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Claire Ann V.

Valencia BS Pharmacy - I

Section P

In the video, Dr. Carlou Bernaldez gave a few pointers or overview of the

lessons that we will be tackling in the Physical Education 2 subject which

focuses on recreation, games and sports. Dr. Bernaldez stated on the video

that the said activities that we’ll be conducting will promote camaraderie, cooperation, team spirit and
honesty. Through the lessons that will be

tackled in this subject, it will help us students in nurturing our social, physical and mental health as well
as showcase our talents, and develop

good character towards dealing with activities that requires teamwork.

In addition, the PE 2 curriculum included games from around the world

as well as the Philippine traditional games which is really great because it

promotes understanding of other nations’ culture and recreational events

and also showcasing our very own traditional games so that it will not be

forgotten and will still be passed on to the new generations to come.

Jonafe A. Juntilla 04/14/2021

BS Pharmacy – 1

st Year PE 2 – P (WOMEN)



My impression about this course titled "Recreation, Games, and Sports" that was stated by
Dr. Carlou G. Bernaldez, is that it includes activities that relax, refresh, and rejuvenate us, as a

result of doing this activity, this course is a positive aspect of each individual's own life and can

be enjoyed by everyone and it is a great activity that leads to opportunities to enhance learning and

living a stable and fruitful life. This course will assist individuals in improving their physical well-

being by maintaining a normal body mass index, increasing muscular strength, flexibility,

muscular endurance, body composition, and cardiovascular endurance, overall, it improves our

stamina and energy levels. It can help not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally, by

offering a chance to nurture oneself and provide a sense of balance, discipline and self-esteem,

which can effectively eliminate anxiety and depression, as well as an increased in motivation and

improve mood swings. This course also teaches students about the various types of games that

each places in the world may have to offer and it also includes arts and craft to showcase our ability

in creativity, for us to enjoy and have fun. Overall, Recreation, Games, and Sports can be said to

aid in the physical, mental, and emotional development of students but it also helps us to develop

and build important life skills, such as creativity, leadership, camaraderie, and sportsmanship, in

students who participate in this activity. Hopefully this course will help me gain confidence in

myself, to learn new knowledge, and improves my wellbeing for me to continue my daily life activities.

Gargar, Rizza Mae G. 

PE 2 Sec. AF 


 My Impression on PE 2 Recreation, Games, and Sports 

 Today’s world, we are currently facing the biggest defiance and it is the pandemic where  it
does not only affect our way of living and health but especially our education. Despite of  it,
Dr. Carlou G. Bernaldez, University Director for Physical Education, made a great work in 
administering and directing the Physical Education 2 which is Recreation, Games, and  Sports.
It has been said in her video that a student who take PE 2 with 36 no. of hours and 2  units to be
completed is presumed to have taken PE 1 which is a pre-requisite course and  for me, a
systematic way of approach is very important in learning to be able to achieve a  specific goal
or objective. In my past learning for PE 1, I gained a lot of knowledge and skills  of the
different topics given and it also helps me in enhancing my strength and weaknesses.  

 The contents of the course includes recreation, games, and sports which is very  important
because it improves one’s knowledge, skills, interest, and artistry by undergoing  the said
topics. Aside from that, it has been mentioned in Dr. Carlou’s video that a student  must
comply the requirements of the course by the prescribed PE uniform, attendance, 
quizzes, different kinds of intervention activities and long examinations and as student is it  a
must to comply all the requirements of the course for it shows one’s responsibilities as a 
student. This course does not only meet the satisfaction for recreation but also for one’s 
craftsmanship and self-discipline in every intervention to successfully be molded and be
knowledgeable on it.  

 The course outline was clearly made and it's applicable in our life especially in these  trying
times for it does not only enhance one’s skills and knowledge but also to our mental  health.
The course was systematically planned and directed for it meets the demands in the  future
which improves and helps in building one’s well-being. Aside from attaining the  optimum
state of well-being, it also enhances our social skills and collaboration to different  people by
the selected topics of Recreation, Games, and Sports. All in the entire course of PE  2 was
comprehensively done. 



The sequence of the contents inside the video was properly organized for its purpose to

let the viewers, mainly students and teachers, know what the course Physical Education 2 is

about. The description of the course was discussed thoroughly, so as its objectives. Dr.

Bernaldez’s voice and intonation was clear that everything they discussed was easy to follow and
understand. Each part of the course and its lessons are divided accordingly. Interventions of each

lesson are also picked precisely where students can learn or enhance a new skill they can get

from every intervention. Overall, the video was discussed clearly and very informative.

Kenvy Chanel M. Tatoy 

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology 

My impression about the video I have watched which is about

Physical  Education 2 is fun and exciting. We all know that PE is
fun because we  use our body and energy to have some fun with
people around you not  only to have some fun but this can make
you physically fit of course. In  this subject there are a lot of
physical activities to do. It is applied to all  
students that need to cooperate in this subject. It demonstrates 
recreation as a discipline such as the activities that we do like
games  and sports. Team sports is not just a formal discipline but
as a  recreational activity as well. Value education is important
and thus  applied to all subjects or course. Of course when having
this subject we  should understand and appreciate the value of
the other members  through cooperation and teamwork as well.
We should actually  perform or demonstrate each of the activities
that would be given to  have more experience. But when you want
a complete and have more  experience that can create more skill
is when performing these  activities is that we should wear our PE
uniforms. We have a lot to  comply when passing this subject.
The subject is about Recreation,  games and sports. Recreation
comes in many forms which are  structured in the most natural
manner through the interests of the  individual engaging in such
and that are also shaped by the social  assembly and
composition. Games that are particularly classified as  indoor and
outdoor recreational pastime activities that are loved not  only by
children but by adults as well. Sports, the last activity that 
discussed is all forms of competitive physical activity which
through  casual or organized participation, aim to use, improves
physical ability  and provide entertainment to the participants. I
realized that after  watching the video it make me feel excited
about all the activities that  is on the lesson PE 2 Recreational,
game and sports.

Adalid , Jonesa A.



Pressure is always present in whatever range of ages you might be. It could be pressure from work ,

from school or anywhere. Stress could be an effect to this kind of pressure and all of us deserve to take a

break from these to cope up with stress. Coping up with stress could improve our performances in work

and school.

Recreational activities help us with handling the pressure properly . Recreational activities include

hobbies and activities that could enhance an individual physically , emotionally and mentally . It is very

much recommended even to people who always have long hours to work because there are various

activities that ranges from light to extreme.

My impression about the video is doing recreational activities does a very good improvement in an

individual more than anyone could expect. Those activities will be a way to reset your mind , meditate

and also improve your skills. This subject (P.E 2) will make you more relaxed , more creative and more


NAME: Dinalyn B. Ratificar 

SCHEDULE: T-TH 8:30- 9:30 AM SECTION: Y______  

Despite of the new normal way of learning, I believe it won't hinder the students to learn
as I can  see how resilient, productive and initiative the Physical Education Department
of NORSU lead by  the ever passionate and dedicated Dr. Carlou Gana-an Bernaldez.
Since the 2nd semester begins,  P.E 2 (Recreation, Games and Sports) subject was
introduced through a informative video by our  very own Dr. Carlou. It was almost a
15minutes overview of what to expect in this subject.  Starting from the course
Description of Recreational, Games and Sports. Dr. Carlou shortly gives  the significant
of this subject in one's improvement along forming a good connection and  cooperation
with one another. The next thing is the course objective and requirements, surely it  is
important for us student to have a clear understanding of our responsibility as enrolled
to this  subject to have a good disposition with our respected instructor.  

University emphasized excellence, globally competitive and quality education. This

three are  integral for students to possess the basic knowledge and skills that will
assure their proficiency  in the field of life and professionalism. A quotation says, "The
schools that continue to lead the  way are the ones that can effectively negotiate
between the top-down realities that exist and the  real world skills that students will need
to thrive in college, the workforce and beyond." I believe,  Physical Education is not
limited to basic exchanging of knowledge, it allow students to have fun  and indulge
while learning. Every one of us have pre-given talents and skills, thus it also meditate  to
nurture and strengthen students through experience. The lesson in P.E 2 certainly
would teach  some essential skills that could be in use for us in the future. Dr. Carlou
render to us the contents  of our lesson throughout the semester from recreation,
games to sports. It was discussed simply  yet it hook my interests in this subject for it
does not purely all about a read and do thing, it will  be interesting and enjoyable in the
process as we harness our inner creativity. The subject also  included the different
sports and games all over the world which promote diversity and exchange  of culture. I
was also amazed with the learning module Dr. Carlou made for it highlights our very 
own sports and game. There's no greater citizen than the patriot one. I am thankful to
the P.E  department of NORSU especially to Dr. Carlou. The overview video of what the
subject is all about  is important for us to have a sight of the path and desired goal in
P.E 2 throughout the semester.

Name: Abueva, Isah F.

Section & Schedule: TTH 8:30-9:30am (Y)
Recreation, games and sports are crucial part of a student's growth and
development. It helps in the development of mental health and physical
fitness of the body. Through participation, student gains various skills and
experience that are helpful for developing their personality. Learning in a
healthy competitive environment. 
It is so impressive to have a subject like this, because it helps us students
to keep engaged and actively participate in outdoor and indoor activities.
Not just academically but also enable us to develop and improve ourselves
in making some crafts and experience games that are famous in our
country. Physical Education probably one of the most important subjects on
the curriculum in the twenty first century.
Eventhough we are in the midst of pandemic. We are hopeful that we will
still be able to perform and participate to improve our capabilities with
regards to this course/subject because the things that are being discussed
by Mr. Bernaldez were so interesting.

Name: Jonalin S. Bendejo             Course: PE2-Recreaational, Games and Sports

College: College of Architecture and Engineering, BSEE       SEC: X MWF 7-

The Negros Oriental State University, Director of Physical Education
Department Dr. Carlou G. Bernaldez give the student an overview and focus about
the subject/course which is the Physical education 2 which focuses on recreation,
gaes, and sports. With his determination and compassion in reaching the students
hands, his able to make a great presentation for his students. To let them better
understand the subject on what is this all about, what is the importance of physical
education in our life as a student and on how it helps us in terms of discipline.  
With Dr.Bernaldez good communication skills he briefly explains and
discuss on how the students could pass this subject and on what will be the lessons
that should be tackled and the activities that will be given to the students through
the synchronous online flatforms. Dr. Bernaldez presentation is a great help for the
students for them to be prepared in class. In making this video it proves that Dr.
Bernaldez is indeed a great director and a professor who is very devoted in his
work. In my own point of view, the purpose of the video is for the students to
assess themselves, to work hard and to do their best even if we are in this kind of
situation where we are only in synchronous online classes. To prove that even in
this trying times, Negros Oriental State University still provide a Quality
Education for the better future of each and every deserving students of Negros
Oriental State University.

Justine D. Molas PE 2 (Women) – Section X BS Geology – 1 year  st

My Impression about the Video Talking about the Course/Subject 

The video is all about PE 2, Recreation, Games and Sports. The Director of
Physical  Education, Dr. Carlou G. Bernaldez, who is also the one talking in the video
discussed about the  value of recreation, games and sports. I love it when the director
said that recreation, games  and sports bring significant focus on camaraderie or
friendship, cooperation and honesty. In  this, it made me realize that as I was growing
up playing with these activities mentioned, it did  not only bring me entertainment, but I
also did gain relationships with others. For example, in a  Patintero, for me that time, it
was just one of the many games I played with my classmates or  neighbors. But after
knowing the overall course of this subject, I realized I was really creating  relationship
with my playmates and since we were in groups, we tried our best to win, and that  is
I am glad that Director Carlou was able to deliver the course overview in a well
organized manner to us students. Seeing the topics made me excited of what will
happen in  taking this subject. Since I was an athlete before and a certified street
game kid, I enjoy doing  these activities. I am glad that the PE Department of NORSU
has agreed to let the students  experience these activities for it is always a good thing
to be able to exercise our bodies and  become physically fit and healthy. Recreation,
games and sports lets an individual to discover  their potentialities, and even though
you are exercising in this way, most likely you won’t feel  tired because it entertains

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