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Real ielts exams

Writing task 1- 2021

Test 1

Overall, the average content of these two components of air pollution
in Mexico City is much higher than in the other three cities
The given vertical bar chart illustrate the lowest and highest levels of
Sulphur dioxide and Dinitrous oxide, measured in micrograms per
cubic metre, in four cities, namely Los Angeles, Calcutta, Beijing and
Mexico in 2000
Mexico City’s peak maxium dinitrous oxide level in 207, which is
twice as high as the level in Los Angeles and four time higher than
the levels in Calcutta and Beijing. Similarly, the minimum dinitrous
oxide level of 113 in Mexico City was 8 times higher than Beijing,
which was the city with the lowest minimum dinitrous oxide level,
while its N20 level was 3 and 4 times higher than those of Los
Angeles and Calcutta
The level of Sulphur dioxide in the air of Los Angeles has the lowest
average high and lows by a significant amount, peak Sulphur dioxide
levels in Los Angeles in 2000 were onlt 10, which was 6 times lower
than the Calcutta.At the other end of the scale, peak S02 levels in
Beijing were 100, while in Mexico city they were at 200. Los Angeles
also had lowest minimum Sulphur dioxide at just 2, making it 40
times lower than Mexico City’s minimum Sulphur dioxide.
Interestingly, Beijing’s minimum S02 was 25, which was only half of
Cacutta’s minimum S02 which was not far below its peak
Test 2:

Overall, it can be seen that among the three coubtries, Country D had
the highest percentage of young people enrolled in higher education
over a periof of years. Futhermore, in all the countries except Country
B, enrollment of youth has increasd over a decade.
The vertical bar chart compares the proportion of youngsters in higher
than education in four different nations between 2000 and 2010
The most significant growth in youth enrollment in tertiary education
was observed in Countries A and D. in 2000, about 38% of young
people from country A went to university, up from 62% in 2010.
Similarly, country D also saw a significant increase in the proportion
of young people enrolled in tertiary education, with numbers rising
from 64% in 2000 to 80% in 2010.
In Country C, saw modest growth, with the proportion of youth
enrolles in university increasing by 6% to reach 52% IN A DECADE.
Unlike countries A, C and D, the percentage of youth enrolled in
tertiary education in Coutry B fluctuated from 46% to 41% untill
2005, but then rose slightly to 43% in 2010

Test 3:
Overall, it can be seen that the maximum workers worked 36-40
hours, but in France, the maximum workers worked 326-40 hours, but
in France, the maximum worker worked 31-35 hours per week.
France was a nation where the people worked for the least hours,
whereas the Swedish people spent the the most time on work among
the people from four different countries.
the given column graphs illustrate the number of hours worked per
week by industrial workers in France, Denmark, Sweden and the
United Kingdom in 2002.

In Denmark, Sweden, and the United kingdom witnessed the highest

proportion of workers worked for 36-40 hours, with fifures 70,80, and
50 respectively, while in the case of France, the proportion was 35%.
In contrast, the majority in France at 50% worked for 31-35 hour. The
figures for those working 3135 hours stoof at 22%, 35% and 10% in
Denmark, Sweden, and the United Kingdom respectively
The percentage of employees working less than 30 hours as a
minority in almost all countries, with only 10-15% of employees
working this number of hours in all countries. The percentage of
people working more than 40 hours was also very low, and in all
countries, the figure was 10-25%

Test 4:
Overall, the category of spending on health that all nations spent most
on was total spending, which was two times higher than on the other
types of spending. The lowest spending could be seen in the category
of private spending in all five countries.The outlay of USA was
generally higher than the other four countries
The given table illustrates the proportion of spending on health in
Japan , Italy, France, Germany and USA in three categories in 2002
Interms of toral spending, USA spent the most at 14.3. The
expenditure of Germany was also high 11.4% compared to Japan
which spent at least 7.2%. France and Italy spent 9.3% and 7.7
respectively. On the other hand, the expenditure was on public
spending which accounted for under 9% in all nations. Germany spent
most on public spending approximately 8.6% of their national
expenditure which is around double that of Italy 5.3%
A quick glance to the remaining information, Private spending was
the third category of expenditure on health sector were between 6.3%
in Germany and 1.4% in Italy. The nation spending in this area for the
remaining countries average around 2.3%
Test 5:

Overall, it can be seen that math graduates outdid graduates in general
both for average salary and full time employment. Also, while the
proportion securing fulltime employment remained relatively stable,
the salaries rose with time for both maths and all graduates.
The given line and table graph compares the proportion of full time
employement average yearly salary statistics for maths and all
Australian universiry graduated from 2004 to 2012
It is worth consideration that, in 2004 approximately 625 of all
graduates got time employment. In the next three years both the
statistics increased slightly near about and in 2012, figure stood at
nearly the same valaue as in 2004
A quick glance to the remaining information, in 2004 the average
yearly salary for all graduates was about $41000 and the figure was
the same for maths graduates as well. Next 8 years, the salary went up
for both, but salaries rose more for maths graduates as compared to
the figures for general salaries for graduates. Finally, in last year,
math graduates secured a yearly pay for $56000

Test 6

Overall, while the main road, as well as river stoke, remained the
same, the agricultural land was replaced by large-scale residential

Q. The maps beneath show the town of Stokeford in 2000 and 2020.
Sum up the data by choosing and covering the primary capacities and
make correlations where suitable.

The maps depict the transformation of structural development in the

town called Stokeford somewhere in the range of 2000 and 2020.

A fast look at the maps shows that in 2000 Stokeford Village had less
houses and expanded ranches however later quick lodging
improvement. Stokeford Village, as observed, located east of the
Stoke River. Corresponding to this stream, the fundamental street has
connected with a bridge to the farthest north-east of the town in the
two maps. In 1930, the town had a couple of houses on either
roadside, two shops toward the west of the street and a post office.
What's more, toward the east of this town was an elementary school, a
huge garden, and a connection between the road and bridge. Two
huge farmland were very noticeable in the underlying guide which
later vanished.

In 2020, the map shows that the post office, extension, and grade
school stayed immaculate, in any case, the school building was
extended. The shops vanished and understanding was made with a
considerable lot of its trees to make all the more lodging offices in the
garden. The bigger house was transformed into a retirement home
with some extension in its structure. In addition, there was a
noteworthy increment in the number of houses, and these houses were
based on previous fields and gardens.

Test 7

: Q. The table beneath shows the level of people specialists in various

kinds of enterprises in 1990, 2000, and 2010. Sum up the data by
choosing and writing about the primary capacities and make
correlations where fitting.

Overall, it can be seen that the manufacturing sector had the
maximum ratio of male employment. However, the tourism sector had
the highest proportion of female employment. In the given period of
two decades the percentage of women employment continuously rose.

The given tabular chart compares the proportion of both genders

employed in retail, health, manufacturing, and tourism from 1990 to

It is worth considering that, the proportion of employees in the

manufacturing sector fell among both the genders 30% for men and
7% for women were employed in manufacturing in 1990, but in 2010,
the percentage reached the figures were 10% for men and 3% for
women. In the retail sector, the proportion of male employees
remained stable at 13% over the two decades. While the ratio of
female employees rose from 7% to 9% during the given period of

In the tourism sector, the proportion fell for male employees from
13% to 10% in the given period of years. Whereas the ratio of female
employees rose from just under a quarter in 1990 and just over a
quarter in
2010. The percentage of male employees in health sector stood at 7%
in 1990, while the figure for female employees was 9%. In 2010,
both the genders witnessed an increase was noticed 9% and 15%
Test 8:

Overall, the range of film-watching individuals expanded, although

general annual visits decreased over the years.
Q. The chart below shows the film's participation in Australia and
also shows the typical film trips of different age groups from 1996 to
2000. Take a look at the data and select and announce key highlights,
where important.

The given table outlines the population limits of movie watching and
the general annual travel of all age celebrations, while the line chart
analyzes the film's visits from 1996 to 2000 by diverse age group in

The level of Australians who watched more than 62% of films in

1996. This limit increased to 72% by 1997, although remained
constant until 2000 thereafter. Annual visits in 1996 stood at 10.3. By
1997, normal visits were unfavorable to 0.8. In the following three
years, film tours declined and later by 2000, normal visits recurred.
In 1996, the volume of film visits for festivals of all ages is 10 and 15
years old. Aggregation of the more experienced age (50+) is not a
somewhat under-age film. All people followed the same pattern
during the period from 19 to 2000, 10 to 23 years, and 10 to 23 years.

Test 9

Sample: Q. The outline below shows the way towards reuse of paper.
Include data and perform an examination, where appropriate, by
selecting and providing details about primary capabilities.

The paper used represents the outline in the direction of reuse. The
steps associated with the reuse process begin with an assortment of
used paper and cease with reused paper.

At the principal stage together, the used paper is stored at a collecting

point and dropped into a tank containing water and synthetic
concoctions with the help of a transport line. The barrel is
subsequently mashed open. This process separates the debris from the
mash, discharging them inside the barrel.

This is followed by the cleaning platform, in which a squeezed mash

is washed into the compartment with water and a cleanser. The air is
additionally passed into the holder with the help of a vacuum
mechanism, which joins the compartment. In this cleaning step the
ink is additionally emptied. In the final stage, the spotless mash
without ink is transported with water in a hot roller. In this manner,
the last reused paper roll is acquired.

Overall, it is seen that the pre-owned paper experiences four theory

steps. The process begins with the creation of the mash and ends with
the clean mash trick for manufacturing the reused paper.
Test 10
Overall, it is clear that detached houses were the most popular type of
house at the time. However, sooner or later, the number of blocks will
depend on the number of houses of different types.
Q. The chart below shows the number of homes built in a specific part
of the UK and also shows expectations for 2020. Summarize the data
by selecting and providing details of primary capacities and inspect if

The line chart shows the number of sites, terraced houses, detached
houses and semi-detached houses that have operated in the UK since
2010, and also gives the expected numbers for 2020.

In 2010, about 2,200 withdrawn houses were produced, while the

figures for semi-detached houses and terraced houses remained at
2000 and 1600 separately. The number of developed sites was
significantly less - 1000. Over the next four years, the number of
houses and sites increased and reached 2800 and 2000 individually,
while the number of semi-detached houses and terraced houses fell
and remained at 1800 and 1400 individually.

The current scheme has been applied to yards, semi-detached houses

and terraced houses to date. However, the number of isolated homes
has varied and is currently around 2,400. According to various
estimates, the number of disconnected and terraced homes is expected
to decline and remain at 2,200 and 1,000 separately in 2020.

Test 11

Overall, the manufacture of polystyrene cups is naturally agreed upon,

in light of the fact that it costs less vitality and is not disturbed by any
wood, while one thousand cups would require strength and oil unlike
polystyrene cups is.
. The table below shows the property used to make one thousand
disposable cups from various materials, polystyrene and paper.
Summarize the data by selecting a description of the key features and
checking if available.

The layered structured presentation looks at the number of different

components required to make 1,000 polystyrene and paper cups.

To make 1000 cups of polystyrene, you will need 8 kg of oil and 13

kg of different synthetics. A large amount of steam is required, which
is 10 times the number of different synthetic compounds. This process
is quite gentle, with only 0.06 m3 of water and 6 kW of electricity.

It may be that, over time, during construction paper cups, the use of
water and electricity increased wildly (0.85 m3 and 12 kW separately)
compared to polystyrene cups. Also more oil is required, which
establishes 18 kg. Steam in irrelevant aggregates is required when
contrasted with that required in polystyrene cups. The measurement
of various synthetic compounds required in polystyrene cups is not as
much as required.

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