Worksheet On Generation of Computer (Class - 5)

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Q1. Tick ( ) the correct option

a) The early man used _____________________ for counting

(i) Tress (ii) Stones

(iii) Sheep (iv) Lines

b) Pascaline was developed by _____________________________ .

(i) Charges Babbage (ii) Von Leibniz

(iii) Blaise Pascal (iv) Hohn P Eckert

c) Charles Babbage is known as the ____________________ of computer

(i) King (ii) Queen

(iii) Grandfather (iv) Father

d) Abacus is made of heaven and ______________________.

(i) Earth (ii) Moon

(iii) Hell (iv) Stars

e) In ENIC E stands for

(i) Early (ii) Electric

(iii) Electronic (iv) Exact

Q2. Write true or false

I. Early computers were not what they look like today. ___________________
II. Abacus was on electric device _________________
III. Pascaline could solve all complex mathematical problems too. _____________________
IV. Charles Babbage could not finish work on his machine in his lifetime ______________
V. Artificial intelligence is the main characteristics of Fourth Generation of computer
ssQ3. Name the following

a. 2000 Years ago this country developed Abacus _________________________

b. The very first adding machine was built in 1642___________________________

c. This was the name given by Gottfried Wilhelm Von Leibnitz to his machine

d. An automatic mechanical calculator developed by Charles Babbage which could do complex


e. We are now this generation of computers

Q4. Underline the error in each statement and write the correct word in the blank

I. Pascaline was the first electronic computer ________________________________

II. Fourth generation computers were made up of vacuum tubes ____________________

III. Micro processor was developed in third generation of computer _________________

IV. Computers have been divided into four generation ________________________

V. In fist generation computers, programming was done in assembly language


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