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Please keep in mind that (1) Any omitted days are rest days,
(2) We offer substitutions upon request for any exercise
requiring equipment that you don't have access to (via our
members-only Facebook group). (3) We have suggested rest
days, as you can see, but the program is a “move at your own
pace” style, so if you need to take longer to finish a week of
training or if you need to move rest days around, that is totally

Let us know if you need anything else or have any other

questions! If you're ready to sign up just head to

Day 1
Wide-Grip Band Resisted Body Rows
3 sets x 3 reps

Medium-Grip Band Resisted Body Rows

3 sets x 3 reps HYBRID GYMNASTICS

Chin Up-Grip Band Resisted Body Rows

3 sets x 3 reps

Strict Weighted Pull Ups

4 sets x 6 reps 15%

Rope Chin Up Holds

5 sets x 20 reps

Band Resisted Scapular Retractions

3 sets x 40 reps

8 min AMRAP - Core

1 sets x reps
8 min AMRAP of 10 Hollow Rocks,
10 Arch Body Rocks,
10 Truck Crunch,
5 Side Rocks Left,
5 Side Rocks Right.

Day 2 Day 3
Pause Ring Dips Band Resisted Protractions
10 sets x 3 reps 3 sets x 20 reps
With a 0.05’s pause at the
bottom of each rep. Scale with Handstand Holds - Pike
feet on a box. Position
15 sets x 1 reps
Jump to Support - Russian Dip 15 sets of 1 min holds.
5 sets x5+5 reps Handstand Holds with feet on
Jump to Support and lower a box in the pike position.
smoothly down to Russian
Dips. Seated Leg Pike & Straddle
Ring Push 4 sets x 10+10 reps
3 sets x 15 reps 4x10 Pike, 4x 10 Straddle
Focus on turn out. Scale down
to knees. Overhead Barbell Sit Ups
5 set x 10 reps
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Increase weight if possible but
Press keep it light
1 sets x 8 reps
Work up to a heavy set of 8
reps, not max.

Day 5
Ring Strength Circuit
4 sets x reps
4 sets of the following: 5 Banded Inlocates, 10 Banded Muscle
Ups, 10 Banded Crosspulls, 10 Banded Front Pulls, 10 Banded
Reverse Pulls.

Strict Muscle Ups

8 sets x 3 reps
Scale down to jolly jumpers.

Box Support Cross Holds

6 sets x reps
6 sets of 0:10’s Box Supported Cross Holds.

Inverted Cross Dumbbell Flyes

4 sets x 10 reps

Chest Supported Barbell Sweeps - Straight Arms

4 sets x 8 reps

Russian Leg Lifts

5 sets x 10 reps


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