OB Application Questions Unit I

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Unit I - Application oriented questions

1. The global recession has brought to the forefront the challenges of

working with and managing people in uncertain times’. Explain the
challenges and opportunities that managers have in applying OB
concepts at the workplace.

2. Mr Rao runs a fast food chain in Bangalore. What do you think will be
an important characteristic of the job of his fast food counter workers
who face and serve customers? And why is that a challenge for OB?

3. Why do you think HR Managers are writing and distributing code of

ethics in their organizations? Give an example of violation of ethical
code of conduct.

4. The Indian banking sector is under pressure due to mounting NPAs and
declining customer service particularly with the PSU banks. By
applying your knowledge of the various OB concepts suggest measures
to rectify the situation. Justify your answer with banking sector specific

5. How can diversity be effectively managed? Offer suggestions at both the

individual and organizational levels.

6. The global recession has brought to the forefront the challenges of

working with and managing people in uncertain times’. Discuss the
challenges and opportunities that managers have in applying OB
concepts at the workplace.

7. Assess the impact of technology as a determinant of group behavior and

performance. What action might be taken by management to help
remove some of the alienating aspects of technology?

8. What are the critical issues & challenges faced by HR Manager in the IT
sector today which are compelling them to use OB Concepts?
9. As a manager of in charge of diversity management in an MNC
company, how would you promote diversity in your organization?

10. Should employee “blow the whistle” if they want to uncover illegal
activities in their company? Discuss this ethical dilemma.

11. Positive organization scholars are asking what were their “personal best”
in order to understand and exploit best strength, identify the things at
which you are exceptionally good about your behavior. Also discuss the
limitations of your behavior.

12. Employees attitude and behavior is directly proportional to customer

satisfaction, illustrate the different attitude and behavior desired by
customer from employees?

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