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Frequently Asked Questions

2020 Year-End Performance Appraisal FAQs

1. Q: Who are included in the 2020 Year-End Performance Appraisal (PA)?

A: All hires on or before March 31, 2020 are included in the 2020 Year-End PA. New hires from April 1,
2020 onwards are excluded since they have already been assessed through our regularization process.

2. Q: What are the steps for our Year-End PA and the corresponding deadlines?

A: We accomplish the Performance Review Form via SuccessFactors. Here is the process:

1. Self-Assessment: Employee evaluates his/her own performance vis-à-vis the defined goals.

2. Manager Assessment: Calibrating with other managers and key stakeholders offline about your
performance, the immediate superior reviews your self-assessment and provides rating.

3. Calibration: The second-level manager evaluates and gives his/her rating.

4. 1:1 Meeting: This should now be done offline where Manager discussed to his/her staff their
performance review and give the final rating.

5. Employee Acknowledgment: Employee electronically signs his/her performance rating via


3. Q: Can I proceed with my 2020 Year-End PA without any goals encoded in my 2020 goal
plan in SuccessFactors (SF)?

A: No. A set of goals is a pre-requisite for you to move to the next part of the process, which is the year-
end PA. Your 2020 goals is the basis of your assessment. Therefore, if you still do not have 2020 goals
encoded in the system with a total weight of 100%, please input it already prior the deadline set.

4. Q: Where can I access the PA form?

A: Log on to your SucessFactors account. Once the homepage appears, click on the dropdown menu,
and then select “PERFORMANCE.” Finally, click on the form titled “2020 Annual Performance Review
Form for [Your Name]”.
5. Q: I moved roles in 2020, and consequently, had multiple immediate superiors. Who
should accomplish my 2020 Year-End PA?

A: For employees who transferred/ changed Department / Company during the performance review
period, the sending and receiving immediate superior should discuss and agree on the performance
rating. The rating given by the Superior where the employee has stayed for the most of the performance
period will carry more weight.

Your current immediate superior by year-end is the one who will officially accomplish your PA. The
immediate superior may need to calibrate and align offline with your previous immediate superior,
especially on the specific goals pertaining to your previous role within 2020. However, the current
immediate superior is still the one who is accountable to submit your PA.

6. Q: My immediate superior resigned in 2020, and I was assigned to another immediate

superior in the remaining months of 2020. How will my 2020 Year-End PA be accomplished
by my current immediate superior?

A: Your current immediate superior by year-end is the one who will officially accomplish your PA. The
immediate superior may calibrate and align offline with the 2nd level manager and other key stakeholders
whom you had interaction with during the year. If still possible, your current immediate superior can also
opt to talk to your previous (resigned) immediate superior to gather inputs.

7. Q: What is the link of SuccessFactors?

A: The SF link is also found in the Go!

Portal homepage.

12. Q: I forgot my SAP SF password. How should I reset it?

A: Please click the “?” icon beside the enter password field. You will receive an email containing your new
password within 2 minutes.

13. Q: To whom should I email if I have additional clarifications, or if I need to correct my

immediate superior tagging in the system?

Please contact your HR Partners:

CCD – Patis Cardenas (

IID –  Trina Mendiola (
OBD – Maegan Chiong (
RD – Cecile Nieva (
RHR – Annalyn Yap (
RHomes – Richard Bautista (

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