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Advanced Weightlifting and Sport Performance Course

(Must Be Current Sports Performance or Club Coach to Register)

The Advanced Sports Performance Coach Course is the second course in the Coaching Education Program.

This course is applicable for those coaches seeking advanced knowledge to better themselves and their

athletes. It is a requirement for weightlifting coaches seeking to attain the National Coach Rating.

All individuals who successfully complete the course requirements will receive the USA Weightlifting

Advanced Sports Performance Coach Certificate. Advanced Sports Performance Coaches that successfully

complete the background check and Athlete Performance requirements will receive the USA Weightlifting

National Coach Rating.

The scope and sequence of this course is to provide formal instruction in the areas of:

 Advanced Strength and Power Principles

 Advanced Biomechanical Principles of Weightlifting

 Advanced Program Design Application

 Anatomy, Physiology and Kinesiology as it relates to Weightlifting

 Application of Long Term Athletic Development for Weightlifters

 Coaching Principles

 National and International Competition Preparation

 Nutrition; Daily Regime and Phases

 Skill Acquisition of Athletes

 Sports Psychology for Weightlifting

Course Expected Outcomes

Upon successfully completing this course, class participants will know the fundamental
elements of sound weightlifting technique and how to:

1. List the six (6) primary functions of an effective coach as established by the International
Council of Coaching Excellence.
2. List and Describe the 4 qualities of a respected coach
3. Explain the 4 “C’s” of effective coaching
4. Draw, Label and Explain the Athlete Quadrant of Skill Acquisition
5. Describe the following factors that influence quality coaching.
a. Visual Guidance
b. Verbal Directions
c. Manual and Mechanical Guidance
d. Knowledge of Results
e. Self-efficacy
f. Speed and Positioning
6. List Two benefits of the Progressive Part Whole Method of teaching as it applies to Skill
7. Identify and explain the 3, known, Energy Systems
8. Identify the energy system that is most effective in training weightlifters and give an
example as to how to properly implement this energy system into an athlete’s training
9. Give an example of each type of body lever and how they apply to weightlifting
10. Explain the joint actions, proximal to distal of the hips, knees, ankles and shoulders as it
relates to the pulling actions of a snatch or clean.
11. Develop a personal philosophy towards the use of OTC supplements by their athletes.
12. List the focus of each of 6 phases of athlete nutrition through youth development.
13. The importance of hydration as it relates to athletic performance
14. Explain the ADM concept of “Play, Love, Excel”
15. Explain the concept of “Early Participation, but Late Specialization”
16. Identify the four areas of the American Developmental Model for Weightlifting
(Fundamental, Training, Development, Performance) and explain, in detail, the focus of
those areas.)
17. Explain the body’s “power zone” and how it applies to the Clean
18. Understand the concept of acceleration and speed as it applies to weightlifting
19. Describe how a coach may develop “explosive-reactive” power in an athlete
20. Explain the relationship between the Theoretical Model of Acceptable Technical and the
practical application of acceptable technique
21. The 3 basic areas of weightlifting technique
22. Explain how barbell trajectory indicates the quality of weightlifting technique
23. Explain the factors that influence a proficient and effective “pull” under the barbell
24. Identify and explain when a specific Assistance Exercise should be applied and the key
points for performing the exercise correctly
25. Identify 6 common faults,
26. Select a fault and then describe the possible cause and list the exercises and coaching
points that will bring about the desired correction
27. Explain the value of “venue appraisal” and areas that need to be identified
28. Understand the procedures for making application to national competition
29. Understand how weigh-ins are conducted and the items that are addressed at that time
30. Successfully complete a warm-up sheet for an athlete to use in a competition
31. List and Explain the 5 qualities of an Advanced Training Program
32. Be able to explain the rationale behind exercise selection
33. Explain the concept of Supercompensation training and the rationale to implement it.
34. Explain the relationships between Optimal Experience, Optimal Development and
Optimal Performance
35. Explain the importance of Goal setting and the three types of Goals
36. List the areas of S.M.A.R.T.S. Goals

Day 1 Begin End Topic Time Chapter
8:00 AM 8:15 AM Introduction & Administrative Details 0:15
8:15 AM 9:00 AM Principles of Coaching 0:45 1
9:00 AM 9:45 AM Skill Acquisition 0:45 2
9:45 AM 10:30 AM Biomechanics 0:45 4
10:30 AM 11:15 AM Anatomy, Physiology 0:45 3
11:15 AM 12:00 PM Nutrition & Daily Regimen 0:45 5
12:00 PM 1:00 PM Lunch 1:00
1:00 PM 2:00 PM Teaching Weightlifting Technique 1:00 8
2:00 PM 2:30 PM Assistant Exercises: Lecture 0:30 9
2:30 PM 3:30 PM Assistant Exercises: Practical 1:00
3:30 PM 4:30 PM Program Design 1:00 12
4:30 PM 5:15 PM Psychology and Weightlifting 0:45 13

Day 2 8:00 AM 8:45 AM The American Developmental Model 0:45 6

8:45 AM 9:30 AM Strength and Power Principals 0:45 7
9:30 AM 10:15 AM Competition Preparation 0:45 11
10:15 AM 11:00 AM Faults and Corrections 0:45 10
11:00 AM 12:15 PM Mock Meet 1:15
12:15 PM 12:45 PM Exam Preparation 0:30
12:45 PM 1:30 PM Lunch 0:45
1:30 PM 3:00 PM Exam 1:30

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