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Carbon footprint: current methods of

Divya Pandey

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment

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A comprehensive review of carbon foot print analysis as an ext ended environment al indicat or…
graziella benedet t o

Cmt -C-foot print -defn-LW-2011

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Scope-based carbon foot print analysis of U.S. resident ial and commercial buildings
Nuri Cihat Onat
Environ Monit Assess
DOI 10.1007/s10661-010-1678-y

Carbon footprint: current methods of estimation

Divya Pandey · Madhoolika Agrawal ·
Jai Shanker Pandey

Received: 7 April 2010 / Accepted: 23 August 2010

© Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010

Abstract Increasing greenhouse gaseous concen- used in footprint calculations, although there is
tration in the atmosphere is perturbing the en- no mandatory provision of footprint verification.
vironment to cause grievous global warming and Carbon footprinting is intended to be a tool to
associated consequences. Following the rule that guide the relevant emission cuts and verifications,
only measurable is manageable, mensuration of its standardization at international level are there-
greenhouse gas intensiveness of different prod- fore necessary. Present review describes the pre-
ucts, bodies, and processes is going on worldwide, vailing carbon footprinting methods and raises the
expressed as their carbon footprints. The method- related issues.
ologies for carbon footprint calculations are still
evolving and it is emerging as an important tool Keywords Carbon footprint · Direct emissions ·
for greenhouse gas management. The concept of Embodied emissions · Greenhouse gases
carbon footprinting has permeated and is being
commercialized in all the areas of life and econ-
omy, but there is little coherence in definitions
and calculations of carbon footprints among the Introduction
studies. There are disagreements in the selection
of gases, and the order of emissions to be covered The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
in footprint calculations. Standards of green- (IPCC) in its fourth assessment report has
house gas accounting are the common resources strongly recommended to limit the increase in
global temperature below 2◦ C as compared to pre-
industrial level (i.e., measured from 1750) to avoid
serious ecological and economic threats. A rise in
temperature by 0.74◦ C has already been recorded
D. Pandey · M. Agrawal (B) and hence climate scientists are focusing on an
Laboratory of Air Pollution and Global Climate
urgent action to curb global warming (IPCC 2007;
Change, Ecology Research Circle, Department
of Botany, Banaras Hindu University, Kerr 2007). The imbalances caused in natural sys-
Varanasi 221005, India tems due to warming are already being signaled
e-mail: in the form of extreme weather events and cli-
mate change. The mountainous snow cover, per-
J. S. Pandey
National Environmental Engineering Research mafrost, and glaciers are melting and Greenland,
Institute (NEERI), Nagpur 440020, India Antarctic, and Arctic ice packs are experiencing a
Environ Monit Assess

negative mass balance causing the sea level to rise Greenhouse gas sources
at a rate of 3 mm year−1 (Kerr 2006; Rignot and
Kanagaratnam 2006; IPCC 2007). Owing to such Rapid rise in global temperature is due to the “en-
complex changes in natural phenomena, it has hanced greenhouse effect” (i.e., the greenhouse
been projected that 1–2 billion additional people effect additional to the natural) due to human in-
will be under water stress, crop productivity in duced release of GHGs into the atmosphere. Not
mid-latitudes will suffer loss, and wildlife and all GHGs have equal capacity to cause warming
biodiversity will be threatened (Kerr 2007). On but their strengths depend on radiative forcing
social forefront, developing and poor countries it causes and the average time for which that
are at immediate and disproportionately high risk gas molecule stays in the atmosphere. Consider-
of being adversely affected by global warming and ing these two together, the average warming it
thus the “MILLENNIUM development goal” of can cause, known as ‘global warming potential’
eradicating poverty may be compromised (UNDP (GWP), is calculated mathematically and is ex-
2007). “The world is running short of time and pressed relative to that of CO2 . Therefore, unit of
option” at social and economic front in view of GWP is carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2 -e).
high risks related with global warming and climate Important contributors to global warming are
change (Stern 2006). Strong and immediate local Kyoto gases, whose emissions increased by 70%
to international actions are thus needed to stabi- during 1970–2004 (IPCC 2007). In addition to
lize emissions in a justified manner. As the under- these six gases, the members of chlorofluoro-
standing of the science and consequences of global carbons family bear very high GWP, but since
warming grew, the concern for preventing disas- their emissions have been controlled successfully
trous climate change led to a substantive action under Montreal protocol, they are no longer a
in the form of endorsement of “Kyoto protocol” problem. Tropospheric ozone and black carbon
in 1997 which requires developed economies or have also been found to warm the troposphere.
economies in transition listed in its annexure I to The rates of increment in GHG concentrations
reduce their collective emissions of six important are extraordinarily high, far exceeding the natural
greenhouse gases (GHGs) namely carbon dioxide range as evident from geological and ice core
(CO2 ), methane (CH4 ), nitrous oxide (N2 O), set studies (IPCC 2007). The biggest share of these
of perfluorocarbons, and hydrofluorocarbons by GHGs comes from fossil fuel combustions in the
at least 5.2% as compared to 1990 level during the form of CO2 (58.6%). Next come CH4 and N2 O
period 2008–2012 (UN 1998). The gases covered contributing to 14.3% and 7.9%, respectively, to
under Kyoto protocol are referred collectively as total collective CO2 -e. Major sources of these two
“Kyoto gases” (WRI/WBCSD 2004). This proto- gases are the agricultural systems (IPCC 2007).
col, however, has not received equal support from In order to comply with 2◦ C target, the atmo-
all the nations and some did not ratify it giving rea- spheric stock of GHGs needs to be stabilized
sons that their economies may suffer loss. How- below 550 ppm in terms of carbon dioxide equiv-
ever, a critical review over impacts of acting or not alents, of which 430 ppm has been attained in
acting against climate change carried out by Stern 2007 (Page 2008). Therefore GHG inventories
(2006) led to the conclusion that “the benefits are going on all over the world and every pos-
of strong early action considerably outweigh the sible method to control them are being recog-
costs.” It was predicted that not acting immedi- nized and evaluated. As the climate change issues
ately will cost at least 5% of global gross domestic became prominent on political and corporate
product (GDP) loss annually while annual invest- agenda, general public especially in developed
ment equivalent to 1% of global GDP may help countries started recognizing their responsibil-
in limiting temperature rise below 2◦ C. Other- ity towards taking action against global warm-
wise it would be impossible to revert the changes. ing (Goodall 2007). These concerns and media
Emissions of Kyoto gases need to be cut by 25% have provided tremendous popularity to quan-
below the current level by 2050 so that the growth tification of the contribution of various activities
of countries is not compromised. to global warming usually represented in terms of
Environ Monit Assess

“carbon footprint”. However, information avail- mental responsibility (Kleiner 2007; Wiedmann
able on carbon footprinting beset with uncertainty and Minx 2007; East 2008). Other terms used
and inconsistency (Schiermeier 2006; Wiedmann associated or sometimes as a synonym of carbon
and Minx 2007; Kenny and Gray 2008; Padgett footprint in the available literature are embodied
et al. 2008). The objective of the present review carbon, carbon content, embedded carbon, carbon
is to systematically analyze the relevant available flows, virtual carbon, GHG footprint, and climate
information on global warming, GHG emissions footprint (Wiedmann and Minx 2007; Courchene
and characteristics, carbon footprinting concepts, and Allan 2008; Edgar and Peters 2009; Peters
calculation of carbon footprints, methodology 2010). There is little uniformity in the definitions
followed for estimation, and uses of this by of carbon footprint within the available literature
general public, corporate sector, industries, and and studies (Wiedmann and Minx 2007). Based on
governments. their survey, Wiedmann and Minx (2007) defined
that the carbon footprint is a measure of the ex-
clusive total amount of carbon dioxide emissions
Concept of carbon footprint that is directly and indirectly caused by an activity
or is accumulated over the life stages of a product.
Origin of carbon footprint can be traced back to A new term “climate footprint” was proposed as
as a subset of “ecological footprint” proposed by a comprehensive GHG indicator, i.e., if all the
Wackernagel and Rees (1996). Ecological foot- GHGs originating from within the boundary are
print refers to the biologically productive land quantified. However, new studies and methods
and sea area required to sustain a given human followed for carbon footprint calculation, suggest
population expressed as global hectares. Accord- including other GHGs as well, apart from only
ing to this concept, carbon footprint refers to the CO2 (Office of sustainability and environment,
land area required to assimilate the entire CO2 City of Seattle 2002; Kelly et al. 2009; Eshel and
produced by the mankind during its lifetime. In Martin 2006; Bokowski et al. 2007; Ferris et al.
due course of time as the global warming issue 2007; T C Chan Center for Building Simulation
took prominence in the world environmental & Energy Studies/Penn Praxis 2007; Garg and
agenda, use of carbon footprint became com- Dornfeld 2008; Good Company 2008; Johnson
mon independently, although in a modified form 2008, Edgar and Peters 2009; Browne et al. 2009).
(East 2008). The concept of carbon footprinting There is a lack of uniformity over the selection
has been in use since several decades but known of direct and embodied emissions. Direct emis-
differently as life cycle impact category indica- sions are those that are made directly during the
tor global warming potential (Finkbeiner 2009). progress of a process. As an example, CO2 re-
Therefore, the present form of carbon footprint leased during combustion in a gasoline fired in-
may be viewed as a hybrid, deriving its name from dustrial boiler is a direct emission. On the other
“ecological footprint”, and conceptually being a hand in electrically heated boiler, no direct emis-
global warming potential indicator. There are few sions will be observed. But if the electricity used
studies that report carbon footprint in terms of in the boiler was generated in a thermal power
global hectares notwithstanding the modern nexus plant, the amount of CO2 released in genera-
about it (Browne et al. 2009). Besides its wide- tion and transmission of the units of electricity
spread favorable public reputation as an indicator consumed in the boiler is referred as the em-
of contribution of an entity to the global warming, bodied or indirect emission. It becomes complex
there are confusions over what it exactly means to include all possible emissions and thus most
(Wiedmann and Minx 2007; East 2008; Finkbeiner studies report only direct or first order indirect
2009; Peters 2010). It is also remarked that the emissions (Carbon Trust 2007b; Wiedmann and
scientific literature on the subject is scarce and Minx 2007; Matthews et al. 2008b). In absence
the most studies have been carried out by private of consistencies among selection of characteristic
organizations and companies predominantly due properties of carbon footprint viz. gases selected
to their business sense rather than their environ- and boundaries drawn for the carbon footprint
Environ Monit Assess

calculations by different organizations vary sig- Importance of carbon footprinting

nificantly (Wiedmann and Minx 2007; Kenny and
Gray 2008; Padgett et al. 2008). Since carbon Carbon footprint, being a quantitative expression
footprint is associated with money transactions in of GHG emissions from an activity helps in emis-
form of taxes, carbon offsets, or increase/decrease sion management and evaluation of mitigation
in consumer choices, consistent carbon footprint measures (Carbon Trust 2007b). Having quan-
calculations are essential to facilitate comparisons. tified the emissions, the important sources of
In spite of prevailing differences among the calcu- emissions can be identified and areas of emis-
lations, the CO2 equivalent (CO2 -e) mass based sion reductions and increasing efficiencies can be
on 100 years global warming potential has been prioritized. This provides the opportunity for en-
accepted as reporting unit of carbon footprint vironmental efficiencies and cost reductions. Re-
(WRI/WBCSD 2004; Carbon Trust 2007b; BSI porting of carbon footprint to the third party or
2008). Hammond (2007) and Global Footprint disclosure to the public is needed in response to
Network (2007) hold the opinion that “footprints legislative requirements, or carbon trading or as a
are spatial indicators”. Hence, the term com- part of corporate social responsibility, or for im-
monly called as carbon footprint should precisely proving the brand’s image (Carbon Trust 2007b;
be called as “carbon weight” or “carbon mass” L.E.K. Consulting LLP 2007).
(Jarvis 2007). But CO2 -e mass has been promoted Legislative actions have been taken to quantify
as unit of carbon footprint due to convenient and reduce carbon footprint of cities and organi-
calculations and wide acceptance (Lynas 2007). zations and it is playing an important role in policy
Therefore carbon footprint may be defined as, making (Office of sustainability and environment,
“the quantity of GHGs expressed in terms of City of Seattle 2002; Courchene and Allan 2008;
CO2 -e, emitted into the atmosphere by an individ- Good Company 2008). USA has made it manda-
ual, organization, process, product, or event from tory to keep register of emissions from firms and
within a specified boundary”. The set of GHGs companies under ‘Consolidated Appropriations
and boundaries are defined in accordance with the Act, 2008’ (Rich 2008). EU has also taken lead
methodology adopted and the objective of carbon in formulating legal bindings for reduction in
footprinting as discussed later in this review. emissions embodied in aviation. California capped

Fig. 1 Carbon footprint

per capita in different
classes on countries based
on degree of development
(based on UNDP 2007)
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Table 1 Carbon footprints of some entities and the tiers covered

S. no. Event/product/organisation Entity/activity Carbon footprint Reference
(ton CO2 -e)
1 World’s per capita Based on emissions from 4.5 in 2004 UNDP (2007)
fossil fuel consumption,
gas flaring, and cement
2 Per capita national footprint Based on emissions In 2001 Edgar and Peters (2009)
embodied in construction, USA: 2.86 × 10
shelter, food, clothing, Brazil: 4.1
manufactured products, France: 1.31 × 10
mobility, service, and trade India: 1.8
China: 3.1
Malaysia: 4.2
Zimbabwe: 2.0
3 United Nations Climate Tier I: air travel and local Approx. 1.3 × 104 UNFCCC (2008),
Change Conference, 2008 in transport
Poznań (an estimate carried Tier II and III (no clear
out by the Polish government) demarcation between the
tiers available): hotels,
meeting rooms
4 The World Bank’s energy portfolio Fossil fuel-based extraction, 5.353 × 109 in 2001 Craeynest and
Assumption: all reserves activated production, and energy 8.23 × 108 in 2008 Streatfeild (2008)
with the World Bank assistance generation projects
will be extracted and burned and supported by The
projects operate at full capacity World Bank
for a lifetime of 20 years. All end Excluded: other
use emissions are calculated emissions-intensive sectors,
Methodology adopted: IPCC tier I transport, infrastructure,
approach (i.e., using a default and industry, or additional
emissions factor) emissions from fossil fuel
production, like gas flaring,
transmission lines for
electricity, projects, and
specific fossil fuel projects
for which data have not
been disclosed publicly
5 University of British Columbia Tier I: heat, commuter 8.2750 × 104 Ferris et al. (2007)
(Point grey campus) traffics, transit, and flights
Tier II: emissions embodied
in electricity
6 University of Pennsylvania Tier I: natural gas and 3.0 × 105 TC Chan center for
transportation building simulation/
Tier II: energy consumption Penn Praxis (2007)
through the use of steam,
chilled water, and
Tier III: agriculture, solid
waste disposal, and
7 Books and documents in Tier I: travel of labors and 5.8526×109 year−1 Garg and Dornfeld
engineering library, business trips (2008)
University of California Tier II: embodied GHGs in
Berkeley energy, electronic
equipments, and books
Tier III: not defined
Environ Monit Assess

Table 1 (continued)
S. no. Event/product/organisation Entity/activity Carbon footprint Reference
(ton CO2 -e)
8 Hawaii Tier I: ground and air 2.154 × 107 USDoE (2005)
transportation in year 2005
Tier II: electric utilities
Tier III: not covered
9 The City of Vancouver, Canada Tier I: vehicle fleet, diesel 4.1983 × 107 Good company (2008)
and natural gas in year 2006
consumption, and
Tier II: electricity 4.1013 × 107
Tier III: all other indirect in year 2007
sources of greenhouse
gas emissions that may
result from city activities
or originate from sources
owned or controlled by
others, such as from the
production of goods
purchased by the city,
emissions from land-filled
solid waste, and employee’s
personal commuting habits
10 The city of Seattle, USA Tier I: fuel consumption 7.013 × 106 Office of Sustainability
associated with in year 2000 and Environment,
transportation, electricity City of Seattle (2002)
generation, and city heating
Tier II: significant embodied
GHG emissions in
electricity, infrastructure,
and city heating
Tier III: all other emissions
those are under direct
influence or control of the
11 Average household in UK Tier I: CO2 embodied in Approx. 5.5 × 102 Druckman and Jackson
fuel use in houses and (2009)
personal vehicles
Tier II and III: CO2
embodied in personal
aviation, goods and
12 Household in UK under reduced Tier I: fuel use in houses and Couple parents with Druckman and Jackson
consumption scenarios personal transportation four children: (2010)
Tier II and III: personal approx. 3.5 × 10,
aviation, goods, and couple parents with
services one child: approx.
2.125 × 10, single
pensioner: approx. 7.5
13 Wildfires in the continental USA, (Tiers cannot be defined well) 2.93 × 108 Wiedinmyer and Neff
excluding Washington D.C. Based on CO2 released (2007)
each year during forest fires in US
continent averaged over
Environ Monit Assess

Table 1 (continued)
S. no. Event/product/organisation Entity/activity Carbon footprint Reference
(ton CO2 -e)
14 Hurricane Katrina on US gulf coast (Tiers cannot be defined well) 3.85 × 108 Chambers et al. (2007)
Based on CO2 released due
to biomass loss due to
15 FIFA world Cup 2006 Tier I: onsite fuel 1.0 × 105 Bellassen and Leguet
consumption related to (2007)
construction of stadiums,
travel within the country,
and temporary facilities
Tier II: electricity
consumption at the
stadiums, temporary
facilities and those used
for accommodating visitors
Tier III: not defined
16 Road freight transport in Britain Tier I: fuel consumption, 1.93 × 107 Piecyk and McKinnon
forecast (based on CO2 only) projected change in fuel business-as-usual (2009)
efficiency, projected forecast for 2020:
change in carbon intensity 1.74 × 107
of fuel, loading factor,
road quality
17 Per capita carbon footprint of Tier I: transportation Average of 100 Brown et al. (2009)
metropolitan cities systems. Emissions from metropolitan cities:
commercial buildings, 2.24 for 2005 US
industry, and other modes average 2.6 for
of transportation such as 2005
planes, transit, and trains
have been omitted
Tiers II and III: not clear
but urban morphology
and policy interventions
have been included
18 Chlor alkali plant Tier I: fuel consumption in 4.358 × 103 Tjan et al. (2010)
boiler and transportation per month
of raw materials
Tier II: electricity
Tier III: not undertaken
19 Tongkat Ali extract production Tier I: fuel consumption in 1.37 × 10 per month Tjan et al. (2010)
boiler and transportation
of raw materials
Tier II: electricity
Tier III: not undertaken
20 Average balanced diet in India Tier I: fuel consumption in Vegetarian adult male: Pathak et al. (2010)
cooking 7.23 × 10−4
Tier II: transportation Vegetarian adult
female: 5.83×10−4
Tier III: raw material Non vegetarian adult
production (agricultural male: 1.031 × 10−3
practices), processing Non vegetarian adult
female: 8.918×10−4
Environ Monit Assess

Table 1 (continued)
S. no. Event/product/organisation Entity/activity Carbon footprint Reference
(ton CO2 -e)
21 Reduction in carbon footprint of Tier I: not applicable 1.4 × 104 /year Somner et al. (2008)
surgical scrub through change in Tier II: electricity
tap design in an average hospital consumption in water
Tier III: tap design,
scrubbing time, and
temperature of water

the GHG emissions from major industries and sonal carbon footprinting facilities (consultancies
put a moratorium on import of non-conventional and online calculators) particularly in developed
vehicular fuels unless its carbon footprint is less countries (Padgett et al. 2008; Kenny and Gray
than that of petroleum-derived fuel (Courchene 2008). After footprint calculation, they offer to
and Allan 2008). California Global Warming offset the footprint by tree plantation, support-
Solution Act, 2006 is aimed at bringing the emis- ing forestation, and renewable energy resources
sions of California to the level of 1990 by 2020 (Murray and Day 2009) and for this reason, a
(Capoor and Ambrosi 2009). The UK Govern- dramatic growth in voluntary carbon market has
ment through the Low Carbon Transition Plan, been reported since 1989 (Hamilton et al. 2007).
2009 instigates households to contribute towards Decrease in fossil-fueled transport systems can be
building a low carbon future (Department of achieved through propensity to walk and use bicy-
Energy and Climate Change 2010). Most of the cles as a behavioral change in individuals (Frank
organizations and almost all personal carbon foot- et al. 2010).
printing attempts have been observed to head In addition to its business importance, carbon
towards reducing the emissions or offsetting the footprint has been used as an indicator of the
footprints through buying carbon credits, or other impact of lifestyle of a citizen of a country on car-
control measures. Besides policy matters, carbon bon emissions. The UNDP (2007) and Edgar and
footprint has got an enormous importance for Peters (2009) published country wise per capita
business. The corporate world has sensed a car- carbon footprint, a convenient way to compare
bon constrained economy in near future (Kleiner contributions of countries, cities, and sectors to-
2007). Hence a rush to calculate the carbon foot- wards global warming. Figure 1 represents per
print and to cut down the emissions has begun capita carbon footprint for different classes of
worldwide so as to take competitive advantage countries based on the degree of development.
(Kleiner 2007). It is proved by the fact that num- It is clear that high income countries leave the
ber of companies participating in CDP increased biggest footprint while it is substantially low for
from 383 in 2008 to 409 in 2009 (CDP 2009). In developing countries. Carbon footprints are now
a survey conducted by L.E.K. Consulting LLP used as an important indicator of event man-
(2007), it was found that 44% consumers pre- agement (London 2012 Sustainability Plan 2007).
ferred to buy the products, which provided the Studies on the impact of natural and semi-natural
information about their carbon footprints, while systems quantitatively in terms of carbon footprint
43% were willing to pay more for the products are reported (Chambers et al. 2007). It may help
with relatively low carbon footprint. Hence the to compare natural verses anthropogenic impacts
corporate sector has responded in a big way. With on the environment. Hence we see that hardly
growing awareness regarding climate change, a there may be any entity which cannot be a can-
remarkable concern has grown in individuals over didate to carbon footprinting. Table 1 shows some
their responsibility of contributing to the emis- of the entities for which carbon footprint has been
sions of GHGs. This has led to the surge of per- calculated.
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Calculation of carbon footprint 4. 2006 IPCC guidelines for National Green-

house Gas inventories: all anthropogenic
For calculating carbon footprint, the amount of sources of GHG emissions are classified into
GHGs emitted/removed or embodied in life cycle four sectors—energy, industrial process and
of the product has to be estimated and added. Life product use, agriculture, forestry and other
cycle includes all the stages involved for a product land use, and waste. 2006 guidelines are an
such as its manufacture right from bringing of updated version of earlier 1996 guidelines.
raw material to final packaging, distribution, con- All countries that are signatory to UNFCCC
sumption/use, and to the final stages of disposal. and committed to prepare, update, and com-
Analysis of life cycle therefore is also called as municate their national GHG emissions/
‘cradle to grave analyses’. Life cycle assessment removal inventories following these guide-
(LCA) produces complete picture of inputs and lines. Therefore emission/removal inventories
outputs with respect to generation of air pollu- of the countries are comparable. UNFCCC
tants, water use and wastewater generation, en- however has not yet made it compulsory to
ergy consumption, GHGs emitted, or any other use 2006 guidelines and hence most of the
similar parameter of interest and cost–benefit ini- nations are still following 1996 guidelines.
tiatives. This assessment is often called as envi- 5. ISO 14025: it is a standard for carrying out
ronmental LCA. For carbon footprinting purpose, LCA.
LCA estimates the GHGs emitted/embodied at 6. ISO 14067: a standard on carbon footprinting
each identified step of the product’s life cycle, of products is under development.
technically known as GHG accounting. Standards
and guidance are available for GHG accounting. Some countries have developed their own GHG
Common resources are: accounting guidelines such as Department of
Food and Rural Affair (DEFRA) and Carbon
1. GHG protocol of World Resource Institute trust in United Kingdom and Environmental Pro-
(WRI)/World Business Council on Sustain- tection Agency (EPA) in USA. Registries and
able Development (WBCSD): there are two consultancies like World Wildlife Fund Climate
standards, (1) A Product Life Cycle Ac- Servers, California Climate Registry (USA), The
counting and Reporting Standard, and (2) Climate Registry (USA), etc. have formulated
Corporate Accounting and Reporting Stan- their own methodologies based on these guide-
dard: Guidelines for Value Chain (tier III) lines. Almost all of these newly developed guide-
Accounting and Reporting. It provides sector- lines and standards direct accounting for the
specific and general calculation tools and GHGs emitted during the manufacture, use and
deals with quantification of GHG reductions disposal of the product, entity, or event and
resulting due to adoption of mitigation meth- referred to as complete LCA.
ods in its Project protocol. It forms basis for
most GHG accounting guidelines including Life cycle assessment
ISO 14064 (parts 1 and 2) (WRI/WBCSD
2004, 2005). Each stage of the life cycle of any product or
2. ISO 14064 (parts 1 and 2): it is an international event is linked to other secondary stages, each of
standard for determination of boundaries, which may further be linked to others and so on.
quantification of GHG emissions, and re- Covering all the associated steps, the boundary
moval. It also provides standard for designing may go on expanding to become too complex to
of GHG mitigation projects (ISO 2006a, b). be analyzed. Selection cradle and grave should
3. Publicly Available Specifications-2050 (PAS therefore be done appropriately depending on
2050) of British Standard Institution (BSI): the objective of the assessment as well as on the
it specifies the requirements for assessing the availability of data.
life cycle GHG emissions of goods and ser- Approaches to perform LCA for GHG esti-
vices (BSI 2008). mation are (1) “Bottom up” or “process analysis
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(PA)”; and (2) “top down” or “input–output anal- rest is taken up by EIO-LCA. This preserves
ysis (IO)” (Wiedmann and Minx 2007; Matthews robustness of EIO-LCA model and provides ac-
et al. 2008a). In bottom up approach, the emis- curacy to PA-LCA, thus increasing completeness,
sion sources are broken down into different cate- flexibility, and reliability of estimates.
gories for convenient quantification. This method
is more accurate for small entities, but it becomes Greenhouse gas accounting
too complex for large firms which cover more
than second order emissions thus underestimating In order to keep account of the emissions along
the actual footprint (Lenzen 2001; Wiedmann and the life cycle, the following structured framework
Minx 2007). It is useful in identification of area is suggested (WRI/WBCSD 2004; Carbon Trust
of process improvement (Green Design Initiative 2007a, b; BSI 2008):
Top down approach makes use of economic 1. Selection of GHGs
input–output (EIO) model extended to accept 2. Setting boundary
and perform operations on environmental vari- 3. Collection of GHG emission data
ables for calculations of carbon footprint (Green
Design Initiative 2008). Inputs and outputs are Selection of GHGs
represented in the form of matrix, with inputs
required to produce a unit product represented Selection of the set of GHGs covered in calcula-
in respective row. The inputs–outputs matrix can tion depends on the guideline followed, the need
be represented in the form of following equation of carbon footprint calculation, and on the type
(Miller and Blair 1985): of activity for which carbon footprinting is being
done. For example, in a thermal power plant,
x = (I + A + A × A + A × A × A + . . .) where CO2 is a predominant emission and other
y = (I − A)−1 y, gases are almost negligibly emitted, only CO2
emission measurement will be feasible whereas
where I is identity matrix, y is vector of desired for a cattle farm, CH4 , CO2 , and N2 O emissions
outputs, A, A × A, A × A × A, ......... are the may be significant. Although some studies include
first, second, and so on level supply chains to only CO2 emissions in carbon footprint calcula-
produce product y. In this mathematical proce- tions (Patel 2006; BP 2007; Wiedmann and Minx
dure, extension of boundary is easy and chances 2007; Craeynest and Streatfeild 2008) others in-
of double counting are minimized. Basic algebraic clude the six Kyoto gases (Bokowski et al. 2007;
operations can clearly indicate the changes in out- Energetics 2007; T C Chan Center for Building
puts corresponding to changes in one or more Simulation & Energy Studies/Penn Praxis 2007;
variables. Entire economic system can be put as Garg and Dornfeld 2008; Good Company 2008;
a boundary. Hence there is an opportunity to Matthews et al. 2008b). All the guidance and
include small emissions and intersectoral transac- standards also direct to include all the long-lived
tions. This technique has been used to calculate GHGs and not only CO2 . Kelly et al. (2009) cal-
emissions related with exports and imports, and is culated carbon footprints of Indianapolis city in
technically termed as ‘multiregional input–output USA based on only two gases, CO2 and CH4 ,
analysis’ (Robbie et al. 2009). Uncertainties, how- which were measured. If carbon footprint is
ever, may accumulate as sectors are aggregated viewed in context of climate change, Peters (2010)
(Green Design Initiative 2008; Matthews et al. argues that it must cover black carbon also.
2008b). The micro level implementation of EIO-
LCA is limited (Wiedmann and Minx 2007). Setting boundary
An integration of PA-LCA and EIO-LCA,
called EIO-LCA hybrid, is emerging as the state Boundary refers to an imaginary line drawn
of art technique in LCA. In this hybrid method, around the activities that will be used for calculat-
small emissions are covered by PA-LCA, while ing carbon footprint. It depends on the objective
Environ Monit Assess

of footprinting and characteristics of the entity for I and II (WRI/WBCSD 2004; Carbon Trust
which footprinting will be done. Boundary must 2007a, b; BSI 2008; CDP 2008; Matthews et al.
be selected so as to represent the organization 2008a, b; Strutt et al. 2008).
based on legal, financial, or business control. In
case of joint ventures, the organization may take Figure 2 illustrates the three tiers in carbon foot-
responsibility of the fraction of the emissions for print estimation. The tiers II and III both include
which it is responsible, technically called as ‘equity indirect emissions, but tier II refers to the emis-
share’ or may consider all the emission sources sions embodied in energy production or (and)
which are under its direct control, depending on purchase, transmission, and distribution caused
the need of carbon footprinting. Once the orga- by the entity under consideration, but end user
nizational boundary has been established, oper- emissions are out of scope of tier II. Tier III
ational boundary is to be selected. Operational tends to cover all the embodied emissions within
boundary refers to the selection of the direct and the specified boundary. But tier III has vaguely
indirect emissions, which will be accounted for. To been defined and the most carbon footprint stud-
facilitate convenient accounting, tiers or scopes ies limit up to tier II as it becomes too complex
have been suggested (WRI/WBCSD 2004; Carbon to estimate carbon footprint beyond tier II with
Trust 2007b; BSI 2008): accuracy (CDP 2008; Dada et al. 2008; Matthews
et al. 2008a, b). Also, it is important to be as-
1. All direct emissions, i.e., onsite emissions certained that to what extent responsibility and
2. Embodied emissions in purchased energy control over emissions can be made beyond tier II
3. All indirect emissions, such as those associ- (Lenzen 2001). For this reason most GHG ac-
ated with transport of purchased goods, sold counting standards (PAS-2050, GHG protocol,
products, business travels, energy activities, and other registries and consultancies based on
disposal of products etc., not included in tiers these) have kept tier III optional. Advancement

Fig. 2 Boundaries for calculation of carbon footprint

Environ Monit Assess

in the tracking and management of emissions in of GHG removal and sequestration appears ne-
the supply chain is expected to promote tier III glected (Peters 2010). These factors must be in-
accounting and reporting (Matthews et al. 2008b; cluded in calculations.
CDP 2009). Based on order of emissions covered,
carbon footprint has two components namely Collection of GHG data
“basic” or “primary” referring to carbon footprint
calculated from direct emissions and emissions GHG data can be collected through direct on-
embodied in energy purchase, and “full carbon site real-time measurements, or through estima-
footprint” when all direct and indirect emissions tions based on emission factors and models. The
are included (Carbon Trust 2007b; Lynas 2007). choice of appropriate method depends on the
Among 500 companies inquired worldwide, 72% objective (mandatory, voluntary, or for internal
of the respondents report their GHG emissions management), credibility, feasibility as well as on
up to tier II (CDP 2008). But in many cases, cost and capacity considerations. Emission fac-
tier III contributes most significantly to the total tors and models are the most preferred and used
CO2 -e. Only for the biggest known emitters such techniques. In general, for products, organiza-
as thermal power plants, cement industries, and tions, and events, emissions are calculated using
transportation tiers I and II can cover 80% of total specific emission factors and models utilizing
carbon footprint. For most of other processes, data on consumption of fuels, energy, and other
only 26% of total carbon footprint could be cov- inputs leading to emissions (particularly CO2 ).
ered up to tier II (Matthews et al. 2008b). Hence Emission factors are available for a wide range
tier III estimation has been promoted to include of industrial processes and land uses in GHG
relevant sources (relevance can be decided on the protocol, PAS-2050, IPCC (2006), and country-
basis of size, risk exposure of GHGs, etc) and wise emission factors have been developed in
deemed critical by the stakeholders (CDP 2008). many countries such as national inventories under
Inclusion of an additional tier IV to cover emis- UNFCCC, US EPA, UK DEFRA, etc. (IPCC
sions exclusively related to delivery, use, and dis- 2007; WRI/WBCSD 2004). But verification is
posal of products is also proposed (Matthews et al. required at different operational and geograph-
2008b). As more and more organizations start ical contexts. Hence region-specific emission
reporting complete LCA, a database can be devel- factors and models have been recommended
oped through which average firm specific data can (WRI/WBCSD 2004; IPCC 2006). But for other
be estimated to suite the purpose (Matthews et al. sources and fugitive emissions, direct measure-
2008b; Weidema et al. 2008). Inclusion of inter- ments should be applied. Direct measurements
national trade in carbon footprint calculations has include optical, chemical, and biological sensors
also been suggested (Courchene and Allan 2008). such as photo acoustic infrared sensors or other
Emissions embodied in traded goods, if consumed instruments and techniques like collecting gases of
out of the country should be shared based on ap- interest in specially designed chambers and ana-
propriate assumptions (Peters 2010). But drawing lyzing through IR spectroscopy for CO2 and gas
boundary to estimate emissions related to trading chromatography for all GHGs (USCCTP 2005;
particularly the international trade may be tough. Berg et al. 2006). These techniques have been
Regarding natural systems and land uses, the applied for ground-based measurements whether
selection of boundaries and tiers are very unclear. static, mobile, or aerial. Eddy covariance or flux
But studies are going on to estimate and iden- towers have been utilized to measure flux cov-
tify different mechanisms operating in nature that ering the entire landscape (Velasco et al. 2005),
control GHG emissions. National GHG inven- while cavity ring-down spectrometers have been
tories have been accepted worldwide as a ref- utilized in aerial measurements (Kelly et al. 2009).
erence methodology to account for the GHGs Besides onsite measurement, secondary data
emissions from land use, land use change, and sources and databases are now available at global
forestry (IPCC 1996, 2006). Almost all the carbon level also. A database of CO2 emissions from
footprint studies focus on emissions; the amount different countries has been developed under
Environ Monit Assess

global trade analysis project (GTAP; Dimaranan called “Vulcan” is quantifying CO2 emissions due
2006). Other reliable data sources can be national to fossil fuel burning in North America (Gurney
GHG inventories and other government offices et al. 2009; Kelly et al. 2009). Remote sensing and
keeping the data of fuel and energy consumption, geographic information system are extensively in
International Energy Agency, UNDP etc. (Brown use for large and relatively less accessible areas.
et al. 2009). Low-cost real-time measurement sys- Chambers et al. (2007) have used landsat imagery
tems are under development. to quantify live and dead wood, litter, soil, and
While direct measurements are more accurate shade for estimating carbon footprint of hurricane
and are clearly prescribed in globally accepted Katrina at US coast. Such GHG data are use-
protocols, their cost and application may be pro- ful in calculation of carbon footprint related to
hibitive (WRI/WBCSD 2004). In such cases, indi- natural phenomena and events (Chambers et al.
rect estimations may yield fairly accurate results 2007). GHG emissions and avoidance embodied
if developed or modified specifically for a par- in use of renewable energy, recycling of waste, en-
ticular region or sector. Customized tools relying ergy recovery from landfills, and other such good
on direct measurements as well as on interpola- management practices, are estimated through
tion or expansion of observations to non mea- prescribed mathematical relations (WRI/WBCSD
surable fluxes (i.e., emission factors and models) 2005; IPCC 2006; BSI 2008).
have enhanced practicability for intended users All the flux measurements are recorded rela-
(USCCTP 2005). The GHG protocol customized tive to a base year (may be a single year or an
GHG calculation tools (WRI/WBCSD 2006), are annual average over a period of several consec-
worldwide accepted guidance for customizing the utive years). Its choice depends on the objective.
tools for calculating GHG flux so as to suit In most inventories, 1990 has been set as base
the respective sector or entity. Besides these, year in lieu of commitment of reduction of CO2 -e
continuous GHG monitoring is going on and is emissions at 1990 level under UNFCCC. Selection
being expanded to get broad spatial coverage of base year is crucial and must be made in such a
(Sundareshwar et al. 2007). For this, advanced way that it clearly reflects the importance of struc-
measurement and monitoring systems (remote tural and operational changes in emissions over
sensing, geographic information system, optical time. According to GHG protocol, the earliest
measurements etc.) are now being integrated with relevant point in time for which reliable data are
individual GHG inventories so as to provide available should be chosen as a base year. Besides
comprehensive and uniform coverage (USCCTP this, reproducibility, verifiability, and systematic
2005). Scientific community is operating terres- documentation are essential attributes of data col-
trial and oceanic observation networks to collect lection (Carbon Trust 2007b).
GHG data worldwide. FLUXNET, the global Regarding voluntary personal carbon foot-
terrestrial observing network monitors CO2 , wa- printing, numerous carbon calculators are avail-
ter vapor, and energy at more than 300 sites able online as well as from consultancies. All of
(Sundareshwar et al. 2007). These systems cover these calculators claim to be based on recom-
a very broad spatial area, but the monitoring loca- mended guidelines, but rarely any two of them
tions in Asia and Africa are sparse and should be yield similar outputs for the same set of inputs
increased in number in order to obtain a reliable (Padgett et al. 2008; Kenny and Gray 2008). This
global data (Sundareshwar et al. 2007). questions the accuracy and credibility of such
To overcome the reduction in accuracy of calculators. Among hundreds of online calcula-
ground-based monitoring network due to patchy tors, some calculate domestic carbon footprint,
distribution, satellites have been launched to mon- while others calculate carbon footprint related to
itor sources and sinks of CO2 and other GHGs specifically travel, food, or other such activities
with uniform coverage (Haag 2007). Japanese (Murray and Day 2009). Very few calculators in-
satellite, “the greenhouse gas observing satellite” dicate the use of indirect emissions under tier III.
launched in 2009 is monitoring GHGs, while joint There is no coherence among the input data re-
project of NASA and US Department of Energy quired for different carbon calculators. Table 2
Table 2 Description of parameters included in different online personal calculators
Calculator Region Units Comments Sources Reference

Conservation USA and Tons Emission Conservation international

international outside CO2 /yr factors* are carbon calculator.
carbon USA mentioned http://www.conservation.
calculator but sources org/act/live_green/
are not carboncalc/pages/
mentioned. default.aspx
donation to
offset CF
Climate change USA Tons Disposables, 1: http://www. Climate change carbon
CO2 recycling calculator. http://www.
included in 2: USEPA
calculation 3: Federal Aviation
Greenhouse Australia Doesn’t Greenhouse gas calculator.
gas calculator demands
actual values
as inputs.

Environ Monit Assess

Difficult to
understand as
any range of
values have
also not been
Environ Monit Assess
footprint with
An inconvenient USA Tons Renewables 1. Energy information An inconvenient truth
truth carbon CO2 included in administration, carbon calculator.
Calculator per calculation, official energy http://www.
year offsetting CF statistics from US
is proposed Government:
with Native voluntary reporting
energy, of Greenhouse gases
compares program fuel and
calculated CF energy source codes
with national and emission
average coefficients;
2. GHG protocol
mobile combustion
Act on CO2 UK Tons Renewable 1. UKDEFRA DEFRA Act on CO2
CO2 sources of carbon calculator.
per energy, house http://actonco2.
year construction
behavior also
included in
calculated CF
with similar
Table 2 (continued)
Calculator Region Units Comments Sources Reference

Green tariffs
and renewable
included in
Provides tips
on low carbon
calculated CF
with national
Resurgence 1. UK DEFRA Resurgence quick
quick 2. The National carbon calculator.
carbon Energy Foundation http://www.
calculator (
3. The National
Office of Statistics
Carbon UK, USA Tons UKDEFRA Carbon neutral
neutral CO2 carbon calculator.
for per http://www.

Environ Monit Assess

homes year
WWF Tons Conservation 1. Stockholm WWF carbon
carbon CO2 habits, Environmental calculator.
calculator per lifestyle and Institute http://footprint.
year behavior
included in
Environ Monit Assess
number of
required to
sustain life
with the
Liveclimate USA Tons Emission USEPA and Liveclimate carbon
CO2 factors* USDoE calculator
specifically http://www.
not mentioned
but sources
are given.
Basically an
offset seller
Carbon Tons Offsets 1. US EPA Carbonify carbon
calculator CO2 offered. 2. Stockholm calculator
per Compares Environmental Institute http://www.
year calculated CF 3. United States
with national Department of Energy
and world (USDoE)
average. 4. The Ontario
Ministry of Energy
of Canada
5. UK Environment
6. State Government
of Australia
7. Sightline Institute
8. Eshel and Martin
Table 2 (continued)
Calculator Region Units Comments Sources Reference

Livegreen USA Tons Indirect 1. California Climate Sacramento municipal

carbon CO2 emissions are Action Registry 2005 Utility district,
offset per also included 2. USEPA Livegreen carbon
programme year in calculation. 3. www.fuel calculator http://calc.
Compares Economydata
calculated CF 4. WRI/WBCSD (2004)
with national 5. Eshel and Martin
and world 2005
average 6. Pimental et al. (2005)
Carbon USA Tons Calculations 1. USEPA; The nature conservancy
footprint CO2 based on 2. UK DEFRA; carbon footprint calculator.
calculator per conservation 3. US DoE;
year behaviour, 4. Eshel and Martin initiatives/climatechange/
Indirect 2005; calculator
emissions are 5. Pimental et al. (2005)
also included
in calculation.

Environ Monit Assess

calculated CF
with national
Solid cylinders corresponding to the parameters not included in the calculation have been omitted. Cells corresponding to the parameters not included in the calculator
have been left blank. *Based on distance travelled, fuel consumption, or time for which the vehicle runs
Environ Monit Assess

describes some of the online carbon calculators. year 2001. The boundary covered construc-
Incorporation of information technology to de- tion activities, shelter, food, clothing, mobility,
sign a personal environmental tracker has been manufactured products, services, and trade in
proposed to increase accuracy of such calculators, their analysis. Minimum carbon footprint was
while household and device level monitoring using observed for Bangladesh, Mozambique, and
specific sensors is gaining popularity in developed Uganda (1.1 ton CO2 -e) and was maximum
world (Brewer 2008a, b). for Luxembourg (33.8 ton CO2 -e) as mea-
sured over 100-year time horizon.
Footprint calculation UNDP (2007) also reported per capita carbon
footprint for nations for the year 1990 and
The GHG data are translated into CO2 -e us- 2004, but they include only CO2 emissions
ing conversion factors provided by IPCC (WRI/ arising from fuel combustion and cement pro-
WBCSD 2004; BSI 2008). Some organizations duction. The estimate showed United Arab
report carbon footprint as carbon equivalent Emirates leaving the biggest footprint with
(Wiedmann and Minx 2007), but based on wide- 34.1 ton CO2 and smallest by India (1.2 ton
spread acceptance, CO2 -e is more popular. The CO2 ). Carbon footprint of India as reported
unit of carbon footprint varies according to en- in Edgar and Peters (2009) is 1.8 ton CO2 .
tity under consideration. Carbon footprint for This clearly shows the difference due to vari-
individuals and dynamic processes is calculated ations in boundaries and GHG selections.
periodically, usually annually. Events such as con- Some studies take into account the regional
ferences, fairs, sports events, etc. have one-time details for producing a better picture of foot-
emissions. Some entities have a combination of printing, but important issues of concern in
both, like carbon footprint of a building is a one- such comparisons are international trade re-
time figure during construction phase, while peri- lated to exporting or importing countries, the
odic calculations are needed during the operation emissions embodied in manufacture, trans-
phase. Therefore, the time dimension must be port etc. (Peters 2010). Other economic situa-
mentioned so as to indicate clearly the time period tions, including parity in purchasing power of
over which the emissions have been estimated, the consumers, is also suggested to be counted
or if it is a one-time emission. PAS 2050 gives (Herrmann and Hauschild 2009).
provision of sharing one-time emissions over op- 2. Carbon footprint of large areas: studies have
eration phase. Regarding services such as travel, been conducted to indicate the energy inten-
post, search engines, etc. emissions are reported siveness and lifestyle of metropolitan cities
over an appropriate service unit like CO2 -e per with the help of carbon footprinting. Brown
flight, CO2 -e per hour of surfing, CO2 -e per post et al. (2008) estimated carbon footprint of
per mile, CO2 -e etc. Natural processes are highly 100 metropolitan areas in the USA based on
complex and hence they may be said to have a CO2 arising only due to fossil fuel combus-
temporally as well as spatially “dynamic carbon tion in transport and electricity consumption
footprint”. Uncertainties in calculations must also in homes. Lebel et al. (2007) included CH4
be mentioned while reporting carbon footprint and black carbon along with CO2 in compara-
(Carbon Trust 2007b). tive carbon footprinting for five metropolitan
cities of southeast Asia from 1980 to 2000 and
Following examples demonstrate dif ferent found that per capita emissions were compa-
approaches for carbon footprint calculations rable in all the selected cities. Their selec-
tion of gases and particulate carbon tends to
1. Carbon footprinting of nations: Edgar and include all carbon-based emissions that have
Peters (2009) used multiregional input--output, warming effect. Sovacool and Brown (2010)
analysis coupled with the database GTAP in- extend the boundary to include emissions
cluding all the Kyoto gases to calculate per from agriculture and waste, wherever applica-
capita carbon footprints of 73 nations for the ble in addition to tiers I and II that include
Environ Monit Assess

direct and indirect emissions in transport, It is clear that sink capacity has been consid-
industries, and buildings. They also include ered in scientific studies, and carbon footprint
the emissions associated with goods manufac- is being used as an environmental indicator
tured within the city boundary, irrespective rather then a pressure indicating term. Inco-
of their point of use. In lack of single GHG herence in selection of gases is also clear from
database, different data sources have to be these studies. It is important to give a care-
utilized thus making the studies difficult to ful consideration to the socioeconomic sta-
compare. As the secondary data sources may tus, cultures, consumer behavior, and lifestyle,
have large uncertainties associated, or they while comparing such studies because such
cannot be used in certain conditions, actual reports form the basis of climate agreements.
measurements have to be carried out. Kelly 3. Carbon footprints of academia: carbon foot-
et al. (2009) collected data on CO2 and CH4 printing for universities, schools, and simi-
in planetary boundary layer over the region of lar institutions are going on. University of
Indianapolis through aircraft-based measure- Pennsylvania got its carbon footprint calcu-
ments. Such measurements can measure the lated by T C Chan Center for Building Simu-
overall net release of GHGs over a larger area lation & Energy Studies/Penn Praxis (2007).
when interpolated through Kriging technique. All the three tiers were defined to cover
Fluxes were calculated through mass balance almost all possible emissions inside the uni-
approach. The uncertainties in their study versity (energy use in buildings and equip-
were due to wind speed. If still larger spatial ments, GHG releases from agricultural farm
scale is to be covered, satellite data can be uti- and waste, employees and student’s commu-
lized. Utilizing LANDSAT and MODIS im- tation, and business flights etc.). The calcula-
ageries, Chambers et al. (2007) projected the tion tool, derived from an organization called
amount of CO2 released during the decompo- ‘Clean Air Cool Planet’ was based on IPCC
sition of litter generated and change in sink (2006) and covered all the Kyoto gases. The
capacity due to the devastation caused by the calculations were based on emission factors
hurricane Katrina and calculated the carbon from secondary data sources (records of the
footprint by utilizing the Monte Carlo model. university). The carbon footprint as calculated
As a legal requirement, Good Company for the year 1993 was approximately 3.5 ×
(2008) carried out the GHG inventory for 105 ton CO2 -e. As a result of partial GHG
the city of Vancouver deriving methodolo- offsetting through wind-generated power, the
gies from The Climate Registry and a soft- carbon footprint reduced to 2.5 × 105 ton
ware program of International Council for CO2 -e in 2006.
Local Environmental Initiatives under Cities 4. The University of British Columbia and the
for Climate Protection campaign. The issues Simon Fraser University adopted the method-
which were not covered in these protocols ology outlined by ‘American College &
were analyzed independently. Choosing 2006 University Presidents’ Climate Commitment’
as the baseline year, inventory was designed involving all the three tiers and all the GHGs
to cover three tiers. Tiers I and II covered for footprint calculations (Ferris et al. 2007).
direct emissions resulting from equipments The calculated carbon footprint for Univer-
and other operations under control of the sity of British Columbia was 8.275 × 104 ton
city, and GHG embodied in electricity, heat, CO2 -e. In Universities, tier II emissions were
and steam, respectively. All the other indirect found to be the highest. All of these studies
emissions from institutional activities, busi- calculate carbon footprints based on emission
ness air travel, landfills, solid waste genera- factors utilizing secondary data. Other type
tion, and commutation of public were covered of analysis that has been used in such cases
under the tier III. Emissions covered under is EIO-LCA as carried out by Garg and
tier III left the biggest footprint, but the preci- Dornfeld (2008) for carbon footprinting of
sion of the data was also lowest. Kresege Engineering Library at University of
Environ Monit Assess

California, Berkeley. Estimations of energy Padgett et al. 2008; Murray and Day 2009).
consumption in electronic equipments, GHGs The disparity among them has been illustrated
embodied in infrastructure and publication in Table 2. Besides these commercial calcula-
and transport of books, CDs, periodicals, tors, certain scientific studies have also been
and other documents to the library and em- conducted. Druckman and Jackson (2009)
ployee’s commutation, were based on those classified the selected households in UK ac-
estimated by the researchers at University of cording to their socioeconomic status through
California, which yielded an annual carbon Local Area Resource Analysis model, based
footprint of 1.172 × 104 ton CO2 -e. (Garg and on the input data of expenditure, fuel use,
Dornfeld 2008). PA and EIO LCA were inte- and census. The authors focused to analyze
grated in a model called Resource and Energy the change in carbon footprint as the status of
Analysis Program developed by Stockholm living is modernized. Using the MRIO model,
Environment Institute, York, to estimate CO2 it was observed that in high level of functional
emissions from schools of UK, covering the needs, highest share in carbon footprint was
three well-defined tiers (Global Action Plan of recreation, leisure, and personal air travels.
2006). It is important to note that this study counted
5. Events: for London Olympic games 2012, only CO2 , covering up to tier II.
expected carbon footprint is under calcula- 7. Carbon footprinting of corporations: any na-
tion (London 2012, Sustainability Plan 2007). tional or international climate agreement will
In lack of any proper guideline for GHG put direct pressure on businesses to cut their
accounting for large public events, the study carbon, owing to their biggest share and ca-
selected the GHG protocol. The tiers are not pability. Predicting the stricter carbon norms,
classified according to the order of emissions fine returns in the form of incentives for emis-
(direct and indirect), but according to the re- sion reductions, and consumers preferences
sponsibility of the London 2012 Organizing for products with low GHG contents, busi-
Committee of the Olympic and Paralympics nesses have started to count and then cut
Games (LOCOG) over the emissions. In di- their emissions. Around 475 world’s largest
rect emissions, the activities funded fully by companies revealed their carbon footprints
LOCOG (construction of venue, office, and in CDP (2009). About 83% of the partici-
utilities and the share of emissions for which pating companies disclosed carbon footprint
the games are responsible in jointly owned for tiers I and II only. Total tier III emis-
facilities) have been covered. Other joint ac- sions of 5.8 × 109 ton CO2 -e were much higher
tivities that include transportation, infrastruc- than combined emissions of tiers I and II
ture, and upbringing of Olympic village have (0.6 and 3.6 × 109 ton CO2 -e, respectively).
been dealt separately. The third tier covers The total direct GHG emissions under CDP
for all the other associated activities, not together contributed 11.5% of total global
funded by LOCOG, but is attributable to the emissions. Companies are therefore taking ac-
games. This includes activities of media, spon- tions to reduce their carbon footprints. Ford
sors, and visitors. Beyond this, the control of and Chrysler joined the US Climate Action
LOCOG will be negligible; however, the asso- Partnership to cut emissions, whereas Google
ciated emissions can be important. However, and Dell decided to take steps to go carbon
accounting for those will make the study too neutral (Kleiner 2007).
complex and uncertainties will also be high. Carbon footprints of food: like commodities,
6. Carbon footprinting for individuals and house- separate carbon calculators have appeared on-
holds: individual and household carbon foot- line to calculate the footprints related to the
print calculators have surged the internet. dietary habits. As food habits are directly
Despite of their claim to be based on globally related to the culture, geography, etc., food
accepted protocols and emission factors, they carbon footprint is very crucial. Pathak et al.
yield different results (Kenny and Gray 2008; (2010) selected common Indian food items
Environ Monit Assess

and considered the relevant GHGs (CO2 , creasing carbon footprinting at all the areas of life
CH4 , and N2 O) associated with production indicated that we have started recognizing our
of raw materials, processing, transportation, responsibilities towards environment. Many of
and final preparations for calculating carbon them are a part of legal or voluntary emission
footprint. Their calculations utilized the emis- reduction targets, which is an appreciable act.
sion factors and data from NATCOM (2004),
MoA (2006), Pathak and Wassmann (2007),
and Pathak et al. (2009a, b). It was found that Conclusions
the biggest footprint taking all the food items
was at production stage (87%), and maxi- Carbon footprint has emerged as a strong mode
mum contribution was made by CH4 (71%). of GHG expression. While earlier studies focused
An average non-vegetarian diet had high car- only on CO2 emissions as the guidelines and
bon footprint (1.031 × 10−3 for adult male suggested inclusion of all the important GHGs
and 8.918 × 10−4 ton CO2 -e for adult female) in calculation, carbon footprint started becoming
over the vegetarian (7.23 × 10−4 for adult synonymous to a comprehensive GHG account,
male and 5.838 × 10−4 ton CO2 -e for adult over the life cycle stages of any product or activity.
female). A comparison between the online No definition, however, has yet been accepted
food carbon footprint calculators by Kim and coherently as is clear from the fact that there
Neff (2009) revealed that the inputs as well are different selection of gases and tiers among
as scopes for different calculators varied. The studies. However, as carbon footprint reports are
calculations were based on different sources, increasing in response to legal or business require-
some of whom were also misapplied by cal- ments, most of the calculations are following the
culators. Emissions avoided by shifting to or- GHG protocol worldwide. Since it has been ex-
ganic or locally grown foods add a challenge tended to cover natural system as well, it becomes
quantifying diet-related emissions accurately. essential to deal with the unavoidable emissions.
Most of these calculators calculate carbon Carbon footprint has been commercialized and
footprint of food based on Eshel and Mar- is being utilized by organizations to count their
tin (2006). They used FAOSTAT (2005) to carbon and adopt measures to cut down emissions.
estimate the food exports and emission fac- This business sense has taken carbon conscious-
tors were derived from different studies. GHG ness to the households through numerous online
emissions associated with agriculture, and calculators and has helped in making the civil
transportation of variety of vegetarian and society aware of how much their activities are
animal-derived food items were estimated, contributing to global warming. Ironically, there is
covering CO2 , CH4 , and N2 O. With objec- no check on such carbon calculating facilities and
tive of achieving GHG emissions associated they lack coherence and transparency. Since car-
with individual diets, different combination of bon footprinting is associated with money transac-
food items were made to prepare hypothet- tions and has been found to influence businesses,
ical average diets and the carbon footprints legal guidelines are necessary to monitor these
were calculated. Their study illustrated that calculations. Carbon footprinting must be har-
counting only CO2 cannot produce a realistic nessed as a strong tool to promote GHG emission
carbon footprint as inclusion of other GHGs reductions among businesses, events, and civil
made many food items distinct, which other- society and should be included as indicator of
wise were of similar energy intensity. sustainable development.

A wide range of carbon footprinting studies,

involving corporate, governments, institutions,
and households are available, although there is
An inconvenient truth, Carbon Calculator (2009). http://
prevailing differences in boundaries, gases, and
methodologies selected for these calculations. In- Accessed 11 Sept 2009.
Environ Monit Assess

Bellassen, V., & Leguet, G. (2007). The emergence of vol- CDP (2009). Carbon disclosure project report 2009: Global
untary carbon of fsetting. Mission Climate Research 500, on behalf of 385 investors with assets of $57 tril-
Report No. 11. Paris: Caisse des depots. lion. Carbon Disclosure Project.
Berg, W., Brunsch, R., Hellebrand, H. J., & Kern, J. (2006). Chambers, J. Q., Fisher, J. I., Zeng, H., Chapman, E. L.,
Methodology for measuring gaseous emissions from Baker, D. B., & Hurtt, G. C. (2007). Hurricane
agricultural buildings, manure, and soil surfaces. In Katrina’s carbon footprint on U.S. gulf coast forests.
Workshop on agricultural air quality, 5–8 June 2006, Science, 318, 1107.
Washington, DC. Climate change carbon calculator (2009). http://www.
Bokowski, G., White, D., Pacifico, A., Talbot, S., DuBelko, Accessed on 5
A., Phipps, A., et al. (2007). Towards campus climate December 2009.
neutrality: Simon Fraser University’s carbon footprint. Conservation International Carbon Calculator (2009).
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