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PE 2


Prepared by: Alexandra O. Bigno

Harold L. Alemaida

Physical Education is one of the fundamental subjects since Elementary. The content of
this subject is not just for sports but also it gives you some information on how to become a
healthy person and how important this subject. And somehow it gives you some knowledge on
how to have a healthy lifestyle in order to have a longer life.

While watching this video on YouTube, you might think that the rules are very strict like
for instance. When you didn’t attend class consecutive of 3 times you would be dropped. But it is
very reasonable since the rule also states that when you have a valid reason then it’s fine. Plus,
the book entitled Recreation games and Sports. Give us the over view of what this course is about,
it also shows us how important being physically active. The book would also serve us as a primary
source of information the deemed us to be confident and ready when taking this course or

Overall, I’m so very excited to study and to collaborate with this course. As what Mr.
Bernaldez discuss from the start to end, I got some information about the overview of this
courses and that was so exciting.

Name: Edzel F. Galvez

After viewing the video created by Dr. Carlou G. Bernaldez, director of physical education,
through the links provided, my impression is that it is really informative and exciting. I’m really
impressed after watching it because of all the fascinating and entertaining activities he discusses. I
really can’t wait to participate doing those activities. I came up with the idea that if we have a face-
to-face class this school year, I think it will be a lot of fun to play it with our classmates; hence, we
will not only have fun but also develop a stronger and better relationship. It is my best experience
in PE since it is my first in these activities. Knowing all of the events covered, I was taken aback.
Such events include wedding ceremonies, as well as art activities and other activities. Thinking
about those activities inspires me, and I can’t wait to participate; it may be difficult, but it is still
fun. Indeed, it was a very interesting video to watch and I learned a lot from it. It will enhance my
knowledge about those different activities.
Trono, Clark M. BSECE-I
PE 2

This is my opinion in the video that I watched earlier that talk about the curriculum of PE 2
in the title Recreation, Games and Sports. The Recreation, Games, and Sports, are the topics that
we will discuss and perform as we are begun our journey here at PE 2. Recreation, this topic is all
about enjoying things why we perform the task or activity given to us, for example, are candle
melting, puso weaving, paper weaving, and DIY facemask making. Games, this topic is about
games in the past or cultural games, games that are adopted during the colonization of the other
country, and games that are popular with the whole world. Some examples are cultural games in
the Philippines, example are piko, tumbang preso, patintero, luksong baka, palusibo, holen at
takyan. The card, dice, and mahjong are games that are adopted by the Philippines from the other
country. Sports this is the last topic for PE 2 that talks about Olympic and other tournaments of
sports. In this topic, we will know different kinds of sports like volleyball, basketball, and soccer.
Each sport will be discussing its rules how they play and how enjoyable it is. PE 2 is all about
moving our bodies and enjoying the activity that is given to us. It’s all about interaction with the
things that make us enjoy and also give benefits to our physical, emotional, and social health.

Jerome Rey B. Generoso

Section H
An overview of this chapter takes a look at sports and recreational activities that are used
in physical education. This includes basic information on skills that are necessary, rules of the
game, and definitions of applicable terms.
This program produced well-rounded individuals through regularized activity,
sportsmanship, positive social interaction, and ethical conduct. The self-realization of the
participants, with a strong emphasis on health and fitness, is integral to this mission. Dr. Carlou
provide a variety of opportunities appealing to a wide range of student interests and abilities
Physical activity is an integral part of the development of the well-rounded individual. The
Norsunian faculty and staffs strive to create an environment that fosters the development of self-
realization and a positive self-image among their students. Four terms of physical education are
required for graduation. It is strongly recommended that students complete this requirement by the
end of our freshies year. Through the four-credit requirement at NORSU, Professors encourage
students to make regular activity part of our lives.
The recreation program promotes and encourages us students, faculty, and staff to maintain
a balanced, healthy lifestyle. One goal of the program is to maintain stimulating, challenging, and
inviting programming. Recreational and leisure activities focus on integrating mind and body
through positive traditional and non-traditional recreational activities.
Kyle Andrew P. Maghilum BS in Mechanical Engineering
PE 2

From watching the video played, I learned that PE 2 is about recreations like arts
and crafts, games, and sports like basketball. PE 2 focuses on camaraderie, cooperation, and
honesty between fellow students. The PE 2 as he said emphasizes about recreation, games, and
sports unlike PE 1 which is all about the physical fitness and well being of a person. He also
said that PE 2 demonstrates recreation as a discipline which includes arts and crafts, pyramid
building, tableau. Team sports are also added in the course which is to highlight the importance
of sports not just for formal discipline like arts but also for recreational activities. For the course
for this subject, it is required for the student to wear the prescribe PE uniform, have a regular
attendance, and also notify your PE instructor if you can’t attend virtual meetings and explain
your reason on why you didn’t attend the meeting. There are also other requirements needed in
order to pass the subject like quizzes, projects, attendance, etc. The contents inside this subject
said by the speaker includes the 1st part which is recreation. The lessons in this part is art
activities like weaving, pyramid building like the 1-man pyramid, and tableau which is people
who imitate occasions or activities like wedding ceremony. The 2nd part of the course in the
subject is games which has lessons that include games from around the world like the coconut
shell relay, wild and wacky games like wheelbarrow and balloon race, and Philippine
Traditional Games like patintero . The 3rd part of the subject has lessons that include volleyball,
basketball, and soccer. Overall the video was great because it is detailed and there are also
pictures which help the viewers to better understand the video.
Alec Martin J. Dayot

"My Impression about the Course"

In my opinion, the video presents the different topics or lessons that will soon be
discussed and within lessons are activities and exercises that will help students like me know
the importance of teamwork, camaraderie and sportsmanship though these recreational games.
And I think that it is important for us students to learn these kinds of lessons in PE 2, lessons
like the recreation, pyramid building, traditional games and other sports that are fun and
exciting to do. I'm impressed by the several sports and activities that we would go through as
shown in the video. Especially the traditional games of Philippine culture, I know some of the
games and even played since U was a child, and knowing that we would do those fun stuff
makes me hype and excited. And as I go through the video, it shows the objectives of the
lesson and how we should conduct ourselves as students. It is important that there is an
objective in the lessons, because it makes things more fulfilling and challenging. To set a goal
for myself that would align to the lessons to be discussed according to the video. Honestly
speaking, I'm excited to do the fun games and sports that are portrayed in the video even
though it's hard to successfully do those things because of the recent pandemic. Still I hope
that we go through all these lessons, discuss about them, and share our thoughts about the
lessons. So for my overall impression, I'm excited and hype to do these lessons and activities
that will be done in the course, that is all and thank you.
Marvin Hendrick Cirunay
BS Mechanical Engineering
PE 2 Men Section H 5:00- 6:00

Impression about the Course

The video shared on the Facebook group page is about the course outline of the subject
Physical Education 2 in the NORSU Department. What immediately comes to my mind when
I hear about the course Physical Education is the activities that require moderate to extreme
bodily movements and strength. But as I watched the video, the course offers more than what I
expected. I was taken by surprise that PE 2 will also include recreational games and will be
discussing various arts and leisure activities of different regions.

The YouTube video by Dr. Carlou Bernaldez presented very detailed and precise
information. Dr. Bernaldez presented the topics in a brief and concise manner. The video
clearly presented all the main topics and sub-topics that will be covered for the entire
semester. It also stated the reason why Physical Education must be taken up as a subject in the
NORSU Department as well as the requirement in order to proceed to PE 2. It has a visual aid
that presented the sample outputs that we may be doing in the future. As a freshman, I found
the video very helpful in giving me an overview of Physical Education 2. I am also grateful
for this video because it makes it easier to understand topics that I already heard of. While
watching the video, it makes me look forward to all the activities that we might be performing
for this subject.

Overall, the video is very helpful especially for students like us who are new to the
curriculum. It serves as our guide for the subject and gives us an idea of what to expect. In my
opinion, the video was well made and very informative and it is so much easy to understand.
As a student taking up this subject, I am looking forward to learning and performing the
lessons that will be tackled in the near future.
Fidel Isidro P. Acabal BSME - I PE – II

From what is seen in the video just now. I have learned what I am got to learn in PE 2 in
my days in schooling here NORSU. I am got to learn a lot that will be inclined in physical
activities. but mainly it will be in the form of arts and crafts and sports. I will get to learn all
different styles of sports and games and any form of physical activity. Now, in lesson one or part
1 of the lessons. I'm expecting a lot of recreational games from our locality or games that are
common to us in the wider area. But in the 1st intervention which is ceramic, it is making a
pinch pot so I am excited to do this because I can become creative again through this activity.
and all other inventions that will be interesting to do and I'll be able to learn. In lesson 2 in
which is called pyramid building is to what I call brain games to which I have to use my brain
for the interventions I have to do or hypothetically since it is an online class to which it will
make a little difficulty to all. but overall, I think the lesson 2 is connected to all of the cheer
dance practices and cheer dance competitions I've been through all my life. in lesson 3 is about
tableau in which I think it is to be about reimagining what happened to a certain event. and from
what i saw it is just like that, I have to or I have to imitate certain events of my life or any event
that will happen in the future. Overall, this PE2 will be just like any party games in events like
birthdays or reunions but we will get to learn a lot rather than just have fun from everything

In this time where the world is facing trying times, we never had the chance to do our
thing, to do what we want to do and in making ourselves happy to something that gives us
enjoyment including our studies particularly in doing physical activities.
The video that I have watched was made by our own NORSU Physical Education dean,
Dr. Carlou Bernaldez. It somehow gave me interest on what Dr. Bernaldez said and this gives me
an assurance that I will learn a lot of things, that I will pass this second semester. He gave the
details clearly and accurately so that the students may able to learn easier. He talked about the
needed requirements in the subject, about the lessons to take. He also tackled the different games
that could give enjoyment to the students. With these things, we, students of NORSU will have a
great and more exciting experiences in doing the activities amid this pandemic we are facing.
I am hoping that we will have a great time in everything we do and may God bless us all.
Thank you.
Marc Antonet Y. Solis BSME So what I have learned is, that MoreMany people do not
understand the importance of physical fitness and maintaining good health, therefore they
ignore physical fitness and activities which then could lead to life threatening conditions such
as heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, and many more. By enduring daily physical
activities, you are not only improving the state and condition of your body, but your state of
mind as well. This can benefit your mental state of mind by improving your confidence, and
make you feel overall better about yourself and your looks. There are four primary components
of fitness, cardio-respiratory capacity, muscular capacity, flexibility, and body
compositionmoreMany people do not understand the importance of physical fitness and
maintaining good health, therefore they ignore physical fitness and activities which then could
lead to life threatening conditions such as heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, and
many more. By enduring daily physical activities, you are not only improving the state and
condition of your body, but your state of mind as well. This can benefit your mental state of
mind by improving your confidence, and make you feel overall better about yourself and your
looks. There are four primary components of fitness, cardiorespiratory capacity, muscular
capacity, flexibility, and body composition. Physical fitness can benefit you in many different
ways such as reduce the risk of heart disease, obesity, osteoporosis, stroke, and high blood
pressure, etc. Maintaining a physically fit body will overall make you stronger, and live a
healthy lifestyle. Being physically fit will improve the performance of all the muscles in your
body including your heart, and helps with, balance, power, speed, coordination, and many
more aspects.

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