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Areas of Consideration/ Analysis or SWOT Analysis


o The organization's advantages o There is room for improvement.

o The company's activities are o Falcon Computer should avoid the
superior to those of competitors. following activities.
o The company has unique o Activities that can be used to
resources and low-cost resources. determine your market
o The company's strength, according vulnerability.
to the market, is its activities and o Factors that may have a negative
resources. impact on sales
o The company's unique selling o Competitor activities that could be
proposition construed as a flaw.


o There are several excellent o Obstacles are preventing the

chances that can be identified.
company from growing.
o Industry trends are fascinating. o Competitors' activities
o Quality criteria for products and
o Opportunities for Falcon Computer
can be found in places like:
o Changes in technology pose a
 Technology and market strategies
are evolving.
o Financial and cash flow issues
 Changes in government policy
o Weaknesses that put the company
affecting the company's industry
in jeopardy
 Changes in social and lifestyle
 Local gatherings.
VI. Alternative Courses of Action

These are the possible solutions to the problem with corresponding advantages and

1. Managers establish and instill the culture that they believe is best appropriate for their
Advantages - They failed to recognize that any formulation isn't a guarantee of success.
It must be implemented as part of a larger strategy.

Disadvantage - The conversation over the establishment of falcon values takes longer.
They didn't really believe in the significance of the values outlined in the document.

2. To confirm the company's genuine state, all of the company's personnel should be

Advantages – They failed to identify that any sort of formulation is not the entire success
of it. It needs to be put into practice with a greater strategy.

Disadvantages - It take more time the discussion about the creation of falcon values.
They didn't actually believe in the importance of the values that were stated in the

3. Make a proper decentralized communication with their employees from top

management instead of eliminating massive number of jobs.

Advantage- By implementing decentralize communication, skilled employees can share

their thoughts and ideas, it’s not a bad idea to give opportunity for those who have skills
and experience. It may broaden the new idea, way of thinking and imaginary ability of
the company

Disadvantages - If this happens, there will be a big change and everyone must adjust to
it and adapt to the change of plans.

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