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You’ll be surprise what you’ll trade when you’re tired


Maybe God brings you back to Bethel to remind you of the things you accomplish
that defy your educational background or your pedigree and all that things
you’re told or trained to do or to remember all the ways that you even
surprise yourself.

And when he is need of a greater faith, God takes him back to the place of his
greatest fear

Jacob was not in bethel feeling goosebumps, singing praises, Jacob is in

bethel wondering, “will I make it”.

I want you to go to the place where your most afraid

The pressure and the problems that’s been put in you can keep you from
remembering what’s in you

Be careful, not to let anyone put anything on you that gets you to forget
what’s in you

In doing what we can do , other people identify you as what you can do and
then they will limit you with what you can do and then you will begin to think
that you are what you do and then you will lose yourself and gain the world
and Jesus said, “What good is it?”

It’s in you

Jacob has already made peace w/ Esau

Jacob has to make peace with Jacob

So much on you, shame, regrets, questions, anxiousness

You forget what’s in you and how God met you in your Bethels along the way

There’s kings in you, there’s crowns in you, there’s legacy in you, there’s
dreams in you, there’s ministry in you, theirs medicine in your leaves.

Between the last time and this time that you are here, the difference is that
you are not alone anymore.

You are not of this world

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