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Name: Lê Vũ Trúc Phương

Student ID: 2185495

Vietnam Hofstede's Five Dimensions of National Culture

As a collectivist country, Vietnam possesses 5 cultural aspects as follows:
 Power distance

Vietnam is a country where authoritarianism still exists. This influence affects many
aspects of life such as education, society and work. Vietnamese people from ancient
times to now have always followed the way of thinking about class, upholding those
in power. The employees always have to follow the boss, the lowly people in society
always have to be afraid of those in power, the students always have to obey the
teacher. This is a situation that still exists in the society that Vietnam is suffering
 Individualism

As an Asian country, Vietnam always carries with it the collective appreciation right
from its birth. The collective spirit has existed from deep in the Vietnamese society,
specifically the family consisting of many generations such as father, mother, uncle,
aunt, etc. For society, the spirit " individuals make a collective" is very important
because this is the responsibility of each person when standing in front of a large
group. Therefore, the spirit of individualism in Vietnam in the past was still low and
not focused.
However, in recent years, when society is increasingly developing and introducing
modern thinking, Vietnamese people are increasingly focusing on each individual and
gradually promoting themselves.

 Uncertainty avoidance
Vietnam is a fairly conservative country in all respects. Learning and importing new
things always takes time and persuasion to be achieved. This shows that this is a
country that is still quite shy and always avoids risks, not ready for other new things.
However, as a developing country, Vietnam is also gradually changing old concepts
and opening up to new and modern thinking streams while always being ready for all
 Masculine

Once a country heavily influenced by the stereotype of "respecting men and

disrespecting women", Vietnam has been and is still being negatively affected by this
issue. In Vietnam, men always dominate most of the power from society to family.
Women always suffer from mental and physical disadvantages in all areas.
 Long-term orientation

This is an aspect that most countries around the world are aiming for. Most people in
society are living and working with the goal of serving their own future. They strive to
work, earn and save with the sole purpose of reaping certain rewards in their own
future. According to the Vietnamese concept, the ultimate goal of every human being
in life is to have property for their children and grandchildren, etc.

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