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ELT Skills Elementary

Exercises 3 – possessive adjectives / preposition of time

Name: CARMEN DEL ROSARI PORTUGAL MAMANI Date: _________________

Teacher: __JESSICA FERNANDA ___Nota: ___________ / 100 Signature: ________

1. Check the alternative that adequately fills the gaps:

She is Fernanda Montenegro, but ____ real name is Arlete Torres.

You are Grande Otelo, but ______ real name is Sebastião Prata.
He is Ringo Star, but ______ real name is Richard Stakney.
You are Gal, but _____ real name is Maria da Graça.
We are Pelé and Zico, but ____ real names are Edson and Artur.

a) your – your – his – your – their

b) her – your – his – your – our
c) her – your – his – your – their
d) her – your – his – our – your
e) her – his – his – your – their

2. Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjective.

a) Where is __my__ phone? (I)

b) ___His__ favorite sport is soccer. (He)
c) ___Her____ car is expensive. (She)
d) Mary loves __her__ dog. (She)
e) Is __your____name Bob? (You)
f) _Our__ bus is old. (We)
g) __Their___ family is millionaire. (They)
h) __My____ cousin is from Italy. (I)
i) ____Its___name is Rex. (it)
j) Where is _your____ house? (You)
k) She will have a date with _my__ cousin. (I)
l) __Her___ brother is handsome. (She)
m) These are __your___ shoes. (You)
n) This is __my___ dress. (I)
o) I can not find __my___ keys. (I)

3. Observe the subject that makes up the beginning of the sentence and select the
corresponding possessive adjective:
a) Christina doesn't like to play with __________ cousins.




b) The car is good, but it has __________ problems.




c) Steve doesn't know where he left __________ card.




d) I don't remember when I met _________ boyfriend.




e) Aline and I don't like to share __________ lives with anybody.



4. Complete using at, in, on

1. I get up __at___ seven o’clock.

2. I do the housework _in_ the evening.
3. We start work __in_ the morning.
4. You don’t work __on__ Saturdays.
5. They have lunch __at__ 2:00.
6. ___On__ Fridays I have dinner with my parents.

5. Complete the sentences below using IN, ON or AT.

a) She is waiting for me McDonald’s.

b) Do you enjoy walking the streets?

c) My cell phone was the desk.

d) Can you come 7pm tomorrow, please?

e) I was born December.

f) She goes to English classes Saturday mornings.

g) Mary travels July.

h) Meet me here 11pm.

i) Jane and Lucas were born August, 3rd. They are twins!

j) Carol watched that movie TV last night.

6- Use the correct preposition in the sentences below:

a) John lives California.

b) My birthday is October 27th.

c) The image is my cellphone.

d) I remember we went to Washington December.

e) I always go out night.

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