Jobs Movie Reaction Paper

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Reaction Paper: Jobs

Espinosa, Liandra Elise C.

How Apple Came To Be

The movie “Jobs” revolves around the life of Steve Jobs, who is the creator of Apple,
an American multinational technology company. Steve Jobs first founded Apple in 1976,
along with his friend Steve Wozniak in Jobs's family garage. In order to fund their
entrepreneurial venture, Jobs sold his Volkswagen bus and Wozniak sold his scientific
calculator. The main objective of their venture was to create computers small and efficient
enough to be placed in homes or offices. Through successfully persuading investors and
yielding great technological products, Apple Inc. developed and improved over the years.

Role/s of A CEO In A Corporation

The Apple company went through several hurdles, even reaching a point where Jobs
was kicked out of the enterprise he himself created. However, the movie illustrates the quality
characteristics that Jobs possessed, which led not only him, but Apple Inc. to be successful
eventually. In the movie, it can be seen that the roles of a CEO in a corporation include
managing the resources and operations in the company, acting as the main point of
communication between the board and corporate operations, and being the public face of the
company. Steve Jobs was able to perform these responsibilities, shedding light on his
admirable communication skills as he was able to convince several investors of his plans.

Steve Jobs’s Communication Skills and Its Relevance

The reasons as to why Jobs achieved his goals and was successful are due to his quick
decision making, wit, and outspoken behavior. To be a great CEO is through being a great
leader and Jobs portrayed this perfectly in the movie. It was evident how passionate Jobs was
in regards to his plans for the company by the way he communicated and spoke to others. He
was able to persuade not only investors but customers as to why his products are beneficial
and worth purchasing. He is also seen as outspoken and quick in decision making in handling
his employees, which serves as a betterment for the company. With this, it can be derived that
corporate communications strategies are highly relevant especially for the company to be
successful. Miscommunications would often lead to dispute, which would hinder the
company from succeeding. Communication skills are crucial in every aspect of a business, to
foster great relationships between employees and the leaders, which would lead to the overall
quality of performance in the company and success of the business in general.

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