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Cryptography is basically provide us a secure way to communicate over internet in the presence
of malicious third parties called as adversaries. Encryption uses an algorithm and key that
encrypt the plane text into an encrypted form (unreadable form) towards the receiver end
encryption apply on a data when it is in transaction state the receiver will receive the in
encrypted form and will decrypt the data with the decrypted key.
Algorithm are considered secure if an attacker cannot be able to determine any properties of
the plaintext or key, given the cipher text. An attacker should not be able to determine anything
about a given key because it will be a very large number of plaintext / cipher text combination
which will use the key to decrypt.

Symmetric Cryptography
In symmetric cryptography same key will be used for both sides (sender and receiver) for both
encryption and decryption. A sender and receiver will have to share their public keys with each
other, when their keys shared with each other so when the sender want to send some text to
the receiver it will be encrypted by the receiver public key and will send it to the receiver, when
the receiver receive the text in encrypted form so it will decrypt it with sender public key
because they have already shared their keys with each other.

Asymmetric Cryptography
In asymmetric crypto there will be two different key are used for encryption and decryption.
Every user in the asymmetric crypto system will have two different public and private keys.
Basically in asymmetric we want to achieve authentication so what happen in asymmetric
system every user will share their public key with everyone in the system so when the user
want share text to the specific receiver so sender first encrypt the text with his own private key
and send it to the receiver so when the receiver receive that text so it will have to decrypted
with the sender public key, so this how this system works.


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