllnications d Shields/Weapons 2. Ship's Computer 3. life Suppart








4. 5. S. 7. 8. 9. 10.


12, 13. 14. 15. IS.


Refresher Passenger Cabins First Mate's Cabin Captain's Cabin Cornman Room Boarding Ramp Machine ShopiStarage Cargo B8Y Cargo Umtar bcape Pod Cargo loading Ramp Enginming Section Cunwell to Turret





'-10 .... ..


t... ....





r•• :;jIrND n

p...... D.

138-100 SALVAOS SHIP The Gallofree Yards GS-IOO salvage ship is a larg~, bulkv craft designed to navigate debris fields in (he wake of space battles, picking up sarcaqeaole ports to sell as scrap. Durable and capable of dealing with danqerous flo. ting flotsam and debris, the G5-100 runs with a small crew complement. and some independent sa"vagw; prefer to fill the other two crew slots wilh droids. all'owing them 10 plunder the graveyards of post battles without the need 10 split the profits with living associates, Gna' Nachkt's 'ship, tile Vulture's Claw, is a heavily modified G5-100 salvaqe Shipe 65-100 Salvage 5h ip
+5 80

CL 8

Colossal space transport Ini! -4·; Senses Perc~ptian hp 190; OR 15: Threshold (starshtp scale]

Defenses Ref 14 (tlat-tocted 13), Fort 30.: + 13 armor

Speed fly 12 squares (max..velocity 400 km!h), fly 2 squares Ranged 2 medium laser cannons Fighting Spa~12x12 Base Atk +0: Grp +40 +2 [see below) Cover total (crew)

or 1 square h\~r:;hip;cale):

Abilities Str 51, Dex 12, Con -, lnt 14 Skill. Initiative -4, Mechanics + 5,. Perception Use Computer + 5
Crew 3 (normal): Hvperdrive A~a;labiHty Medium x3 ticensed; Passenqers 20 (droids) 1 month: Cargo 140 tons; Consumables

+5, Pilot -4

Carried Craft none OOClMTR8ADSR Corporation's forgotten ach ievernents is the KR-l B., better know.n as the Doorntreader, It represents. radical shifl in design for the CEC a t a ti me when the company is searching for a product. that resonates well with the majority of their customer base. Thouqh the YT series is nearly a century away from being realized, the KR-TB is one of the earliest attempts at designing" freighter that would be ali things 10 all people. For the time, the Doorn treader's expansive cargo Mid, arc' it, moot lauded (eature. Wiih over 300 metrlc ton, of capacity, a small fortune can be secu red for reliable transport The KR-TB is also desiqned with thesolo
One of the Coreutan £ngine~rillg pilot in mind. TOe duties of the copilot droid, necessitatlnq onlv

Cost 190,000 (95,000 used)



Laser Cannons

Atk + 2, Dmg Adl Ox2


can be. deleqated

to an astromech

small organic organics.


Adequate passenger spa ce is

provided for up to six additional

Next to its vast cargo capabintres. the Doorntreader is renowned for its defensive cepaoilltles, In fact. the KR-TB cams its moniker from its heavy shields, durable. construction, and dual' laser cannons, which allow it \0 venture into situations that would doom lesser vessels to capture or destruction,

Even though it seems the perfect ship for the intergalactic merchant, the KR-T8 is only rnoderatefv successful-in part because of the ship's high price tag. Behind thc scenes. rivalries ,vithin the Corellian Engineering Corporation also playa substantial role in the model's rnarqinafization. In the end. remaining Doomtreaders are sold at cui rates to planetarv defense forces and law enforcement agencies. The most famous KR-TB Doorntreader is Hell'sAllvil. Taken as a prize by Montross. a well-known Mandalcnan bounty hunter and rival of Jango Fett, Hell's Anvil is heavilY modified and converted for use as a prisoner transport and mobile base. The most notorious of Hell's Anvi['s modifications is J pair of solar ionization cannons, dev3,tating weapons that are unaffected by conventional deflector shields. With Montross', death at the hands of Jango Fe!!, the Hell's Anvilf.des into obscurity.

KR- T8 Doomtreader

C.L 8

Colossal space transport Init -4; Senses Perception ·5 Defenses Ref 14 [flat-footed 13). Fort 30; +13 armor
IIp 180; DR 15; SR 3D;,.o_ld.,-80 ....."..,....,.,---, __ Speed _

fly 12 squares (max. velocity 900 km/hl. fly 3 squares

scale) scale); Cover total (crew).


Ranged laser cannons +4 (see below] Fighting Space 20xlO or 1 squares (starship total (astromech droid)

Bale Ark +0.",:.,..G_,rP:--+_4..,0-: .,__ Abilities Str 50. De." 12. Con -, In! 14 Skills Initiative -4. Mechanics ·.S (+13'). Perception +5, Pilot -4.
Use Computer Cargo 100 +5 (...\3') Consumables Crew 2 plus astrorncch



Availability • Ifrlle ship 110.5 on astrctnccb

dloiti (skilled); Passenger's 6 1 month: Carried Craft none x2 (backup XIS) licensed: Cost 350.000 (70,000 used)
droid, use these skill modifiers instead.

Dual Laser Cannons (pilot) Atk +4. Om!! 6dlOx2 PURSUBFl- C L A EI S ENFORCEMENT SHIF' The Pursuer-class enforcement ship is a patrol vessel and fast transport designed by MandalMolors with Mann.lorians specifically in mind. The ship i~popular with the Mandalorian Protectors during the Clone Wars. but the pursuer-class also becomes a sought-after ship among non-Mandatorian police forces and bounty hunters across the galaxy. The stock hnsucr is fast. with good armament and adequate shields. Though its cargo capacity is not up to par with other interstellar transports and freighters. it C3n be easily relegated to a transport rote in a pinch. Passenger space is limited to five cramped cell, and a couple of bunks, and the cargo area is adequate Ior securing, contraband and 9 round vehicles. Even though it is a capable craft right off the assembly line. few Pursuers go long
without attermsrket modification.

the Clone Wars. the Pursuer-class continues to sec production and distribution across the galaxy with few changes to its basic de,sign. Its fearsome reputation, combined with its capabilities. is just as valuable to potential owners as its actual weapon systems are. With his R,espray-3"1. Slave I. in Impound. Boba Feu use of 3 modified P,lf·su/,r-flass. dubbing it Slave it. The ship serves him well until it is nearly destroyed at BY,5. Fett's modified Pursuer includes a lear-firing proton torpedo launcher, an improved sensor "nay. and improved shield 9cnerators
Following and sublight
A. pUQBu.n·CL". """'F"'ORCBMSNT II'~.,IO,",,""BR. BHIP c:H .... I!·. & OOWN A B .... LClZ~CL R





CL 7

Colossal space transport ,Init -3.: Senses Percepti{)n ~5 Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 12), Fort 26: +,12 armor 76 1,000 km/h), fly 4 squares hp 120; OR 15: SR 15: Threshold Speed fly 16 squares (max, velocity

The main cabin of the Sdtiss,,2 is equipped witha raised dais and a stunning view, II serves as a Hurt's audience chamber away from the personal palace, The cabin detaches from the rest of the ship, ferryiog the Hut! and his servants to and from the planet below,

(starship scale) Ranged twin blaster Cannons .. 5 (see oelow] or Ranged ion cannons +5 (see below) Fighting Base Atk

tlbrikkian Seltiss-.2 Caravel Colossal space transport Init -5; Senses Perception +5 Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 141. Fort 31;
hp 200; DR IS; SR 30; Threshold Speed fly 12 squares (max, velocity [starship scale] Ranged laser cannon battery BI

CL 9

t" 14


Space IOx20 or 'I square [starship scale); Cover totall (crew)

+ 1; Grp +37 auto fire (twin blaster cannons)

850 km!h), fly 3 squares

Atk Options

Abilities Str 42, Dex 14, Lon -, lnt 14 Skills Initiative-3, Mechanics +S, Perception Use Computer +5
Crew.: Passengers Cargo 35 metric Hyperdrive Availability tons; Consumables ><16J Cost 200,,000 (40,000 5 weeks

+2 (see below) scale); Cover total (crew)

+ 5, Pilot -3,



IOx20 or 1 square [starship

Base Atk +0; Grp +41

7 (Z Passengers, 5 prisoners)

At.k Options autofire (laser cannon battery)

Abilities SIr 52, OexlO, Con -,. Int 14

x I (backup Restricted;


Skills Initiative -5, Meehan ics + 5, Perception + 5, Pilot -5, Use Computer +5
Crew 4 {1 pilot,. Availability copilot, 2 gunners): Passengers (160,000 12 Craft used) main cabin

Twin Blaster Cannons (pilot) Afk +5 (+0 au\(!f1re). Dmg 5dlOx2

Cargo 50 tons; Con5umables

1 month: Carried

Ion Cannons (pilot)

Atk +5, Dmg 4d10,,2 ion

Licensed: Cost 800,000

sea .. ISs-2 T CARAVEL Ali Hutts of means sed to demonstrate their personal successes, This extends
to the vessels they buy, and the Seltiss-z lese taste in starships, The Seltiss-z species its amenities are crafted Seltiss-2. resembles. to individual caravel is a prime example of Hutyel to other the is modest by Hutt standards, and requirements. seem lush, No two ships are the same, and the interiors .specificarions guests-ate Externally, sail barge, Inside, however, the accommodations-at

laser Cannon Battery (2 gun'ners) Atk +4 (-1 autofire], Dmg 4dlOx2 Seltiss-z
The Seltiss-2

Caravel Cabin
caravel, like many Hut! space transports, from suborbital transportation, is equipped with a done the rest of the Ship, Though, tbis is often

cabin that separates merely to accommodate pods are not.

the most obvious reason

for such a feature is to allow the owner of tile caravel to escape harm, Escape standard

least for the HuH and honored

spacious and' opulent,

feature aboard HuH caravels, leaving the HuU',

if the ship's owner decides to depart null, the cabin of a Selriss-z has ihe

Hutt caravels, the Selliss-2 among them, are designed with short intrasystem jaunts in mind. Thus, they are not equipped with hvperdrives asa standard feature, Toey move easily between the upper atmosphere of Nal Hutta and the smuggler',s moon of' Nar Shaddaa. The vessel's combat capabilities are humble and hidden from the naked eVe, Any self-respecting Hutt prefers to keep his weapons concealed 10 lull enemies into a false sense of

crew and entourage during an emergency. When detached following statistics.

in dirt straights from the primary






-r- .....

T""'I'-ICJHT_ P'A.Ejg,I-ITt!il:IIIIi.




Ubrikkian Seltiss-z Caravel Huge space transport Init +4: Senses Perception +5
Defenses Ref 12 (flat-footed


CL ],

11), Fort 21; +3 armor

hp 50; DR 5; SR10: Threshold 31 Speed fly 12 squares [max. velocity 700 km/h'l. fly 3 squares
[starshlp scald Fig.hting Space 3)(3 or I square [starship Base Atk +0; Grp +21 scale): Cover total (crew)

Abilities Str 32, Dex 12, Con -r-, I nt 14 Skills Initiative -+4, M£chanics +5, Perception
Use Computer +5 Crew 1; Passengers Availability

;- 5. Pilot +4,


Cargo 5 tons; Consumable.

2 wee's; Carried Craft none Licensed; Cost 400,000 (80 ..000 used)

The following starfiqhters are prevalent during the Clone WJrl. Some achieve greatness, while others fly into obscurity after the ',II" rs. DAOC3.ER-CLAsa
The Dagger-cl~ss formidable space superiorit. by Republic Siena' Svsterns

starfiqhter is produced in large numbers It is a

in the waning days of the Old Republic.

craft for its lime: small, maneuverable, and fast. with powerful weaponry and a relatively cheap price tag. it even incorporates a hyperdrive and a limited astrogation computer that stores enough data for three
hyperspace jumps. the Dogger-class As with later examples of Sienar's design philosophy.

Gargantuan Defenses


Cl 6


Init +4< Senses Perception

Ref 15 (flat-footed 11), Fort 22; +6 armor hp 60; OR 10; Threshold 42

1.000 km/hl. fly 4 squares

tacks shields or extensive life support systems. Dagger pilots mus; don pressurized flight suits to withstand the rigors of space. An absence of inertial and gravity controls means that Dogger pilOI$ ale also exposed to extreme
qravitational Thousands forces as they dodge, weave, ami careen through space" of Dagger-class sta, figh ters are produced are purchasec

Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity

[starship scale]
Ranged laser cannons + 2 (see beiow)

Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 square (slarship scale]: Cover lotal (crew)

Base Atk +0; Grp +27

by Republic Sienar

prior io the Clone Wars, The majority of Independent and ubiquitous organizations,

by planetary

Atk Options


[laser canocns)

forces, and many of the systems that take up the banner of the Confederacy
Systems have Daggers in their arsenals, Given its low cost nature, the Dogger is also used by a number

of mercenary

Abilities Str 34. Dex 18, Con -, Int 1Q Skills Initiative +4, Mechanic,> +5, Perception Use Computer + 5
Crew 1; Passengers none Cost 35.000 Cargo 55 kg; Consumables

+5, Pi1ol-+4,

as well as independent starfiqhters,

Federation, in particular, contracts ,,,ilh

thai employ Dogger

paramilitary contractors. The Trade number of mercenary organizations


Restricted: (pilot)

1 week; Carried Craft none (8,000 used)

With Republic Sienar's dissolution by Emperor Palpatlne, and subsequmt incorporation into the Republic Na'JY, production 01 many of its starfiqhters ceases completely, Ihis includes the Dogger-class starfiqhter. Ihe design specifications of the Daggerarecllenlually brought out for review by the newly Founded Sienar Fleet Systems, and some elements of the class ale incorporated into the initial liE serles of starfighters.

laser Cannons

Atk +2 [-3 autofire],

Dmg 6dlOx2





The Oianoga-class stadighier is one of kcensavr's most popular starfiqhter models prinr to the, advent of the Y-wing, Though its armaments are considered excessive popular relatively choice bands. Though for a civilian fighter produced during peacetime" it is a of planetary effective defense loren, rnercena ry fleets, and pirate with

The Freefa//-class srarfiqhter is a bomber manufactured by the Nubian Design Collective. Named for the unguided bombs it is desiqneo to use, the Freefal! is an effective craft despite its lowtech approach to ordnance delivery, It is a large starfiqhter, be converted navigator, possessing a wide wingspan with a large subllqht engine mounted limited to bombs, but the ship can if necessary pilot. qunner, a dedicated to make supplvdrops and troop insertions on each wing tip, Cargo capacity is typically

when employed

in large numbers,

the O/anaga's

slow speed and low maneuverability

keep it from comperinq

A Frer:fall requires an extensive crew, including and bombardier, Allowing providing additional design philosophy, In fact, thecalibratlon exacting

faster and nimbler rnilitarv-qradestarfiqhters. The DidnDga's leading feature is its weaponrv, Four fire-linked laser cannons provide the fighter '",ith a significant offensive punch, while the craft's heavy ion cannon allows ior morecontrollec mid-grade Duri~g nvperdrive are also standard flexibility. fly in rnercenarvand attacks against sensitive tarqets hull, and a providing that need to be taken in one piece. Decent shields, a reinforced features of the Dianogo, it with a degree of tactical Koensayr eventually into the Rebellion if not impossible,

a pilot to focus on maneuvers while crew to perform other functions is a staple of Nubian
of these diverse systems is so

that as long as a crew of four operates the ship, each gains a + 1

is theoretically possible systems, thereby reducing bonus. starfighter is employed by units,

bonus to checks and rolls related to his own duties.It 10 consolidate eliminates the aforementioned mercenary Fredal/-clas,

the shi p's required

crew, but this

the Clone Wars,. Dianogo5

pira te fleets.

During the Clone Wars, the Fretfoll-class several independent



the line, making it ~ rare sight following

are 'still in service with pirate bands well parts makes them difficult.

the Clone Wi!rS, Some Dianoqo« to maintain.

Ihe best known of these mercenaries

heavily modified

the side of the Rep ubi ic. is the Bith engineer Jinkins, who flies
most lyon weaponry.

era, but the lack of available

rfigh ter with improved

FreefalJ-class Dianoga~c:lass ASS3Utt Starfiqhter Gargantuan starfiqhter lnit +2: Senses Perception +5 Defenses Ref 13 (flat-footed 111. fort 23: +6 armor hp 80: DR 10: SR 15; Threshold 43 Speed fly 1.2squares. (max, velocity 950 kmlhl. fly 3 squares
[starship scale) Ranged laser cannons +2 (see belowlor Ranged heavy ion cannon +2 (see below) Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 squares (starsbfp scale): Cover to!al (crew) Base .Atk +0: Grp +28 Atk Option, autofire (laser cannons) Abilities Sir 36., Dex 14, Can -, Int 11 +2, Mech~nics +5 none 3 days: Carried Craft none +5, Perception +5, Pilot +2, Skills Initiative Lise Computer

+5 12), Fort 26: + 12 armor 76 '1,000 km/hl"

CL 8

CL 7

Colossal starfighter Init -2; Senses Perception Defenses hpl20; ReflS (flat-footed

DR 15; SR 20; Threshold scale)

Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity (starship Ranged Fighting laser cannons

fly 4 squares

+ 1 (see below) and

Ranged bomb chute + 1 (see below) Space 30)(20 or 1 square (starsnip scale]: Cover total (crew) Base Atk ..·0: Grp +36 Atk Options autofire (laser cannons) Abilitie,s Str 42, Oex 16, Con -,IMtI2 -2, Mechanics +5 bomoardier]: Passenqers Craft none 10 tons: Consumables 4 weeks: Carried +5, Perception +5,. Pilot -2, Skills Initiative Use Computer Cargo 20 metric Hyperdrive

Crew 4 (1 pilot, 1 gunner, 1 navigator,.1 Payload 20 proton bombs x2 (backup x'lO) Restrlcted: (gunner) Omg 6dl0><2 Cost 70,000 Availability

Crew 1: Passengers Hyperdrive ·Availability Fire-linked x2

Cargo 90 kg: Censumables Re,tricted;

Cost 45,000 (pilot)

(12,000 used)

(18,000 used)

Laser Cannons (pilot)

Laser Cannons

Alk +2 (-3 autofire], Heavy Ion Cannon

Omg 6dl0,,2

Atk + I (-4 autofire], Bomb Chute (bombardier) Atk + I, Dmg SdlOx5

Atk +2, Omg 5d10x2 ion

MORNINC3STAR STARFIC3HTBR The MorningStar is a tri-winq

ASSAUI-T srarfiqhter

used extensively

in merCenary

Variants of the MOrhlngSlar are produced, the most popular of which are the A, B. and C models. Tbe A moo I, detailed here. is the original space superiority design. Ihe MO((lingStar-B trades in its concussion missile launcher for three heavy laser cannons rdamage 7dl0x2). As a result. it is favored as a dogfigllling crart by the mercenaries who employ it. TI,t MorningStar-C is born of the desire 1m a 'siar(jghter 1110t is elfective aqainst capital ships. This design chanqe lakes rbe 8 model. remove; the light laser cannons, and includes three concussion missile launchers with ten missiles each i~ their place. MorningStar~A Gargantuan Defenses

fleets prior' to the invasion of Nat>oo. The Trade Federation employs several mercenary groups that use the MorningStar righter imd Its varlant s. Of the



prior to the Galactic

Civil War, the ,'viorningStar In spite of being marketed

is as a

one of the most capable designs 3vailable. defense sh ip. the MorningStar Engineering originally pirate f,leels across the galaxy. Kuat Systems orbital

finds its way into mercena ry antJ produces the MorningStar

.san Assault Starfiqhter CL 8

startiqhter Rei \3 (flat-footed 11). Fort 22; +6 armor 42 950 km/h). fI'I3 squares I

figi1ter and picket 'vessel "or planetary

defenses and law enforce-

ment. With the eventual addition ofa Class-z hvperdrlve, the MorningStar is shoehorned into the role of a space superiority sti1rfigMter, Though
effective, concussion especially missiles. en masse, the MorningStar suffers from light construcpayload of tion, mediocre maneuverability, slow speed, and an inadequate

lnlt +2: Senses Perception +5

hp 70; DR 10; SR 20; Threshold (starship scale) Ranged liqht Iaser cannons +3 (see below) or missile launcher +3 (see below) scale), Cover to(al (crew) Space 4><4 or 1 square (starsblp Ranged concwssion

Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity


~ ~

Base Atk +0; Grp +27 Ark Options Abilities

autofire (light loser cannons) Sir 35, Dex 14, Con -, Int 12
+2, Mechooic5 +5 none +5. Perception

Craft Pilo! +2,

Skills Initiative Usc Computer Crew

1; Passengers

Cargo 75 kg; Consumables 3 days; Carried Payload 4 missiles Hyperdri~e Availability x2 Restricted; Cost 43,000


(10,000 used)

light Laser Cannons (pilot)

Atk ·,3 (-2 autotire). Concussion Atk +3, Dmg 8dl0.x2 Dmg Sd 10 x2 (pilot]

Misjile Launcher


... ~


WI,...'T .~

.. ""'".,.IO TE.RB' .....



,.,...... . "TC.looot.




The S40K i3 one or KU3! Svsterns Engineering's first forays into the. galactic starship market. Designed as an affordable space transport with minimal cargo capacity, good defenses, and high utili tv, the Phoenix Howk-ciess. falls short in a number of areas, and these shortcomings eventually doom it to fJilure. So many corners are cut by KSE', designers that the Phoenix Hawk-class is essential I" ignored by wealthy pilots and merchants in favor of more expensive" less cramped alternatives. Externally, tile Phoenlx: Hawkclass resembles a squat Firespr9y-3'1 patrol craft. Unlike lite Flresprav, which is streamlined and elegant in appearance, the Phoenix Hawk-class appears ungainly and clumsy. is lts cramped living conditions. Though into for up to six occupar ts, the craft's amenities arc hardly The ship's stark.est defkierlcy marketed as <J transport sufficient

Despite its drawbacks, the S40K succeeds in the area of detensive systems and offensive capabilities. Though it is slow and plodding in flight, the Phoenix l1awk-class is equipped with excellent shlelds and powerful weaponrv, When flown by" skilled pilot, the S40K makes a formidable targer, so it is popular are less concerned of brute force. Thouqh it is an incredibly COmmon sight on the space lanes during lh€ clays becomes increasingly obscure of the Old Republic, the Ph~enix /1oekclass

with bounty hunters, mercenaries. and paramilitary units that with amenities and more interesteo in the application

with each passing decade. S40K Phoenix Hawk-class t-5

13), Fort 28: +B armor velocity 750 km/MJ, fly 3 squares

Light Pinnace

CL 7

GarganttJan star fighter

Init t-1: Senses Perception

Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed

for half that number. Crew and passengers are pressed together

smafi quarters, and bunks must be shared if the ship is staffed to [ull capacity. Standard ceiling height within the S40K is capped at 1.83 meters, making the
interior a claustrophobe's nightmare, To make matters worse, refresh ... facilities

hp 150; DR 10: SR 30; Threshold 48 Speed fly 12 squares (max (stsrsbip scale) +3 (see below] scale): Cover total (crew)

are uncomfortable and prone to malfunctioning a! inopportune times unless several systems ore replaced with nonstandard parts.

Flanged heavy blaster canr ons +3 (see oetow) 'Ranged light ion cannons Fighting Atk Space 4x4 or 1 SQuares (starship

BaSE Atk +0: Grp +JJ

~ •@

Options autofire (heavy blaster cannons) Sir 46, Dex iz, Con -, lnt 12


Skills Initiative .1, )\ilechanics +5, Perception Use Compute_~_+_s

+5, Pilot +1,


I~ I I


Clew 1 012; Passengers 4 Cargo 20 tons; Consumables

Hyperdrive Availability x2

2 months; Carried Craft


Licensed; Cost 112,000 i22,SOO used] (pilot) Omg 6d10x2

Heavy Blaster Cannons Atk +·3 (-2 autofirel,

Light Ion Cannons (pilot) Atk +3, Dmg 3dlOx2 ion



H~ 5


RO ...... BERS



CI... ..... ..... W

o e-vc c

0"'" r.,.V.A 0 e;;,





designs in the

Scurrq H-6 Prototype



CL 10

The Scurrq H-6 is one of the most dangerous starfiqhrer

Init -1; Senses Perception +6 Defenses Ref IS (flat-footed 12). fort 27; -+ 12 armor hp 140; DR IS; SR 25; Threshold 77 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,000 km/h), fly 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged laser turret '~7 (see below) and laser cannons + 7 (see below) or Ranged bomblet generator -+7" (see below) Fighting Space 14x14 or 1 squares (starsfup scale); Cover total (crew) Base Atk +2; Grp +39 Atk Options autofire (laser cannons, laser turret) Abilities Str 44, Dex 16, Con -,Int 16 Skills Initiative -I. Mechanies +6, Perception +6, Pilot -I,

galaxy. It is created five years before the Battle of Neboo by the Nubian Design Collective, who hope to sell it to Naboo. Naboo, seeing little use for an expensive offensive bomber, refuses the Cottective's offer. The orig ina I Scurrg prototype is mothballed on Nubia while the Collective lackadaisically seeks another buver, As they search, the prototype is stolen by a fetorin pirate named Nym with ihc aid of Jinkins, one of the Collective's engineers. Following the original new prototypes but are otherwise prototype's theft, the Nubian Design Collective on the original design, along with its produces several other prototypes antici patinq the impending civil war, These incorporate minor improvements identical. The expense of the starfighter,

advanced Nubian technology, dissuades a number of buyers (including the Republic] from investing in the Scurrg. Given their friendlv relationship with Naboo, the Nubians refuse to entertain offers from the Ccnfederarv. The Scurrg is best classified as a heavy assault starfiqhter. with six forward-mounted It is equipped laser tan nons. a laser turret. and an experimental

Use Computer +6 Crew 3 (1 pilot, 1 gunner, 1 navigator); Passengers 3 Cargo 10 metric tons; Consumables 2 weeks Carried Craft none Payload 10 explosive energy spheres (see below) Hyperdrive Availability "Apply

bomb let generator. The energy spheres dropped by the Scurrg are produced by the bornblet generator, which uses the ship's primary power source to create t hem. The generator can produce one bomblet every 10 rounds (1 minute), but it can hold no more than ten energy'spheres at anyone time. The bornb!et generator is a modular design, allowing it to be removed and incorporated into other compatible starfiqhters. The Scurrq can easily be equipped with a standard bomb chute that drops standard proton bombs. The original Scurrg prototype, ;;5 flown by Nym, is known as the Nyrn to operate it without

x2 (backup xl0)
Military; Cost 150,000 (no used models available] on 01 tacks agoinst· targets smaller Ilion CO/OS50/ size.

-20 penalty

Laser Cannons (pilot) Atk +7 (+2 autofire], Dmg ad tOx2 Dmg 6d10x2


In addition to an improved nyperdrive engine, the Hovoc is modified to allow

Laser Turret (gunner)

Atlt. +7 (+2 autofire], Bomblet Generator (pilot)

full crew complement. While Nym takes the

helm, the gunner and navigator positions are filled by two astromech oroids, which have been inteqrated into the ship's system.

Atk +7 (-13 against targets smaller than Colossal), Dmg 8dl0xS







~AMPAION When the Clone Wars campaign opens, the Gamemaster r,berally sprinkles the Jedi thrcuqhout the early adventures. The heroes receive missions from Jedi Masters, encounter completing adventures, wandering Jedi Knights on the battlefield, gradually and help levels and of Padawans escape trouble. As the heroes 9row in power, gaining

Using Order 66~the order given by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to wipe out theJedi-can be tricky because it represents a major setting shift. When Palpatine issues Order 66, the Clone Wars quickly come to an end, and within a brief time the Empire rises and the Dark Times begin. However, using Ordet 66 In a campaign climactic qives the Garnemaster a chance to build up to a single, connect in the taking place during the event that is prominent in Rev·engeof the Sirh andean

the Gamernaster

reduces the number

Jedi tha t show up in the campaign. and $0 forth.

Instead of having Jed; show up every

a campa ign to the Stor W(lr~ f lms. For camp.igns Clone Wars, Order 66 should probably deal with sudden betrayal, trooper followers, adventures

session, they begin to show up cve.ry other session, then every third session, Major NPC Jedi die in the Clone Wars, while others are called by non-Jedi heroes, so chat ellen away to distant star systems well beyond the heroes' reach. Jedi heroes who become one with the Force .are replaced within the confine's of an adventurinq or two, at most-rare between Jedi frequently partv of heroes the Jedi are on the visible in the campaign. of the campaign, when the heroes and the end of the with the heroes

be one of the last majorevents

campaign . Jedi heroes in the company of clone troops during Order 66 must which can surprise players if they do not know it loyal allies that have likely been through warning, many is coming. This surprise can also be enhanced if any of the heroes hallt clone as formerly with the heroes suddenly, without became enemies.

decline. By the time the heroes reach the highest levels, only a small number of jed i-one encountered campaign, actively The contrast the beginning

Order 66 presents a great opportunity masters planning Clone Wars campaign, Jedi become outlaws, to resist providing

to surprise the heroes, and Gametoo much information as to how hunted and

to use Order 66 should be careful, over the course of the after the Order 66 event,

in nearly ellery acventuje, to reinforce

when only one or two Jedi are even interacting

close, or how far away, Order 66 is. Additionally, cut off from the resources

on a regular basis, should be enough are a dying breed.

the sense that the Iedi

and Jedi heroes quickly find themselves

they h~lIe come to rely on over the course of the

campaign, rodiColly alterinq the feel of the campaign. Order 66 representsthe




fina I blow in the collapse of the Jedt Order, and it should be trea ted as ei ther a major shift in the campaign's tone or as one of the final Clients leading to

Jedi heroes in a Clone Wars g.ame keep the Jedi in the heroes' perception the campaign. However, this does not mean that a campaiqn with of the di min islling Jedi Order as a theme. deserted them. immediately with the Jedi to complete or entrusted hero is a a that starts at tst level could begin with Icdi heroes a Iedi hero cannot take advantaqe A Clone Wars campaign

the climax of the campaign.

as Padawans whose masters have died or otherwise

Left to find their OWn way, Padawan heroes are confronted

by the decline of the Jedi.lfthat

Council (an encounter Council informs his or her traininq. the Padawan

Padawan then makes contact that no Jedi Master is available

lliat could even be worthy

of a small quest), the Jedi

The Padawan can be given an assignment, of the other heroes (particularly and loyal noble the Padawan's can continue

to the ccmpanionship another Jedi Master

Republic soldier or a well-known Padawan might be entrusted Iano is entrusted

1 un til

if another

such a lime when Ahematively, Ahsoka


to the care of a mere .Jedi K.night-as

to Anakin Skywalker just a short time after his Knighting of a Jedi who is not yet

ceremony. This leaves th e hero under the tutelage ready to truly train the Padawa n.



By the time the Clone Wars begin to tear ihe galaxy apart, the Republic has
alrcadv been steeped in massive corruption for decades. even centuries. In fact. corruption in the Republic allowed Palpatinc to maneuver his way into becoming. Supreme Chancellor a decade before the outbreak of the Clone Wars- Similar corruption manipulaie allowed him-in his guise as Darrh Sidlous+ro the Separatists into engaging ihe Republic in open war. In a

then turn him to their advantaqe. When the heroes need to sneak behin.d enemv lines, they call in a favor with the bribed starship captain .M find themselves moving through Confederacv space aboard a Confederate vessel. Gamemasrers should feel free to use the corruption feeling as thougn corruption Addition~lly. of the enemy to help heroes achieve their goals once in a while., since it keeps the heroes from happens only among their allies. the heroes should not be considered above the temptation

Clone Wars campaign, the heroes are likely io encounter corruption at every turn, and those in positions of power can never be truly trusted, for they mighi have their allegiances bough'! by enemy factlons. Poli.tici~ns sell their votes, corporate leader, disregard the basic rights of their employees, and 'se,utity forces turn a bli~d eye to crime and violence all out of the greed that permeates the Republic durin~ this time. The heroes are likely to encounter rampant corruption wnen dealing with thei r enem ies and opponents. A corrupt Republic Senator, taking bribes from Separatist agents, might reveal the heroes' plans to their enemies, ~lIowi"g the Separatists to set a trap and draw the heroes into it. A civilian contractor at a military Shipyard might deactivate the automated security system at ire shipyard, forcing the heroes to repel an invasion withoui the yard's droid defenders, Corruption individual usually meanssaving one thing and then doing anether, surfaces. FOT example, a high-ranking meaning the heroes likely have no idea that they are dealing with a corrupt until proof of corruption m i[itary officer who has proven to be an ally and an asser for the heroes i, suddenly revealed to have been sending substandard weapons to the fronr tines, endangering not only the war effort but also tile soldiers on the front lines. The heroes are then faced with a difficult decision: to continue 10 benefit flom thaI officer'> assistance and expertise, or reveal Hie officer's corrupt dealings and lose the benefit of hls friendship If they decide upon the latter, they make an enemy of that officer and also likely find themselves making enemies with whoever bribed the officer munition' in the first place. is problematic, victories Typic<lily corruption to buy the substandard the help of

of corruption. During an adventure, a liaison from the enemy could approach the heroes, offering· them an asrrononucat sum of credits to turn over secret information roleplaying

abandon their mission. Such situations

can be interestin.g


because each hero must decide Whether greed is everywhere. If the heroes

outweighs principles m a time when corruption

are _smugglers, mercenaries. or bounty hunters, the corruption might serve to further their goals. With the promise of credits from both sides, the heroes can turn corruption to thei:r advantage. plying their trade while draining em both sides of the war. check out the Scum and Villainy credits from corrupt official,

For more advice 00 runniog campaigns in which the heroes are confronted and tempted by widespread corrupticn, supplement.



The Clone Wars hasan abundance of high-profile villains. Count Dooku, and others make General Grievous. DUlge, Asajj Ventress, GeneralLoathsom, up a motlev group of-villains who share the spotlight. Though some.Jike Asaj] Ventless., work behind the scenes, other villains are Well-known. Count Do()ku and General Grievous are famous names recognized throughout the galaxy, vileven among those who are not directly involved in the war. High-profile


sometimes it can work in the of the enemy to their of

heroes' favor. Savvy heroes who use the corruption advantage can orchestrate

lains are extremely important in Star Waf5, but even more so in a Clone Wars campaign. The following aspects of the villains of the Clone Wars should give Gamernastersa good basis on whiCh to build their own villains. Providing Such notable enemies for the heroes not only provides a more genuine Star Wars experience but also helps the Garnemaster create memorable characters and storylines that can last throuqhout an entire campaign.

that prey' UpM the susceptibility" of

their enemies, Heroes who know that two enemy leaders are distrustful

one another COUldarranqe for one (or both] to be bribed lnto betraying the other, using credits and leaning on their lack of trust to create friction within the enemy ranks. Simil.rly, particularly

if the neroes discover that an enemy leader is

susceptible to one form of bribery, they' could turn that enemy

into an ally by exploiting the enemy's corruption. The heroes gain insight into the workings of the enemy, and gain a valuable, though untrustworthy. asset who can provide a significant advantage in future adventures. For example, if the heroes learn that a Trade Federation starship capta in is willing to accept bribes, they can use credits to inqratiate themselves with that captain and

One important aspect of creating memorable, high-profik villains for a Clone Wars campaign is the dehumanization of those, villains. Even though this need not apply 10 all villains (Count Dooku is a good example of a very Human villain), most of the villains of the Clone Wars are distinctly dehumanized.

even monstrous.

vii bin's physical appearance

has a great de<ll 10 do with

how monst rous Ih"l villil in seems, Some villains" like As~ji Ventress, ore merely twisted ,hadow's of humanity: her gray skin, clark eyes, and lad of hair are just different terrifying. enough from Humans to make her seem both alien and are villains like' General Grievous menhumanoid in shape, they are so disljnetly On the far end of the 'spectrum

boiling ang~r complements his physical stature: and personaluv s prorlucing a three-ci men~i0f1,,1 villain. Not all of a villain's mannerisms must be off-



and stronq contrasts

can also breed good villains, well-cultureri contrasts to mah accent and rich his conventional one-ulrnensiona!

A Human villain

who speaks with. a smooth.

can be' interesting


the Garnernaster cruel tv,

and Du'ge; \llOugh vaguely strous in their appearance achieves cyborg, truly embodying

appea ranee with a deep, inhuman

tnat no one' confuses them with Humans. Grievous because be is a near-to tal replacement than creature, a villain for a by hi, faceless armor, an effect Whm creating the icle~ of being more machine and clone troopers,

The above advice might tempt a Gamemsster villains who are lit tie more than monstrous act ions truly define hi m asall antagonist.. Especiallv

new levels of inhu!l1ilni:ty


However, the "ilia in's

among the Confederacy,

Durqe, on the other hand, i's ciefmmanized He that of storrntrucpers Clone Wars campaign, just famili'<lrenough make the differences High-profile


:snOIJld take care to describe them in a and yet recognizable. These similarltles

way that make; them seem

step away from Human-monstrous

that Human qualitlesare

hiqh-profilc \lillains are careless w'jtM the live" (or, in the Separatists' case, good repair) of their subordinates, and they are willing 10 cast their followers aside when the situation demands it. The lives ofunderlines mean little to the Clone War, villain, and ruthlessness is the order of 'the d~y. A truly sinister and dehuma niled villain kill,; anyone or J nyth ing tha t gets in the way of ber
progreSS, and Gsmernasters should riot be afraid (0 have their villains perform to gel the heroes' undivided attention. sets of heartlessoess andrrueltv

stand out all [he strcnqcr, and monstrous

villain-s need more than a frightening


a nee

to sustain them. The villains of the Clone WJr:s have voices. mannerisms,

and habits that augment General Grievous'

Iheir inhuman appearance's, The metanic echo to voice, the harsh accent. and the hacking COU9hs wf"cking Ilis cvbernetic bod'y combine with his physical description to create J comple te, memorable villain package . .Asajj Ven tress has a hissing. snakelike for hi's disturbing silence, Gtllcrai l.oatnsom's

and acts of cruelty.

of physical descri pticns, mannerisms, for" Clone Wars

A villa in is more than just 3 collection

A key aspect of (creating good villains

voice, while Durge is notable

that resonates throuqhout an entire c.ampa.ign, For example. Coun t Dooku is an excellent and iconic villain of the Clone Wars, because he. is charismatic and bnld, L"kewi~e, he is not afraid to delve into darkness to achieve his gOBI,. Yet he is still very much
ike Jedi Ma,ler apprentices. and" frightful who lert the Order after 'the death of one of his most beloved Asajj Ventress is more than just a pair of lightsaber$ to be the h~;' to the Sith legacy, of hi, flaws, and personalitv begin their or to the Jedi Council appearance. She strives Similarly,


is giving the villains \l strang perscnalitv

a nd must prove again and aqa in to Count Dooku that she is worthy tutelaqe.A traits adventurinq a villain good villain nas his or her own aspirations. careers trying to prove to their Mast"" to Docku. (or 0 Clone Wars villain. personalities, that heroes can relate to. Many _)~di heroes, for example, of ,knighthood,.

that they are worthy trying

much "S Ventr~55 beqins her career as the Gamemasrer of the dark

to prove her worth

When cre atinq a personalitv heroes in the campaign reflections sive turning lomethjng scoundrel

can lik~ly take a look at the histories, for reference.

and aspirations

Villains are often merely twisted, beinqs thoroughly villain

of heroes, naving wa lkeo a different point. Others art simply damaged [real and imagin~d) For example, inflicted of themselves whose aspiration in the villain, that

path after reach ing a decicorrupted upon them, If the heroes see is not only memorable

by the injustices but also rclatable. t~e Gamernaster for toe credits more horrific

if one of the heroes in the carnpaip n is "

who once ha.d Similar aspiratlons. This

is to become the greatest smuggler in the galaxy, away h is freedom lords grew, the them. Over

might create a villJin to buy a starship,

new villain might hove- once bee» a smuggler who bartered and dangerous. acts he had to perform

and as his debts !O crime

to placate

time, working for crime lords erOded any sense of right and wrong, reducjng the once-aspiring smuggler to a brutal. uncompromising pirate captain who has achieved in the process. the notoriety he once' sough! by sacrificinq his humanity



Given the prominen~ of clones in the story of the Clone Wars, Gamemasters should not be surprised if players wish to play dane characters, Clone heroes can be interesting and present exciting story opportunities. especially for a Gamemasler who plans to use Order 66 in the campaign finale, Gamemasters should allow players to play clone heroes who stand out from tile rank-and-file The basic clone tronper done troopers .. is bred for obedience and military discipline. both unit but they than suited to

The onset of the Clone Wars necessitates tarization that various planets of the galaxy for thousands must military' leave their peaceful. prosperous, and civilized way, behind and embrace milito survive. Worlds that have not seen major conflicts of years become central to the war, and more than just infrastructure change for those worlds to survive" A Clone Wars campaign brings with importance. are overt options for highlighting this militarization it an aspect of growing in their campaigns; into a battle

This can stifle players who want more free will. Instead. the playercould choose 10 play an ARC Trooper or a Republic clone commando: types arc clones based on the original have more of Felt's personality standard clone troopers. Jango Fdt template, better and fewer behavioral


and few worlds are exempt from this, Gamemasters such as throwing the heroes directly

have several between the

They receive spe,cial training

some methods

heroic careers, and many have destinieS that stretch out beyond Wars. FOT clone heroes, use the following the basic Human template. REPUBUC CLONE SPECIES TRAITS The Human clones produced the following Ability species traits: Sc:On!S: Republic clones begin with the following species tcmplate-a

the: Clone
variant of

Republic and the Confederacy, the heroes witness make militarization

while others are more subtle, such 35 having from a staging point on on ways to can find suqqestions

the launch of a Republic flotilla

an Outer Rim world. Below. Garnemasters

a small or large part of a Clone Wars campaign.

by the Kaminoans for the Republic ware



One intrusive military form of miutarizauon is the conversion devoted of civilia~ assets into oot civilian AT·TEs that by the assets, Droid-manncd computers factories to pumping

score array: Str 15. Dex 13, Con 10, Int 12. Wis 10, Cha 8. Additionally, a clone player can choose one ability, score to increase by 2 at-the time of character Medium or penalties Speed: creaf on. Size: As Medium creatures, due to (heir size. Base speed is 6 squares. Skill: Human clones are versatile and accomplished trained list of chooses one additional clones ha\'\! no special bonuses

airspeeders Or computers Jnd fire control military once served xenobloloqists and transformed their ccumerrneaswes. For Garnemasters. entails showing might be required

for home', arc converted (or droid starfiqhters,

to manufacturing

Research hospitals for biological

as havens fa, study are commandeered into research facilities escape' militariz'3tion. are transformed

weapons and and practicallyin a campaign

Bonus Trained

Few industries including

at many tasks. A Human clone character

a II those that involve manufacturing how the military

by the Clone War.>.

this aspect of militarization

skill at tst level. class skllts,


This skill must be chosen from the char;lctcr's

has invaded eve~y aspect of li(e. The heroes

Bonus Feat: Human clones gain one bonus feat at 1st level. Languages: Basic.

to go behind enemy lines and rescue engineers who are who have been forciblv mercenaries. removed

being forced to work o~ weapons against their will. or they might receive a mission to escort former Republic citizens from a hospital need only refer to a facility's to make room for Separatist Gamernasters lhe



more visible is to make referIf the heroes are working clone troopers, V-19 an gives the Republic militaries.

former role to instill a sense of militarization, a Separatist weapons factorv, of the building or dormant some offhand civilian references into on

One of the easiest ways to make militasizaticn ences to the Republic and Separatist (or-or against-the Republic, starfiqhters, extremely requires direct Rt'("usont-class and AT-Xl interaction destroyers walkers with

For example. when tile heroes infiltrate GM can include in the description to discarded military consumer electronics

this is easy. Induding in an adventure military personnel


that once made resources

speeder bike parts. The transformation resources the galaxy, and Gamemaster the waf effort

of important

visible presence. However. not every reference to military


is a big part of conveying

the Clone Wars' impact by the military

or assets, For example, or they

should feel free to include or stripped

many references for use in

heroes who have taken no side in the Clone Wars might see Confederacy in orbit above-a planet they are visiting. security detaiL Alternatively. clone troopers might be stopped by a Separatist the heroes are taking

to assets that have beenconfiscated

might enter a cantina

where a number of off-duty

some dowwrime. Pidi"9 out individual dements of the various militaries highlig_ht durinqan adventure does not require the GM to invc lve them directly in the adventure. Gamernasters should reel free to use elements of

large-scale covering battles the surface are common throughout the Clone Wars, Battles of the multiple star systems or in the Clone Wa rs shoutd for Clone Wars the tide-;n Clone Wars reach tJuly epic proportions. of a n entire planet 'large-scale also include similar adventures. spanning Adventures

the- two oppo5ing factions scene du ring an adventure.

forces helps reinforce a rnmdset appropriate

as simple



when setting


Every casus I reference

to R_epub!ic or Sepa ratisr

the image of a wartorn

galaxy, kcepinq the ptavers ill

to a Clone Wars campaign,

battles, either as encounters inemselvcs-

usi n9 the mass ccmoa t rules below=or PLAVINC3

Though adventuring as Separatlst

as the backdrop


against the

If the heroes participate-and for example, as well as the campaign. to create battles the tim e comes

perhaps even turned conflicts

heroes likely want to work for the Republic the Republic. In this cast, First,

the BaWe of Glee Anselm, the setting opportunity copious When campaign,

the players become invested i~ both are an important ilmple the involving

Sepa rarists if they take sides in the Wa r, some might instead choose to work
agents, against the Garnemaster can assume Can choose from two styles of campaign,


part of the Star Wars milieu, resources

and the Clone Wars _give Gamemasters that reach massive proportions, and the Separatists. conflict



that ihe heroes art, in tact, villains: they work for the SeparJtis\s willin.gly out of 9r'eed or lust for power, ;md Jedi in this style of campaign are likely to have fallen away from the Jedi Order and instead joined the Separatist
cause. The heroes in such a carnpaiqn shattered a re merely the opposite of adventures are probablv ou,t to see the Republic so they can seize power. and adventures

of both the Republic

for a la rqe-scale

to take place '.in your to answer -certain

as the Gamernaster

you sho:u,ld be prepared

questionsaboet s~clion

,he battle' and Ihe 'role it serves in the story, First and fo'ethe bat tie is merely the backdrop it is a pivoial event

in this kind of rarnpaiqn

installations, the done sabotage

most, you should decide whether

of the campaign's theactual a backdrop, outcome

f(), this

run with heroes of the Republic. These Republic battle's against forces of the

story, or whether

If it is simply

shipyards, Republic. fulfilling complex, relationship However.

heroes mignt infiltrate


of the bat tie is likely out of the players' 1- nds, a the adventure so of the battle. Gamemasrers still allow the heroes to influence rbe and plays out according

or engage in large-scale Garnemasters adventures. the alternative destroyed, because be unhappv

but if it is a pivotal using the battle battle,

event, you should take care to design can sway the outcome

this style of campaign

need only treat the

that the heroes' actions

between the heroes and the Republic campaign involving

as adversarial to craft heroes is more

as a backdrop'

but more likely the battle is scripted



needs 'Of the adventure.

lnstead of joioing

the Separatists

out of greed or out of a desire to have aligned

see the Republic the Separatists heroes might Campaigns reconcile

the heroes might


they believe

they are doing the right thing.

with These

wit!; met hods used by the Confederacy.

bu t they 10

believe that the Separatists

are a more appeaf ng Iactlon than the fkpublic. the Republic with joining the Separat-

of this type rarely feature Jedi beroes, since it can be difficult the heroes' desire to protect run.n'ir:)g campaigns scnerne.

ists, Gamernasters aqainst

of this type Can cha llenqe the heroes even though tile heroes are, of the a Techno LJnion

with a broad range of adventures the Republic" Separatists, themselves Confederacy; be compelled campaigns the 'ight

and enemies, beyond the obvious "heroes

For example', with members

they might COme into conflict Separatist the .indigenous ellen violently,

for example. to intervene,

heroes who discover

research facUity torturing

inhabitants of a remote world might

of this type should

Garnemasters funning Separatist include adventures that blur the line between
the', are on

ally and enemy, and enccuraqe the heroes to consider whether side of the Clone Wars_





... ·TT .... .f;, E!lT... RI'l"IQ

""'0 ....



Next you should decide where the battk takes place (as determined by the needs of the adventure') and whether it is <1 land battle, a space battle, or a combinatio~ of both. The opposing factions are usually the :Republic and Separai'lst~, but you also need to decide whether mercenaries Or indigenous peoples are involved. And you need to determine whether one side will have an advantage in the battle, From there, you should either construct tne battle's sequence of events to maich the needs of the adventure, the bat tie using the mass combat rules below. Large-scale can influence

encounter, The oartte is going on around the heroes, in the background, but for the purposes of the encounter, all that matters ale. the heroes and the enemies you have arrayed against them" An ongoing, battle offers an opportunity to createexeitinc and challenging terrain effects. For example. if stray bombs foiling on the encounter area cause an explosion to go off every round at a random location interesting on


map, the encounter

becomes even more

or play out

and players feel like they actually

are part of 3 larger battle,

battles are complicated, the outcome

and lMrally

millions of tiny (,actors


are easy to use in large numbers as background adventure, By the time the heroes have dozens. if not can use nonlike basic Bl "Series battle droids are

of real battles,

for the pu rposes of your advenpoints of iMe battle and focus up in the little and the greater detaus. The campaiqn,

l.ow-Cl. nonnerolc characters

ture, you shou ld determine describinq battle

the major turning

elements or obstacles in a battlefield hit middle levels, [ow-Jeve] opponents no real threat 'threatening, However. battles

those rather than getting


should serve the needs of the adventure

of the Clone Wa rs feature

and as the Gamernaster, you need to accomplish but fantastic occurrences

you should feel free to scrip] the bat tie as much as that. The progress of the battle should make Sense, can turn the tide on the battlefield. and interesting Si_milarly. you so make Sure you choose a, locale that series of events.

hundreds, of basic troops engaged in the fight. Gamernasters tow-Cl, enemies (hereafter means of highlighiing relative speed without Garnemasters

referred to simply as trooper's) as a them with

this aspect of the Clone Wars, Since low-Ct. enemies are earning much (if any) XP for defeating in ihe encounter, action them, However, should have to transform can add a feel more

want to make yOU! battle memorable. lends itself to an easily visualized

not much or a threat, the heroes and their allies can blast through

should be wary of the t hrea! of the natu ral 20 when includand therefore, to aSSist a single trooper on an attack threat. Gamernasters

When set amid large-scale for their construction, For adventures conflict,

adventures requireextra considerations

ing large numbers of troopers troopers take the aid another roil. The squad rules (described a cluster of troopers

Entire adventure's can take place during the course of a on the battlefield, as Gamernaster the goals of the in the Or

below) use this basic principle

single battle, Or the battle can be the backdrop for just one Or two encounters, that take place entirely yOU should pian the events that will happen and determine heroes. The heroes' goa 15 should encourage battle, so giving themobjectives adventure, like "sabotaqe

into a more significant

number of troopers to an encounter enemies that funcuon

to not only make theencounter than true opponents,

like it is taktng place on a large battlefield more He obstsctes

but also to present a number of

them to stay involved

the shield generator" adventure,

"rescue captive allies from the enemy bunker" mesh well with the backdrop of a battlefield adventures, When designing a battlefield keep in mind that though you can have encounters a battle is a dangerous and troops advancing stop for an extended that are just as diverse as in other all around them surgery, Provide So closely If the

Squads are collection, creature Garnernaster fashion. of lower-Ct. Squads enemies that work tnqether as a single the on the battlefield.


ideal for encounter,

in which

place, With explosions

wants, to include a Iarqe number of weaker enemies and allies, the chaos of a battlefield threat. in a more manageable with ways to transform the heroeshit but transsquads provide the Gamernaster

over the next hill, the heroes likely will not want to rest to allow their medic to perform

and can help replicate Similarly,

players with plenty of ways to heal up and prepare for the next encounter, and plan the encounters that the heroes' survival Encounters so that they do not fonow one another becomes impossible, seve ntu re are usually objective-based, antivehicle cannon, an encounter'

low·CL enemies into a more significant 10th leve!, ihose Cli forming be sufficiently

By thetime

battle droids ha\'e ceased to be a challenge,

those droids into squads raises their CL to the point where they can danqerous, a small number of creatures (usually three to four) of into a single un it, They occupy the same of actions. The squad is an abstract to populate an encounter with lowthey need, 1S battle

in a battlefield

heroes are goiog to sabotage a Separatist

A squad represents

might likely involve droids trying to defend the cannon while the heroes try to

the same type that come together concept


explosives. Battldidd


feature an addi lienal degree of tension, this with descriptions in to target of troops coming encounter should Or how the heroes' location,

space a(td have only one turn's worih that al.lows the Garnemaster and still maintain level troopers

and the Garnemaster and explosions be built justfike a backdrop,

can reinforce

over the horizon, droid bombers screaming

the speed and ease of combat could create an encounter with

growing (I05er by the second, A battlefield any other combat encounter,

Squads are by no means necessary, bur they do streamline ence. For example. a Garnemaster droids" or the same encounter is more manageable.

the game experi-

but use the ongoing bat tie as

Don't worry about the number of trcops 'in the vicinity

(Quid be created 'Using onl'y 5 squads, which

long reinforcement'>

take to arrive a.ny more than you woul.d for a normal'

Squads follow

a few special

rules that differentiate

them from normal


Battle Droid Squad



creatures, thouqh they are similar Inreots of the Galaxy),

to packs and swarms (see page '130 of

Large droid (4th degree] squad nonheroic Init +0; Senses Perception +6 languages Defenses Basic, Binary RefS (flat-footed 21 (wall:ing) +7 (ld3+1) droid traits unarmed


a Squad
changes to the statistics block of

8), Fort '1" Will 11

To create a squad, make the following any character: • I ncrease modifiers, • Double the character's • Increase the character's • Add +4 to all attad, to be aiding one another, hit points, the chara cters

hp 20; Threshold Immune Sp~ed 6 squares Melee

size by one category,

arrd a pplv all releva nt

Ranged blaster carbine +5 (3d8, l-square by '10. Fighting Abilities Special Space 2x2; Reach I square Base Atk +2; Grp +8


damage threshold

rolls, as the members of the sq\Jad are considered

SIr 13, Oex 9, Con =. Ini 9, \0\1'" 10, Cha 10 Qualities droid traits, sQuod traits (pistols, rifles, heavy weapons,

Squad Traits
Squads share the following special traits: melee area attacks

Feats Touqhness, Weapon Proficiency simple weapons) squad can choose Skills Perception Systems walking internal to have at-square increase tile splash Possessions +6 locomotion, vocabulator melee attack made by a squad are considered

" •


• All melee attacks not \0 affect


that affect all squares wrthin the squad's reach (although target with its attacks). • All ranged attacks made by 3 squad arc considered splash, l.f the squad's weapon alrcady has a splaSh effect, radius by 1 square

remote receiver, 2 hand appendages,


blaster carbine of a squad is an area attack. thot affects of a squad arc considered reach. The ranged atlads

Squad Traits-The all squares within to have at-square

• A squad can choose not to affect allies with its attacks.

• Area attacks deal +2 dice of damage against a squad. againstcrcatures art that provoke • A squad can not be grabbed or 9 rappled. • A squad can make attacks of opportunity them, though these attacks nor considered area attacks. of opportunity

splash, Area attacks deal an extra 2 dice of damage

be grabbed or grappled.

against a squad. A squad cannot

Sample Squad: Battle Droid Squad

The (ollowing drolds. applying statistic, are for a squad are derived indicated by taking above, of Bl-Series battle and The statistics the changes the basic statistics core rulebook]

for the B1 (see page 199 of the Saga Edition




War's is complete predetermined

without sweeping battles thai cover entire planets. In

A unit represents a group of combatants t:aking part in mass combat. For the most part, a unit is based on a single creature or character representing the majority of the combatants in thai unit. Therefore, the statistics far the unit are bayed on the statistics vehicles starship, for this representative specific gunners, creature. Units are like roles in the unit, just on a to those in that heroes can join units, filling Furthermore,a unit has statistics

The Clone Wars are all about the massive battles that transform the galaxy for decades-even centuries-to come. No conflict on the scale of the Clone most cases, these battles serve as the backdrop based on the results manders and tacticians truly be generals of 5mB lie. encounters, for adventures, with either or outcomes

outcomes planned in advance by the Ga~emaster as described

In the 9\11dellnes

as heroes can serve as pilots, copilots,

and system operators

above. However, sometimes

the GM mighi want the players to act as comof entire battalions, and all the heroes can . like that.seen . In the

and actions comparable

on a higher level. In these cases, Jedi generals can

of vehicles, allowing vehicle combat and mass combat to integrate Indeed, the mass combat system is effe\:tively allowing vehicles, mass combat in the same encounter. rules in this chapter A unit represents work lo~ether Like vehicles, units, and individual characters

seamlessly. to take part

in command

also the vehicle combat system,

participate in these large-scale battles. The {ollowing rules govern massive ground combat, Star Wars movies and The Clone WafS animated rules mirror vehicle combat-and zational name for large numbers

units can be used in character-scale in mass combat. The squad for including creatures that

series. I~ many ways, these basic organiin that that unit. resolved rules from of like vehicles

combat, but they are designed to be used primarily

for good reason. Units-the of troops-Tuncticn

(see page 93) provide an easier method a large group of more-or-less


large numbers of enemies and allies in a single encounter. identical in mass combat. Unlike vehicle, a unit is composed of dozens, single attacks do far less damage the unit's statistics are based on

heroes can join the unit and take actions to control and manlpulate The mass combat ground battles, using the existing rules are designed to simulate and vehicle-onlv vehicle combat or space battles rules (including the outcome are likely better the expanded

ot larqe-scaie

or even hundreds, of individuals. of a unit do not need be exactly

Therefore, identical,

to the unit than a spray of auto fire or an el(ploding grenade. Though members a single creature for simplicity and ease of play. Heroes ~ontribute. to the unit' by their leadership and ability to affect the whole unit, not their individual combat be targeted; prowess. A single creature all attacks or character within a unit cannot all heroes in a of the unit target the unit, effectively providing

Starships of ihe Galaxy). These mass combat for integrating allowing rules represent the chance to put thousands soldiers into play during a single encounter. both individual Gamemasters encounters, more diversity designing This section also includes rules

vehicles as well as groups of smaller vehicles, than just having two armies fir'ing at interesting mass battles character-scale is a matter battles of and adding deep in is an and deep in

one another across an open plain. like designing a~d vehicle choosing exciting i~tere.sting compelling opponents, providing

unit with total cover from outside attacks. When a unit is reduced to 0 hit points, or when the commander part of the unit, and they are then considered adjacent disbandIng units can recombine individual orders it so, the unit disbands. Any heroes in 3 unit that disbands are no longer targets. Two or more unit; thus, a (L8 unit into a single unit. The newly forme~

an engaging


hazards and challenges. of Utapau.

The Clone Wars feature setting

the jungles of Feluci., the sinkholes important forces. step-just

on the ash-choked Picking an exciting as important

streets of Mygeeto,

for a mass battle

unit is of the same type as the lowest CL disbanding

as choosing

the two (or more) opposing

and a Cl, 10 unit can disband and reform as a unit of the same type as the Cl 8 unit. The hit points of the disbanding units are added together, and become the new hit point total of the unit (up to the unit's maximum Cls of the disbanding units have a difference discretion, can designate the new unit as an advantaged is solely at the Gamemaster's stances surrounding the formation hit points). If the of 4 or more, the Gamemaster unit (see below). However, this by the circumunit that does

Everything is abstract, members in a mass combat representing encounter takes place at starshlp scale (see needs It to. forcing the As a and page 165 of the Saqa Edition core rulebookl, As in starship scale, each square small

and might be affected

however much terrain the Gamemaster

of the new unit. A disbanding unit leaves the battlefield.

In a densely packed battle, the squares might be relatively of each unit to crowd

not reform with another disbanding

in log ether [as in the Battle of Geonosis). round is also abstracted.

In other cases, the battle might be spread out over several kilometers. result, ihe actual time taken up by the combat to a certain extent, so are the actions of each unit.

COMalNIND MAaa COMBAT AND BATTLBPIBLD ENCOUNTeRS Combining mass combat with individual battleficld encounters can lead to exciting scenes mirroring those of the Star WOfS saga. In fact. entire adventures can be created simply by presenting battlefield encounters within the framework of mass combats. One method of Integrating battlefield encounters into mass combat is to use mass combats to trigger smaller encounters. This method work;s best whcn all tht heroes are part of the same unit In a mass combat. Whenever the hCrl!e5' unit moves adjacent to, or into the same square as, an opposing force, the heroes immediately begin a battlefield encounter. If the heroes emerge victorious, they gain favorable ci~umstanceson their unit's attack rolls until the end of the next mass combat round. Alternatively, the heroes might be charged with winning several battlefield encounters while the mass battle takes. place .around them. In this case, the heroes are not a part of any uniti but each timc they completc all objective. it triggers a special effect on the battlefield. Fo( example, if the heroes lake out a communications tower. enemy retnforcemeats accidentally target t~if own allies for one round. Perhaps tile most chanenging possibility is having-the mass combat and battlef~ld encounters lake place simultaneously. In thls scenario, the players control two heroes (or one hero and one NPC); one is en~agcd in battlefield encounters while the other is a part of a unit in mass combat. For example, the heroes might be part of a unit in a mass battlc, but the players of those heroes also each take control of a Republic Commando with a special mission to disable a shield generator. Initiative is rolled for both battles simultaneously, and the mass combat encounter and the battlefield encounter progress concurrently.

Creating a Unit
To create 3 unit, make the following changes to the statistics block of a base creature to transform il into a unit: Challenge Level: The unit has a CL equal to its base Cl, + 6. Size and Type; All units are considered Colossal in size. Colossal (frigatd and larger vehicles are typically used as terrain, not units in mass combat. See the "Colossal Vehicles· sidebar for more information on how to use larget vehicles and starships. Initiative and Senses: Use the Initiative and Senses of the base creature. Defenses: The unit retains the defenses of the base creature.

Hit Points: The unit multiplies its hit points by 4. DRISR: The unit uses the SR of the base creature. and gains DR 15. Threshold: Replace the base creature's size bonus to damage threshold if 'my, with a +50 size bonus to damage threshold. ' Attrit'ion; All units have a set of 3 attritionnumbers. Each time a unit's hit points drop below one of the steps in the attrition list, the unit moves-l persistent step down the condition track. Using the example unit below, when a clone trooper battalion drops below 62 hi! points, it moves -1 persistent step on the condition track, If the unit drops below 42 hit points. it is now -2 persistent steps on the condition track. The persistent condition cannot he removed from the unit. To determine attrition numbers, divide the unit·s total hit points by 4 (rounding down). Then. subtract that number from the total hit points 3 times, each time the result on the attrition line. Speed: For most base creatures, the unit's base speed at starship scale is 1 square. Certain creatures with a high base speed can move faster (see "Speed; below). The unit retains the movement: mode of the base creature. Melee Attacks: Convert basic melee attacks to unit melee attacks. Attack bonuses remain the same. but all attacks without a damage multiplier gain a )(2 damage multiplier. Ranged Attacks: Convert basic ranged attacks to unit ranged attacks, Anack bonuses remain the same. but all attacks without a damage multiplier gaina )(2 damage multiplier. Fighting Space: All units have a fighting space ofl square at srarship scale. Base Attac.k and Grapple: The unit retains the base at tack and grapple scores of the base creature. Ability Scores: The unit retains the ability scores of the base creature. Talents and Feats: Units have no tatents or feats. However. the unit retains the benefit of any talents or feats of the base creature t.hat p-ovide a flat numerical benefit. such as Weapon Focus. Weapon Speclalization, Improved Defenses. Or Martial Arts I. It the unit has talents or feats that alter attack rolls with flat numerical values (such as Power Attack. Rapid Shot. or Burst Firel. those attack options can be converted as well. Units cannot use talents or feats that rely on other conditions or situations to activate. Skills: The unit retains ttle skill modifiers of the base creature. Possessions: Units have only t~e possessions relevant to their attacks and defenses.

Sample Unit: Clone Trooper Battalion

The following statistics are for a unit of clone troopers. The statistic; are derived by taking the basic statistics for the clone trooper (see page 281 of the Saga Edition core rutebockl and applying tile changes indicated above. Clone Trooper Battalion Colossal ground unit (Human nonheroic 6) Init +9; Senses Perception +9 Defen'tes Ref 17 (flat-footed 16). Fort 13, Will 9 hp 82; DR 15; Threshold 63; Attrition &2/42/22 Speed 1 square (starship scale) Ranged blaster rifle +5 (see belaw) Fighting Space 1 square [starship scale) 'Base Atk +4; Grp +5 Abilities Str 12. DeJ< 13. Con 12,Inl 10. Wis 9. Cha 8 Special Qualities half damage from nonarea attacks Skills Initiative +9. Perception +9 Possessions clone trooper armor. blaster rifle Blaster Rifle Atk +5 (+0 aurcfire]. Dmg (3dB+3)x2


MOUNTBD UNITS On rare occasions, a unit can be composed of mounted combatants riding creatures and not vehicles. In these casts. you can create a unit stat block tllat integrates both the mounted combatant and its mount as a single unit. First, start with the statistics for the creature being ridden and its rider. Give the rider the same base speed as the mount Next. choose one natural weapon possessed by the mount and transfer the attack and damage to the rider (keeping auack bonuses and damage Intact), Now modify the rider's stat block as norm at for creating units, and you have a stat block for a mounted unit. tf the mounts used in the creation of the unit are not trained for combat, the unit must make a DC 20 Ride check at the beginning of its turn; failure means that the unit can take no actions this tum. If the unit uses a two-handed weapon, increase the DC to 25. Otherwise, the mounted unit functions exactly as any other unit. Riders on Colossal or larger mounts cannot be made into units. and instead function as normal on the battlefield.

VEHICL.E UNITS Large, Huge. and Gargantuan vehicles can also be combined into units. A vehicle unit typicallv represents four of the same vehicle. To create a vehicle unit, multiply the vehicle's hit points hy 4 and calculate attrition numbers based 01\ the new hit point total (see ·Creating a Unit" above). Uke ground units. vehicle units take half damage from all nona rea attacks. but also suffer persistent conditions due to attrition. as per normal unit rules. Additionally. if a vehicle possesses any antipersonnel weapon (weapons that do not have a damage multiplier). the damage for those vehicle weapons also gains the x2 multiplier for the vehicle unit. Otherwise. vehicles follow all the same rules as norwehicle units. Additionally. vehicle units can take vehicle actions as though they are individual vehiclesStarfiqhters and airspeeders can also join together into fighter groups instead of forming a unit, following the normal rules for fighter groups (see page 31 of Storsbips oflhe Galaxy). Colossal vehicles typically operate alone in moss combat, Colossal (frigate) and larger vehicles are typically used as terrain elements. and are usually not a part of mass combats (except when they fire an the battlefield from orbit). Vehicle units do not have the same roles as nonvehicle units (such as these described below). Instead. ihe vehicle unit is considered to have the same roles as in normal vehiCle combat, as determined by the base Vehicle. If a unique character occupies a role in a vehicle unit, use the lower of the unique character's statistics and the default statistics for tile unit's role. For example. if <I hero with a base attack bonus of + 10 acts as a gunner on a vehicle unit with an attack bonus of + 4. that vehicle unit still uses the +4 from the vehicle unit's base statistics.

COLO.S .... VEHICLES L Colossal vehicles function as individual combatants in mass battles. For example, the heroes might be in command of an LAAT/i, flying over the battlefitld, df'Ojlping off or picking up units and manning the guns to bofu dtvastate enemy forces and to deal with antivehide weapon emplacements. However, the lAAT/i acts as an inilividual combatant, meaning It doe$n't gain the benefit of taking half the damage from all nonarea attacks. Colossal (frigate}and largetvehtcles do not u~lIy participate diretfly in mass combat. However, il'lCluding a grounded capital ship as a piece of terrain can produce Inter.csting tactkal choices. For tile most pari, Colossal (frigate) and largcrvehides have difflCUltv targeting units, and units are treated as Gargantuan for the purposes of being targeted by capital ship weapons (thus. capital ships take a -20 penalty on attack rolls against units). Having a capital ship act as terrain (blocking particular avenues for units) can produce situations where tactical decisions must be made, and capital ship weapons can also be used to target vehicfeson the battlefiekl, effectively 5etVing as antivehlcle weapon batteries. AO'VANTAOE,O UIN,ITe Sometimes, a unit is more than just the sum of its individual members. Some units have exceptional training, have a small number of artillerists, Or integrate a small vehicle lnto their ranks. Some units have more members than other standard units. and thus can produce a greater amount of firepower, Theseunits are known asadvantaged units. and they carry with them benefits above and beyond those provided by the standard unit creation system, AGamema.5t~rwho designates a unit as advantaged makesseveral alterations to the unit's statistics. First, the basecreature's hit points are multiplied by 5 instead of by 4 10 create the unit's hit points, and attrition numbers are calculated as usual. Second, the Gamemaster can apply one or more of the following special qualities to the advantaged unit. granting that unit its benefit. for each Special Qualily selected, increase the unit's Cl b" '1.

Anti.armor Unit
This unit is trained and equipped to deal with tan's, walkers, and other ground vehicles. Againsi fionflying units and nonflying vehicles, this unit gains a +2 competence bonus onattack rolls and deals die of damage.


Dedicated Officer
This unit includes 3 dedicated officer who enables the unit to take extra actions, as though the unit had a. nero in one of the unit role-s.Chooseone of the roles from the "Charactersin Unils- section below. The unit is considered to have a character filling that roll, and gains a full round's worth of actions to use M actions for that role. You cannot select "commander" as this role. Use the statlstlcs for the base creature for any attock rolls or skill checks required for actions made by this (ole.

Mobile Unit
This unit is exceptionally mobile and has trained to cross long stretches of terrain quiCkly. When the unit uses the hard march or all-out movement actions. it moves 5 times its base speed instead of 4.

This unit is good at providing reinforcements for other units. When this unit disbands and reforms with another unit, the new unit starts at full hit points. regardless of ihe actual hit points of either unit.

Superior Formation
This unit is exceptionally good at minimizing casualties because of its formation. This unit gains a -+2competence bonus to Reflex Defense.

Superior Training
This unit i.strained to overcome obstacles and de .•1with unexpected situations. It gains a +5 competence bonus on all skill checks.

Superior Weapons
This unit is outfitted with special weapons that can deal greater damaqe. Ihis unii deals + I die of damage with all attacks made with weapon>.

This unit is speciallv equipped to handle rough terrain. The unit ignores difficult terrain.

Vehicle Contingent
This unit is composed not Mly of soldiers or creatures but also a small contingent of vehicles. Choose. vehicle whose CL is no more than 2 points higl1erthan the CLof this unit. then select a single weapon system from thaI vehicle. Once per turn, when the unit makes an attack. it can also make an attack with this vehicle weapon. using the same attack bonusesand damage as normal for this vehicle weapon.

Antiair Unit
This unit is trained and equipped to deal with airspeeders and sial fighters. Against flying units and vehicles, this unit gains a +2. competence bonus on attack rolls and deals + 1 die of damage.

OISADVANTAGED UNITS In contrast with 3'n advan!lIged unit, a disadvantaged unit is distinguished from other units of its type by <1 detrimental f~a!ure in its makeup. Typically, til is could mean inferior numbers, poor equipment, or even low morale. When the Clamema.ster designates a unit as disadvantaged, he makes only two alterations to the unit"s statistics. first. the base creature's hit points are multiplied by' 3 instead of by 4 to create the unit's Ilit points. and attrition numbers are calculated as usual. Second, the, Sarnemaster reduces the unit's CL by -2. ATTACKS All unitscan make melee and ranged attacks if they possess the appropriate weaponry. Apply the bonuses 10 llie attack roll and compare the result to the Reflex Defense of the largel, as normal. A unit's attack bonuses are lisied in its statistics blocks. Melee Attacks: A unit can make melee attacks against another unit OCCllpying the same space" Only ground units can make melee ;diads, and only against other ground units. Ranged Attacks: A unit can make ranged attacks against units within its weapon range, Vehicle Attacks: Individual vehicles can make attacks against units as normal. Vehicle units follow aU the same restrictions as nonvehicle units on their attacks, Vehicles and vehicle ullih use the standard starship scale for determining the range on thetr vehicle weapons, Character-seale weapons, such as those wielded by ncnvehicle units, use Table 7-1 to determine their range at starship scale. All normal weapon range penalties stiil apply,

Area Attacks
Since units take half damage. from nonarea attacks, area attach are a more efficient way to deal damage to a unit Area attacks target only a single star,hip-scale square unless otherwise specified. Thus, a unit of done troopers can make autofire attacks using their rifles, but only against a single square, Making an Area Attack: When YOIl make an area.attack in mass combat. you select a single square within weapon range, make an attack (011, and compare the result to the Reflex Defense of each unit and .... ehicfe in the target square ..If both ground units and flying units occupy the same square, you must choose to make the attack against air units or ground units, but not both, If the attack roll is higher tilan a unit's Reflex Defense, that unit takes full damage from tile area attack, The unit tokes no damage on a miss if the attack was made with a character-seale weapon, or half damage 00 a miss if the attack was made with a starship-scale weapon.

Critical Hits and Automatic Misses

If an attacker making a nonarea attack against a unit' rolls a natural 20, the target unit is automatic-ally hit and takes full damage from the attack instead of the normal half damage, If an attacker making an area attack rolls a natural 20, it is still an automatic hit, but the damage is the same. A natural I on an attack. against a unit is alwavs a miss, DAMAOBUnits take half damage from all nonarea attacks. Area attacks deal normal damage to units on a hit. half damaqe on a miss if' the attack is made with a starship-scale weapon. or no damage on a miss if the attack ls made with a character-scale weapon. When you hit with a unit's attack, be sure to add in all numerical modifiers before multiplying the damage. Vehicle weapons deal damage to units just as character-scale weapons do . ..... IT POINTS and vehicles, Hi! points are abstract, mean! to represent no! only the amount of actual hits a unit can sustain before all the individuals in the unit are dead but also the unit's ability to keep fighting effectively gJven it:s losses,
Units have hit points. just likeoharacters

STARSHIP SCALE (IN SQUARES) He Pistol' Rifle Simple weapon' Thrown mapon' n 0 0 0 0 0
pDintblank rongeor/ong range,

Damage Threshold
Units have a damage threshold Calculated as follows: Damage threshold
= Fortitude

1 This weapon can be usedonlym


+ 50 (size modifier)

2 Thi$ weapon con be used only at point blank range,

If 2 unit takes damage from a single attack damaqe threshold, tile unit moves -1 persistent track. This represents the unit laking a staggering its efficiency, A unit pushed to the bottom of disband on its next turn as its only action.

that equals or exceeds its step down the condition blow that greatly reduces the condition track must

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