K L University I / Iv B.Tech. Degree Examinations - May 2016 Multivariate Calculus

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03-05-2016 15 MT 1203

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 50
Answer all questions sequentially (Internal choice for each Question)

CO: 1 COI: BTL: 1,2 Marks : 10

, f  x, y, z   xyz , x  t 2 , y  2t , z  e t .
1. (a) Determine dt where
2 2 2
1. (b) Apply Taylor’s series expansion method, expand (1+ x + y ) in the
neighborhood of (1, 0). 4M

1. (c) Determine the points on the surface z 2=xy +1 nearest to the origin. 4M

2. (a) Given that z  3 x y , Determine the rate of change of z when x is 3 units and y is
2 5

2 units when x is decreasing at 5 units/s and y is increasing at 2.5 units/s. 2M

f  x, y   sin xy
2. (b) Obtain the Taylors series expansion for the function in powers of
( x−1 ) and ( y +2 ) . 4M
2. (c) The Cobb-Douglas production function for a software manufacturer is given by
100x3/4 y1/4 , where x represents the units of labor (at Rs.150 per unit) and
y represents the units of capital (at Rs.250 per unit). The total cost of labor and
capital is limited to Rs.50,000. Determine the maximum production level for this
manufacturer. 4M

CO: 2 COI: BTL: 1,2 Marks : 10

r  a  1  sin   .
3. (a) Determine the area of the cardyiod

  a  x 2  y 2  dx dy,

3. (b) Use polar coordinates to evaluate the integral R where R is

the region x  y  a .
2 2 2
3. (c) Determine the volume of the solid region bounded by the paraboloid
z  4  x 2  2 y 2 and the xy  plane. 4M
4. (a) Determine the area of the region R is given by
R :   x, y  : x  y  4, x  y  25 .
2 2 2 2


4. (b) Compute the volume of the region in  bounded by the paraboloid z  x  y ,

2 2

the cylinder x  y  9 and the plane z  0.

2 2

03-05-2016 15 MT 1203
2 2
x y
+ =1
4. (c) Determine the moment of inertia of an octant of the ellipsoid a2 b2 about
the x-axis. 4M
(Turn Over)

CO: 3 COI: BTL: 1,2 Marks : 10

5. (a) The surface of a mountain is modeled the equation by
2 2
h ( x , y ) =5000−0.001 x −0.004 y A mountain climber is at the point
( 500 , 300 , 43900 ) . In what direction should the climber move in order to ascend at
the greatest rate? 2M
5. (b) Evaluate ∬ F . nds where F  12 x yi  3 yzj  2 z k and S is the portion of the

plane x + y + z = 1 included in the first octant. 4M

∬ F .ndA
5. (c) Evaluate the surface integral S , for F=[x3-y3, y3-z3, z3-x3] , S is the
surface of x  y  z  25, z  0 .
2 2 2
F =[ x , y , z ] , at the point ( 1 ,−1,1 ) .
6. (a) Determine curl ⃗ 2M

6. (b) Evaluate ∬ 4 xzi− y 2 j+ yz k ds where S is the surface of the cube bounded by

the region x = 0, x = 1, y = 0, y = 1, z = 0 and z = 1. 4M
6. (c) Calculate this line integral by Stokes’s theorem for the given F = [ey,0,ex] and C is
the triangle with vertices (0,0,0),(1,0,0) and (1,1,0). 4M
CO: 4 COI: 1,2 BTL: 1,2 Marks : 20

7. (a) Obtain the partial differential equation of all spheres whose centre lie on the z 
axis. 8M
7. (b) A homogeneous rod of conducting material of length 100cm as its ends kept at
x 0≤ x≤50
zero temperature and the temperature initially is
u( x ,0 )= {100−x 50≤x≤100
. Determine the temperature u(x, t) at any time t. 12M

8. (a) Apply Lagrange’s method, solve the linear partial differential equation
 x 2  yz  p   y 2  zx  q  z 2  xy.
u  x, y 
8. (b) Apply Finite difference method for the Given the values of on the
u  x, y 
boundary of the square in the Fig. and evaluate the function satisfying the
Laplace equation ∇ u=0 at the pivotal points of this figure. 12M
03-05-2016 15 MT 1203


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