Leadership: Assalamualaikum WR - WB

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Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Good morning the honourable judges and all of audience. Thanks to Allah SWT for the
blessing and guidance for us so we can gathered here. My name is Humaira ADIBA I. I want to
speech about leadership

What is leadership?

The leaders are people they do the right thing and manage people who do things right. The
leader help themselves and other do the right things. They set direction build,inspiring vision
and create something new.

How to be a good leader?

We should be fair and shouldn’t discriminate a group another. The good leader are those who
have vision having such as trustworthy,respect,fair,caring,humble,citizenship and have a good
moral. Well, the most important characteristic for a leader to posses is honesty.Because, if
someone can’t show others that they are trustworthy in both word and actions, they will not
have followers. People are deeply gratefull when leader show them that they care and deserve

The key to succesfull leadership is influence,not authority beacause a good objective of

leadership is to help those who are doing poorly to do well and to help those who are doing
well to do even better.

That’s all my speech, I hope it can be usefull for us. Thank you for your attention. I’m sorry for
any word unpleasing

Wassalamualikum wr.wb

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