Delhi Mumbai Lucknow Null Hypothesis Mean (Delhi Mean (Mumbai) Mean (Lucknow)

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delhi mumbai lucknow Null hypothesis Mean(Delhi Mean(Mumbai)= Mean(Lucknow)

10 55 63 Alternate hypothesis At least one mean differ from other mean

20 44 23
52 22 13
48 33 43
47 11 53
55 66 93
26 99 83
32 88 73
25 77 58
89 14 42 Anova: Single Factor
56 27 45
45 23 63 SUMMARY
Groups Count Sum Average
delhi 12 505 42.08333
mumbai 12 559 46.58333
lucknow 12 652 54.33333

Source of Variation SS df MS
Between Groups 921.5 2 460.75
Within Groups 20684.5 33 626.803

Total 21606 35

p is
since we reject the null hypthesis that means one of the mean is differ from other
by analysing the discriptive statical result we can say that mean of all group differ f
we can in the table that mean of delhi is lowest that is 44.18 and mean of lucknow
this result employs that
we can say that lucknow consumes largest non veg tools in comparision to others


F P-value F crit
0.735079 0.487153 3.284918

mean is differ from other

at mean of all group differ from each other
4.18 and mean of lucknow is highest that is 88.27

s in comparision to others

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