The Theory and Study On Cactus: Conceptual

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The theory and study on cactus

Cactus is one of the living things on earth that helps the environment from absorbing the
carbon dioxide and releases oxygen. It has the capability to store a large amount of
water, conserving water from its roots, leaves and stems. Also, cactus can survive two
entire year without water that the human cannot do. Besides, they have a thick, fatty,
waxy outer layer that prevents the water loss in the high heat and its spines help to
collect water during the trapping fog, the occasional dessert rainstorm and dew in their
specialized grooves. (Science Made Fun, 2020)
Moreover, (Science Made Fun, 2020) added that the cacti are a great food because it is
full of vitamins and nutrients and are a food staple in Latin America. It is found that the
cactus leaf is good for the human since it has a lower cholesterol, decrease blood sugar
levels, fight diabetes, improve digestion and reduce inflammation. In addition, Cactus
leaves are high in phenolics and flavonoids, these compounds are high in antioxidants
that fight cellular damage from cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
Cactus Survival
Written by: Science Made Fun! on May 26, 2020 @ 6:00 am

According to the Concrete Unicorn (2018), Cacti are great plants to have around for
calmness, relaxation and intensive healing issues. It helps to keep the fresh air and
removes toxins from the environment. Also, they absorb respiratory waste which the
carbon dioxide and covert into plant carbohydrates to build strong bodies that in turn
create pure, clean, life-empowering oxygen for us to breathe. 
4 Health Benefits of Having Succulents & Cacti In Your Home by Concrete unicorn
February 28, 2018

Importance of Durability
According to the Excelsior (2017) on their blog, “No matter the product in question,
durability is always a key concern.” They said that durability has a wide reaching set of
implication because it not just offer a practical advantages but it provides the economic
and environmental benefits. Also, they explain that the less durable product, the more it
become prone to frequent breakages which mean that it is need to repair and makes to
it more costly. As an example, the Excelsior gave an example such as building a log
house that entails cutting a trees to get a log. In order to be sustainable, the structure
must last for at least as long as it takes those trees to regrow. This is can be applicable
on a wider scale too, and this sustainability is one of the reasons why it is better to
make a high-quality products with an excellent degree of durability.
Why Is Product Durability Important?
EXCELSIOR, August 22, 2017

Importance of physical environment in hospitals

According to the report of Sara Heath (2016), third component to AHA’s patient
satisfaction approach is the place or the physical environment of a hospital. Making a
comfortable place for patients to get well again has a big impact in ensuring that they
will leave the hospital with a positive outlook. Noise levels, patient and pain
management, and environmental factors effects the facilitating communication. Also,
limits of the communication, hard time of getting sleep or being not comfortable is the
result of noisy environment. Moreover, in the report of Heath (2016), the AHA conclude
that to help improve patient satisfaction, hospital and health system leaders should
ensure they are taking a holistic, team approach that utilizes their organization’s
available resources—including the health care physical environment and the
professionals who manage those spaces. The organization added that by considering
the people, processes and places that affect the patient experience, health care leaders
can help their organizations meet important patient satisfaction goals.
How Hospital Environments Affect Patient Satisfaction Levels
By Sara Heath
April 01, 2016
LEED designs and criteria for hospitals
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design is an assessment tool developed and
administered by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), it’s become a common
benchmark for sustainability in North America. Also, LEED includes design guidelines,
accreditation of design professionals and education program.
Project owners or designers evaluate the building design and performance in six
categories. First, sustainable sites has 1 prerequisite and 14 possible points. Next is
water efficiency has a 5 possible points. Third is energy and atmosphere with a 3
prerequisites and 17 possible points. Fourth, materials and resources with 1
prerequisite and 13 possible points. Fifth, indoor environmental quality has prerequisites
and 15 possible points and lastly is the innovation in design with 5 possible points.
Principal Jane Wigle says that there’s a lot of design features that contribute to
sustainable design that are also the ones recommended for reducing stress levels and
improving patient health. The LEED process allows people to get an appropriate credit
for design and building health care facilities with a co-ordinated approach to
Hospitals taking the LEED

Cost effective and innovative material such as cactus extract aside from the
concrete and steels.
As time goes by, the technology has been developed as well as the construction
industry and focuses on improving the materials that will be beneficial to the
environment. Also, the development focuses on cost-effective material by using various
alternative building materials that will result an eco-friendly and a sustainable product.
According to the  WBDG Cost-Effective Committee (2020), “A building design is
deemed to be cost-effective if it results in benefits equal to those of alternative designs
and has a lower whole life cost, or total cost of ownership.” Cost effective contained the
life span of the material, and how does it help to sustain a good product. WBDG Cost-
Effective Committee (2020) added that the on-going operations and maintenance, initial
design and construction cost, disposal cost or salvage value, parts replacement and of
course the useful life of the system or building are the components of the whole life
cost. The federal government has numerous mandates that define program objectives
with the expectation that they be achieved cost-effectively. The challenge is usually the
way to find out the true costs and the true benefits of alternative decisions.
 WBDG Cost-Effective Committee

Related studies
Study of cactus
Mucilage of Opuntia genus has been used in the restoration of historical
buildings as an admixture that prevents moisture transport to the interior of lime
mortars. When the Portland cement is mixed with cactus mucilage, the plasticity and
resistance of it are also increased owing to the complex formation with Ca(OH)2. It has
been shown to increase the setting times as well as decrease the hydration rate
of cement-based materials in the hardened state. (P.F. de J. Cano-Barrita, F.M. León-
Martínez, 2016)
Biopolymers with viscosity-enhancing properties for concrete (title)
P.F. de J. Cano-Barrita, F.M. León-Martínez, in Biopolymers and Biotech Admixtures for
Eco-Efficient Construction Materials, 2016
In the Experimental Study of Opuntia Ficus Indica as Natural Polymer on Mechanical
Properties of Concrete of P.Divakar, S.Saravanakumar, A.S.Ramanan (2017), the result
of the study concluded that Cactus extract can be used as a replacement for water. It is
found that 5% to 20% replacement of water by Cactus extract give maximum result in
strength and durability aspects than the conventional concrete. It is show that the result
in compressive strength has 5.48% increased while compared to conventional concrete.
Meanwhile, the result in Tensile strength shows that the replacement of 5% to 20% of
fine aggregate by Cactus extract has 7.68% increased while compared to conventional
concrete. On the other hand, The result in Flexural strength shows that the replacement
of 5% to 20% of fine aggregate by Cactus extract has 4.4% increased while compared
to conventional concrete and the result in Young’s modulus shows that the replacement
of 5% to 20% of fine aggregate by Cactus extract has 5.8% increased while compared
to conventional concrete.
Experimental Study of Opuntia Ficus Indica as Natural Polymer on Mechanical
Properties of Concrete P.Divakar, S.Saravanakumar, A.S.Ramanan, 2017
Due to its ability to reduce water penetration and cracking, nopal cactus mucilage has
been used in the production of lime mortars for centuries to restore and protect
buildings. Also, it used in the production of mortar and hydraulic concrete because it is
found that nopal cactus mucilage can extend setting times, decrease water absorption,
and increase compressive strength. Moreover, previous studies have found that nopal
cactus mucilage acts as a viscosity modifying agent in cement paste, increasing self-
consolidating concrete’s resistance to segregation, besides increasing compressive
strength and reducing capillary water absorption. (S. Ramírez-Arellanes, P. F. de J.
Cano-Barrita,, 2012)
S. Ramírez-Arellanes(*), P. F. de J. Cano-Barrita(*), F. Julián-Caballero(*), C. Gómez-
Materiales de Construcción Vol. 62, 307, 327-341, julio-septiembre 2012
Concrete durability properties and microstructural analysis of cement pastes with nopal
cactus mucilage as a natural additive

Importance of durability
Durability plays an important role in the modern building design. It provides structural
support for more stability and counter deterioration attacks. As mentioned by Nireki,
(1996), durability refer to the decay, deterioration over a period of time and to the ability
that withstand damage. The choices made during the design period of a project greatly
influence the overall durability of the structure. The lack of durable design may lead to
the structures losing performance to an extent where the structural integrity is no longer
satisfied and may also lead to the fatal accidents. Identifying the right individual that has
the potential in the decision-making process and the different factors that affect the
structure’s performance and overall cost is key in achieving durable design. (Dana
Saba, 2011)
It is important not only to define durability, but also to know the specific terms related
with a durable design. Durability is broken down into two categories: technical durability
and functional durability. This is obtained from three terms related to with the lifespan 21
of the structure: technical service life, design working life and functional working life. As
mentioned earlier, a structure is designed to serve its purpose for a specified lifespan,
which in this case is referred to the “design working life”. The time period the structure’s
performance meets the design requirements for its intended use taking into account
foreseen maintenance procedures refers to the technical service life while time period in
which the structure meets its users’ new requirements refers to the functional working
life. (Blok et al., 2003)
Investigating the Durability of Structures
by Dana Saba Bachelor of Engineering, McGill University, Montréal, 2011

Importance of physical environment in hospitals

Physical environment is very important because it gives positive outlook to the patience
and to the medical workers. The study of Kras (2011), contains the statement of Harris
et al., (2002) in Dijkstra, (2009) says that the physical healthcare environment is
comprised of ambient, architectural and interior design features. Lighting, noise levels,
odors and temperature are the example of ambient features. Architectural features are
the relatively permanent aspects of the physical healthcare environment, like the spatial
layout of the hospital, size and shape of the rooms and the placement of windows.
Meanwhile, the interior design features can be defined as less permanent aspects of the
healthcare environment such as furnishings, colors, interior plants and artwork.
Graduation report Master Real Estate and Housing Isabelle Kras | October 2011
In the study of S.A. Tabish (2011), physical environment shows evidence that affects
the physiology, psychology, and social behaviors of those who experience it. The
objective of the design process is to make a healing environment – the result of design
that produces measurable improvements within the physical or psychological states of
patients, staff, physicians, and visitors. These elements, such as materials and finishes
that can reduce noise levels, minimize glare, and support infection control; floor plans,
equipment and other feature like human engineering principles that may contribute to
develop and enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of patient care and minimize
workplace injury; stress-reducing furnishings and decoration, incorporating natural light
and views of nature; and thoughtful provision for the creature comforts of patients,
families, and staff are included on healing environment. It is added that design of
Optimal ICU can help to reduce medical errors, improve patient outcomes, reduce
length of stay, and increase social support for patients, and can play a role in reducing

The Physical Environment in the Hospital

 January 2011

 In book: Planning, Organisation & Management of Hospitals & Nursing Homes

 Edition: First (Reprint)
 Chapter: The Physical Environment in a Hospital
 Publisher: JayPee Brothers Medical Publishers
 Editors: Dr. S. A. Tabish


S A Tabish

LEED designs and criteria for hospitals

Based on the study EREN ULUSOY (2012) that contains the previous study of Buffaloe
(2009), LEED promotes a whole-building approach to sustainability by recognizing
performance in five key areas of human and health: Sustainable site development,
Water savings, Energy efficiency, Material selection and Indoor environmental quality.
USGBC (2011) said that LEED-certified buildings have to have low operating costs,
produce less waste material, conserve energy and water, provide a healthier
environment for people and have less gas emissions.
There are four types of certification depending on the scores that the structure gets out
of 100 which is the maximum score. The maximum points called Platinum, the second
highest is a Silver, the third is Gold and the minimum points will be certified. The
hospitals are going to be compared based in their certification level, too. (Buffaloe,
Moreover, the literature review related with the thesis research of Ulusoy (2012)
documented past studies that the LEED-certified hospitals performed better than regular
(non-LEED) hospitals regarding patient satisfaction and financial indicators. Thus,
LEED-certified hospitals have significantly higher ratings and recommendation levels
compared to the regular hospitals.

Cost effective and innovative material such as cactus extract aside from the
concrete and steels.
Cost-effective and innovative material has a big impact on the environment. It lessen
the bad toxic and gives a better products using the recyclable material or other various
alternative material that is an eco-friendly. With the help of cactus as an innovative
material, it could change the construction and become an alternative treatment to
construction and environmental problems. As studied by F. Ben Rebah and S.M.
Siddeeg (2017), cactus, a succulent plant offers various options for the treatment of
wastewater. It may offer may offer enzymatic system useful for the transformation of
toxic textile dyes. With the use of various cactus preparations the results obtained in the
depollution of wastewaters shows very high and promising pollutant removal efficiency.
Generally, it reduced significantly many wastewater parameters like turbidity, COD,
heavy metal, conductivity, salinity, etc. Moreover, cactus may be a useful material for
wastewater treatment in a region where the cactus it available due to having a lot of
accessibility criteria such as composition, properties, abundant, non-toxic, etc.
Cactus an eco-friendly material for wastewater treatment: A review
Faouzi Ben Rebah and Saif Eldin Siddeeg (January 2017)

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