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I’m fascinated by the workings of the human body and in awe at how so many

different cells and body systems can come together to work seamlessly in perfect
biochemical harmony. I always look forward to our science laboratory practical
lessons as they stimulate my passion further in these subjects.

During my years at high school I have been incredibly passionate about sports. I
have been on the school football and netball teams for 5 years; attending
numerous tournaments and competing all over England. Participating in sports
has increased my communication skills, leadership skills and demonstrates my
ability to work in a team with individuals from diverse backgrounds. I also took
part in a culture day held at the school. This was a day where different cultures
came together to learn about each other. The day truly was an unforgettable
experience as it allowed me to learn about diverse backgrounds and their ways
of doing things. In year 10, i joined a club called Amnesty International. This
club draws attention to human rights abuses and campaigns for compliance
with international laws and standards. Being a part of this group allowed me to
expand my knowledge further on human rights

I would like to study A level mathematics, chemistry and biology at Runshaw

college as I have thoroughly enjoyed studying these subjects in school and
given that Runshaw college has fantastic sports facilities and new science
laboratories, I feel I can fulfil my potential and give myself the best foundation
to move on to university.

I chose to do my work experience during Year 10 in a nursery. I thoroughly enjoy

working with younger kids and this experience further developed my confidence
and leadership skills tremendously; it also taught me about the importance of
being patient and tolerant when dealing with children and adults alike.

Outside of school, I engage in voluntary work and enjoy participating in

fundraisers to help raise money for some of the most poverty-stricken people in
the world. I am currently studying in the fourth year of a five-year Islamic Scholar
course which has enabled me to become a more confident and independent
person and has given me immense confidence to speak in front of a large
audience - which definitely helped me get a distinction in the English-Speaking
Oral test in Year 10. My time management skills have also improved considerably
as I constantly juggle school with my extra-curricular studies.
In my spare time, I enjoy spending time on social media, playing sports,
cooking and travelling. On my travels to Europe and India, I have really enjoyed
conversing with the locals and am always enthralled to experience different
cultures and meeting new people.

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