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FLow Lines :
 Streamlines and Streamtubes
 Pathlines
 Streaklines
 Timelines

i. STREAMLINE: A streamline is a curve that is everywhere tangent to the

instantenous local velocity vector.Mathematically , we can write a simple
expression for a streamline based on its definition.
Consider an infinitesimal arc length (fig.1)
dr=dxi+dyj + dzk along a streamline.

Fig .1 : For 2D flow in the xy- plane , arc length dr = (dx,dy) along a streamline
is everywhere tangent to the localinstantenous velocity vector V = (u,v)

By simple geometric arguments using similar triangles, we know that the

components of dr must be proportional to those of V. Hence , the equation of
the streamline:

dr dx dy
V = u
v ……………………………… (1)
Where dr is the magnitude of dr and V is the speed, the magnitude of V .

For a known velocity field,we can integrate eqn. (1) to obtain eqns for
streamlines .For two dimentions (x,y), (u,v ), the following differential equation

Streamline in the xy – plane ( dydx )= uv (2)

In the case of 3-D flow field the analysis is valid fort he projection of the
velocity vector on the xy -plane and for the xz and yz planes, the slope os the
streamlines can be found similary ;

 Integration of these equations for fixed t fort hat instant in time, will yield an
equation of the form

z = z(x,y)
 The easiest way to carry out the required integration is to try to obtain the
parametic equations of the curve z= z(x,y) in the form

X = x(s) , Y = y(s) and Z = z(s)

Eliminating of the parameter ‘s’ among there equations will them yield the
equation of the streamline in the form
z = z(x,y)

dx dy dz
= = =ds
u v w

s is introduced whose volume is zero at some reference point and its volume
increases along the streamline.
=ui ( xi ,t )…………………………………………(6) (i = 1,2,3)
t is fixed

If the streamline which passes through the point (x o , yo , zo ) is required (eqn. 16) are
with s = 0 x = xo, y = yo , z= zo , therefore xi = xi (xo , yo , zo, t, s)

 In either case, an arbitary constant of integration appears, and the family of

curves that satisfy eqns (2), (3) & (4) represent streamlines of the flows fields.

Example : For 2D unsteady flow :

u = x(1+2t)
v =y
w= 0
V = x(1+2t )i +yi

Find the streamlines passing through the point ( λ ,I ).

= ui, (xi,t) ……………………………………………….eqn (6)

ii. Streamtubes : A streamtubes consist of a bundle of streamlines , much like
a communications cable consists of a bundle of fiber-optic cables.

Since streamlines are everywhere parallel to the local velocity , fluid

cannot cross a streamline by definition .By extension , fluid with in a
streamtube must remain there & cannot cross the boundary of a streamtube.

Both streamlines & streamtubes are instantenous quantities defined at

a particular instant in the according to the velocity field at that instant. In an
unsteady flow the streamline pattern may change significantly with time.

Nevertheless , at any instant in time, the mass flow rate passing

through any cross- sectional slice of a given streamtube must remain the
same .

For example , in a converging portion of an incompressible flow field ,

the diameter of streamtube must decrease on the velocity increases so as to
conserve mass.

Decreases in diameter as the flow accelerates or converges

Likewise, the streamtube diameter increases in diverging portions of the

incompressible flow.

Increases in diameter as the flow decerelates or diverges.

iii. Pathline : Pathline is the line which is traced out in the time by a given fluid
particle as its flows.

A pathline is a Langrangian concept in that we simply follows the path

of individual fluid particle as it moves around in the flow field ,

See the figure 2.

Fig. 2 : A pathline is formed by following the actual path of a fluid


A pathline is that same as fluid particle ‘ s material position vector

( Xp (t) , Yp (t) , Zp (t) ) traced out over some finite time interval .

Since the particle is moving with the fluid at its local velocity, pathlines
must satisfy the eqn

=¿ ui (xi , t ) …………………………………. (7)

The eqn of a pathline which passes through (x o , yo , zo) at t =0 will then

be the solution of eqn (7) with initial conditions ; t= 0 , x = x o , y = yo , z = zo

Xi = Xi ( xo , yo , zo , t ).

Example : For 2D unsteady flow passing through the point (1,1) at time
t= 0 , find the pathline;

Where u =x (1+2t)

dx dx
From eqn (7) ; dt = x (1+2t) … … .∫ ¿ ( 1+2t ) dt
x ∫

iv. Streaklines : A streakline is the locus of the fluid particles that have passed
sequentially through the presented point in the flow.

 Streaklines are the most common flow pattern generated in a physical

experiment. If you insert a small tube into a flow and introduce a continuous
stream of tracer fluid (dye in a water flow or smoke in an air flow ) , the
observed pattern is streakline.

Fig. 3 shows a tracer being injected into a free- stream flow containing an object ,
such as the nose of wings.

Fig.3: A streakline is formed by continuous introduction of dye or smoke from a

point in the flow. Labeled tracer particles (1 through 8 ) were introduced

 The circles representindividual injected tracer fluid particles, released at a

uniform time interval . As the particles are forced out of the way by the object,
they accerlerate around the shoulder of the object , as indicated by increased
distance between individual tracer particles in that region. The streakline is
formed by connecting all circles into a smooth curve.

 In physical experiments in a wind or water tunnel , the smoke or dye is injected
continuously , not as individual particles , and the resulting flow pattern is by
definition a streakline.

In fig. 3 tracer particle 1 was released at an earlier time than tracer

particle 2 and soon. The location of individual tracer particles is determined by
the surrounding velocity field from the moment of ite injection into the flow until
the present time.

 If the flow is unsteady , the surrounding velocity field changes, and we can not
expect the resulting streakline to resemble a streamline or pathline at any
given instant in time. However , if the flow is steady , streamlines , pathlines,
and streaklines are identical, (see fig 4 )

Fig 4. Streaklines produced by colored fluid introduced upstream ; since the

flow is steady , these streaklines are the same as streamlines &pathlines.

 Streaklines are often confused with streamlines or pathlines , While the tree
flow patterns are identical in steady flow , they can be quite different in
unsteady flow.

 The main difference is that a streamline represents an instantenous flow

pattern at a given instant in time,while a streakline and pathline flow patterns
that have some age and thus a time history associated with them. A streakline
is an instantenous snapshot of a time – integrated flow pattern.

A pathline , on the other hand , is the time-exposed flow path of an
individual particle some time period.

 Particle at (x,y,z) at time t must pass through the injection ( x o , yo , zo ) at t =τ

 Time history of the particle may be obtained by solving eqn. (7)

Initial conditions : x = xo , y = yo , z= zo
 When t =τ , where - ∞≤τ≤t ,
All fluid particles on the streakline will be obtained .
xi = xi ( xo , yo , zo , t, τ )
For τ ≤ t will define the instantenous location of that streakline.

Exp. For 2D flow ,where U= x(1+2t) , V=y , W=0

= x(1+2t) ⇒ x= c1 e t (1 +t)

= y , y= c2e t
⇒ x=y= 1 when t= τ

1= c1e τ (1+τ ) ⇒ c1 = e−τ (1+τ ) so that ;

1= c2e τ ⇒ c2¿ e−τ

x=e −τ (1+τ )
t (1 +t)
=e t (1 +t)−τ(1+ τ)

for t= 0 ; ⇒ x =e−τ (1+τ ) , y = e−τ

Eliminating τ ; x= y−1−lny

v. Timelines : A timelines is a set of adjacent fluid particles that were marked
at the same (earlier) instant time.

 Timelines are particularly useful in situations where the uniformity of o flow (or
lock thereof ) is to be examined.

Fig. 5 illustrates timelines in a channel flow between two parallel walls.

Fig. 5 Timelines aare formed by marking a line of fluid particles, and then
watching that line move ( and deform ) through the flow field; timelines are
shown at t=0 ,t1, t2, & t3 .

 Because of friction at the walls , the fluid velocity there in zero ( the no- slip
condition ) , and the top & bottom of the timeline are enchored at their
starting locations.

In regions of a flow away from the walls , the marked fluid particles move at the
local fluid velocity , deforming the timelines.

In the example of fig. 5 , the speed was the center of a channel is fairly uniform
,but small deviations tend to amplify with as the timeline stretches.

Timelines can be generated experimentally in a water channel through use of a

hydrogen bubble wire.
When a short burst of electric current is sent through the cathode wire,
electrolysis of the water occurs and tiny hydrogen gas bubbles form at the wire .
Since the bubbles are so small , their bouncy is nearly negligible, and the bubbles
follow the water flow nicely , fig 6.

Fig. 6 : Timelines produced by a hydrogen bubble wire are used to visualise the
boundary layer velocity profile shape.

Example 1 : Streaklines are traced out by neutrally buoyant marker fluid injected
into a flow field from a fixed point in space . A particle of a marker fluid that is at
point ( x, y ) at time t must have passed through the injection point ( x o , yo ) at some
earlier instant t= τ . The time history of a marker particle may be found by solving the
pathline equations fort he initial conditions that x = xo , y = yo when t= τ . The
present locations of a particles on the streakline are obtained by setting τ equal to
vlues in the range 0 ≤ τ ≤t .
Consider the flow field V=ax(1+bx)i +(cy)j where a = c = s -1 and b = 0.2 s -1
Coordinates are measured in meters.Plot the streakline passes through the initial
points ( xo , yo ) = (1,1) during the interval from t=0 and t=3 s. Compare with the
streamline plotted through the same point at the instants t=0,1 ans 2 s.

Streakline at t =3s connect particles that passed through points ( xo , yo )

at carlies times.

τ = 0,1,2 and 3
dx dy
For a particle , u = dt and v = dt
x t
u= ax(1+bt)= dt and ∫ dx /x
= ∫ a(1+bt)dt

x t
x b
ln xo = a(t+ 2 t2) and ∫ dxx = ∫ a(1+bt) dt
xo τ

x b b
ln xo = a(1+ 2 t2) = a [( t−τ ) + (t 2−τ 2 )
2 ]
x = xo .e a [( t−τ ) + (t 2−τ 2 )
2 ]
y t t
Also v = dt = cy , ∫ dyy = ∫ dyy = ∫ cdt
yo τ τ

ln yo = c(t-τ ¿ , y = yoe c(t−τ )

Substituting for a,b,c xo & yo ,

x=e ( y = e(
2 2
t −τ ) +0.1(t − τ ) t −τ )

The streakline may be plotted by substituting values for τ in the range
-0 ≤ τ ≤3 s as shown below ;

 The streamline is found (at given t ) from ;

dy v
= thus
dx u

y x
dy cy dx
dx = ax (1+bt) & ∫ dyy = ∫ a(1+c bt) x
yo xo

y cy x x
ln yo = a(1+bt ) ln xo or y = yo ( ) xo
a (1+bt )

Substituting values for xo ,yo a, b, c, then ;

y= x 1+0.2 t or x=y (1 + 0.2t)

At t=0 , x=y
t= 1s , x= y1.2
t = 2s , x= y1.4 STREAKLINES.

Example 2 : A flow described by velocity field V = ati + bj , where

a = 0,4 m / s 2 and b = 2 m/s, what are the cooordinates of the particle that
passed through ponint ( 2, 1) at t = 0 ? At t= 3 s ,what are the coordinates of
the particle that passed through point ( 2, 1) at t= 2 s? Plot the pathline and
streakline through point (2, 1) and compare with the streamlines through the
same point at the instants t=0,1 and 2 s.
The pathline &streakline based on parametric eqns for a particle .

dx dy
For a particle ; u = dt and v = dt

x t
Then ; u = dt = at ; ∫ dx = ∫ atdt
xo ¿

x= xo + 2 2
2 a(t -to )

t t
v = dt = b , ∫ dy = ∫ bdt ; y = yo + b(t -to )
¿ ¿

In the above eqns , xo , yo are coordinates of the particles at time to.

a) The pathline is obtained by the following the particle that passed through
the point (xo,yo) =(2,1) at time t=0.
1 2
Thus x = xo + 2 at = 2 +0.2 t
( x,y ) pathline

y = yo + bt =1 +2t

At t=2s , particle is at ( x , y ) = (2.8, 5) m The pathline may be plotted by

varing t (0≤ t ≤ 3 s ¿ as show below.

(b) The streakline is obtained by locating ( and connecting ) at time t=3, all the
particles taht passed through the point ( xo , yo ) = (2, 1) at some earlier time to .

Then x = xo + 2 2
2 a ( 9 - to ) = 2 +0.2 ( 9 - to )

y = yo + b(t -to) = 1 +2 (3- to ) ( x,y ) Streaklines

At t= 2s , particle is at ( x , y ) = (3 , 3)

The streakline may be plotted by varing to t (0≤ t ≤ 3 s ¿ as show below.

 The streamline is found ( at given t ) from

y x
dy v dy b b
dx = u ; dx = at , ∫yo dy = ∫xo at dx

y - yo = at ( x- xo )

Streamline through the point (2,1) given y-1 = at (x- 2)

y = 1+ or t
t x= 2+ 5 (y-1)
At t=0, x= 2
t=1, y= 5x-9
t=2, y= 2.5x-4


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