Script Robbery With Homicide

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Robbery with Homicide

People vs. Vargas

Cristina Amelia Guzman - Prosecution Counsel
Raphael Villanueva - Prosecution Counsel
Gisela Cecilia Mauhay - Kristine Pascual (Complainant)
Mariel Mailom - Marimar Rivera (Prosecution Witness)
Maricor De los Reyes - Darlene Aguilar (Prosecution Witness)
Lovereal Joy Ocampo - Dr. Judy Ann Agoncillo (Expert Witness)
Juan Fermin Rayos del Sol - Defense Counsel
Sheila May Sabino - Defense Counsel
Manuel Plaza – Alfred Vargas (Accused)
Ma. Cristina Peñaflor - Jinky Mina (Defense Witness)
Margarette Raiza Andaman - Clerk of Court/ Interpreter


Direct Examination of Kristine Pascual by Atty. Cristina Guzman

DEFENSE: For the accused, ready your Honor.

PROSECUTION: We are ready, your Honor. May we know if our witness is present,
then, we’ll present the witness, your Honor.

COURT: Call and swear the witness.

INTERPRETER: (Interpreter will swear in witness) Do you swear to tell the truth, the
whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God?


COURT: Please tell the court your name, age, occupation, residence and other personal

WITNESS: Kristine Pascual, 50 years old, widow, a businesswoman and a resident of

No. 123 Metrica, Sta. Mesa, Manila

COURT: Your witness.

PROSECUTION: Your Honor, we are presenting the testimony of Kristine Pascual to

prove that she was the one who discovered the body of his son Sam Pascual on August
28, 2007 at about 7:00 o’clock in the morning. She was also the one who asked for the
police officers to investigate the case. She is going to identify or testify that when the
body of his son was taken by the authority, she saw a pair of white slippers and a pink
“Bench” t-shirt which was later found to be the one worn by the accused just before the
incident of August 28, 2007. She is also going to identify the Sony Ericsson Vodaphone
which was alleged to have been stolen from the premises of the victim. She is also going
to testify on the damages that she had sustained together with her family by reason of the
death of her son Sam Pascual. That’s all for the offer, your Honor.

COURT: Comment?

DEFENSE: We will just cross examine the witness, your Honor.

Q: Mr. Witness, do you know a person named Sam Pascual?

A: Yes, ma’am.

Q: And why do you know him?

A: He is my son, ma’am.

Q: Could you tell us where your son is now?

A: He is already dead, ma’am.

Q: Do you have any proof that he is already dead?

A: Yes, ma’am.

Q: And what is your proof that he is already dead?

A: We have a Death Certificate, ma’am.

Q: Showing to you a photocopy of the Death Certificate… We reserve the presentation of

The original, your honor…is this the death certificate of your son to prove his death?
A: Yes, ma’am. This is the Death Certificate of my son.

INTERPRETER: Witness identifying Exhibit “A”.

PROSECUTION: The Death Certificate of Sam Pascual had been previously marked as
Exhibit“B” for the prosecution, your Honor.

Q: By the way, do you know of any person by the name Alfredo “Manny Plaza” Vargas?
A: Yes, ma’am.

Q: How do you know Alfredo “Manny” Plaza Vargas?

A: He was the one who killed my son, ma’am.

DEFENSE: Objection, Your Honor. The witness is incompetent to answer the question.

Q: Now, if Alfredo “Manny Plaza” Vargas is around, would you be able to identify the
A: Yes, ma’am.

Q: Could you point to him?

PROSECUTION: For the record--- Witness points to a person who identifies himself as
Alfredo “Manny” Plaza Vargas.

Q: On or about 7:00 o’clock in the morning of August 28, 2007, where were you?
A: I arrived at our store, ma’am.

Q: And where is this store that you are talking about?

A: 1234 Craig St., Sta. Mesa, Manila, ma’am.

Q: And what kind of store is this?

A: A convenience store, ma’am.

Q: As a businesswoman, what is your transaction with that convenience store?

A: I am the owner of several branches of My Big Love Convenience Store, which were
managed by my children including that store at Craig St., managed by Sam.

Q: You mean to say that it was Sam who eventually supervised the store?
A: Yes, ma’am.

Q: Who is responsible for opening and closing the store?

A: It was Sam.

Q: And at what time does he open and close it?

A: He opens the store at 6 am and closes it at around 10:30-11pm, ma’am.

Q: You stated that you just arrived at your store at around 7am. When you arrive thereat,
was there anything unusual that you have seen?
A: Yes, ma’am.

Q: And what is that?

A: I noticed that the store was still close and the lock of the backdoor appeared to have
been destroyed.

Q: Is that all? What did you do after you see that the lock was destroyed?
A: I entered the store and everything was in disarray.

Q: Disarray?
A: Yes, ma’am. I saw the drawers of the table open. The goods on the rack were
all over the place and the cash box was empty.

Q: The cash box is empty?

A: Yes, ma’am.

Q: Do you have any idea regarding the amount of the cash box?
A: Yes, ma’am.

Q: And how much?

A: P37,530.

Q: And how come you know the amount?

A: He called me on the night of August 28 at around 9:30pm, requesting me to pick-up
the money and deposit it to the bank.
Q: So after seeing the cashbox, what else did you see?
A: I saw the body of my son, drenched with his own blood and lifeless.

Q: And in which part of the store did you see your son?
A: Beside the cashbox, ma’am.

Q: Why is he inside your store?

A: Because he manages and stays at the store.

Q: Can you take a look at these pictures? Do the pictures depict the scene of the crime as
per your recollection?
A: Yes, ma’am.

PROSECUTION: Your Honor, I am now presenting you this as Exhibit “K” already
marked during the Pre-trial.

Q: Now, upon seeing your son already dead, what did you do next?
A: I then sought the help of my neighbors to summon the police, ma’am.

Q: And after calling out your neighbors to call the police, what happened next?
A: The policemen arrived at the store and conducted an investigation, ma’am.

Q: And what the policemen arrived and investigated, what happened next?
A: I went to the Police Station and my son was brought to the funeral parlor, ma’am.

Q: Can you still recall what the police officers did when they investigated the place?
A: They saw items left, ma’am.

Q: And what were these items left that you are talking about?
A: A pair of slippers marked with “Marimar” and a blue Bench t-shirt ma’am.

Q: If I show you the white slippers and blue Bench t-shirt that you are talking about,
You be able to identify the same?
A: Yes, ma’am.

INTERPRETER: Witness identifies Exhibits “I” and “J”,respectively.

Q: Now, during the investigation by the police officers, did you have any chance to talk
with the police officers as to why your son was killed?
A: Yes.
Q: Where you able to talk to the police?
A: Yes, ma’am.

Q: And could you tell us what the police officers told you?

DEFENSE: The best evidence is the police officer, your Honor.

COURT: Answer.

A: The police asked me if I know the person by an alias “Marimar,” ma’am.

Q: And what was your response to the police officers?

A: I told them I know of someone named “Marimar.”
Q: And, how do you know this “Marimar?”
A: She lives 4 blocks away from our house.

Q: And after knowing who this Marimar was, what happened next?
A: I learned that Marimar was picked up by the police, ma’am.

Q: Now, going back to the time that you entered your store and you found that your son
already dead and after an investigation was made by the police officer, did you notice
anything missing inside your store? (Option: Was everything in place in your store?)

DEFENSE: Leading your Honor.

COURT: Answer.

A: Yes, ma’am. Money in the cashbox, fossil watch Sam always wear and the cellphone I
gave him.

Q: What model is the cellphone?

A: Sony Ericsson Vodafone, ma’am.

Q: What among the items were recovered?

A: Only the cellphone, ma’am.

Q: How did you recover the said cell phone?

A: I recovered the cell phone from Darlene Aguilar with whom the Aguilar said that the
phone was delivered by Vargas.

DEFENSE: Objection, Your Honor. It is hearsay.

Q: How did you come to know that the cell phone was with Darlene Aguilar?
A: When I found out that my son’s cell phone was missing, I instantly went to the nearest
cell phone store to inquire. This store was owned by Darlene Aguilar.

Q: Now, are you familiar with the Vodafone cellphone that was missing?
A: Yes, ma’am.

Q: And why are you so familiar with that cellphone?

A: Because the name of my son appears in that cellphone, ma’am.

Q: Could you tell the Court what were the exact words that appeared in the cellphone?
A: The welcome note stated, “Hi, I’m Sam Pascual.”

Q: Do you have any other proof that this cellphone is really the phone of your son?
A: Yes, ma’am. The receipt bears my name as well as the serial number of the cellphone,
which is XYZ987654321.

Q: And why do you have the receipt?

A: Because I purchased the phone and gave it to Sam as a birthday gift.

Q: Now, if that Vodafone cellphone will be shown to you, will you be able to
identify it?
A: Yes, ma’am

PROSECUTION: Showing to you a Sony Ericsson Vodafone cellphone with Serial No.
XYZ 987654321 which had been marked in evidence as Exhibit “L” by the prosecution,
this the Nokia cellphone that you are talking about that was missing and that was
Is that the cellphone that you think was missing and later on recovered?
A: Yes, ma’am.

Q: Could you tell us what was supposed to be your son’s job?

A: He is a merchandiser and manager, ma’am.

Q:Was he married when he died?

A: Bachelor, ma’am.

Q: Could you tell us how much he earned a month?

A: I’m not sure, ma’am.

Q: Could you please give us an estimate considering that he mans you store, how
much do you give him?
A: 5000 per week as manager.

Q: Could you tell us how old was your son when he died?
A: 27 years old, ma’am.

Q: How many children do you have other than Sam Pascual?

A: Four, ma’am.

Q: Was Sam Pascual supposed to be the oldest?

A: My third child, ma’am.

Q: All of these five children, Ms. Witness, do you treat them equally?
A: Yes, ma’am.

Q: No exceptions?
A: I treat them equally but my child Sam is dearest to me because I almost lost him
when I have difficulty in pregnancy.
Q: In connection with this case, what you have testified here in Court, did you execute a
sworn statement regarding the same before this case was being filed?
A: Yes, ma’am.

Q: Showing to you this document, is this the sworn statement that you executed?
A: Yes, Sir. (Witness identified the document showed by Prosecutor).

PROSECUTION: May I manifest, that this sworn statement has been marked as Exhibit
“E” for the prosecution during the Pre-Trial Conference, your Honor.

Q: Is this your signature?

INTERPETER: Witness identifying the signature appearing on the document showed by

the Prosecutor.

A: Yes, ma’am.

PROSECUTION: And the signature of the witness has been marked as Exhibit “B-1” for
the prosecution. That’s all for the witness, your Honor.

COURT: Witness is excused.

Cross Examination of Kristine Pascual by Atty. Juan Fermin Rayos del

Q: You said that Exhibit I is the phone of your son.
A: Yes, sir.

Q: Do you have any proof that Exhibit I is the phone of your son?
A: Yes, I have the receipt of the phone and the welcome note of the phone.

Q: What is written in the receipt?

A: The serial number and the model of the phone.

Q: How about the welcome note?

A: It shows “hi, I’m Sam Pascual”.

Q: Do you know any person from your family having the same name Sam Pascual?
A: Only my son, sir.

Q: How sure are you with that statement?

A: We have a small family.

Q: And are you sure that the welcome note refers to your son?
A: Yes, sir.

Q: Have you ever seen the welcome note before of your son?
A: No, sir.

DEFENSE: No further questions your Honor.

Direct Examination of Marimar Rivera by Atty. Rafael Villanueva

COURT: Call the witness on the stand and swear him.

INTERPRETER: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Please state your name, age civil status, occupation, residence, and other personal

WITNESS :Marimar Rivera, 27, 1526 Craig St. Sta. Mesa Manila.
COURT : Your witness.

PROSECUTION: We offer the testimony of Marimar rivera to show that accused Alfredo
“Manny Plaza” Vargas is personally shown to the witness Marimar Rivera; that the
slippers found at the crime scene is owned by the witness Marimar Rivera who lent the
slippers to A Vargas; she will also testify that on the day in question, she met Vargas, the
accused in the case, and he was able to recognize the pink t shirt which the accused was
wearing at that time, and was found later on at the scene of the crime. And he will
identify this slippers as well as the tshirt the accused was wearing and found later on
inside the house where the incident –the killing of the victim, occurred.

COURT: Comment?

DEFENSE: We will just cross examine this witness, your honor.

COURT : Proceed.

Q: Marimar Rivera, do you know the accused, Alfredo “Manny Plaza” Vargas?
A: Yes sir.

Q: Why do you know the accused Alfredo Vargas?

A: We were neighbors.

Q: How long have you known Vargas?

A: For a long time, sir.

Q: If Vargas is inside the courtroom, will you be able to point him out to the court?
A: Yes, sir, that is him.
(Witness points to a person who identified himself as Alfredo Vargas.)

PROSECUTION: For the record, the witness is pointing to a person who identified
himself as Alfredo Vargas.

Q: Now, on the 28th of August , 2007, at around 3pm in the afternoon, do you recall
having met Vargas, whom you just identified?
A: Yes, sir.
Q: Where did you meet Vargas on the 28th of August 2007 at around 3pm in the
A: At my house, sir.

Q: And at the time that you met Vargas on 28 th of August 2007 at your house, do you still
recall what he was wearing at that time?
A: Yes sir.

Q: Will you be able to tell this court what was he wearing when you met him on 28 th
August 2007 at 3pm?
A: He was wearing a pink t-shirt, sir.

Q: Do you know what kind of t-shirt, do you know what is the trademark of the t shirt he
was wearing?
A: I recall it was a “Bench”shirt.
Q: Now, let’s go to the feet. Was he wearing anything at his feet?
A: He was wearing my slippers, sir.

Q: Do you have any identifying marks on your slippers?

A: Yes, sir.

Q: What identifying mark did you place?

A: “Marimar” sir.

Q: Did you have some conversation in your house?

A: Yes, sir.

Q. What did you talk about?

A: He asked me if I want to go with him, sir, to a party of Jinky Mina

Q: Where?
A: Near our house, at 2345 Craig St. Sta Mesa, Manila.

Q: And what was your response, if any?

A: I said I couldn’t go.

Q: Now, did you observe anything on the person of Vargas at that time?
A: Yes sir.
Q: What did you observe on the person of Vargas at the time?
A: Something was bulging at his back, sir.

Q: What was at his back?

A: I do not know what was placed at his back, but it was bulging, sir.

Q: What was the shape of that something?

A: It is long, sir.

Q: Now, what time did you separate with Vargas?

A: About 4pm in the afternoon, he left my place sir.
Q: Did you have any occasion to see him again after that meeting on 28th August, 2007.
A: No more sir.

Q: What about the pink shirt, which you said Vargas was wearing on 28 th August, 2007,
did you have a chance to see that pink shirt again?
A: No more sir.

Q: Now, do you recall having been investigated by the Sta Mesa Police in connection
with this case?
A: Yes sir.

Q: At the police investigation, do you recall having been asked to identify a pink tshirt?
Defense: Misleading your honor, objection:

COURT: Reform the question.

Q: At the time when you were asked what was Vargas wearing, do you know where the
pink shirt was at that time?
A: It was placed in a plastic bag, sir.

Q: Who placed the pink shirt in a plastic?

A: The police officers sir

Q: And what did the police do with that t-shirt placed in the plastic?
A: They brought it with them and kept it sir.

Q: Were you able to identify that pink shirt?

DEFENSE: May we request that since this line of question addressed to a pink shirt, may
we request that it be shown to the witness, your honor.

PROSECUTION: If that pink shirt which you said was used by Vargas with trademark
Bench will be shown to you , will you be able to recognize the same?

DEFENSE: Objection your honor, misleading.

COURT: Witness may answer.

PROSECUTION: Now, will you be able to identify this pink shirt, which was used by
A: There was a stain on the side of the shirt, sir.

Q: What kind of stain?

A: Colored brown sir

Q; Now, I’m showing to you this pink shirt, kindly examine the same and tell the relation
of this shirt with the one you mentioned was worn by Vargas on 28th August, 2007.
A: This is the pink shirt worn by Vargas on 28th August, 2007.

Q: Will you please point to this Court the stain on the shirt which you mentioned?
A: Here sir.
(For the record, witness points to the stains in front of the shirt colored brown)

Q: Now, you mentioned also that this t-shirt has a mark bench where can you find this?
A: In front sir.

DEFENSE: The best evidence is the shirt

Q: Where is it? (For the record, witness is showing the bench mark in the front of the

Q: Now, you mentioned also that you, what did you say?
A: Marimar sir.

Q: How did the slippers end up in the possession of Vargas?

A: I lent it to him 5days before or on Aug 23 2007.

Q: And if that pair of slippers will be shown to you with the markings Marimar, will you
be able to identify the same?
A: Yes sir.

Q: I’m showing to you this pair of slippers, kindly examine the same, and tell us the
relation of these slippers with the one you saw Vargas was wearing on 28th August 2007.
A: Yes sir.

Q: Will you please indicate to us your identifying mark which you said Marimar?
A: Here sir.

Q: Do you know the reason why you were invited by the police of Sta. Mesa.

DEFENSE: Objection, incompetent.

COURT: Witness may answer.

A: Because of the pair of slippers, sir

PROSECUTION: That is all your honor.

Cross Examination of Marimar Rivera by Atty. Shiela Sabino

Re-direct Examination of Marimar Rivera by Atty. Rafael Villanueva

Q: Ms. Witness. You testified that on August 28, 2007, MV went to your house?
A: Yes sir.

Q: What did he do there?

A: He invited me to go to the birthday party of Jinky Mina.
Q: And you said that you remember what he was wearing at that time?
A: Yes sir.

Q: So what again was he wearing?

A: A blue “Bench” t-shirt sir.

Q: How come you vividly remember his attire at that time but you cannot remember what
he was wearing when you lent him your slippers five days before that date?
A: Because when he invited me to the birthday party, I noticed that there was a colored
brown stain on the right (or left) side of his shirt. I even asked him if he would wear
that shirt to the party considering that there was a stain on it. That is the reason
why I clearly remember his attire that day.

Q: Also, you testified that the size of your feet is 7 inches?

A: Yes sir.

Q: And you also said before this court that the size of the feet of A. Vargas is about
10 inches?
A: Yes sir.

Q: And you still lent your slippers knowing fully well that it would not fit A. Vargas?
A: Yes sir

Q: Why?
A: Because my friends usually borrow my things so I did not find it unusual when he
borrowed my slippers. And as my friend, I did not bother to ask him what he was about to
do with it.

Q: What kind of slippers is this?

A: Unisex sir.

Q: Does he usually borrow things from you?

A: Yes sir.

Q: Like what?
A: Aside from the slippers sir, he borrowed my DVD’s, my Seiko unisex watch and

Q: Is this the first time that he borrowed slippers from you?

A: No sir. He borrowed slippers from me several times before and I cannot remember
how many times in particular.

PROSECUTION: No further question you honor.

Direct Examination of Dr. Judy Ann Agoncillo by Rafael Villanueva

COURT: Call the next witness.
INTERPRETER: Dr. Judy Ann Agoncillo, do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth
and nothing but the truth, so help you God?

COURT: Please state your name, age, civil status, occupation, residence and other
personal circumstances.

WITNESS: Dr. Judy Ann Agoncillo, 30 years old, married, licensed Physician, and
presently residing at 47, Lacson Ave. Manila.

COURT: Your witness.

PROSECUTION: We offer the testimony of Dr. Agoncillo to show that she is the medico
legal officer who examined the dead body of Sam Pascual on August 28, 2007; that she
will identify the certificate of Death which she wrote to the heirs of the victim; she will
also testify on the several stab wounds which he found on the cadaver of the victim, Sam
Pascual, and other relevant matters.

Q: On August 28, 2007 were you already a medico legal officer of Manila?
A: Yes, sir.

Q: And on said date, were you requested by the police authorities of Sta Mesa to perform
an autopsy on the victim Sam Pascual?
A: Yes sir, I was requested by the Sta. Mesa Police station chief.

Q: And where did you see the dead body of Sam Pascual?
A: At the Quiogue morgue near Nagtahan.

Q: And did you perform an autopsy on the cadaver of Sam Pascual?

A: Yes sir, I performed the autopsy.

Q: From your observation, how long is he already dead from the time you saw the dead
A: About more than four or five hours, sir.

Q: And what is your basis for saying that he was already dead for more than four or five
A: Because it was early in the morning and the blood were already clotting throughout the
body, sir.

Q: So what time did you see the cadaver?

A: I think about 9am sir of August 29, 2007.

Q; when you saw the dead body of the victim, what did you observe?
A: There are stab wounds, sir.

Q: Where are the stab wounds located on the body of the victim, would you like this
representation to refresh your memory by showing to you your autopsy report?
A: Yes sir.
PROSECUTION: considering that the witness could no longer recall the number of stab
wounds of the victim, may I request that I be allowed to show to the witness the human
male sketch where the witness indicated his stab wounds.

Q: Now, I’m showing to you this human male sketch, could you tell us what this is all
A: This is the male I autopsied at the Quiogue Morgue on August 29 th 2007. The cause of
death was multiple stab wounds throughout the body, sir.

Q: Will you be able to tell us where these stab wounds were located in the body of the
A: Stab wound no 1: right anterior cervical area;
Stab wound number 3 and 4 is in the left anterior cervical area;
Stab wound 2: knee
No 5: occipetal area
No 6&7 left occipetal area
No 9: left shoulder
No 11, left scapular area
No 12&14: left poseterior abdominal wall
No 15 & 16 is in the left anterior abdominal wall.
There was a note here, stab wound no 1 and 16 came from a different bladed weapon or
another knife, sir.

Q: Why? What is your basis for saying that two other wounds were inflicted or caused by
different weapons?
A: Because they have a different contour, sir.

Q: So, how many wounds?

A: I counted 16.

Q: Out of 16 wounds, you found two stab wounds which were caused by a different
A: Yes sir.

Q: So 14 stab wounds were caused by another type of weapon?

A: Yes sir.

Q: And where did you find that two stab wounds which were caused by another weapon?
A: The right knee, sir, above the right knee, and the left anterior abdominal wall, sir.

Q: Will you be able to tell us is a sharp bolo could cause these wounds?
A: Just a bolo could cause larger than a stab wound, sir.

Q: So what type of weapon could cause these wounds?

A: A single bladed weapon like a knife sir. A household knife or a fan knife, sir.

Q: What about a sharp pointed bolo?

A: Yes sir. It could cause a stab wound.
Q: Now, did you issue a Certificate of Death?
A: Yes sir, I issued a Certificate of Death.

Q: I’m showing you this Certificate of Death, kindly tell us if this is the same certificate
you issued to the victim Sam Pascual.
A: Yes sir, this is the Certificate.

PROSECUTION: This was previously marked as exhibit ___ during Pretrial Conference,
your honor.

Q: whose signature is this?

A: My signature, sir.
PROSECUTION: I’m through your honor

Cross Examination of Dr. Judy Ann Agoncillo by Atty. Shiela Sabino

Q: In your report Doctor Agoncillo, you mentioned that the stab wounds were caused by
two different weapons, correct?
A: Yes sir.

Q: And you mentioned that you came to this conclusion because the wounds had different
contours, correct?
A: That is correct.

Q: So considering the number and weapon used, is it possible that the stab wounds
could have been caused by more than one person?


problem. Proceed as planned. If sustained…)

Q: I’ll rephrase the question your Honor. In your experience as a medico legal officer,
have you handled a case where a lone assailant would use two different weapons against
only one victim?
A: Hardly at all, if not rarely.

Q: So in your experience as a medical officer, the use of two different weapons against a
victim is inconsistent with the conclusion that only one person could have committed the

PROSECUTION: Nothing further questions, your Honor.

Direct Examination of Darlene Aguilar by Atty. Cristina Guzman

COURT: Call the witness on the stand.
INTERPRETER: Darlene Aguilar, please state your name, age, civil status, occupation,
residence and other personal circumstances.

WITNESS: Darlene Aguilar, 32 years old, Businesswoman, single and presently residing
at 2939 Craig St. Sta. Mesa, Manila

COURT: Your witness.

PROSECUTION: The prosecution is going to present the testimony of Darlene Aguilar to

prove that sometime in 2007, the accused Alfredo “many Plaza” Vargas offered to herein
witness if he can sell a Sony Ericsson Vodaphone Cellphone, which later on turned out to
be one of those stolen from the person of Sam Pascual, the victim in this case.

DEFENSE: I will object to the use of the phrase “ that stolen form the victim” because
there was no testimony yet. That is only a presumption, your Honor.

COURT: That is what the Prosecutor was intending to prove.

DEFENSE: I think he does not want to prove that it was stolen but that it was to sell the
cellphone your honor.

COURT: Without including the fact that it was owned by Sam Pascual.

PROSECUTION: With the kind permission of the court, may I proceed?

COURT: Proceed.

Q: Ms. witness, where are you from again?

A: Craig St. Sta. Mesa.

Q: Where is that?
A: In Manila.

Q: Can you tell us again your occupation?

A: Businesswoman.

Q: What kind of business are you engaged in?

A: Buying and Selling of Cellphones and accessories, ma’am.

Q: Do you know a person named, Alfredo “Manny Plaza” Vargas?

A: Yes, ma’am.

Q. And if he is around, can you recognize him?

A: Yes ma’am.
Q: Can you point him if he is here in Court?
A: Yes ma’am.

Q: Can you point to him?

(Witness points to a person who identified himself as Vargas)
Q: You seem to know the person whom you pointed to as Vargas, tell us why you know
A: He was my high school friend.

Q: Now, could you recall during those times that you were with A “MP” Vargas, if at one
time, he offered something for you to sell?
*(option: Has Vargas ever visited you in your store?..... what was the purpose)

COURT: Witness may answer.

WITNESS: Yes, ma’am.

Q: Could you tell us what is that?

A: A cellphone, ma’am.

Q: Can you still remember what kind of cellphone was offered to you to sell?
A: Vodapone, Sony Ericsson.

Q: Now, if that celphone will be presented to you can you identify the same?
A: Yes, ma’am.

Q: could you take a look at this celphone? Can you recall if this is the cellphone which is
supposed to be offered to you?

DEFENSE: You honor, I would like to manifest that when I help and examined this
celphone, there was a blank space here. No there is again this name of Sam Pascual.
PROSECUTION: It was just turned on, your Honor.

COURT: Now, answer the question.

Q: Now, could you tell us the exact words of what Vargas tell you about this Cellphone?
A: Sabi po nya itago mo muna ito tapos ibenta mo ng limang libo, bahala ka na

Q: Is that all that he said?

A: He handed it to me, ma’am.

Q: And what did you do to the cellphone after it was handed to you?
A: I received it, ma’am.

Q: What did you do with the celphone after receiving it?

A: I brought it to our store ma’am.

Q: And after bringing it to your store what did you do?

A: I displayed it on the shelf with all the other cellphones for sale.

Q: Were you able to sell the cellphone?

A: No.

Q: Why not?
A: Because the next day (Aug 30, 2007) a certain lady saw the phone in my display shelf.

Q: And what did the lady say?

A: She requested to inspect it.

Q: Did you let her?

A: I personally turned it on.

Q: What appeared?
A: The welcome note stated: “Hi, Im Sam Pascual”

Q: What if any, was the lady’s reaction?

A: She said that the cellphone is her son’s.

Q: What did you say?

A: I said that the phone was delivered to me by Alfred “Manny Plaza” Vargas the
previous day.

Q: Did you execute a sworn statement in your participation regarding the cellphone?
A: Yes, ma’am.

Q: If that sworn statement will be shown to you, can you identify it?
A: Yes, ma’am.

Q: Is this the sworn statement that you have executed?

A: yes, sir, and this is my signature.
PROSECUTION: may we just mark the sworn statement made by the witness as our
exhibit ( ) your honor, and the signature as our exhibit ( ). I am through.

Court: Mark them. Cross?

Cross Examination of Darlene Aguilar by Atty. Juan Fermin Rayos del

Q: You testify in the buying and selling of cellphone.
A: Yes, sir.

Q: How long have you been in the business?

A: Almost 2 years.

Q: So people trade-in, swap and sell cellphones?

A: Yes, sir.

Q: You said in your statement that Mr. Vargas gave you the phone?
A: Yes.
Q: Did you inquire where the phone came from?
A: Yes.

Q: What did he tell you that?

A: That the cellphone was entrusted to him by Sam Pascual for him to sell it.

Q: Were there previous transactions before you and Mr. Vargas?

A: Yes.

Q: What were your other transactions, if any?

A: He asked me before to sell a cellphone.

Q: Do you remember the date of your last transaction?

A: It was on august 29, 2007.

Q: How about the previous transaction?

A: No, I don’t recall.

PROSECUTION: No further questions.


Direct Examination of Manny Vargas by Atty. Shiela Sabino

Q: For the record, please state your name, age, address, and status.
A: I am Alfredo “Manny” Plaza Vargas, single, 32 years old from 123 Craig St., Sta.
Mesa, Manila.

Q: What is your occupation?

A: A contractual construction worker.

Q: On or about August 28, 2007, where were you ?

A: I was at Jinky Mina’s house.

Q: And why were you there?

A: I attended a birthday party.

Q: Whose party was it?

A: Jinky’s party.

Q: What is your relationship with this Jinky?

A: She’s my girlfriend.

Q: Before you went to the party, where were you?

A: I was at home waiting for Jinky.

Q: And why were you waiting for Jinky?

A: Because I would accompany her in buying her birthday cake.
Q: And were you able to meet Jinky Mina?
A: Yes, ma’am.
Q: At what time did you and Jinky arrive in your apartment?
A: At around 4-5pm.

Q: Were you able to buy the cake?

A: Yes, ma’am.

Q: At what time did you arrive at the party?

A: At around 7 pm.

Q: Did Jinky and you arrive together at the party?

A: Yes, ma’am.

Q: Up to what time did you stay at the birthday party?

A: I stayed there until the party was over.

Q: Around what time was this?

A: At around 10-11pm.

Q: Where did you go after the party?

A: I went home ma’am.

Q: Did you go home alone?

A: No, ma’am.

Q: And who accompanied you home?

A: Jinky Mina, ma’am.

Q: Where is your home located?

A: 123 Craig St., Sta. Mesa, Manila.

Q: What did you do when you arrived home?

A: We just slept.

Q: We?
A: Jinky and me.

Q: At what time did you wake up the following morning?

A: I think 10-11am.

Q: Between 11pm of August 28 – around 11am of the following day, you said you were
A: Yes, ma’am.

Q: So you’re telling us that at the evening of August 28 until the morning of the
following day, August 29, you were in your house and slept with Jinky?
A: Yes, ma’am.
Q: And it was only between 10-11am that you wake up?
A: Yes ma’am.

Q: Do you know certain person in the name of Sam Pascual?

A: Yes, ma’am.

Q: Do you any relationship with this Sam Pascual?

A: None, ma’am. We’re just neighbors.

Q: Do you know what happened to Sam Pascual?

A: Yes, he was killed.

Q: And how did you know that he was killed?

A: Jinky told me, ma’am.

Q: When did your girlfriend tell you?

A: The following morning after the party, ma’am.

Q: Do you know any person by the name of Marimar Rivera?

A: Yes. She is my neighbor.

Q: Did you borrow a pair of slippers from her?

A: Yes.

Q: Do you remember when you borrowed it?

A: No, sir. I can’t recall the date.

Q: What is the size of your feet?

A: 10 inches ma’am.

Q: Did you ever return them?

A: Yes, ma’am.

Q: When did you return them?

A: I think 3 days after I borrowed the slippers.

Q: Do you know a person by the name of Darlene Aguilar?

A: Yes.

Q: What is your relationship with Aguilar?

A: She’s my friend since high school.

Q: Have you done any recent transaction with Aguilar?

A: Yes, ma’am.

Q: What is this transaction?

A: I delivered a Sony Ericsson Vodafone to Aguilar and asked her to sell the same.
Q: Where did you get this Vodafone?
A: Sam Pascual requested me to sell it.

Q: Just to clarify is this same phone owned by Sam Pascual?

A: Yes, ma’am.

Q: And when did your transaction with Aguilar take place?

A: August 29, 2007.

Q: So, you’re authorized by Pascual to sell his phone?

A: Yes, ma’am.

Q: And why did you choose Aguilar to sell Pascual’s phone?

A: Because she’s my friend and she’s engaged in the business of buying and selling of

Cross Examination of Manny Vargas by Atty. Rafael Villanueva

Q: You mentioned you were authorized by Sam Pascual to sell his cellphone, do you
remember when did he request you to sell it?
A: I can’t recall

Q: You can’t recall? Ten days or five days before Pascual’s death.
A: I can’t really recall, sir. I have no idea.

Q: What?? So you have no idea of the date. Do you remember where did he authorize
you to sell?
A: I think… in our house. He came to ask me if I could sell the cell phone.

Q: Do you have any written agreement?

A: None, sir.

Q: Was there anyone who witnesses your agreement?

A: None, sir.

Q: You mean you cannot recall any detail of your agreement except that it happened in
your house and Pascual just requested you to sell his phone?
A: Yes, sir.

Q: Going back to Jinky’s party that you said you attended, was there any alcoholic drink
A: Yes, sir.

Q: Did you take any alcoholic drinks?

A: Yes.

Q: How much did you drink?

A: A couple of bottles of lambanog.
Q: So, you were drunk that night.
A: I don’t know.

Q: Again, what time did you go home from the party on the night of August 28, 2007?
A: Around 10-11pm.

Q: So you’re saying that you are oriented with the time but you cannot recall if you are
drunk or not?
A: Yes

Direct Examination of Jinky Mina by Atty. Juan Fermin Rayos del Sol
DEFENSE: The defense is going to present the testimony of Ms. Jinky Mina to prove that
Manny Vargas was at his apartment when the crime took place and is not within the scene
of the crime.

INTERPRETER: (Swearing the witness).

Q: Please state you personal circumstances to this court?

A: Name, age, address, status.

Q: What is your occupation?

A: Sales lady at the mall.

Q: Do you know the accused?

A: Yes.

Q: What is your relationship to the accused?

A: He is my boyfriend.

Q: How did you meet the accused?

A: I met him thorough a common friend.

Q: How long have you known the accused?

A: 7 months.

Q: Would you say that your relationship to the accused is intimate?

A: Yes.

Q: Could you describe the level of intimacy with the accused?

A: Very intimate.

Q: On august 28, 2007, where were you?

A: I was at home preparing for my party.

Q: What kind of party?

A: A birthday party.

Q: Whose birthday party?

A: My birthday party.

Q: So you’re saying that your birthday is on August 28?

A: Yes.

Q: Was Manny with you while you were preparing for the birthday party?
A: No but I was going to meet him at my house because he was going to accompany to
buy my cake.

Q: Were you able to meet with Manny?

A: Yes.

Q: What was he wearing?

A: Blue shirt, maong pants and rubber shoes.

Q: Have you seen this Exhibit “G”?

A: Yes.

Q: Can you give the circumstance where have you seen this exhibit G?
A: Manny gave it to me so that I can wear it.

Q: Did you wear the Exhibit G?

A: No. Because I asked him where it came from and he said that he borrowed it from
Marimar. I asked him to return it immediately.

Q: Around what time ?

A: At about 4-5 in the afternoon.

Q: After meeting with manny, what did you do?

A: He accompanied me to buy my cake at goldilocks at sm centerpoint

Q: Were you able to buy the cake?

A: Yes.

Q: What kind of cake?

A: Choco mocha roll.

PROSECUTION : Objection, Your Honor. Question is irrelevant.

Q: After buying the cake, where did you go?

A: We went to my house for the party.

Q: Around what time did you arrive at your house?

A: Around 6-7pm.

Q: What did you do if any after arriving at your house?

A: We ate, drank and celebrated my birthday; we mingled with the guests of the party.

Q: Were there many people at the party?

A: Yes.

Q: During all this time, was Manny with you?

A: Yes.

Q: What time did the party ended?

A: Around 10 to 11.

Q: Did Manny also left at around that time?

A: Yes, but I was with him when he left the party.

Q: What do you mean that he was with you when he left?

A: He asked me to accompany him home because he was tired and wanted to spend more
time with me.

Q: So did you go with Manny?

A: Yes.

Q: Where did you go?

A: To his apartment.

Q: After reaching his apartment, what did you do if any?

A: Manny asked me to spend the night because it was late for me to go back home.

Q: Did you spend the night at Manny’s place?

A: Yes.

Q: Can you describe your sleeping arrangement when you spend the night?
A: He was beside me in his bedroom; we slept in the same bed

Q: The morning after, when you woke up, was Manny still with you?
A: Yes.

Q: What time did you wake up?

A: Around 9-10am.

Q: What happened after?

A: I heard a commotion at My Big Love Convenience Store. So I went outside to see..
Then one of the neighbors informed me that someone killed Sam Pascual. I went back to
Manny’s apartment and informed him of the incident.

Q: Was Manny still with you?

A: Yes.

Q: What time did Manny wake up?

A: Around 10-11am.

DEFENSE: No further questions you honor.

Cross Examination of Jinky Mina by Atty. Cristina Guzman
Q: Ms. Mina, you stated in your statement that you asked Mr. Vargas to return the pair of
white slippers to Ms. Rivera.
A: Yes, ma’am.

Q: Do you recall the accused actually returning the slippers to Ms. Rivera?
A: No, ma’am.

Q: You stated in your testimony that you spent the night with Manny in his house.
A: Yes, ma’am.

Q: You slept beside him?

A: Yes, sir.

Q: Who fell asleep first?

DEFENSE: Objection, Your Honor.

A: I don’t remember.

Q: Is it possible that you fell asleep ahead of Manny?

A: Yes, ma’am.

Q: And is it possible that Manny could have left the house while you were asleep?
A: Yes, ma’am

Q: Ms Mina, would you lie for Manny?

DEFENSE: Objection, Your Honor. The counsel is harassing the witrness.

* Mina cries (magdala ng eyemo)

PROSECUTION: Withdrawn. Let it be put on record that the witness is crying.

Q: Are you familiar with the My Big Love convenient store?

A: Yes, ma’am.

Q: How near is Manny’s house from the convenient store?

A: Two houses away.

Q: Since you claim to be familiar with the My Big Love convenient store, how long
would it take by foot to get to the store from Manny’s house.
A: About 2-3 minutes, ma’am.

Q: So given the said distance, you think it is possible for Manny to be at the scene of the
crime at about 10-11pm, the time of the death of the victim.

DEFENSE: Objection, Your Honor. Question is misleading.

PROSECUTION: Your honor, we are trying to establish the distance of the house of the
accused with the house of the victim and that it is possible for the accused to go to the
house of the victim in a short period of time and commit the crime.

COURT: Overruled.

A: Yes, sir.

PROSECUTION: That’s all your Honor.

COURT: Sustained.

Q: So given the said distance, you think it is possible for a person under the same
circumstances to be at the scene of the crime at about 10-11pm, the time of the death of
the victim
A: Yes, ma’am.

PROSECUTION: That’s all your Honor. No further cross examination, your Honor.

DEFENSE: No re-direct, your Honor.

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